How to get rid of oily dandruff on your head. Oily scalp and dandruff treatment. Sebum production blockers

Oily dandruff is a syndrome that develops due to the pathological condition of the sebaceous glands. They increase in size and begin to produce more secretions. Its chemical formula changes, resulting in symptoms that cause severe discomfort. The scalp becomes oily, the hair sticks together, and yellow crusts appear. All this is accompanied by severe itching.

Most often, the appearance of oily dandruff in adolescents occurs during puberty. It becomes a constant companion for people who have naturally oily skin. On one square centimeter of the skin of the scalp there are several hundred sebaceous glands. Each one normally produces about 20 grams of liquid sebum per day. It spreads through the ducts over the skin and softens it, forms a protective film that does not allow pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the skin to invade the layers of the epidermis.

Those with oily skin type have a slightly higher amount of secretion produced than normal, so their hair becomes oily faster after washing their hair. During puberty, maximum activity of the sebaceous glands is observed. The amount of production of their secretion increases tenfold. For some it becomes thick and viscous, for others its consistency resembles an emulsion. All this leads to the skin losing its protective barrier. The cells of the stratum corneum begin to divide faster, the process of their division is uneven. Dead epidermal cells are mixed with excess secretion from the sebaceous glands. They mix with it, do not fall off like dry dandruff, but remain on the head.

In this way, dirty yellow crusts are formed. They are clearly visible, stick to hair, and do not fall on clothes. Hormonal imbalances can occur not only during puberty. In women, they are observed every month before menstruation; major hormonal changes occur during pregnancy and lactation, and then during menopause. Therefore, the oily type of seborrhea is more often diagnosed in the fairer sex.

The described reasons are not the only provoking factors. An unhealthy diet (the predominance of fried fatty foods, refined foods, spices, salt, seasonings) can contribute to the appearance of oily dandruff.

A lack or excess of vitamins negatively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Correcting vitamin deficiencies and hypervitaminosis helps to achieve favorable prognoses without the use of systemic medications.

Types of disease

Ignoring the problem can lead to the development of diffuse alopecia. It causes baldness of the entire scalp. Therefore, it is so important to be able to distinguish the first symptoms of the disease. They may be different. It all depends on what type of oily seborrhea develops in a given person.

Dense form

Overworking of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that sebum thickens, the skin loses its elasticity, the color of the skin becomes gray, and an unhealthy brownish tint appears. A thick secretion fills the ducts, its mouths expand and open pores. They become clogged with particles of dirt, dust, and epidermal flakes. All this, mixed with the secretion, hardens and forms a plug that clogs the hair follicle. In this way, comedones - blackheads - appear on the head. If you squeeze them between your nails, a black mass with a pasty consistency will pour out.

In advanced forms, clogged sebaceous ducts can rupture. Their contents spill into the surrounding tissue. Painful cysts form, which become inflamed and begin to rot. Such manifestations of oily seborrhea require surgical treatment. The surgeon opens them, pumps out the pus, treats the wound and applies bandages to it with medicine that stimulates the healing process.

Pustular skin diseases are the most common complication of the thick form of oily seborrhea.

Liquid form

Excess liquid secretion spreads over the scalp. The skin begins to shine, it becomes like an orange peel. Hair constantly shines and becomes greasy a few hours after washing. This makes your head always look untidy. The peeling scales of the epidermis do not fall off, they stick together and form crusts. They make my head constantly itch. The liquid form, like the thick one, can provoke the formation of pustules, boils and carbuncles, and lead to baldness. Therefore, it must be treated.

The liquid form of oily dandruff, like thick dandruff, can provoke the formation of pustules, boils and carbuncles

Different types of seborrhea require different treatments. For a prescription, you must contact a dermatologist or trichologist. Experts can make an accurate diagnosis based on an initial examination and microscopic analysis. But in order to identify the cause of the described syndrome, it is important to conduct a full examination of the operation of all internal systems.

Drug treatment

There is no universal approach to choosing medications.

If oily dandruff appears as a result of hormonal disorders, the patient is prescribed medications that normalize the ratio of male and female sex hormones.

If the cause of the development of seborrhea is a decrease in immunity or diseases of internal organs, a prescription is written to take immunomodulators, vitamins, mineral complexes and selenium-containing drugs.

To correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands, sulfur-containing ointments and creams containing boric or salicylic acid are used.

In a situation where during the examination it is possible to confirm the fungal nature of the disease, the patient is prescribed antifungal agents for oral and external use.

