Manufacturing and application of individual wire splints. Hook-and-loop splint - wire-toothed splints. Orthopedic treatment of alveolar bone fractures

Headaches and heartaches, pressure surges, loss of strength, fatigue, sleep disturbance - the body's response to sudden changes in weather conditions. This is meteorological dependence (meteopathy, meteosensitivity) - a condition in which the blood thickens, its circulation is disturbed, and oxygen starvation of the brain develops. If you do not fight meteosensitivity, the risk of exacerbation of existing pathologies increases.

Meteorological dependence is a consequence of a disease, not an independent disease.

The causes of weather dependence in humans

Meteopathy is also called the sixth sense. Weather-dependent people sense the approach of changes in the weather long before they appear. There are many reasons for this condition - from congenital imperfection of the system, which is responsible for the adaptation of the body to external factors, to pathological disorders in the internal organs.

Table "Why meteosensitivity occurs"

Causes Characteristics and relationship with meteorological factors
Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) With VSD, the nerve endings incorrectly respond to changes in atmospheric pressure, which provokes excessive spasm or relaxation of the vascular walls, as a result of which a person's well-being worsens
Hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and respiratory diseases In vascular diseases, vascular regulation is disturbed, which, under the influence of magnetic storms and sudden changes in high temperatures to low temperatures, provokes a narrowing of the vascular lumen, aggravating the course of chronic pathology. Cores and asthmatics are strongly influenced by an increase in air humidity, since the level of oxygen in it decreases - patients develop shortness of breath, pulse quickens, headaches, weakness, dizziness appear
Past diseases of the central nervous system - head trauma, encephalitis, stroke As a result of traumas and diseases, a disorder of the nervous-regulatory apparatus occurs in a person, which corrects breathing, the reflex sphere and vascular tone. Hypersensitivity to weather changes appears in nerve receptors
Increased sensitivity of the wrong system In people with an easily excitable type of wrong system, the excitability of barometric, temperature, chemical and tactile receptors is increased, as a result of which any changes in meteorological conditions - magnetic storms, increased humidity, temperature drops - entail a violent reaction of the nervous system and worsen a person's well-being
Diseases of the spine, joints, muscular apparatus - arthrosis, arthritis, bone fractures, osteochondrosis, sciatica, bursitis In people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the reaction of incorrect endings to such meteorological factors as cold, low atmospheric pressure, and increased humidity increases. In response to sudden changes, the affected tissues swell, pain, stiffness appears.
Migraine Increased sensitivity of the skin receptors of the head reacts violently to strong wind, cold air, which leads to severe pain in the temples, crown, ringing in the ears
Elderly age The mechanisms responsible for the adaptation of the body to external conditions are weakened with age. Aging processes make older people weather-sensitive
Pregnancy During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother undergoes serious hormonal changes, resulting in increased sensitivity to weather conditions. The negative impact comes from magnetic storms, surges in atmospheric pressure, wind strength, changes in air humidity and sudden changes in temperature

Most often meteopathy occurs in women, due to the characteristics of the hormonal background, elderly people and people suffering from chronic increase / decrease in blood pressure and heart pathologies.

Degrees of meteopathy

The body's response to the weather has a different degree of severity, which depends on the characteristics of the person and the severity of chronic diseases:

  1. Easy degree - meteosensitivity... The state of health is normal, slight weakness, sometimes slight dizziness, drowsiness. Often people do not pay attention to such symptoms and continue to carry out their usual activities.
  2. The average degree - - is manifested by sharp jumps in pressure upward or downward. Heart rhythm is beaten, breathing is difficult. People with digestive tract pathologies have an upset stomach.
  3. Severe degree -. Severe headaches, exacerbation of chronic diseases, a pronounced deterioration in well-being.

With a severe degree of meteopathy, severe headaches appear.

The degree of reaction to the weather or the meteosensitivity index largely depends on the existing diseases in a person, the stability of the immune system and the state of the nervous system.

Symptoms of meteosensitivity

The signs of meteopathy in humans manifest themselves in different ways. Based on the prevailing pathologies in the body, meteosensitivity has 5 clinical types, which are characterized by specific symptoms:

  1. Brain type- the headache is accompanied by ringing, noise in the ears, head. Dizziness, weakness, a feeling of tightness in the temples and crown are frequent manifestations of the cerebral type of meteopathy.
  2. Cardiac type- aching pain in the region of the heart, a burning sensation under the left shoulder blade, shortness of breath, rapid pulse.
  3. Mixed type- headache and ringing in the ears are accompanied by shortness of breath, heart rhythm failure, rapid pulse, increased weakness. People with VSD, hypertension suffer from a mixed type. In such patients, during sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, hypertensive crises and panic attacks often develop.
  4. Asthenoneurotic- the person is very irritated, there are pressure surges, nervousness is increased. With this type, sleep is disturbed, fatigue, absent-mindedness increase, memory worsens. A person reacts violently to everything, is too emotional.
  5. Undefined type- a person is tormented by aching pains of uncertain localization in muscles and joints. Basically, people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system suffer from this type of meteorological dependence.

