How to burn extra calories in a day. How to quickly burn calories after eating

The process of losing weight is unthinkable without the constant burning of calories - this is the basis for acquiring an ideal figure. To burn calories, say nutritionists, sports coaches and doctors, you need to clearly understand what actions you need to take in order to succeed. Diet alone will not be able to fight years of fat deposits. And sports training, which is superimposed on overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, will not bring the effect that is expected. Therefore, don't waste your time. Find out what 3 areas to consider in order to lose weight. We will reveal 3 secrets on how to quickly burn calories and get the maximum effect at the same time - a toned body and radiant skin.

How to burn calories: 3 methods to work on your body

Please note that each of the three directions consists of small tips or recommendations on how to take control of your body in general and weight in particular.

Method #1 - Workouts to Accelerate the Calorie Burn Process

  1. High Intensity Interval Training

Doing high-intensity exercise for 40 seconds to several minutes is where to start. Breaks are taken between exercises - 1-2 minutes. The benefits of such training:

  • Increase the number of calories burned. The faster and more vigorously you train, the more fat will be burned. By increasing the intensity of your workout for just a couple of minutes, you can achieve quick, and best of all, tangible results.
  • Increase aerobic endurance - as the heart muscle strengthens during training, the intensity and duration of classes can be increased.
  • Workouts will gain variety and will not be boring and monotonous.
  • To get the best effect, you do not need additional equipment, you just need to gradually increase the intensity of the exercises.

Read also: How to use interval running to burn fat

  1. Pay attention to weights during exercise

If you only lift weights, calories will not be burned faster. But in conjunction with a cardio load, the results will double at least. Everything is quite simple: muscle growth accelerates, and metabolism accelerates accordingly. A fast enough metabolism helps burn calories.

Women are often wary of lifting weights, considering this type of training as a purely male. This myth only prevents full run process of burning calories and lose weight. Lifting small weights allow to burn more calories.

  1. Train intensively in order to speed up the metabolism and burn fat

Understand for themselves the need to run in an intense pace and strength training, it is only to build up the program of the session. In the center load balancing on the heart and muscles align:

  • Running + squats
  • Running sprints +
  • Running + pulling legs.
  1. Circuit Training for engaging more muscle tissue

The rate of calorie burning takes off at the top, when activated during exercise more muscles. That circuit training is under force. A yet greater effect is obtained when combining strength training with aerobics.

  1. Try to combine the types of training

Do not focus only on the run or the power load. There are other equally effective forms of: rowing, boxing, swimming, dancing.

See also: 8 good reasons to start to swim

A 45-minute swimming lessons will be able to get rid of 800 calories, and how much fun it gets more and your skin.

A ballet classes after only 60 minutes, get rid of 450 calories.

Choosing your sport, you are providing not only physical transformation but also emotional discharge.

  1. Look for a new kind of sport that will be the key to losing weight

When a simple running tired, jogging path already learned by heart, that you can with closed eyes without hitches to overcome obstacles, it is necessary to think about changing the type of activity. load changes and the type of training will awaken your brain and strengthen the body even more.

The body can adapt to the load, and, ultimately, will not get the proper result. It will be less than calories burned, muscles get used to the load and will not be further developed. Dilute running power load, weighting, obstacles. Or take a break and radically change the approach.

Changes in diet - method №2

  1. Always drink green tea

Green tea is known for the properties of the fight against cancer cells. In addition, it speeds up the metabolism and successfully displays the accumulated toxins.

  1. Carry a water bottle - consume sufficient liquid

More recently, scientists have found that after a drink 17 ml of water (cold not boiled), the metabolism is accelerated by 40%. And what is important, the metabolism will be held in such positions throughout the 30 minutes. Just one and a half liters a day of cold water will keep you on the difficult path of burning calories.

Try a little trick your body by drinking a glass of water before a meal - it will save from overeating.

  1. Emphasis on dairy products

In one of the journals Obesity published the results of research on the use of low-fat dairy products. Women who ate low-fat yogurt and other dairy products three times a day, quickly get rid of body fat. They got rid of more than 70% fat, as opposed to women who only occasionally eat dairy products.

  1. Eat different kinds of fish

It turns out that the fish is able to reduce leptin levels (controls hunger) - which promotes proper metabolism. Just one piece of fish a day - and weight control is provided. This can be mackerel, tuna, salmon.

Fish can serve as an excellent substitute for other products more hazardous and contributing to obesity. Marine fish low calorie and enriches the body of omega-3 fatty acids.

See also: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: the ratio has a value

  1. Eat more fiber

Food that contains more fat than carbohydrate for longer stays in the stomach and needed more time to digest it. Accordingly, the feeling of fullness lasts longer than after consuming some carbohydrates.

What to lean: asparagus, spinach, cauliflower - contain vast reserves of fat.

  1. Do not forget about protein - they just need the body

Do not eat nothing but protein, but not do without them - the contradiction that on the agenda of many nutritionists. What to choose: a protein abundance or completely abandon it?

A small amount of protein every day to stabilize the metabolism and accelerates the burning of calories. The amount of protein consumed per day should not exceed 30% of the total diet. Choose foods with proteins, which are valuable for the body: lean meat, soy, beans, low-fat dairy products.


Change from a personal car or public transport on a bicycle - the best way to keep fit, even without going to the gym. In large cities have many do - not only care about the health, but also a way to quickly get to work, when one roads cork.

Go to the next stop

Ride to work by bike, of course, useful for the figure. But not all such variant approaches. We'll have to get up very early to get to the office if it is located on the other side of town.

Well, there's an easier way to burn calories, carrying a minimum of movements - walk to the bus stop, which is located at 1-2 on the one where you usually wait for transport. Already coming to work? Get off at the stop later to walk on foot to the house.

Stairs instead of the elevator

Walk up the stairs is very useful for weight loss - spooled thighs and buttocks! If not in a hurry, take it a habit not to cause the elevator and go up and down stairs.

Down with the bad habit of eating in front of TV

Bad habit of many - combine eating with watching TV. In order to be in good shape, better than it goodbye!

American scientists have conducted studies showing that eating in front of the TV leads to the consumption of up to 300 more calories than if you ate without background noise. Therefore, remove the TV from the kitchen and in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the taste of food flavor.

Of course, it is not necessary to arrange at home freezer. But if it is possible, often the air conditioner to cool was in the premises. The body will have to warm up, spending this extra calories - a little, but it will be quite as "aid" to the diet are you observe.

Talking on the phone and go

The main cause of excess weight - too passive lifestyle. Change the usual daily routine will be difficult - especially if you have a sedentary job. To be more active, start small - walk around the room when talking on the phone. This is a great and not "straining" the way some exercise at work - a kind of alternative to charging.

Whether on the phone talking to a business partner or a friend, do not sit on the site - go!

Sit on the floor, and do not lie on the couch

And how do you spend your free evenings? If you're lying on the couch and watch TV, it's time to throw the bad habits - burning calories is not exactly contribute!

