What is the name of the Scottish Sheepdog. Collie or Scottish Sheepdog is a dog with self-respect. Rough Collie Care

It is unlikely that someone does not know the Scottish Shepherd. This breed is the heroine of popular television series, books and stories, otherwise it is also called Collie.

Collie's appearance cannot be confused with any other breed and it is not forgotten. The chic long hair makes them simply handsome and beauties, and many people remember the Scottish Shepherd named Lassie from childhood.

Historical facts

The collie dog breed has a similar appearance to the Shiloh Sheepdogs and herding dogs, and this is not surprising, because its history began in England. The ancestors of these quadrupeds were of the same type of appearance, a little squat and had a thick and shaggy coat.

Experts believe that the first livestock of shepherd dogs came to Scotland as a result of territorial conflicts with the British. The Scots, when attacking the Britons, took with them trophies, which included dogs. Here is a mixture of British and Scottish breeds that gave rise to the gene pool for modern collies.

These dogs had excellent working skills., but things were worse with the external appearance. There were strong differences in the color of the coat, the dogs differed in proportions and bone structure. More or less the breed was formed already closer to the seventeenth century, and they began to look more like modern animals. They became more squat, short, strong and shaggy.

In the eighteenth century, breeders began to actively work with the breed. They decided that the dogs needed to be made faster, hardier and more hardworking and added Scottish Setter blood to them. The cranium was also strengthened as a result of mating with the Irish Setter. Other external features, such as the length of the muzzle, height, etc., the Scottish Sheepdog received from crossing with Greyhounds. The result, of course, was good, but not without negative consequences.

As a rule, such consequences do not appear immediately. However, breeds that developed in the 18th and 19th centuries have a fairly large number of marriages and other hereditary diseases. An example is those individuals who have Borzoi blood in their genes. These specimens may have an irregular skull shape and a pure red color, which is considered a marriage. In view of that marriage, a separate breed was singled out, called the Rough Collie.

Gallery: Scottish Shepherd (25 photos)

Types of dogs and the history of their names

The history of the origin of the breed is rather confusing. In view of this, there is no clear answer about the origin of its name. One of the generally accepted versions is the origin of the English word "coal" - that is, jet black. Another version is the origin of the name from the profession "coal shepherd", or a shepherd of black-faced sheep. It is worth noting that the second version is less logical. According to international rules, the common name for the breed is the Scottish Sheepdog. It unites all these dogs according to certain characteristics. But, nevertheless, it is customary to distinguish between the types of these animals:

Sometimes on the forums of dog breeders you can find another unusual collie - marbled. She is a representative of the Australian breed or Aussie. This breed has a rather unusual color - blue merle, in which pigmentation is partial. It occurs in long-haired breeds and is extremely rare. There is also an Australian collie, the color of which is very rare - black-marble. They share some similarities with the Aussies..

Characteristics of the collie breed

It took many years to come to the breed standard, and only by 2011 was it finally accepted and used for most dogs belonging to this breed. One of the main controversial issues is the growth of pets:

  • in Russia, the standard for the growth of dogs is considered to be 60-69 centimeters;
  • in America, height from 56 to 61 centimeters may be allowed;
  • The international standard has approved a dog size of 51-61 centimeters.

Collies are powerful and slightly squat dogs. However, as a result of mating long-haired and short-haired breeds, they became taller and less wide.

Currently, it is necessary to rely on the standard approved by the FCI (that is, the international association of cynological federations). According to him, the height and weight of individuals depends on their gender.

For example, the growth of a male is 56-61 centimeters. And their weight varies from twenty to thirty kilograms. The bitch is a little smaller - by weight approximately 18-25 kilograms, and the height can be 51-56 centimeters.

The head of these dogs has a wedge-shaped shape, when viewed from above, it seems narrow and elongated. Cheeks and cheekbones are taut and look almost flat. The muzzle gradually narrows on the bridge of the nose to the nose, and if there are too sharp drops or the muzzle is too pointed, then this is considered a marriage of the breed. The lips are of medium thickness and fully pigmented. The teeth are even and symmetrical, with a correct bite.

A small nose should only be black. The eyes are quite expressive, intelligent and of medium size. Mostly brown in color, but rare blue merles can have a blue tint.

The ears are large, semi-erect, in the form of a regular triangle and quite large. When the ears stand too straight, it is considered a fault in the breed. In a calm state, they are slightly separated to the side, and when the dog is concentrated, they are turned forward.

