A well-bred husky kitten considers himself a dog. A kitten raised by a husky considers himself a dog. At what age is it better to introduce a cat and a husky

This is one of the few dog breeds in which there is no aggression towards humans, so you can be calm about your child.

The only problem- the size, coupled with the activity of the husky: a dog that has not been trained in the correct behavior can simply knock the baby down in the game.

  • Therefore, all communication between the animal and the child should be under your control.

Doubt about the size of the dog?

Why the husky howls and what to do about it

Most of this breed extremely "talkative", which does not mean their brevity - to bark at any incomprehensible sound beneath their dignity.

But the huge range of various grunts, growls, whimpers and howls will make you doubt the phrase "with obaki can't talk».

In fact, huskies rarely howl, usually just out of boredom. Therefore, if your neighbors start to greet you from work more joyful than your dog, it means that the husky clearly lacks physical activity.

Huskies were created for good physical education, which is quite difficult to imagine in a city, so you have to strain your imagination.

  • An excellent solution would be training sessions: This will help you build a relationship with your dog and get him fully loaded. Usually, after mental exercise, dogs sleep peacefully and "grumble" less.
  • As after other useful exercises: long walks in the park, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. If possible, you can join the lovers of sledding sports - this is the native element of the dog.

Husky habits

In fact, there are not many of them and most of the habits are common mistakes in upbringing. But there are a few that are worth noting:

Digging- the passion of many huskies.

If you live outside the city, on your site, then your day should begin with a survey of the perimeter of the fence. Otherwise, next time you will face the second problem of this breed.

Husky no matter what dig- a hole under the fence, a garden bed, a hole in the path - they like the process itself, and city residents often encounter this on a walk.

If you have several huskies in your dog walking area, then soon this place will resemble a field after a bombing.

Unfortunately, in the conditions of a city apartment, huskies can also digger, masterly opening floors and lifting linoleum.

In this case it's useless to scold them: it is better to give more loads for a walk and make an appointment with a dog handler.

Vagrancy- in general, the problem of almost all huskies, but with the condition of gullibility and curiosity of the husky, sometimes becomes just a disaster.

In no case do not self-walk this breed: firstly, it is illegal; secondly, it is deadly for a husky.

Although here it is necessary be extremely careful: Husky is not a breed that always runs side by side and looks into your mouth while waiting for the command.

Stubbornness- this statement may be controversial - numerous husky fans believe that this is not stubbornness, but independence.

In fact, whatever you call this quality, fact remains: Husky is not a breed for beginners. Its representatives are very smart and self-sufficient.

If you want quiet devotion, following on your heels and stability of behavior, start or.

Husky dogs quickly get bored with monotonous commands: you have to work hard to get the dog interested.

And for any of your prohibitions, the cunning guy will have a lot of ways to get around it.

Want “something like a wolf”?

If you feel that the husky is your breed, do not hesitate a minute - go for the puppy!

Today we will talk about cats and the Siberian husky or how to establish their relationship in a common area in the same house or apartment. We will also consider the technologies of zoopsychology that help to make friends with a husky cat, cat or kitten and avoid excessive mutual aggression

You took a Siberian Husky puppy with his irrepressible temperament to your house, and you are worried about how a kitten or an adult cat will react to him, or maybe you want to know how to make friends between a kitten and a dog of this breed that has been living in your house for a long time? It can be very difficult to make friends with animals with such different psychology of behavior.

If you have a small husky puppy, then with his excessive playfulness he can turn a cat's life into hell, so you have to distract the puppy with games. Over time, he will stop climbing to the cat. If it really bothers you - use the "fu" command. In general, the cat will soon learn to move around the house without touching the floor on which the playful beast husky is running.

By the way, be sure to take your husky for a walk, exhaust her physically before introducing her to the cat. She will be much calmer.

Aggression by a dog or husky puppy towards a cat should be punished. Severe punishment of the dog at the moment of throwing at the animal is a necessary measure. That is, at the moment of aggression, you give the command "fu" and make a slap with your palm in the area of ​​the croup. This refers to serious aggression.

If you think that your husky poses a serious threat to the kitten, then it is better not to have cats yet and get serious about raising and training the dog. Alternatively, seek advice from a dog handler, who will monitor the process of meeting animals on the spot. As you can imagine, this option is the most convenient.

Video of a cat and a husky:

YouTube video

In general, you need to do this: put on a collar on a husky, fasten a leash to it and, for safety reasons, put on a muzzle. Introduce your pets for the first time. If the dog rushes at the cat - give the command "fu" and make a strict jerk with the leash. Then sit the dog next to you with the command "sit", and let the cat be nearby. Ensure that the husky sits near your feet and does not go anywhere. Throwing again? Make an even stricter jerk with the leash, after saying the command "fu", then sit down the dog again.