With the asthenoneurotic type of manifestation of meteosensitivity, excessive irritability and nervousness appear

Meteoneurosis is considered a separate type of meteopathy. The hypersensitive reaction to weather changes is of a mental nature. A person initially sets himself up for a bad mood when he sees an unfavorable forecast of weather forecasters. Usually, everything is limited to emotional depression, and there is no deterioration in well-being.

How to deal with weather dependence?

Meteorological dependence in the overwhelming majority of cases occurs as a result of chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous, respiratory and digestive systems, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is impossible to cure it, but it is real to reduce the manifestations. Before that, medicines, folk methods and preventive measures are used.

Medication treatment

It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition during changes in the weather if you choose the right medicines based on the underlying disease:

  1. For neurotic disorders from meteopathy, sedatives are used - valerian tincture, Novo-passit, Sedavit, Gidazepam, Adaptol.
  2. For hypotonic patients, tonic drugs - Tonginal, Lucetam, Cavinton help improve the supply of oxygen to the brain and normalize blood pressure.
  3. and, muscle and joint pain relieve the condition of the tablets Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Solpadein.
  4. Corvalol, hawthorn tincture, Monizol, Arrhythmil helps to improve the health of the heart.
  5. Bisoprolol, Verapamil, Indapamide help hypertensive patients to normalize their condition.

Take bisoprolol to relieve the symptoms of meteorological dependence in hypertension

In order not to provoke an aggravation of the condition, people with chronic diseases of blood vessels and heart are advised to take drugs that are familiar to them and prescribed by a specialist when the weather conditions change.

How to deal with meteopathy with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine recipes help to reduce the signs of meteosensitivity.

Herbal infusion

Combine 2 tsp. motherwort, hawthorn and chopped rose hips, add 1 tsp each. mint and chamomile. Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture - 1 tbsp for 2 cups of water. raw materials. Drink the broth hot instead of tea 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture with calendula and celandine

Calendula tincture will help to cope with weather sensitivity

Mix crushed calendula flowers (2 tbsp. L.) With celandine leaves (1 tbsp. L.), Place in a jar and pour 0.5 l of vodka. Infuse the liquid for 1 month in a dark place, then strain. Use the tool at the first sign of meteosensitivity - drink 10 drops, after stirring them in 1 glass of water.

Soothing pine needles baths

Fill the bath with water of 38-40 degrees, pour 10-15 drops of coniferous ether (sold in the pharmacy). Lie in warm water for 30–40 minutes, periodically adding hot water.

Tincture elecampane for magnetic storms

Grind the elecampane root to make a 1 liter jar, pour vodka to the top, close the lid tightly and leave for 7 days. Alcohol tincture take 1 tsp. three times a day.

Melilot from high pressure with meteopathy

Take a herbal infusion. to relieve high blood pressure methiopathy

Pour 2 tbsp into an enamel bowl. l. sweet clover herbs, pour 1 glass of cold water and leave for 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, put the container with grass on low heat and boil for 5 minutes. Drink the strained broth in 0.5 cups warm 2 times a day.

Rosehip infusion with honey

In 1 liter of boiling water, brew 20 g of rose hips, place the liquid in a thermos and leave for 40 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink 1 cup every 2 hours, adding 1 tsp. honey.

Essential oils for irritability

Lubricate whiskey with soothing essential oils to combat irritability

Lubricate your wrists and whiskey with lavender, rosemary, sandalwood oil. Essential extracts are added to aroma lamps, take warm baths (5-10 drops per 1 water procedure).

Milk with mint for headache

Brew 2-3 leaves of mint in a glass of hot milk, leave for 10 minutes, remove the herb. Drink warm milk.

Garlic oil to improve blood circulation

Garlic oil can help improve blood circulation and relieve weather symptoms

Crush the head of garlic to a mushy state, mix with 200 ml of unrefined vegetable oil, leave for a day. Add 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, mix, leave for 7 days. Take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Green tea with mint for insomnia

Brew 1 tsp in 1 glass of boiling water. green tea and 2 mint leaves, add a pinch of motherwort, leave for 5 minutes. Drink hot before going to bed every evening for 5-7 days.

Folk recipes without harm to health help to alleviate a person's condition with changes in weather conditions. The main thing is to observe proportions and not abuse alternative methods.

