Can endometriosis cause fever? What changes occur in general and basal temperature during endometriosis? Can endometriosis cause fever?

Endometriosis of the uterus: what it is, why it is dangerous, symptoms, signs and treatment in accessible language

Endometriosis can cause painful periods, persistent pelvic pain, infertility and other symptoms. Symptoms of endometriosis can range from mild to severe.

Treatment options mainly include painkillers, hormonal treatments, and surgery.

It is worth explaining what it is in an accessible language and why it is dangerous, how the pathology develops, what methods have been developed for its detection and treatment is acceptable in various clinical situations.

What is endometriosis?

The endometrium is the tissue lining the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body (mucosal layer).

Uterine endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus. It is "trapped" in the pelvis and lower abdomen, and, less commonly, in other areas of the body.

Endometriosis is a hormonally dependent pathological condition, accompanied by the growth of the glandular lining of the uterus in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, in the thickness of the uterus, on the peritoneum, in the intestines and on some other organs (see photo above).

Endometriosis is a common gynecological pathology, ranking third in frequency of occurrence after inflammation and uterine fibroids. Most often, uterine endometriosis is detected in women of reproductive age - from 25 to 40 years. Also, pathology can manifest itself in girls during the formation of menstrual function and in women. It should be borne in mind that difficulties in identifying pathology and the asymptomatic course of the disease allow us to conclude that the endometrioid process is more common.

Causes of endometriosis development

In medicine, there is not yet a unified theory about the causes of the development of endometriosis. There are several causes, the most common of which is retrograde menstruation (meaning the flow of menstrual blood back). She explains the origin of endometriosis by the involvement of endometrial particles with menstrual blood in the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity during retrograde menstruation.

When a number of conditions are combined, endometrioid cells attach to various organs and resume their ability to function cyclically. During menstruation, the presence of endometrium, localized on uncharacteristic organs, provokes microbleeding and inflammation.

Thus, those women who have retrograde menstruation may develop endometriosis, but not in all situations. The likelihood of developing pathology increases due to the following features:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • surgical interventions;
  • environmental factors (properties of the environment that affect your body).

Progression of endometriosis is also possible with surgical interventions on the uterus. For this reason, after any surgery, it is important to be observed by a doctor for timely diagnosis of possible pathologies.

There are also a number of other theories about the causes of endometriosis, which include:

  • theory of gene mutations;
  • deviations in the interaction of receptor molecules with hormones;
  • dysfunction of cellular enzymes;
  • embryonic theory.

Risk factors for developing endometriosis

There are several main groups of women predisposed to the progression of endometriosis:

  • women with shortening;
  • women with metabolic disorders (obesity);
  • using intrauterine contraceptives;
  • age over 30-35 years;
  • women with pathologically high levels of estrogen;
  • women with pathologies that suppress the immune system;
  • have undergone surgery on the uterus;
  • smoking women.

Classification and degree of development of endometriosis

The exact answer to the question “what is uterine endometriosis” is determined by the localization and prevalence of the pathological process. For this reason, a classification of pathology has been developed according to location.

There are two main groups of the disease – extragenital and genital.

In the case of the genital form of pathology, areas of heterotopia are located on the genital organs, and in the case of extragenital pathology, they are located outside the reproductive organs. The genital form of the disease is divided into several conditions:

  • peritoneal form of endometriosis – involvement of the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries and fallopian tubes in the pathological process;
  • extraperitoneal form of endometriosis - foci of ectopia are localized in the lower part of the woman’s reproductive system (cervix, vagina, external genitalia);
  • The internal form of endometriosis (uterine endometriosis or adenomyosis) can develop in the myometrium.

In the absence of proper treatment, the pathological process is mixed.

In the case of extragenital localization, the foci of the endometrium include the intestines, lungs, kidneys, and postoperative scars.

Based on the prevalence and depth of the pathological focus, there are 4 main degrees of development of endometriosis:

  • First: single foci are localized on the surface.
  • Second: a larger number of deep foci.
  • Third: multiple deep foci, the presence of endometrioid, .
  • Fourth: a large number of deep foci of pathology, large endometrioid cysts, severe adhesions, the endometrium grows into the thickness of the rectum and vagina.

In addition, the following degrees of internal endometriosis are distinguished according to the degree of involvement of the muscular layer of the uterus in the pathological process:

  • First: the beginning of myometrial damage.
  • Second: foci of pathology grow into half the myometrial layer.
  • Third: damage to the entire thickness of the muscle layer of the organ.
  • Fourth: damage to the walls of the organ, spread of the pathological process to the peritoneal tissue.

Endometriotic lesions differ from each other in shape and size: they can be small, round or shapeless and spread up to several centimeters in diameter.

Most often, they are characterized by a dark cherry color and delimitation from adjacent tissues by whitish scars. As a result of cyclical maturation, endometrioid lesions are more visible immediately before the onset of menstruation.

Clinical symptoms of endometriosis

The clinical picture of the condition can be varied, depending on the location of the pathological process and its severity. Timely detection of the disease is possible with regular visits to the gynecologist for a preventive examination.