Effective shampoos

Part of the comprehensive treatment is the use of medicated shampoos. Those that can block the proliferation of the fungus, stimulate cellular metabolism inside the hair follicles, and increase the access of oxygen to them are selected (“Compliment Zinc+”, “Klorane with myrtle extract”, “Vichy Dercos”, “Nizoral”, “Psoril” , "Sulsena").

The shampoo must contain the following components:

  • bifonazole, ketonazole (such substances have an antifungal effect);
  • salicylic acid (dries the skin, exfoliates the epidermis, relieves inflammation, disinfects);
  • zinc (has antibacterial and antifungal effects);
  • selenium sulfide (reduces the number of fungal colonies, normalizes regeneration processes);
  • ichthyol (an effective antiseptic);
  • essential oils (have antimicrobial properties);
  • natural extracts of medicinal herbs (moisturize the skin, nourish it);
  • tar (dries the skin, relieves inflammation);
  • vitamin complexes (improve local immunity).

Regular use of medicated shampoos neutralizes the discomfort associated with the appearance of oily dandruff, relieves inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dries out oily skin, and makes it easier to care for diseased hair. After just a month of use, the curls begin to glow with health, become soft and manageable.

Note! The use of shampoos only eliminates the consequences of the development of oily dandruff; they do not allow you to get rid of the causes of the disease. If the product is chosen incorrectly, the condition of the scalp will only worsen. Therefore, prescriptions must be made by the attending physician.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine is also actively included in therapeutic regimens.

  1. Herbal mask made from nettle, mint leaves, oak bark and hop cones. All ingredients are taken one spoon at a time, the composition is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for twenty minutes, after which it cools. Before use, add 200 grams of good cognac and a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to the decoction. The finished mixture is slightly warmed up, and then rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements; after two hours it should be washed off with medicated shampoo. The product helps relieve itching and inflammation caused by constant scratching of the skin.
  2. Pepper lotion is prepared from a spoon of alcohol tincture, a spoon of water, a spoon of lemon juice and fifteen drops of lavender oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the finished product is applied to the scalp in the evening, an hour before bedtime. The head is covered with a cellophane cap. After an hour, it must be removed and the head allowed to dry. You can wash your hair only in the morning.
  3. Onion mask. To prepare it, you need to mix the pulp of one onion with two tablespoons of mustard, use hot water to achieve the consistency of sour cream, then add a spoonful of aloe juice and an ampoule of vitamins B1 and B6, a chicken egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. The finished mixture should be rubbed into the scalp, left for an hour under film and a warm towel, and then rinsed off in the shower.
  4. Rubbing an infusion of calendula flowers into the scalp (it will help prevent hair loss). To prepare it, doctors recommend taking two spoons of flowers and pouring two glasses of boiling water over them, leaving until they cool completely, and then using them as directed. The infusion is rubbed in and left for forty minutes under cellophane and a warm towel. The mask should be done at night and your head should be rinsed in the morning.

Before using the products, it is important to conduct an allergy test.

Prevention of oily dandruff

Getting rid of oily dandruff is more difficult than dry dandruff. Therefore, it is important to reduce the risk of oily seborrhea.

To do this you need:

  1. Wash your hair with special shampoos at least three times a week.
  2. Include more foods that contain vitamin A in your diet.
  3. Do not wear hats indoors and refuse to wear wigs. In summer and winter, do not go outside without a Panama hat and hat.
  4. Adjust your daily routine, get enough sleep, and exercise during the day.
  5. Follow the principles of a restrictive diet, avoid fatty, salty, fried, spicy, and smoked foods. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and dairy products.

If signs of seborrhea appear, it is better to avoid self-medication. It is important to first establish the cause of dandruff, and then, together with your doctor, think about how to get rid of it.

Often, women are bothered by oily dandruff due to seborrheic dermatitis. With this chronic disease of the sebaceous glands, a painful skin problem occurs and oily hair appears. Every third person suffers from this scourge. This disease occurs in men and women. In men, symptoms of oily seborrheic dermatitis occur more often.

What factors contribute to the occurrence of the disease?

The composition of the microflora of the scalp and epidermis is diverse and quite stable. The microorganism Malassezia Furfur is present on the head of any person in a certain amount. Modern medicine knows more than 9 varieties of this microscopic fungus. It is a permanent or temporary part of the human microflora and does not cause serious inconvenience in normal conditions. The amount of fungus in a healthy person is insignificant.

