What is the norm of lipids in the body. Norms and interpretation of the lipid profile in adults: how to understand complex chemical terms. So, a lipid profile consists of the definition

In order to determine the patient’s tendency to atherosclerosis or before prescribing treatment that lowers cholesterol in the blood, a lipid profile is prescribed. It is important for assessing the risk of development or progression of pathologies such as hypertension and coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and cerebrovascular accident.

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Who needs an extended lipid profile and when?

Since there is a trend toward rejuvenation of vascular and heart diseases, it is recommended that all adults undergo a lipid metabolism study at least once every 5 years. This method of assessing risk or determining the extent of existing violations is prescribed:

  • in the treatment of atherosclerotic changes in vessels of any location;
  • patients with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • familial cases, brain, high cholesterol;
  • to monitor the effectiveness of the diet, taking lipid-lowering drugs;
  • if you have previously been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder of fats or carbohydrates;
  • with obesity, smoking or alcohol abuse.

All of these fractions are classified as atherogenic (“bad”), that is, if they are exceeded, the risk of artery damage, blockage with cholesterol plaques, progression of the brain and lower extremities increases.

Watch the video on how to decipher lipid profile tests:

How to normalize a lipid profile

If a high risk of atherosclerosis is detected, all patients, regardless of the cause that caused lipid metabolism disorders, are prescribed a diet. At the same time, restrictions are introduced on the following products:

  • fats – pork, beef, chicken, lamb, duck, margarine;
  • all fatty meats, offal, deli meats and canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, poultry skin;
  • fish caviar, liver, canned food, sturgeon;
  • fast food;
  • sugar and white flour, as well as everything that contains them;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sauces, juices, industrially prepared canned fruits and vegetables;
  • any confectionery and sweet carbonated drinks.

Recommended sources of protein include: lean chicken and turkey meat, veal, fish, cottage cheese up to 9% fat, fermented milk drinks (preferably homemade). Fats are predominantly vegetable; butter can be added to prepared dishes no more than a tablespoon per day.

The basis of a diet for high cholesterol should be fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits and berries. The healthiest way to prepare porridge is from whole grains of oats and buckwheat; you need bread with bran and rye.

Lipid-lowering drugs are prescribed when the diet is ineffective and vascular changes are progressing, but their use does not mean the possibility of expanding the diet. Also, to normalize the lipid profile, a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption is required.

The question of the possibility of taking oral contraceptives and other medications that affect the growth of “bad” cholesterol in the blood is decided on an individual basis.

We recommend reading the article about: From the article you will learn risk factors for diseases and their target values, options for assessing cardiovascular risk, how to calculate using the Score table, what risk indicators will tell you. Taking a blood test for cholesterol is useful even for a completely healthy person. The norm is different for women and men. It is correct to do a biochemical and detailed analysis of HDL on an empty stomach. Preparation is required. The doctor will help you decipher the designation.

  • Cholestyramine is prescribed to lower cholesterol, the use of which can cause some problems in humans. The mechanism of action of the drug binds acids, which ultimately promotes the digestion of cholesterol.
  • Purchase a cholesterol analyzer for home use to reduce the potential risk of problems. The portable express analyzer is simple and convenient to use; it will show your cholesterol and glucose levels.
  • Retinal atherosclerosis occurs due to cholesterol deposits or other unfavorable changes in the blood vessels of the eyes. The treatment is complex - medications, vitamins, laser coagulation. Traditional methods won't hurt either.
  • If atherosclerosis appears, cholesterol will not be long in coming. What cholesterol level is considered normal? What to do if rejected?
  • Lipidogram is a blood test that allows you to find out the state of lipid (fat) metabolism in the body. This name refers to a number of blood tests for lipid metabolism. A blood lipidogram includes several indicators. They are important for assessing the risk of the possible occurrence of atherosclerosis, ischemia and the state of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

    What indicators are included in the lipid profile?

    This study includes the following parameters:

    • total cholesterol;
    • lipoproteins;
    • low density lipoproteins (LDL);
    • triglycerides;
    • atherogenic coefficient.

    Why take a lipid profile test?

    So, lipid profile - what is it and why is such a study needed?

    1. Allows you to assess the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
    2. To monitor the progress of treatment over time for ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease.
    3. If you have a family history of problems with hypercholesterolemia, heart attacks or strokes, it is advisable to periodically take a lipid profile to prevent the development of such health problems.
    4. This study allows for monitoring and treatment.

    What is cholesterol?

    Cholesterol is a vital substance. It takes part in the formation of all cell membranes, the synthesis of hormones and the formation of bile. Cholesterol can be high density or low density. These fractions are popularly called good and bad cholesterol. So, it is precisely an excess of low-density cholesterol that can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. It is called bad, or sticky, because of its ability to settle on the walls of blood vessels and form atherosclerotic plaques. Lipidogram - the study is a marker of the possible development of atherosclerosis.


    Triglycerides (TG) are complex organic compounds of fatty acids and glycerol esters that belong to the class of lipids. They are the main component of nutrition and a source of energy for the body. But an excess of this indicator is a risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis.

    Atherogenic coefficient (AC)

    This coefficient allows you to determine the degree of risk for the possible development of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. It shows the ratio of atherogenic and antiatherogenic blood fractions. To calculate CA, it is enough to divide the difference between total cholesterol and HDL by HDL.