There is a spectrum of symptoms that characterize the progression of endometriosis:

  • Pain in the pelvic area. The pain syndrome can be both diffuse and localized. The pain may be constant or worsen during menstruation. Soreness is most often triggered by the inflammatory process that accompanies endometriosis.
  • Dysmenorrhea. Menstrual irregularities.
  • Dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse.
  • Pain during urination and defecation.
  • Menorrhagia is an increase in the volume and duration of menstrual bleeding.
  • Posthemorrhagic. The condition is caused by the chronic nature of blood loss. It manifests itself in the form of increasing weakness, jaundice or pallor of the skin, fatigue, drowsiness, and dizziness.
  • Infertility. Develops in 25-40% of patients with endometriosis. In this case, we are talking about a low probability of pregnancy, and not about its complete impossibility.

Possible complications of endometriosis

Due to hemorrhages and scar formation in endometriosis, adhesions are provoked in the abdominal organs and pelvis. Quite often, as a result of pathology, cysts are formed on the ovaries, which are filled with menstrual blood. Both adhesions and endometrioid cysts can cause infertility.

Also, with endometriosis, compression of the nerve trunks can be observed, which leads to the development of neurological symptoms. Due to significant blood loss, manifestations such as:

  • anemization;
  • irritability;
  • constant weakness.

Foci of endometriosis in some cases undergo malignancy (malignancy).

Diagnosis of uterine endometriosis

When identifying endometriosis, it is important to exclude other gynecological pathologies that occur with similar symptoms. Diagnostic search includes the following activities:

  • Anamnesis collection. It is important to take into account not only the patient’s clinical symptoms and complaints, but also family history, that is, cases of pathology among family members. It is also necessary to clarify whether gynecological operations were performed.
  • Gynecological examination. Can be vaginal, rectovaginal, or in speculum. The most informative is to carry it out a few days before the start of menstruation.
  • Colposcopy and hysterosalpingoscopy. They are carried out to clarify the location and parameters of the lesion, as well as to obtain a biopsy sample.
  • Ultrasonography. It is necessary to clarify the location of foci of pathology and the dynamics of the condition during therapy.
  • Spiral computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These methods make it possible to clarify the nature and localization of endometriotic lesions.
  • Laparoscopy. The method allows you to visually assess the number, maturity, and activity of endometriotic lesions.
  • Hysterosalpingography is an examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes using x-rays.
  • Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic examination of the uterus to identify.
  • Laboratory tests: identifying tumor markers CEA, CA-125, CA 19-9 and performing a RO test. These indicators increase significantly in the case of endometriosis. Laboratory diagnostics are also carried out to detect anemia in patients with endometriosis.

Some diagnostic techniques are worth considering in more detail.


This technique is important for identifying internal endometriosis (adenomyosis or endometriosis of the uterus). The study is carried out with a water-soluble contrast agent on days 5, 6 or 7 of the cycle. The presence of contour shadows is noted on the x-ray.


Computed tomography can provide information about the boundaries of the pathological process. Magnetic resonance imaging is more informative for endometriosis.


This technique allows you to characterize the pathology according to clear criteria. Endometrioid origin is characterized by the presence of a dense capsule and hyperechoic contents.

In the case of adenomyosis, examination can reveal areas with increased echogenicity, unevenness and jaggedness of the border areas of the endometrium and myometrium, and round inclusions about 5 mm in diameter. Nodular variants of adenomyosis are accompanied by the formation of cavities with fluid with a diameter of about 30 mm.


This technique makes it possible to accurately identify endometriotic ducts and the roughness of the relief of the uterine walls in the form of crypts or ridges. In 1997 V.G. Breusenko and co-authors developed a hysteroscopic classification of the prevalence of the endometrioid process:

  • The first stage: unchanged relief of the walls of the uterus, endometriotic ducts in the form of “eyes” of a blue hue or bleeding foci are detected. The uterine wall is characterized by unchanged density.
  • Second stage: uneven relief of the uterine wall in the form of ridges or disintegrated muscle tissue. Endometriotic ducts are identified. The uterine cavity does not stretch well. The wall has a higher density.
  • Third stage: the inner surface of the uterus includes many protrusions of varying sizes that do not have clear boundaries. Sometimes endometriotic tracts are noted on the upper part of the bulges. The uterine wall is very dense.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is necessary to distinguish between endometrioid cysts and ovarian tumors. The final diagnosis is made based on medical history and ultrasound examination. With ovarian endometriosis, there may be no pain, but with an oncological process, non-localized pain may appear.

In cancer and endometriosis, there is an increase in the level of CA-125. Therefore, an increase in the concentration of this substance does not confirm only one diagnosis. In some cases, a definitive diagnosis is only possible during laparoscopic surgery.

In the case of rectovaginal localization of endometrioid lesions, a differential diagnosis with metastases of chorionic carcinoma is required. To make a final diagnosis in this case, a correct medical history and a study of the hCG concentration are required (in this case, signs of pregnancy are also determined).

The tubo-ovarian inflammatory process in the form of an abscess is difficult to diagnose due to the erased clinical inflammation (for example, chlamydial etiology) and the difficulty of distinguishing the process from a benign tumor or cyst of endometrioid origin.

If the formations on the ovary do not regress within two months, surgery is prescribed. Often the final diagnosis is made after surgery and examination of the biopsy specimen.

Also, in the case of endometriosis, differential diagnosis with endometrial hyperplastic process may be required. With the retrovaginal nature of the lesion and endometriosis of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, it is imperative to exclude malignant neoplasms in the organs of the digestive system.

Treatment of uterine endometriosis

The tactics of therapeutic correction are determined by the following parameters:

  • age;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • number of births;
  • prevalence of the pathological process;
  • location of lesions;
  • clinic intensity;
  • accompanying illnesses.