When the body is weakened and the integrity of the epidermal tissue is compromised, its barrier functions are significantly reduced. The physiological microflora of the skin is disrupted, microorganisms quickly multiply and penetrate the epidermal tissue. The yeast-like fungus Malassezia Furfur prefers fats and is the direct cause of oily scalp dandruff. This type of seborrheic dermatitis is not considered an infectious disease. The pathology is not contagious.

The body's defenses are reduced by external factors:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics, shampoos;
  • abuse of coloring agents.

Internal factors contributing to the disease:

  • Parkinson's disease, lichen versicolor;
  • influence of heredity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • mental stress, depression;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • consequences of natural aging processes;
  • internal imbalance in the human body, imbalance of intestinal microflora, improper metabolism;
  • hormonal disorders.

Causes of increased sebum secretion:

  • under the influence of male hormones, the sebaceous glands begin to work actively during puberty;
  • colonies of yeast-like fungi increase;
  • For these opportunistic microorganisms, excess sebum is a breeding ground.

Clinical picture and pathogenesis of steatoid dandruff

Oily seborrhea - steatoid dandruff. With this pathology, the epidermis of the scalp is affected. The affected large sebaceous glands produce fatty lubricant for tissues in excess quantities. The functions of qualitatively changed sebum are disrupted. Fine-plate uneven rejection of dead cells of the epidermis of the head occurs. They die, stick together and form yellowish, greasy flakes that cover the scalp in a thick layer.

Dense large dead scales often contain waste products of fungi and a yeast-like substance - mold. These fatty clumps glue the hair roots, firmly attaching to them. It is very difficult to remove sticky flakes of oily dandruff from the hair. The stratum corneum thickens. This interferes with cellular respiration. Individual hairy areas of the skin turn red. The cells fall in flakes onto your clothes. Dandruff becomes noticeable.

The root of each hair is weakened due to reduced air access and clogged pores. Oily hair becomes thinner, quickly gets dirty, begins to break and fall out. They grow poorly and lose their healthy appearance. Intense itching and discomfort cause suffering to the patient. The disease gradually progresses. Symptoms of diffuse alopecia and baldness are often observed.

With itchy dermatoses, scratching of the scalp occurs. Scaly crusts form on the surface of the skin. The disease is accompanied by weeping. Serous exudate is formed. Beyond the hair growth line, damage to the epidermis is observed. Uneven peeling spreads over bare areas of skin. The disease is characterized by periodic exacerbations.

Methods to combat oily dandruff

How to get rid of this obsessive syndrome? If you know the symptoms of steatoid seborrhea, you can control the course of the disease.

Diagnostic tests

Treatment should be prescribed by a professional. He finds out the patient's health status. A thorough diagnostic examination is required for this pathology. A clinical and laboratory study is performed, assessing endocrine status, identifying disturbances in intestinal microflora, and studying biochemical parameters.

Principles of treatment

How to get rid of oily dandruff? Eliminating the problem should be approached comprehensively. You need to contact a dermatologist who will select the right medications. The causes that caused the development of oily seborrheic dermatitis should be eliminated. The clinical manifestations of this skin disease are reduced by the use of topical and oral fungicidal drugs that contain nizoral and miconazole. Doctors prescribe antifungal medicine in the form of an ointment or cream.

Adequate timely care of your hair and scalp will allow you to feel comfortable with increased activity of the exocrine glands. You need to wisely choose a shampoo that contains components that have an exfoliating, antimicrobial, and fungicidal effect. Itching is soothed by the use of oak bark extract. Control additional studies and constant medical supervision are required. Proper nutrition and the use of vitamin supplements help normalize metabolism.

The condition of the skin and hair directly depends on human health. Oily dandruff appears with increased sebum secretion. The disease causes great damage to the scalp and can lead to baldness.

Treatment of steatoid seborrhea is a long and difficult process.

Reducing the amount of dandruff and improving hair condition is real.

Deterioration of skin condition, baldness - all these are consequences of the “activity” of oily seborrhea. The main reason for the appearance of this problem is the increased work of the sebaceous glands due to an increase in the content of the androgen hormone in the blood. If oily dandruff and seborrhea of ​​the scalp appear, treatment must be started without delay.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp: causes and symptoms

In healthy people, the occurrence of seborrhea is also possible. Usually its appearance is associated with sexual development. After the end of the hormonal storm, everything returns to normal without treatment.

Sebum is very important for humans. During the day the norm is twenty grams. It protects the skin from drying out, prevents infections, and maintains the elasticity and softness of the dermis. It contains both fatty acids and proteins. With oily seborrhea, sebum production becomes excessive. Shiny hair looks unpleasant, and yellowish scales are large. Selecting an effective dandruff medication requires an examination.