Instead of stretching out on the couch watching your favorite show, sit on the floor. The muscles in this case continue to work, albeit in a minimal mode - maintaining a straight back, bending and unbending the legs to take a more comfortable posture on a hard surface. In addition, getting up from the floor will require more effort than if you got up from the couch - consider that you have burned a couple of dozen calories.

hide the remote

Advice in addition to the previous one. Make an effort to change channels while watching TV! You will have to permanently remove the remote control. Now, in order to watch another program, you have to get up from the floor, walk around the room to the TV, then back. It turns out a good alternative to squats.

Do a spring cleaning to burn calories

A thorough cleaning of the house can burn several hundred calories. Constant inclination, lifting of on tiptoes, squats - virtually full employment in the gym!

Of course, to clean all utensils, wash the windows and wash the floors is not so easy - certainly it takes a lot of time. If you don’t have an extra couple of hours, at least wipe the dust on the cabinets - a few ups and downs from the chair will also become a little exercise for the muscles.

Eat often but little

Established eating habits are hard to change. For a person who has never denied himself any food, overnight it will be unrealistic to “change” to low-calorie foods. Let's start small - eat often, but at the same time significantly reduce the number of servings.

Nutritionists agree that weight loss is guaranteed if you eat small amounts of food. The metabolism is accelerated when small portions of food are constantly supplied to the digestive system - the body will spend calories on its digestion.

Agree, it is easy to get up 3-5 minutes earlier than usual. Spend the “saved” time on a couple of physical exercises - if not a full charge, but at least a couple of dozen calories will part and recharge your batteries for a productive day.

And you don’t even have to strain hard - the simplest exercises can be done while lying in bed. Rotate the feet "bicycle", pull, tilt the chin several times in the chest, wave your hands.

Eat spicy food

If there are no stomach problems, add hot spices to your diet. This is a good way not only to improve the taste and aroma of the dish, but also to speed up the metabolism and burn extra calories.

Hot spicy food invigorates and warms. The heat organism consumes, burning calories. What a delicious weight loss.

Next to the garden!

Spend a little time at the cottage? Very vain, because it is a great place for a "fitness." Vypalyvaya weeds 20-30 minutes, you will burn at least 100 calories, planting a sapling - 80 kcal. The fitness is not?

And if such accomplishments do not have time, at least in the country have planted a small flower bed of flowers or ornamental shrubs. For favorite plants will have to take care of - clean up weeds, crop, pour fertilizer. This exciting, and most importantly - useful for the figure, the occupation!

Dangled his legs and bustle

It turns out that if you are constantly fidget, wiggle arms and pull, it's not so bad. Maybe you look nervous, yet so your body is constantly moving. A movement - it is burning calories. This additional activity you can burn up to three hundred and fifty extra calories a day. This has been proved by scientists. If you sit all day, swinging his legs and still somehow moving, you burn about six hundred calories more than if you just sit still. If you stand and move your body, you are spending more on nine hundred and fifty calories. In short, swinging her legs, swing the knee or knock your fingers, it is useful for the figure! Just remember that it may not always be appropriate - for example, in the interview it would be a sign that you are too worried. In normal everyday situations it will be quite possible, so do not be afraid.


When you cry bitterly, it may seem that your whole body is involved. During stressful moments your heart starts beating faster. But if it helps to burn calories? Surprisingly, the answer is - yes. No matter for what reason you cry, it burns the same amount of extra calories, how much and laugh - 1.3 per minute. It turns out that even in the mourning has something positive. However, exercise burn ten times more calories. However, after breaking up you will not want to go to the gym - in such a situation and can succumb to tears. Even if you will be incredibly sad, at least you get rid of calories. Perhaps it is even a little consolation to you!


Laughter is a mini workout for your body. During your heart starts to beat faster, which causes the blood to circulate in large volumes. Due to this, calories are burned - your heart rate increases by ten to twenty percent, which means that your metabolism also grows. Even if you stop laughing, the calories continue to burn for a while. Studies show that laughter for ten to fifteen minutes burns up to forty calories. This is enough to lose up to two kilograms in a year. If you laugh intensely, you get quite an effective workout. It has been scientifically proven, so laugh more often! Watch a comedy if you don’t have the energy to train – this will allow you to at least make up for a missed session.

Have sex

Researchers have found that sex helps burn enough calories. Men burn an average of about a hundred calories during one act, and women - about seventy. However, this is data for an hour, and the act usually takes no more than twenty-five minutes. The more time you spend actively having sex, the more calories you burn. If you're wondering how scientists knew about this, well, here's the answer: they used scientific equipment to measure the pulse. You can do the same at home - use your fitness bracelet that monitors your heart rate. Then you will know how many calories you burn during contact.


It turns out that chewing can also burn calories. Many muscles in the jaws are used for chewing. Together with the ingestion and digestion, food consumption process burns a hundred and forty calories per hour. Some foods are known for burning calories. For example, studies have shown that hot peppers speed up the metabolic rate, allowing you to get rid of hundreds of extra calories. Chewing gum will save you eleven calories in an hour. That's twenty percent more than you would burn if you just sat still in a chair. Turns out, sometimes even eating can be a way to burn calories!

Go shopping

If you at least once came home with fatigue after shopping, surprise: the more you buy, the more you have to carry, and it burns extra calories. In addition, a leisurely stroll to the shops for an hour burns two hundreds of calories in the average weight of a person. If you go fast, you will spend more energy. However, one should keep in mind that keep walking while shopping will not work, but even standing in line, you burn calories. Expanding buying a home, you also get rid of excess weight. In short, do not feel guilty if you love watching and shopping, just stay away from the cafe, which is also lacking in the shopping malls. They rarely healthy food, so that all the energy you spent there and then comes back, and the fast of fat and carbohydrates!


Drink more water, the colder the better. According to studies, drinking several liters of cold water per day allows you to burn almost hundred twenty-five calories. This is because your body will have to warm up after such a drink. On the other hand, drinking can add calories, if you choose the wrong drinks. In short, do not drink cold drinks - it will not do any good for your figure, because they contain a lot of sugar, and alcohol is not conducive to weight loss.


Having fun, you also burn calories. If you watch TV or read, you get rid of thirty-five calories per hour. If you have to solve Sudoku puzzles, or other, you get rid of power three times more efficient! If you decide to take an active games outdoors, your metabolism speeds: just twenty minutes of games with the kids, you can get rid of almost hundreds of calories. Cathay stroller, you can burn a hundred and fifty calories. What would you do in the company of a child, a pet, or a group of friends, in any case you spend enough energy!


You will surely enjoy this news! It turns out that while you sleep, you also burn calories rapidly. Your body performs many different functions, while you relax - restores cells, renews tissue gets rid of toxins. Most people do not get enough sleep enough, so try to sleep eight hours a day is very important. During the night of rest you get rid of an impressive number of calories - as much as five hundred. A short nap in the afternoon will allow to burn no more than thirty calories, so to call it effective will be much more difficult.

burn effectively

Perhaps you already understand the logic - the more active you live, the more energy you spend. Talk, dance, eat, have sex, and then sleep - it can afford to burn a thousand calories! Is not that something that should strive for? In short, move more, do what gives you pleasure. It may not be less effective than exercise, if you are while still practice a healthy diet. If you are active, you can improve your figure to give vivid emotions and enjoying life!