It is possible to reduce the body's sensitivity to weather changes if you reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

  1. Live actively- daily exercise, running, swimming, walking in the fresh air.
  2. Eat properly- reduce the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods. Introduce foods rich in potassium and magnesium into the diet - buckwheat, soy, peas, oatmeal, beans, millet, dried fruits, herbs, lettuce, carrots, eggplants.
  3. Get rid of bad habits- do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, do not overeat.

Give up bad habits to reduce the body's meteosensitivity

In case of sudden changes in meteorological conditions, rest more, observe a sleep regimen, drink green tea, do not overwork physical and emotional stress.

Meteorological dependence in children

Not only adults develop meteosensitivity, children also have a negative reaction to weather changes. To provoke the development of meteopathy in children are capable of:

  • chronic infectious pathologies - tonsillitis, pyelonephritis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic gastritis;

Children may also have negative reactions to weather changes.

In infants, meteorological dependence is present due to an imperfect adaptation mechanism, an inherited predisposition or previous infections. It is difficult for newborns to get used to surges in atmospheric pressure, temperature changes, so they often experience nervousness, moodiness, gratuitous crying or lethargy. If the child is completely healthy, his strong immunity, meteorological dependence disappears.

It is possible to get rid of meteorological dependence in children if you follow certain rules.

  1. Try to put the child on night and daytime dreams at the same time - the mode helps the child's body to quickly adapt to adverse weather conditions.
  2. Observe the usual daily routine, do not overwork the baby, feed on time.
  3. Teach your baby to exercise in the morning. To be on the street more.
  4. Monitor the child's diet to ensure that it contains a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

An extra dose of vitamin E will help your child cope with weather sensitivity more easily.

To improve the supply of oxygen to the brain, the child is given 3 drops of a 10% solution of vitamin E, 30 mg of vitamin C. To calm the baby and improve sleep, they are given 3 tbsp to drink. l. 2 times a day herbal collection (chamomile, motherwort, hawthorn, mint, rose hips).


Meteosensitivity caused by chronic diseases is not cured, but its manifestations disappear if preventive measures are taken. The appearance of signs of meteopathy cannot be ignored, otherwise it leads to the aggravation of existing diseases. This is especially true for cores.

Uncontrolled attacks of meteosensitivity cause:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • myocardial necrosis;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • transit ischemic attack.

Stick to a healthy lifestyle and diet to minimize your weather symptoms

Observing the principles of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, controlling the manifestations of meteopathy, it is really possible to prevent the aggravation of the condition and minimize unpleasant symptoms.

An inadequate reaction of the body to abrupt weather changes occurs due to failures in the work of the adaptation mechanism. In the overwhelming majority of cases, deterioration in health when the weather conditions change occurs in people with serious chronic diseases. To reduce the symptoms, pharmaceutical preparations, herbal decoctions, infusions and tinctures, as well as preventive measures, are used. Observing all the recommendations, it is possible to avoid deterioration of health and forget about meteosensitivity for a long time.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Sensitivity to weather can "boast" 75 people out of a hundred (according to statistics). Moreover, the weather practically does not affect healthy people, but only until the protective resources of the body decrease with age - this is where the most vulnerable organs become weather predictors and a kind of "barometers".

What is weather dependence , how is it expressed and can you get rid of it?

Weather dependence - reality or myth?

No doctor will officially diagnose meteorological dependence, but no doctor will deny the effect of weather on well-being ... And the reaction to a change of weather will be the stronger, the lower the immunity and the more chronic diseases.

The myth of weather dependence is usually considered by young people who are still healthy and can ignore any weather indicators. In fact, changes in the surrounding world (air humidity, sun activity, lunar phases, "jumps" of pressure on the barometer) always are in close contact with the human somatic world .

Who can be weather-dependent - a risk group of weather-dependent people

According to, again, statistics, weather dependence is becoming a hereditary phenomenon. in 10 percent, the consequence of problems with blood vessels - in 40 percent, a consequence of accumulated chronic diseases, injuries, etc. - in 50 percent.

Most of all weather dependent:

  • People with chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, with autoimmune diseases, hypo- and hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • Over- and premature babies.
  • People with nervous system problems.
  • People with heart disease.
  • People who have had heart attacks / strokes.
  • Asthmatics.

Weather dependence - symptoms and signs

When the weather changes, certain changes occur in the body: the blood thickens, its circulation is disrupted, the brain experiences acute oxygen deficiency .