The body is strong and muscular, well developed. The physique should be of medium type. Excessive thinness or fullness is not welcome and such animals are disqualified. In the stance, there is a beautiful bend of the neck, a pronounced scruff and withers. The tail of a collie is straight and slightly twisted at the end. It is covered with long and thick hair.

Collie dog breed and color

The coat of the Scottish Shepherd is thick and fluffy. If you look at the general parameters, then they are classified as long-haired dogs. The shortest hairs of wool cover the muzzle, paws below and ears. But on the chest and tail is a rich woolen cover. Their paint is divided into several groups:

  • sable - with this color there is a yellow-brown or red tint with white;
  • mahogany - the main shade is white, and wheat-golden or brownish-red is added;
  • tricolor - similar to the tortoiseshell color of cats, that is, there are black, white and brown shades (sable or mahogany);
  • blue merle is a rather rare color, where the main color is white, and tan is not completely dyed black and blue. Welcome, but not required. if yellowish tan is present.

It should be noted that white color should always be present. It should be located in the chest and neck, on the chin and paws, as well as at the tip of the tail. A longitudinal white mark on the muzzle may be allowed along the nose to the forehead.

Contents care for furry pets

Since the dog of this breed is quite fluffy, its coat requires special care. These pets need to be brushed regularly. But it is better not to use slickers, because they can spoil the appearance of the dog. They can be bathed two or three times a year with a gentle shampoo. In places where the hair is too long, you can trim it with scissors. So the pet will look more harmonious.

Collies are very active and need long walks and training. If you have time, then on the weekend it is better to get out into the park or forest. On other days, they need morning and evening walks at least. In the apartment they need a comfortable bed or mattress.

Small puppies are fed small meals six times a day. And by six months, puppies are transferred to three meals a day. When they turn one year old, it is enough to feed them twice a day. That is, it is morning and evening. Always have a bowl of clean water so that the pet can quench its thirst at any time.

The diet of these animals includes beef, lean chicken, offal, dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals, and vegetables. But foods such as poultry bones, pork, fatty and sweet foods, pasta, potatoes, spoiled or unripe vegetables and fruits, raw river fish should not be given. You can also choose dry food for your pet, which is suitable for long-haired dogs.

Average life expectancy of dogs This breed is ten to twelve years old.

These animals are very intelligent and must be taught the necessary commands. They lend themselves well to training and it is already possible to start training them starting from three months. Sometimes they can even perform certain tricks and bring slippers to the owner. To train a pet to do all this can either the owner himself or members of his family. The breed is non-aggressive, so you should not try to assign the function of a guard to it. Also, do not treat them roughly and aggressively. It is not allowed to beat and punish them.

Attention, only TODAY!

The collie dog breed is distinguished not only by its luxurious coat and unforgettable appearance. This long-haired shepherd dog has truly working qualities.

Appearance characteristics

In the photo of a collie dog, you can see large ears, expressive eyes, a narrow elongated muzzle, the bite is almost always correct, the eye shape is almond-shaped, the color is brown, red, even reddish.

The ears are predominantly triangular in shape, stand 2/3, and the tips hang down.

According to the type of coat color, the following types are distinguished:

  • Sable. The color of the coat is brownish-yellow, inside the downs are white.
  • Mahogany. Coat color - wheaten-gold or rich brown.
  • I vomit merle. The main color is white with admixtures of black and pockmarked shade.
  • Tricolor. Fur color is whitish, black and brown.

Character traits and training

Collie puppies are very energetic, active, mobile, they love to walk and play with their own kind. When a Border Collie dog grows up, its temperament changes. She becomes more restrained, but continues to be friendly to her relatives.

Without special need, the animal never attacks. Protecting his owner, the dog prefers to stand on the defensive, but not to attack.

A family pet is always attached to all family members, adopts the habits of its owner, tries to help with the housework, for example, takes out the trash, helps to pull out the rugs during cleaning. To strangers and children, they show a friendly attitude, without aggression.

The ability of a four-legged friend to train is very high. This breed of dog is the standard in obedience, learning speed. They can not only learn common commands, but also enjoy self-learning household chores (bring slippers, newspapers).

Modern collies have herding skills, just like their ancestors. The only disadvantage of keeping such an animal is too long hair, which must be carefully looked after.

Features of care and maintenance

Many collie owners prefer not to keep their pets in an aviary; in an apartment, it is also problematic to keep such an animal, since balls of wool will be everywhere.