How to burn 1000 calories: running

Running - the easiest and most effective way to burn calories. If you run at a moderate pace, then to burn 1000 calories, have to run 2.5 hours. To be most effective to run better on rough terrain or run uphill - so the calories consumed more intensively.

To lose weight at the expense of fat during exercise, try to keep the heart rate in the fat burning zone - is 60-70% of maximum heart rate. To do this, it is best to use special trackers.

Running burns:

450 kcal - 1 hour

1000 kcal - 2.5 hours

How to burn 1000 calories: cycling

Organize "pokatushki" with friends. In addition, it will spend calories, you train the legs and relieve tension with the knee. To burn 1,000 calories have to skate 3 hours 42 minutes.

Biking burns:

270 kcal - 1:00

1000 kcal - 3 hours 42 minutes

How to burn 1000 calories: jump rope

Jumping rope - a very effective cardio training. Execute them it is possible not only outside, but also at home. Consumption of calories depends on the intensity of the exercise, and weight. The average consumption is 9 calories per 1 kg body weight. So consider: 1 hour and weighs 60 kg, you spend about 600 calories. So, in order to burn 1000 calories, it is necessary to jump 1.5 hours. But you will have buttocks tightened, the trained muscles of the back, abdomen and arms.

Jumping rope burn:

600 kcal - 1 hour

1000 kcal - 1 hours 36 minutes

How to burn 1000 calories: Burpee

Burpee is considered one of the most efficient cardio. Doing them, you engage all the muscles of the body. One Burpee 1.4 allows you to burn calories. To burn 1000 calories, you need to perform 714 Burpee. Not an easy task! But add Burpee in regular exercise - and you will burn calories more efficiently. A 10-minute performance Burpee can burn about 140 calories.

Burpee burns:

1.4 kcal - 1 Burpee

1000 kcal - 714 Burpee

All day addicted to cookies, and think now how to burn calories without going to the room? Together with a personal trainer Julia Pogotskoy BeautyHack compiled a list of tips unexpected.


To burn calories, not necessarily move. You can just stand there! Not long ago, Dr. Buckley and a group of scientists at the University of Chester in England conducted a study, which was attended by 10 participants. During the day, the subjects stood for three hours a day. Their physiological parameters were recorded using special devices.

It turned out that the standing heart rate increases by 10 beats, which burned 0.7 more calories than if you were sitting or lying down. Standing position helps strengthen the muscular system, to give tone and elasticity of the muscles seizing.

"Standing burns more calories, but also the power consumption can be doubled if the exercise in parallel to the press" vacuum ". Observe technique: hold the breath in a deep breath, exhale maximally stomach to press down and hold the edges of at least 5 seconds, "- advises Julia.

Delivers dirty "hut"

Any domestic activity - a good alternative to cardio training. Cleaning the apartment can easily be combined with exercise. If vacuuming, alternately lunging to the right and left foot, for 30 minutes burns more than 100 calories.

"Cleaning - good cardio. When washing the floor discard the swab and make it poluprisyade, straining buttocks. If the extension-flexion are contraindicated, pull on the leg weights to increase the load. "

Daily doping - shopping

Eating extra bun, it's time to go for new clothes. Scientists estimate that over one trip to the mall burns about 300 calories, or one piece of cheesecake dessert equivalent.

"Women and expensive, but really working method for preventing excess body fat, - says Julia. - Do not pass the fitting - the more dresses you wear and take off, the more calories you will spend. "


For an hour reading aloud burned 112 calories. And if you enjoy the book in a hammock, this figure will increase up to 300! In the absence of a solid support, all the muscles of the body are in tension, which requires additional energy.

“Reading can be combined with the study of the muscles of the press. To do this, alternately raise your legs up. You can perform the exercise "bike" or "scissors". A great option is to read in the bar for 30 seconds. When it is performed, all muscle groups are involved, ”says Yulia.

Food, get ready!

If you are not in the habit of tasting food while cooking, this is an ideal way to increase the energy consumption of the body. One simple meal (like pasta) is 102 calories burned. The main thing is not to overdo it with tasting.

“You can cook food on half-bent legs - this allows you to work out the lower body well. Try to fix your back against the wall, sit down and peel the vegetables in this position. Good load on the buttocks. Weights can be put on the arms to work out the biceps and triceps during cutting.

Nightmares and horrors

Watching an hour and a half horror movie can burn almost 200 calories. Scientists at the University of Wesminster observed a control group of participants who watched horror movies. The subjects experienced an increased heart rate, an increase in heart rate, and an adrenaline rush. Together, this speeds up the metabolism and increases the energy consumption of the body. Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining turned out to be the most "disastrous" for calories. In second place - "Jaws". Watching it can burn 161 calories.

“Adrenaline really helps burn calories. But if you watch horror with a package of chips, there will be no effect. I would advise watching comedies - and it's more pleasant, and the abdominal muscles work at 100%, ”Julia sums up.

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Perhaps calories are the topic that interests people most often. Many patients ask doctors about how to burn them as much as possible. In fact, the secret is simple: every minute your body is constantly wasting energy. The amount of this energy depends on your age, weight, gender and activity level. Either way, your body needs a certain number of calories daily to keep up vital functions and simply exist. This indicator is basic. Of course, you probably want to burn as much as possible. It turns out that there are some very surprising ways to achieve this.

Dangled his legs and bustle

It turns out that if you constantly fuss, move your arms and twitch, it's not so bad. You may look nervous, but this is how your body is constantly moving. And movement is burning calories. With this extra activity, you can burn up to three hundred and fifty extra calories a day. This has been proven by scientists. If you sit all day, dangling your legs or otherwise moving around, you burn six hundred more calories than if you just sit still. If you stand and move, you burn nine hundred and fifty more calories. In a word, dangle your legs, swing your knee or tap your fingers, it's good for the figure! Just remember that this may not always be appropriate - for example, in an interview it will be a sign that you are too worried. In normal everyday situations, this will be perfectly acceptable, so do not be afraid.


When you cry bitterly, it may seem that your whole body is involved. During stressful moments your heart starts beating faster. But if it helps to burn calories? Surprisingly, the answer is - yes. No matter for what reason you cry, it burns the same amount of extra calories, how much and laugh - 1.3 per minute. It turns out that even in the mourning has something positive. However, exercise burn ten times more calories. However, after breaking up you will not want to go to the gym - in such a situation and can succumb to tears. Even if you will be incredibly sad, at least you get rid of calories. Perhaps it is even a little consolation to you!


Laughter is a mini workout for your body. In the process, your heart begins to beat faster, which causes the blood to circulate in greater volumes. Due to this, calories are burned - your heart rate increases by ten to twenty percent, which means that your metabolism also grows. Even if you stop laughing, the calories continue to burn for a while. Studies show that laughing for ten to fifteen minutes burns up to forty calories. This is enough to lose up to two kilograms in a year. If you laugh intensely, you get quite an effective workout. It has been scientifically proven, so laugh more often! Watch a comedy if you don’t have the strength to train - this will allow you to at least make up for a missed session.