As a result of these changes, "meteorological" symptoms appear:

  • General weakness and constant drowsiness, loss of strength.
  • Low / high blood pressure and headaches.
  • Lethargy, lack of appetite, sometimes nausea.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Insomnia.
  • Pain in joints, in places of fractures and injuries.
  • Angina attacks.
  • Magnetic storm.
    There is no need to wait, hanging yourself with metal bracelets or "grounded" in your grandmother's cellar. It is enough to protect yourself from heavy loads and postpone all serious matters (repairs, major cleaning, marathons). It is possible to increase the dosage of your usual medicines only after consulting a doctor (but keeping them close at hand will not hurt).
  • Reactions of the spastic type.
    A contrast shower, hot herbal foot baths and light gymnastics will help with them.
  • Do not tolerate warming?
    Use methods that contribute to the enrichment of the brain with oxygen - cold rubdowns, walking, breathing exercises. With low blood pressure - strongly brewed tea, Eleutherococcus, multivitamins. From products - fruits, milk and fish. With increased pressure, you should limit the intake of fluids and salt.
  • Windless weather with snow flakes.
    Extraordinarily beautiful - no one will argue. But for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is quite difficult to appreciate all this beauty - it is on them that such weather is most difficult to reflect, manifested by nausea, dizziness and a feeling of "deafening". What to do? Take vascular medications (preferably at the beginning of the snowfall) and tone up with Eleutherococcus, ginseng or succinic acid.
  • Strong wind.
    It seems that there is nothing dangerous in it. But such a wind is usually characterized by the movement of air masses with different densities. And it is hard, mainly, of the female sex. Especially for those girls who are prone to migraines. They react to strong winds and crumbs up to 3 years. According to an old folk recipe, at such moments, you should take flower honey mixed in equal proportions with nut oil and lemon (several times during the day, 1 tbsp / l each).
  • Storm.
    Despite the spectacularity of the phenomenon (scary and interesting), a thunderstorm is very dangerous to health by the change in the electromagnetic field preceding it. These changes are reflected in everyone who has problems with the nervous system, in people with mental instability, etc. It is hard on the eve of a thunderstorm and for women in menopause (sweating, hot flashes, tantrums). What to do? Seek salvation underground. Of course, you don't need to bury yourself, but going to a restaurant underground or a shopping center will be very useful. It is not worth hiding from thunderstorms and magnetic storms in the metro - it will be even harder there at such moments (because of the "conflict" of magnetic fields).
  • Heatwave.
    Most often, it is the cause of a deterioration in blood supply, a decrease in pressure, and depressive conditions. How hard it will be for the body depends on the humidity of the air and the strength of the wind. The higher they are, the harder they are, respectively. How to be saved? As often as possible, we take a cool shower and drink more water. It is advisable to mix water with freshly squeezed juice (apples, pomegranate, lemon).

What else do experts recommend to combat weather dependence?

  • Be careful about your chronic diseases - do not neglect the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
  • Visit more often outdoors .
  • Remove toxins with moderate physical activity (choose your sport, to your liking and strength).
  • Drink vitamins ,eat balanced ... Read:.
  • Master. Proper breathing helps keep the nervous system from being overstimulated by magnetic storms.
  • Get into the habit of resting and relax as much as possible when the weather changes (no alcohol and nicotine).
  • Use relaxing acupressure and herbal medicine .
  • The proven way is cold and hot shower , training blood vessels and alleviating the general condition of ailment.

Well, the best medicine for weather dependence is normal healthy life... That is, without workaholism, without nightly gatherings at a laptop and without coffee in liter doses, but with charging, good nutrition and outings into nature, with optimism in any situation.

Does another temperature drop or a sudden change in weather conditions cause headaches, general weakness and even apathy? All of these reactions can be indicators that you are a meteorological person. Of course, almost all people react to weather changes, but sometimes these reactions are too strongly reflected in the health of a person .. Let's consider what meteorological dependence is and whether it is possible to get rid of this phenomenon forever.

What is weather dependence?

First, you need to understand the terminology. Most people combine three terms into one concept at once, and this is wrong. There are three main names that describe the body's response to changes in weather conditions:

  • meteosensitivity,
  • weather dependence,
  • meteoneurosis.

The main features of meteosensitivity

This concept applies to most people.

Almost each of us, one way or another, reacts to changes in weather conditions. Especially for sudden changes in air temperature or climatic changes.

Basically, this reaction is minor and does not last long. It can manifest itself in the form:

  • weakness,
  • sleepiness.

People can react to such weather changes at any age. Even children tend to change their mood depending on the weather conditions.

Meteorological dependence or meteopathy: distinctive features

This is a stronger reaction of the body even to minor fluctuations in weather conditions. In such people, a sudden change in temperature or a sudden change in weather conditions can exacerbate chronic diseases.

People who suffer from:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • general overwork of the body.

How to diagnose meteoneurosis?

This concept describes a full-fledged disease, which is a type of neurotic disorder. People suffering from this disease are very difficult to tolerate the slightest changes in weather conditions. The reaction of the body in the presence of meteoneurosis is rather difficult to calculate in advance.

Now that we have figured out the terminology, we can proceed to a more detailed study of this problem.