There are the following treatment methods for endometriosis:

  • Medication.
  • Surgical – laparoscopy with elimination of endometrioid lesions or radical removal of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Combined.

The goals of therapeutic correction of endometriosis are not only to eliminate symptoms, but also to prevent unfavorable processes in the form of adhesions, cysts and other pathologies.

Non-surgical treatment of uterine endometriosis with drugs

Conservative treatment (non-surgical) of the disease is carried out if endometriosis is asymptomatic, the patient is young or premenopausal, and there is a need to preserve reproductive functions.

The basis of conservative treatment is hormonal therapy with the following groups of medications:

  • Combined estrogen-progestin drugs. These include Nonovlon, Silest, Marvelon. These medications contain small doses of gestagens and suppress estrogen synthesis and the ovulatory process. They are prescribed in the initial stages of endometriosis, since combination drugs do not have an effect in the case of widespread endometriosis or the presence of cysts. Possible side effects if used: nausea and vomiting, pain in the mammary glands, spotting during the intermenstrual period.
  • Gestagens. These include Duphaston, Nemestran, Utrozhestan, Norkoput. Prescription is possible at all stages of the endometrioid process. Treatment with these drugs is carried out over a period of six months to 8 months. Possible side effects: intermenstrual bleeding, depression, pain in the mammary glands.
  • Antigonadotropic drugs. These include Danol, Danogen, Danazol. The mechanism of action is to suppress the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. A continuous course lasting from six months to 8 months is prescribed. Not used in case of hyperandrogenism. The following side effects are possible: hot flashes, sweating, fluctuations in body weight, roughness of voice, increased oily skin, increased hair growth.
  • Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists. These include goserepine, triptorelin and some other drugs. The advantages of taking medications from this group include the possibility of short-term use and the absence of significant side effects. These drugs suppress the ovulatory process, reduce the concentration of estrogen, which together suppresses the prevalence of endometriotic lesions.
  • Auxiliary medications: immunostimulating drugs, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

A specific regimen for drug correction of the endometriotic process is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the characteristics of the clinical situation. Treatment for the condition must be comprehensive; it is important to strictly follow medical recommendations to maximize the effectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics for endometriosis.

A detailed table of how to treat uterine endometriosis with medication, including drugs, their mechanism of action, dosages and side effects:

MedicinesMain mechanisms of actionDosage and regimenPossible side effects
Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists, prolonged, deposited formsBlocking the production of gonadotropic hormonesInjection form of administration, once every 28 days, from 4 to 6 timesVegetative-vascular symptoms, in physiological conditions characteristic of menopause, decreased bone density
Antigonadotropic drugs: danazol, gestrinoneBlocking of gonadotropins, endometrial atrophyDanazol: 600–800 mg per day for six months, Gestrinone: 2.5 mg 2 times a week for six monthsAndrogen-dependent dermatopathy, increased blood pressure, increased body weight
Progesterone analogues: dydrogesteroneReduced proliferation intensity, decidualization10–20 mg per day from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle or continuously for six monthsNot found
Synthetic gestagens: norethisteroneDecreased proliferation intensity, decidualization, atrophic changes in the endometrium5 mg per day for six monthsWeight gain, hyperlipidemia, fluid retention
Combined monophasic, estrogen-progestogen drugsDecrease in the intensity of endometrial proliferation and ovulatory peak of gonadotropic hormonesContinuous use for 6–9 monthsHypercoagulability, fluid retention

Surgical treatment of endometriosis

With moderate and severe degrees of development of the endometrioid process, organ-preserving surgery on the uterus is indicated. In this case, fragments of heterotopias in organs, endometrioid cysts are removed, and adhesions are dissected.

Video of how uterine surgery is performed for endometriosis:

The operation is prescribed if conservative treatment does not bring the desired effect, there are contraindications to taking medications, there are lesions more than 3 cm in diameter, and the function of the organs of the excretory system and intestines is impaired. Quite often, operational measures are combined with conservative ones. Surgical intervention is carried out through laparotomy or laparoscopy.

Radical surgery, that is, removal of the appendages and extirpation of the uterus itself, can be prescribed if the patient is over 40 years old, the pathological process has progressed, or there is no effect from less radical correction methods.

In some cases, endometriosis is prone to relapsing, which may require repeated surgery. It is important to undergo preventive examinations with a specialist at least once every six months for the earliest possible detection of pathology and the effectiveness of conservative correction measures.

The criteria for the effectiveness of pathology treatment are:

  • good health;
  • absence of pain and other subjective complaints;
  • no cases of recurrence of the process over five years after a full therapeutic course.

If a woman is of reproductive age, then the effectiveness of therapy is determined by the preservation of reproductive function. In most patients, even surgical correction does not cause complications in the form of infertility due to the use of modern laparoscopic methods.

In the case of radical operations, resumption of the pathological process does not occur.

Treating symptoms at home

Complementary and alternative treatments may include acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbal medicine, but there is no evidence that they are effective.

  • According to many reviews found on forums, it helps some people cope with their illness.
  • Quitting caffeine may help reduce pain, as caffeine can worsen symptoms.
  • Exercise, such as walking, can reduce pain and slow the progression of the condition by lowering estrogen levels.

It is important to monitor symptoms due to the long-term complications of endometriosis. Severe pain or unexpected bleeding should be reported to your doctor.

Although there is currently no cure for endometriosis, most women can find relief by reducing symptoms and still having children.

Measures to prevent endometriosis

The sooner a woman visits a gynecologist when initial signs of a pathological process appear, the greater the likelihood of recovery and the lower the likelihood of prescribing surgery.