    How to interpret the KA indicator?

    • If the KA index is less than 3, then the risk of atherosclerosis is minimal.
    • With KA from 3 to 4, the degree of development of ischemic heart disease or atherosclerosis is high.
    • If KA is 5 or higher, this fact indicates that coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis is already present, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing heart and brain diseases (heart attack, stroke), as well as kidney diseases and thrombosis of the extremities.

    What is hypercholesterolemia?

    Hypercholesterolemia, or high cholesterol, manifests itself in hyperlipidemia - an increased content of lipids (fats) in the blood. Outwardly this does not appear in any way. In order to find out the level of cholesterol and its fractions (LDL, HDL, triglycerides, atherogenic coefficient), it is necessary to do an analysis such as a lipid profile. What it is and what to do if the results are higher than normal, we will understand in this article.

    In healthy people, lipid profiles most often increase due to errors in nutrition or increased synthesis of internal (endogenous) cholesterol.

    What foods can increase blood cholesterol?

    Mostly these are products of animal origin. These include:

    • All sausages.
    • Fatty meats (goose, duck, pork, etc.).
    • Strong rich broths.
    • Chicken, duck eggs, etc. (the yolk is especially rich in cholesterol).
    • All types of mayonnaise (even the so-called lean mayonnaise).
    • Fatty dairy products (cream, butter, sour cream, milk).
    • Black and red caviar of noble varieties of fish.
    • All baked goods (cakes, pastries, cookies, etc.).

    The method of cooking also affects the level of cholesterol in foods. Thus, dishes steamed or baked in the oven contain much less harmful cholesterol than those fried in large amounts of oil or lard.

    Reasons for increased synthesis of endogenous cholesterol

    • Over the age of 50-55 years, the synthesis of endogenous low-density cholesterol often increases.
    • Decrease in the level of sex hormones in women (menopause).
    • Various inflammatory processes occurring in liver cells or in the bile ducts increase cholesterol synthesis.

    The normal values ​​for this study are shown in the table below.

    From this table it can be seen that in a study such as a lipid profile, the norm in women differs only in terms of high-density lipoproteins, and all other data do not have gender differences.

    Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

    An increase in cholesterol levels in the blood inevitably leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumens of blood vessels, and this, in turn, can lead to the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as:

    • Hypertension, which is characterized by a prolonged increase in blood pressure > 140/90 mmHg. Art., this is a consequence of a decrease in the diameter of the lumen of the renal arteries due to plaques formed in them. In addition, the plaques themselves are capable of producing substances that increase blood pressure.
    • which develops as a result of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumens of the coronary arteries. Through these arteries the heart muscle is fed. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of these arteries, the heart suffers from a lack of oxygen, which is manifested by pressing pain.
    • occurs as a result of damage to cerebral vessels by atherosclerotic plaques. This may include attacks of dizziness, memory loss, tinnitus, or

    How to take a blood lipid profile?

    This analysis is done in a biochemical laboratory. Blood for this procedure is taken from a vein in the treatment room. Blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before, it is advisable not to eat fatty foods, salads with mayonnaise, and dinner should not be too late.

    Determination of lipids in feces

    An analysis to detect fats (lipids) in stool is called a stool lipid profile. Such a study makes it possible to determine the efficiency of the pancreas and identify diseases in which its functions are impaired.

    This study includes:

    • Total lipid content.
    • Non-esterified (free) fatty acids.
    • Monoglycerides, which are formed during the breakdown of phospholipids and triglycerides.
    • Diglycerides are also released as a result of the breakdown of phospholipids and triglycerides with the participation of lipase.
    • Cholestenone is formed from cholesterol in the large intestine with the participation of enzymes secreted by microbial flora.
    • Coprosterol is also formed from cholesterol in the large intestine.
    • Coprastanone is a substance formed with the participation of microbial flora.

    Almost all of these indicators are expressed as percentages. The standards are given in the table below:

    Causes of increased lipid levels in stool

    There are only three main reasons for the increase in the percentage of lipids in feces:

    1. Insufficient production of lipase by the pancreas. Under the influence of lipase, fats (lipids) are broken down in the large intestine.
    2. Insufficient flow of bile into the large intestine. Bile activates the enzyme lipase and thus takes part in the breakdown of lipids in the large intestine.
    3. Poor passage of the lymphatic pathways through which fats are absorbed can also cause elevated lipid levels to be detected in the large intestine.

    Increased intake can also cause increased fat content in stool. In this case, undigested food passes through the small intestine too quickly, and lipids, like other food components, simply do not have time to be absorbed into it.

    The stool for this study is sent to the laboratory, and the medications taken by the patient that can affect the results of the study are indicated. The use of these medications is agreed with your doctor.

    Lipidogram - what is it? We found. Now we know that the lipid profile can be not only of blood, but also of feces. Let's dwell a little on the cost of these studies.

    Lipidogram (“BLUE”). Price

    Synevo is a European network of laboratories located in Central and Eastern Europe. There are such laboratories in Russia as well. An analysis such as a cholesterol lipid profile will cost around 1,300 rubles.