The first moment of acquaintance must be controlled. When the husky calms down, loosen the leash, let her come to the cat, sniff it. Stop any aggression immediately and work strictly! Make sure that the husky does not react with aggression towards the cat. While he calms down, let him wear a muzzle, and then you can take it off.

When doing this, always monitor the communication of animals until you are sure that they get along well with each other. Anyone, even an adult husky, can be taught to a cat. The owner, as a leader, must show the dog what is the right behavior.

Chasing a cat or dog. It happens that huskies, for example on a walk, rush headlong after a cat running by. A dog can run after a dog or even a hare, but the bad thing is that at this moment he can get run over by a car or even get lost. So that your pet does not rush in pursuit of animals, you need to thoroughly learn the command "to me". The master's call should always be a reason for joy for the husky, therefore, if the command is diligently worked out, the dog will run to the owner in 100% of cases and at least!

You can stop the husky at the moment of her pursuit of living creatures by the threatening command "fu", and then command "to me". It will turn out: "Fu (pause of 2-3 seconds), come to me." In any case, the dog should know the "fu" command ideally. That is, it is necessary to achieve the termination of the undesirable behavior of the husky with one voice command "fu".

There is an opinion that keeping a cat in the house is much easier than a husky, because a dog requires a lot of attention and communication, which a cat does not really need.

Many dogs are of a hunting nature, and breeds such as the Siberian Husky are trained in hunting tricks many centuries ago, inherited from the ancestors of wolves. Therefore, in their wolf-dog genes, the installation is laid to catch up and bite possible prey.

Cats also have a hunting character, because in their genes flows the blood of their ancestors - formidable predators of the feline family. So modern cats have retained the desire to hunt small prey. As a rule, in relation to a dog, and sometimes a person, a cat occupies a dominant position.

But if the situation is different, then such large dogs as a husky can seriously injure a cat - the cat's flight can serve as a signal for the dog to start chasing prey. A dog bowl can be dangerous for your cat. The cat is also able to fend for itself and can hurt the nose or eyes of the husky with its sharp claws. ...

In many nations of the world, a cat and a dog are considered implacable enemies, although sometimes you can find mutual sympathy in these relationships, but is it friendship? Conrad Lorenz, an expert on animal behavior, once said that based on his personal experience, true friendship between animals of different species is extremely rare. Such a relationship can be called a truce rather than animal friendship. But since you can't really make friends with a cat and a husky, can you at least avoid conflicts between them?

Many people wonder who is the best to get first, a cat or a husky? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Moreover, most people no longer have a choice, they already have a cat or a dog, and they are not averse to having another pet.

The most fortunate moment to make friends between a cat and a Siberian husky is naturally their childhood. At this time, the kids get used to each other faster. If you already have a cat, then if you want to have a dog, take a ten week old husky puppy. It is much more difficult to make friends between a cat and a dog if you have an adult husky. You should also not leave a small kitten with a dog for a long time, and their first acquaintance should take place under your supervision.

Pets usually spend their first acquaintance at a distance, get acquainted with its smell, study it. Therefore, you should not forcibly push animals towards each other.

At the very beginning of the relationship of your pets, feed the animals in the same room, but put the bowls in different corners so that they get used to how their friend smells and relate this smell to something positive. Maybe then your pets will start eating from the same bowl (usually a dog's), however, feed them separately.

If the husky wags its tail and invites the cat to play with its behavior, it is safe to say that she likes the cat and your chances of making friends between the cat and the dog increase. At this moment, pet the cat, because she does not understand such an attitude from the dog, but over time she will learn to join the game.

The cat often shows its positive attitude by biting the husky's tail, or using it for sharpening nails. Cats love to sleep in warm places, and they, of course, understand that a husky can be one, so they often lie on their side or on the dog itself. When the pets have already got used to each other, they take care of their comrade: they lick their fur, clean their ears, walk and relax together.

If it was not possible to make friends with a cat and a husky, then it is better if they do not catch each other's eyes. Indeed, in conflict situations, animals can injure themselves and the warring side. Therefore, it is better to separate especially unfriendly pets and prevent their meetings.

Many people who want to take a cat into the house are worried about her health and life, so they already have a husky in their house, behind which the myth is fixed as a hater of cats, but sometimes, on the contrary, there is already a cat, but they take a dog, but also in this case, worried about the cat. Although quite often in such families where both pets live, as a rule, husky suffers! What can you do to avoid quarrels and fights between a cat and a dog living in your house?

Not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Peace between such different animals is quite possible. There are many stories in which a cat adopted a small husky puppy or, on the contrary, a dog took a tiny kitten under its care. It is much more difficult to try on two adult animals, but if you show patience and the right approach, then this is possible.

