Bringing the pain at the bottom of the abdomen in most cases is not so strong and quite quickly passes. Questions pull and colitis at the bottom of the abdomen

The manifestation of pain at the bottom of the abdomen most often forces women to refer to the gynecologist to establish the causes of such symptoms. AND noye pain at the bottom of the abdomen, and sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen is alarming equally strongly, especially if it hurts much and for a long time.

Nevertheless, very strong pain in the groin area may also testify to the manifestation of neurological or surgical pathologies. Therefore, the sharp cutting, and stupid pain in this part of the abdomen is a reason to immediately visit the doctor and go through full diagnosis.

Pain at the bottom of the belly in women on the right and left

Determining the causes of pain at the bottom of the belly in women, doctors divide them into two conditional groups. The reasons why the abdominal abdomain hurts in a woman can be organic and functional .

Organic causes of pain and cutting in a woman

  • sexual diseases in women (, apoplex ovarian , myoma uterus , ovarian cyst , twisted the legs of the ovarian cysts , );
  • unpleasant sensations and pain intrauterine spiral ;
  • surgical pathology of acute type, diseases of the gallbladder, urinary system (,);
  • dull, cutting, pulling and other types of pain associated with (threat of interrupts, colic after a medical abortion, premature placental detachment).

Functional reasons

  • monthly cycle ( dysfunctional uterine bleeding , algodismenorye );
  • pain sensations ovulation ;
  • stagnation of blood, which is distinguished by menstruation ( hematometome , bending uterus ).

It should be noted that the pain in the lower abdomen can have a different character. It can be sharp, sharp, butting. Sometimes it is accompanied by bloating, severe unpleasant feelings in the lower back. In some cases, with sexual contact, the woman feels discomfort immediately after the act.

It is important to determine as soon as possible, with which the spasms in women in this area are connected. The causes of spasms will determine the gynecologist or direct a woman to the appropriate specialist.

In case of diseases of the urogenital system, the pain can appear at the bottom of the belly in women on the left. If the abdomen hurts on the left of a woman, the causes of such a state may have a number of diseases in which the pulling, stitching, butter pain is manifested. First of all, harsh pain and bloating may indicate intestinal diseases. Sometimes it hurts in the left side and after overeating, consumption of low-quality food. It should be borne in mind that one of the kidney diseases may appear. Pulls in the left side and with a number of diseases of the sexual system. But if in the left side hurts or pulls, the reasons should be determined by the doctor. Only a specialist clearly understands and determines that it is located left at the bottom of the belly in women.

The cause of discomfort may be neurological diseases in which the pain usually flies, shoots.

It happens that the pain at the bottom of the abdomen is associated with supercooling - For example, a woman may suffer from such sensations after the legs frozen, etc.

The pain at the bottom of the abdomen on the right of women can also be different. Often, the pulling pain may be associated with the diseases of the intestine, kidneys, when attacks, sharp. The specialist clearly understands that it is on the right and, accordingly, the pathology of which organs may occur.

Inflammation of appendages and uterus

If the uterus or appendage is inflamed, the disease begins sharply: the temperature increases, the intricensation of the body is noted, pain in the lower abdomen. If a woman has a pain at the bottom of the belly on the left or right - on any side. When it is noted for a new or acute pain and burning in the middle. If a woman addresses a doctor with complaints of pain on the left side or on the right side, the specialist conducts a vaginal study. In case of inflammation of the appendages, pastoral appendages with sharp pain are noted. With complaints that it hurts in the middle, and the softened and enlarged uterus is trying to feel suspicious of the endometritis, which can be sick during palpation.

Strong pain in the left side at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as to the right or in the middle there is observed in the acute course of these ailments. With chronic endometritis and adexiste, the pain, stupid. The severity in the area of \u200b\u200bappendages is noted, the sensitivity of the uterus is determined during palpation. If you press the abdomen at thenime, after which it is sharply released, then it will be hurting. Sometimes a woman complains that the rectum hurts.

In case of such diseases, a woman may seem to be that pain in the intestine on the left below the abdomen and rolling or the pulsating pain is developing in it. But it is necessary to determine why it hurts on the left, you can only in the process of research. You need to contact the doctor and men, because only a specialist can determine why the pain is developing at the bottom of the belly to the left of men.

Assigning treatment with inflammation of appendages and uterus, the doctor attributes infusion therapy, vitamins, anti-inflammatory funds.


With manifestation endometriosis there is a defeat of the uterus, appendages, as well as behindading space. This disease is characterized by the spread of cells outside the uterus, which are similar to. As a rule, in such a state, the pain in the lower back and at the bottom of the abdomen appears before menstruation, increases during menstruation.

If developing endometriosis of the uterus , it hurts, pulls and rolling in the middle at the bottom.

Under development endometriosis Podatkov Sheets in the part where the area of \u200b\u200bgroin is determined.

For retrocervical endometriosis - Behind the pubic.

Pain sensations become more intense, with a pronounced adhesive process in a small pelvis. But during endometriosis, the menstrual cycle is also violated, the nature of menstruals changes, develops.

With this state, the woman sometimes seems to have the causes of spasms in what guts hurt. To determine exactly what can hurt and make a diagnosis, should a specialist. Endometriosis is treated hormonally, sometimes it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention.

Apoplex ovarian

Apoplexy , that is, hemorrhage in the ovarian tissue, women develop in the period between menstruation.

This disease is manifested after ovulation. When bursting follicle , there is damage to the ovary vessels, as a result of which bleeding in the abdominal cavity and in the ovary. This can occur after the act, after exercise. With intra-abdominal bleeding, a woman tolerates strong driving pain at the bottom of the abdomen in the place where the injured ovary is located. Also marked postghemorrhagic anemia When the pressure drops, the skin pale, the woman loses consciousness. With this state, you need to urgently do the operation.