    A lipid profile (LPG) is a blood test that quantifies lipids in the human body. In simple words, LPG is a blood test that helps determine the amount of cholesterol and other substances containing fats.

    This study helps to most accurately assess the degree of risk of progression of atherosclerosis(cholesterol deposits deposited on the walls of blood vessels, thereby narrowing the lumen of the vessel and impairing blood flow).

    This blood test does not indicate specific diseases, but only records the indicators of fatty compounds in the blood.

    To accurately diagnose diseases, additional hardware tests are prescribed. Preparing for analysis requires certain actions. The lipid profile is deciphered by a qualified attending physician.

    How much does the analysis cost?

    The pricing policy for taking lipid profile tests is acceptable, making it not only effective and informative, but also affordable.

    Prices for a hemotest in Moscow fluctuate on average about 800 rubles, but they may vary depending on the clinic conducting the study.

    The average price for Kyiv for a lipid profile is 300 hryvnia, but can also change when choosing a particular laboratory.

    The cost of a comprehensive lipid profile analysis is 350 UAH. (3580 rub.), plus the cost of blood sampling 30 UAH. (200 rub.).

    What is included in LPG?

    Research using lipid profile analysis implies a more detailed and focused study of lipid parameters than in a simple biochemical blood test.

    That is why this analysis is much more effective for diseases associated with impaired cholesterol concentrations.

    Each of the indicators listed below is included in the lipid profile:

    • Cholesterol, or more simply put, total cholesterol. This indicator is the most important number that is part of the LPG. Based on their origin, there are two types of cholesterol, which are concentrated in the body 50 to 50. The first type is synthesized by the human body (in the liver), and another half of the cholesterol enters the body with the food consumed.
      The indicator is very important, since it participates in the formation processes of absolutely all tissues and cells of the human body. Cholesterol is also responsible for nutrient absorption, puberty, overall body functioning and growth. It is also a precursor to growth hormone;
    • HDL or high density lipoprotein– a type of “good” cholesterol. Its main function is to move free cholesterol out of cells. After this, they transport it to the liver, where fat metabolism occurs and fatty acids are removed from the body;
    • LDL or low-density lipoprotein– a type of “bad” cholesterol. This indicator is the most significant for diagnosing cholesterol problems.
      If the levels of total cholesterol are within normal limits, and this indicator is increased, then this indicates a violation of fat metabolism and the risk of progression of the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
      It is these lipids that can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, provoking the development of atherosclerosis;
    • VLDL or very low density lipoproteins- is included in the analysis indicators in some laboratories when they determine the cholesterol profile. But there are no exact indications for diagnosing diseases based on this indicator;
    • TG or triglycerides– elements found in plasma that are represented by VLDL components, which are converted into LDL. This is why it is important to track this indicator.
      The main function of triglycerides is energy function. Their quantitative presence in tissues is insignificant; they are mainly located in adipose tissues.
    • KA or atherogenic coefficient. This indicator is not determined by direct blood testing; it is calculated based on all of the above values. It is defined to capture the normal relationship between the above values.

    In most cases, it is measured using the following formula:

    The higher the final coefficient, the greater the risk of progression of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

    When is the test scheduled?

    An appointment for a biochemical analysis of the lipid spectrum can occur both to determine the risk of progression of diseases associated with cholesterol deposits, and to monitor and correct therapy for already diagnosed diseases.

    Among the pathological conditions for which a lipogram is necessary: ​​insufficient blood supply to the heart (caused by atherosclerotic deposits in the coronary arteries), diabetes mellitus, and a constant increase in blood pressure (caused by narrowing of the pulmonary artery).

    Also, a lipid profile is indicated for people who are prescribed a diet with a reduced amount of cholesterol, and who use medications to reduce the quantitative concentration of cholesterol deposits.

    General indications for prescribing a lipid profile:

    • For people over twenty years of age, preventive testing is required every five years. With the help of such preventive actions, it is possible to determine the progression of atherosclerosis and apply effective treatment in a timely manner. This will protect you from possible serious complications of the heart and blood vessels;
    • Increase in total cholesterol levels in biochemical analysis;
    • Smoking, which leads to serious vascular diseases;
    • Diabetes;
    • Age category, both men and women over fifty years of age;
    • Death of heart tissue or stroke. In the presence of these pathological conditions, testing for lipid levels is necessary up to twice a year;
    • Sedentary lifestyle and excessive excess weight. These factors significantly increase the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and provoke various pathologies associated with the heart and blood vessels;
    • Genetic disposition. People whose relatives had pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are at risk. Lipid levels should be monitored especially carefully if relatives died before the age of forty from cardiovascular pathologies.

    Blood lipid spectrum decoding

    Normal values ​​vary depending on age category and gender. For adults, the norm will be different from for children, which is important to consider when deciphering. Below are tables with normal indicators for all five components of the lipid profile.

    Total cholesterol.