The question often arises: who to get first - a cat or a husky? And if it turned out that a husky already lives in the house, and you picked up a kitten on the street and there is no one to attach it to? That is, you do not have to choose, because fate decreed so. So you need to "negotiate" with the "senior" animal. Show patience and understanding. If the situation gets out of control, consult a specialist. Remember, there is always a way out.

At what age is it better to introduce a cat and a husky?

Better when they are both small, or at least one of them - this is the best option. If you have a cat in your house, but you want to have a husky too, then try to get a 3-12 week old puppy. The ideal option is when you have a trained husky who treats cats well (calmly). You can try to get a kitten and introduce them to begin with, but everything should be under your control. Try to restrain your husky from over-emotions.

To begin with, the meeting should take place at a distance, let the animals familiarize themselves with the smell of each other. Do nothing forcibly and try to be calm, as your arousal can be surrendered to animals. Experts recommend keeping animals in different rooms for the first 2-3 days so that they do not see each other, if possible, but hear and feel each other.

For now, they should also receive food in different rooms, then the smell will be positively associated with food intake and taming will take place faster. If it is not possible to keep it in different rooms, feed in one, but in opposite corners. First, put a bowl of food for the older pet, and only then for the younger one - this will also have a positive effect on further relations between them.

The husky will soon get used to the kitten, but still try to control their behavior at first in order to avoid possible conflicts. In most cases, animals quickly get used to each other and already on the 3-4th day get along well with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time. The main thing is that the kitten evokes positive emotions in the dog. You won't get anywhere with punishment.

Getting a husky puppy when you already have a cat

In this situation, everything is much simpler. From childhood, the puppy will get used to the cat and already, as an adult, will not show aggression towards it. However, he can be far from friendly to other cats. Everything here depends on the owner himself. A small husky puppy does not need to be taught to a cat at all, except to suppress all his attempts to annoy her. It is very important to train animals to eat separately so that they do not simply interfere with each other. Each of them should have their own personal territory.

But if suddenly the cat and the husky did not become friends, then in this case it is better to make sure that they meet at least less.
If you are the happy owner of both a cat and a husky, then it is in your power to prevent enmity between them. There are a few simple rules for making friends with a cat and a dog, or at least establishing neutrality between them.

To avoid jealousy of the owner between the animals, give them the same attention and care. If you stroked one, do not forget about the other, or even better, if you do it at the same time.

Food can be another source of contention. Therefore, feed them always at the same time. But don't forget that everyone should have their own bowl and don't put them too close to each other. If a cat and a husky eat together, then they no longer feel competition for food and territory. And gradually they begin to consider the former competitor "theirs". With the right attitude of the owner, a cat and a dog can become good friends.

Of course, the easiest way to establish their relationship at an early age is if they appeared in your house at almost the same time. So you will avoid the problem of how to introduce them to each other or how to train your husky to a cat, if the cat appeared in the house much later.

In such a situation, when the kitten is afraid of the husky, it is necessary to convey to her that it is impossible to offend the baby. Watch them carefully at first and do not let the dog bite the cat. ...

Try to pay extra attention to your husky during this period so that she does not feel lonely and abandoned. Then she will understand that they did not treat her worse because of the appearance of a new "tenant" and stop her aggression and jealousy. Sometimes adult smart huskies themselves understand this and even begin to patronize a little beginner, be it a puppy or a kitten.

It is more difficult with adult cats, they do not tolerate anyone on their territory, in such a situation the cat fights with anyone who invades her property. Perhaps she will not touch the husky puppy, but it will definitely hiss and growl at him. A careless and playful puppy can annoy her with his frivolous behavior. And if, for example, he gets into her basket or sticks into her bowl, he can easily get a paw in the face for non-compliance with the chain of command. Your task is to prevent this, watch out for an overly active husky puppy so that he does not disturb the calmness of the cat, at least until she gets used to his presence.

As for cats, some representatives of this family are also distinguished by an aggressive character - this is genetically inherent. These breeds include the Siamese cat. In contrast, Ragdoll or American Curl cats are extremely calm animals that can get along with almost any animal. If you already have a husky puppy, do not be afraid to introduce him to a kitten - the cubs will play and frolic together, and their friendship will continue into adulthood.

If your cat or dog is already in adulthood, this does not mean that you cannot have a second pet. Introduce the animals, but do not leave them unattended for a long time, because there may be small conflicts between them.

Make sure that each pet feels important, play with them more, and praise them for good behavior. It is imperative to provide each of them with their own place to rest and sleep.

These simple tips will help you make friends with your cat and husky, and there will always be mutual understanding and friendship between them.