Reasons for the occurrence of meteorological dependence

As we have already said, almost all people can manifest meteosensitivity. The reason for such a reaction of the body may be a period of hormonal and age-related changes. As for the meteorological dependence, then everything is already a little different. So, the reasons for meteorological dependence are called:

  1. Heredity. Scientists have proven that 10% of meteorological people have inherited this ailment from their parents or grandparents.
  1. Cardiovascular diseases. Approximately 40% of all weather-dependent are people who have serious problems with the cardiovascular system.
  1. Postponed and chronic diseases. The remaining 50% of people with meteorological dependence began to feel it after suffering illnesses or as a result of their transition to a chronic form. Among the diseases that can cause meteorological dependence are:
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

It is also worth noting that the presence of meteorological dependence in young children may be the result of severe pregnancy or childbirth. Often, premature or premature babies suffer from such reactions.

The main symptoms of the manifestation of meteorological dependence

Among the symptoms of meteorological dependence, primary ones are distinguished, that is, those symptoms that are felt by both meteosensitive people and meteorological ones. These include:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • Bad mood;
  • irritability.

In some cases, people may feel anxious during periods of calm weather, and adolescents often show apathy during such periods. This is mainly due to hormonal levels and does not last long.

But with the secondary signs, which are inherent only in meteorological people, things are much worse. Indeed, during even insignificant changes in such people, chronic diseases can become aggravated and old injuries "remind of themselves".

Such reactions can be dangerous to health and even human life. Therefore, people with secondary symptoms of meteorological dependence should pay special attention to the treatment of the main problem, that is, the exacerbation of the disease.

How to get rid of weather dependence

In fact, it is impossible to cure meteorological dependence. After all, it comes from many factors that, unfortunately, a person cannot influence. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the reaction of the body, and, subject to all conditions, reduce it to a minimum. In order to get rid of meteorological dependence you need:

  1. Strengthen immunity. Balance your diet so that there are enough micronutrients and vitamins that your body needs most.
  1. Avoid fatty and heavy foods during periods of significant weather change. The activity of the digestive system decreases during such periods.
  1. Refuse heavy physical exertion and long travel during the changing seasons.
  1. Arrange for yourself a psychological relaxation and try not to worry about trifles. The mood during periods of exacerbation of meteorological dependence is already to hell, so you should not worsen it even more. After all, it's not far from depression.
  1. Don't watch the weather forecast. Strange as it may seem, but scientists have proven that when a person does not know about impending weather changes, he can endure them more easily.

In addition, you can resort to folk methods for weather dependence, which can help minimize the body's response.

Fixing devices (tires), used in the treatment of fractures of the lower jaw without displacement or with unstable displacement of fragments, are divided into:

  • 1) out-of-laboratory tires - wire and made of fast-hardening plastics;
  • 2) laboratory-made tires - fixed and removable.

Out-of-laboratory wire tires. It is used in the provision of specialized first aid, as well as in the treatment of fractures of the jaws in stationary conditions.

When providing specialized care to the wounded in the maxillofacial area, the tires proposed by S.S. These tires are made from wire, which is why they are called bent. For their manufacture, it is necessary to have an aluminum wire 2 mm thick, a bronze-aluminum wire up to 0.5 mm thick, crimp pliers, files and pliers.

Smooth brace bar... One-jaw smooth splint-brace is used with a sufficient number of stable teeth on fragments. Its manufacturing technique is as follows: an aluminum wire about 15 cm long begins to be bent in the form of a half-ring in the shape of the crown of the extreme tooth of a long fragment. In this case, the curved end of the wire is fitted so that the half-ring, clasping the tooth, does not touch the gums and does not stand with its free end towards the tongue.

If the crown of the extreme tooth is low, then the bending of the splint begins in the form of a pointed spike located between the two extreme teeth. Then, using crampon forceps, they grab the wire in front of the extreme tooth, remove it from the oral cavity and slightly bend it towards the dental arch. The curved part of the wire is inserted into the oral cavity and fitted on the teeth so that it touches their surface throughout the entire dentition (Fig. 157, a).

When making a tire, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • a) the wire should be held with crampon forceps, and with your fingers bend its free end towards the dental arch;
  • b) the curved end of the wire should touch the vestibular surface of each tooth at least at one point;
  • c) the splint should be fitted on the teeth between the belt and the gum (in the gingival part of the tooth crown).

Smooth tire with spacer bend. A splint with a spacer bend is used for small defects in the dentition and bone in the area of ​​the jaw fracture. If the bone defect is greater than the width of the crowns of two teeth, then it is impractical to use such a splint, since it can deform in the area of ​​the spacer bend.

This splint is bent in such a way that in the area of ​​the dentition defect a bend is formed in the form of a letter P, directed by its apex into the oral cavity. The apex of this bend should be projected in the middle of the jaw bone defect. With its lateral parts, the bend should touch the contact surfaces of the teeth that limit the defect. The rest of the tire is bent in the usual way (Fig. 157, b).