Myoma uterus

Pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen are observed at moma Mattik If the tumor reaches large sizes and squeezes the organs that are accommodated nearby. In this case, the stomach whines and rolling, there is a stupid, pulling pain. Under development sublifting Myomatous Node crossing pains, grabs. Bleeding is also developing. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention.

Twisted the legs of the ovarian cysts

Such a state may develop due to sharp turns, slopes, with physical effort. Why at thenime in this case, it is explained simply: if the leg twisted 90 degrees, the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, the edema of cyst develops. In this case, the reasons for the fact that the woman is at the bottom of the abdomen, just can only be confirmed by the doctor.

If it happened to be twisted by 360 degrees, in the cyst does not flow arterial blood and, as a result, the pain is already acute, cutting, sometimes firing. A picture of the "acute" belly is also observed: from the side where the cyst has increased, strong pain, spasm, a woman is nauseous, vomiting begins. The temperature rises, no longer. Such a state may develop regardless of the menstrual cycle: both in the middle of the cycle and in the period of menstruation.

What if a woman develops such a state? The answer is unequivocal: Emergency treatment is necessary - the removal of cysts, the leg is not spinning.


Causes of spasms can be connected with the attack appendicitis . It is necessary to take into account that this disease begins with increasing the temperature and pain, which are first felt in the epigastria, and then in the iliac region. In addition, there is no intoxication, weakness, vomiting, sometimes - diarrhea, deterioration of appetite.

The pain in the iliac region sharp, however, its intensity can be different - sometimes it is constant, sometimes intermittent pain. It begins in the center, gradually shifts into the right side, increases when moving, when coughing, when a person changes the position of the body.

At the very beginning of the development of such symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor, because without timely surgical intervention possible peritonitis and then the lethal outcome.

It is important to consider that appendicitis symptoms are easy to confuse with signs of other diseases. It seems to be fristed in the intestines, bloating, diseases of the stomach, neurological ailments, premenstrual colic. In some cases, stinging pains are noted after eating due to overeating. The causes of men of pain at the bottom of the abdomen can be connected with urological diseases. Therefore, the stomach is necessarily farewelled by a specialist.


Most often inflammation of the gallbladder It happens if there are stones in it. The course of the disease is sharp - there is a staggering pain in the lower back and below the abdomen, the temperature, the human temperature rises, is worried about the skin of the skin as a result of elevated. He hurts in the groin on the right in women, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the right hypochondrium, gives to other organs: a spin hurts, gives to the lower back. Discomfort becomes more pronounced after eating.

When cholecystit, the doctor prescribes a diet, medicines activating bile outflows. If the stones are large, there is no other method of treatment besides operational.

Pyelonephritis, cystitis

The causes of such ailments are associated with infection in the urinary paths. With an inflammatory process in the bladder, sharp pain in the groin area are developing, which become more acute when urination occurs.

Sometimes a woman is very difficult to write, since the process is very much cutting.

For pyelonephritis hurry the abdomen and the loin, as a rule, gives to the lower back and pulls the lower back periodically. May spin sick. The temperature is also rising, sometimes nauseous and showing diarrhea. But the most pronounced problems with urination: women complain that at this time the abdominal cuts. And often the complaint sounds like this: "I picked up, when I sit, coughing, it bothers me if she strained himself, he raised heavier, with pressure." With laboratory analyzes, inflammatory urine tests are noted.

And pyelonephritis, and cystitis treat antibiotics, as well as nitrofuran drugs

Easiness pregnancy

With a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus (it can be an ovary, abdominal cavity, uterine tube). In this state, a woman with a pipe abortion manifests periodic pain in the area where the groin. Top pains, as before month or during menstruation. If the pipe break occurred, the pain acute. At the same time, the painful sensations are given to the vagina, they are felt in the rectum, in the test region. When attacking there may be bleeding. With ectopic pregnancy, there is a latency of menstruation, a pregnancy test is positive.

With this condition, a pronounced intra-painted bleeding Therefore, the surgical intervention must be carried out immediately.

Pain before, during and after month

Before menstruation

Sometimes painfulness of a woman and girls begin to manifest themselves in the middle of the cycle. Before menstruation, his stomach coars algodismenorye . Most often, such a state is celebrated in young girls, due to the establishment of a hormonal background as well as the development and growth of genital organs.

The bottom of the belly among girls and women before menu can be sick and due to other reasons. The following reasons are possible:

  • endometriosis ;
  • binding of the uterus;
  • inflammation of small pelvis organs;

If there is a pain, both during menstruation, but no menstruation, and this happens regularly, you need to consult a doctor with such complaints.

During menstruation

Due to the same reasons, girls and women suffer from severe pain during menstruation. Sometimes the belly at thenime only pulls and sobs, but in some cases menstruation can be very painful. Some women complain that it hurts so much that it interferes fully work.

Why, during menstruation, such sensations develop, a gynecologist should understand.

  • Often the reason for this is underdevelopment of uterus , its improper position, inflammation of the genital organs, high level of excitability of the central nervous system.
  • It is more likely to hurt in menstruation in annoying women.
  • Also, such a state is noted when using intrauterine contraceptives, which is due to the fact that in the uterus there is a foreign body.
  • With menstruation sometimes hurts at the bottom of the abdomen at first after, in the first months, when menstrual sections appear after.
  • Secondary algodismenorrhea is diagnosed in the presence of fibromatous nodes, inflammatory processes, after transferring operations - stripe and gynecological.

After menstruation

It is accurate to answer the question why after menstruation hurts the abdomen, only a specialist after the survey conducted. But most often the causes of such manifestations are associated with endometriosis of the uterus (as a result of the increase in blood circulation in the body). In this case, the lower back may be sick. If the endometrium fabrics grow, ovaries may be sick. If the ovary hurts on the right, causes can also be associated with endometriosis.