It is best to purchase such a pet in a private yard, where you can provide him with the most comfortable living conditions.

Conditions of care involve regular combing of long hair, optimally - every other day. When the dog begins to shed, it should be brushed daily.

Water procedures are recommended for a pet in the warm season, since long hair dries for a very long time. In the cold season, in order to protect the animal's coat from pollution, it is recommended to use special dog outfits while walking.

It is very important to take good care of your dog's eyes. They need to be systematically examined, check visual acuity. Clean ears when dirty.

It is also necessary to systematically inspect the oral cavity, examine the teeth for chips and the presence of tartar. If there is a reddish coating or difficulty chewing, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

The ears should stand two-thirds, and the tips hang down slightly. During the change of the dentition, the ears do not fall.

Features of the diet

This dog breed needs special attention to its diet. You can not give food from the common table, it is also unacceptable to overfeed the animal.

If there are no allergic reactions, you can keep your pet on natural products.


The average life expectancy of a Collie dog is 12 to 16 years. Puppies need timely vaccination, they are often exposed to distemper and various intestinal infections.

There may also be problems with the vision of the animal. Sometimes there may be a congenital pathology such as deafness.

On the skin of representatives of this breed under long hair, various pathogens can live, which cause various diseases of the skin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your pet's coat and skin, to prevent the formation of fungi and dermatitis.

It is important to visit the veterinarian regularly for a thorough examination of the coat, ears, eyes and mouth of the animal. This will prevent any problems with the content.

When choosing such a pet for yourself, you need to remember that this noble breed is an excellent companion during hunting and fishing trips.

In addition, in families with small children, such an animal will become a favorite, it is non-aggressive, friendly to all family members.

Photo collie dog

Collie (Scottish Shepherd) is very smart and quick-witted, can be trained in any direction without difficulty, has a natural intelligence and can make decisions on his own, for which he is valued at work. Country of origin - UK.

Despite the name, collies are not strictly Scottish in origin. It was brought to this country as a ready-made breed, and here it only received further development and improvement. It is believed that her ancestors were English Shepherds, British Greyhound and Irish Setter.

The origin of the collie is a mystery, with at least two opposite versions. Some researchers say that the ancestors of the Scottish Shepherd were brought to Northern Europe by Roman legionnaires. Others claim that Britain already had its own shepherd dogs by that time. Most likely, the breed was formed due to the connection between the natives and the dogs of the conquerors.

The breed is very old and has more than 500 years of history. Until the middle of the 19th century, the collie was practically unknown in the world, but the journey of Queen Victoria in Scotland changed the fate of the breed. Fascinated by the intelligence and nobility of the Scottish Shepherd, the queen returned from a trip with several puppies, whose appearance at the residence, of course, did not go unnoticed.

Outstanding mental abilities and incredible working qualities soon made the collie very popular not only in England, but throughout the world. Officially, the breed was recognized in 1914, at the same time, dog breeders began an active selection, which was aimed at improving the exterior while maintaining working qualities.

Appearance and character

The large dog is very harmoniously built. The constitution is strong and dry.

  • The coat is long with a thick undercoat. The muzzle is elongated, gradually tapering towards the nose. Jaws are well developed, scissor bite. The eyes are almond-shaped and medium in size. Small ears, never fully erect, their tips hanging down slightly. The neck is long, the back is straight, and the croup is slightly lowered.
  • Musculature protruding, well developed. The limbs are dry, long. With their natural intelligence and incredible trainability, the collie has a well-deserved reputation as one of the smartest dogs in the world. This breed is distinguished by devotion, friendliness and affectionate disposition.

In a new place, the Scottish Shepherd, most often, adapts hard, so frequent moving or traveling in most cases is not desirable for them. A dog needs to be taught good behavior from childhood, as an adult, it lends itself to training worse and already has its own character. Collies are very fond of barking, with or without reason, this must also be taken into account when educating.

Purpose of the breed and training

Thanks to the natural data, the collie is not only an excellent shepherd, for which she was actually taken out, she can also be a rescuer and a guide. In many countries it is used as a working and guard dog. In urban environments, collies have proven to be excellent companion dogs and faithful companions.

Collies are very energetic and prefer an active pastime, but they do not mind a measured walk next to the owner. A docile and friendly collie is very devoted to the family. But keep in mind that these dogs are very sensitive, and as a result of rudeness or an indifferent attitude, they can become cowardly or embittered.