Tire with hooking loops. With a one-step comparison of the fragments, they often resort to intermaxillary fixation using tires with hook loops. For this purpose, tires are made with hooking loops on the upper intact and broken lower jaw. The splints are fixed on the teeth and connected with rubber rings stretched over loops.

With simultaneous damage to the upper and lower jaw, the fragments of the upper jaw are first fixed, and then the intermaxillary strengthening of the fragments of the lower jaw is performed.

A tire with hook loops is made of aluminum wire 19-20 cm long and, holding it with crimp pliers, the loops are bent (Fig. 158).

The loops are bent in the following sequence:

  • 1) holding the wire in front of you, its long end is bent upward at a right angle;
  • 2) transfer the tips of the forceps to the curved part of the wire and bend downward at an angle of 180 °;
  • 3) the tips of the forceps are placed at the top of the loop from the side of the long end of the wire and bent up to the level of the short end;
  • 4) flatten the loop in width with crampon forceps.

The loops are made so that the distance between them is approximately equal to the width of the crowns of two teeth.

For the manufacture of loops, special forceps and devices are proposed (Pevzner, Geikin).

It is possible to bend the splint in the shape of the dental arch simultaneously with the manufacture of loops and after that. The technique of bending a splint with toe loops in the shape of the dentition is similar to that of a smooth splint.

The splint is fitted and fixed to the teeth so that the loops on the teeth are placed at an angle of 35-45 °. Failure to do so can lead to pressure sores under the rubber rings and poor fixation. Considering this, OE Rauer suggested placing the loops perpendicular to the teeth. In this case, the top of the hinges is riveted and bent at right angles. Rubber rings stretched on loops during intermaxillary fixation of fragments should have the same width and thickness.

Due to the fact that the elasticity of the stretched rubber rings decreases rapidly, they should be changed every 2-3 days.

The oral cavity is washed with a weak antiseptic solution.

Intermaxillary fixation of fragments remains in the oral cavity for no more than 2-3 weeks. After that, the rubber rings are partially or completely removed and the patient is allowed careful movements of the lower jaw. The transition to functional methods of treatment is possible with a favorable fusion of bone fragments.

A tire with an inclined plane is used if necessary to keep lateral fragments from shifting towards the fracture. For this purpose, in the lateral sections, the tire is bent in the form of loops with a height of two crowns. The loops should be tilted vestibularly and touch the vestibular surface of the maxillary teeth. They keep the fragments from displacement.

A splint with a support plane is used on the upper jaw to hold sagging tissues of the hard palate. It is bent in such a way that the retaining part looks like loops directed towards the sky.

One-jaw splint V. A. Entelis (Fig. 159). The wire splint, proposed by V.A. Entelis, is used for median fractures of the lower jaw with a defect in bone tissue. It is made of aluminum wire in the form of a spacer in the area of ​​the bone tissue defect. To make a tire, take two wires 15 cm long and twist them in the middle in the form of a curl along the width of the defect.

The free ends of the wire are bent in the shape of the dentition of fragments from the outside and inside.

The single-jaw splint of V.A.

In case of fractures of the lower jaw, there is a method of intermaxillary fixation of fragments, consisting in the following: ordinary smooth wire tires are bent onto the upper whole and lower broken jaw, onto which curved stainless steel hooks are put on (P.I.Popudrenko, 1950) or pre-made brass hooks ( A.I.Stepanov, 1952), install them in the required place and apply rubber rings.

ZN Pomerantseva-Urbanskaya developed and applied a series of stainless steel wire splints with a thickness of 1.3-1.5 mm for fractures of the jaws. The tires, made of stainless steel wire, reliably retain fragments without being subjected to repeated deformation. The manufacturing technique for these tires is the same as for the aluminum wire tires.

Fixation of wire rails... Wire splints on the teeth are fixed with a bronze-aluminum wire. For this, a wire about 10 cm long is folded in the form of a hairpin and its free ends are passed from the side of the oral cavity into the interdental spaces.

In this case, one end of the wire must pass over the tire, and the other under it. After that, the ends of the wire are grasped with crimp pliers and twisted clockwise. The end of the wire is cut off, leaving a curl about 1 cm long. The curl is bent in the form of a loop forward and towards the closing of the teeth.

M. Kh. Raginsky and A. M. Pevzner proposed a simpler method of fixing the splints, which consists in the fact that before the splints are inserted into the oral cavity, a ligature wire is introduced into the interdental spaces, the ends of which diverge in different directions: one up and the other down ... Then the splint is placed on the teeth and the wire is twisted.

If the splint is left in the oral cavity for a long time, then the ligature wire should be tightened every 2-3 days, making one turn clockwise.