Self-medication or neglect of therapy only worsens the condition: with new menstruation, the appearance of new endometrioid lesions, the formation of cysts, the progression of the formation of adhesions and scars are observed, and the patency of the fallopian tubes decreases.

Basic preventive measures regarding the endometriotic process include:

  • Examination of patients with complaints of dysmenorrhea. Women of any age when symptoms of dysmenorrhea appear are examined for a tendency to develop the endometrioid process.
  • Observation of women who have undergone gynecological operations for timely detection of pathological foci. Any surgical intervention in the area of ​​the reproductive system can provoke the progression of endometriosis, so after surgery it is necessary to be regularly monitored by a specialist.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of acute, chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. Inflammatory diseases can also lead to the development of the endometrioid process, so it is important to treat pathologies in a timely manner and not neglect the prescribed methods of therapy.
  • / article author

    Higher education (Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Graduated from the academy (full-time), with extensive work experience behind her.

    Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor.

Many diseases of the female reproductive system go unnoticed for a long time, as they have subtle symptoms. Women blame even disruptions in the menstrual cycle on stress, overwork and other physiological factors. But it is impossible not to notice a periodic increase in temperature without obvious reasons. And it is this symptom that often helps diagnose such an unpleasant disease as endometriosis.

But not all women know that basal temperature with uterine endometriosis can increase and do not always report this increase to their gynecologist.

Description of the disease

Endometriosis of the uterus is a disease in which endometrial cells spread and begin to develop outside the inner layer of the uterus. It happens that not only the organs of a woman’s reproductive system suffer from pathology, but also the intestines, bladder and others.

The exact causes of uterine endometriosis are not known. But for the disease to appear, there must be an imbalance of sex hormones and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Only under such conditions will endometrial cells be able to spread beyond the inner layer of the uterus and gain a foothold in a new location. Factors provoking the appearance of the disease are:

  • various gynecological operations that violate the integrity of the uterus, including abortions;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight.

The main symptom of uterine endometriosis is disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Most often, the duration of discharge and its intensity increase. There are also often pain sensations that intensify before the onset of menstruation. The question: can there be a temperature with endometriosis is not simple. The fact is that many doctors say that body temperature does not increase with endometriosis of the uterus. But usually we are talking about general indicators. But at the same time, do not forget about the basal temperature, which can change.

What is basal temperature?

Basal body temperature is the minimum value to which a woman’s temperature drops during rest or sleep. Since it is measured rectally, you can also find the name rectal, which does not accurately reflect the essence. You need to know that basal temperature is individual for each woman and changes during the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, in order to be able to track any deviations from your normal basal temperature, you need to know the values ​​that correspond to the norm. Usually, all changes are monitored by those women who are trying to conceive a child, because by basal temperature you can quite accurately determine the moment of ovulation.

If a woman does not suffer from endometriosis, then the graph of changes in basal temperature is approximately as follows.

  1. During menstruation, the basal temperature gradually decreases and by the end of the last day of discharge it can reach a value of 36 degrees.
  2. The temperature remains at this value until the middle of the cycle.
  3. During the maturation of the egg, the indicator increases and remains this way for 3 days. The basal temperature at this time is about 37–37.3 degrees.
  4. After the egg is released, the temperature should rise a little more and reach a value of 37.5 degrees. This value lasts about 2 weeks.
  5. Before the onset of menstruation, different women have temperatures ranging from 36.9–37 degrees.

It is necessary to pay attention that between the two phases of the cycle there must be a temperature jump of at least 0.4 degrees, as this indicates the normal functioning of the hormonal system.

Disturbances in the normal cycle of changes in basal temperature can indicate the onset of the disease much earlier than the appearance of other symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable for women at risk to constantly keep a diary with a graph of their indicators.

The disadvantage of this method of early diagnosis of uterine endometriosis is that to obtain reliable results it is necessary to carry out measurements for at least several months. And taking measurements every morning at the same time for at least 2-3 months in a row is quite difficult for a woman leading an active lifestyle.

Changes in basal temperature with endometriosis

There is practically no increase in general body temperature with endometriosis of the uterus. Only if at such stages of the disease, when the tissue has grown too much and causes inflammatory processes in the body. Can there be an elevated temperature with endometriosis in other cases? Maybe if the body of a woman with this disease is affected by some negative factors, such as solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun, excessive physical activity. In this case, the overall temperature can rise to 38 degrees or even more.

Changes in basal temperature with uterine endometriosis are usually cyclical and depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle.

  1. 3–4 before the start of menstruation, a woman’s basal temperature decreases. In each case, this value will be individual, but on average at the beginning of menstruation it will be about 37 degrees.
  2. During the onset of discharge, basal temperature also rises in healthy women. However, with endometriosis, the maximum value is much higher than normal and often exceeds 38 degrees.
  3. After the end of menstruation, the basal temperature returns to normal, and then the cycle repeats again.

If you notice such jumps in your basal temperature, you should contact your gynecologist. After all, such a symptom can indicate both endometriosis of the uterus, pregnancy, and some kind of inflammatory process in the body.

Additional symptoms

The fact that the basal temperature begins to rise is not the only symptom by which one can suspect the presence of uterine endometriosis, since there is an increase in values ​​during pregnancy or other factors. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following symptoms.