In the American city of San Jose, three Siberian huskies adopted a kitten. All the world's media write about these unusual friends, and the page of the husky Lilo, Infinity, Miko and Rosie the cat has become one of the most popular on Instagram.

The story of an animal family is a true story about an abandoned child with a happy ending. The three-month-old cat suffered from exhaustion and, according to the owners, was "dying."

The owners decided to take a chance and put the foundling next to the leader of the husky pack - Lilo, who never had and never will have her own puppies. The dog immediately felt a kindred spirit in the kitten and began to take care of him - he did not leave for a minute.

"Rosie has become a full member of the pack," - quoted by one of the owners of the animals ABCNews.

Friendship, attention, warmth and care saved the cat's life. Now she copies the behavior of the dogs that replaced her parents: she walks on a leash, plays with them on the street, sleeps and eats with the rest of the “pack”.

The owners say that Rosie has completely adopted some of the traits of her friends: for example, she is "fearless" and is not afraid of water at all.

Now, 143 thousand people are subscribed to the account where the photos of the four best friends appear. In total, more than 800 photographs have been published there, each of which evokes genuine emotion.

Home " Good to know " A kitten who thinks he is a husky. The cat who was rescued and raised by the husky now thinks that she is a big and brave dog! When Rosie was found, she was very weak and almost dying.

“With whom you will lead, from that you will gain,” - says popular wisdom. The story of the incredible friendship of a kitten with three brave huskies conquers the hearts of Internet users. The kid, raised by dogs, grew up not like a feline brave and now does not lag behind his older friends in anything.

Such transformations in animal life are not uncommon. Owners who have cats and dogs under the same roof often say that pets adopt each other's habits. So the story of Rosie the kitten is no exception. Once the baby was abandoned to the mercy of fate, and the owner of these three huskies could not walk by, and sheltered the baby. The dogs accepted the kitten as their own, and since then have been brought up according to their canine laws. The result was predictable: Rosie is sure that she is a dog. She accompanies her new family everywhere, she is not afraid of either heat, snow or water. These four do everything together: sleep, eat, walk, go to training classes.

In the photos, the husky and the kitten look like a big friendly team. The hostess assures that her pets never quarrel, and she never regretted that she once did not pass by the fluffy ball. Today, a beautiful cat lives a happy, full-fledged life, and, as it seems to us, her fate is much more interesting than that of many relatives.

A wonderful family!

An unusual incident occurred in the city of San Jose, where a small kitten was raised and raised by three Siberian huskies. News of an unusual family spread all over the world news, and a separate page of husky Miko, Lilo, Infinity and cats named Rosie became almost the most viewed on the social network Instagram.

This story of an abandoned three month old cat began when she was severely emaciated.

The owners decided to somehow help the animal and put the baby next to the husky Lilo. She never had and never will have puppies, but she immediately felt a kindred spirit in the baby and began to take care of her.

Lilo protected Rosie like her own puppy.

Care, affection and constant attention literally pulled the cat out of the afterlife. Now all her habits are very reminiscent of her rescuers: she walks on a leash, plays with her older friends and even eats with them from the same bowl.

The owners of unusual pets, told that Rosie had time to adopt dog habits. For example, she "protects" the house and is not at all afraid of water.

From now on, the kitty is considered a full member of the family, the owners and "adoptive parents" love her.

“With whom you lead, from that you will gain,” - says the popular wisdom. The story of the incredible friendship of a kitten with three brave huskies conquers the hearts of Internet users. The kid, raised by dogs, grew up not like a feline brave and now does not lag behind his older friends in anything.

Now the grown-up cat thinks that she is a big and brave dog, capable of different feats, and has long been a star of social networks!

Such transformations in animal life are not uncommon. Owners who have cats and dogs under the same roof often say that pets adopt each other's habits. So the story of Rosie the kitten is no exception. Once the baby was abandoned to the mercy of fate, and the owner of these three huskies could not walk by, and sheltered the baby.

The dogs accepted the kitten as their own, and since then have been brought up according to their canine laws. The result was predictable: Rosie is sure that she is a dog. She accompanies her new family everywhere, she is not afraid of either heat, snow or water. These four do everything together: sleep, eat, walk, go to training classes.

We decided to take a trip to lie down on the shore of an icy lake.

Agree that these are just adorable pets, breaking all stereotypes about the structure of our nature!

Today we will talk about cats and the Siberian husky or how to establish their relationship in a common area in the same house or apartment. We will also consider the technologies of zoopsychology that help to make friends with a husky cat, cat or kitten and avoid excessive mutual aggression

You took a Siberian Husky puppy with his irrepressible temperament to your house, and you are worried about how a kitten or an adult cat will react to him, or maybe you want to know how to make friends between a kitten and a dog of this breed that has been living in your house for a long time? It can be very difficult to make friends with animals with such different psychology of behavior.