Plastic tires out-of-laboratory manufacturing. For out-of-laboratory production of tires, fast-hardening plastics are used. Various methods for the manufacture of splinters have been proposed. Such. Kereiko (1956) developed a method for making tires from plastics AKP-II and ACT-I. For this, grooved frames are manufactured from AKR-II plastic in a factory way, which are then softened in hot water and bent in the shape of the dental arch. Then a nylon thread is wrapped around each tooth along both fracture lines and tied from the side of the mouth. After that, the groove of the frame is filled with AST-1 plastic and applied to the teeth. The knots of the nylon thread should get into the plastic and, after hardening, keep the splint on the teeth.

For mechanical fixation or stretching of fragments, standard frames are made with hook protrusions. For intermaxillary fixation of fragments, devices with pins (hooks) are made. For this purpose, according to the method described above, smooth splints are made on the upper whole jaw and fragments of the lower jaw. Then holes are drilled in the tires into which plastic pins of appropriate sizes are inserted. The pins in the holes are reinforced with quick-hardening plastic.

Rubber rings are placed on the free ends of the pins and intermaxillary fixation of the fragments is performed.

RM Frigof (1961) proposed a splint-mouthguard made of plastic "Styracril". The manufacturing technique for this tire is as follows. At the site of the jaw fracture, infiltration anesthesia is performed and the fragments are strengthened using two bronze-aluminum wires. One piece of wire covers the vestibular surface of the teeth located on both sides of the fracture line, and two adjacent teeth from the side of the oral cavity. The ends of this wire protrude between adjacent teeth towards the vestibule of the mouth. The second piece of wire covers the lingual side of the teeth at the jaw fracture line. The ends of this wire also extend between adjacent teeth towards the vestibule of the mouth. Then the ends of both pieces of wire on each side are twisted in the form of a curl about 1 cm long. The curls are bent in the form of loops. The prepared plastic is shaped into a roller, applied to the teeth and modeled with the fingers from the vestibular and lingual surfaces of the teeth. In this case, the wire from the lingual side and the loops from the vestibular side must fall into the thickness of the plastic. The patient is asked to close his mouth and wait for the plastic to harden. Excess plastic is cut with silicon carbide stones and polished.

Recently, for fixation of fragments in fractures of the jaws, standard workpieces are used, which are plastic strips with hooks - devices for rubber rings. Such blanks are easily fitted in the oral cavity. Fixed on the teeth, they hold the fragments well.

The plastic strips are manufactured at the factory.

When making tires from fast-hardening plastics, the following procedure must be followed:

  • 1) ligature wire and nylon thread are treated with iodine or alcohol before use;
  • 2) the tools used in the manufacture of tires must be sterile;
  • 3) in order to avoid burns, it is necessary to avoid contact of the plastic with the mucous membrane;
  • 4) in order to accelerate the polymerization of the plastic, tampons soaked in warm water are applied to it;
  • 5) after the plastic has hardened, rinse the mouth with 2% warm sodium bicarbonate solution. The latter neutralizes the residual monomer, protects the mucous membrane from additional burns.

Fixed tires of laboratory manufacture. Soldered (rod) tires consist of crowns or rings and steel arcs soldered to them (Fig. 160). Crowns (rings) are made for two teeth - the first premolar and the second molar of each fragment. The manufactured crowns are fitted on the teeth and an impression of the vestibular surfaces of the teeth of the fragments previously installed in the central occlusion is obtained.

If the impression is taken from each fragment separately, then the cast models of the fragments are compiled into a general model according to the bite. On the model, the arc is bent and fitted from the vestibular side or from the vestibular and lingual, and then using solder they are attached to the crowns (for the arc, a steel wire 1.5-2 mm thick is taken). The splint is fixed on the teeth with cement.

Standard tires. The simplest splints are made as follows: splints are stamped onto the teeth of the fragments and fitted. An impression is then obtained for the final production of the tire. On the model, individual aligners are fastened with solder into one solid tire. After processing, the kappa tire is cemented.

V. Yu. Kurlyandsky suggested splints, which include mouth guards and various devices for reposition and fixation of fragments (Fig. 161). For example, a tire with levers consists of a splint and levers. The mouthguards are made on the teeth of the fragments, to which two flat levers with screw-shaped holes are attached. To fix the fragments at the junction of the levers, bolts are screwed into the hole and fastened with nuts.

A tire with round tubes consists of aligners, tubes and pins (fig. 162). On the teeth of the fragments of the jaw, mouthguards are made, they are fitted, an impression is taken from the damaged jaw together with the mouthguards and from the opposite jaw, the models are cast. Then the model of the damaged jaw at the fracture site is sawn and its parts are installed along the bite of the upper jaw model and fixed in the occluder. On the vestibular surface of the splints, double tubes are soldered and sawn across between the splints of fragments. The mouthguards on the teeth are fixed with cement, the fragments of the jaw are set and strengthened by inserting them into the tube of the pins.