    Age category (years)Norms for menNorms for women
    Less than 14 years old0,9 – 1,9 0,9 – 1,9
    14 – 20 0,78 – 1,63 0,91 – 1,91
    20 – 25 0,78 – 1,63 0,85 – 2,04
    25 – 30 0,80 – 1,63 0,96 – 2,15
    30 – 35 0,72 – 1,63 0,93 – 1,99
    35 – 40 0,75 – 1,60 0,88 – 2,12
    40 – 45 0,70 – 1,73 0,88 – 2,28
    45 – 50 0,78 – 1,66 0,88 – 2,25
    50 – 55 0,72 – 1,63 0,96 – 2,38
    55 – 60 0,72 – 1,84 0,96 – 2,35
    60 – 65 0,78 – 1,91 0,98 – 2,38
    65 – 70 0,78 – 1,94 0,91 – 2,48
    More than 700,8 – 1,94 0,85 – 2,38


    Age category (years)Norms for menNorms for women
    Less than 14 years old1,60 – 3,60 1,60 – 3,60
    14 – 20 1,61 – 3,37 1,53 – 3,55
    20 – 25 1,71 – 3,81 1,48 – 4,12
    25 – 30 1,81 – 4,27 1,84 – 4,25
    30 – 35 2,02 – 4,79 1,81 – 4,04
    35 – 40 2,10 – 4,90 1,94 – 4,45
    40 – 45 2,25 – 4,82 1,92 – 4,51
    45 – 50 2,51 – 5,23 2,05 – 4,82
    50 – 55 2,31 – 5,10 2,28 – 5,21
    55 – 60 2,28 – 5,26 2,31 – 5,44
    60 – 65 2,15 – 5,44 2,59 – 5,80
    65 – 70 2,54 – 5,44 2,38 – 5,72
    More than 702,49 – 5,34 2,49 – 5,34


    Age category (years)Norms for menNorms for women
    Less than 14 years old0,30 – 1,40 0,30 – 1,40
    14 – 20 0,45 – 1,81 0,42 – 1,48
    20 – 25 0,50 – 2,27 0,40 – 1,53
    25 – 30 0,52 – 2,81 0,40 – 1,48
    30 – 35 0,56 – 3,01 0,42 – 1,63
    35 – 40 0,61 – 3,62 0,44 – 1,70
    40 – 45 0,62 – 3,61 0,45 – 1,91
    45 – 50 0,65 – 3,80 0,51 – 2,16
    50 – 55 0,65 – 3,61 0,52 – 2,42
    55 – 60 0,65 – 3,23 0,59 – 2,63
    60 – 65 0,65 – 3,29 0,62 – 2,96
    65 – 70 0,62 – 2,94 0,63 – 2,74
    More than 700,60 – 2,90 0,60 – 2,70

    Atherogenic coefficient

    What complications does the increase in indicators indicate?

    In the table we consider all possible complications when certain indicators decrease and increase.

    Total cholesterol· Anemia;
    · Excessive amount of excess weight;
    · Maintaining fasting;· Alcoholism;
    · Exhaustion of the body;· Tumor formations of the pancreas;
    · Fever;· Diabetes;
    · Pathological conditions of the lungs.· Chronic kidney failure;
    · Insufficient blood supply to the heart;
    · Kidney pathologies;
    · Hepatitis;
    · Death of liver tissue;
    · Chronic disease of the thyroid gland, which is caused by a decrease in hormones in the blood.
    HDL· Atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels;· Excessive physical activity that depletes the body;
    · Death of liver tissue;
    · Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    · Ulcers;· Tumor formations in the intestines of a malignant nature.
    · Infectious diseases of an acute nature;
    · Tuberculosis.
    LDL· Chronic disease of the thyroid gland, which is caused by an increase in hormones;· Excessive consumption of foods that contain large amounts of cholesterol;
    · Pathological conditions of the lungs;· Anorexia;
    · Chronic anemia;· Excessive excess weight;
    · Tangier syndrome (a rare hereditary metabolic disease);· Hereditary predisposition to high cholesterol concentrations;
    · Reye's syndrome (acute encephalopathy with cerebral edema and fatty infiltration of organs);· Chronic disease of the thyroid gland, which is caused by a decrease in hormones in the blood;
    · Malabsorption syndrome (a symptom complex in which the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in the small intestine is impaired).· Pathological conditions of liver and kidney tissues;
    · Cushing's syndrome (severe neuroendocrine disease, which is manifested by excessive production of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), caused by the presence of a pituitary tumor);
    · Diabetes.
    VLDL · Excessive excess weight;
    · Pathological conditions of the kidneys;
    · The period of bearing a child;
    · Niemann-Pick syndrome (a hereditary disease caused by a disorder of lipid metabolism and the accumulation of lipids primarily in the liver, spleen, lungs, bone marrow and brain);
    · Glycogenesis.
    Triglycerides· Chronic disease of the thyroid gland, which is caused by an increase in hormones;· Insufficient blood supply to the myocardium;
    · Pathological conditions of the lungs of a chronic type;· Death of heart muscle tissue;
    · Unbalanced diet.· Atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
    · High blood pressure;
    · Excessive excess weight;
    · Viral type hepatitis.

    Importance in diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system

    When performing a lipid profile, you can accurately assess the risk of progression of quite dangerous diseases that can lead to death.

    Among the identified diseases of the cardiological group, the risk of which can be assessed using a lipid profile, are:

    • Death of heart muscle tissue;
    • Stroke;
    • Pathological conditions of renal tissue;
    • Pathologies caused by high concentrations of cholesterol.