If you have a small husky puppy, then with his excessive playfulness he can turn a cat's life into hell, so you have to distract the puppy with games. Over time, he will stop climbing to the cat. If it really bothers you - use the "fu" command. In general, the cat will soon learn to move around the house without touching the floor on which the playful beast husky is running.

By the way, be sure to take your husky for a walk, exhaust her physically before introducing her to the cat. She will be much calmer.

Aggression by a dog or husky puppy towards a cat should be punished. Severe punishment of the dog at the moment of throwing at the animal is a necessary measure. That is, at the moment of aggression, you give the command "fu" and make a slap with your palm in the area of ​​the croup. This refers to serious aggression.

If you think that your husky poses a serious threat to the kitten, then it is better not to have cats yet and get serious about raising and training the dog. Alternatively, seek advice from a dog handler, who will monitor the process of meeting animals on the spot. As you can imagine, this option is the most convenient.

Video of a cat and a husky:

YouTube video

In general, you need to do this: put on a collar on a husky, fasten a leash to it and, for safety reasons, put on a muzzle. Introduce your pets for the first time. If the dog rushes at the cat - give the command "fu" and make a strict jerk with the leash. Then sit the dog next to you with the command "sit", and let the cat be nearby. Ensure that the husky sits near your feet and does not go anywhere. Throwing again? Make an even stricter jerk with the leash, after saying the command "fu", then sit down the dog again.

The first moment of acquaintance must be controlled. When the husky calms down, loosen the leash, let her come to the cat, sniff it. Stop any aggression immediately and work strictly! Make sure that the husky does not react with aggression towards the cat. While he calms down, let him wear a muzzle, and then you can take it off.

When doing this, always monitor the communication of animals until you are sure that they get along well with each other. Anyone, even an adult husky, can be taught to a cat. The owner, as a leader, must show the dog what is the right behavior.

Chasing a cat or dog. It happens that huskies, for example on a walk, rush headlong after a cat running by. A dog can run after a dog or even a hare, but the bad thing is that at this moment he can get run over by a car or even get lost. So that your pet does not rush in pursuit of animals, you need to thoroughly learn the command "to me". The master's call should always be a reason for joy for the husky, therefore, if the command is diligently worked out, the dog will run to the owner in 100% of cases and at least!

You can stop the husky at the moment of her pursuit of living creatures by the threatening command "fu", and then command "to me". It will turn out: "Fu (pause of 2-3 seconds), come to me." In any case, the dog should know the "fu" command ideally. That is, it is necessary to achieve the termination of the undesirable behavior of the husky with one voice command "fu".

There is an opinion that keeping a cat in the house is much easier than a husky, because a dog requires a lot of attention and communication, which a cat does not really need.

Many dogs are of a hunting nature, and breeds such as the Siberian Husky are trained in hunting tricks many centuries ago, inherited from the ancestors of wolves. Therefore, in their wolf-dog genes, the installation is laid to catch up and bite possible prey.

Cats also have a hunting character, because in their genes flows the blood of their ancestors - formidable predators of the feline family. So modern cats have retained the desire to hunt small prey. As a rule, in relation to a dog, and sometimes a person, a cat occupies a dominant position.

But if the situation is different, then such large dogs as a husky can seriously injure a cat - the cat's flight can serve as a signal for the dog to start chasing prey. A dog bowl can be dangerous for your cat. The cat is also able to fend for itself and can hurt the nose or eyes of the husky with its sharp claws. ...

In many nations of the world, a cat and a dog are considered implacable enemies, although sometimes you can find mutual sympathy in these relationships, but is it friendship? Conrad Lorenz, an expert on animal behavior, once said that based on his personal experience, true friendship between animals of different species is extremely rare. Such a relationship can be called a truce rather than animal friendship. But since you can't really make friends with a cat and a husky, can you at least avoid conflicts between them?

Many people wonder who is the best to get first, a cat or a husky? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Moreover, most people no longer have a choice, they already have a cat or a dog, and they are not averse to having another pet.

The most fortunate moment to make friends between a cat and a Siberian husky is naturally their childhood. At this time, the kids get used to each other faster. If you already have a cat, then if you want to have a dog, take a ten week old husky puppy. It is much more difficult to make friends between a cat and a dog if you have an adult husky. You should also not leave a small kitten with a dog for a long time, and their first acquaintance should take place under your supervision.

Pets usually spend their first acquaintance at a distance, get acquainted with its smell, study it. Therefore, you should not forcibly push animals towards each other.

