Inappropriate behavior when intoxicated. Aggression while intoxicated what to do? How to behave during the aggression of a husband

Alcoholism is a rather serious social and everyday problem that is relevant for many countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. As such, there is no centralized fight against this disease, which makes the problem even more acute. Psychiatrists and narcologists are engaged in the prevention and treatment of patients suffering from alcohol dependence. In this article, we will talk about such a phenomenon as aggression in alcoholic intoxication, since the behavior of a person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication or, in other words, affect, depends on the danger to one's own health and the health of others.

Absolutely any person has a change in consciousness when drinking alcohol-containing drinks, even in small quantities, which makes the problem associated with the aggressive state of a person who consumes alcohol relevant to everyone. In order to understand the causes of aggression that occur during intoxication and the mechanisms for dealing with such a mental state, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the basic principles of the effects of ethanol or ethyl alcohol on the human body and directly on the central nervous system.

Alcohol has various effects on the body of a person who has consumed it, and first of all, this factor depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of the body of the person who used it. In practice, the degree of intoxication is measured by the amount of alcohol dissolved in the blood in ppm. A level below 0.3 ppm is considered the norm, and already above this value, alcohol begins to affect the central nervous system, psyche and other organs and systems. Usually, alcohol aggression occurs already with an average degree of intoxication, however, in some cases, aggressiveness can be observed even with mild forms of intoxication.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol quickly begins to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, already in its upper sections. After absorption, ethanol enters the portal vein system and part of it undergoes detoxification in the liver due to a special enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. For each individual, the level of this enzyme is individual and the higher the level, the less pronounced the effect of alcohol, including aggressiveness.

Causes of aggression

The main reason is the neurotoxic effect of ethyl alcohol, which is part of the drink, on the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Under the influence of alcohol, first, the disinhibition of the electrochemical processes occurring in the brain occurs, including disturbances in the limbic system, which is responsible for aggressiveness, fear and prudence. During a sufficiently strong alcohol intoxication, a drunk person becomes uncritical to his thoughts, actions and deeds, which can lead to various kinds of injuries both to himself and others. An aggressive drunk person in the phase of excitation of the nervous system is mentally unstable. Aggression, as a rule, is associated with internal psychological problems and conflicts that took place in the past and remained at a subconscious level. In this case, almost any factor can provoke aggressive behavior, since a drunk person cannot be aware of himself.

The level of aggressiveness can be even more intense as a result of any organic disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, for example, due to previous concussions or traumatic brain injuries.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is almost 3 times more common in men than in women, which many experts associate with characteristic personality traits and a masculine way of thinking and character. Also, men are more prone to drinking, as the level of stress in their lives is usually higher than that of women and is associated with career, work, personal relationships.

Consequences of intoxication

Sometimes it also happens that during intoxication a person does not experience anger and does not have excessive aggressiveness, but when the state of intoxication stops, the level of aggression increases. This condition is explained by a noticeable decrease in the level of secreted serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for positive emotions. After severe intoxication, people usually experience severe weakness, malaise and severe discomfort, which cannot but make the alcoholic irritable and aggressive.

Aggression and family

One of the most common causes of domestic drunkenness is a violation of relationships within the family. Factors that increase the risk of developing alcoholism in the family are:

  • Low social standard of living;
  • Unsatisfactory sanitary and household characteristics of the dwelling;
  • Insufficient education of family members;
  • Living in conditions of constant stress;
  • material disadvantage.

Many of the above points not only push people to drink, but are also factors in increased latent stress and corresponding aggression during alcohol intoxication. In the absence of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, during drunkenness, a person begins to get hung up on his own problems. To compensate for stress and anxiety, a person turns on protective mental mechanisms that redirect aggression to the people around him.

Correction methods

It is very important to stop a person in time, before his condition leads to serious complications and a high degree of alcohol dependence. Remember, first of all, it is important to understand that a person who is in a binge or systematically drunk is a sick person! This facilitates the moral attitude towards a person and helps to deal with such a condition.