It is worth remembering that a collie puppy is not a toy. The dog does not recognize rough treatment and abuse. The best parenting methods are based on affection and fairness. The owner should be an example for the pet, a calm and self-confident person. With this dog, you don’t have to be too nice, it’s better to be persistent in the process of education.

Don't be afraid to punish your puppy. If the pet is guilty, immediately let him know that this cannot be done.

Remember - no violence. It is necessary to influence the animal with confidence and voice (not screaming). After punishment, try to create a situation where the collie can be praised.

Play with your puppy as often as possible. The most important period of the formation of the Scottish Shepherd lasts from a month to three. At this time, you need to establish a connection with the animal as best as possible, because this will largely determine your future relationship for life. In any case, playing with a collie is a real pleasure.

During this period - 1-3 months the puppy learns the world. Therefore, try to make more joint walks with the dog. It is better to choose places that are quieter, where the collie can be let off the leash without fear.

In the period of 3-6 months, the Scottish Shepherd puppy begins to acquire individual personality traits. At this time, problems associated with its development may appear. So treat your dog with respect. If you see that your pet is afraid of something, leave this training item for later. As a rule, a dog with a good heredity soon returns to normal.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to punish a collie immediately after an offense, and no matter how old the pet is. For example, if the puppy starts to lay its paws on you, you can lightly press down on its paw to return to its original position. Any situation that the Scottish Shepherd makes that is unpleasant for you should be associated with some kind of unpleasant sensation. This way of training leads to the fact that in the future the dog will do what brings him satisfaction.

In principle, the dog itself needs to define boundaries that cannot be crossed. And if you show collies these boundaries, then not only teach the dog, but also show yourself as an experienced educator, and, therefore, a leader. Usually, the punishment of the pet is limited to the voice, but in some cases it is allowed to lightly slap the dog on the rump. The animal will remember this lesson forever.

If a Scottish Shepherd puppy shows teeth, growls, pull yourself together. Here, the main thing is not to show that you are afraid. Do not leave the puppy, roll it over on its back and press it to the floor until the dog calms down. Thanks to this method, the dog will feel the confident hand of the owner without punishment.

Now let's figure out what to do if a collie puppy has bitten you. In this case, it is allowed to lightly hit the dog on the lower jaw. The dog will not be hurt, the blow will cause the mouth to snap shut and the teeth to clang against each other. And, it is an unpleasant clang that will serve the dog as a good lesson for the future.

Collie will feel great both in an apartment and in a private house, the main thing for her is attention, company and constant walks. They love children very much, treat them with special care and are always happy to play. Friendly to other animals in the house. Despite the fact that collies have a long and thick coat, caring for them is not laborious. It is advisable to comb the dog with a special comb once a week. During the shedding period, the undercoat is removed with a slicker brush. Particular attention should be paid to the hair behind the ears, on the neck, dewlap and on the hips.

Collies feel great in an apartment, but they will also be happy with a private house with a large yard. The main thing is that the family is always there and pays a lot of attention to the dog. Hair care is minimal. It needs to be brushed once a week. They bathe as needed, more often, during the molting period, then the dog needs to be combed out intensively, 3-4 times a week. Ears, as they become dirty, are wiped with a damp cotton swab. Nails sometimes need to be trimmed.


Collies are strong and healthy breeds. Nevertheless, a number of diseases typical for them are noted: retinal atrophy, torsion of the eyelid and congenital deafness.

Life expectancy is 13-15 years.

What to feed a collie

You can feed the Scottish Sheepdog in any of two ways: natural food or wet, dry food. When choosing the second option, you should know that it will be difficult to transfer the dog to another food in the future. If the food is natural, the diet should be well balanced and complete.

Of course, every person strives to find the ideal dietary solution from an economic and nutritional point of view. This will help you know about the products that the Scottish Shepherd should not be given. The animal is not recommended to give the following products:

  • raw river fish;
  • raw pork and lard;
  • fried potatoes;
  • flour products;
  • pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • peas.

Eliminate these foods from the planned diet, and it will be easier for you to create a collie menu. And don't forget your vitamin and mineral supplements.

Where to buy a collie puppy, pet price

A collie is not a frequent companion of a person who can be seen on the street. But this does not mean that few people are interested in the breed, and finding a collie puppy will cause serious difficulties. In fact, buying a collie is quite simple. In addition to specialized receivers, many breeders are engaged in breeding the Scottish Shepherd. And, if you need a pet, and not an eminent representative of the breed, the search is unlikely to drag on for a long time.