  • Bloody spotting that appears at unusual times in your cycle.
  • Pain during menstruation or during sex.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area, which resemble a feeling of heaviness due to intestinal dysfunction.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or excretory system.
  • Signs of general intoxication of the body.
  • Inability to conceive a child.

A woman’s attentiveness to the processes occurring in her body will help to detect unpleasant symptoms in a timely manner.

Correct temperature measurement

In order for the temperature that increases with uterine endometriosis to be measured correctly, certain conditions must be met. This is important for obtaining reliable data and can facilitate diagnosis.

  • For measurements, you need to use a well-functioning thermometer; it is better to check the accuracy of its readings in advance.
  • Measurements must be taken every morning, including weekends, and preferably at the same time.
  • Do not eat or drink any drinks before taking measurements.
  • It is better to leave the thermometer on the bedside table in the evening, as unnecessary movements before measuring the temperature can distort the result. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude even unnecessary hand movements.
  • A woman's night's sleep before the change should last at least 6 hours.
  • Basal temperature can be measured rectally or vaginally. But you can select the measurement method only once, and continue in the future as well.
  • The thermometer should be held for at least 10 minutes.

All obtained values ​​should be recorded in a notebook or notepad. This will help the treating gynecologist track all changes and make the correct diagnosis. If any condition was violated, then an appropriate entry should be made.

You should also know that there are factors that can influence basal temperature readings.

It is necessary to take into account their presence and report them to the gynecologist or note them in your diary.

  • Chronic diseases and inflammatory processes.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Change of climate or time zones.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep.
  • Variable work schedule, including night shifts.
  • Stress.
  • Overheating of the body.

What to do if your basal temperature starts to rise?

First of all, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and find the cause of such changes. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe additional diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Treatment varies depending on the stage of endometriosis, symptoms that appear, and other factors. It happens that medication is enough for treatment, while in other cases surgical treatment is required.

During the entire course of treatment for endometriosis, you cannot use mud therapy, warm up the pelvic area using various methods, take a hot bath, or increase body temperature in other ways. All this can lead to complications, such as increased inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

If the basal temperature is unstable, or before the onset of menstruation the indicator decreases slightly, and during discharge it rises to 38 degrees or higher, then all this can signal endometriosis. Therefore, you should visit a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary examinations. After all, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help to significantly reduce possible complications from the disease.

Endometriosis is a pathology in which cells similar to those that line the inside of the uterus appear in other, completely unusual places. There are known cases of endometriotic lesions appearing in the scar area after removal of mammary glands, in the brain, and on the membranes of the eye.

Cell dispersal occurs due to mechanical trauma to the endometrium. All the causes of endometriosis have nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations or effects on the thermoregulatory center of the brain (it is responsible for maintaining body temperature at a constant level).

There is no release of any pyrogenic (temperature-increasing) substances, so body temperature with endometriosis remains normal, and its changes are associated with other pathological processes.

Basal temperature is the one measured at rest. To measure it correctly, it is necessary that a person has no physical activity for at least 3 hours. Characterizes the intensity of metabolism, its level depends on the concentration of hormones, including sex hormones. Careful measurement, charting and subsequent analysis can identify some gynecological diseases and conditions.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

But endometriosis is not accompanied by changes in metabolic rate, and sex hormone levels may be normal, so basal temperature remains within normal limits. But if endometriosis is combined with other diseases, which often happens, for example, with polycystic disease, chronic adnexitis, that is, changes in indicators.

In general, the schedule for this pathology should correspond to the norm and have the following characteristics:

  • A day or two before ovulation, due to an increase in the LH level of the pituitary gland, there is a slight drop in the temperature level on the curve, usually by no more than half a degree.
  • Then there is a sharp jump in temperature, after which it is maintained at a certain level until the onset of menstruation - just above 37 degrees.
  • With the onset of critical days, it falls again.

Basal temperature (BT) chart

To obtain reliable figures for basal temperature, it is necessary to observe all the nuances of measurements and make corrections and notes in case of violation of the regime or in the presence of special circumstances.

Higher temperature readings for uterine endometriosis can be obtained with the simultaneous presence of other diseases, even those not related to the genital organs. Anyway detection of constant low-grade fever and especially high numbers should be a reason for a visit to the doctor.

The most common combinations of endometriosis and pathologies with low-grade fever are the following:

  • Infectious intestinal diseases. Some of them may be accompanied by either periodic fever or constant low-grade fever.
  • Brain tumors

Temperature above 37.5 in 9 out of 10 cases - a response to inflammation in some organ. Endometriosis cannot produce such high temperatures, only as a complication of the performed manipulations. For example, endometritis after diagnostic curettage or abortion, inflammation of the endometrioid ovarian cyst and the formation of an abscess and some others.

Read more in our article about temperature with endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a pathology in which cells similar to those that line the inside of the uterine cavity appear in other, completely unusual places: on the genitals and even the non-serous intestine, on the peritoneum, liver, etc. There are known cases of endometriotic lesions appearing in the scar area after removal of mammary glands, in the brain, and on the membranes of the eye.

Cell dispersal occurs when mechanical trauma to the endometrium (for example, after curettage, cesarean section, removal of fibroids, etc.), when menstrual blood is thrown into the fallopian tubes during menstrual periods and further into the abdominal cavity. Tissues can travel to other places through lymphatic and blood vessels, where they take root. There are also other theories of the occurrence of pathology - disruption of embryogenesis, cell degeneration and others.