At the very beginning of the relationship of your pets, feed the animals in the same room, but put the bowls in different corners so that they get used to how their friend smells and relate this smell to something positive. Maybe then your pets will start eating from the same bowl (usually a dog's), however, feed them separately.

If the husky wags its tail and invites the cat to play with its behavior, it is safe to say that she likes the cat and your chances of making friends between the cat and the dog increase. At this moment, pet the cat, because she does not understand such an attitude from the dog, but over time she will learn to join the game.

The cat often shows its positive attitude by biting the husky's tail, or using it for sharpening nails. Cats love to sleep in warm places, and they, of course, understand that a husky can be one, so they often lie on their side or on the dog itself. When the pets have already got used to each other, they take care of their comrade: they lick their fur, clean their ears, walk and relax together.

If it was not possible to make friends with a cat and a husky, then it is better if they do not catch each other's eyes. Indeed, in conflict situations, animals can injure themselves and the warring side. Therefore, it is better to separate especially unfriendly pets and prevent their meetings.

Many people who want to take a cat into the house are worried about her health and life, so they already have a husky in their house, behind which the myth is fixed as a hater of cats, but sometimes, on the contrary, there is already a cat, but they take a dog, but also in this case, worried about the cat. Although quite often in such families where both pets live, as a rule, husky suffers! What can you do to avoid quarrels and fights between a cat and a dog living in your house?

Not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Peace between such different animals is quite possible. There are many stories in which a cat adopted a small husky puppy or, on the contrary, a dog took a tiny kitten under its care. It is much more difficult to try on two adult animals, but if you show patience and the right approach, then this is possible.

The question often arises: who to get first - a cat or a husky? And if it turned out that a husky already lives in the house, and you picked up a kitten on the street and there is no one to attach it to? That is, you do not have to choose, because fate decreed so. So you need to "negotiate" with the "senior" animal. Show patience and understanding. If the situation gets out of control, consult a specialist. Remember, there is always a way out.

At what age is it better to introduce a cat and a husky?

Better when they are both small, or at least one of them - this is the best option. If you have a cat in your house, but you want to have a husky too, then try to get a 3-12 week old puppy. The ideal option is when you have a trained husky who treats cats well (calmly). You can try to get a kitten and introduce them to begin with, but everything should be under your control. Try to restrain your husky from over-emotions.

To begin with, the meeting should take place at a distance, let the animals familiarize themselves with the smell of each other. Do nothing forcibly and try to be calm, as your arousal can be surrendered to animals. Experts recommend keeping animals in different rooms for the first 2-3 days so that they do not see each other, if possible, but hear and feel each other.

For now, they should also receive food in different rooms, then the smell will be positively associated with food intake and taming will take place faster. If it is not possible to keep it in different rooms, feed in one, but in opposite corners. First, put a bowl of food for the older pet, and only then for the younger one - this will also have a positive effect on further relations between them.

The husky will soon get used to the kitten, but still try to control their behavior at first in order to avoid possible conflicts. In most cases, animals quickly get used to each other and already on the 3-4th day get along well with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time. The main thing is that the kitten evokes positive emotions in the dog. You won't get anywhere with punishment.

Getting a husky puppy when you already have a cat

In this situation, everything is much simpler. From childhood, the puppy will get used to the cat and already, as an adult, will not show aggression towards it. However, he can be far from friendly to other cats. Everything here depends on the owner himself. A small husky puppy does not need to be taught to a cat at all, except to suppress all his attempts to annoy her. It is very important to train animals to eat separately so that they do not simply interfere with each other. Each of them should have their own personal territory.

But if suddenly the cat and the husky did not become friends, then in this case it is better to make sure that they meet at least less.
If you are the happy owner of both a cat and a husky, then it is in your power to prevent enmity between them. There are a few simple rules for making friends with a cat and a dog, or at least establishing neutrality between them.

To avoid jealousy of the owner between the animals, give them the same attention and care. If you stroked one, do not forget about the other, or even better, if you do it at the same time.

Food can be another source of contention. Therefore, feed them always at the same time. But don't forget that everyone should have their own bowl and don't put them too close to each other. If a cat and a husky eat together, then they no longer feel competition for food and territory. And gradually they begin to consider the former competitor "theirs". With the right attitude of the owner, a cat and a dog can become good friends.

Of course, the easiest way to establish their relationship at an early age is if they appeared in your house at almost the same time. So you will avoid the problem of how to introduce them to each other or how to train your husky to a cat, if the cat appeared in the house much later.

In such a situation, when the kitten is afraid of the husky, it is necessary to convey to her that it is impossible to offend the baby. Watch them carefully at first and do not let the dog bite the cat. ...