The price of a collie depends on the status of the puppy's parents. If you dream of attending exhibitions with a Scottish Shepherd, then you need to buy a dog with a pedigree, the price of such puppies starts from 15,000 rubles. A pet without a name will cost 7-10 tr. If you're lucky, you might get a purebred puppy for free. For example, if the breeder cannot sell the entire litter, then you may well get a grown puppy for a nominal fee.

You can feed the Scottish Sheepdog in any of two ways: natural food or wet, dry food. When choosing the second option, you should know that it will be difficult to transfer to another food in the future. If the food is natural, the diet should be well balanced and complete.


Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) Photos:

Collie - screen star, rescuer and friend

Collie or Scottish Shepherd has charm and acting gift, starred in movies and TV shows. For example, "Lassie", who made the dog a world star. A smart, good-natured and devoted dog will faithfully serve the owner, graze cattle and take care of small children.

The question of the origin of the collie is not fully understood. There are only a number of versions. According to one of them, the Romans brought dogs to England, and another says that collies already lived in this territory.

The ancestors of this ancient breed are considered to be the Old English Sheepdogs, and in the modern sense, a kind of shepherd dogs. Collies have been bred in their homeland of Scotland for a very long time, as loyal and hardy dogs. The breed of dog underwent significant selection work until the twentieth century, and now it has an admixture of Irish setters and Russian greyhounds, which gives the dogs a special playfulness and elegance.

After participating in British exhibitions, the collie became recognizable and spread throughout Europe. The date of approval of the official standard is 1881. Clubs of breed lovers began to open around the world already in the twentieth century.

In Russia, collie has received recognition and popularity for a long time. Representatives of the breed were orderlies during the Russo-Japanese War, when they were purchased from the British. During the Great Patriotic War, dogs delivered important reports and searched for mines.

World fame came to the collie from the hand of the English Queen Victoria, who kept several of these dogs at her court. Her love for these animals was passed on to her subjects.

Description and standard

Collie is a beautiful, large dog with an unusual appearance. The graceful animal belongs to the category of herding breeds. The constitution is dry and strong.

The muscular body is folded proportionally. The length of the body slightly exceeds the size at the withers. The line of the back is slightly curved. The tail is saber-shaped, hanging down in a normal, calm state. With strong pubescence and the tip bent to the top. The forelimbs with developed muscles are located close to one another. Rear - sinewy. Paws are rounded with closed fingers.

The head is correct, wedge-shaped in shape, elongated. In profile, the line of the muzzle and the contour of the skull are parallel. The muzzle smoothly narrows from the ears to the top of the nose. The end is rounded, blunt. Triangular ears are set high and slightly turned back. The dark lobe of the nose is large. Almond-shaped eyes are painted in dark colors. Collies have a normal, scissor bite and strong jaws.

The coat is long, even and dense. With straight and coarse outer hair and soft undercoat. At the tips of the ears, the hair is short and smooth, gradually lengthening towards the base. The forelegs are feathered, while the hind legs are feathered only in areas above the hocks. At the bottom of the hind limb, the coat is smooth.

The muzzle expresses a cheerful and at the same time cunning mood. The look is lively and a little mysterious.

The average height of Collie dogs is 55-60 cm, and the weight is about 30 kg. Females are noticeably smaller than males. On average, representatives of the breed live for 20 years.

Varieties of collies by type of coat

Three varieties of collie have been recorded:

  • Longhair

They are common in Europe and in Russia. Animals are covered with chic, soft wool, which has a different color. The most common are marble, tricolor, and many red options. White marks are present on the bloopers, muzzle and tail. A white collar serves as a mandatory decoration.

  • Shorthair

The history of the short-haired collie dog began only in 1974. The species has its own standard, but is not recognized as a separate breed. Their coat is coarser and shorter than that of long-haired dogs, and their temper is calmer.

  • American type

Collies of the American type are large and massive animals. They have a wide muzzle, and the color can be very diverse.

Color types

Three color variants are officially approved:

  1. Sable with inclusions of white. It can have a shade from slightly golden to mahogany. Light straw and cream tones should not be observed.
  2. Tricolor when the base color is black with rufous spots on the head and legs. Guard hair of rusty tones is not allowed.
  3. A blue merle aged in silvery blue with a splash of dark spots. Possible dark brown tan. The pattern is reminiscent of marble.

White markings are in all colors. It can be a white chest, collar, socks, a mark on the tip of the tail, sea and forehead.