It is very important not to follow the lead of dependent people, since in the first place such people are excellent manipulators, even without knowing it.

For the treatment of alcoholism, the patient needs to undergo several courses of psychotherapy or group trainings, in order to form a stable awareness of his own problem - the disease. A person who depends on alcohol, like no one else, needs an acceptable level of socialization. More communication, disclosure and analysis of one's own problem and inferiority help to cope not only with alcohol addiction, but also with aggressiveness and latent stress.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the coding of patients with alcohol dependence. The method is undoubtedly effective, however! It is important that the patient himself understands his problem and wants to deal with it, then the efficiency will be maximum, otherwise the coding will be ineffective.

How to deal with an aggressive person at the moment of intoxication

Aggression after drinking alcohol should be taken as an individual manifestation of human nature, and should not be taken to heart. First of all, do not make sudden movements and do not cling to words, remember - a person in a state of passion is inadequate and does not give an account of his own words and actions. It is better to keep a distance from such a person so that aggression cannot result in physical consequences. Here is the necessary algorithm of actions in contact with an aggressive drunk person:

  • Keep your distance;
  • Remove accessible alcohol carefully and discreetly;
  • Remove sharp and dangerous objects in your opinion;
  • Don't argue with a drunk;
  • You should not leave such a person alone, as he can harm himself;
  • Wait for the braking phase (when the drunk wants to sleep) and lay him down so that his arms and legs do not numb;

If it is impossible to keep the situation under control, immediately call an ambulance team, as doctors have the necessary drugs that can stop the state of severe intoxication.

Alcoholism can be called the scourge of mankind, since at all times this terrible addiction has brought people a lot of tears and suffering. In a family where there is an addiction to alcohol, one should not try to look for normal human relationships, love, or care. Anger, hatred, aggression when intoxicated often settle in it.

Alcoholics are inadequate people. Their behavior is often impulsive, unpredictable, contradictory, and their mood changes dramatically: from benign to angry. Alcohol causes aggression.

The degree of aggressiveness of people who consume alcoholic beverages is primarily affected by the amount of ethyl alcohol that has entered the body. Drunkards acquire three main characteristics over time:

  1. The state of deep depression in the absence of the opportunity to use the next dose of a strong drink;
  2. Untidy appearance: dirty clothes, puffy, often bruised or infected sores on the face;
  3. Animation and joyful glint in the eyes at the slightest hint of the opportunity to drink.

A chronic alcoholic often suffers from binge drinking, the binge period lasts for weeks. Removing the symptoms of alcohol intoxication is difficult. The patient suffers from a hangover syndrome. Depression becomes his constant companion, his general condition worsens, his working capacity decreases. Ethyl alcohol provokes a deterioration in speech, which becomes incoherent, slurred. Alcohol affects brain cells, resulting in memory loss in an alcoholic. He can drink himself to such a state that he will not be able to recognize even his relatives, friends, he can commit a crime against them. The wife and children are powerless to pacify the raging alcoholic. And the best way out in such a situation is to call the police.

Causes and stages of alcohol aggression

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcohol, negatively affects the mental state of everyone without exception, regardless of gender, age, degree of mental development, level of culture, financial situation, state of health. The reaction of the body to alcohol is virtually the same for all people:

  1. The first stage of intoxication is a complacent, high spirits, when you want to smile at everyone, hug and kiss everyone;
  2. More drunk - dissatisfaction with some others appears, past resentments, big and small conflicts, unpleasant stories are remembered, seemingly long forgotten. The drunk begins to find fault with those next to him, insult them, bully, threaten revenge, reprisal. He can no longer restrain himself, control his behavior, now he laughs, now he can burst into tears;
  3. The stage of strong intoxication is achieved by a large dose of alcohol. It comes the faster the worse a person has a snack or when he mixes various alcoholic drinks. The overdrinker is literally reborn before our eyes, inadequately responding to the requests of loved ones to no longer continue to abuse alcohol, to stop. He loses his shame, shouts furiously at everyone who seemed to him an offender or enemy, rushes into a fight, although he himself often finds it difficult to stay on his feet due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain, loss of coordination. Drunken cries, insulting gestures, grimaces change a person beyond recognition. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the husband grabs a knife, a gun, matches, believing that people around him who hate him, enemies. He completely ceases to control himself and in this state easily commits a crime.

The danger of alcohol aggression

The time for which a person turns into a chronic alcoholic, for each individual, but not so long. Terms depend on age, gender, physical and mental health, the atmosphere in the family, the immediate environment.

Women and children, teenagers become alcoholics faster than men. Physically healthy people involved in sports last longer, but they, too, can eventually fall into the category of addicts if they are carried away by the pursuit of the “green snake”.

Symptoms that can be used to judge whether an alcohol addiction has formed in the body may first be the disappearance of the gag reflex after drinking alcohol, and later on swelling of the face, which cannot be eliminated without medical treatment. They do not leave the faces of chronic alcoholics until the end of their lives.

The aggressive behavior of a drunk person is offensive to others and very dangerous. Often a wife is forced, protecting her children and herself, to turn to the police: the family of the drinker alone cannot fight the misfortune that has befallen her. Frequent stresses, fears, scandals, threats, beatings become unbearable, the family breaks up. Often a person who has drunk excessively or poisoned himself with low-quality drinks, passes away early himself and can cause the death of other people.

When sober, people can regret their aggression, ask for forgiveness, suffer and cry, seeking reconciliation with those with whom they had a conflict the day before. They are ready to make promises not to touch anyone with a finger, not to beat anyone, they swear that everything was the last time and will never happen again. But a case turns up - and the loss of a family no longer seems terrible to an alcoholic.

Alcoholic aggression is very dangerous. In a drunken state, a person does not realize that he needs to stop, pull himself together. Giving advice to start a new life, to be treated at the time of drunkenness or a hangover is useless. In most cases, the response to an offer will be a rejection. The problem must be solved when not a drop of alcohol has been drunk, on a sober head.

The way to deal with alcoholism and manifestations of aggression

Alcoholism is a serious, difficult to eliminate disease that must be treated. Dependence on alcohol does not go away on its own: in order to eliminate it, long-term and persistent treatment and medication are needed.

It is important to persuade an alcoholic to seek help from a narcologist, a psychologist, but not to force him to see a doctor. Success will come only when a person realizes that there is an abyss ahead, that he is standing on the edge of the abyss and he needs to find the strength in himself to return to a normal, sober life.

Turning to a psychologist for advice, do not retreat. To date, in many cities and towns, district clinics there are narcological centers, where they will provide professional assistance to anyone who wishes to overcome their serious addiction to alcohol.

It is very important that there are close people next to the patient who is set to recover, who will show participation, control the course of treatment, support, protect against the temptation to drink, and help return to their former lives.

Over time, by joint efforts, you can achieve a state where the former alcoholic calmly refuses the glass extended to him, takes care of his family, and enjoys the positive manifestations of life. And, perhaps, it will help another lost person to get rid of alcohol that provokes aggression.

History from life

You can recall many sad stories related to the topic "Alcohol and aggression." One young woman married a guy who occasionally drank. He did not consider himself an alcoholic, and his wife's persuasion to be more careful, to avoid frequent drinking, he refused. The wife tried her best to convince her husband to lead a healthy lifestyle, hoping that the birth of children would be an incentive for sobriety, but the miracle did not happen. The husband fell asleep. He beat his wife and children. One of their five children died in infancy. The family broke up. The woman raised four children alone, without receiving any support from her ex-husband: he continued to drink. On a cold winter night, the drunk could not reach the house, his hands froze. Lives alone. The eldest of the sons, having become an adult, followed the path of his father, got married, and a daughter was born in a young family. Just enjoy happiness. But in a state of extreme intoxication, the young father voluntarily passed away. Such an incredible price paid for addiction to alcohol ...

An intoxicated state is always accompanied by the risk of aggression. This phenomenon is associated with a special effect of alcohol that destroys the human psyche.

After drinking alcohol, a person completely loses the ability to control his reaction to the events and people around him, which means that he cannot behave adequately. Such an almost insane state is accompanied by a change in self-esteem, all kinds of mental pathologies and serious violations of the functions of the central nervous system as a result of intoxication of the body. and aggression are inextricably linked.

Alcohol and family

The most noticeable impact of alcohol, and as a result, aggression when intoxicated, in the family. Scientific research in this area has shown that in almost half of families, acts of physical violence are committed at a time when one of the spouses or both of them are in a state of drinking. Children in such dysfunctional families suffer daily from inappropriate behavior and aggression from parents or other drinking relatives.

Why is this happening?

Scientists who conducted the relevant studies found the following: alcohol causes attacks of aggression because it directly affects the human psyche. Characteristic for changing people's behavior, scientists characterize as unrestrained, frantic, unstable in character.

Violations associated with negative have characteristic dynamics. At first, when intoxicated, a person feels euphoria, lightness and a change in mood in a more positive direction, which gradually, and for some quite dramatically, changes - the person becomes irritable and angry. This is accompanied by actions that are dangerous for others, including relatives and friends of an alcoholic.

Some experts determine the aggression of a drunkard with a real negative situation that has developed around him, and which, in a state of intoxication, can provoke him faster than when sober. It can be a real threat, a reason for jealousy, a long-standing resentment.

Other studies show that the degree of aggression during intoxication also depends on the initial data of the patient. The list of these criteria includes a naturally dangerous and aggressive character, possible head injuries suffered earlier, and mental pathologies that do not show their influence in ordinary life situations. All this can lead the alcoholic to altered, antisocial states during intoxication. This can provoke excessively impulsive behavior on his part, conflict, violence and a threat to society.

Relationship between addiction and aggression

There is a correlation between the propensity to aggressive behavior and dynamics. Already when there is a reduction in the stage of euphoria when drinking alcohol. But much more clearly manifested rudeness and irritability in communication, pickiness to other people and aggression after taking even a small dose of alcohol. Cruelty towards other people in most cases manifests itself in the third stage of alcoholism, but it happens that even at the second stage an alcoholic is already dangerous for relatives and friends. This greatly complicates his treatment and is fraught with a lot of mental problems.

There are cases when, even after stopping drinking and deciding to treat their illness, an alcoholic still shows aggression. This happens due to the fault of the withdrawal syndrome, which also negatively affects the psyche. Conflict behavior and constant irritability in this case are due to a pathological desire to drink an alcoholic beverage. The patient becomes gloomy, tense, he is always dissatisfied with something and constantly grumbling, sometimes the depressed state turns into attacks of open hostility.

Aggression and antisocial behavior during alcohol intoxication is a consequence of psychopathy, which develops due to the effects of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. Destroying it, ethyl alcohol provokes aggressive states, sometimes reaching super-dangerous stages.

Even for a person who in ordinary life situations does not have a noticeable conflict, the effect of alcohol can cause significant character changes in a negative direction, which, if not properly treated, only get worse. If a person, under normal circumstances, is not distinguished by a meek and calm disposition, then under the influence of ethyl alcohol, he can become dangerously aggressive. The first noticeable signs of a mental disorder are pathological beliefs, the manifestation of base desires, a cynical attitude to any situation and a lack of ethical principles.

The logical conclusion of the development of alcohol dependence is complete degradation, both mental and social. This is accompanied by criminal, antisocial behavior, as an excess of alcohol and aggression constantly accompany these people. As a result, there is a complete lack of social adaptation - in interpersonal communication they become unbalanced, too often provoke conflicts. This entails a decrease in the professional level and a complete drop in social status, not to mention reputation and good name. If after that a person does not come to a decision about the need for treatment, with alcoholism progressing over several years, irreparable changes occur in the body, leading to death.

What to do if a loved one shows aggression?

Dealing with a person who is aggressive when intoxicated, his close people are exposed to a huge risk every day. Everyone solves this problem in their own way: someone tries to move away from the threat by leaving home, taking their children with them; someone is trying to find an approach to the aggressor in order to end the scandal; someone enlists law enforcement to protect their family from danger.

All those who are faced with this terrible problem are united by one thing - the desire to find an answer to the question of how to remove alcohol addiction from a loved one, how to treat him in order to return him to a healthy, full and happy life in the family and society. But how to do it and where to start?

Addiction to alcohol, with all its aggravating consequences, is a terrible, constantly progressing disease that is akin to drug addiction. Just like a drug addict, an alcoholic experiences a pathological craving for the subject of his addiction - alcoholic beverages, longs to experience intoxication again, and the withdrawal syndrome of a person who has not consumed alcohol at will resembles a drug withdrawal. At the same time, an alcoholic does not always understand why he should give up alcohol, sincerely believing that he is able to stop drinking at any time of his own free will. In this case, it is useless to fight the problem if the patient himself does not want to stop drinking and recover physically and mentally. On the contrary, attempts by relatives to influence him, to persuade, convince or force him to give up drinking strong drinks can be met negatively and provoke a new scandal.

For this reason, it is necessary to talk about treatment only at the moment when a person is absolutely sober and can adequately analyze the current situation. Perhaps, it will take quite a long time to wait for such a day, but only in this case one can hope for a positive result. In many cases, the intervention of a professional psychologist helps the patient to come to the conclusion that there is a serious problem facing him, threatening big troubles in later life. Relatives of an aggressively behaving alcoholic should not take any action without first consulting with a specialist.

Treatment and later life

When a person addicted to alcohol decides on the need for treatment, it remains only to decide on the method and begin the struggle for a healthy sober life full of joy, love and new achievements. The choice of ways to get rid of addiction to alcohol these days is very wide, and a competent specialist will definitely select the best option, taking into account the patient's state of health, the length of time he has been drinking alcohol, the degree of dependence and other features. Modern methods of treatment after 1-2 sessions return the patient to normal life, ensuring that the dependence does not manifest itself for many years, and sometimes throughout life.

Of course, the relatives of a person who has stopped drinking will have to change their lives at the end of his treatment, because a lot depends on them, but the main thing is the desire of the patient himself to be needed by his family, friends, work collective. If such a desire is present, everything will definitely work out and alcohol addiction will forever remain in the past.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

Very often, relatives of an alcoholic are faced with the fact that a calm, good-natured person, having taken a certain amount of alcohol, becomes aggressive, starts to make a fuss, and may resort to assault.

Alcoholization is a fertile ground for the implementation of aggressive actions. This is due to the disinhibitory effect of alcohol, due to the fact that a person who is in a state of intoxication is unable to adequately control his behavior. Alcohol intake leads to a decrease in prognostic functions, the development of psychopathological disorders, which in turn leads to behavioral changes.

Aggression is understood as behavior that is aimed at causing psychological or physical harm, up to the destruction of the object that caused the attack of aggression.

Aggression occurs as a response to stress, physical or psychological discomfort, a state of frustration. Aggressive behavior may pursue the goal of raising one's own status, at the expense of self-affirmation.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of aggression: physical, verbal, direct, indirect, instrumental, altruistic, auto-aggression.

  • Physical aggression is expressed by the use of physical force.
  • Verbal aggression is manifested verbally.
  • Indirect aggression is directed at a hostile person in a roundabout way.
  • Direct aggression is directly directed against someone or something. Instrumental aggression is a means to an end.
  • Altruistic aggression is aimed at protecting others from someone else's aggressive actions.
  • Self-aggression manifests itself in self-accusation, self-abasement, self-infliction of bodily harm up to suicide.

The German psychiatrist G. Ammon developed the concept of three forms of the implementation of aggression, closely related to the personality traits and intrapersonal qualities of the individual. These include:

  • a constructive form that is socially acceptable, expressed in the ability of an individual to resist harmful influences.
  • destructive form associated with violation of moral and ethical standards, deformation and destruction of relations with others. With this form, there are deviant and delinquent behavioral components. An important role is played by personality disorders (psychopathological, sociopathic, etc.)
  • Deficit form of manifestation of aggression. This form of manifestation of aggression is characterized by a low level of social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills.

Modern research suggests that alcohol-related aggression is the result of a complex interaction between sociocultural and individual biological factors. The presence and severity of aggressive manifestations in a state of intoxication depends on the following factors:

  • pathological personality structure
  • previous traumatic brain injury
  • mental illness

The presence of at least one of the above factors in a person when drinking alcohol increases the risk of malice, anger, increased conflict, impulsive actions. Increases the risk of developing aggressive behavior.

The appearance of unmotivated aggression while intoxicated should be considered as a reason to stop drinking alcohol, if it is impossible to do it on your own, you should seek drug treatment.

Ethanol is considered a toxic substance that adversely affects the functioning of the brain. It disrupts the exchange of neurotransmitters, which leads to changes in behavior. Aggression after drinking alcohol is a fairly common occurrence, and if drinking becomes regular, then the degree of anger increases. As a result, over time, a person goes into this state more easily and faster. That is why alcohol intake is closely associated with verbal abuse, disorderly conduct, crime, and domestic violence. There are also more suicide attempts or self-harm attempts - this is the result of the manifestation of auto-aggression (directed at oneself).

Statistics compiled by WHO show that almost 85% of all murders and 50% of rapes are committed by people while intoxicated. The degree of anger increases in everyone: men and women, young people and older people, because our brains are generally arranged in a similar way.

Psychiatrists distinguish the following types of aggression inherent in people in a state of intoxication:

  • Verbal- the desire to offend, "spill mud" on others. A person's speech changes, an angry tone appears, he begins to speak louder, scream, swear words appear in his speech, even if they are not typical for everyday communication.
  • Physical. This includes attacks of any kind, with and without weapons, on other people, animals.
  • Straight- an overt manifestation of anger, physical or verbal. A person can crush and break everything around. More often seen in men.
  • Indirect. A person is partly aware of the reason for his behavior, but tries to justify it by directing anger at a specific person, an object that is supposedly dangerous for him.
  • Autoaggression. The direction of anger at oneself, the desire to inflict damage on oneself, for example, in the form of cuts. This also includes reproaches regarding their own behavior, suicide attempts. It happens more often in women.
  • Altruistic. A drunk person has a heightened sense of justice, he seeks to "save" someone from danger, most often invented. However, instead of good, such a person harms others.

So, the manifestations of increased malice are varied. These are not only attempts to cause direct harm to others. If you look closely, in the behavior of almost every person in a state of intoxication there are certain signs of aggression.

The behavior of alcoholics is unstable, there is inconsistency, a split in thoughts and actions: today he is ready to stop drinking, and tomorrow he has already changed his mind. Now he loves the whole world - the next minute he screams and throws furniture. In a state of intoxication, he raves about greatness and omnipotence - in a hangover he is ready to trample himself. It is difficult to guess how an alcoholic will behave in the next moment, so attacks of aggression are unexpected and lightning fast.

Causes of increased aggressiveness in a state of intoxication

Researchers have several theories trying to explain why aggression and drinking are linked. One of them says that alcohol changes the way the brain works. The functioning of the areas responsible for the control of behavior is inhibited. These areas are located in the cerebral cortex, they are the “youngest” and appeared with the development of society and personality. When the signals coming from them are suppressed, deeper, subcortical zones come to the fore.

The situation is aggravated if a person suffering from alcoholism has serious mental disorders. In this case, only a psychiatrist can cope with it.

A person begins to respond to external stimuli, not monitoring the situation and not controlling himself: accidentally pushed - push in response, but harder. It seemed that they looked wrong - hit or insult, because it's unpleasant.

Another theory explains the emerging anger by the general inhibition of all thought processes. In a state of intoxication, a person's assessment of the actions of others is most often inadequate. It reduces the amount of attention, the speed of signal processing and switching focus between different objects. As a result, a person can regard any movement in his direction as potentially aggressive and tries to protect himself by attacking first.

There are many more theories, each of which explains the reasons for the behavior of a drunk person in its own way, but these are the most popular. However, not all drunks increase their aggressiveness for no reason; for this, other provoking factors are also needed, in addition to alcohol itself.

Factors that increase the likelihood of destructive behavior

There are a lot of such factors, but the main one is constant drunkenness. A person who drinks occasionally and a little bit is less likely to show aggression, even if he is very drunk.

With regular alcohol consumption, the GM cortex suffers very much. Against the background of constant intoxication, it is depleted. This leads to the gradual degradation of a person's personality, the loss of morality and all higher "superstructures". At the same time, irritability and malice appear after 1-2 glasses of alcohol. Therefore, almost all alcoholics are aggressive.

Other prerequisites for aggression:

  • Postponed craniocerebral trauma, brain dysfunction, microstrokes. Initially unhealthy brain tissues that are in a state of ischemia are more susceptible to alcohol intoxication;
  • Mental illness. With such pathologies, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, but not everyone follows this rule. Aggression in an alcoholic with a split personality, aggravated paranoia or depression, most often results in murder / suicide;
  • personal background. If a sober person has a bad character, is prone to impulsive actions, then these qualities will become aggravated when drunk;
  • Problems in personal life or at work, severe stress. Here a vicious circle is created - problems cause a desire to drink, but a drunk person only exacerbates his life's difficulties. Jealousy or resentment is perceived more acutely. Therefore, stress must be dealt with in other ways.

The mechanism of development of aggressiveness

An increase in the level of aggression in alcoholism is associated with the stages of the disease. In a healthy person, a dose of alcohol first causes excitement and a powerful feeling of euphoria, since endorphins, “pleasure hormones,” are released under its influence. When the phase of inhibition comes, the person usually falls asleep.

Already at the first stage of alcoholism, the period of euphoria is sharply reduced (the body is used to the constant intake of alcohol and no longer responds to it properly). Therefore, the drunkard gradually increases the dose in order to achieve the desired effect, but under the toxic effect of ethanol, the work of the brain begins to change, irritability, irascibility, impulsivity occur, and self-control falls.

At the second stage, another problem appears - pronounced abstinence. A person feels physically ill, and this also increases aggressiveness. There is a constant agonizing desire to drink, which overshadows all other impulses. To alleviate the condition, the alcoholic is applied to the bottle, but this no longer gives a feeling of euphoria. After all, he remains angry and annoyed all the time, even when sober.

The state of pronounced abstinence is characterized by such affects as sharp inexplicable outbursts of rage, anger over a minor cause.

Alcoholic in the family

Violence occurs in 40% of families where one spouse abuses alcohol. If both husband and wife are alcoholics, the figure reaches almost 100% (apparently, this is due to unconscious mutual provocation). Usually violence affects children and women (wives, mothers).

Family members do not feel safe because the alcoholic's behavior is unpredictable. They live in constant tension, wondering how the day will go. Children in such families grow up neurotic, downtrodden, insecure or prone to antisocial behavior. An aggressive alcoholic in the family destroys not only his own life, but also oppresses those close to him.

Such people are characterized by the following forms of behavior:

  • sexual promiscuity;
  • delusional behavior (delusions of jealousy, persecution, etc.);
  • cynicism and insensitivity to the suffering of relatives;
  • cruelty, the desire to cause pain, both moral and physical;
  • psychological manipulation, blackmail.

How to behave during a fit of aggression in a drunk

What to do if an alcoholic shows aggression while drunk? First and foremost, protect yourself. It is recommended to leave the house, although this is not always possible. Other options: securely close in the room, ask the neighbors. When a person is in such a state, it will not work to agree with him.

Psychologists advise finding and keeping at hand the helpline of a social center, a shelter where you can go away for a while. In such places, in addition to accommodation and food, they provide psychological support to family members of an alcoholic.

If a drunk person prevents you from leaving the house, you should try to gently distract him, switch his attention (in extreme cases, you can offer another drink). Under no circumstances should you:

  • to argue with a person, to make a fuss;
  • raise your voice;
  • move sharply and quickly;
  • show your fear and weakness;
  • try to hit back.

It is better to behave calmly, agree with everything he says, promise to fulfill any request.

The second step can be performed only once you are safe - call for help. In the presence of hallucinations, delirium-like behavior, a specialized psychiatric team and the police are called. If there is only aggression, the police alone can handle it.

Do not be afraid of the consequences of such an act, it will be much worse if an alcoholic causes real physical harm to others or to himself.

In many cities there are hotlines, when they call, social service employees offer an algorithm of actions, give advice on where to turn for help.

Methods that don't work

A ban on alcohol will not help to cope with an alcoholic. Attempts to hide money, break a bottle, lock the door are acts of aggression from the point of view of a person who is painfully wanting to drink. He will answer the same.

It is not necessary to convince an alcoholic of the need for treatment when he is drunk. In this state, a person is not critical of himself and does not realize the extent of the problem. Sometimes alcoholics, who are not aggressive when drunk, agree that it is time to stop drinking, but only until the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, at first it is worth trying to relieve an acute condition (“dripping”) in order to discuss further plans with a completely sober person.

Concealment of beatings, attempts to “cover up” an alcoholic in front of the authorities so that he does not lose his job are criminal - a person will quickly realize that his behavior will go unpunished.

In no case should you supply an alcoholic with money or alcohol out of pity or in the hope that he will drink and become kinder. With the next hangover, aggression will return in an even more acute form.

What to do next

There are two ways to get rid of an aggressive alcoholic in the home - voluntary or involuntary treatment. In the first case, a person is sent for treatment to a public or private drug treatment clinic.

The advantage of the first option is free help. Minus - a person will be registered, which will lead to certain restrictions (ban on driving a car, inability to hold certain positions) for a period of 3-5 years.

The second option is good because diseases are treated privately, without registration and in comfortable conditions. The downside is it's expensive.

If a person categorically denies the problem and does not want to be treated, the task becomes more complicated. Compulsory treatment requires a court decision, and it will take a long time to obtain it. Strong arguments are required - you will have to record every case of violation of the order, beatings, calling a district police officer or a police squad. Registration in a temporary residence center is also proof of insane behavior. With the facts collected, it is necessary to apply to the court for the appointment of compulsory treatment.

How to remove aggression during the rehabilitation period

Often relatives of an alcoholic hope that after the start of treatment, the problem of aggression will disappear by itself. However, this does not happen. On the contrary, the character of a person deteriorates even more, the behavior becomes unbearable. Narcologists call this post-alcohol depression.

A person in this state feels depressed, emptiness, feels flawed, sick. At night, there are panic attacks, suffocation, sleep is disturbed. At the same time, the reaction to any trifle is inadequate and vicious. The acute condition lasts from 3-4 days to several weeks.

Treatment is most successful when a person undergoes it voluntarily and is focused on the result. But breakdowns and bouts of aggression will be sure. You can’t cope with post-alcohol depression on your own, giving up alcohol is very difficult.

Visible results are provided by medical support at the first stage. To help relieve aggression in an alcoholic:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antipsychotics (with symptoms of a mental disorder);
  • antidepressants
  • sedatives;
  • hypnotic;
  • supportive drugs (dietary supplements, vitamins, nootropics, folk remedies).

It is recommended to undergo a course of psychotherapy (individually or in a group). In the classroom, psychotherapists teach to enjoy life without alcohol, establish new social connections, relieve stress with simple psychological techniques. Hypnosis, coding, and other methods are often used in treatment.

Auxiliary methods of treatment - acupuncture, acupuncture, manual, physiotherapy. They help to overcome the state of apathy, depression more easily, normalize the state of the nervous system.

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