Have sex

Researchers have found that sex helps burn enough calories. Men burn an average of about a hundred calories during one act, and women - about seventy. However, this is data for an hour, and the act usually takes no more than twenty-five minutes. The more time you spend actively having sex, the more calories you burn. If you're wondering how scientists knew about this, well, here's the answer: they used scientific equipment to measure the pulse. You can do the same at home - use your fitness bracelet that monitors your heart rate. Then you will know how many calories you burn during contact.


It turns out that chewing can also burn calories. Many muscles in the jaws are used for chewing. Together with the ingestion and digestion, food consumption process burns a hundred and forty calories per hour. Some foods are known for burning calories. For example, studies have shown that hot peppers speed up the metabolic rate, allowing you to get rid of hundreds of extra calories. Chewing gum will save you eleven calories in an hour. That's twenty percent more than you would burn if you just sat still in a chair. Turns out, sometimes even eating can be a way to burn calories!

Go shopping

If you at least once came home with fatigue after shopping, surprise: the more you buy, the more you have to carry, and it burns extra calories. In addition, a leisurely stroll to the shops for an hour burns two hundreds of calories in the average weight of a person. If you go fast, you will spend more energy. However, one should keep in mind that keep walking while shopping will not work, but even standing in line, you burn calories. Expanding buying a home, you also get rid of excess weight. In short, do not feel guilty if you love watching and shopping, just stay away from the cafe, which is also lacking in the shopping malls. They rarely healthy food, so that all the energy you spent there and then comes back, and the fast of fat and carbohydrates!


Drink more water, the colder the better. According to studies, drinking several liters of cold water per day allows you to burn almost hundred twenty-five calories. This is because your body will have to warm up after such a drink. On the other hand, drinking can add calories, if you choose the wrong drinks. In short, do not drink cold drinks - it will not do any good for your figure, because they contain a lot of sugar, and alcohol is not conducive to weight loss.


Having fun, you also burn calories. If you watch TV or read, you get rid of thirty-five calories per hour. If you have to solve Sudoku puzzles, or other, you get rid of power three times more efficient! If you decide to take an active games outdoors, your metabolism speeds: just twenty minutes of games with the kids, you can get rid of almost hundreds of calories. Cathay stroller, you can burn a hundred and fifty calories. What would you do in the company of a child, a pet, or a group of friends, in any case you spend enough energy!


You will surely enjoy this news! It turns out that while you sleep, you also burn calories rapidly. Your body performs many different functions, while you relax - restores cells, renews tissue gets rid of toxins. Most people do not get enough sleep enough, so try to sleep eight hours a day is very important. During the night of rest you get rid of an impressive number of calories - as much as five hundred. A short nap in the afternoon will allow to burn no more than thirty calories, so to call it effective will be much more difficult.

burn effectively

Perhaps you already understand the logic - the more active you live, the more energy you spend. Talk, dance, eat, have sex, and then sleep - it can afford to burn a thousand calories! Is not that something that should strive for? In short, move more, do what gives you pleasure. It may not be less effective than exercise, if you are while still practice a healthy diet. If you are active, you can improve your figure to give vivid emotions and enjoying life!

Every time I study the energy content of various foods (especially tasty ones), I am amazed at the glaring imbalance between the rapid accumulation of calories and their terribly slow burning. We can eat just one tiny chocolate bar without even noticing this process, and then pay for long hours in the gym for this little pleasure. It is enough just to sit at the festive table once, and after that you will have to register for the nearest one for a long time. No, this is terribly unfair! But there is a way out of this situation.

1. Stairs and burpees

There is no better way to get a full body workout than interval training. Combine exercises of different intensity for maximum results in the shortest time. For example, try going up the stairs, doing a few burpees at the top, and then going down. Repeat this for 10 minutes.

2. Climbing

You can walk and run quite successfully on level ground, but when you try to climb up a sheer wall, you will find that this is quite a difficult task. This will not only help you burn about 118 kilocalories in 10 minutes, but also show how important your extra weight really is.

3. Exercise bike

An intense workout on the machine, which includes segments of normal intensity and sprints, will help you burn 139 kilocalories in 10 minutes.

4. Football

You won't expend a lot of energy just standing on the pitch, but intense tackling, acceleration and dribbling will deprive you of 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. It is also great because it includes many different movements not only for the legs, but also for other muscle groups.

5. Dumbbells

Simple dumbbell exercises performed at the maximum intensity level can load you in 10 minutes almost like a long workout. Various jumps and swings with weights will help not only to lose extra pounds, but also to gain beautiful muscles.

6. Skipping rope

There is no better way to get your heart rate up without leaving your seat than by jumping rope. If you do this even at a moderate pace (this is when you can still talk in the process), then your body will lose about 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Of course, many people will not be able to jump for that long, so try doing it for 40 seconds, and then rest for 20 seconds. And so 10 times in a row.

7. Step

Step aerobics is still one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories in a small amount of time - up to 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. This is intense aerobics using any stand imitating a step. The movements performed during the training process are completely natural and accessible to anyone, regardless of health status and level of training. In addition, this type of physical activity does not require expensive equipment - it can be easily done at home.

8. Jumping

You won't need any plyometrics equipment at all, but with them, you can lose about 100 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and speed. One of the main exercises of this technique is the deep jump.

9. Martial arts

You may not be a great fighter, but heavy punching with a punching bag will take you 107 kilocalories in just 10 minutes. Want even more results? Then put on gloves with weighting agents and you can leave up to 300 kilocalories in the gym in 22 minutes.

10. Acceleration

If you're already into a sport but feel like you're not making progress, then try adding speed intervals to your regular workout. Find a hill and run up it while jogging, try to swim as fast as possible during a pool workout, or speed up while skating. Make sure that small bursts of high intensity are followed by small bursts of rest, as outlined in the tabata protocol.

The only way to lose those extra pounds without harm to your health is to adjust your diet and exercise regularly. But what if you don't always have time to spend at least an hour in the gym?

Then, in order to burn calories, you will have to slightly change your usual daily routine. Add more movement to your daily routine!

Change from a personal car or public transport on a bicycle - the best way to keep fit, even without going to the gym. In large cities have many do - not only care about the health, but also a way to quickly get to work, when one roads cork.

Go to the next stop

Ride to work by bike, of course, useful for the figure. But not all such variant approaches. We'll have to get up very early to get to the office if it is located on the other side of town.

Well, there's an easier way to burn calories, carrying a minimum of movements - walk to the bus stop, which is located at 1-2 on the one where you usually wait for transport. Already coming to work? Get off at the stop later to walk on foot to the house.

Stairs instead of the elevator

Walk up the stairs is very useful for weight loss - spooled thighs and buttocks! If not in a hurry, take it a habit not to cause the elevator and go up and down stairs.

Down with the bad habit of eating in front of TV

Bad habit of many - combine eating with watching TV. In order to be in good shape, better than it goodbye!

American scientists have conducted studies showing that eating in front of the TV leads to the consumption of up to 300 more calories than if you ate without background noise. Therefore, remove the TV from the kitchen and in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the taste of food flavor.

Of course, it is not necessary to arrange at home freezer. But if it is possible, often the air conditioner to cool was in the premises. The body will have to warm up, spending this extra calories - a little, but it will be quite as "aid" to the diet are you observe.