What character

Collie is a dream of a calm, obedient and intelligent dog. She gets along well with children and can replace a nanny, become the most devoted, kind and gentle friend. Collies can be taken with you for a walk and to the country. A smart and cheerful dog adapts to the lifestyle of its owner. Dogs are emotional and curious.

The dog is strongly attached to the family and does not run away from home. Responsive and sensitive, Scottish Shepherds are able to anticipate the desires of their master. Collies are well trained and trained, have a good memory for memorizing commands. Animals love to please their owner. But you can't punish a collie. they have a strong sense of justice and pride. Rudeness, like loneliness, they do not tolerate.

The collie dog responsibly approaches the performance of the assigned work and unquestioningly listens to the owner. Representatives of the breed are not conflict and get along well with other animals and guests. In case of aggressive behavior towards the owner, they come to his defense. They react to suspicious strangers by barking without showing open aggression.

The shepherd instincts inherent in the genes are that they chase passing cars. Collies are energetic dogs and need long walks.

Collies are psychotherapists by nature, so they often live with lonely people. The dog perfectly copes with the task of a guide and is considered the best among other breeds in terms of intelligence. Representatives of the breed often carry guard duty. They correspond to service tasks in terms of intelligence and guarding instincts. Collie dogs are also good shepherds and companions.

The breed is unpretentious to living conditions, which was passed on to it from ancestors who worked on farms in Northern England and Scotland.

Collie is suitable for keeping in the house and in the apartment. The main thing is to ensure maximum stay in the fresh air. Dogs are resistant to cold and heat and do not need additional clothing. The undercoat traps air, which helps keep the dog cool or warm.

The corner for collies with bedding should be taken away from the radiator and drafts. Nearby in a bowl you need to keep fresh water.

Dog ears require attention and care. The auricles become overgrown with hair, which blocks the ear canals, and infection leads to complications. The coat needs to be trimmed, and the ears cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion. The use of water is not recommended to avoid infection. Eyes should be treated with eye lotion using a cotton swab.

Pet claws need to be cut once a month and hair cut between the fingers, where dirt sticks. The dog needs walks, games and training.

Hair care

The type of coat speaks eloquently about the health of the pet. Ideally, it is even and shiny. The gorgeous Collie coat requires regular brushing every week. A more frequent procedure can injure the coat. When shedding, collies will need to be brushed more often. For this, a comb with fine teeth, a slicker comb and a dog comb are suitable. When combing, the coat must be lifted.

Hard outer hair prevents tangles and tangles. More thoroughly comb the hair on the chest, behind the ears, in the tail area and on the hips. In these areas, the wool is much softer and looks like fluff.

When combing, the skin is massaged, which helps to strengthen the hair and better nutrition. To facilitate the operation, the wool is moistened with water or conditioner.

The beauty of the breed is that it does not have the traditional, unpleasant smell of "dog". Only when wet does the smell of "wet wool" appear. You will have to wash your dog often with special shampoos to care for this type of coat.


A pet from an early age must be taught to feed at a strictly defined time. After eating, the dog needs to rest for an hour.

You can use high quality food or natural food, but mixing them is not recommended. The initial choice in favor of one of the nutritional options must be adhered to constantly.

With a natural diet, vitamin complexes are added on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The main products for compiling the menu:

  • Cooked meat or offal
  • Milk products
  • Eggs and vegetables
  • Various cereals
  • Fish and seafood

Health status

Collies are strong animals with good health, but some diseases still happen:

  1. The most vulnerable eyes and vision
  2. Indigestion
  3. Dermatomyositis
  4. Hereditary predisposition to hip dysplasia
  5. Gray collie syndrome, when puppies die before 6 months of age
  6. Genetic pathologies associated with gene mutation. Such diseases cause a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in the level of cortisone, sensitivity to drugs. Genetic tests help identify and exclude dogs with such deviations.


Collie is not considered an expensive dog. The price is made up of a combination of factors that can increase it.

On average, they ask for about 45,000 rubles per dog. from a private trader and without a pedigree, a puppy can be purchased for 7-15 thousand rubles. elite nurseries set a starting price of 40,000 rubles, and small ones - from 20,000 rubles.

Dogs that are left without an owner for a long time are sold cheaper.

See also video

After the famous movie "Lassie" Scottish Shepherds became very popular. The breed gets along well with children and, despite the shepherd's genes, will be able to protect the owner. The appearance of a collie is deceptive and a serious service breed is hidden behind a cunning fox muzzle.