Neither the reasons for the appearance nor the characteristics of the course of seborrhea have yet been fully elucidated. It is known that the bioproperties of lard change, since both the qualitative composition and quantity are determined by the state of the body. Because of this, active reproduction of pathogenic organisms begins, and it is necessary to take antifungal drugs. During seborrhea, fatty acids predominate in sebum, and the lipid balance is disturbed.

Seborrhea often manifests itself as itching, a greasy film, increased hair loss and the appearance of dandruff that crusts over the scalp. Symptoms appear individually and together. It depends on the state of the person’s immune defense. For successful treatment, the most important thing is to find out the root cause of the problem, that is, to be examined by specialists.

Oily seborrhea never appears on its own. It is caused by malfunctions of the sebaceous glands and is associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Oily seborrhea can also be triggered by stress, hereditary predisposition, gastrointestinal problems, poor personal hygiene, hormonal imbalances, unbalanced nutrition, fungal infections and improper hair care. How to treat oily seborrhea of ​​the head?

The danger of oily seborrhea is that it activates hair loss, and it will be impossible to restore the previous appearance of hair. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is especially important. Oily seborrhea is divided into thick and liquid. When thick, the curls become stiff and coarse. During the liquid period, intense baldness begins.

The liquid form of oily seborrhea is enlarged gaping pores, the skin is likened to an orange peel. The sebaceous ducts are enlarged and I produce excess sebum. The hair looks repulsive because of the strands glued together, as if smeared with oil. The hair is covered with yellowish scales. How to remove dandruff from your head?

A specialist dermatologist or trichologist can make a diagnosis. For hormonal disorders, treatment consists of recommending hormonal medications that restore the normal ratio of male and female hormones, immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral selenium-containing complexes, and preparations with calcium and zinc. A course of taking brewer's yeast gives encouraging results.

Treatment of oily seborrhea

To eliminate greasy hair for a short period, you can use dry shampoo. But what to do if dandruff is in flakes or pieces? It is impossible to get rid of seborrhea on your own, without comprehensive treatment. Suppressing its external manifestations does not mean completely eliminating the problem. After some time, seborrhea returns again.

Shampoo for oily dandruff and seborrhea

For infectious skin diseases that provoke seborrhea, treatment with antibiotics, hepatoprotectors and antimycotic drugs is used. To stop inflammation and increase immunity, medicinal “Tiosin”, “Sulsena” and “Nizoral” are used.

Among the shampoos for oily dandruff and seborrhea, “KETO PLUS” is distinguished. The product is used twice a week for a month. Further, for prevention, you can use shampoo once a week. Friederm Zinc is also effective. It is used twice a week for the first half of the month of treatment, and then once or twice a week for one and a half to two months.

How to get rid of oily dandruff? It is important to apply the product to your hair twice: the first time, carefully massage it into wet hair until it foams, rinse and apply again. The foam remains on the head for about five minutes. Then the shampoo is completely washed off.

Friederm Tar works in a similar way. The course with him lasts from a month to four. In between courses, it is advisable to use Friederm pH balance.

Preparations from the SKIN-CAP series are effective against large dandruff. Shampoo in spray form is applied to damp hair and massaged into the skin. After rinsing, apply the product again, leaving it on the head for five minutes. To rinse off, you will need a large amount of running, non-hot water. The drug should be used twice a week during the first half of the month from the start of treatment. The full course is two months. The bottle is equipped with a dispenser, which makes it easier to apply the product to your hair.

When treating oily and mixed seborrhea, a special diet must be prescribed. The main dishes in it are vegetables and lean meat. During treatment, it is important to limit the consumption of carbohydrates, salt and extractives. The consumption of strong coffee and alcohol is strictly limited. In addition to medications, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy and mesotherapy, and special peelings. The underlying diseases must also be treated.

Treatment of thick and thin seborrhea only with home remedies will not bring the desired effect. It is necessary to prescribe medications by a specialist. These are bellaspon, calcium preparations, belloid, a diet for hair and hormone therapy. For oily seborrhea, alcohol-resorcinol solutions, boric acid, salicylic acid and sulfur-containing ointments are used.

The problem is successfully combated by drugs that correct sebum production, for example, sulfur-containing ointments, which reduce the risk of inflammation. The product “Arbum” is effective. It prevents the accumulation of sebum and inflammation of the glands. The zinc-containing drug is taken after meals.

