Do I need to wash myself with soap and water every day. How to wash properly to avoid infectious and inflammatory processes. How to wash properly for women: hygiene products and general advice

The process of caring for the erogenous zone has many different nuances, observing which you can prevent the occurrence of serious gynecological pathologies. How to properly wash a woman so as not to harm her own body?

Importance of the question

For most women, the question of beauty and caring for their own body always remains in the first place. At the same time, it is important to know how many times a day you should wash yourself, which product should be used for these purposes, and why soap is not suitable for caring for the intimate area.

Previously, too little attention was paid to this issue, so each new generation adhered to the standard rule - to toilet the genitals once a day, using ordinary soap for this purpose. However, as a result of such procedures, many women are faced with such a common problem as candidiasis, which occurs due to the alkaline balance in the vaginal mucosa.

The explanation for this is the excessive sensitivity of the dermis and mucous membranes in this place. Here you need careful, but at the same time, careful, gentle care with special means.

Interesting fact:

The uterus is the most sterile female organ, which is influenced by various microorganisms on a daily basis. As a result of their multiplication, severe inflammation and some diseases can develop.

That is why the washing procedure is quite important for the healthy functioning of the female body. Observing some rules, it is possible to avoid the development of pathologies dangerous for the reproductive system of girls, and for their body as a whole.

How to wash a woman?

Due to the modern development of the pharmaceutical market, there is a large selection of all kinds of care gels for intimate places. It is difficult to choose the right option when there are a lot of soap bubbles on the shelves, differing in name, main components, manufacturer and effect.

It is categorically not necessary to use lumpy or liquid soap for the purpose of toilet of the genitals. It has a drying property, and it often contains various dyes and additives, as a result of which all sorts of irritations of the mucous membrane are possible.

In addition, using soap for this purpose, beneficial bacteria that make up the microflora are washed out. As a result, a pathogenic artificial environment is formed, which is an excellent place for the development and spread of microbes.

Therefore, the most suitable option for this purpose is a special gel for intimate hygiene. Such products contain lactic acid and many other useful elements, and the pH in such gels reaches 4-5 units. Also, in the composition you can often see lactobacilli necessary for a healthy microflora, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the girls' body, and support the microflora.

  • it is imperative to study the constituent components, dyes, artificial fragrances and alkaline compounds are unacceptable;
  • it is better not to buy products that have a strong odor and a long shelf life (more than one year);
  • when washing away, you cannot use any sponges or sponges, bacteria and fungi can accumulate in them, moreover, they can leave scratches or microcracks on the mucous membrane;
  • carry out the procedure only with your hands, having washed them in advance.

For a more accurate selection of a suitable hygiene product, it is better to consult a gynecologist. It is worth purchasing such care cosmetics at the pharmacy, be sure to check the expiration date.

Video "Hygiene rules for girls"

A video transmission with a clear description of how to wash away the fair sex, and what mistakes should not be made.

Basic rules of feminine hygiene

Hygiene procedures should be carried out twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime. It is also recommended to shower with intimate care cosmetics before and after sexual intercourse.

In the absence of such an opportunity, the best option would be special intimate sanitary napkins. Not just wet ones, which everyone uses to clean their hands, mouth or shoes, but intimate ones, since their composition is most suitable for treating the genitals.

When washing, you need to pay attention to the temperature of the water. The most optimal water temperature is 30 degrees. A colder one can cause the development of various inflammations of the genitourinary system, and a hot one can cause burns of the mucous membrane.

The stream of water and hand movements during hygiene procedures should be directed downward - to the anus. Otherwise, the risk of infection increases, which can lead to the development of an infectious disease.

Do I need to wash myself inside?

Despite the fact that the 21st century is already outside the window, most women still do not know the exact answer to this question. And is it necessary to wash out at all inside the vagina, or is it still worth limiting ourselves to the external genitals?

First, the shower should not be directed directly into the vagina. This will only wash away all the beneficial bacteria and destroy the microflora. But here another question arises: what about douching, which until today was almost the only way to cleanse and heal the vagina?

Well, the answer here is pretty simple. This was before, when there were no other methods, moreover, at that time there were no studies, which today have confirmed that this procedure is not so useful. Now, among gynecologists, there is a lot of controversy about douching.

However, using it just like that and is often highly discouraged. Douching is a measure that should be prescribed by a doctor and only in certain situations. Moreover, you can use douching only with medicinal herbs and with nothing else.

Further, after carrying out the toilet of intimate areas, it is necessary to dry the skin, for which it is better not to use a hard towel. A soft cloth is better and should be used to gently blot wet areas.

Only one girl should use a towel, and not all family members, as is often the case, and only for the genitals. And for other parts of the body or face, it is better to have separate towels to avoid the spread of infection.

It is required to carefully and regularly monitor its purity. It is better to change the towel at least once every 7-10 days, ideally every three days. Recommended to wash at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees, and then iron with steam.

Of course, it is best to use disposable paper towels whenever possible. It's pretty convenient, but not exactly cheap.

How to wash properly during menstruation?

The intimate area during such a period requires special careful care. The choice of gaskets also plays an important role. It is better to give preference to those that consist of natural materials, in which there are no fragrances, have a breathable surface.

As for the number of hygiene procedures, it is better to carry them out after each change of pads or tampons. On average, this should happen every three hours. If this is not possible, then you need to use sanitary napkins.

Panty liners - pros and cons

Perhaps every second girl uses daily sanitary pads. This is convenient, especially if you are far from home, but is it safe?