Breed characteristics

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

Collie gets its name from the Dutch word for "useful". The dog was used in Scotland as a sheep herder. Light and smart animals quickly coped with a herd of cattle and were useful in the economy. The herding instinct is not worse in modern collies, and they are used to breed new breeds. The group includes more than twenty different breeds that have been derived from the Scottish Sheepdog and local dogs. Among the world-famous varieties stand out: Sheltie, Cumberland Sheepdog, Smithfield, English Shepherd, Bearded Collie, etc.

Description of the shepherd dog

A light breed, with thin legs and an elongated muzzle, it is hardy and tolerates long transitions well. The dog is attached to his master and perceives his entire family as a pack that needs to be taken care of. The dog will not let the children scatter for a walk, but will closely monitor each. The breed is suitable as a guide for people with disabilities, as it has a stable psyche and can easily learn any commands. An active and light animal tolerates temperature changes well, suitable for keeping in an open aviary. According to the research of the famous dog handler and writer Stanley Coren, the breeds that make up the collie group are included in the top twenty. The first place among all in intelligence and devotion is occupied by the Border Collie.

Breed standard (appearance)

The dog of this breed is found in two types: short-haired and long-haired. Each has its own exterior features.

  • Head. Triangular in shape with an elongated muzzle, the transition from the forehead to the nose is smoothed.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped from light brown to black.
  • Ears. High-ranking, regular triangular shape. The tips of the ears should hang forward by ⅓. But the ears of puppies are delicate and if you constantly stroke the dog on the head, then the ears will stand up and it will be difficult to put them in the correct shape.
  • Tail. Straight saber-shaped, the tip is raised up. According to the standard, the tail should not twist into a ring.
  • Wool. Dense awn with fluffy and soft undercoat. In the longhaired breed, the coat is long and soft to the touch, the tail is more like a fox. There is a characteristic fringe on the paws. Smooth-haired has a thick and hard awn and thick undercoat. Wool fits snugly to the body and reliably protects the dog from humidity, cold wind, heat.
  • Colors. There are three types of coloring of Rough Collies: sable, tricolor and blue merle. The sable color can be from fiery red to light sandy. Tricolors have black and red markings on the head and legs, less often on the body. Blue merle or merle color is distinguished by a noble silver color with dark spots, black or gray. According to the exterior, marbled dogs should have red spots on the paws and head, but their absence is not considered a deviation from the norm. All three colors of the longhair breed have a chic white collar that can be solid or torn in one place, a tassel at the end of the tail and white socks on the paws. On the hind legs, only the very tips are painted white, the forepaws are highly colored, almost to the elbow.
  • Paws. Thin, tall, almost straight. The gait is calm with sweeping movements.
  • Back. Straight, no sag.
  • Growth at the withers. Males from 56 to 61 cm, females from 51 to 56 cm.
  • Weight of an adult dog. From 19 to 34 kg, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog.
  • Bite. Standard scissor. But due to the anatomical features of the muzzle, it bites the enemy with its front teeth. This helped the dog to pull the cattle out of the pit or failure without biting it.

Collie character

The breed includes several varieties of dogs that share common characteristics:

  • the shepherd dog is attached to its owner, but the cables try to dominate closer to a year and a half, so toughness of character is required in education;
  • the shepherd's instinct is in the blood of the animal, so the dog does not tolerate when her family disperse in different directions. Will run hard and gather the whole family while picking mushrooms, walking through the forest or park;
  • treat other animals in the house well. On the street he will not chase strangers, only in the most extreme cases, when he gets bored;
  • long-haired dogs are less active and do not like long games, short-haired ones, on the contrary, prefer to run and jump endlessly;
  • the breed is not suitable for keeping on a chain, since the breed needs to run at least 3 km per day;
  • loves water and with a desire to swim in open water in summer;
  • the dog perceives children well and will play various games with them, steadfastly endures grabbing its fluffy tail or hugging its long muzzle;
  • the dog is smart and remembers commands well, often the breed takes part in circus performances, they are suitable as a guide. A good choice for beginner hobbyists;
  • have a subtle instinct and are used to search for people under the rubble;
  • the dog has good endurance and is suitable as a companion for the elderly;
  • be wary of strangers, will monitor the attitude towards another person of the owner. If the owner shows complacency, then the dog calms down and even allows himself to be stroked;
  • a vindictive breed, remembers its offenders and can bite on the sly, after some time.