    The diagnosis determines what further examination and treatment will be prescribed. Also, the doctor needs to take into account many factors that influence the deviation of indicators from the norm.

    LDL plays a major role in influencing the progression of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, since it is this cholesterol that is “harmful” and settles on the walls of blood vessels more than others.

    While high levels of HDL are indicative of the fight against blockage of the ducts, so the prescribed medications may be less strong. And high levels of triglycerides will lead to the appointment of more effective and potent treatment.

    That is why a detailed analysis of the results by the attending physician is mandatory at the stage of diagnosing a number of diseases.

    Also, a blood test is an effective method for correcting and assessing the effectiveness of prescribed therapy, and when following a diet.

    A study of five forms of lipids is also prescribed before using statins. In addition to analyzing the lipid profile, in most cases, a study of ALT and AST is prescribed, which are directly related to cholesterol, as they indicate functional processes of the liver.

    What symptoms require a lipid profile?

    Long-term absence of symptoms is inherent in the process of formation of atherosclerotic deposits. This happens because the process of their accumulation is quite long, but can be detected in the results of biochemistry, even before the onset of symptoms.

    The manifestation of symptoms will depend on the location of the vessel affected by cholesterol plaques. Depending on which organ fed the canal and how much the lumen is blocked, symptoms of varying severity appear in different organs.

    If you have the following symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor to conduct tests to control your lipid spectrum and order additional studies:

    · Severe pain, lasting several hours or days for no apparent reason;
    · Lack of effect of nitroglycerin in eliminating pain in the heart;
    · Heavy breathing, shortness of breath;
    · Heart failure;
    · Increase in blood pressure (blood pressure);
    · Weak memory;
    · Low endurance during physical activity;
    · Pale skin of the face;
    · Loss of consciousness;
    · Possible seizures;
    · Feeling of cold extremities;
    · Impotence, infertility;
    · Aversion to food;
    · Weight loss, dystrophy;
    · The appearance of redness and ulcers on the lower extremities;
    Intermittent claudication;
    · Hair loss on legs;
    · Brittle and brittle nails;
    · Amyotrophy;
    · Long-term non-healing skin defects caused by impaired blood supply to this area (trophic ulcers);
    · In severe stages: pulsation of the femoral, popliteal arteries, or the artery of the inner part of the ankle;
    · Mental disorders;
    · Depression;
    · Apathy;
    · Aggressiveness;
    · Hystericality;
    · Anxiety-delusional syndrome.
    At the most difficult stages:
    · Dementia;
    · Immunity to what is happening;
    · Loss in space and time;
    · Deviations in the visual apparatus;
    · Speech disorders;
    · Stroke;
    · Weakening of the muscles of the limbs (paresis).

    Symptoms depend on the channel affected by cholesterol and can manifest themselves in different ways. To avoid serious consequences, you must immediately consult a doctor, otherwise serious complications may arise.

    How to properly prepare for the test?

    In order to obtain the most accurate indicators of cholesterol metabolism on a lipid profile, you should follow a certain list of steps to prepare for the analysis. If the following steps are not followed, the result may be false, which will lead to incorrect diagnosis and useless treatment.

    The final results may be affected by some external factors. That is why it is important to exclude them on the eve of analysis.

    Follow these steps to get the most accurate lipid profile results:

    • The analysis is given on an empty stomach. Eating must be stopped at least twelve hours before it is time to donate blood;
    • At least one day before blood sampling, it is recommended to stop eating fatty, highly salted, spicy or spicy foods;
    • Give up alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours in advance;
    • Half an hour before the test you need to stop using cigarettes;
    • An hour before the analysis, avoid physical and emotional stress;
    • If the patient is taking medications, they must be stopped at least 48 hours before blood sampling. If you continuously use drugs, you need to notify your doctor about this so that he takes into account all the corrections in the test results, which will contribute to an accurate diagnosis.

    The final results of the analysis may be affected by other factors that distort the result, even if all of the above preparation rules are followed.

    The following factors give deviation in lipid profile analysis:

    • Strong physical activity the day before;
    • Traumatic conditions;
    • Certain diets;
    • Pathological conditions of the liver or kidneys with impaired functioning;
    • The period of bearing a child. During this period, strong hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother;
    • Use of certain medications. Those that increase cholesterol include beta-blockers, which are often prescribed for pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels, as well as hormonal agents, diuretics and tranquilizers, which increase cholesterol.
      Drugs from the groups of androgens, estrogens, statins, fibrates, etc. can cause a decrease in total cholesterol.
      An increase in total cholesterol, as well as LDL and HDL cholesterol, is provoked by corticosteroid drugs. And when using hormonal contraceptives, cholesterol and LDL increase, but HDL decreases, which is reflected in the results of the lipid profile.

    The doctor must take into account the effect of any medications when deciphering the lipid spectrum of the blood.

    What are the preventive actions for atherosclerosis?

    Cholesterol deposits are recorded quite often and are a very common disease. By following some recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of vascular damage from atherosclerotic plaques.

    • Get rid of excess weight and obesity (if any);
    • Normalize the state of the nervous system;
    • Maintain a daily routine and a balance between work and proper sleep;
    • Monitor blood pressure levels;
    • Eat properly;
    • Lead a more active and healthy lifestyle;
    • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

    Photo gallery: Prevention of atherosclerosis

    Video: Three tests for obese people.