The causes of such sensations can be associated with an increase in the size of the endometrioid cyst after menstruation. Discomfort manifests itself with chronic endometritis. However, why after menstruation pulls the bottom of the abdomen, you can learn exactly only after a special study.

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen when ovulation

Many women are interested in why ovulation hurt the abdomen and whether such a state can be dangerous. As a rule, such sensations are developing in the middle of the cycle and do not deliver too tangible discomfort. Women note that the stomach whines as before month. Immediately after ovulation pulls the lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes there are minor allocations in the form of several drops of blood. When ovulation, as a rule, hurts on the sides: left or right. The unpleasant sensations are developing in the corner, in which the ovary "works" in this cycle. Less frequently notes pain or rolling in the middle.

Basically this is a physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment. Rarely come complaints about the fact that the pain is strong, pulsating, cutting. Ask the gynecologist about why during ovulation hurts in the stomach, it makes sense if such a state is manifested regularly and delivers a pronounced inconvenience.

After sexual intercourse, unpleasant feelings arise from part of women. Often it happens at night. Why and what can be sick depends on many factors.

Often, if in this case pulls the bottom of the abdomen, the reasons may be associated with frustration , that is, with moral dissatisfaction. Why pulls the bottom of the abdomen after sexual contact, just can define only the doctor. You can ignore such a symptom, if the like of women rarely happens and the pain is light. By the way, the belly after sexual intercourse can also have men. And some women argue that they felt pain when conception. But if on the right or on the left pulls constantly, you need to handle the gynecologist.

Why can women be sick of the abdomen and what does this happen?

  • adnexit and endometritis in chronic form;
  • bashes of a small pelvis ;
  • endometriosis , as well as tumor , seal ;
  • chronic ;
  • diseases of infectious origin ;
  • dry vagina (due to insufficient excitement, klimakse );
  • damage due to a very rough sexual contact.

In medicine, painful sensations arising at different stages of sexual contact are called disparauinia . Pains can be different - sometimes a woman complains that in the groin zone, presses, pulls, burns, tingles.

Maybe pain, depends on the intensity of the disease. The thrush is an infectious disease in which allocations appear, which may cause discomfort. At the same time, the woman bothers itching - itches in the field of genital organs, as well as discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen.

Pulling, and later a sharp pain on the left or right at pregnancy it may be disturbed with the threat of miscarriage, so if the woman is pregnant, and she has a stomach ache in front of the month during pregnancy, it should, not delay, find out what happens.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, cutting, stitching, pulling pains are manifested as a consequence of the cutting of the uterus to 22 weeks of pregnancy. A woman complains that she has a spin whine, sometimes bloody discharges appear as during menstruation. Can a belly be sowed, how strong such pains depends on the state of the woman.

However, in pregnant women periodically hurts on the right or hurts on the left almost everyone. And such new pains are often associated with the growth and development of the fetus. But still, if a woman has a latency of menstruation, and she suspects pregnancy, why the abdominal hurt hurts, it is better to ask the specialist whose profile - gynecology.

Pain during pregnancy can be divided into two groups.

Sharp cutting pain can be a symptom spontaneous abortion . But if it hts the left side during pregnancy in late terms, it does not always mean that some problems are manifested.

Right or left side, as well as the bottom of the abdomen can pull due to the following phenomena:

Even if a woman has a slight delay, but she seeks to preserve pregnancy, when manifesting such sensations, she needs to consult with the doctor. Attentive to such symptoms should be those who already passes the middle of pregnancy.

It is imperative to tell a specialist about different intelligible sensations in the stomach - if the belly ends, while the legs are driving, the back hurts, etc. The longer such sensations continue, the more dangerous there may be such a state.

Therefore, every woman interested in the birth of a healthy baby must consciously refer to his health and carefully "listen" to the body.

Indicates the development of a serious process. Very often, the cause of pathology lies in serious reasons that do not require deposctions. So why is the colitis at the bottom of the abdomen? Tell.

If a woman's abdominal is hurting and colitis, then the cause lies in ectopic pregnancy. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the pathological process that proceeds outside the uterine cavity.

Most often, with such an anomaly, the fruit egg is attached to the phallopy tubes. Much less often - to the walls of the abdominal cavity or ovary.

With normal pregnancy, the girl will not experience strong painful sensations. If much colitis, the body temperature rises, it starts to nauseate, weakness and bloody sections appear, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance.

With untimely diagnostics, a woman can lose not only the pipe, but also a lot of blood.

Many patients are experiencing that after an ectopic pregnancy they will never be able to have children. But you should not worry much. Literally after 6-12 months, a woman can get pregnant again even with one pipe.


When, perhaps the patient had such a disease as a proctosigmoid. Under this pathology, it is customary to understand the inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the straight and sigmoid intestine. This process refers to one of the manifestations of colitis. The disease has a tendency to relapses.

Painful sensations are carrying in nature and often localized in the bottom of the abdomen. Increased pain syndrome occurs during and after emptying the intestinal tract.

There are additional symptoms in the form:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • development of feverish state;
  • malgia;
  • general ailment;
  • frequent urges for defecation;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestinal tract;
  • blood impurities and mucus in feces;
  • long constipation;
  • nausea.

You can diagnose pathology using bacteriological sowing, rectoscopy, cytology and biopsy.

If the abdominal is tool, then the treatment will be in compliance with the strict diet, formulation of the enema, the reception of antibacterial and hormonal means, setting the suppositories into a straight intestine with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Apandicitis in acute form

When there is a strongly colitis of the abdomen, then the reason lies in the inflammatory process, which is localized in Appendix. This is a small process that comes from a blind intestine. The inflammation in it occurs as a result of the disorder of intestinal microflora, abuse of alcohol and harmful products.