Collie will be a great friend for your child and brighten up the days of an elderly person, but the dog needs a daily walk without a leash. The average size and light shape make it possible to keep a dog, but before buying a puppy, you should consider the animal's thick undercoat. During shedding, dog hair will be everywhere, including the bed. Therefore, the breed is not suitable for lovers of perfect cleanliness in the house and people with a tendency to allergies.

Scottish Shepherd Care

A dog with thick and long hair requires special care:

  1. Once every two days, the animal's hair is combed with a special metal brush. During molting, combing the dog is required several times a day. A smooth-haired dog is also combed out with a special metal comb; a brush with natural bristles will not comb the soft undercoat.
  2. The fringe on the front paws, fluffy pants and the tail of a long-haired dog during walks constantly collects burdocks, string seeds, small sticks. After each walk, the paws and tail are cleaned.
  3. In the summer, ticks can get into the thick fur of the animal, so before walking the animal is treated with a special spray.
  4. Once a month for the dog, as the dog is active during walks and can damage the toes.
  5. Once a year, the coat is washed with a special mild shampoo. Long-haired dogs are additionally rinsed with a special detangling balm.
  6. Eyes and ears are wiped once every three days. For processing, any antiseptics are used.

Immediately after the appearance of the puppy in the house, a place is chosen for the couch. The rug should not be too soft or hard. When lying on a hard surface, the dog develops calluses on the elbows, which can fester and hurt.

Separately, a place is chosen for bowls for food and water. The bowls are installed on a special stand so that the dog does not have to bend down each time and wipe the floor near the bowls with a white collar.

Diseases and their prevention

Collie was bred for pastures and the dog has good immunity to various viral diseases. Up to 6 months the puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, distemper and enteritis. Additionally, a rabies vaccination is given annually.

The long-haired breed is prone to various skin diseases:

  • an allergic reaction to food, more often manifested in chicken, some types of cereals and vegetables;
  • staphylococcal skin infection. First of all, the ears of the animal suffer. As a preventive measure, constant care of the dog is necessary;
  • dermatitis against the background of too high temperature in the apartment. Treat with ointments: Ranosan, Baksinova, Diclorex

Your dog needs to be vaccinated once a year. The date of vaccination and the drugs used are recorded in the veterinary passport.

collie training

Collie is easy to train, and even an inexperienced hobbyist can teach a puppy the basic commands: Sit, Come, Fu. But immediately after the puppy appears in the house, a nickname is chosen for him. It is better to name a dog with a sonorous and common nickname. The puppy is accustomed to the nickname during games and feeding. When the dog begins to respond to the nickname, it is necessary to praise him. Collies are an emotional breed and any command given should be encouraged by your stormy reaction.

After the puppy learns basic commands and remembers his nickname well, he is recorded for OKD. In the main course, an experienced dog handler will show you how to properly teach a dog to walk next to the owner, to perform other basic commands.

Attention! A strict metal collar is not suitable for training the breed. It will damage the dog's chic white collar.

It will be useful:

    The puppy has a good appetite, but is prone to overeating. It is important to control the dosage of food. It is easier to feed the animal with ready-made dry food, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. According to owner reviews, the following brands of food are suitable for Collies: Vet Life Dog Hypoallergenic Egg & Rice, Vet Life Dog UltraHypo, medium adult sensitive skin.

    The dog's diet on regular food should include products:

    • sea ​​fish;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
    • offal and cartilage;
    • cereals: buckwheat, rice, hercules;
    • eggs;
    • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream.

    Should not be given to a dog potatoes, onions, chicken, fatty meats.

    Serving size depends on the age of the dog:

    • from 1 to 3 months - a portion of not more than 200 ml. Up to 5 feedings per day with a break of 3 hours. Complementary foods should be started with milk mixture and liquid porridge. By three months, they switch to porridge cooked in low-fat meat broth. Every day, one feeding is replaced by cottage cheese, kefir;
    • from 3 to 6 months - 3-4 feedings per day, 350-450 ml. Meat products, eggs are added to the diet;
    • from 6 months to 1 year - gradually the puppy is transferred to two meals a day. Offal, cartilage are added to the diet.

    For dogs on natural and mixed food, vitamins and minerals are added to the diet: Zoovit Balance, Brewer's yeast from Excel.


    collie photo

    The photo shows a sable color collie, with a predominant orange color. This color was used in the filming of the movie Lassie.

    Marble dogs look really aristocratic. Dogs are sleeker and smaller in size.

    A smooth-haired dog is much more active than its long-haired counterpart. The dog looks stocky and larger.