    What are the forecasts?

    Further prognosis of the patient’s life depends on the location of the vessel blocking by an atherosclerotic plaque, and the degree of its blocking.

    With slight increases in lipid profile, a proper diet and a balanced lifestyle are used, this normalizes cholesterol levels and removes atherosclerotic plaques.

    The outcome in this case is favorable.

    In the case of an average increase in lipid profile, drug treatment is used in combination with proper nutrition and lifestyle. Additional studies of the blood vessels are also necessary to determine whether they are narrowing.

    If all the doctor’s requirements are met and medications are taken in a timely manner, cholesterol is normalized and returns to normal.

    If you do not take prescribed medications, or if they are not effective, as well as if you do not follow a diet and a healthy lifestyle, complications occur. The level of lipid profile indicators becomes the highest, which indicates a serious condition of the body.

    Complications from atherosclerotic plaques are serious, and if the vessel is completely blocked by the plaque, hypoxia occurs in the organs to which the vessel led.

    Gradual death of tissue occurs; in the absence of surgical intervention, serious consequences are possible (heart attack, stroke, gangrene, complete death of organs), which ultimately lead to death.

    The presence of cholesterol deposits in the blood requires immediate treatment to prevent the progression of diseases associated with high cholesterol concentrations.

    If you notice symptoms or suspect high lipid values, or are at risk, consult a doctor and undergo a lipid profile and possible other tests.

    Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

    Many patients in therapeutic and cardiology departments, and indeed older people in general, are prescribed an analysis called a “blood lipid profile”. But many doctors forget to explain what it is and what it includes. But this study clarifies how disturbed lipid metabolism is, and how it should be corrected: with diet, folk remedies, or the use of specific medications is already required.

    Considering that the level of fat depends on individual characteristics, to decipher the analysis, a special table of norms for the entire lipid spectrum is used, both in women and men, taking into account their age.

    Fats received from food or synthesized in the body perform their specific functions, and in some chemical reactions no substance can replace them. They are insoluble in the aqueous environment (which is blood, lymph, intracellular fluid), therefore they bind to proteins, forming lipoproteins.

    These complex compounds contain the same lipid components, only each fat-protein complex contains them in its own percentage. These are triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol, its esters and fat-soluble vitamins (E and carotenoids). And the higher the concentration of fat, the less carrier protein, and the lower the density of the lipoprotein. It can be very low, intermediate, low and high.

    A feature of the biochemistry of lipid metabolism is the gradual transition of one fraction to another after the cleavage or addition of the fatty component. It turns out that the result of a lipid profile shows at what stage the lipid balance was disturbed and how deep. Moreover, based on the study, doctors calculate the risk of development and dynamics of cardiovascular diseases, and monitor treatment.

    In medicine there are several synonyms for analysis. In addition to the lipid profile, it is called “lipid profile” or “lipid status”, although its essence does not change. The hemotest includes determining the concentration of lipoproteins, the total cholesterol contained in them, triglycerides, and the extended test also includes the level of some carrier proteins.

    Indications for analysis

    Lipid metabolism disorders are just a condition of the body. It progresses slowly and imperceptibly. And the presence of an imbalance is often learned after the development of the independent pathology caused by it, primarily of the heart and blood vessels. And the first manifestations of dyslipidemia are nonspecific symptoms:

    • drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue;
    • nervous irritability;
    • headaches (such as migraines);
    • heaviness, discomfort, pain in the right hypochondrium.

    In this situation, using a lipid profile, you can assess the level of risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis, hypertension, and type II diabetes.

    More characteristic signs of lipid imbalance include deposits of cholesterol deposits under the skin epidermis, which occur with persistently elevated cholesterol levels. These are xanthomas, xanthelasmas, yellow rims around the cornea (lipoid arches). Their presence indicates an advanced disorder of lipid metabolism. With such changes in the skin, doctors usually prescribe a lipid profile.

    The analysis of venous blood for a lipid profile also has clearly formulated absolute indications:

    • hereditary dyslipidemia;
    • hereditary predisposition to it;
    • hypertension and secondary arterial hypertension;
    • previous heart attack or stroke;
    • diabetes;
    • pathology of the thyroid gland with dysfunction;
    • obesity;
    • liver diseases with symptoms of blockage of the bile ducts;
    • inflammation of the pancreas;
    • renal pathology accompanied by failure;
    • premenopausal and menopausal age;
    • poor nutrition with uncontrolled consumption of animal fats, simple carbohydrates, fast food, physical inactivity, bad habits.

    It is important to know that atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are not only the result of lipid balance disorders, but also contribute to its deterioration. Doctors call this process a vicious circle. Therefore, in case of the listed pathology, one study is not enough: regular monitoring of the state of fat metabolism is necessary. Periodically, blood is donated for lipid status even when therapy is started in order to know how adequate it is.

    Lipid spectrum indicators: interpretation, norms and deviations

    If the level of glucose, blood cells, and liver condition indicators are static and do not depend on gender, and in adults - on age, then lipid metabolism data change every 5 years. Moreover, not only the numbers change, but also the relationship between the factions. Which, in essence, plays a major role in assessing the patient’s condition.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the physiological change in reference lipid values ​​that occurs after eating, physical and psychological stress, during pregnancy and in the first months of lactation. It is transient, lipid metabolism is restored on its own and does not require correction.