Pain syndrome is preferably manifested on the right side. But everything starts with the umbilical area and gradually descends down. An unpleasant symptom carries a stitching character and is characterized by its sharpness.

When the colitis of the abdomen during appendicitis, the additional symptoms in the form will appear.

  • disorders of appetite;
  • nausea and multi-time vomiting;
  • belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase temperature values \u200b\u200bup to 40 degrees.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctors conduct surgical intervention. After that, antibiotics are assigned to eliminate infection in the body. A strict diet must also be observed within one or two months.


If he began to hurt a lot of belly, then the cause lies in the development of the inflammatory process on the walls of the intestinal tract. Diverse is formed small protrusion, in which the remains of food accumulate. When they are stored, there is a violation of microflora, which leads to inflammation.

Painful sensations are most often manifested in the area where Sigma and the downstairs are located. If pain syndrome made himself felt, then it lasts several days. His strengthening is observed in physical activity, sneezing, laughter, coughing.

As additional symptoms note:

  • stool disorder. Long constipation alternate with diary;
  • the appearance of blood in the cartoons;
  • subfebrile fever;
  • general intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, decrease in appetite, apatine.

Therapeutic measures are in the reception of antibiotics and antimicrobial means, histamine receptor and drugs with a laxative effect, antispasmodics.


When the colitis at the bottom of the belly of the girl, cystitis is often diagnosed. This disease may occur not only in a woman, but also men. But most often the pathology suffers exactly the female population. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that the urinary system is located close to the anal entrance. When frozen or improper hygiene, the microbes fall into the bladder, they are activated there and cause inflammation.

As additional symptoms, itching and burning after urination, an increase in temperature values \u200b\u200bup to 38 degrees, frequent urge to the toilet.

Treatment is to use liquid to two liters per day, taking antibiotics and diuretics, introducing antiseptic solutions in the bladder.

Apoplex ovarian

Such a disease is diagnosed with girls in childbearing. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the sudden development of hemorrhage into the ovarian fabric. This process leads to damage to the ovary and the blood intake in the abdominal cavity.

The causes of the pathological process can be Coitus, a strong physical activity, the pathological location of the uterine cavity. The disease is characterized by the discharge of blood from the vagina, a common weakening, dizziness and general ailment.

Ultrasound diagnosis, blood test and laparoscopy is appointed to identify the pathology. When confirmed by the diagnosis, the patient conducts surgery.

Inflammatory process in the uterine cavity and appendages

If you constantly roll in the bottom of the abdomen, then the reason lies in the inflammation of the uterine cavity. Pathology is infectious. The reason may be infected with the urinary system, hypothermia, lowering protective functions.

Painful feelings grow during the emptying of the bladder. As additional symptoms, feverish state, chills, bloating, isolated. If the uterine cavity is strongly inflamed, then bloody sections come out of the vagina.

Therapeutic measures are carried out using physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis, ultraviolet), drug therapy (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), operational treatment (affected fabric is removed).

Pain syndrome often signals the development of serious problems that require immediate treatment. In order not to worsen its condition, it is necessary to urgently turn to a specialist, tell about the accompanying symptoms and pass a thorough examination. This will allow you to put an accurate diagnosis, determine the cause and appoint adequate treatment. Self-treatment can be dangerous for the life of the patient.

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen arise in spastic abbreviations of individual muscle fibers located in the muscle shell of the small pelvic organs.

Such organs of the lower floor of the abdominal cavity as a uterus, uterine pipes, intestines and ureters have a different functional purpose, but similar type of anatomical structure.

The walls of these hollows inside the organs consist of three parts, called shells, such as:

  • external serous sheath covering organ outside;

  • the average muscle shell consisting of smooth muscle fibers and ensures the promotion of the content of the organ (urine in the ureter, intestinal content in the intestine, etc.);

  • the inner mucosa, lining the cavity of the organ from the inside.
The coherent work of the muscle shell is ensured by complex regulation mechanisms that can be violated both with different kinds of pathologies (inflammatory process, neurosis, etc.) and in some physiological conditions (pregnancy).

Since stinging pains at the bottom of the abdomen are associated with muscle spasms, this kind of painful syndrome can be easily eliminated with antispasmodics medication.

However, in many cases, stinging pains at the bottom of the abdomen are associated with the pathology of the genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract or with serious impaired activities of the nervous system. Therefore, it is better not to engage in self-medication, and in a timely manner for help to a professional.

Stomaching pain at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy

Baking pains at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy are associated with transient (transient) abbreviations of separate fibers of the muscle membrane of the uterus.

As a rule, these pains are caused by physiological causes. During pregnancy, the uterus is rapidly increasing in size. At the same time, its increase is due to both the extensive muscle fibers and the formation and growth of new ones.

After all, in just nine months of pregnancy, the body increases many times in size and has time to prepare for his outstanding mission - the emergence of a new person!
Therefore, it is not surprising that during such a rapid growth and development there are "minor problems" of the regulation of individual muscle fibers, clinically manifested by the attacks of a crushing pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

As a rule, this kind of painful syndrome, no pronounced irradiation, does not have pronounced irradiation (the pain does not give either the crescents, nor into the lower back, or in the genitals) and is not accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

It should be noted that staring pain at the bottom of the abdomen caused by physiological causes are sometimes quite intense and cause pregnant with completely explanatory anxiety. Therefore, at least for personal tranquility, a pregnant woman with the appearance of staring pain at thenime of the abdomen better to apply to women's consultation.