Talking on the phone and go

The main cause of excess weight - too passive lifestyle. Change the usual daily routine will be difficult - especially if you have a sedentary job. To be more active, start small - walk around the room when talking on the phone. This is a great and not "straining" the way some exercise at work - a kind of alternative to charging.

Whether on the phone talking to a business partner or a friend, do not sit on the site - go!

Sit on the floor, and do not lie on the couch

And how do you spend your free evenings? If you're lying on the couch and watch TV, it's time to throw the bad habits - burning calories is not exactly contribute!

Instead of stretching out on the couch watching your favorite show, sit on the floor. The muscles in this case continue to work, albeit in a minimal mode - maintaining a straight back, bending and unbending the legs to take a more comfortable posture on a hard surface. In addition, getting up from the floor will require more effort than if you got up from the couch - consider that you have burned a couple of dozen calories.

hide the remote

Advice in addition to the previous one. Make an effort to change channels while watching TV! You will have to permanently remove the remote control. Now, in order to watch another program, you have to get up from the floor, walk around the room to the TV, then back. It turns out a good alternative to squats.

Do a spring cleaning to burn calories

A thorough cleaning of the house can burn several hundred calories. Constant inclination, lifting of on tiptoes, squats - virtually full employment in the gym!

Of course, to clean all utensils, wash the windows and wash the floors is not so easy - certainly it takes a lot of time. If you don’t have an extra couple of hours, at least wipe the dust on the cabinets - a few ups and downs from the chair will also become a little exercise for the muscles.

Eat often but little

Established eating habits are hard to change. For a person who has never denied himself any food, overnight it will be unrealistic to “change” to low-calorie foods. Let's start small - eat often, but at the same time significantly reduce the number of servings.

Nutritionists agree that weight loss is guaranteed if you eat small amounts of food. The metabolism is accelerated when small portions of food are constantly supplied to the digestive system - the body will spend calories on its digestion.

Agree, it is easy to get up 3-5 minutes earlier than usual. Spend the “saved” time on a couple of physical exercises - if not a full charge, but at least a couple of dozen calories will part and recharge your batteries for a productive day.

And you don’t even have to strain hard - the simplest exercises can be done while lying in bed. Rotate the feet "bicycle", pull, tilt the chin several times in the chest, wave your hands.

Eat spicy food

If there are no stomach problems, add hot spices to your diet. This is a good way not only to improve the taste and aroma of the dish, but also to speed up the metabolism and burn extra calories.

Hot spicy food invigorates and warms. The heat organism consumes, burning calories. What a delicious weight loss.

Next to the garden!

Spend a little time at the cottage? Very vain, because it is a great place for a "fitness." Vypalyvaya weeds 20-30 minutes, you will burn at least 100 calories, planting a sapling - 80 kcal. The fitness is not?

And if such accomplishments do not have time, at least in the country have planted a small flower bed of flowers or ornamental shrubs. For favorite plants will have to take care of - clean up weeds, crop, pour fertilizer. This exciting, and most importantly - useful for the figure, the occupation!


To burn calories, not necessarily move. You can just stand there! Not long ago, Dr. Buckley and a group of scientists at the University of Chester in England conducted a study, which was attended by 10 participants. During the day, the subjects stood for three hours a day. Their physiological parameters were recorded using special devices.

It turned out that the standing heart rate increases by 10 beats, which burned 0.7 more calories than if you were sitting or lying down. Standing position helps strengthen the muscular system, to give tone and elasticity of the muscles seizing.

“Much more calories are burned while standing, but these energy costs can be doubled if you simultaneously perform an exercise on the “vacuum” press. Follow the technique: hold your breath while taking a deep breath, while exhaling, press your stomach to the ribs as much as possible and hold for at least 5 seconds, ”Julia advises.

Delivers dirty "hut"

Any activity at home is a good alternative to cardio. Cleaning the apartment can easily be combined with exercise. If you vacuum, alternately lunging on your right and left legs, more than 100 calories are burned in 30 minutes.

“Cleaning is a good cardio workout. While cleaning the floor, give up the mop and do it in a half-squat, straining your buttocks. If extension-flexion is contraindicated, put weights on your legs to increase the load.

Daily doping - shopping

Eating extra bun, it's time to go for new clothes. Scientists estimate that over one trip to the mall burns about 300 calories, or one piece of cheesecake dessert equivalent.

“Feminine and costly, but really working way to prevent excess body fat,” says Yulia. “Don’t walk past the fitting rooms—the more dresses you put on and take off, the more calories you burn.”


For an hour reading aloud burned 112 calories. And if you enjoy the book in a hammock, this figure will increase up to 300! In the absence of a solid support, all the muscles of the body are in tension, which requires additional energy.

“Reading can be combined with the study of the muscles of the press. To do this, alternately raise your legs up. You can perform the exercise "bike" or "scissors". A great option is to read in the bar for 30 seconds. When it is performed, all muscle groups are involved, ”says Yulia.

Food, get ready!

If you are not in the habit of tasting food while cooking, this is an ideal way to increase the energy consumption of the body. One simple meal (like pasta) is 102 calories burned. The main thing is not to overdo it with tasting.

“You can cook food on half-bent legs - this allows you to work out the lower body well. Try to fix your back against the wall, sit down and peel the vegetables in this position. Good load on the buttocks. Weights can be put on the arms to work out the biceps and triceps during cutting.

Nightmares and horrors

Watching an hour and a half horror movie can burn almost 200 calories. Scientists at the University of Wesminster observed a control group of participants who watched horror movies. The subjects experienced an increased heart rate, an increase in heart rate, and an adrenaline rush. Together, this speeds up the metabolism and increases the energy consumption of the body. Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining turned out to be the most "disastrous" for calories. In second place - "Jaws". Watching it can burn 161 calories.

“Adrenaline really helps burn calories. But if you watch horror with a package of chips, there will be no effect. I would advise watching comedies - and more pleasant, and the abdominal muscles work at 100%, ”Julia sums up.

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We all know that in order to lose a pound, you need to burn 3500 calories, which means 500 calories per day. So what is the best option for burning 500-600 calories? First of all, it depends on how much free time you have and how much effort you are willing to put into it.

The best option is to do the exercises that you at least like. There is no point in torturing yourself with running if you are completely uninterested in it, and you understand that at the first opportunity you will start looking for excuses not to go for a run.

If 60 minutes of any activity - too complicated for you to challenge, then why not share it. Perform one type exercise half (or slightly more) designated time to burn 300 calories, and then later in the day, do something else to burn off the remaining amount of calories. So your workout can be varied and it is possible that more effective. Personally, I believe that it is easier to perform the full amount at once, but we are all different, each person's body is different behavior during exercise. Experiment and look for the best option for you.

Remember that calories are burned not only during exercise, but when you are, for example, washing the floors, wipe the dust, take a shower, etc. But we should not deceive ourselves, thinking that burn 1000 calories in one home can be a general cleaning. All of these activities burn few calories, but nevertheless, perceiving household responsibilities, as a way to lose weight, you probably easier to cope with the hated washing floors.

calorie intake

90% of this comes down to discipline. Discard the bad calories (semi-finished) and ask for help from nature: vegetables, fruits, meat, beans and pure water. If a ready-to-eat snacks such as cake mix or chips - immediately dispose of this product. Excessive consumption of any product leads to excess calories and hence the accumulation of fat. However, with natural products go through calories is much more difficult.