Try to pay extra attention to your husky during this period so that she does not feel lonely and abandoned. Then she will understand that they did not treat her worse because of the appearance of a new "tenant" and stop her aggression and jealousy. Sometimes adult smart huskies themselves understand this and even begin to patronize a little beginner, be it a puppy or a kitten.

It is more difficult with adult cats, they do not tolerate anyone on their territory, in such a situation the cat fights with anyone who invades her property. Perhaps she will not touch the husky puppy, but it will definitely hiss and growl at him. A careless and playful puppy can annoy her with his frivolous behavior. And if, for example, he gets into her basket or sticks into her bowl, he can easily get a paw in the face for non-compliance with the chain of command. Your task is to prevent this, watch out for an overly active husky puppy so that he does not disturb the calmness of the cat, at least until she gets used to his presence.

As for cats, some representatives of this family are also distinguished by an aggressive character - this is genetically inherent. These breeds include the Siamese cat. In contrast, Ragdoll or American Curl cats are extremely calm animals that can get along with almost any animal. If you already have a husky puppy, do not be afraid to introduce him to a kitten - the cubs will play and frolic together, and their friendship will continue into adulthood.

If your cat or dog is already in adulthood, this does not mean that you cannot have a second pet. Introduce the animals, but do not leave them unattended for a long time, because there may be small conflicts between them.

Make sure that each pet feels important, play with them more, and praise them for good behavior. It is imperative to provide each of them with their own place to rest and sleep.

These simple tips will help you make friends with your cat and husky, and there will always be mutual understanding and friendship between them.

Everyone knows the story of Mowgli, who grew up in the jungle and was raised by wolves, but this story is a little more exotic. User Dong_of_justice gained popularity overnight after he told an unusual story about his husky named Tully, who was raised by cats and in all seriousness believes that he is a cat. He also, like a cat, likes to sit with his paws tucked under him, he is also used to urinating in the house, in the most unfortunate places for that. Unfortunately, the user did not provide photos of the cats that Tully was raised with. He has no direct evidence that she considers herself a cat, when you look at the following photos, you will understand that no evidence is needed here.

Tully was taken in by the owners when she was 2 years old

She was raised by cats from previous owners.

Funny husky Tully, raised by cats, lies with her paws tucked under her, she really thinks that she is a cat herself and behaves appropriately

Look how cute she curled her paws

Tully also loves to sit in boxes.

She can sit there all day


She, like any cat, loves to silently sit on the windowsill and watch everything that happens outside from the window.

God damn loves boxes

Isn't it a cat?

She loves like a cat to bask in the sun

Not a day goes by that she doesn't play naughty

Every day

She likes to lie like that, if you thought that she was waiting for her belly to be scratched, then you are mistaken, if you do this, then she will sigh heavily, angrily looking at you, and wait until you finish

"People often stop me on the street to admire Tully and tell me how pretty she is," said the owner.

She is funny

She is lazy, but very flexible and if she hears a strange sound, then instead of jumping up and checking, like any other dog, she, like a cat, will twist her head from side to side.

Bye everyone, I hope you enjoyed it!

Despite the fact that the original ancestors of the husky lived in the Far East, the breed is considered American, since it was the breeders of America who brought it into the form in which these dogs became known throughout the world as wolves with blue eyes.

Sled huskies are perhaps one of the oldest dog breeds that have survived almost unchanged to our times.

All this time, huskies have been a serious help to a person, wherever fate brings him: they are real working dogs.

Now there is no longer such a need for the working qualities of these breeds; they gradually become companion dogs, successfully performing at exhibitions and competitions, and even nugget actors, as in any of the

Husky and owner compatibility

If you fell for the appearance of a husky, before buying a puppy, be sure to read the information about the nature of this breed, and first - enjoy it.

Any dog ​​is not a plush toy, and when it comes to working huskies, the pros and cons must be weighed more than once.

What is he - perfect husky master? Yes, almost any person, there are only a couple of nuances: he must be a temperamental and active sports lover.

If you prefer to rest on the couch, you should not take a puppy of this breed - it will not end well: it is very sorry and insulting for a beautiful animal, for which all life is movement, on a walk around the house on a leash.

At the time of the highest popularity of the breed, when everyone rushed to get huskies for their stunning appearance, advertisements often “give up the husky in connection with the move”. And the problem was that the owners were unprepared: people simply did not calculate their time and effort.

So what surprises can you expect from the breed?

How huskies get along with cats

Fine, but only with your own people - this should always be remembered.

Huskies are good hunters, although highly specialized (they are capable of finding and killing a small animal, but bringing it to the owner is not a fact), so any stranger's cat will be perceived as an object of hunting.

The same, albeit less often, applies to small decorative fluffy dogs.

  • You are unlikely to be able to completely suppress this instinct, so more attention should be paid to behavior correction.