In addition, the pregnancy itself does not exclude the possibility of other diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity leaving with stinging pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

And finally, the nature and intensity of pain - subjective symptoms that do not always accurately reflect the degree of anatomical lesion. So it should immediately seek medical care in cases where the stomaching pain at the bottom of the abdomen is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the pain acquires grabs-like and / or hazing character;

  • the irradiation of pain appears (painful syndrome gives back to the seats and in the lower back, down to the genitals and legs or up in the hypochondrium);

  • there are bloody discharge from the vagina or / and the symptoms of internal bleeding (pallor of the skin, dizziness, weakness, increase the pulse rate in combination with a decrease in blood pressure);

  • sharp deterioration of the general condition (headache, nausea, vomiting, increase body temperature, etc.).

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen in the diseases of the intestine

Crossing pains for intestinal diseases are usually associated with chronic inflammatory processes in its mucous membrane. With a long period of the disease, the normal operation of the intestinal muscular shell is disturbed, which leads to periodic spasms of its muscles.

In addition, a staging pain may result from short-term irritation of the erosion surface of the intestinal mucosa (for example, when contacting the damaged sigmoid sick walls after the defecation act).

Pretty dangerous periodically appearing stabbing pain in chronic diverticulitis and chronic appendicitis. With these surgical pathologies, pain is localized in the right iliac region and, as a rule, is not accompanied by any additional symptoms.

Chronic diverticulitis - a disease associated with inflammation of innate or acquired wall defects with a blind or ascending colon - diverticulus. The diverticulus is a peculiar bag connecting with the intestinal lumen by means of a narrow mouth. The anatomical structure of the diverticulus contributes to stagnation in it in intestinal content, and, therefore, creates all the conditions for the development of inflammatory processes.

As well as chronic appendicitis, chronic diverticulitis may at any time switch to an acute form and require emergency surgery. Therefore, if there are staring pain at the bottom of the abdomen on the right, it is best to seek advice to the surgeon in a timely manner. The choice of the treatment method (conservative or surgical) will depend on the results of the survey.

In addition, it should be noted that a stiff pain at the bottom of the abdomen on the right can be the first symptom of malignant tumors located near the adhesive intestinal in thick. In this place there is a special valve (the so-called Bauginiyev valve), which prevents the throwing of the thick-current content in the small intestine.

In violation of the work of the Bauuginiye damper, pains of spastic character (stitching or grapple-shaped) may occur, due to the spasm of muscles in response to the irritation of the small intestine in bulk content.

In addition to tumors, violate the valve operation can inflammatory process (Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis), but in such cases, carrying pains at the bottom of the abdomen will be developed against the background of a detailed picture of the disease (diarrhea, often with blood, sharp deterioration in the patient's overall condition).

However, as evidenced by clinical experience, the most frequently stinging pains at the bottom of the abdomen arise when proctoigmoid - inflammation of the terminal division of the large intestine. The functional and anatomical features of the structure of this part of the digestive tract (natural bends and narrowings, the dense nature of the content) predispose both to the occurrence of inflammatory processes and their protracted flow.

At the same time, the reasons for the proctosigmoiditis can be different: a specific infection (dysentery), an autoimmune process (nonspecific ulcerative colitis), circulatory disruption (ischemic sigmoid), etc. However, the general symptoms of pathology will be tenesms (painful casuals for defecation), a frequent painful chair and pain at the bottom Belly on the left, which can wear a pulling, novice, stitching and grasp.

Bringing pain at the bottom of the belly on the left when proctorate, as a rule, appears after the shaking ride (spasms of smooth muscle muscles in response to mechanical irritation), as well as before the act of defecation (irritation of the erosion mucous membrane with key masses) and after the death of the kala (contact of the integrated intestine mucous membrane after Full emptying).

When suspected of proctosigmith, please contact the doctor. Treatment and forecast of the disease depends on the cause that caused the inflammatory process.

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen for urinary system diseases

Crossing pains at the bottom of the belly on the right or on the left may occur in the spasms of smooth muscle muscles in the appropriate ureter. In such cases, the pain is often accompanied by so-called dysuric phenomena (frequent urination, imperative urge to urination, pain during urination).

The most common cause of the appearance of uretera spasms becomes urolithiasis. Stones and sands formed in the upper urinary tracts are lowered down the ureter, irritating its mucous membrane. In response to strong irritation there are spasms of smooth muscle muscles.

With strong spasms or large stone, overlapping the passage, the pain takes a grapple-shaped character and becomes extremely intense (the so-called renal colic). In such cases, in order to avoid serious complications, consult a doctor.
In addition, stinging pain at the bottom of the belly may indicate the inflammation of the bladder. In such cases, they are localized in the pubic area and appear at the end of the urination act. The cause of pain syndrome: Contact of inflamed Water Bubble walls after its complete emptying.

In case of acute cystitis, stinging pains at the bottom of the abdomen arise against the background of frequent painful urination (in severe cases - every 10-15 minutes). At the same time, the urinary urinary is imperative, urine becomes muddy, and in severe cases takes the form of "meat oots" due to a large impurity of blood. It is characteristic that the body temperature does not increase and the general condition of the patient remains relatively satisfactory.

If suspicion of acute cystitis appeal to the doctor (

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen - a fairly common phenomenon that the hidden symptoms of many diseases of the small pelvis are trained. Colitium bottom belly What is it? With a similar symptom, a fair sex is often addressed to a gynecologist. Let's try to figure it out in order.

The nature of the occurrence of staring pain is different. This is a sharp point of point orientation occurring in any part of the body. The unpleasant sensations arise not in the internal organs themselves, but in muscle fibers. The mechanism for the appearance of pain is manifested by the appearance of spasm, which gives discomfort.