Thus, all the causes of endometriosis have nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations or effects on the thermoregulatory center of the brain (it is responsible for maintaining body temperature at a constant level). There is no release of any pyrogenic (temperature-increasing) substances, so body temperature with endometriosis remains normal and its changes are associated with other pathological processes.

Basal temperature in pathology

Basal temperature is called resting temperature. To measure it correctly, it is necessary that a person has no physical activity for at least 3 hours. Basal temperature characterizes the intensity of metabolism; its level depends on the concentration of hormones, including sex hormones.

Careful measurement, charting and subsequent analysis allows us to identify some gynecological diseases and conditions, for example, inflammation in the appendage area, lack of ovulation, insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle.

Endometriosis is not accompanied by changes in metabolic rate, and levels of sex hormones may be normal, so basal temperature remains within normal limits. The exception is situations when endometriosis is combined with other diseases, which often happens, for example, with, and others.

Normal basal temperature (BT) chart

In general, the schedule for this pathology should correspond to the norm and have the following characteristics:

  • In the first phase of the cycle, from days 1 to 14, the basal temperature is approximately the same level and does not reach 37 degrees.
  • A day or two before ovulation, due to an increase in the LH level of the pituitary gland, the temperature level on the curve drops slightly, usually by no more than half a degree.
  • Then there is a sharp jump in temperature, after which it is maintained at a certain level until the onset of menstruation, just above 37 degrees.
  • With the onset of critical days, it falls again, and a new cycle begins.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

To obtain reliable figures of basal temperature, which affects the interpretation of the results, it is necessary to observe all the nuances of measurements and make corrections and notes in case of violation of the regime or in the presence of special circumstances.

Why might a woman with uterine endometriosis have a fever?

Higher temperature readings for uterine endometriosis can be obtained with the simultaneous presence of other diseases, even those not related to the genital organs. In any case, the detection of constant low-grade fever and especially high numbers should be a reason for a visit to the doctor for a thorough further examination.

Low-grade fever

May be associated with many conditions. The most common combinations of endometriosis and pathologies, which are accompanied by low-grade fever, are the following:

  • Inflammation of an ovarian cyst, including endometrioid nature. Additionally, the girl will note the appearance of nagging or severe pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, and lethargy. As inflammation progresses, signs of peritonitis may develop—involvement of the abdominal covering of internal organs in the process, which is dangerous to the woman’s life and requires immediate surgical treatment.
  • Thyroid diseases. It is believed that the development of endometriosis is based on changes in the immune response. Therefore, cells can settle and take root in places unusual for them. Some pathologies of immune origin of the thyroid gland may be accompanied by its hyperfunction and then depletion (for example, autoimmune thyroiditis).

In the first phase, the girl will note the appearance of a low but constantly elevated body temperature, sweating, a feeling of heat, and irritability.

Some of them may be accompanied by either a periodic increase in temperature or constant low-grade fever.

  • Brain tumors. They are rare; an increase in temperature is possible when the formations are localized near the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus.
  • Above 37.5

    Such high temperature readings should not leave any doubt that some serious processes are occurring in the female body. In 9 out of 10 cases, this is a response to inflammation in some organ, including the genitals.

    Endometriosis itself cannot produce such high temperatures, only as a complication of the manipulations being carried out. For example, endometritis after diagnostic curettage or abortion, inflammation of the endometrioid ovarian cyst and the formation of an abscess and some others. Only a specialist will be able to understand the situation and prescribe competent treatment.

    Endometriosis is a mystery disease. Currently, only a few facts about the pathology are known, on which the treatment is based. Endometriosis is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, including basal temperature. However, complications due to the disease can provoke hyperthermia. If you have any complaints, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about the symptoms and treatment of endometriosis:

    Which is a very common disease, occurs quite often. Representatives of the fair sex do not always immediately contact doctors to determine the true cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. When a woman sees a doctor, the disease has reached far enough and it takes a long time to treat it. Often, hearing a diagnosis such as endometriosis from a doctor, the patient begins to panic, but this should not be done.

    This disease is not fatal; you can live with it normally and not experience unpleasant symptoms. But at the same time, a woman will have to lead a correct lifestyle and constantly strengthen her immune system in order to stop the signs of endometriosis. The doctor must tell the patient what can be done and what should be avoided with this disease.

    There is no need to be upset if endometriosis is diagnosed. Nowadays, a similar problem is diagnosed in approximately 20 percent of Russian women. And the numbers are constantly growing, since the factors that cause such an illness are constantly encountered in life. But the statistics cannot be called reliable and it is impossible to judge from them the real number of representatives of the fair sex with endometriosis. The thing is that this problem may not show itself for a long time.

    For example, endometriosis can only manifest as painful periods and fever, which appear for no reason and go away on their own. A woman may not pay attention to such difficulties if they do not prevent her from leading her usual lifestyle. For some, it turns out to be much easier to endure once a month than to go to see a doctor.

    If a representative of the fair sex is diagnosed with a similar disease, she needs to lead a correct lifestyle in order to reduce all its manifestations to nothing. This will allow critical days to pass more calmly and painlessly. They will not be so abundant, and a high temperature will not appear. But to do this, you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations and not use prohibited methods to treat endometriosis.

    For example, in no case should you use mud therapy, warm your stomach and back yourself, take a hot bath, use hormonal drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor, and also be treated exclusively with traditional methods, mainly herbs.

    All this may not only not give the desired effect during treatment, but also cause complications. For example, bacteria can get into a problem area, which will lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition. Warming up and hot baths can cause the inflammatory process to worsen. This will cause not only severe pain, but also an increase in temperature, even fever.