    And now a little about each indicator.

    Total cholesterol

    This is the total value of all cholesterol contained in the blood. It is part of lipoproteins of different densities and does not circulate in free form. A simplified lipid profile only provides for the determination of total cholesterol. But a deviation from the norm informs doctors little about anything, because they need to know which fractions accounted for the change in lipid metabolism. But without it it is impossible to calculate the atherogenicity coefficient - the main indicator of the degree of risk of atherosclerotic vascular damage.

    Depending on age, the range between the lower and upper limits of normal is 2–3 mmol/L. The growth chart for total cholesterol differs between men and women:

    • in males, the maximum concentration is observed during puberty, which is associated with an increased level of sex hormones, and with a decrease in hormonal levels it begins to fall;
    • In females, total cholesterol levels increase gradually, and the older the woman, the higher they are.

    The norms for total cholesterol depending on age and gender are presented below.

    High density lipoproteins (HDL, HDL)

    The density of lipoproteins depends on the amount of protein they contain: the more protein they contain, the denser they are. And since we are talking about high density, then these fat-protein complexes contain a lot of protein and little fat. They are formed as a result of the cleavage of lipids used for the needs of cells. Consequently, high-density lipoproteins are “waste” substances, which only have to return to the liver and transport the remaining lipids to it.

    These residues, as a result of complex chemical processes, are converted into bile acids and excreted into the gallbladder. Later, during meals, the gallbladder contracts, squeezing bile into the intestinal lumen. Here, bile acids break down the food bolus into absorbable elements, and themselves are destroyed.

    It turns out that high-density lipoproteins help remove excess fat and cholesterol from the body. That is why they are called “good”. Consequently, the higher their level, the lower the risk of developing diseases caused by lipid metabolism disorders, and vice versa.

    For analysis, the amount of cholesterol in the lipoprotein, and not the entire fat-protein complex, is of primary importance. Its normal HDL levels are summarized in the table.

    Low-density lipoproteins (LDL, LDL)

    But they are called “bad”. This is due to the fact that low-density lipoproteins make up the bulk of fat-protein complexes circulating in the blood. They transport cholesterol and small amounts of other fats from liver cells, where they are synthesized, to peripheral tissues. And unused LDL is deposited in the vascular walls in the form of atherosclerotic plaques.

    A large concentration of “bad” lipoproteins sharply increases the risk of atherosclerosis. What it is? This is a narrowing of the lumen of the arteries, thrombosis, decreased elasticity of the walls, their increased fragility, stratification. The result is a disruption of tissue nutrition up to necrosis. Low concentration is also unfavorable. It threatens to disrupt the formation of steroid hormones, selective hypovitaminosis (A and D), slowdown of regeneration processes, and decreased mental abilities.

    The optimal levels of LDL cholesterol can be found in the table.

    Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)

    These are elementary primary particles synthesized by liver cells, which are the basis for the formation of LDL. They also partially enter the blood, but the percentage of cholesterol in them is low. VLDL are transporters of triglycerides, although they also play an important role in cholesterol metabolism. The ability of lipoproteins with very low density to penetrate the thickness of vascular walls is enhanced in diabetes and kidney pathology with insufficiency.

    Average cholesterol values ​​in VLDL range from 0.26 mmol/L to 1.04 mmol/L. Their consistently increased synthesis automatically leads to an increase in the concentration of LDL, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis.


    They are named so because their molecules contain 3 fatty acids. The lipid composition of different triglycerides varies, and they can include both saturated and unsaturated fats. Depending on the composition, TGs perform different functions: either they are used to build cell membranes, or they are deposited in tissues in the form of fat depots, the ultimate goal of which is to supply energy to chemical processes in the body.

    Triglycerides come from food and are formed in tissues, transported as part of lipoproteins of different densities, therefore, their concentration also depends on age and gender. An increased level of triglycerides in the blood occurs immediately after eating, during pregnancy, and hyperlipidemia of any etiology. Reduced - indicates accelerated metabolic processes (thyrotoxicosis), impaired absorption (malabsorption syndrome, starvation) and synthesis (liver pathology).

    Atherogenic coefficient (AC)

    This is the indicator for which, in essence, a blood test for the lipid spectrum is carried out. It is calculated using the formula:

    Normal values ​​of the atherogenic coefficient are considered to be:

    • up to 30 years – no higher than 2.5 for men and 2.2 for women;
    • after 40 years of age - less than 3.5 for men and 3.2 for women.

    The higher the coefficient, the more likely and faster atherosclerotic plaques form.

    Additional indicators

    To understand the biochemical reasons for the high atherogenicity coefficient, additional information about lipid metabolism is needed. These include determining the level of the main transport proteins. Therefore, the extended lipid profile includes indicators of apolipoprotein A1, B and (a).

    1) Apo A1– a carrier protein in HDL, synthesized by the liver and intestinal epithelium. It activates the enzyme lipase, which catalyzes the breakdown of cholesterol, and thereby promotes its elimination. A decrease in the level of Apo A1 threatens intensive deposition of lipids and proteins in the vascular walls with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Conversely, the higher its concentration, the lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Reference values ​​for apolipoprotein A1 are presented below.