The disease of the sexual system in women is one of the reasons for pain at the bottom of the abdomen

The reasons

Lower belly strongly colitis for many reasons:

  1. For diseases of the sexual system in women.
  2. With inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system in men.
  3. With various diseases of the urogenital system (cystitis).
  4. For diseases of neurological origin.
  5. With inflammation of the bones of the spine and the pelvis.
  6. When poisoning (often accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and spasms in the faithful of the abdomen).
  7. In case of injury to varying severity.

Symptoms in children

The main cause of children's complaints on health - pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Why does the colitis of the abdominal in children? Independently learn the localization of pain is difficult, children do not always understand what they hurt them.

Diagnose the cause of pain will help children's gynecologist (in girls) and surgeon (in boys).

Painful sensations can be expressed by disorder of digestion, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Intestinal dysbiosis, so-called. disorders of intestinal microflora.

There are many useful bacteria in the intestines that participate in the process of digestion and suction of food, when the balance of bacteria is broken, then dysbacteriosis occurs. When the temperature appears, in addition to the listed symptoms, there is a place to assume the presence of an infectious disease of the small pelvic organs.

Very strong grabs The cause of inflammation of the appendix. With such spastic ailments you need to immediately cause ambulance. Since the late surgical removal of appendicitis is fraught with a number of complications.

Pain at the bottom of the belly can provoke worms, who deliver discomfort to the child. To identify not last residents of the children's body allows the analysis of feces on the eggs of worms.

Appendix inflammation - one of the reasons for pain at the bottom of the abdomen

Pain may appear both by emotional reasons and physiological.

Women's spasms

Why do women colite at the bottom of the abdomen?The emergence of painful sensations in women is associated with inflammatory and infectious processes in the organs of the small pelvis. Recognize the cause of pain without the help of a professional problematic.

Physiological causes of pain:

  1. Diseases of the reproductive system (endometriosis, cyst-shaped seals, myoma of the uterus).
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, sharp surgical pathologies (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, intestinal infections, urination inflammation).
  3. The presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity (intrauterine helix, in case of incorrect impact in the uterus).
  4. Pathological processes (ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, threat of miscarriage, the consequences of drug abortion and other surgical interventions).
  5. Pain feeling after sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of diseases

Appoint the right treatment after a comprehensive examination (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the organs of a small pelvis; blood test and urine; puncture) can only a gynecologist.

Cystory formations are prescribed Hormonal preparations of the new generationi (Lindinet-20, Diana-35, Logest, Zhanin).

With inflammatory processes Use drugs that block the hearth pain (Ibuprofen, Nimesuld, Analgin, Spasmath, Papaverin).

An important role in eliminating pain at the bottom of the abdomen plays the reception of immunostimulating funds (Tincture of Echinacea), sedatives (Novopalsit, sedavit), vitamin complex (polyvitamins and minerals).


To prevent the appearance of stinging pain at the bottom of the abdomen Be sure to keep a healthy lifestyle - Proper nutrition and regular physical exertion, rejection of bad habits. Movement is life. Walking improves blood circulation and muscle tone. Strengthening the whole organism as a whole, we save ourselves from the unpleasant sensations accompanied by spasms.

The complex of prevention contributes to the unloading diet during the week, at least one or two times. Periodic unloading days (diet) contributes to the improvement of digestion, What has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The right approach to the choice of food gives our holiday to our everlasting organs of the digestive system.

Due to environmental pollution with harmful substances, our body needs periodic cleaning against toxins. In this he is helped by boiled vegetables, fresh fruits, steam low-fat dishes. Special diets allow you to get rid of boring pain.

The therapeutic menu should include a refusal to harmful products that violate the perilstatic (motor function) of the stomach.

  1. Sweets.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Alcohol.
  4. Flour products.
  5. Dairy products.
  6. Dishes containing bean plants (bob, peas, beans).
  7. Coffee.
  8. Any sauces.
  9. Canned vegetables.

The best diet in the first days after digestive disorder: apple, bananas, boiled without salt, dried bread.

These foods are easily digested, the stool normalizes, will not cause meteorism (bloating). During the recovery period, it is recommended to eat small portions (portion with palm), slowly and carefully fastening to avoid the stomach load with plenty of food.

Diet helps to improve digestion, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole

Eating fluid in this case of water, you need to increase. Water is one of the main components of our body. Juices, tea, coffee beverages have an irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is better to drink compote from dried fruit, the only thing - you need to remember that the prunes relaxes the intestines, and the pear - on the contrary, fastens. However, we note that many fruits are allergic. So boldly satisfy your body with useful vitamins, excluding allergens.

Sport helps in the fight against discomfort in the stomach. People involved in regular sports loads are at least exposed to digestive diseases, as well as pain in the abdomen. Sport has a beneficial effect on the metabolism process, the organs of the excretory system. With the help of sports, our body develops physically, rejuvenates, slags through sweat glands are displayed, thereby occur positive changes throughout the human system.

Why is the colitis of the abdominal in the middle? The reasons that cause discomfort in the stomach set. They carry neurological, gynecological, gastroenterological character. The exact diagnosis will only put the doctor after inspection.

The reception of spasmodic and painkillers does not treat the hearth pain, but blocks for a while. To the choice of such funds you need to be consciously, since many drugs are able to cause allergies and not everyone is suitable.


It should be emphasized for yourself - not to engage in self-medication. It is necessary to assign adequate treatment with a specialist to eliminate the source of pain and identify the cause, thereby avoiding further serious health complications.

Watch out for the condition of your body in a timely manner. And remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Pains at the bottom of the belly are one of the most common complaints among patients both male and female. At the same time, pain syndrome may have similar symptoms, but radically differ in genesis. Unpleasant sensations arise over a number of reasons: disorders of digestion, inflammation of the organs of the urogenital system, the development of neoplasms, etc. Often, it is possible to establish a correct diagnosis only with the help of instrumental or laboratory studies, since the physical inspection does not allow to obtain a sufficient amount of information about the patient state.