Knowing that calorie intake is crucial in losing weight, what kind of activity you choose? Exercise helps in losing weight, but by themselves they do not work. It is impossible to lose weight just playing sports and watching his diet.

Calories burned during various activities can vary significantly. But do not choose, for example, swimming, if you hate to swim. Choose what you like and then the weight will go much easier.

calorie consumption table with various activities

Body weight 54.5 kg 63.5 kg 72.5 kg 82 kg 91 kg 100 kg 109 kg
water aerobics 131 113 99 88 79 72 66
Boot camp workouts 78 63 52 45 39 35 31
Boksirovanie with severe pear 66 57 49 44 40 36 33
Skiing terrain presechonnoy 56 48 42 38 34 31 28
Cycling (on the street) 75 64 56 50 45 41 38
Cycle 53 45 39 35 32 29 26
Skating 75 64 56 50 45 41 38
Running on the spot 53 45 40 35 32 29 26
Martial arts 53 45 39 35 32 29 26
Pilates 150 129 113 100 90 82 75
Tennis wall 61 53 46 41 37 33 31
Roller skating 75 64 56 50 45 41 38
Rowing 66 56 49 44 39 36 33
interval running 24 21 18 16 14 13 12
Stretching (maximum relaxation) 110 94 82 73 66 60 55
Stretching (minimum rest) 64 55 48 43 38 35 32
Swimming 71 61 53 47 64 58 53
Walk 107 92 80 71 64 58 53
Yoga 210 180 158 140 126 115 105
Zumba 67 57 50 44 40 36 33
  1. 30 minutes running at a speed of 12 km / h

Running - the best way to burn calories. You do not need special equipment. In this case, the result will be visible quickly enough. It is advisable to dilute the running weight training. Running in itself helps to burn calories and get rid of body fat, but at the same time may begin to burn and muscle, which is undesirable. Muscles help the body burn more calories, and save from sagging and unattractive forms of absence. Losing weight is not in itself will help to bring the muscles in tone. Without strength training, you will be able to lose weight, but it will lead to saggy belly and flabby buttocks. Combining running with strength training, you retain muscle mass, which not only helps to create a beautiful shape, but also helps to speed up metabolism. And the higher the metabolism, the more the body uses calories even at rest.

  1. Jogging at a speed of 8 km / h

Virtually identical to the previous version, except for the fact that in order to burn 500 calories, you need to run more.

  1. High-intensity interval training

Interval, i.e. alternating periods of high and low intensity can perform virtually any exercises. It is proved that this form of exercise increases the number of calories burned, as well as allows you to work in less time than if you were just working at a constant pace.

  1. swimming hour

It is not a leisurely floundering in the water. In order to start the process of losing weight, you need to swim, snorkel and swim again with the greatest possible intensity.

  1. 2 chasa mow lawn

This is not something that can be done every day, except if the grass area you spiced radioactive fertilizers and growing by leaps and bounds. However, this is a good way to dilute your workout. If you understand that 2 hours of mowing the lawn - it's too much and you just do not have so much grass, then combine this deal with another activity. It's summer, go rather to the country.

  1. 2:00 ascent into the mountains

Similar to walking, but climbing up into the mountains you load the body more than by increasing the speed as when running, but due to the fact that the trail is constantly changing, and in order to go you need to put more effort than, for example, when walking in the park. You can go into the mountains alone or invite friends. Embark on a hike in good weather, in a place with good views and do not forget to take plenty of water.

  1. 60 minutes climbing

An unusual load during which almost all muscles are involved. You will have a good time, burn calories and pump your arms and legs well.

  1. tennis hour

Tennis is a great sport that burns calories but also burns time. Almost all kinds of sports, which need to be addressed as a couple or as a team, just "time wasters". You don't notice how the hours go by.

  1. Martial arts

50 minutes will be more than enough. Don't like martial arts? How about self-defense or boxing classes?

  1. 2 hours horse ride

It's just about riding a horse. If you do jumping, for example, the number of calories burned during this time increases.

  1. Aerobics

You can burn 500 calories in 50 minutes of high-intensity aerobics. At medium intensity, you will need 70 minutes. In order to burn 500 calories in the pool, you need to spend 2 hours doing water aerobics.

  1. Volleyball hour

We are talking about beach volleyball, during which you burn more calories than in the gym. Don't forget sun protection. If you are not a volleyball fan, then why not leave the frisbee?

  1. 75 minutes by bike

Great way to get around the city. Not only will you get to your destination, but you will also burn calories. If the last time you rode a bike was a long time ago, get ready for the fact that the next day will hurt muscles that you did not even know existed. If you plan to travel frequently and over long distances, be sure to get quality seat. Remember to alternate periods of high and low intensity. Don't ride at the same pace all the time.

  1. Dancing

Take up dancing right at home. It doesn't matter if you can dance or not, just turn on the music and start burning calories. The type of dance depends on the number of calories burned. An hour of salsa will burn 290 calories, an hour of ballet or modern dance will burn about 310.

  1. Power training

You won't burn 500 calories (more like 300) in one such workout, but you can add a light jog at the beginning and end of your workout.

  1. 45 minutes cycling

The harder you pedal, the higher the resistance, the more calories you burn. Don't shy away, increase the load and don't stop.

  1. 50 minutes walk up the stairs

Use the special trainer in the gym or simply find a suitable ladder on the street or at home.

  1. Surf hour

If you have the opportunity to go to a beach with good waves, then surfing is an ideal option as it is easy and fun to burn those extra calories.

  1. 45-50 minutes rowing

The rowing machine is one of those machines that is often misused. Do not round your back when moving forward, work primarily with your hands, not your legs. If you are not confident in your technique, ask the duty coach for help (do not be afraid, he will not refuse you - this is his job). If you have such a simulator at home, then you can use the numerous training videos.

  1. 50 minutes of jump rope

Jumping for 50 minutes without a break is not an easy task. Divide the exercise into small time intervals. Jump a little throughout the day.

  1. Don't worry and keep moving

Shake your legs when you are sitting (don't do this in a large crowd or in a meeting, you can annoy someone), walk in circles. when talking on the phone. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, go out for a couple of stops early, park as far away from the entrance. Take every opportunity to make a couple of extra moves. Of course, you can't burn an extra 500 calories per day without sports, but you can increase your workout gains in this simple way.

If it's snowing right now, grab a shovel. 80 minutes and 500 calories is gone.

There are many ways to burn 500 calories beyond the ones mentioned above. don't limit yourself. Think about what you like to do, where and when.

Do not forget that in order to lose weight it is important to not only burn calories, but also to follow the diet. Losing weight is 80% nutrition and only 20% exercise. Starting to eat right, you will not only begin to lose weight, but also notice a change in mood, become more active and cheerful. Add to this the exercises, and you will achieve your goal very soon.

And finally, the more you lose weight, the more effort you will need to make in order to burn the same number of calories.

Do you want to lose weight? Then focus not on the figure on the scales, but on how to get rid of fat mass and gain muscle (which is known to be heavier than fat) in order to bring the figure to the ideal.