In the most severe cases, the dose reaches four tablets per day for fifteen days, then the dose is reduced to a couple of tablets. The course of treatment is three months.

The use of topical medicinal antifungal drugs for seborrhea of ​​the scalp has proven positive. One example of such drugs is clotrimazole.

Flucinar gel is applied twice a day. The course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. It is important not to exceed the dosage of two grams per day unless absolutely necessary.

Treatment is a complex task, and it cannot be solved instantly. No magic pills have been invented for seborrhea. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take one single remedy to get rid of the liquid type of oily seborrhea forever.

Tiring use of ointments, shampoos and creams sometimes does not give the desired result. Drugs that reduce sebum production, many of which are based on antiandrogenic hormones, come to the rescue. These include contraceptives and drugs containing isotretinoin.

Among the drugs that block sebum production against oily seborrhea, the contraceptive “Diane” is recommended. The reason is simple: its antiandrogenic properties help eliminate the disease. It is prescribed one tablet per day, starting from the fifth menstrual day, the course is three weeks.

To treat seborrhea, it is effective to use Sulsena preparations: shampoo, paste and soap. Distribute the soap over damp hair after washing, massaging it into the skin. One piece is enough for eight to ten procedures. Leave the foam on the hair for five to ten minutes and rinse thoroughly with non-hot water. It is important to dry your hair.

The paste is used instead of soap. A teaspoon is enough. The tube is enough for six to eight uses. In the first couple of weeks from the start of treatment, sulsen preparations should be used twice a week for one to one and a half months. The course is resumed when the disease recurs or as a preventive measure once a month.

Folk recipes

The use of traditional medicine recipes also gives results. However, only as additional measures. You can take advantage of the properties of some plants. Thus, washing your hair twice a week with a decoction of bergenia rhizomes, diluted in a proportion of one part of the raw material to ten parts of water, will improve the condition of oily hair. It is necessary to carry out ten procedures, repeating if necessary a month later. Since the plant contains a lot of tannins, after heating it is necessary to strain the decoction.

An interesting alloy involves the use of bodyagi. A teaspoon of dry powder is mixed with three percent hydrogen peroxide or half a teaspoon of boric acid and half a glass of water until a mass resembling liquid sour cream is obtained. It is heated in a water bath and hot massaged along the partings into the hair. You must have rubber gloves on your hands! You need to rub until you feel a burning sensation in your head, rinse off after half an hour. Treatment is carried out every four to five days. The full course consists of seven procedures. The result is a strong reduction in sebum production, itching and dandruff disappear.

Twice a week you can wash your hair with an infusion of one part St. John's wort to five to ten parts water. In total, from a dozen to fifteen procedures are required. You can repeat after three weeks if necessary. It is important to strain the infusion immediately after heating.

To make a healing composition, green paws of Siberian fir are distilled in a juice cooker with a water pen. It is necessary to use the top layer of condensate in pure form or mixed in half with alcohol. A few drops of the composition are applied along the partings, massaging into the skin. The procedures take one and a half to two months. It takes twenty to thirty rubs to achieve results. You can repeat it in a month if necessary. If itching occurs, stop use immediately.

Disease prevention

By taking preventive measures, you can even reduce your genetic predisposition to seborrhea. It is important to wash your hair no more than three times a week with detergents based only on natural ingredients.

They must contain tar, salicylic acid or zinc. Cleansing shampoos often contain aggressive ingredients that irritate already inflamed skin even more, causing itching and even helping to activate fungus.

An excellent means of prevention is an ordinary carrot. It contains enough vitamin A, which is so necessary for the body, that its daily use will help prevent the occurrence of seborrhea.

The head must breathe. For this reason, there is no need to wear wigs or hats indoors. It is also recommended to wear them outdoors only in active open sun or sub-zero temperatures. To improve the condition, exercise and healthy sleep are necessary.

If you follow preventive rules along with a diet and an active lifestyle, you can alleviate the condition of oily seborrhea or speed up getting rid of it. It is important to treat not the symptoms, but the cause of the problem. After its elimination, seborrhea will disappear. However, due to lack of time and lack of understanding of the seriousness of the situation, treatment often ends with half measures, the use of medicated shampoo. But the effect of such an attitude often does not end positively. This is where numerous conversations originate that there are no effective remedies against the problem, and specialists cannot cure anyone.

Oily seborrhea can develop into dermatitis. One of its main dangers is infection. The ducts of the glands are completely clogged by peeling scales and clots of fat. This provokes inflammation of the gland, which spreads to the deeper layers of the skin. This contributes to the development of abscesses and boils.