It is also worth considering the features of innervation in the field of pelvis. Because of a low enough, compared to other areas of the human body, sensitivity, patients are often not able to determine where the pain syndrome is localized. Therefore, when complaints, attention should be paid to the accompanying symptoms:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • stool violation;
  • dysuria or oliguri;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • tachycardia and reduction of blood pressure;
  • cold sweat attacks;
  • hyperthermia;
  • chills, etc.

Attention! Women must take into account the phases of their menstrual cycle. The appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen can be caused by premenstrual syndrome or directly the beginning of menstruation. In this case, the nature of the painful syndrome directly depends on the individual patient health features.

Cutting pain at the bottom of the belly in women may indicate a number of different violations. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the alarming symptoms in a timely manner and begin therapy.

Custitis - pathology, in which the inflammatory process affects the walls of the bladder. The disease is several times more common in women than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the women's urogenital system, including short and wide urethra, which greatly facilitates the penetration of infections into urinary pathways.

Pathology is characterized by rapid urination, and the urges for emptying the bladder appear every 15-30 minutes. Urine is distinguished by a muddy dark color, it often contains a small amount of mucus or pus, blood inclusions may be marked.

When cystitis, the patient feels cut pain in the field of small pelvis above the pubic, which are sharply enhanced when trying to urinate. To stop the painful syndrome helps heat: taking a hot soul or putting the heating to the stomach.

The presence of an inflammatory process signals hyperthermia. Patients have a subfebrile fever. In case of severe process, the infection affects other organs of the excretory system, leading to the development of urethritis or pyelonephritis. In such a case, the temperature in the patient can rise to 39-39.5 ° C, and the general condition of the woman deteriorates sharply: there is strong weakness, cephalgia, nausea, back pain, etc. arises.

Attention! Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process in the tubular kidney system. This condition can lead to the development of a number of complications, so it requires urgent medical intervention.

Patients with cystitis constantly worried about the feeling of not completely empty bladder, pressure in the field of small pelvis, cutting and spasms. In the absence of therapy, a woman may develop urinary incontinence.

Diagnostic measures for this pathology include clinical analysis of urin and ultrasound examination of the state of the bladder. In order to accurately establish a variation of the causative agent of infection, it is also necessary to produce a bacterial sowing of urine. After diagnosis, the specialist prescribes antibacterial drugs aimed at the destruction of the pathogen. When cystitis therapy is most often used Phosphomycin, nitrofurantoin and cephalexin. Also to remove symptoms, you can use antispasmodics and folk remedies: frost, cranberry leaves and lingonberry leaves, etc.


Endometritis is a violation in which the inflammatory process affects the inner mucosa layer. Endometrium is a functional shell. Every month, at the end of the menstrual cycle, it turns out and goes through the genital paths along with a small amount of blood. This layer is necessary to carry pregnancy in case of successful fertilization, as well as to protect the uterus from various bacteria and viruses.

The functional layer is formed by a single-layer cylindrical epithelium. This is quite sensitive to various stimulus structure. Normally, endometrial damage does not cause an inflammatory response. The cause of endometritis is the cause of different pathogens, penetrating the uterus in the thickness in the presence of damage to the mucous membrane.

Attention! During menstruation, women stand with special care to lead sexual life, since during this period endometrium and myometrics are especially susceptible to infections.

In case of endometritis, the following symptoms are noted in patients:

  • hyperthermia up to 38-39 ° C, fever, chills;
  • cutting pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • selection with an unpleasant sex tract smell;
  • strengthening pain syndrome when trying to overcome or empty the intestines;
  • tachycardia, sweating;
  • cefalgia;
  • weakness and lethargy.

Attention! If the endometritis is suspected, it is necessary to urgently contact the gynecologist. The absence of timely treatment can lead to the development of a more severe disease - endomyometritis, in which the infection also affects the mucosa layer of the uterus.

Therapy of this pathology includes the mandatory use of antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action. To date, the most widely used Sparfloxacin and its counterparts. Also, women are shown physiotherapy: magnetic wave treatment, electrophoresis, ultraviolet treatment, etc.


Salpingitis is a pathology that leads to the infectious damage to phallopy pipes. Violation occurs when the spread of pathogens from the uterus or, in more rare cases, other organs by blood flow. In most cases, bacteria are affixed internal, mucous, layer. Such a violation provokes a violation of the peristaltics in the pipes and the formation of adhesions and, as a result, causes a high risk of infertility or ectopic pregnancies.

In Salpingitis, a patient is worried about a number of disturbing symptoms:

  1. Disruption of well-being. In most cases, the state of the woman deteriorates sharply after the end of menstruation. The patient feels weak, she develops tachycardia and arrhythmia.
  2. Pain in the abdomen. The pain sharp syndrome, cutting, often irradiages in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum, the tailbone and germ lips.
  3. The cuts that are enhanced by emptying the bladder or intestines. At the same time, the woman is experiencing rapid urge to defecation and urination. As a result, patients often develop incontinence or irritable intestinal syndrome - pathology, in which patients have a frequent and liquid chair.
  4. Fever and chills. Women increases the temperature to subfebrisy indicators, cold sweat attacks arise, Cefalgia and Malgy appears.
  5. A sharp increase in unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.

Attention! The most dangerous form of the disease is purulent salpingitis. In the absence of timely diagnosis, pathology can lead to the rupture of the phallopyan pipe and the development of peritonitis - the influence of purulent flow into the abdominal cavity.

Patient with acute salpingitis must be hospitalized. In the clinic, a woman is prescribed Offloxacin or Norfloxacin to relieve the infectious process, Analgin or Naz for removing pain syndrome as well Supratin or Zetrin To reduce clinical manifestations of pathology. The removal of unpleasant sensations also contributes to the use of an ice bubble, which can be applied to the affected area for 5-15 minutes.