Complete list of activities and calories burned

From the proposed calorie consumption table, you can understand how many calories you can spend on various activities, depending on your weight in 1 hour. To get a specific value, multiply your weight by the number in the first column.

Running up the stairs 12,9 1029 900 771 643
Ice-skating race 11,0 880 770 660 550
Running (16 km/h) 10,7 857 750 643 536
ballet lessons 10,7 857 750 643 536
Construction of snow fortresses, snowmen 10,1 811 710 609 507
cross country running 8,6 686 600 514 429
Water polo 8,6 686 600 514 429
Swimming fast crawl 8,1 651 570 489 407
Running up and down stairs 7,7 617 540 463 386
Cycling (20 km/h) 7,7 617 540 463 386
jumping rope 7,7 617 540 463 386
water aerobics 7,6 606 530 454 379
Strength training on simulators 7,4 594 520 446 371
Field hockey 7,0 560 490 420 350
Badminton (at a strenuous pace) 6,9 554 485 416 346
Running (8 km/h) 6,9 554 485 416 346
Handball 6,9 554 485 416 346
high intensity dancing 6,9 554 485 416 346
Skiing 6,9 554 485 416 346
Dancing to the rhythm of disco 6,9 553 484 415 346
The work of a wood cutter 6,9 549 480 411 343
Swimming (2.4 km/h) 6,6 526 460 394 329
Gymnastics (energetic) 6,5 520 455 390 325
Mountaineering 6,5 518 453 388 324
Football 6,4 514 450 386 321
Striptease 6,0 480 420 360 300
Ashtanga yoga 6,0 480 420 360 300
Race walking 5,9 475 416 357 297
The work of a bricklayer 5,7 457 400 343 286
disco dancing 5,7 457 400 343 286
Basketball 5,4 434 380 326 271
Games with a child (high activity) 5,4 429 375 321 268
Diving 5,1 411 360 309 257
Water skiing 5,1 406 355 304 254
Cycling (15 km/h) 4,6 366 320 274 229
Digging up beds 4,6 366 320 274 229
fruit picking 4,6 366 320 274 229
Dancing modern 4,6 366 320 274 229
Table tennis (single) 4,5 360 315 270 225
Walking (at a speed of 5.8 km / h) 4,5 360 315 270 225
Videos 4,4 354 310 266 221
Chopping firewood 4,3 343 300 257 214
Pulling out last year's grass 4,3 343 300 257 214
Medium Intensity Charging 4,3 343 300 257 214
Cycling (at a speed of 14 km/h) 4,3 343 300 257 214
Work as a massage therapist 4,2 336 294 252 210
Playing with children with walking and running 4,0 321 281 241 201
Games with a child (moderate activity) 4,0 321 281 241 201
window washing 4,0 320 280 240 200
ballroom dancing 3,9 314 275 236 196
Plumbing cleaning 3,9 314 275 236 196
Downhill skiing 3,9 309 270 231 193
Walking (6 km/h) 3,9 309 270 231 193
Glass and mirror cleaning 3,8 303 265 227 189
Badminton (at a moderate pace) 3,6 291 255 219 182
Volleyball 3,6 291 255 219 182
horseback riding 3,6 291 255 219 182
Walking with children in the park 3,6 286 250 214 179
Figure skating 3,6 286 250 214 179
Gymnastics (easy) 3,4 274 240 206 171
The work of a carpenter or metal worker 3,4 274 240 206 171
Hiking (4 km/h) 3,4 269 235 201 168
Easy cleaning 3,4 274 240 206 171
Weeding new weeds 3,3 263 230 197 164
Walking (at a speed of 4.2 km / h) 3,1 251 220 189 157
Low intensity dancing 3,1 246 215 184 154
Rowing (4 km/h) 3,0 240 210 180 150
Swimming (0.4 km/h) 3,0 240 210 180 150
Fencing 3,0 240 210 180 150
shopping 3,0 240 210 180 150
Table tennis (doubles) 2,9 234 205 176 146
Vacuuming carpets 2,9 234 205 176 146
Household chores 2,9 232 203 174 145
Standing guitar playing 2,9 231 202 173 144
lawn mowing 2,9 229 200 171 143
Walking with the dog 2,9 229 200 171 143
Slow dancing (waltz, tango) 2,9 229 200 171 143
Bathing a child 2,7 215 188 161 134
Carrying small children 2,7 215 188 161 134
Canoeing (4 km/h) 2,6 211 185 159 132
Cycling (9 km.h) 2,6 211 185 159 132
Shoemaker's work 2,6 206 180 154 129
Walking (4 km/h) 2,6 206 180 154 129
The work of a bookbinder 2,4 194 170 146 121
stroller 2,2 173 151 129 108
Piano playing 2,2 173 151 129 108
Gymnastic exercises 2,1 171 150 129 107
Hiking (3.2 km/h) 2,1 171 150 129 107
Sex (active) 2,1 171 150 129 107
Machine control 2,1 171 150 129 107
Buying products 2,1 171 150 129 107
Ironing (standing) 2,1 166 145 124 104
Hair Styling 2,0 161 141 121 101
Ride on a motorcycle or scooter 2,0 161 141 121 101
Playing with children sitting 2,0 161 141 121 101
Feeding and dressing the baby 2,0 161 141 121 101
washing dishes 2,0 160 140 120 100
Keyboard typing at a fast pace 2,0 160 140 120 100
Printing on a computer 2,0 160 140 120 100
gardening 1,9 154 135 116 96
gardening 1,9 154 135 116 96
Floor washing 1,9 149 130 111 93
Bed making 1,9 149 130 111 93
Floor washing 1,9 149 130 111 93
Stretching 1,8 144 126 108 90
Knitting 1,7 137 120 103 86
Dressing and undressing, fitting 1,7 137 120 103 86
Singing 1,7 137 120 103 86
Fishing 1,7 137 120 103 86
Hand sewing 1,6 126 110 94 79
Reading aloud 1,6 126 110 94 79
Computer work 1,4 115 101 87 72
Hiking with family 1,4 115 101 87 72
Car driving 1,4 115 101 87 72
Sitting guitar playing 1,4 115 101 87 72
Eating while standing 1,3 106 93 80 66
Dressing/Undressing 1,3 106 93 80 66
Personal hygiene 1,3 106 93 80 66
Taking a shower 1,3 106 93 80 66
Conversation while eating 1,3 106 93 80 66
Air travel 1,3 105 92 79 66
Office work 1,2 99 87 75 62
Dusting 1,1 91 80 69 57
Cooking food 1,1 91 80 69 57
Dusting 1,1 91 80 69 57
Classroom lesson, lesson 1,1 91 80 69 57
Writing letters 1,1 91 80 69 57
Standing phone conversation 1,1 91 80 69 57
Reading poetry and prose in front of an audience 1,1 91 80 69 57
Lying awake 1,1 88 77 66 55
Sex (passive) 1,1 86 75 64 54
Sedentary work 1,1 86 75 64 54
Cooking food 1,1 86 75 64 54
Standing ironing 1,0 80 70 60 50
Making the bed 0,9 69 60 51 43
French kiss (kcal per one) 0,9 69 60 51 43
Taxi ride 0,7 57 50 43 36
Card game 0,7 57 50 43 36
Playing board games 0,7 57 50 43 36
Sitting on the phone 0,7 57 50 43 36
Family dinner, conversation at the table 0,7 57 50 43 36
Passionate kiss (kcal per one) 0,7 57 50 43 36
Eating while sitting 0,7 54 47 40 34
Taking a bath 0,7 54 47 40 34
Sitting with a baby on your lap 0,7 54 47 40 34
Sitting ironing 0,6 46 40 34 29
Kiss light (kcal per one) 0,4 34 30 26 21
Reading books while sitting 0,4 33 29 25 21
Dream 0,6 51 45 39 32