Husky attitude towards children

This is one of the few dog breeds in which there is no aggression towards humans, so you can be calm about your child.

The only problem- the size, coupled with the activity of the husky: a dog that has not been trained in the correct behavior can simply knock the baby down in the game.

  • Therefore, all communication between the animal and the child should be under your control.

Doubt about the size of the dog?

Why the husky howls and what to do about it

Most of this breed extremely "talkative", which does not mean their brevity - to bark at any incomprehensible sound beneath their dignity.

But the huge range of various grunts, growls, whimpers and howls will make you doubt the phrase "with obaki can't talk».

In fact, huskies rarely howl, usually just out of boredom. Therefore, if your neighbors start to greet you from work more joyful than your dog, it means that the husky clearly lacks physical activity.

Huskies were created for good physical education, which is quite difficult to imagine in a city, so you have to strain your imagination.

  • An excellent solution would be training sessions: This will help you build a relationship with your dog and get him fully loaded. Usually, after mental exercise, dogs sleep peacefully and "grumble" less.
  • As after other useful exercises: long walks in the park, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. If possible, you can join the lovers of sledding sports - this is the native element of the dog.

Husky habits

In fact, there are not many of them and most of the habits are common mistakes in upbringing. But there are a few that are worth noting:

Digging- the passion of many huskies.

If you live outside the city, on your site, then your day should begin with a survey of the perimeter of the fence. Otherwise, next time you will face the second problem of this breed.

Husky no matter what dig- a hole under the fence, a garden bed, a hole in the path - they like the process itself, and city residents often encounter this on a walk.

If you have several huskies in your dog walking area, then soon this place will resemble a field after a bombing.

Unfortunately, in the conditions of a city apartment, huskies can also digger, masterly opening floors and lifting linoleum.

In this case it's useless to scold them: it is better to give more loads for a walk and make an appointment with a dog handler.

Vagrancy- in general, the problem of almost all huskies, but with the condition of gullibility and curiosity of the husky, sometimes becomes just a disaster.

In no case do not self-walk this breed: firstly, it is illegal; secondly, it is deadly for a husky.

Although here it is necessary be extremely careful: Husky is not a breed that always runs side by side and looks into your mouth while waiting for the command.

Stubbornness- this statement may be controversial - numerous husky fans believe that this is not stubbornness, but independence.

In fact, whatever you call this quality, fact remains: Husky is not a breed for beginners. Its representatives are very smart and self-sufficient.

If you want quiet devotion, following on your heels and stability of behavior, start or.

Husky dogs quickly get bored with monotonous commands: you have to work hard to get the dog interested.

And for any of your prohibitions, the cunning guy will have a lot of ways to get around it.

Want “something like a wolf”?

If you feel that the husky is your breed, do not hesitate a minute - go for the puppy!

For most dog lovers, the question of their relationship with children is relevant. Therefore, before you start a husky at home, it is useful to learn about how they treat small children and other animals.

How this breed relates to children is best evidenced by the stories about the Eskimos who bred this breed. The birth of a child among this nation is a great event, since in the harsh northern conditions, bearing and the first years of a baby's life are associated with various difficulties.

Eskimos use their beloved dogs as nannies and a source of heat. They drive the whole flock into their dwelling and lay the child between the dogs. So a little Eskimo grows up surrounded by warm and friendly husky dogs. Of course, for modern people living in warm and comfortable apartments, such excessive trust in dogs may seem strange, but this story clearly proves that children and huskies get along well with each other.

This breed is very welcoming and friendly towards all people, it is almost impossible to train it. It was bred for other purposes, so it is not at all aggressive. The breeders of this dog note the reverent attitude of the husky towards children, there are no known cases of the husky's aggression towards people and especially towards children.

Although it should not be forgotten that the genetic characteristics of a particular breed certainly play a large role in the formation, the upbringing of a particular dog also has a great influence. If the owner constantly shows his husky a bad example by shouting loudly and physically punishing the child, then she can take this behavior as a basis.

A dog is a kind of reflection of its owner, so you must always remember this and behave accordingly, so that later you will not be surprised why the dog began to treat your children badly.

Live like a cat and a dog

Husky and cat can become good friends, or at least live in peace. For this, it is desirable that they appear in your family at about the same time. There is an opinion that huskies are very hostile to cats. The basis for this judgment was the fact that the husky is a gregarious animal that survives in natural conditions by killing weaker species for its own survival.

If you do not specifically train your husky to attack other animals, then your well-fed and well-groomed pet, therefore, in this matter, a lot depends on the owner. Although, of course, you always need to remember that the cat is a weaker creature, and regulate the relationship between your pets, so that everyone is happy and no one offends anyone.

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