After the end of the acute stage of the disease, physiotherapy is also shown: mud and magneto-wave procedures, diathermy. Throughout the period of treatment, the patient is contraindicated to visit the bath, saunas and bath adoption.


Cervicitis is a disease that leads to a severe inflammatory process of the cervical canal. The cervix is \u200b\u200ba natural barrier that prevents pathogens to the sex system. In some cases, for example, during damage to the mucous membranes, microorganisms fall into the tissue of the cervical canal and provoke the development of infection.

Cervicitis is two types:

  1. Exocervicitis - inflammation of the outer segment of the cervix.
  2. Endocervicitis is the defeat of the inner mucous layer of the cervical canal.

The patient suffering from cervicitis, the following complaints are noted:

  • cutting pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the vagina;
  • unpleasant sensations in the field of the belt;
  • itching in sex paths;
  • strengthening discomfort when urination or during intercourse;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina after koitus;
  • petechia on the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • unpleasant smell from the vagina.

Attention! Often, recurrent chronic cervicitis provokes hyperplasia of the cervical tissues, the development of erosion and the spread of the pathological process on the body of the uterus and the phallopy of the pipe.

Depending on the variety of causative agents of infection with patients, antibacterial or antiviral agents are prescribed: Valtarex, Acyclovir, Ofloxacin etc. After relieving the acute inflammatory process, local treatment of pathology is carried out: the genital paths are treated with 3% solution. dimethyl sulfoxide or 1-2% solution chlorophyllipt.

Malignant neoplasms

Malignant tumors localized in various sections of the sexual system are one of the most frequent causes of the emergence of cutting pain in the field of small pelvis. The growing tumor causes breaks of healthy fabrics and sharp discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen. In the initial stages, pathology is difficult to diagnose, since it does not show itself pronounced clinical symptoms. Depending on the place of formation of carcinoma, the patient may be disturbed by bleeding from sex tract, menstrual disorders, soreness during intercourse. As the pathological process develops, the following signs of the disease appear in a woman:

  • the feeling of breast and severity at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • stool violation, constipation;
  • intensive pain in koitus;
  • ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • reducing body weight up to cachexia - complete exhaustion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • anemia;
  • violation of intestinal passability, intoxication of livelihoods.

Attention! Ovarian cancer is one of the most difficult diagnostic malignant pathologies of the sexual system. In order to identify this disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to regularly undergo a prophylactic examination at the gynecologist.

For therapy of malignant tumors, two main treatments are used: surgery and the use of cytostatics. At the initial stage of the disease in the absence of metastasis, it is possible to remove only the affected organ, in more severe cases require a more extensive operation. After the operation, in most cases, therapy courses are shown Cisplatin, cyclophosphane, methotrexate and other drugs for the destruction of malignant cells.

Ulcerative colitis

A peptic colitis is a chronic disease in which the inflammatory process affects the walls of the intestinal tract. Pathology may arise as a result of various factors and is characterized by frequent relapses.

Pathology is usually manifested by the following symptoms:

  • intensive cutting abdominal pain on the left, the localization of pain syndrome varies depending on the prevalence of the inflammatory process;
  • diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • the presence of mucus and blood inclusions in feces;
  • frequent false urges for defecation;
  • subfebrile or febrile fever, which is accompanied by cold sweat and chills;
  • disruption of appetite;
  • body dehydration;
  • malgia and Arthralgia;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.

For therapy of patients with ulcerative colitis, the main purpose of treatment is the achievement of long-term remission of the disease. To relieve the inflammatory process use aminoalcylates: Sulfasalazine or Mesalazin. If pathology is autoimmune, cytostatics are used: Methotrexate, Mercptopurin, Azatioprin. If necessary, steroid therapy is also carried out, for example, Prednisolone.

Patients with ulcerative colitis showed adherence to a special diet, which excludes from the diet of patients with all products causing fermentation. In this case, the daytime menu should be separated by 5-6 small portions in order not to stimulate the excess peristaltics of the intestine.

Cutting pain at the bottom of the abdomen in pregnant women

In women during gestation, cutting pain in the abdomen is an alarming symptom. Often, different pathological conditions of the fetus or placenta manifest themselves. Especially dangerous is the development of pain syndrome, which is accompanied by bleeding and periodic spasms at the bottom of the abdomen. In this case, the patient requires immediate help of a doctor and hospitalization.

However, it is necessary to apply for the consultation of a specialist, even if the unpleasant sensations are poorly pronounced and are episodic. The gynecologist will establish the reason for the impairment of well-being and prescribe the necessary treatment. It should be noted that the cutting pain in pregnant women can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • hypertonus myometrium;
  • pairing placenta;
  • stretching muscles and ligaments supporting the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage or threat of pregnancy interrupt;
  • breaking the uterus;
  • discussion of the Lona Symphysia.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Character of pain syndromeDuration of gestationPossible pathologySecondary symptoms
Cutting extremely intensive pain5-8 weeksEctopic pregnancyDizziness, weakness, tachycardia, drop of blood pressure, possibly bleeding
Intensive cutting or grapple painFrom 5-6 weeks before the birthSpasms at the bottom of the abdomen, bleeding, sharp deterioration of well-being
Any gestation periodStretching abdominal muscles and bundles of uterusPain strengthening with active movements

Attention! One of the most common causes of acute cutting pain at the bottom of the abdomen in women of reproductive age is a pipe pregnancy. This is a dangerous state that requires immediate medical care.

Pains at the bottom of the belly in women can be provoked by various factors. Often it is impossible to establish the cause of the development of a pathological symptom. In order to timely detect diseases, it is necessary at the first signs of malaise to seek advice from a specialist.

Video - Causes of abdominal pain

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