Video compilation of the best exercises to burn 1000 calories


Drain the water

Keep in mind that about half of the excess weight that we gain on "gluttonous days" is not fat, but water! The abundance of food and drinks, both alcoholic and carbonated, is always an excess of salt and sugar, which leads to fluid retention around the subcutaneous fat. The liquid is evenly distributed throughout the body and is not conspicuous, like swelling under the eyes or on the ankles. But if you look closely, it is noticeable that cellulite is getting worse, flabby folds appear at the waist and the like. To avoid all this, go to the sauna or bath, take a hot bath at home. Any sweating reduces swelling. Remember that many fruits have a diuretic effect - eat them whenever possible. Finally, if you regularly visit the spa, sign up for a course of lymphatic drainage treatments.

snow fun

Since we are talking about games and physical education, it is worth recalling that the body spends most of the calories on maintaining body temperature. Moreover, this energy is taken mainly from fat, including already deposited. Going outside at zero temperature, even in clothes, you will increase energy consumption by at least 2-3 times. It is enough to stay on the street for 2-3 hours to burn 500-1000 kcal! To avoid boredom, try new winter activities like tubing or snowboarding. Such high-intensity activities increase calorie expenditure by 20-50%. Another trick: when you return home from the cold, you just want to eat something fatty, sweet, nullifying everything burned. Avoiding this is very simple - start your meal with a hot and liquid meal such as mashed soup or coffee with milk.

Dancing to help

It’s not bad to dilute the feast itself with some activity. So, scientists have found that it is harmful to sit still for more than three hours in a row - this significantly increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension and other diseases of the metabolism and cardiovascular system. To minimize these risks, you need to get up once an hour and at least walk around the room. Try to adhere to this principle during friendly gatherings. It is easy to find a reason to get up: for example, to help the hostess serve the table or go to call. It is even better when sitting at the table alternates with dancing: literally 10-15 minutes - and 100 kcal down, along with the risk of the above diseases.

Children to help

Children are an indicator of a healthy lifestyle. They quickly get tired of sitting in one place. Instead of sending your kids to the TV or the computer, take them out for a sled ride, a skating rink, or a snowball fight. If the weather for the New Year is unlucky, you can play hide and seek, leapfrog or any other game at home. On the street, spend from 150 kcal in 40 minutes, at home - at least 100 kcal. And you don’t have to mess around either, just walk around, clap your hands and cheer.

Get ready for a walk

According to some physiologists, food that has entered the stomach is deposited in fat no earlier than after 24 hours. Thus, you have a day to burn extra calories. Therefore, if the feast was in the evening, try to do a light workout in the morning. No athletic feats - just a little stretch, squat and wave your arms. Even better - during these 24 hours after overeating, go for a walk. For an hour of walking, depending on the intensity, you can destroy from 150 to 400 kcal. Skiing or sledding children when you are carrying them, and not standing and watching - up to 500 kcal.

Clean up the aftermath

Cleaning an apartment is an excellent energy-intensive activity that can replace both walking and dancing. Judge for yourself: washing dishes by hand will burn 50 kcal in 10 minutes, dusting - 30 kcal, vacuuming - 60 kcal, and mopping - 70 kcal. You can do it right after the guests leave or the next day in the morning.

As you can see, it is quite possible to remove extra pounds at the waist during the New Year holidays, not only for sports enthusiasts!

10-15 minutes of laughter a day is 10 to 40 calories burned. You will burn 85 calories for 25 minutes of walking at a moderate pace. Pick up the pace and burn 98 kcal. 20 minutes of vacuuming and 70 kcal is gone.

A source

If you want to burn calories almost as fast as you consume them, then check out the best exercises that will allow you to get rid of 100 or more calories in 10 minutes.

Every time I study the energy content of various foods (especially tasty ones), I am amazed at the glaring imbalance between the rapid accumulation of calories and their terribly slow burning. We can eat just one tiny chocolate bar without even noticing this process, and then pay for long hours in the gym for this little pleasure. It is enough just to sit at the festive table once, and after that you will have to register for a long time on the nearest treadmill. No, this is terribly unfair! But there is a way out of this situation.

1. Ladders and burpees

There is no better way to challenge your entire body than interval training. Combine exercises of different intensity for maximum results in the shortest time. For example, try going up the stairs, doing a few burpees at the top, and then going down. Repeat this for 10 minutes.

2. Climbing

You can walk and run quite successfully on level ground, but when you try to climb up a sheer wall, you will find that this is quite a difficult task. Such a workout will not only help you burn about 118 kilocalories in 10 minutes, but also show how important your extra weight really is.

3. Exercise bike

An intense workout on the machine, which includes segments of normal intensity and sprints, will help you burn 139 kilocalories in 10 minutes.

4. Football

You won't expend a lot of energy just standing on the pitch, but intense tackling, acceleration and dribbling will deprive you of 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. It is also a great full body workout because it includes many different movements not only for the legs, but also for other muscle groups.

5. Dumbbells

Simple dumbbell exercises performed at the maximum intensity level can load you in 10 minutes almost like a long workout. Various jumps, squats and swings with weights will help not only lose extra pounds, but also gain beautiful muscles.

6. Skipping rope

There is no better way to get your heart rate up without leaving your seat than by jumping rope. If you do this even at a moderate pace (this is when you can still talk in the process), then your body will lose about 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Of course, many people will not be able to jump for that long, so try doing it for 40 seconds, and then rest for 20 seconds. And so 10 times in a row.

7. Step

Step aerobics is still one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories in a small amount of time - up to 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. This is intense aerobics using any stand imitating a step. The movements performed during the training process are completely natural and accessible to anyone, regardless of health status and level of training. In addition, this type of physical activity does not require expensive equipment - it can be easily done at home.

8. Jumping

You won't need any plyometrics equipment at all, but with them, you can lose about 100 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and speed. One of the main exercises of this technique is the deep jump.

9. Martial arts

You may not be a great fighter, but heavy punching with a punching bag will take you 107 kilocalories in just 10 minutes. Want even more results? Then put on gloves with weighting agents and you can leave up to 300 kilocalories in the gym in 22 minutes.

10. Acceleration

If you're already into a sport but feel like you're not making progress, then try adding speed intervals to your regular workout. Find a hill and run up it while jogging, try to swim as fast as possible during a pool workout, or speed up while cycling. Make sure that small bursts of high intensity are followed by small bursts of rest, as provided for in the Tabata protocol.