It is difficult to heal from seborrhea; the process will take a lot of time, and more than one remedy will be required. You need to remember that you need care appropriate to your hair type. If the skin is oily, treating it with alcohol or aqueous medicinal compounds is mandatory. And it is also important to remember that it is important to start treatment on time in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Seborrhea is caused by:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor hygiene;
  • excessive consumption of spicy, salty, sweet foods;
  • puberty in adolescence;
  • diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • avitaminosis.

Normally, not all sebaceous glands are active at the same time. Various diseases associated with hormonal imbalance in the human body lead to increased production of sebum. Similar symptoms are also observed in adolescence. This is due to an increase in the number of sex hormones.

Main symptoms of oily dandruff

The pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • greasy hair;
  • skin itching;
  • keratinized, large, white crusts on the head;
  • severe hair loss;
  • oily skin of the face and scalp;
  • acne.

The sebaceous glands perform a protective function for the hair; they help moisturize the strands. With various hormonal imbalances, secretion increases sharply, and the oiliness of the scalp increases.

Due to the increased secretion of sebum, the keratinized crusts of the epithelium stick together, forming large flakes, and the hair quickly becomes oily. When the sebaceous glands are blocked, inflammation occurs, tissue suppuration occurs, and acne forms. The hydration of the strands is disrupted, and hair loss increases. In men, if seborrhea is not treated promptly, partial baldness may occur. The secretion of the glands forms a protective, antibacterial film on the scalp; if secretion is disrupted, the risk of developing fungal and inflammatory diseases increases.

How to remove oily dandruff?

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist. At the initial stage, the cause of the development of the pathology should be determined. If symptoms appear against the background of chronic diseases of internal organs, appropriate therapy should be carried out by specialized specialists. You may need to be examined by an andrologist, gynecologist, neurologist, or endocrinologist.

Comprehensive treatment of systemic diseases and hygiene procedures with special shampoos will help get rid of dandruff and hair loss. Patients are prescribed a special diet. Animal fats, spicy, smoked foods, and sweets should be excluded from the diet. The daily menu should include fermented milk products, dietary meats, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. Diet therapy will restore the deficiency of vitamins and minerals and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

For fungal skin infections and severe hair loss, it is recommended to take antimycotics in the form of ointments or tablets for oral administration. The most effective drug in this group today is Ketoconazole. This medicine is active against yeast-like fungi that cause seborrhea. Medication therapy is prescribed by a doctor (read about which ones are most effective).

Treatment at home

You can cure the symptoms of seborrhea at home using shampoos for oily hair:

1. Sulsena normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin and promotes the regeneration of the epidermis. Shampoo treatment is based on the antifungal effect of the substance selenium disulfide. The positive result of using the drug will be noticeable after 7 days, the resulting effect lasts for a long time.

2. Treatment can be carried out using Nizoral shampoo. This product contains the antimycotic Ketoconazole, which fights fungal skin diseases. Antiseptic components normalize the pH level and microflora of the epidermis. The course lasts 2–4 weeks.

3. Sebozole helps eliminate the cause of the disease and prevents relapses after completion of therapy. The drug is an antimycotic; it is enough to use it 2 times a week.

4. The dermatoprotective drug Skin-cap is successful in the treatment of seborrhea. The active substance is activated zinc pyrithione; this component has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The shampoo has a local effect in the upper layers of the epidermis and is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. Skin cap is recommended to be used 3 times a week for 14 days.

5. You can remove oily dandruff using Keto plus shampoo. This is an antifungal agent based on Ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the very cause of the pathology. The shampoo prevents skin flaking and fights pathogenic yeast-like microorganisms. The disease must be treated for 1 month, the hair should be washed 2-3 times a week.

6. Sebiprox shampoo. The main active ingredient is cyclopiroxolamine, which has a pronounced antifungal property and a wide range of antibacterial activity. For therapy, use 2 times a week for at least 14 days.

Therapeutic shampoos are applied to the head and massaged into the skin for 3–5 minutes. Then the product is thoroughly foamed and left for another 5 minutes. After this, the strands are washed with running water. You should carefully read the instructions, as the drugs have some contraindications for use.

The oily type of seborrhea must be treated comprehensively, taking into account internal malfunctions of the body and external manifestations of pathology. To prescribe therapy, a consultation with a dermatologist and laboratory tests are required. Taking medications, using shampoos, and adjusting your diet will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of flaking skin.