    Many women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis are concerned about whether it is possible to sunbathe and sunbathe with this disease. To avoid complications, you should not get carried away with such procedures. Moreover, experts do not recommend visiting saunas, solariums and baths. Even if you are planning a trip to warm countries, you should spend less time in the sun and avoid overheating.

    All this can cause a lot of health problems. It is especially important to take care of yourself and avoid the sun and excessive heat during critical days. Overheating will cause severe pain during your period, heavy bleeding and fever. In some cases, the symptoms are so severe that an ambulance has to be called.

    Such a disease must be treated with special medications. But they are prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination of the patient and carrying out all the necessary tests. However, treatment with tablets can be supplemented with additional procedures that will be useful for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.

    This should primarily include gynecological massage. But it is carried out only by an experienced specialist, since incorrect actions can harm a woman’s health. Physiotherapeutic procedures that are aimed at improving blood flow will also not be superfluous. Properly selected therapeutic measures will help remove adhesions and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.

    Sports should not be ignored in the treatment of endometriosis. This is very useful for getting rid of many problems, including diseases of the female reproductive system. If a person wants to be healthy, sport should become an integral part of his life.

    In general, experts strongly recommend that representatives of the fair sex who are faced with endometriosis lead a correct and healthy lifestyle. This rule is also relevant for those who do not yet have problems with the reproductive system, but prevention will not hurt here either. Exercising, preferably in the fresh air, moderate physical activity, quality sleep and proper nutrition will do their job, and a woman will not have to deal with the unpleasant symptoms of endometriosis.

    When it comes to playing sports, you need to be careful. The thing is that endometriosis does not tolerate serious physical activity. Therefore, if a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle and has not exercised for a long time, it is worth starting small. To begin with, it is enough to perform simple yoga asanas.

    You can do exercises and jog in the park every morning. These are great ways to put your body in order, normalize blood circulation, get rid of fluid stagnation and cure many diseases.

    What is basal temperature in this disease?

    As mentioned above, for women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis, it is very important to follow the norm. This applies to physical activity, heat, and even the foods consumed. All this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, and, as a result, to a significant increase in temperature.

    It is necessary to say separately about the thermometer readings during endometriosis, since the disease is often determined by them. Endometriosis can change your basal body temperature, which is the temperature that can be measured immediately after sleep. Increased indicators make it possible to diagnose the problem even at the earliest stage of its development. This can be determined by an increased basal temperature in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Values ​​around 37.5 degrees can be observed during pregnancy. If a representative of the fair sex is 100 percent sure that conception is impossible, she needs to consult a doctor. It is quite possible that in this case we are talking about endometriosis.

    Basal temperature will tell you about many pathologies and various processes that can occur in the body. For example, endometriosis can be diagnosed by increased levels in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A little closer to the beginning of critical days, the basal temperature becomes lower, but not by much, since the thermometer will continue to show about 37 degrees.

    This diagnostic method is quite informative, but not the most convenient. The thing is that to obtain accurate information, you need to carry out measurements over a period of 2-3 months. This will allow you to compare the data and identify discrepancies with the norm, which will indicate problems in the reproductive system.

    Many women whose periods have become so painful that they can no longer bear it begin to use the method of measuring basal temperature. Clearly performing certain actions every morning, you need to enter the readings in a diary or a special schedule. Such information will be very useful when visiting a doctor, who will be able to correctly decipher this data and make the correct diagnosis.

    To what level can the temperature rise?

    As for endometriosis, not only the basal temperature can be elevated. Sometimes, if a woman leads an unhealthy lifestyle, she may develop a real fever.

    However, most simply do not understand the reasons for high temperature. For example, a woman could take a bath or simply bask in the sun on the beach, and after an hour the thermometer would show a body temperature of 38 or higher.

    If this starts to happen often, and it will, in the case when a representative of the fair sex does not protect herself from overheating, the sun and unnecessary physical activity, panic may begin. A sudden fever without additional symptoms is very frightening. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    It is worth noting that even an experienced specialist may not immediately suspect that we are talking about endometriosis. Patients often have to undergo many tests before receiving a correct diagnosis. Therefore, when complaining about high temperature, you should not forget to inform the gynecologist about painful and heavy periods.

    What to do in case of high temperature?

    There can only be one answer - go to the doctor. In this case, you will have to go through a lot of diagnostic procedures and tests, after which the real problem of elevated temperature will be identified. With endometriosis, it can suddenly increase, increase in the middle of the menstrual cycle, or simply be slightly higher than normal, but constantly, which affects the general health of the woman.

    All this is very unpleasant and cannot be tolerated. First you need to cure the disease itself. Various methods are used for this, but they must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

    Much depends on the severity of the disease. For some, only powerful medications will help, while others make do with tinctures and herbal teas. In some cases, hirudotherapy is even used as an alternative to traditional medicine.

    Some consider it a panacea for many diseases, including pathologies of the female reproductive system. But this method is quite controversial, although it shows good results in a number of cases. It is very important that the leeches that will be used in treatment must be specially bred for these purposes, and not wild. The latter can, in addition to endometriosis, bring several other ailments, but these are already very dangerous.

    Any treatment is carried out exclusively on the recommendation of an experienced doctor. With the right approach, you can forget about the unpleasant manifestations of endometriosis, including high fever.


