Treatment of nasal congestion in pregnant women. Stuffy nose during pregnancy: how to treat? Stuffy nose in the last weeks of pregnancy

Hello, dear expectant mothers. If you decided to read this article, then you are probably among those 30% of women who have constantly stuffy nose during pregnancy, and they are looking for at least some relief from their condition. Why is this happening? Should I panic and run to the pharmacy for vasoconstrictor drops? Today we will talk about this!

Briefly about the main thing

Dear ladies, if every day of pregnancy your nasal breathing becomes more and more difficult, then this article is just for you. Unfortunately, as the amount increases, the nasal passages become even more swollen. As a result, a lot of mucus is formed and nosebleeds may even occur. Not only do the small vessels in the nose swell due to increased blood circulation, but they also experience increased pressure.

As a rule, unpleasant sensations arise from the second month of pregnancy, and in the later stages the situation only worsens. However, it also happens that already from the second week after conception, a woman discovers that she has a stuffy nose without a runny nose. There is no need to worry too much about this problem - after the birth of the child, it will go away on its own within two weeks. However, this does not mean that you should ignore the fact that your nose is constantly stuffy during pregnancy. This phenomenon itself is not considered dangerous, but it can reduce your quality of life, lead to a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman and, according to research, have an indirect effect on the development of the fetus.

What strategies should you follow during pregnancy?

To alleviate your condition when your nose is constantly stuffy during pregnancy, it is recommended to use one of the simplest methods - take a warm bath so that steam penetrates the sinuses and makes breathing easier.

It is best to fill the bathroom with steam in advance, because we all remember that expectant mothers should absolutely not use a hot bath!!!

For example, taking a shower in the morning, even when your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, you can feel how the mucus will liquefy and come out, which will allow you to breathe normally. Just keep in mind that this solution is temporary. You can breathe over steam, for example, by placing a bowl of hot water at chest level, several times a day or in the evening before bed.

If necessary, especially when you have a headache and a stuffy nose, you can add 10-15 drops of aloe, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint or sage oil to a bowl of hot water.

But I want to draw your attention to the fact that if you have constant headaches, this may be evidence of sinusitis. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

When the nose is stuffy during pregnancy: the 1st trimester is the most sensitive period, because at this time the formation of the child’s organs occurs and any intervention can have negative consequences. It is better to refuse drug treatment in the early stages and use saline drops to alleviate the condition. To properly drip your nose, you need to tilt your head back and slightly towards the passage where the solution will fall. Saline drops are completely safe to use several times a day, they will help soften the mucus so you can breathe freely again. Saline treatment can also be performed using an inhaler. After filling the container with the solution and placing the mask tightly on your face, you need to breathe in the fine steam for a while (about 5-10 minutes).

Treatment tactics taking into account the cause of discomfort

If you are wondering why your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, then my answer will contain three main possible causes of the problem - an infectious disease, an allergy, or the well-known hormonal changes. Depending on the root cause, the doctor determines how to treat. Namely:

  1. Nasal decongestant. For example, vasoconstrictor drops for a stuffy nose such as Nazol Baby (a children's drug) are considered safe. Medicines of this group can be used for no longer than two to three days. At the same time, some experts consider it normal to use them during pregnancy, while others do not. Therefore, the final word remains only with your attending physician.
  2. Antihistamine. The fact is that the unpleasant condition - a constantly stuffy nose during pregnancy - can be caused or aggravated by the release of histamine, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis. Doctors usually prescribe first-generation antihistamines, which in practice have proven their safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Rinse with saline solution. This method is considered the best for reducing swelling. Pharmacy products such as “Salin”, “Marimer”, “Dolphin” and the like are recommended for use. They are recommended to be used up to four times a day.

If the expectant mother has a cold and a stuffy nose during pregnancy, the 2nd trimester will be a safer period for active therapy than the first. In any case, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures such as ultraviolet irradiation of the nose or throat, inhalations with medicinal compounds.

Self-help methods

If you are determined to do without medications, then what to do to solve the problem, you can choose from the following recommendations:

  • Drink more fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid irritants that cause discomfort.
  • Apply a warm, damp cloth to your face.
  • Humidify the indoor air and ventilate the room more often.

Want to know what to do at home? Use herbal teas based on mint and chamomile to cleanse your sinuses. Spicy foods have a similar effect. Just be aware of what may arise or intensify.

Some women who experience chronic nasal congestion during pregnancy find relief by placing a vaporizer in their bedroom with just a few drops of eucalyptus oil at night or using a modern humidifier. This helps fill the air in the room with moisture, which helps reduce the amount of mucus that accumulates in the nose. When your nose gets stuffy at night during pregnancy, to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to keep your head elevated with pillows while sleeping.

If you have a stuffy nose in the third trimester of pregnancy, then all you can do is help alleviate the condition and rejoice in the fact that childbirth will happen soon. After all, after the baby is born, the problem will resolve itself.


Dear women, let this specific condition, when the nose is constantly stuffy during pregnancy, be just a reminder to you that a miracle is happening in your body - a new life is being created. In the meantime, everything goes on as usual, you can focus on how to quickly lose weight after childbirth. For example, a special complex for home wrapping gives a good effect when it is applied to the body (for example, the stomach). activator cream, and the treated area is wrapped in film to create a sauna effect. Thanks to this approach, the figure is corrected, the skin is tightened, ensuring its smoothness and elasticity. It is better to stock up on such tools and knowledge in advance, because after the birth of a baby, many mothers do not have time to look for such useful information on self-care.

Take care of your health and don't forget to work on your recovery after childbirth. Good luck and beauty, the birth of a healthy baby and see you again!

Possible causes of runny nose and nasal congestion in pregnant women

One of the most common causes of runny nose in pregnant women is hormonal changes in the body. Nasal congestion for natural physiological reasons often occurs in 3–6 months of pregnancy and goes away after the birth of the child. This is due to the fact that hormones provoke an increase in the amount of mucus in the nose; such a runny nose is not dangerous for the health of the mother and child, but it does cause some inconvenience.

The most dangerous is rhinitis caused by viral diseases. Viruses can influence the development of the fetus, which is especially vulnerable to them during the formation of internal organs. If infection occurs, the nervous system of the unborn child will be the first to be affected.

In addition, nasal congestion makes breathing difficult, and lack of oxygen can negatively affect the baby's intrauterine development. At the first sign of a runny nose, you shouldn’t endure the inconvenience and hope that everything will go away in a couple of days. To avoid complications, you should consult a doctor.

Pregnancy should be the happiest and most carefree time for any woman. Unfortunately, over the long nine months, even a completely healthy pregnant woman experiences many minor ailments.

These include toxicosis of pregnancy, constipation, and heartburn. Today we will talk about such a nuisance as a stuffy nose in pregnant women.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy, and when is it necessary?

Why is my nose stuffy?

Obviously, one of the main functions of the nose and its paranasal sinuses is to conduct air from the external environment into the underlying respiratory tract: the trachea, bronchi and lungs. In addition, passing through the nose and its passages, the inhaled air is warmed, moistened and cleaned of small dust particles.

The pregnancy period for each woman is different, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. However, there are problems that most expectant mothers are exposed to. One of the most common unpleasant situations is nasal congestion.

During pregnancy, many women complain of constant sniffling and swelling of the nose. It is worth noting that these symptoms do not always indicate a cold. During pregnancy, a woman may have problems with her nose most of the time, but this does not mean that she has a cold all this time.

There can be quite a few causes of runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy; it is necessary to identify the underlying cause in order to undergo adequate treatment.

Why does nasal swelling occur? Probably the most common answer is a cold or an infection in the body.

Even an ordinary person cannot always protect himself from such pathogens, not to mention pregnant women.

In addition, weakened immunity during pregnancy can also cause congestion. Rhinitis and sinusitis are quite common occurrences in expectant mothers.

Often, severe nasal congestion is accompanied by other symptoms: elevated body temperature, wet cough, painful sensations in the throat, and weakness of the body.

Pregnancy is a very difficult period in the life of every woman. As already noted, quite often expectant mothers cannot breathe through their noses, swelling occurs, etc.

If a runny nose is observed in the first two months intermittently and goes away without complications, then there is no cause for concern. However, if rhinitis begins to bother you greatly, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

It is best to get an appointment with an otolaryngologist and gynecologist. After the examination, they will tell you what to do next for the patient.

Medicines can cause uterine tone, which can cause miscarriage. The infection is eliminated by drinking plenty of fluids, saline solution to irrigate the nasal mucosa, and taking harmless tablets.

The specific course of treatment will be drawn up by a qualified specialist, and the patient must strictly follow this regimen.

Situations often arise when rhinitis is observed both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. In this case, the treatment methods will differ significantly, so there is no need to be treated according to the old course in order to avoid negative consequences.

Nasal congestion during late pregnancy appears mainly due to hormonal changes. The attending physician will determine further actions.

In the last trimester, the fetus is already formed, and a full-fledged baby lives in the mother’s womb. The risk of injury to the child in this case is noticeably reduced, but it cannot be said that there is none at all.

Harm can be caused at this stage if you self-medicate.

Another significant problem is difficulty breathing in expectant mothers. If the lungs do not receive enough oxygen, expect oxygen starvation.

In such a situation, all efforts should be directed toward treating rhinitis so as not to damage the internal organs of the fetus.

Nasal congestion can also be caused by physiology, then after the expiration of the period all symptoms will disappear, no medications should be taken.

If nasal congestion during pregnancy torments the patient for more than three days, this is the first call to contact a specialist. It is better not to put off everything related to health. By making an appointment with a therapist or otolaryngologist, you will protect yourself from unnecessary complications.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy? It depends on the reasons causing the runny nose:

  • if allergic rhinitis is observed, then it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. To achieve this, you should take medications that create a certain barrier;
  • in case of viral rhinitis, the blood vessels should be constricted, and for this, doctors usually prescribe drops that are not prohibited for pregnant women;
  • bacterial rhinitis is treated with antiseptics. If a severe form is observed, it is recommended to use antibacterial therapy, which does not harm expectant mothers.

It would seem that this is a stupid question, but the answer is clear. Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Above we looked at situations where nasal congestion during pregnancy was caused by a number of external factors. Such a runny nose must be treated, and the sooner it is started, the better.

However, in medicine there is such a thing as rhinitis in pregnant girls. This is the case when they talk about nasal congestion without a runny nose during pregnancy. The disease is observed for a long period, and then disappears with lightning speed after childbirth.

To avoid damaging anything, you can moisturize your nasal passages with a special spray, and the problem is solved.

According to most qualified specialists, the most common and at the same time effective remedy for nasal problems are drops. It is worth noting that the choice of these medications is of great importance. After all, some nasal drops during pregnancy are used to combat ARVI, others - against allergies, etc. We will look at these two types in more detail.

So, if congestion is caused by ARVI, doctors recommend using the following drops:

  1. "Pinosol." This spray, like all the others in our selection, does not pose any danger to pregnant women. It contains only natural ingredients; they soften the nasal mucosa, thereby increasing local immunity.
  2. "Grippferon". Probably one of the most popular remedies for ARVI, it is prescribed to expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

If swelling of the nose is caused by allergies, then first you need to deal with this manifestation of the disease. The following remedies will help eliminate signs of nasal congestion:

  1. "Flixonase". This drug is a spray that has a positive effect on the body during allergic reactions. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use it; doctors prescribe the drug only as a last resort, when there is a real risk to the fetus.
  2. "Vibrocil." This is an example of good nasal drops for pregnancy. Of course, you cannot use the drug yourself; consultation with a specialist is necessary. Doctors do not really like to prescribe such drops, but their effectiveness forces doctors to opt for this medication.

How to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy? If you do not want to use various drops, you can use saline solution, which is sold in every pharmacy.

Where would we be without them? Traditional medicine is good, but fans of traditional methods of treatment have come up with their own methods, which are quite effective. Among them are:

  • breathing exercises. You should alternately pinch one or the other nostril and inhale and exhale. Then you can inhale and exhale through your mouth;
  • warming up the feet. The fastest way to achieve this is to pour mustard powder into your socks. Treatment of nasal congestion during pregnancy should follow all the rules in order to avoid unpleasant consequences;
  • horseradish with apple and sugar. Horseradish has long been considered the best way to combat a runny nose. For pregnant women, it is recommended to mix it with an apple and sugar and eat this mixture slowly for several days. In addition to the fact that congestion will go away, your immunity will also increase.

To cope with nasal congestion during pregnancy, you need to rinse it properly. The sequence of actions is extremely important, because otherwise you will not get a positive result. Rinsing cleanses the nasal cavity from bacteria, viruses, relieves swelling, etc.

Danger of nasal congestion

One of the common causes of nasal congestion in pregnant women is a cold. The immune system cannot cope with microbes, chronic diseases worsen. The likelihood of the disease is especially high in the early stages, and this is very dangerous for the fetus. The first thing to do if you have a stuffy nose during pregnancy is to see a doctor.

Most drops and sprays for the treatment of rhinitis are vasoconstrictors. When used carefully, they act locally, but such a tiny dose is difficult to calculate. The desire to use drops when the nose is completely blocked is great, and it is not always possible to control the exact dosage.

Too many substances affect not only the vessels of the nose, but also the entire circulatory system as a whole, including the vessels in the placenta. Namely, it is through it that the child receives all the necessary substances. This is quite enough to avoid using vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, nasal drops for congestion can be used only those recommended by the attending physician. This applies to any nasal drops and sprays, including vasoconstrictors. They can only be used strictly according to the instructions and do not exceed the indicated dosage or instill them more often than necessary (no more than twice a day). During pregnancy, children's Nazivin is often prescribed for up to one year.

Such preparations are made from sea water or saline solution and are considered “natural,” which only increases their popularity. However, in terms of their effectiveness, they are noticeably inferior to other means. The most that saline solutions (Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor, etc.) can do is moisturize the nasal mucosa and eliminate mucus.


This remedy for the common cold is herbal based; Pinosol contains essential oils (mint, pine, eucalyptus). The drug does not contain harmful substances, acts gently and effectively on inflamed mucous membranes, relieving swelling. Pinosol also heals injured mucous membranes; it can be used for ordinary and chronic rhinitis.

People prone to allergies should approach the use of drops with caution. The duration of treatment should not be longer than 7 days.


It has vasoconstrictor properties, relieves swelling and inflammation, and facilitates breathing. Sanorin is available in several forms - in the form of drops, spray and emulsion. The emulsion lasts the longest; the drops retain their effect for no longer than a couple of hours. Used to treat rhinitis of various origins and prepare the nasal passages before examination.

Pregnant women should not use drugs like Tizin more than once a day. It is better not to use this remedy at all during pregnancy, the only exception being the acute stage of a runny nose when other remedies have failed. Tizin can be used only after consultation with a doctor; the specialist prescribes the dosage strictly individually, taking into account the patient’s health characteristics.


Used to relieve nasal congestion caused by an allergic reaction. Vibrocil can be used only in consultation with a doctor, despite the fact that pregnancy is not included in the list of contraindications. The product helps remove swelling and reduce the amount of mucus; it is usually used in combination with other antihistamines.

It is undesirable to use for the treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy:

  • Xymelin;
  • For nose;
  • Tizin;
  • Farial.

The listed drugs can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly observing the prescribed dosage. Absolutely contraindicated drugs include:

  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Fervex;
  • Fazin.

The prohibited list of remedies for the common cold for pregnant women includes all drops and sprays containing oxymetazoline.

Symptoms of runny nose and nasal congestion

Unlike colds, chronic vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy is not accompanied by fever, inflammation and intoxication of the body. The expectant mother does not feel tired, she does not lose her appetite and is in a good mood.

In case of viral or bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract, green snot is released from the nasal passages. These include symptoms such as headache, sore throat, muscle aches, cough, chills, lacrimation, severe weakness, and fever.

An allergic runny nose is associated with a burning sensation in the eyes, skin reactions, and frequent sneezing. With allergies, nasal discharge has a watery consistency.

Symptoms of rhinitis in pregnant women are mild. The main signs of physiological rhinitis include:

  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • clear mucous discharge in small quantities;
  • sneezing;
  • dryness in the nasal passages;
  • decreased sense of smell.

Physiological rhinitis causes constant discomfort to a pregnant woman, but does not harm her unborn baby. All signs of this condition disappear without additional therapy immediately after birth. To smooth out the manifestations of rhinitis while carrying a child, you need to contact a specialist who will select a treatment for the runny nose that is safe for the fetus and mother.

The disease caused by infection has the following symptoms:

  • sneezing;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • copious discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • difficult nasal breathing.

Microbes of any etiology are dangerous for the unborn child. Call a doctor at home to limit contact with other sick people at the clinic. Without taking medicine and getting rid of the source of infection, you will not make your child better. Rhinitis will turn into sinusitis and purulent processes will begin.

If during pregnancy your nose is stuffy due to hormonal changes, the following symptoms occur:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • sneezing, tear fluid;
  • skin rash.

Allergic manifestations are no less harmful than infectious ones. Remember that you are now responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life and health of your child.

How can you treat nasal congestion?

During the first trimester, aggressive treatment methods are prohibited. This can cause improper formation of the human skeleton and organs. Even drops for nasal congestion should not be used during early pregnancy. The vasoconstrictor effect can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.

  • rinse the nasal cavity;
  • rub “Zvezdochka” or “Doctor Mom” balms into the temples and bridge of the nose;
  • warm your hands under hot water for 5 minutes.

In the second trimester, you can use drops prepared at home from red beets or carrots, diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. You can do inhalations by pouring sodium chloride solution into the nebulizer, 3 times a day.

How to treat nasal congestion during late pregnancy? If it is not possible to get rid of the disease using gentle methods, vasoconstrictors can be used in small doses under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only a specialist should prescribe them for you, do not buy them yourself! Medicines should not enter the bloodstream; they should act only locally.

One of the home remedies for nasal congestion is Aqualor spray. Natural sea water actively fights germs, removes mucus, making breathing easier. It is indicated for use by pregnant women at all stages. It is used in the treatment of nasal congestion in a child from birth (Aqualor Baby). The drug thins thick secretions and removes them out. The patient's condition improves immediately.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

There are many reasons why your nose gets stuffy during pregnancy. To begin effective treatment, you need to consult a doctor. If you use home remedies for 2-3 days and there is no improvement, go to an otolaryngologist. Perhaps this is hormonal rhinitis, which goes away within a week after childbirth.

How to relieve nasal congestion for pregnant women using folk methods

A pregnant woman who is concerned about the health of her unborn child understands how important it is to avoid the influence of harmful environmental factors throughout the entire period of gestation. Expectant mothers are very worried when they notice symptoms characteristic of ARVI, for example, nasal congestion.

There is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time - if you have a stuffy nose during pregnancy, this is not yet an indicator that you have a cold. Why do pregnant women have a stuffy nose, and how to deal with this unpleasant condition? This is exactly what we will discuss in this article.

Hormonal changes during different periods of human development significantly affect the condition of blood vessels, and therefore the mucous membranes, which are densely penetrated by the capillary network.

Some hormones change the tone of blood vessels, others cause an increase in the volume of circulating blood and contribute to greater blood filling of the vessels, and others change the reaction of the vascular walls to environmental factors (for example, they increase sensitivity to allergens, cold, humidity, etc.).

The condition of the blood vessels quickly affects nasal breathing - if the vessels are dilated, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx swells and the nose becomes stuffy.

Thus, it is not surprising that women often experience a stuffy nose during pregnancy - this is a period accompanied by sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels. Literally from the first days of pregnancy, the level of estradiol, estriol and other hormones in the body constantly increases. They have the following effects:

  1. Estrogens (estradiol, estrone, etc.) are vasodilator hormones. They promote vasodilation, which often causes swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion.
  2. Estradiol promotes the growth of cartilage - this is necessary to facilitate childbirth, but can negatively affect the anatomy of the nasal cavity (which is why some women experience changes in the shape of their nose during pregnancy). The growth of cartilage sometimes leads to partial congestion.
  3. Progesterone retains water in tissues, and the longer the pregnancy, the more fluid is retained. For this reason, pregnant women often suffer from swelling, in particular of the nasopharynx.
  4. Adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol, on the contrary, constrict blood vessels, but when it is in excess (for example, during emotional stress), fluid retention occurs in the tissues, which also causes swelling.

Changes that occur in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx during pregnancy are often called “rhinitis of pregnancy.” Its symptoms are very similar to those of vasomotor rhinitis, a disease of the nasopharynx, which also often develops as a result of hormonal imbalance.

According to various data, from 5 to 32% of women at different stages of gestation experience signs of rhinitis in pregnant women. It is worth noting that the risk of developing rhinitis in pregnant women is higher in women who smoke, women suffering from chronic sinusitis, and those prone to allergic reactions.

Not every runny nose in a pregnant woman can be called rhinitis during pregnancy - this is a separate disease that has certain manifestations and course characteristics. According to researchers of this problem, rhinitis in pregnant women should be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • nasal congestion for more than 2 weeks;
  • impaired nasal breathing that occurred no earlier than 6 weeks of pregnancy and no later than 2 weeks after birth;
  • nasal discharge is absent or not abundant;
  • the severity of symptoms may increase over time;
  • There are no symptoms of ARVI or other infectious diseases (fever, cough, chills, sore throat, etc.).

Nasal congestion not only brings discomfort to the mother, but also negatively affects the condition of the child. He finds himself in conditions of chronic lack of oxygen, which can slow down development.

Hypoxia has a particularly negative effect on the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy.


Thus, we figured out why expectant mothers have stuffy noses. But can anything be done about this? How to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman?

First of all, if you suspect rhinitis during pregnancy, a woman should consult a therapist. The fact is that the symptoms of rhinitis in pregnant women are in many ways similar to the symptoms of other types of rhinitis (primarily vasomotor).

The doctor will prescribe tests of the blood and mucus of the nasal cavity - this will make it possible to exclude allergic and infectious causes of the disease, which will avoid the prescription of unnecessary medications.

What can't you do?

During pregnancy, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose, such as Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Dlyanos, Evkazolin and analogues, is not allowed.

Firstly, vasoconstrictors can be used for only 5-7 days, which is usually not enough to provide long-term relief from rhinitis during pregnancy.

However, many doctors consider it acceptable to use children's vasoconstrictor drugs (they are less concentrated and have a lower dosage, i.e., when instilled, a drop of a smaller volume is given). At the same time, even children’s vasoconstrictor drops should be instilled into the nose in extreme cases, if the nose is very stuffy, or you cannot sleep due to problems with nasal breathing.

What is possible?

Among the nasal products, the safest is saline solution, as well as drops and sprays based on sea water. Irrigation of the mucous membrane and rinsing of the nasal cavity or nasopharynx are used. Such procedures wash away allergens and other irritants from the mucous membrane, promote the dilution and outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx, reduce swelling, and prevent the development of stagnant processes.

A doctor may prescribe hormonal nasal drops for a pregnant woman. They relieve swelling due to their pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. One of the advantages of hormonal drops is their weak absorption into the blood from the mucous membrane.

For example, Avamis and Aldecin are quite safe and approved for pregnant women. At the same time, hormonal drops significantly reduce local immunity, as a result of which the expectant mother becomes more susceptible to various viruses, bacteria and fungi.

A woman should also pay attention to such simple ways to facilitate nasal breathing, such as humidifying and purifying the air in the house, frequent walks, massage of the paranasal area, and during sleep - moderate elevation of the head (high pillow). You should be careful with traditional medicine - often its consequences are worse than those of pharmaceutical products.

Usually, the symptoms of rhinitis disappear spontaneously 1-2 weeks after childbirth, so if congestion begins to bother you in the later stages, it makes sense to abandon strong medications and use more gentle methods of dealing with congestion, for example, instilling saline drops, etc.

Oksana Tsiklauri

What to do if you have a stuffy nose during pregnancy? To quickly get rid of the discomfort associated with difficult nasal breathing, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease.

For example, if the pathology is of allergic origin, relief can only be achieved after the allergen stops contacting the woman’s immune system. If we consider an infectious disease that is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to use antimicrobial drugs in treatment. This will help speed up recovery and prevent the spread of pathogenic microbes throughout the body.

Treatment of nasal congestion in pregnant women, regardless of the cause of the disease, should include improving the microclimate in the home. To do this you should:

  1. control the humidity level in the room. Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, impairs the functioning of the cleansing apparatus and reduces local protection. You can maintain humidity at 65% using a special device (humidifier) ​​or in a simpler way. It is enough to place containers of water in the room (preferably near a heat source), hang wet laundry or increase the number of house plants, not forgetting to care for them;
  2. reduce the room temperature to 20 degrees. This will help relieve congestion and improve nasal breathing;
  3. Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. If you often have a stuffy nose during pregnancy, it is advisable to take care of the cleanliness of the room. This will help reduce the concentration of dust, germs, and allergens in the air.

General mode

To alleviate a woman’s condition, it is necessary to normalize her daily routine and follow some recommendations:

  1. drinking volume. You need to drink approximately 1.5 liters of water per day, which ensures the normal course of vital processes in both organisms. It is necessary to exclude coffee and drinks containing caffeine from the diet. It is advisable to drink still water, unsweetened compote, fruit drink, juices or herbal tea. Sufficient fluid intake makes it possible to maintain optimal water-electrolyte balance and avoid dehydration;

The amount of fluid you drink per day must be agreed with your doctor so as not to aggravate the course of hypertension, toxicosis or other diseases in a pregnant woman.

  1. allergens. If you suspect an allergy, you need to get rid of all possible allergens. For example, you should give pets to relatives, reduce the number of objects that can accumulate dust (carpets, books). In addition, you need to remove chocolate, seafood, honey, eggs from your diet, and stop taking medications (in consultation with your doctor). If the allergy is caused by the action of fluff, you may have to temporarily change your place of residence;
  2. Before going outside in cool weather, you should dress warmly so as not to aggravate your congestion. To avoid freezing, you need to wear warm socks. Hot foot baths and mustard plasters are not used during pregnancy;
  3. daily walks in the park area can cure the disease and activate blood circulation, which is especially important during pregnancy;
  4. psycho-emotional and physical peace. Hormonal fluctuations due to stressful situations negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Bed rest during illness is necessary to preserve internal strength to fight pathology.

Pregnancy is a delicate period in the life of any woman, when the treatment of diseases should be approached with extreme caution. And first of all, this concerns nasal congestion. It would seem that it is worth paying attention to such a trivial problem? But if you think about it, difficulty breathing leads to a reduction in oxygen supply to the body. But during pregnancy, oxygen is needed many times more - both for the mother and for the baby developing in the womb. In addition, secretions that stagnate in the nasal passages are fertile ground for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria, which can also harm the baby. That is why nasal congestion during pregnancy should be dealt with, but it must be done correctly.

Why does pregnant women have stuffy nose?

Pregnant women face such an unpleasant problem as nasal congestion much more often than others. Doctors list the main causes of this condition as:

  • hormonal changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother;
  • inflammation of the nasal membranes, which is accompanied by a runny nose. It can be both infectious and allergic;
  • inflammation of the sinuses. In this case, you have to deal not with an ordinary runny nose, but with its complication - sinusitis or even sinusitis.

Initially, let's say that problems with nasal breathing occur in 90% of pregnant women, and in most cases the cause of this condition lies in the hormonal changes that occur in the woman's body. Excess hormones lead to vasodilation, and then to swelling, resulting in nasal congestion. Moreover, as a rule, expectant mothers feel discomfort in the morning, after which breathing becomes much easier. According to doctors, if the nose is not very stuffy, this condition is not dangerous. In this case, treatment is not required. Literally immediately after childbirth, this unpleasant symptom disappears on its own.

Much more dangerous for pregnant women is nasal congestion caused by infectious agents. An insidious bacterium or virus, which initially provokes rhinitis and nasal congestion, can become a real threat to a baby developing in the womb, leading to developmental abnormalities, and in some cases even death. You should start fighting this condition, and the sooner the better. And under no circumstances should you self-medicate. An experienced doctor will identify the existing problem much faster and find the best way to help a pregnant woman without harming the health of the fetus.

How to treat nasal congestion

You need to choose a treatment method depending on the cause of nasal congestion. If the reason is not hormonal changes in the body, then measures should be taken to eliminate allergies, and if it is not an allergy, then you will have to fight the infection, while simultaneously cleaning and moisturizing the nasal passages, as well as taking other measures to ensure proper breathing through the nose.

1. Air humidification
Constantly closed windows for fear of catching a cold, as well as running central heating radiators, ultimately lead to a decrease in moisture in the room. For this reason, the nasal mucosa dries out, causing inflammation, swelling and congestion of the nasal passages. If the nose is no longer breathing, and phlegm has not yet appeared, immediately begin taking measures to humidify the room. To do this, ventilate the room once a day for at least 10–15 minutes and regularly carry out wet cleaning. In addition, you can purchase a humidifier at any hardware store. And the simplest alternative to a humidifier is a wet towel that can be used to cover radiators.

2. Elimination of allergens and irritants
During pregnancy, the most unexpected metamorphoses occur in the female body, and therefore do not be surprised if you have an allergy to perfumes, house dust, animal hair or various food products that was not there before pregnancy. To eliminate allergic rhinitis, try to avoid smoke-filled areas, minimize contact with household chemicals and avoid products that cause such unpleasant symptoms.

3. Sinus rinsing
You should clear your nasal passages of mucus as soon as your nose becomes blocked, because the mucus “hidden” in the nasal passages and sinuses becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. That is why, in order to avoid complications, it should be removed in a timely manner. It is better to do this with saline solution. It is prepared simply: dilute 1 tsp in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. sea ​​salt and rinse your nasal passages with this product.

You can simply take the solution into a syringe and inject it into each nostril one by one. In this case, the solution with sputum will flow back, although some of it will end up in the throat. An alternative to this method of washing is the method using a kettle. Fill a teapot with a long spout with rinsing liquid, stand over the sink and tilt your head so that one nostril is higher than the other. Pour the solution into the upper nostril and the liquid, along with mucus, will begin to flow out through the lower nostril. Such procedures will perfectly clean the nose, and most importantly, allow the expectant mother to breathe freely. Carry out the rinsing procedure several times a day when you feel nasal congestion, and also before taking medications.

4. Irrigation and moistening of the nasal passages
Following cleansing, it is worth thinking about moisturizing the inflamed nasal mucosa. It is worth saying that the same sea water perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, and therefore in most cases, rinsing the nasal passages with a solution of sea salt will be enough to moisturize. If you need more, pay attention to nasal drops with sea water (AquaMaris, Aqualor, Salin, etc.). These products perfectly moisturize the epithelium in the nose, thin out mucus and promote its rapid removal. In addition, pregnant women can use such drops without fear for their health.

5. Inhalations with herbs
When regularly rinsing your nasal passages, do not forget about inhalations, as the best means of destroying viruses and bacteria without drugs. Inhalations with medicinal herbs deliver beneficial substances directly to the nasal mucosa, due to which its vessels narrow and the disease goes away much faster. To carry out the procedures, take 1 tbsp. calendula, sage or thyme, place on the bottom of the pan, add 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Leaning over the vessel and covering your head with a towel, simply inhale the healing vapors through your nose for 5–10 minutes. Carry out the procedures daily until complete recovery.

6. Drink plenty of fluids
Many expectant mothers do not pay attention to the gynecologist’s advice to increase their drinking volume, and do it completely in vain. Remember, for a pregnant woman, drinking 2-3 liters of water per day should become the norm. Moreover, it can be either pure filtered water or all kinds of compotes, fruit drinks, milk with honey, rosehip decoction or tea with lemon. By replenishing fluid reserves in the body, you thereby avoid dehydration and prevent drying of the nasal mucosa.

7. Nose massage
If you have never massaged your nose before, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the main points that should be given special attention during the massage. First of all, massage the depressions on both sides of the wings of the nose, pay attention to the bridge of the nose, which should be massaged on both sides, and finish the procedure by pressing on the depressions under the nose. For many people, such manipulations help clear mucus from the nose and make breathing easier, so perform this massage several times a day as needed.

8. Breathing exercises
You can also combat nasal congestion without medications with the help of breathing exercises. There's nothing complicated about it. Just close one nostril and try to inhale through a free nasal passage. Then change nostril and repeat the above steps. Carry out the procedure up to three times a day, devoting a maximum of 2 minutes to this.

9. Treatment of viral runny nose
If nasal congestion is accompanied by severe mucus, sore throat and high fever, a viral infection is most likely occurring. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antiviral or antibacterial drugs that will not harm the expectant mother and fetus. As for taking vasoconstrictor drops, most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women, since these medications affect blood circulation and can harm the fetus in the womb. Experts allow expectant mothers to use weak vasoconstrictor drops for newborns. In this case, it is recommended to use the prescribed drugs for no more than 3 days and no more than twice a day.

10. Treatment of nasal congestion due to sinusitis
Having a runny nose, sore throat, teeth or tonsils, a pregnant woman runs the risk of encountering an extremely dangerous problem called sinusitis. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist who will prescribe hardware nasal lavage and physiotherapeutic treatment. In extreme cases, he will be able to remove suppuration through punctures in the nasal sinuses. To detect sinusitis in a timely manner, pay attention to the following symptoms of the disease:

  • the nose is tightly stuffed up for a week or more;
  • the whole face hurts, but especially the forehead;
  • There is a sharp pain when turning and tilting the head.

Sujok therapy for nasal congestion

During the period of bearing a child, when you should protect yourself as much as possible from taking medications, you can also fight nasal congestion with the help of massage, for which su-jok therapy is ideal. This modern type of acupuncture, created by the famous Korean doctor Park Jae-woo, involves a healing effect on the body by massaging biologically active points located on the hands and feet. This method is quite young (only 25 years old), but in this short period of time it has become incredibly popular all over the world, and most importantly, its effectiveness has been confirmed by official medicine.

To get rid of nasal congestion using su-jok therapy, first of all, let’s note the main areas of influence. The head, and therefore all the organs located here, are responsible for the thumb and big toe. In this regard, to clear the sinuses, you should work on the center of the pad of the finger or toe. Slight pain when pressing will indicate that you have found the right point.

Considering that in Eastern medicine, the hands are masculine, and the feet are feminine, expectant mothers should pay special attention to massaging the toe. Let us also add that you can massage active points to facilitate nasal breathing either with your fingers or with various devices: massagers, special balls with spikes, or even the back of a pencil. You can perform stroking, pressing or circular movements, periodically adjusting the intensity, the main thing is that the procedure does not cause discomfort.

If you have sinusitis, you will need more thorough treatment. You can apply a warming balm to the active points described above or make applications using garlic. By carrying out this therapy every day, morning and evening, you will not even notice how nasal congestion will disappear, and breathing will become much easier.

Treatment regimens at different stages of pregnancy

Now let’s summarize the above information. It is known from medical practice that in the early stages of pregnancy, nasal congestion is almost always of an infectious nature. This problem should be dealt with under the strict supervision of a doctor, and in no case should you prescribe medications yourself! In the first trimester, the formation of all the baby’s organs occurs, and therefore any drops and sprays taken without a doctor’s prescription can cause enormous harm to the fetus. In addition, doctors categorically prohibit soaring legs, putting mustard plasters on, and using any other methods of applying heat.

Treatment for an infection that causes a runny nose and nasal congestion should include:

  • antibacterial and antiviral drugs (if prescribed by a doctor);
  • regular rinsing of the nasal passages, moisturizing the mucous membrane and performing inhalations;
  • drink plenty of fluids and maintain normal humidity in the room.

As for the later stages of pregnancy, the cause of nasal congestion lies in the hormonal changes occurring in the pregnant woman’s body. As we already mentioned, no special treatment is required here. However, given that the risk of oxygen deprivation increases, the doctor must prescribe appropriate treatment to quickly relieve nasal congestion and ensure normal access of oxygen.
Health to you and your children!

More than thirty percent of women suffer from a problem such as nasal congestion during pregnancy. This is as common as toxicosis, swelling or back pain. The cause may be rhinitis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane. It occurs due to swelling when infections enter the nasal cavity.

To the specialists for sinusitis aloe
If you have a cold, consult Rhinitis
Treatment Remedy Application of Drops Boost Immunity

Due to rhinitis, a woman may have difficulty breathing, runny nose, and sneezing. Congestion most often occurs between 3 and 6 months of pregnancy. There is no danger for either the expectant mother or the baby, since most often this is a consequence of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

If acute rhinitis occurs, you should consult a specialist. This syndrome can develop and cause complications in the ears or turn into chronic sinusitis.

Nasal congestion during early pregnancy is also caused by allergic reactions. This may be a reaction to external stimuli due to changes in the body due to the means or products that a pregnant woman consumes. Symptoms are the same as for normal allergies:

  • sneeze;
  • cough;
  • severe lacrimation.

Often the main reason is caused by changes that occur due to the active production of hormones - progesterone, estrogen. Symptoms in such cases are scanty - mild swelling of the nasal mucosa, sometimes it can be swelling of its sinuses, dryness, but there is no discharge.

If there are symptoms of acute rhinitis, you should consult a specialist

Congestion may also occur due to... Before treating it, you need to consult with a specialist about what medications you can use.

Drugs for congestion.

Drug nameDescription, actionPrice
GalazolinThe drug has an anticongestive, vasoconstrictive effect. Constricts the vessels of the mucous membrane, reduces hyperemia and swelling. Recommended for acute rhinitis and sinusitis. Do not use more than three times a day.Drops – 35 rubles
For the noseIt is used for rhinitis and colds in the upper respiratory tract. Also used for diagnostics (constriction of blood vessels in the mucous membrane).Spray – 94 rubles
NaphthyzinThe drug has a rapid and long-lasting vasoconstrictor effect on the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Reduces swelling and hyperemia. The drops help with congestion and ease breathing with rhinitis during pregnancy.Drops – 31 rubles
SanorinCauses constriction of blood vessels in the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation. Intended for the treatment of acute rhinitis, laryngitis, runny nose, allergic reactions.Spray – 193 rubles

Galazolin for sinusitis

Application of traditional medicine

Recipes that have been tested by time can get rid of the problem even now. These products have a milder effect on the nasal mucosa of a pregnant woman. But it is necessary to take into account that some products can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better to use decoctions, rinsing or inhalation.

For the first folk remedy that can help with nasal congestion during pregnancy, you will need:

  • aloe;
  • vitamin E;
  • Kalanchoe juice.

Mode of application.

  1. Squeeze juice from aloe and onion.
  2. Mix with vitamin E (all in equal proportions).
  3. Dilute slightly with boiled water (1/3).
  4. Lubricate a cotton swab with the resulting mixture.
  5. Wipe the nasal cavity.
  6. In order to enhance the effect, you need to drip Kalanchoe juice into your nose (Kalanchoe stimulates sneezing, thanks to which breathing is quickly restored).

Folk remedy

You can also make breathing easier with another recipe, for which you will need:

  • soda;
  • pipette;
  • apple;
  • carrots (beets);
  • any citrus.

Mode of application.

  1. Take a glass of warm black tea and add 1 spoon of baking soda.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab and smear the nasal mucosa (morning and evening).
  3. Then you need to prepare juice from apple, carrots (beets) and add any citrus.
  4. Apply a few drops twice a day.

You can also use special medicinal oils, this is also an excellent remedy that helps with nasal congestion; they can also be used by pregnant women.

For the third recipe you need:

  • peach, rosehip or sea buckthorn oil;
  • vegetable oil or olive;
  • pipette.

Instructions for use.

  1. Mix olive, sea buckthorn, rosehip/peach oils.
  2. Add some water.
  3. Instill several times a day.
  4. You must wait until completely absorbed before walking, so it is best to instill while lying down.

Complications of the problem

In any case, during pregnancy it is necessary to get rid of nasal congestion. Because even a common cold can be dangerous, for example, because oxygen may be supplied in insufficient quantities, it simply will not be enough not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the baby. Prolonged oxygen deprivation can lead to slower growth and development.

It is not recommended to use conventional nasal products without consulting a specialist. They stop a runny nose and restore breathing, but these drugs can cause harm. The medicine can penetrate the placenta and lead to vasoconstriction in the uterus.

As a result, the nose will breathe freely, but the baby may again experience oxygen starvation, and this will lead to developmental complications. Congestion can also make a pregnant woman angry and nervous, which can also negatively affect the child. Therefore, nasal congestion during pregnancy must be treated in a timely manner so that there are no negative consequences.

Necessary preventive measures

In order to avoid nasal congestion, it is necessary to follow some preventive measures.

  1. There is no need to allow the body to become hypothermic. You should always dress appropriately for the weather and ensure that your lower back, legs and knees are always warm.
  2. When visiting public places (hospitals, supermarkets, public transport, etc.) when there is an outbreak of infectious diseases, it is recommended to use a sterile mask.
  3. If you feel that your feet are frozen, you need to rub your feet with a warming ointment, and when a slight runny nose occurs, you can relieve nasal congestion during pregnancy with the help of solutions (home-made), and after this, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  4. Another excellent preventative against colds and congestion can be ordinary black radish. It is necessary to cut off the radish cap and make a small depression in it. Pour sugar or honey into it (the second is preferable if there is no allergic reaction). Cover the top with a cut cap and let it brew for several hours; after a certain time, the radish will begin to produce juice. Then open the cap and drink the resulting syrup.
  5. It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room, monitor the air humidity, it should be at least 60%. You can purchase a special device for humidifying the air; once your baby arrives, it will be very useful.
  6. Spend time outdoors more often, take walks. Do sports, gymnastics.
  7. Avoid allergens (food, dust) and have your sleeping items dry cleaned.

Radish for colds

Let's consider reviews about the treatment of congestion.

Irina Kozina:

I was also treated for congestion during pregnancy. From the beginning of pregnancy, my nose was simply clogged. There were no signs of a cold. Just a slight tumor, I went to the antenatal clinic. I was told that the problem is common during pregnancy. The doctor prescribed a remedy that was supposed to help with nasal congestion, it helped for a while, but then it all started again. Over time, my nose began to swell greatly; I was advised to rinse it with solutions containing soda or aloe. The swelling gradually went away, and the congestion also disappeared.

Veronica Larkina:

It all started for me at 7 months, my nose just stopped breathing. Pinosol, which I usually used before pregnancy, did not help, I tried another remedy, it did not help me. As a result, I suffered through the entire pregnancy, and then for several years afterwards I lived on Pinosol, etc. During my second pregnancy, I stopped taking any medications within a year. As soon as the congestion began, I used sea buckthorn oil, simply dripping it into both nostrils. After some time it stopped, but before giving birth the oil helped again.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist


Carrying a baby is a happy, but difficult period in the life of every woman, since the load on the body is very high. It is almost impossible to find a future mother who during pregnancy would not encounter such consequences as toxicosis, swelling, and lower back pain. An equally common occurrence during pregnancy is nasal congestion. In order not to overshadow the waiting period for their beloved child with such an unpleasant problem, expectant mothers must know how to effectively and safely get rid of it.

Why do pregnant women get stuffy nose?

Expectant mothers have unstable immunity. Their body is overly susceptible to various infections, so it is difficult to say exactly why olfactory organ congestion occurred during pregnancy without appropriate preliminary diagnosis and assessment of the patient’s general condition. There are many factors that cause this problem, but the most common is rhinitis.

The disease occurs as a result of a viral infection entering the nasal cavity or contact of a pregnant woman with substances that cause an allergic reaction. With rhinitis, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages becomes inflamed, which leads to their swelling, causing stagnation of mucous secretion in the sinuses. The pathology develops rapidly and negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Allergic rhinitis occurs when the expectant mother comes into contact with pets, inhales pollen from certain plants, or household dust. Infectious rhinitis is seasonal; it is often diagnosed during periods of peak incidence of influenza and ARVI. The impetus for the development of infectious pathology can be hypothermia of the body, disorders of local immunity, and injuries to the olfactory organ.

Allergic rhinitis is a consequence of a pregnant woman spending a long time in an unventilated room filled with dust, various chemical or toxic waste. It can also occur when wearing fur products during the spring flowering period. Swelling of the nasal passages and their congestion during pregnancy are caused by poplar fluff and other small particles that a woman inhales on the street or within the house.


Not only rhinitis can cause mucus stagnation in the nasal passages. Many other pathologies disrupt its normal secretion, such as:

  • sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, which occurs as a consequence of untimely or ineffective treatment of rhinitis, influenza, various infectious diseases, after injuries to the olfactory organ, caused by bacterial or viral infections);
  • hormonal rhinitis (not associated with colds, infectious, viral diseases, leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ, its swelling, caused by increased levels of hormones in the body);
  • colds (an extensive group of acute respiratory viral infections caused by numerous pathogens that are widespread and to which there is susceptibility);
  • proliferation of nasopharyngeal polyps or adenoids (pathology can lead to disruption of fetal development, develops due to previous upper respiratory tract infections, taking medications, exposure to toxic substances);
  • curvature of the nasal septum (pathology occurs in pregnant women due to the growth of polyps, turbinates, mechanical trauma, tumors).

Common causes of nasal congestion during early pregnancy:

  1. decreased immunity;
  2. allergic reactions to certain irritants;
  3. infections, bacteria, viruses;
  4. hormonal changes in the body.

Reasons why nasal congestion occurs during late pregnancy:

  • increased production of large amounts of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • increase in circulating blood volume;
  • drying out of the mucous membrane due to low levels of air humidity in the room, allergic reactions, and an increase in the amount of circulating blood;

Whatever the cause of nasal congestion during pregnancy, it must be identified and eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise the processes occurring in a woman’s body can negatively affect the development and formation of the fetus. In addition, a runny nose causes great discomfort. For the expectant mother:

  1. mood, appetite, and well-being worsen;
  2. there is poor sleep and weakness;
  3. excessive irritability and fatigue are noted.


If a runny nose appears during pregnancy, then you need to immediately begin proper and effective treatment, and to do this, be sure to find out what reason led to this consequence. The following symptoms indicate that a pregnant woman has infectious rhinitis:

  • feeling of dryness, itching and burning in the nose;
  • constant headache, periodically worsening;
  • increase in body temperature to 37.5 degrees;
  • excessive secretion of mucus from the olfactory organ;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • decreased sensitivity to odors;
  • lacrimation;
  • throat swelling.

Allergic vasomotor rhinitis is determined by symptoms such as:

  • itching and burning;
  • cough;
  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • lacrimation;
  • snoring and sniffling;
  • voice change.

Symptoms of inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa caused by hormonal changes in the body:

  • dry nasal cavity;
  • crust formation in the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • poor sleep;
  • night snoring;
  • constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy.

With hormonal rhinitis, nasal congestion during pregnancy occurs immediately and goes away on its own after the birth of the baby. There is no need to treat the pathology in a special way. Nasal discharge with hormonal rhinitis is clear in color and does not contain any admixture of pus or blood, as is the case with an infectious or bacterial disease. Runny nose worsens when lying down. Fever, cough and headaches are not observed with hormonal rhinitis.


You cannot ignore a runny nose during pregnancy, nor do you treat it yourself. The danger of such actions is very great. You need to understand that during pregnancy a woman experiences increased emotional stress, toxicosis, and requires constant proper rest. A runny nose makes nasal breathing difficult: this causes severe discomfort, the pregnant woman cannot sleep normally, as a result of which she becomes tired, irritable, and suffers from frequent headaches and dizziness.

Other consequences of untimely and improper treatment of nasal congestion in expectant mothers:

Treatment of nasal congestion during pregnancy

Without exception, all medications that are prescribed for rhinitis cannot be used during pregnancy. In any trimester, only those products that have a mild and gentle effect on the body of the expectant mother can be used. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy the female body is overly vulnerable and is able to react to incoming treatment with problems associated with the development of the embryo and the full functioning of organs.

Pregnant women are not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose. They cause a narrowing of the capillaries of the placenta, which negatively affects the general condition of the fetus, which does not receive enough oxygen and required nutrients. If for certain reasons it is impossible to use more gentle methods of therapy, you need to choose only those drugs that have a minimum concentration and a pediatric dosage.

Two more groups of medications that are best avoided during pregnancy:

  • saline solutions for rinsing the sinuses (their use often leads to the development of ear pathologies);
  • antibacterial drops, which contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, oxymetazoline, indanazoline, tetrizoline, naphazoline (medicines containing these components are dangerous for a child because they negatively affect the development of all systems of his body).

Drug therapy

It should be remembered that using pharmaceutical drugs to treat a runny nose in any trimester is necessary only in extreme cases. Therapy should include safe folk remedies, massage, breathing exercises and conservative methods such as rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution. If there is no way out, then it is best to use the following remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy:

  • baby drops (Nazol Baby, Nazaval, Otrivin Baby);
  • drops based on oil extracts from medicinal plants (Pinosol);
  • products with sea water (Aqua Maris, Marimer, Dolphin);
  • homeopathic drops (Euphorbium, Compositum);

Breathing exercises

The following exercises will help improve nasal breathing:

  • slowly, inhale through your mouth, releasing air through your nose in parts;
  • close the left nostril with your finger, inhale through the right, open the left nostril and exhale through it, then do the opposite;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, but with your lips closed;
  • count out loud to 10 with your mouth closed, inhale deeply and exhale through your nose.

The following physical exercise will help improve nasal breathing and alleviate the condition: put your feet shoulder-width apart, while inhaling, slowly raise your arms up, with your palms pointing down, and as you exhale, gradually lower your arms. When performing the exercise, be sure to ensure that breathing is carried out only through the nose. To achieve the desired effect, the exercises are repeated 3-4 times.

Preparation for breathing exercises:

  • rinse the nasal passages using saline solution;
  • drip the olfactory organ with anti-inflammatory drops that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • measure body temperature; if it is elevated, you cannot perform gymnastic exercises;
  • ventilate and, if necessary, humidify the room (temperature should not exceed 18 degrees).

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  1. elimination of nasal obstruction;
  2. reduction of swelling;
  3. improved blood circulation in the nasal area;
  4. normalization of mucus outflow.


This method helps alleviate the woman’s condition and improves nasal breathing. It involves applying the fingertips to certain points that help stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​the olfactory organ. Chiseled massage should be done every day 3 times a day. Instructions for manipulation:

  • With a moderate load, apply point pressure along the bridge of the nose on both sides;
  • massage the wings of the olfactory organ;
  • massage the part of your face under your nose.

Folk recipes

Severe nasal congestion during pregnancy will go away if you take inhalations. To do this, a woman must inhale the vapors of boiled potatoes and herbal infusions. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the decoction. For a runny nose, warming and fruit drops are no less effective. Apple or carrot juice completely replaces pharmaceutical drugs. To achieve the desired result, you need to instill nose drops 3-4 times a day. The asterisk will stop the drying out of the nasal mucosa. The product also has an antibacterial effect.

Popular recipes for folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy:

  • drops based on table salt and lemon juice, relieving inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ (mix 25 ml of lemon juice with 40 ml of boiled water and ½ teaspoon of table salt, instill the resulting product 2 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day day for 5-7 days);
  • a product based on natural honey that has an anti-inflammatory and nutritional effect(mix 1 teaspoon of natural honey with 1 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil, lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day until complete recovery);
  • a product based on aloe juice for cleansing and relieving inflammation (squeeze the juice from several leaves of the flower, dilute it with 3 drops of boiled water, drip the contents into your nose 2-3 times a day until complete recovery).

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