Removable laboratory-made splints. Weber's splint is shown with minor displacements of fragments or after reduction to fix them (Fig. 163). Consists of the gingival part and an inclined plane.

On models of fragments, steel wire frames up to 1 mm thick are bent, and then the gingival part of the splint with holes for cutting edges and surfaces of teeth occlusion is modeled from wax. After that, the carcass is warmed up and modeled into the tire. The carcass is made for high tire strength. The ends of the wire are not bitten off, but are left in order to fix the frame in the correct position during the melting of the wax.

On the outer surface of the tire, inclined planes are modeled at an angle of 10-15 °. The height of the inclined planes should exceed the height of the crowns of the antagonist teeth of the upper jaw. The wax is replaced with plastic and the tire is finished (cut off the protruding ends of the wire, grind and polish).

The apparatus of M. M. Vachkevich consists of a gingival plate on the upper jaw and supporting planes lowered down. If there are no teeth on the upper jaw, then an ordinary plate is made, resembling the basis of the prosthesis (Fig. 164).

The supragingival part of the apparatus is modeled from wax in the form of a plate with holes for cutting edges and surfaces of teeth closing. After replacing the wax with plastic on the inner surface of the plate, the stense is built up and the central occlusion receives prints of the inner surfaces of the fragments of the teeth. Then the wall is replaced with plastic and the apparatus is fitted in the mouth.

    Lecture 13. Technology of making Weber's tires

    A removable splint (Weber's splint) is used to fix the fragments of the lower jaw after their correct position has been achieved, as well as to heal fractures. For the strength of the splint, a wire frame is made, covering the entire dental arch and the alveolar ridge from the vestibular and lingual sides. If individual teeth are missing, then the wire is passed through the gaps so that its ends intersect.

    To prevent the tire from settling under the influence of chewing pressure, as well as to fasten the tire through the interdental spaces on the chewing surface of the teeth, throw pieces of wire and solder them from the vestibular and lingual sides of the frame. The ends of these wires are not cut, but are left elongated (at least two on each side) so that during the plaster cast they enter the gypsum and fix the position of the frame. The frame is made of steel or nickel silver wire 0.5-1 mm thick.

    When the carcass is ready, the tire is modeled from the wax so that the carcass is in the thickness of the wax. The splint should tightly cover the lateral surfaces of the teeth and the adjoining part of the alveolar ridge, leaving the chewing surfaces open. Under this condition, the splint will not interfere with the closing of the teeth. The process of plastering, molding or rubberizing and processing the splint does not differ from that described in the manufacture of removable dentures.

    To fix the fragments on the edentulous lower jaw, an apparatus is used, which is in the form of two base plates (for the upper and lower jaw) with occlusal rollers tightly connected together (Port bus). In the area of ​​the anterior teeth, the splint has an opening for eating. The entire splint is reinforced with a chin sling to the head cap.

    The manufacturing technique of such a tire differs in some peculiarities. The splint is modeled on models cast in an occluder in the central occlusion.

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Lecture 13. Technology of making Weber's splint A removable splint (Weber's splint) is used to fix the fragments of the lower jaw after they have reached the correct position, as well as to heal fractures. occluder in the central occlusion. For the strength of the splint, a wire frame is made, covering the entire dental arch and the alveolar ridge from the vestibular and lingual sides. If individual teeth are absent, then the wire is passed through the gaps so that its ends intersect. To prevent the tire from settling under the influence of chewing pressure, as well as to fasten the tire through the interdental spaces on the chewing surface of the teeth, throw pieces of wire and solder them from the vestibular and lingual sides of the frame. The ends of these wires are not cut off, but are left elongated (at least two on each side) so that, during the plaster cast, they enter the gypsum and fix the position of the frame. The frame is made of steel or nickel silver wire 0.5-1 mm thick. When the carcass is ready, the tire is modeled from wax so that the carcass is in the thickness of the wax. The splint should tightly cover the lateral surfaces of the teeth and the adjacent part of the alveolar ridge, leaving the chewing surfaces open. Under this condition, the splint will not interfere with the closing of the teeth. The process of plastering, molding or rubberizing and processing the splint does not differ from that described in the manufacture of removable dentures. To fix the fragments on the edentulous lower jaw, an apparatus is used, which is in the form of two base plates (for the upper and lower jaw) with occlusal rollers tightly connected together (Port bus). In the area of ​​the anterior teeth, the splint has an opening for eating. The entire splint is reinforced with a chin sling to the head cap. The manufacturing technique of such a tire differs in some peculiarities. The splint is modeled on models cast in an occluder in the central occlusion.

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