    1. Clinical guidelines for contraception. /Translation from English/ Edited by Professor V.N. Prilepskaya - 2009, M.: BINOM Publishing House.
    2. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women. Is it just gestosis? Guide for doctors. Makarov O.V. 2006 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
    3. Emergency care for extragenital pathology in pregnant women. 2008, 2nd edition, corrected and expanded, Moscow, “Triad-X”.
    4. Preeclampsia: theory and practice. Ailamazyan E.K., Mozgovaya E.V. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
    5. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women Preeclampsia (preeclampsia). Makarov O.V., Volkova E.V. RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RGMU.-31 pp.- 2010.

    Most women do not immediately notice diseases of the reproductive system, since many of them develop without pronounced symptoms, but there are exceptions, such as endometriosis. With this pathology, disruptions occur in the monthly cycle and the nature of the discharge changes. In addition, the disease is often accompanied by pain, and the basal temperature also changes with endometriosis.

    What is endometriosis and why is it dangerous?

    Endometriosis is a failure in the normal functioning of endometrial tissue as a result of which it begins to grow uncontrollably, affecting the genitals and other organs (intestines, lungs).

    The danger of this pathology is that it provokes the appearance of infertility and carries the threat of formations of a malignant nature.

    In addition, when the endometrium grows, it can cause disruptions in the functioning of various systems, thereby provoking disruption in the functioning of the entire body. Not being able to get pregnant despite constantly trying is the most unpleasant phenomenon for every woman, so endometriosis certainly needs treatment.

    General body temperature

    Often, body temperature with endometriosis remains at a normal level without increasing. However, with an advanced form of the pathology, when there are already large lesions, the temperature may increase - this is how the woman’s body reacts to the inflammatory process and pain.

    What happens to basal temperature with this pathology?

    Measuring basal temperature (BT), which is also called rectal temperature, is one of the ways to detect the disease. Doctors have long noticed characteristic changes in this parameter with such pathology. In the middle of the cycle, BT remains at the usual level. To identify normal rectal temperature, which is an individual indicator for each woman, it is necessary to measure it daily and record the data obtained in a notebook. These observations will allow us to identify possible pathologies and hidden inflammatory processes.

    Rectal temperature for endometriosis is as follows:

    1. 3-4 days before the arrival of menstruation, the basal temperature will begin to decrease. Often this decrease is insignificant, but by the beginning of menstruation this parameter can drop to 37 degrees.
    2. With the arrival of menstruation, BBT will definitely increase, but in the presence of endometriosis, its values ​​can exceed 38 degrees. As a rule, during this period a woman experiences fatigue, weakness, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.
    3. At the end of menstruation, the rectal temperature stabilizes, and when a new cycle begins, the process repeats.

    If such a temperature difference has been detected, then you should not ignore it and you should consult a doctor. Even if a woman does not have endometriosis, a temperature jump during menstruation indicates the presence of some kind of inflammatory process.

    Rules for measuring basal temperature

    When measuring rectal temperature, as with any study, certain rules must be followed to obtain reliable information. The main principles when measuring BT are as follows:

    • It is necessary to measure BT every morning, including weekends. Measurements are taken on an empty stomach and at the same time.
    • The thermometer should be placed on the bedside table, since you cannot get up or make any active movements before measuring your basal temperature. For accurate results you need complete rest.
    • A woman should get at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep.

    Failure to follow these principles may distort the data obtained. In a notebook for recording basal temperature, you need to note all the factors that could lead to unreliable results.

    BT schedule for endometriosis

    To date, such a pathology as endometriosis has been little studied. Many factors can provoke its development, but the exact list of reasons has not yet been identified. This pathology has several forms: genital and extragenital. In the first case, endometrial tissue affects the organs of the reproductive system, and in the second, other internal organs. It is the genital form that can be identified using a BBT chart, which is measured every day for several cycles.

    So, how does rectal temperature with endometriosis differ from normal? During menstruation, from the first day of its arrival until its completion, the basal temperature, which was at around 37 ° C, gradually decreases to 36.3-36.5 degrees. Until the middle of the monthly cycle, the normal temperature is 36–36.6 °C. Then the day of egg maturation comes, and the temperature increases to 37.1–37.3 °C. It can remain at this level for three days, which indicates that the mature egg is released from the appendages. In the absence of failures in the reproductive system, in the second half of the monthly cycle, BT increases by 0.4 degrees or more, and its indicators are 37-37.5 °C. The duration of such an increase varies around 12-14 days. After this, a few days before the onset of menstruation, the rectal temperature drops and is around 36.9-37 °C.

    Particular attention should be paid not to BT indicators, but to the temperature difference between the two phases of the cycle, which normally should be at least 0.4 °C.

    If a woman, when drawing up a basal temperature chart, notices that at the end of the cycle the temperature decreases, and at the time of the arrival of menstruation it increases to 37 degrees and above, and then reaches 38 degrees, then there is a considerable probability that she has endometriosis. At the same time, during menstruation, a woman may feel exhausted and overwhelmed, and sometimes migraines appear. At the end of your period, your BT will return to normal, but you should not ignore this difference.

    If the measurements yield a graph similar to the BT indicators for endometriosis, then you need to go to the gynecologist and tell him about your suspicions. The doctor will examine you and refer the woman for additional tests (ultrasound, hysteroscopy, etc.). The most common treatment for endometriosis is hormonal medications. However, surgery may be required, followed by drug therapy. In addition, a woman is recommended to reconsider her own lifestyle: engage in physical exercise, improve her diet by enriching it with healthy foods and eliminating harmful ones, give up excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking, and take a vitamin complex.
