Why do German fascists dream? “Why do you dream of a fascist in a dream? If you see a Fascist in a dream, what does it mean? Politics and dreams

A war seen in a dream means deterioration of affairs, unrest and chaos at home and in relationships with relatives.

For a young girl to see her chosen one going to war means that she will hear unflattering reviews about his character.

To imagine that you are going on the attack in a war means that in reality a very profitable and feasible job may turn up for you.

Find yourself in a war and watch the progress of hostilities - in reality, beware of treacherous friends.

Hearing on the radio or watching on TV everything related to the war - in reality you will suffer from major events that in one way or another will affect you personally.

If you dream of victory in a war and general rejoicing on this occasion, then in reality a revival of a dormant business should follow, and harmony and complete mutual understanding will reign at home.

Losing a war means persecution, natural disasters, humiliation and insults.

To see troops leaving for the front, general excitement, confusion and chaos - to worries, troubles, sadness, and for the sick or elderly - new sores.

Interpretation of dreams from

Germans are people whom you subconsciously perceive negatively, are “hostile” against them... Perhaps this is a matter of distrust or suspicion of their insincerity... They definitely instill a feeling of fear in you... You won’t want to share your thoughts with them and plans, and accordingly you will avoid their company and communication...

Dream Interpretation - War. Spy

Something very old will come to light... 1942 is the second year of the war, which means that this old thing is not over, or you will begin to unwind this situation somewhere in the middle, without understanding that it is over, unwinding further, only You don’t know... You are a complete stranger there, superfluous, but at first you won’t understand this, you will do something using old means, through the mediation of someone or something who should not be involved in this matter. The result is failure, but you will try to do something else, somehow get out, find a new way to solve the issue, you will be able to hush up the matter and break out of it, thinking of something completely different, completely new...

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Metro and Virgin Mary

To understand this dream, the friend needs to decide for herself what, with what events in her life she can compare this war.. She is actively fighting somewhere, but where exactly? Studies, relationships... Perhaps these are internal contradictions, experiences for some reason known to her... The Virgin Mary - as help in the current situation, which will calm her down

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do fascists dream? Most often, this plot foreshadows war, but it should not always be taken literally. It can be interpreted as a struggle against injustice in reality or confrontation with one’s own fears and complexes.

At the time of the psychologist, fascism was just beginning to develop, but Miller, compiling a dream book, already foresaw that this would not end well. This plot, which appeared in a dream, foreshadows troubles. The dream book warns: external well-being is the calm before the storm. Thunder will strike soon, and you will need to be patient and persevering.

Meeting the first armed Germans in a dream is a symbol of unrest and experiences in reality.

Defeat in battle portends moral decline, but if you are victorious, troubles in reality are temporary, and things will soon get better.

Did the Germans occupy the territory in a dream? The psychologist advises to take a closer look at those around you: some of them are playing their game against you.

Dreams of a married lady

Was a woman attacked by Germans with machine guns in a dream? By showing jealousy, grumpiness, greed and other negative character traits, she will destroy family happiness. But the dream book is encouraging: troubles can be avoided if the spouse comes to her senses and changes her behavior.

In some cases, the appearance of fascists in a dream symbolizes adultery. The mistress is jealous, trying with all her might to destroy the family, and wants to take the wife’s place.

Events in a dream should be taken literally. The Germans win, the dream book predicts: the husband will leave his wife. But if the enemies retreat, the mistress will stop claiming someone else’s happiness.

Maiden's dreams

Why does a young woman dream of accompanying her chosen one to war? In reality, she does not trust her beloved. If he was killed at the front, then the suspicions are justified. The dream book warns: he is capable of cheating on you or committing other meanness.

The girl had to go to defend the borders of her homeland herself - a hard life awaits her.

Global values

Why do you dream if the Nazis started a new world war? This scenario is interpreted almost literally. The country is facing global economic and political changes that will affect all segments of the population.

In a dream, are enemy troops successfully advancing deep into the state? In reality, the standard of living will decrease significantly.

A defeated enemy is a harbinger of drastic changes, but the dream book reassures: the changes will turn out to be for the benefit of all residents.

Battles involving heavy armored vehicles and bombing foreshadow a difficult political situation.

Why dream if, having acquired superpowers, you decided the outcome of the war, ridding the world of fascism forever? In reality, a prosperous life and respect from others awaits.

Belligerent behavior

The Universal Dream Book deciphers the murder of a Nazi as achieving your goals.

But if you are fighting for the Germans, Ivanov G. indicates your rejection of the information you receive, your separation from reality.

A modern dream book, if you died in battle, warns: what you have planned can fall through at any moment. The ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances will help.


Why dream of fleeing from an enemy? In reality, fears prevail, but, as a rule, they are groundless or greatly exaggerated.

This plot may also portend that, if you succumb to panic, you will harm yourself and the people around you. Want to avoid trouble? Control your expression of emotions.

In a dream, running away from enemy soldiers is a person’s desire in reality to get rid of unpleasant responsibilities.


If you avoid fighting in a dream by carefully hiding, you will be able to avoid major problems in reality.

According to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, hiding from merciless fascists means that you need to make an important choice in life. But you can't decide which decision is right.

Why dream about it if you had to hide from a serious enemy. This indicates internal conflict. As a result, collaboration with others is difficult.

Managed to survive

Why dream of wearing a German military uniform to escape danger? A significant relationship is on the verge of breaking, but you have the power to try to save it.

If in a dream you managed to fight off an attack by an enemy that significantly outnumbered you, Fortune is on your side. Now is the optimal time to complete old projects and start new ones.

Being captured is a bad sign. In reality, the enemies will prevail. A partisan escaping in a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows that your wishes will come true.

Articles that can complement the meaning of sleep:

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Fascists mean a lot to the dreamer

Fascists - Being a fascist means opposition to your family.

Modern dream book

What does a fascist mean for a dreamer?

Fascists are a sign that your quiet and happy family life will soon crack due to your fault.

If you dreamed of many fascists, this means that now is the most favorable moment to begin the fight against your enemies. For a woman, such a dream prophesies victory over her rival.

If you dreamed that you were a fascist, this means that you will have to change your behavior towards loved ones, otherwise a conflict will arise in which you will lose.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about Nazis?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Fascists in a dream have the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations
