New in the treatment of psoriasis. Drugs for the treatment of psoriasis: effective and new drugs. Tools under development

They do not bring the desired result, patients begin to become interested in new developments of scientists. Dermatosis is being actively studied in all countries. But creating a new drug is not so easy.

The main qualities that a new generation of psoriasis remedies should have are:

  • Efficiency. The desired result must be achieved regardless of the individual characteristics of the patient. In this case, it will be possible to treat many people with one drug;
  • Speed ​​of impact. The faster it is possible to normalize the condition of the skin with psoriasis, the better for the patient;
  • Safety. New drugs should not cause any adverse reactions or complications. This will allow them to be used without fear of worsening the health of patients;
  • Availability. For the mass distribution of effective medications against psoriasis, their price must be acceptable for a wide range of patients.


Ichthyotherapy is a new way to treat psoriasis. It is based on the use of the “services” of miniature fish Garra rufa. The essence of the technique is based on removing scales from the affected areas of the skin.

This species, inhabiting the warm waters of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, is used for symptomatic treatment. They cleanse the skin of pathologically changed areas.

The advantages of such treatment are its naturalness, exoticism, and good effectiveness. However, it has a number of disadvantages that do not allow it to be used as the main method of therapy. The main ones are:

  • Duration. To achieve good results, you need to complete a course that takes about 5-6 weeks;
  • The need to dive into a pool with fish. If this treatment option has a good effect with psoriasis of the palms and feet, then if it spreads to the body, neck, or face it becomes problematic;
  • The ability to carry out therapy only for vulgar psoriasis. The use of fish will be ineffective for other forms of dermatosis.

Ichthyotherapy is a good way to cheer up a patient and slightly improve the condition of his skin. However, it cannot claim to be the most effective way to combat psoriasis. In addition, this is simply the removal of scales, and does not in any way affect the appearance of new rashes, the progression of the disease or the duration of the exacerbation stage. As a method of psychotherapeutic influence, however, it is very acceptable.

Treatment according to Goeckerman

The essence of the Goekerman method is based on the special use of tar. This substance cannot be considered one of the newest, however, the technique is considered relatively “fresh”. Much is known about the healing properties of tar.

It is effective for psoriasis and helps improve the patient's skin condition. Causes a minimum of adverse reactions and complications. Because of this, it is recommended to use it in combination with phototherapy and other methods.

The Goeckerman treatment procedure involves the following steps:

  • The tar is preheated to a temperature of 39 °C;
  • The product is applied in a thin layer to the areas of skin affected by psoriasis;
  • At the end of this period, the ointment is washed off with warm water;
  • After cleaning the epidermis, it is wiped with a hypertonic solution. It is important not to forget to apply moisturizing creams to improve the condition of the skin.

After the procedure, the patient should rest for 2-3 days. The doctor carefully monitors changes in the patient's condition. If any undesirable consequences are detected (which is extremely rare), treatment with tar is canceled.

Combination with phototherapy allows you to achieve much better results. This is explained by the ability to mutually increase the effectiveness of both methods of skin healing.


The essence of the technique is the beneficial effect of ultraviolet radiation on the patient’s skin. Thanks to this, good results can be achieved relatively quickly.

Phototherapy helps to inhibit the proliferation of keratinocytes, which is the basis for the development of psoriatic plaques. The positive effect is achieved through the following effects:

  • Stimulation of cytokine production. These substances partially block the autoimmune factor in the development of psoriasis;
  • Activation of apoptosis (programmed death) of skin cells;
  • Suppression of the development of bacteria and viruses on the surface of the epidermis.

Natural phototherapy is typical for countries located near seas with a hot climate. That is why statistically the level of psoriasis patients there is significantly lower. Doctors use different forms of healing method. They are discussed below.


PUVA or photochemotherapy (PCT) is a phototherapy option that involves the additional use of special substances that increase the effectiveness of UV radiation. They are called photosensitizers.

As a result of prior use of such drugs, the rays can penetrate deeper into the epidermis, where they affect keratinocytes. Their proliferation is inhibited.

This is achieved primarily by disrupting the processes of DNA and RNA replication. Many doctors consider photochemotherapy to be the most effective phototherapy option. This is due to the high percentage of patients who note an improvement in their skin condition.

The advantages of PUVA are:

  • High effectiveness - 85-90% of patients feel stabilization of the pathological process;
  • Versatility. FCT can be used for any localization of psoriasis;
  • Safety. With the correct dose selection, the risk of developing negative consequences is minimal.

Photochemotherapy can sometimes completely replace traditional psoriasis pills. Much depends on the characteristics of each clinical case and the patient’s skin type. If it is sensitive, PCT should be limited.

Selective phototherapy

A selective version of light therapy is used for localized psoriasis in certain areas of the body. It excludes the use of photosensitizers. For healing, the A, B spectrum of rays is used.

For treatment, the patient is placed in a special booth. Lamps placed horizontally or vertically are installed in the area of ​​skin damage. For psoriasis of the scalp, treatment is carried out with a special comb.

To achieve the desired result, the patient requires approximately twenty or thirty procedures. There can be no more than five of them per week. Efficiency depends on skin type and its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Narrow wave phototherapy

The overall effectiveness of this method of recovery can be compared with the results of PUVA. Many doctors recommend using narrow-wave phototherapy. It has a number of advantages compared to the classic version. They are:

  • High efficiency;
  • Safety for the patient or doctor;
  • Almost complete absence of adverse reactions;
  • No need to take photosensitizers.

The total dose and mode of sessions are prescribed by the doctor depending on the characteristics of each clinical case.

Modern medicines

Traditional drugs for psoriasis are Methotrexate, Prednisolone. They are quite effective, but have a number of contraindications and cause adverse reactions. In 2016-2017, doctors are increasingly using new Betazon or Diprosan. These are hormones. As for methotrexate, it is a cytostatic that is active and continues to be used.

These drugs provide a rapid reduction in the activity of the pathological process. In addition to them, the following new solutions and tablets for psoriasis have appeared relatively recently:

  • Preparations based on Dithranol (Psorax). They affect the process of division of pathological cells. Due to this, it is possible to quickly reduce proliferation activity and stop the appearance of new plaques;
  • Psorkutan. A new drug that suppresses inflammatory activity blocks an autoimmune factor in the development of psoriasis. The drug combines well with phototherapy, providing good final results;
  • Advantan, Elokom. Two modern hormonal drugs. Provides rapid improvement in skin condition. Safe. Can be used even in children;
  • Enbrel. Modern biological drug. It is classified as an immunosuppressant. Blocks the main pathogenetic factor in the development of psoriasis. Effective for all forms of dermatosis.

The choice of a specific remedy depends on the clinical picture and the severity of the underlying disease.

Monoclonal antibodies

The use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of psoriasis began relatively recently. These substances are released in the form of solutions for infusion. They block protein molecules that are responsible for maintaining the activity of the pathological process.

Representatives of this group of medications are:

  • Remicade;
  • Stelara;
  • Etanercept.

An important advantage of these medications remains their high efficiency and duration of action. It is enough to inject once every 2-3 weeks to achieve the desired result.

However, there are also a number of negative points:

  • Expensive;
  • Side effects. The most common are hematomas and allergic reactions after administration of the medicine. Drowsiness, apathy, and depression may progress.

Monoclonal antibodies are used to a limited extent in patients with severe forms of psoriasis or in those patients who can afford such expensive but effective treatment.

Tools under development

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that is currently incurable. New research and clinical trials of medications to combat it are constantly being conducted. One of these is Dual-F-Nalp.

This is a unique (according to the developers) drug that can independently solve the basic problems leading to the progression of the disease. The exact mechanism of its action is still unknown.

It is currently in clinical trials on rats. Preliminary results are encouraging. It is too early to talk about bringing the drug to market. It will take years to confirm its safety.

Treating psoriasis is not an easy process. It requires the use of all available methods and means. Modern medicine will soon be able to announce the discovery of ways to solve the problem.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but always consult a doctor first. Then psoriasis will be under reliable control.

Psoriasis is a disease of the human skin, accompanied by the formation of rashes on the body that are very itchy and flaky. Often the pathology takes on quite dangerous forms for the patient’s life. Pustular psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and erythroderma are considered to be severe types of the disease. To treat pathology, medications are most often used for internal use and external application.

Types of medications

All medications for psoriasis are divided into drugs for the treatment of psoriasis internally, as well as external agents. External preparations are ointments on a hormonal or non-hormonal basis, vitamin preparations. Medicines for internal use may be as follows:

  • cytostatics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • keratolytics;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • biological products;
  • sedatives;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • immunomodulators;
  • vitamin complexes.

All medications for psoriasis are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Medicines in the form of ointments

Ointments for psoriasis can be hormonal and non-hormonal. The use of certain remedies depends on the symptoms of the pathology and its severity. In the first stages of the disease, non-hormonal drugs are most often used.

Non-hormonal ointments

Ointments of this group have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfecting, drying, restorative effects. The drugs help relieve itching, redness, and swelling. Often used for the treatment of psoriasis:

  1. Salicylic ointment is a keratolytic agent used to treat various skin diseases. The medicine is well tolerated by patients, does not cause addiction, and rarely causes side effects.
  2. Zinc paste – the product contains zinc. The substance has a drying and disinfecting effect when psoriatic rashes appear.
  3. Zinocap is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. The active component here is zinc pyrithione. Zinocap relieves peeling of the dermis, itching, redness and swelling.
  4. Losterin belongs to naphthalene-based products. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, wound-healing, antimicrobial effects. In addition, the medicine contains urea and salicylic acid.
  5. Psoriaten is a homeopathic medicine based on herbal components. The ointment normalizes the process of cell division, has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects.

Non-hormonal drugs are considered relatively safe. Their advantages include:

  • good action;
  • lack of withdrawal and addiction effects;
  • minimal number of side effects;
  • relatively low price, availability of drugs;
  • no disturbance in the hormonal balance of the body.

Among the disadvantages, experts note that the effect of treatment does not occur immediately. You have to wait some time for the desired result. Because of this, in severe cases of pathology, non-hormonal ointments are ineffective.

Hormonal ointments

Hormonal or glucocorticosteroid ointments are widely used today to treat pathology. Hormones for psoriasis give a quick effect, which makes them very popular in the treatment of severe forms of the disease. Commonly used ointments include:

  1. Trocar is a drug based on triamcinolone. The medicine is used to treat various dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. To get rid of plaques, it is recommended to apply the ointment to the affected areas several times a day.
  2. Flucinar - used in short courses for skin pathologies, copes well with the manifestations of psoriasis, such as itching, swelling, redness, inflammation, peeling. The active component here is fluocinolone acetonide. The drug is perfectly absorbed into the skin and has an immediate effect.
  3. Silcaren is an ointment based on mometasone. The medicine quickly and effectively eliminates itching, which is an important condition for the treatment of psoriasis and other dermatitis.
  4. Hydrocortisone is a product based on hydrocortisone acetate. The ointment is indicated for eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and insect bites.

Medicines for the treatment of psoriasis containing hormones have a number of contraindications.

The drugs often provoke a number of systemic side effects. Undesirable consequences include:

  • atrophy of the skin;
  • formation of stretch marks;
  • development of acne;
  • pigmentation of the dermis;
  • the appearance of spider veins;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • difficulty breathing.

To avoid complications, it is recommended to use all hormonal drugs strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Oral medications for psoriasis

In addition to the use of ointments, drugs for the treatment of psoriasis are used orally to treat pathology. Let's look at the most popular medications for psoriasis in the form of tablets, vitamins, and injections.


Medical treatment for psoriasis in most cases involves the use of immunomodulators. The actions of this group of drugs include:

  • establishing metabolic processes;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • providing a desensitizing effect;
  • stimulation of the production of liver enzymes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • reducing the toxic effect of certain drugs.

Medicines against psoriasis in this group may be as follows:

  1. Glutoxim.
  2. Timalin.
  3. Pyrogenal.

The drugs are prescribed in the form of complex therapy, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.


Medicine against psoriasis in the form of immunosuppressants is based on the suppression of a person’s natural defenses, which is necessary to get rid of some forms of the disease. Under the influence of the active substances of the drug, the body's immune cells are inhibited. As a result, the manifestation of symptoms such as peeling, itching, redness, and inflammation is reduced.

Drug treatment of psoriasis using immunosuppressants is carried out taking into account all contraindications of drugs. These include:

  • the presence of infectious diseases in the patient;
  • deterioration of blood composition;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • It is not recommended to use the products in children;
  • It is prohibited to take immunosuppressants during pregnancy and lactation.

Commonly used drugs include:

  1. Thymodepressin.
  2. Stelara.
  3. Remicade.

Most often, drugs in this group are prescribed to patients with severe forms of the disease, such as psoriatic arthritis, pustular psoriasis, and erythroderma.

Steroid drugs

Hormonal drugs are used to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect in severe forms of pathology.

Popular means include:

  1. Diprospan.
  2. Dexamethasone.
  3. Diprosalik.

Hormones are used in courses. With long-term treatment, patients experience the development of side effects. To prevent complications, steroid medications are taken in strict accordance with the instructions of the attending physician.

Enzyme preparations

Drugs for psoriasis are often used in the form of enzymes. With a long course of the pathology, in many patients the normal functions of the digestive system are disrupted, the liver ceases to perform its natural functions due to the use of certain medications. Enzymes are used to maintain the body. For this purpose, the following is used in medical practice:

  1. Mezim.
  2. Creon.
  3. Pancreatin.
  4. Wobenzym.

Medicines help restore normal gastric microflora, promote good absorption of vitamins, and support normal liver function. Medicines for psoriasis in the form of enzymes are an important aspect of treatment, ensuring the fastest achievement of the desired result.


Oral medications for psoriasis also include drugs in the form of sorbents. The goal of therapy is to remove harmful substances, waste, and toxins from the body, which is important for cleansing the skin of plaques.

Among the sorbents used:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Smecta.
  3. Enterosgel.
  4. White coal.
  5. Sorbex.

Sorbents are relatively safe and rarely cause the risk of complications and side effects.

Antibiotics for psoriasis

Antibiotics are prescribed if a complication such as a secondary infection occurs. To fight infection use:

  1. Cefaclor.
  2. Ceftriaxone.
  3. Lomacin.
  4. Neomycin.

Antibiotics have the ability to suppress both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. Probiotics are used to restore beneficial microflora. These are drugs such as Linex, Baktisubtil, Eubicor.

Antibiotics are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor; in the absence of indications, taking these drugs can only worsen the situation.


Hepatoprotectors are drugs for the treatment and restoration of liver function. The liver performs such an important role for the body as filtering blood. During the course of psoriasis, a large amount of harmful substances passes through the liver. Hepatoprotectors are used to maintain the organ. Popular drugs include:

  1. Allohol.
  2. Antral.
  3. Karsil.

Medicines restore liver cells and help normalize the regeneration of organ tissue.


Drug treatment of psoriasis at home often includes the use of anti-allergenic drugs. Drugs that have a sedative effect help eliminate itching, peeling, redness, and swelling. Among this group they use:

  1. Diazolin.
  2. Claritin.
  3. Zyrtec.
  4. Suprastin.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, its duration depends on the severity of the pathology.

New drugs for psoriasis

Today, there are effective medications for psoriasis in the form of biological products. A peculiarity of the use of such drugs is that during treatment with their help it is necessary to abandon any other medications. The method of administering biological products is injections of special active substances for psoriasis. The choice of drug depends on the severity of the pathology:

  1. Enbrel is often used to treat postriatic arthritis. The medicine effectively eliminates the manifestations of pathology. It is prohibited to use the drug for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney and liver pathologies.
  2. For pustular, guttate, plaque psoriasis, Remicad is used. The course of therapy ranges from 4 to 8 weeks. It is prohibited to use the product if infectious diseases develop.

New drugs for the treatment of psoriasis are safe and effective. Despite this, using the funds yourself is strictly prohibited.

Droppers for psoriasis

Droppers for psoriasis are used in severe cases of the disease. According to medical statistics, injections for psoriasis give positive results in more than 30% of all patients. In the remaining group of patients, improvements are observed more slowly.

Popular means of administering medication through an IV are:

  1. Reamberin.
  2. Sodium thiosulfate.

The action of the medicine is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the pathology and achieving stable remission of the disease.

Drug treatment of psoriasis is a complex process that requires taking into account all the features of the disease. A competent approach to therapy, compliance with all prescribed norms and rules of prevention ensures the achievement of lasting results in the majority of patients.

A common chronic dermatosis characterized by scaly plaques and papules is called psoriasis. A new medicine for the treatment of this elusive, multifaceted disease is patented annually in the registry of pharmacological agents.

But, despite many new products, modern treatment of psoriasis has not found a universal remedy.

News in the treatment of psoriasis: internal modern remedies

Cytostatic drugs (Methotrexate) and corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) - drugs with an extensive list of adverse reactions - have been replaced by glucocorticoid combination drugs. New products from psoriasis:

  • Betamethasone,
  • Betazon,
  • Diprosan

and other new generation drugs effectively relieve acute conditions.

The drugs are administered intramuscularly several times a week in a short course of treatment. Short term - new in the treatment of psoriasis, it allows you to reduce adverse reactions to a minimum.

The latest in the treatment of psoriasis: pathogenetic and etiotropic agents

Drugs that destroy proteins that can damage skin cells are an effective new product of genetic engineering.

Intravenous medications:

  • Etanercept,
  • Remicade,
  • Stelara,

belonging to the group of drugs with monoclonal antibodies - the latest in the treatment of psoriasis.

The newest drugs, administered by dropper into the patient’s bloodstream once every few weeks, neutralize the destructive effect of the protein that damages epidermal cells. In this case, the patient’s body synthesizes specific antibody proteins that match human immunoglobulin. Clinical practice has confirmed the high effectiveness of a new method of treating psoriasis

But besides this, dermatologists who use modern innovations in their practice have noted the following adverse reactions:

the appearance of hematomas on the skin.

  • Depression accompanied by apathy and drowsiness;
  • Rash, itching;
  • Arrhythmia, blood pressure instability;
  • Changes in blood composition;
  • Conjunctivitis, pneumonia with the development of pulmonary edema;
  • Thrombophlebitis, nosebleeds due to bleeding disorders,

Psoriasis News: Local Remedies

1 . Psorkutan- a modern effective drug.

Calcipotril (active substance) is an analogue of vitamin D3, which is an active metabolite. The drug applied to the skin interacts with epidermal cells,

  • suppresses pathological cell division,
  • stops the process of inflammation,
  • has an immunocorrective effect.

Psorcutan does not cause:

  • skin atrophy,
  • relapse after discontinuation of the drug,
  • combines well with PUVA therapy, which cannot be said about glucocorticoid drugs of an earlier generation.

2 .Elokom and Advantan- non-halogenated ointment preparations belonging to the fourth group of glucocorticoid agents. Available in the form of cream, emulsion, ointment. By using new treatments, patients manage to avoid a number of adverse reactions that are often observed when using other glucocorticoids.

The absence of such components as chlorine and fluorine in the composition of the products allows Ekolom and Advant to be prescribed in the form of ointments, emulsions, and creams to elderly patients and children.

3 . Active substance Dithranol has a pronounced antidermatosis effect. Suppresses inflammation and the process of reproduction of histio and hematogenous cells in it.

  • Psorax,
  • Cygnoderm,
  • Cignolin,

New products for psoriasis containing Dithranol.

The course of treatment ranges from two weeks to two months. Improvements are observed in 70% of patients. The duration of therapy and technique (long-term or short-term) are selected by the treating dermatologist.

Itching, swelling and redness (erythema) at the application site are adverse reactions that may occur.

Psoriasis (scaly lichen) is a fairly common chronic disease, which is found in 3% of all inhabitants of the earth. As a rule, every patient knows that it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, however, there are currently new methods of treating psoriasis that promote long-term remission.

These methods are aimed at preventing increased cellular formation, which causes an inflammatory process, however, it should be borne in mind that modern methods in no way deny traditional therapy, but, on the contrary, demonstrate the most effective results when used in combination.

List of modern methods of therapy

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result with traditional therapy, and the improvement is short-term, so more and more new ways to get rid of this disease are being developed:

Ichthyotherapy. This technique is recommended for the treatment of vulgar psoriasis. To get rid of psoriatic plaques, small Garra rufa fish are used, which eat the affected area of ​​skin without affecting healthy skin; as a rule, improvement is noted after 5-6 months after regular ichthyotherapy.

Treatment according to Goeckerman. Treatment according to Goeckerman is known to many as THERAPY WITH TAR. The product is recommended to be applied to psoriatic areas of the skin, but this technique is more effective when combined with ultraviolet rays, since tar increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

The procedure itself is performed as follows:

  • therapeutic mud is heated to a certain temperature (39°C);
  • the ointment is applied for 30 minutes to the area of ​​skin affected by psoriasis, after which it is washed off with warm water;
  • Next, the skin must be treated with a hypertonic (saline) solution and moisturized with cream.

After the procedure, the patient remains at rest for several days, under the supervision of the attending physician. In addition, there is a special treatment regimen with tar and anthralin-salicylic acid, a mixture of which is left overnight.

Ural Federal District. This treatment method considered one of the most effective in getting rid of psoriasis. Long and medium ultraviolet waves are used directly for the procedure. For irradiation, a special fluorescent erythema or quartz lamp with a maximum power of 60 W is used.

Before the session begins, the patient is recommended to take special medications that can increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The maximum therapeutic course is 40 procedures with a one-day break. Before the session, the patient is required to take special medications orally that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to the effects of radiation. The optimal course of treatment is 20-40 procedures with a frequency of every other day.

However, it should be taken into account that ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, diabetes and tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, cataracts and diseases of internal organs. In addition, there are certain age restrictions, for example, this procedure is contraindicated for patients over 55 years of age and children.

PUVA therapy. This treatment tactic is most optimal for severe forms of psoriatic manifestations. Photochemotherapy is performed using a special photosensitizing drug (Psoralen) with simultaneous ultraviolet irradiation. Psoralen increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Despite its effectiveness, this method of treatment has a number of negative manifestations in the form of severe itching, burning and increased dryness of the skin. Nausea and hyperpigmentation may occur, but the most dangerous consequence is the malignant development of skin tumors. Therefore, mandatory monitoring of the patient’s condition by the attending physician is necessary.

UVB irradiation (narrowband) with Calcipotriol and Betamethasone. This method of treatment allows you to get rid of negative psoriatic symptoms as effectively as possible using ultraviolet radiation and a mixture of 2 ointments. At the same time, ointments enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, Betamethasone has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiallergic and antiproliferative effects. Calciferol, in turn, inhibits keratinocyte proliferation.

Innovative medicines. Instead of traditional drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, such as Methotrexate and Prednisolone, in 2016-2017, dermatologists often use Betazon and Diprosan, whose action is aimed at relieving the acute stages of psoriasis. These medications are intended for intramuscular administration, and the course of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days. The short duration is the advantage of this treatment method, which allows minimizing side effects.

Drugs in this group include:

  • drugs with Dithranol (Psorax, Cygnoline, etc.), suppressing the pathological process and preventing the proliferation of histio-and hematogenous cells;
  • The newest effective drug that directly affects cell division, stops the inflammation process and corrects the immune system is Psorcutan. The characteristic properties of this remedy include a good combination with PUVA therapy, as well as the absence of atrophic changes in the skin after treatment;

  • The newest external preparations (Advantan and Elokom) show good results. As a rule, these drugs rarely cause side effects. In addition, the absence of chlorine and fluorine in them makes it possible to use them in weakened patients and young children. A positive effect is observed in 95% of patients who were prescribed these drugs. The duration of treatment is determined only by a dermatologist;
  • Another newest way to neutralize psoriatic symptoms is the injectable subcutaneous drug Enbrel, which belongs to the group of biological immunosuppressants. This remedy is prescribed for extremely severe psoriasis, in which traditional methods of therapy are powerless. Enbrel has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and suppresses the pathological process of T-cell division. It is effective for all forms of psoriatic manifestations. The drug is prescribed at a dose of 25 mg 2 times a day. for 7 days or 50 mg. 1 rub. in a week.

Treatment measures are carried out until complete remission, but the total course of treatment should not exceed 6 months.

Positive dynamics in the neutralization of psoriasis are observed when treated with drugs that act directly on the protein.

These drugs include Remicade, Stelara and Etanercept, which are intended for intravenous administration once every 2-3 weeks. These agents prevent the destructive effects of a protein that inhibits epidermal cells, which is confirmed by clinical trials.

However, the possibility of developing such side effects as:

  • the appearance of hematomas on the skin after administration of the drug;
  • possible development of a depressive state, accompanied by apathy and drowsiness;
  • allergic manifestations in the form of redness of the skin, severe burning and itching;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • thrombocytopenia and thrombophlebitis.

On clinical trial

It should be borne in mind that medicine does not stand still, and new medications and methods of getting rid of psoriasis are being developed. One of these drugs, which was actively developed in 2015-2016, but is not yet used in human treatment, is Dual-F-Nalp. The effect of this remedy is to have the most profound effect on the epidermis, which allows it to directly destroy the psoriasis genome. However, this drug is currently only undergoing clinical trials on rodents.

Pharmacy drugs

Treatment methods for psoriasis, which is also called scaly lichen, is getting better every year, new techniques and medicines are being developed.

However, at the moment there is still no ideal solution, although not only because of imperfect medicine in the fight against psoriasis. The disease is a common disease, affecting from 3 to 7% of the world's population. For more than 1000 years it has remained virtually unchanged.

Modern methods of treating psoriasis can be used at home; ointments are suitable for children and adults:

Psorifort Bio complex: cream and drops. Hot new product for all types of skin problems.
Psorisil The constructor of healthy skin is a double blow to the disease. A complex of external agents and for oral administration.
Inderma Regulates metabolic processes in the body to normalize the acid-base balance
PsoriControl A drug that helps to effectively combat this well-known dermatological pathology.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of psoriasis treatment methods

Based on the large number of patients surveyed, the effectiveness of treatment methods was arranged in the following order:

  • 37% – Ointments containing solid oil, including: (Cytopsor, Kartalin, Akrustal, Magnipsor, Antipsor).
  • 33% – Following a special daily diet - excluding foods that lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
  • 26% – Changes in climatic conditions, treatment with natural or artificially prepared mineral waters, spa therapy. Almost a third of psoriasis patients feel their condition improves after moving to an area with mild marine meteorological conditions. The same part of patients, in order to avoid winter complications, is helped by an annual visit to the sanatorium.

The best and well-known remedies for treating psoriasis

Ointments, non-hormonal, effective for psoriasis:

All methods of treating psoriasis

  • 19% – The use of salt baths is considered a fairly effective method, used not only in spa treatment, but also as home procedures. Sea salt contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and other minerals that have a positive effect on the skin. It eliminates itching and flaking, and also relieves insomnia due to its relaxing effect on the processes of nerve fibers. Doctors advise buying good quality natural sea salt and taking baths every 1-3 days before bed.
  • 14% - Ointments containing tar, such as: Colloidin, Antisporin, Anthramin and Anthrasulfone ointments - do an excellent job of relieving itching, helping to scar psoriatic plaques and separate crusts.
  • 12% – Selective phototherapy. This method of physiotherapy consists of a healing effect on diseased skin using ultraviolet light. However, such therapy can be prescribed to certain patients. In 45-60 days of systematic procedures, it allows you to get a two-year remission.
  • 12% – Strong hormonal ointments (Budesonide, Mometasone, Betamethasone). At first, patients feel better, but over time they get worse. I have to use the ointment more often, but the effect is less and less. A condition similar to addiction is developed. In the case of prolonged use of drugs of this type, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex develops, including skin atrophy.
  • 12% – Visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools is not prohibited, but it is difficult to call this method positive. According to patients, after a steam room followed by swimming in cool water, the itching goes away for a certain period of time, which has a positive effect on future sleep. But this method is not suitable for some patients, as they complain of exacerbations due to sudden changes in temperature.
  • 12% – Sports and active recreation. Many of the available physical activities, such as football, cycling, dancing, active tourism, help maintain good health, stimulate the immune system, and improve mood.
    12% - Ointments containing calcitriol (Osteotriol) and calcipotriol (Daivenex) - supply the outer layer of the skin with active vitamin D, freely enter the blood, thereby restoring the need for calcium. This often leads to the elimination of psoriatic plaques. The disadvantage is that such ointments are not cheap. Those made in Germany are considered the best, but they can only be obtained upon order.
  • 10% – Therapeutic fasting is an extreme approach to treating the disease. It makes it possible to relieve symptoms in almost every patient, but has a number of side effects. This course is best carried out in a hospital, and it is strictly prohibited to conduct it independently.
  • 10% - Ointments containing phenolic acid - do not help against psoriasis, but only help in healing plaques and detaching crusts. After cleansing the skin of the dead layer, it is best to move on to using other drugs, for example, grease. Phenolic ointments, as it were, prepare the top layer of the skin, as they contribute to more efficient absorption of active elements.
  • 10% – Treatment with medicinal plants – lotions, ointments, rubs, applications, decoctions (internally) are used. The following are considered quite effective: burdock root, calamus, dandelion, root herb, chicory, lingonberry, chamomile, bidens, St. John's wort, celandine, nettle, raspberry, oregano and other plants. However, this approach to therapy may be accompanied by allergies and other side effects.
  • 9% – Wellness baths with the addition of turpentine and herbal decoctions are not such a dangerous way to combat psoriasis, because the active components have only a short-term effect on the skin. If hot baths have a positive effect on your skin, then you can take them every other day for a third of an hour. The optimal temperature is 38 oC. You can add crushed fresh plantain, a decoction of birch buds or juniper leaves to the water.
  • 8% – Weak hormonal ointments with a combined composition (Hydrocortisone, Fluticasone) – are often used during periods of seasonal aggravation of the disease, when other methods of treating psoriasis do not eliminate overgrown plaques and incredible itching. It should be used only in special cases and with caution.
  • 8% – Use of enterosorbents (Polyphepan, Filtrum STI, Enterosgel) – perfect for taking in conjunction with dietary meals. Cleanses the intestines of toxins, restores blood composition.
  • 7% - Exposure of damaged skin to ultraviolet and quartz rays - some patients experience improvement after visiting a solarium, it is better if you additionally use ointments with vitamin D. For long-term irradiation, it is better to use quartz lamps, they are safer.
  • 7% – Taking vitamins is a questionable technique, since some people experience an improvement in their condition, while others experience a deterioration, and allergic reactions are possible.
  • 4% – Dietary supplements – pharmaceutical companies benefit the most from such drugs. Patients take them at their own peril and risk, since, according to the law, the manufacturer is not required to be responsible for the exact composition of dietary supplements. The effectiveness of such drugs has been questioned.
  • 4% – Immunostimulants are special drugs that can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise they can harm your health.
  • 4% – Calcium and sodium salts (calcium chloride, sodium salt and gluconic acid, sodium thiosulfate) – in some cases, thanks to a short course of such drugs, it is possible to slow down the exacerbation of the disease and reduce pain. Not used as a separate method.
  • 4% – Drugs that have a positive effect on the liver (hepatoprotectors) – Legalon, Essentiale, Karsil, Liv 52. Diet is required.
  • 4% – Dental therapy. There are cases when psoriasis occurs due to the presence of ongoing inflammation in the mouth, accompanied by a large number of bacteria. Sometimes, to be cured, you just need to eliminate caries.
  • 3% – Removal of toxins from the body – implies colon hydrotherapy and detoxification. Symptoms of the disease may be alleviated.
  • 3% – Anthelmintic drugs – worms can poison the body with their waste products. Such drugs can purify the blood; you must first have your stool tested.
  • 3% – Plasmapheresis – used in the presence of complex forms of the disease. It is considered a fairly effective method, but with short-term effects - up to 45-60 days.
  • 3% – Use of creams and oils – help in exfoliating the skin. It is best to apply them directly after taking a bath or shower. It is better to choose natural-based creams, for example, those intended for children.
  • 3% – Traditional healers are a rather subjective method, although there are patients who, having visited famous healers, truly believe that this approach really works.
  • 3% – Drugs that relieve inflammation – are used in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, sometimes help patients with a simple form of psoriasis, especially for prevention purposes.
  • 2.5% – Sulfur and sulfur-zinc ointments are the most accessible means for treating skin infections; they reduce itching and flaking.
  • 2.5% – Therapy with activated, purified or charged water. There are many approaches to treatment, but from a scientific point of view they have not been proven in any way. However, many patients still try to be cured in this way, resorting to drinking holy water or water that has undergone cation-anion separation.
  • 2% – Use of homeopathy – this type of alternative medicine aims to use ultra-low doses of disease-causing drugs to activate the body’s immune functions. However, for psoriasis it has virtually no positive effect.
  • 2% - Heat treatment and exposure to infrared rays - it is better not to practice, because sometimes cases of exacerbation of the disease are recorded.
  • 2% – The introduction of corticosteroids is a last resort measure used in case of failure of treatment of complex forms by other methods.
  • 2% – Oat baths – this method has no side effects and is recommended for almost everyone suffering from psoriasis. When used systematically, it perfectly relieves itching.
  • 2% – Cytostatic drugs – have great toxicity. Due to the harmful effects on the liver and kidneys, they are used only in cases where the patient’s life is in danger.
  • 1.5% – Treatment with bees (apitherapy). It is understood that bee venom will stimulate the immune system according to the principle of homeopathy therapy. However, do not forget that this substance can cause severe allergic reactions.
  • 1.5% – Treatment with naftalan – due to its properties it is considered a unique product of natural origin. Used in the form of compresses and baths.
  • 1.5% – Fungicides – means to combat fungus. Some patients experience improvement, but due to the high chance of complications, they should only be used with the permission of a doctor.
  • 1% – Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, autogenic training, NLP and other methods of controlling your body can be quite effective, since positive thinking and self-confidence play an important role in the treatment of any disease.
  • 1% – Baths with the addition of starch – are not as effective as oatmeal baths, but they also neutralize itching well and reduce flaking. Starch can significantly dry out the skin, but some patients need just such an effect. A bath of heated water requires 0.8 kg of pre-dissolved potato starch.
  • 1% – Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) – eliminate symptoms of psoriasis, such as flaking and dry skin.
  • 0.5% – Acupuncture is a technique of ancient China, which is quite dubious and possibly dangerous, since the specialist who performs it must at least be highly qualified. The patient will be lucky if this approach is effective.
  • 0.5% – Bioresonance and shockwave therapy are the latest physiotherapeutic treatment methods that have not proven themselves in practice strongly enough to be considered successful. Therefore, the effectiveness of such approaches is minimal.
  • 0.2% – A set of breathing exercises, urine therapy, laser therapy and other dubious methods of treating psoriasis are worth paying attention to, but most likely they are not as effective as they should be.