    2) Apolipoprotein B found in all fat-protein complexes, except high-density ones. Apo B-100 consists of hundreds of amino acids and is synthesized by liver cells. Its half version, Apo B-48, is produced by the intestinal epithelium. In addition to transport, apolipoproteins B perform the function of recognizing LDL by receptors in peripheral cells, and therefore contribute to their fixation on cytoplasmic membranes.

    Clinical and laboratory studies have proven that the level of apolipoprotein B is even more reliable than the concentration of LDL in determining the degree of risk of developing atherosclerosis. Therefore, in advanced lipid profile analyses, an additional “atherogenic coefficient” is calculated - the ratio of the amount of Apo B to Apo A1. Normally, it should not exceed 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women.

    What to do if test results are bad

    It is unlikely that the patient will independently understand the causes and consequences of disorders of his own fat metabolism. Only a doctor can restore the altered lipid spectrum. Moreover, in deciphering a detailed lipid profile, not only the local therapist is involved, but also many specialized specialists: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist. Methods of correction and treatment are selected in consultation with the involvement of a nutritionist and a physical therapy doctor.

    1. In the case of minor and moderate disorders without genetic damage, changes in diet and lifestyle, folk and homeopathic remedies may be sufficient to restore lipid balance.
    2. Severe dyslipidemia is treated comprehensively and over a long period of time, possibly for a lifetime. In addition to diet, moderate exercise, and giving up bad habits, specific therapy is prescribed with statins, fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, vitamins, and bile acid sequestrants.

    A lipidogram represents the lipid spectrum of blood in the form of a table with level values ​​for each indicator. Naturally, the indicators for adults and children differ. Lipids are most often associated in memory with cholesterol (lipoprotein). But this is out of habit of fighting it.

    In fact, fats are very important for the body, although indeed deviations in fat metabolism can lead to the development of heart or vascular diseases. That is, it is necessary to maintain normal lipid levels. Levels are monitored using a lipid profile.

    The term “lipid profile”, due to the huge number of sources, is interpreted differently. However, medical professionals most accurately determine the lipid profile using a biochemical blood test, which determines the state of fat metabolism by determining the concentration:

    • Total cholesterol (cholesterol).
    • Lipoprotein fractions.
    • Triglycerides.
    • Molecular complexes containing fats and fat-like substances.
    • KA – atherogenic coefficient.

    The lipid spectrum and its condition is one of the indicators of health, since fats and fatty compounds are an integral component of human cells and tissues.

    In order not to lose energy during meals, during the activity of the muscular system, and also to ensure the completeness of the vital processes of the whole organism during rest, sleep and other states of rest, lipids and their participation in all stages of the body’s life are necessary.

    Fat metabolism consists of several interrelated processes:

    • Absorption of fats received with food in the gastrointestinal tract after preliminary breakdown and digestion.
    • Transfer of lipids into the intestine with the assistance of chylomicrons.
    • Launching the metabolic processes of triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol.
    • Interaction of fatty acids and ketone bodies.
    • Lipogenesis.
    • Breakdown of fats.
    • Breakdown of fatty acids.

    Thanks to the preservation of such processes, all the functions of lipids are performed.

    Functions of lipids

    Like all structural units of cells and tissues, fats have clearly defined functions:

    • Structural is an essential part of cell membranes, especially neurons, since brain cells are not able to fully perform their functions without fats.
    • Regulatory - includes the composition of vitamins, hormones, and takes an active part in the passage of nerve transmission.
    • Transport – thanks to lipoproteins, active substances are transported throughout the body.
    • Protective - every human organ is surrounded by adipose tissue, which protects them from external negative influences.
    • Supportive - since adipose tissue surrounds the bases of the plexuses of blood vessels and nerves, the spaces between the nerves and vessels are filled with adipose tissue.
    • Energy – the accumulated energy of adipose tissue during oxidative reactions is at least twice as high as that released by carbohydrates and proteins.
    • Thermoregulatory – protects the body from hypothermia when exposed to low temperatures.
    • Trophic - a large number of active substances, for example, vitamins, are not able to be absorbed without the presence of lipids.
    • Reproductive - stable activity of the human reproductive system cannot be carried out without lipids, since without their participation the absorption of minerals and other substances from the intestines into the blood is disrupted.

    Violation of fat metabolism is fraught with many pathologies. To do this, you need to know what exactly each lipid test indicator means.

    Lipid profile composition

    Each indicator of such an analysis carries important information about the state of a person’s health, prognosis and allows one to determine further tactics for managing the patient.


    It is an organic compound. By its nature it is a lipophilic alcohol. It is a component of all cell membranes.

    In the human body it is the starting material for the synthesis of sex hormones, corticosteroids, vitamin D, and bile acids.

    The formation of total cholesterol mainly occurs in the liver. Absorbed in the intestines, it then enters the blood. For its transfer, the participation of protein-lipid compounds - lipoproteins, which consist of:

    • Apoproteins.
    • Cholesterol.
    • Triglycerides.

    The number of such complexes and the level of cholesterol present in them is reflected in its density. The more it is in such compounds, the lower its density becomes.