Daily panty liners must be changed at least once every 3 hours, as the accumulation of vaginal discharge occurs on the surface, which is an excellent environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria.

But this is not one negative side of this hygiene product. According to manufacturers, panty liners have this name, since they are supposed to be used on a day-to-day basis. But it's not right.

Gynecologists are controversial about such frequent use of pads, claiming that this can lead to serious consequences. And this is directly related to the composition. The fact is that most panty liners are composed of compressed cellulose, upon contact with which a greenhouse effect is formed, and the skin does not breathe. And the greenhouse environment is the perfect place for, again, the spread of bacteria.

Underwear - beauty or health?

This issue should be approached with no less responsibility. Since as a result of improperly selected underwear, the development and occurrence of various gynecological diseases is possible.

Of course, a beautiful lace thong is very sexy and any man will appreciate it. But with daily wearing of such underwear, there is a negative effect on the female reproductive system, which leads to various irritations and diseases.

Therefore, for the purpose of constant wearing, that is, for every day, it is better to give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics. Moreover, it is better to buy panties rather than thongs, since there are also a lot of controversies revolving around them regarding health safety.

Also an important point is the frequency of changing underwear. This must be done daily. Moreover, if the discharge is abundant enough, then it is better to do it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after a shower.

How to wash during pregnancy?

During this period, the female body undergoes many changes, including a decrease in immune defense. He becomes more vulnerable, therefore, requires special attention, including in an intimate sense. After all, most of the changes are associated precisely with changes in the reproductive system.

So, for example, closer to childbirth, a woman may face the appearance of abundant discharge that must be washed off in order to avoid the development of infection.

Of course, ideally, a pregnant woman should wash herself after each intercourse and even going to the toilet, but very few people succeed, so sanitary napkins come to help. This process is especially complicated over a long period of time, since due to the voluminous abdomen, it is rather difficult to thoroughly carry out hygienic procedures.

By the way, many pregnant girls are not able to depilate the bikini area during this period, and this is absolutely normal. Men in this case should be treated with understanding. And the solution to such a problem can be considered the use of a mirror during depilation, the help of a loved one (including her husband), or the services of salons.

Otherwise, all the rules are the same as for non-pregnant girls.

Popular and effective products for intimate hygiene

As already mentioned, it is highly discouraged to use soap or shower gel for genital hygiene. Although, unfortunately, most of the fair sex do just that.

At that time, special gels for intimate hygiene do not contain soap at all, do not violate the water-alkaline balance, and do not cause various irritations. Such care products have a pH of 4-5, depending on the product itself, which corresponds to the natural pH of girls.

So, baby soap can have a pH of about 7, and ordinary adult soap (liquid or lumpy) - up to 10.

By choosing the right intimate gel, you can eliminate itching, burning and unpleasant sensations that often appear precisely due to the use of soap.

1. Intimate Natural - gel from TM Nivea

The composition can please with the absence of dyes and soap, but there is a fragrance in it. It is not particularly noticeable, therefore, the harm from it will be minimal.

Intimate Natural is an intimate deodorant gel, but generally does not cause allergic reactions.

Of the beneficial components, lactic acid and chamomile can be distinguished, which help to reduce inflammation, and it also has a soothing effect on irritated skin.

2. Lactacyd Femina is the most popular intimate remedy

This intimate gel is quite sensational, but lately it has been enjoying less excitement. Nevertheless, the demand for it does not fall, and the varieties of funds are increasing. Previously, this product could only be purchased in pharmacies, but now it is sold in most stores.

The main components of the gel are lactic acid and serum, called lactoserum. This active component plays an important role in the process of supporting the microflora of the internal genital organs of a woman.

3. Carefree Sensitive - simple and effective

Regardless of the cheapness of this care product, it can be used by patients with sensitive dermis.

Carefree Sensitive has a light deodorizing effect, a pleasant texture and a weightless aroma. Perfect for daily washing in the absence of serious problems in the field of gynecology. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to more expensive products.

4. Epigenes intimacy - result and quality

This is a fairly common remedy, it is often prescribed by doctors to prevent the development of candidiasis and during its therapy, as well as for patients with sensitive dermis and vaginal mucosa.

The main difference between Epigen intim means is the absence of lactic acid in the composition.

Instead, there is glycyrrhizic acid, which has an antibacterial effect. It is in this regard that Epigen intimacy is not the best option for everyday use, it is better to use it in special situations, and only after the appointment of a gynecologist.

Perfect for caring for the genitals during menstruation, after sexual intercourse, especially unprotected, with thrush.

5. Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

This is a very expensive, but effective gel for the genital organs, the active components of which are burdock extract, hyaluronic acid, and panthenol, due to which there is a soothing effect on the irritated epidermis.

Also, this care product helps to relieve inflammatory processes on the vaginal mucosa. It is often prescribed as a prophylaxis for the formation of candidiasis and to reduce unpleasant symptoms in various gynecological disorders.

Observing the basic rules of hygiene, you will not only protect yourself from the development of various ailments, but you will also be attractive from all angles. Agree, a well-groomed girl is always more attractive to others and to herself.

Video "Rules of daily intimate hygiene"

Women often talk and exchange experiences in hair care, skin care and the use of cosmetics, but, unfortunately, the very important and necessary topic of intimate hygiene is rarely discussed. Compliance with certain washing rules is extremely important not only for cleanliness and freshness, but also for eliminating unpleasant health problems. Here are the basic rules for maintaining perfect intimate hygiene.

The usual soap and gel are not suitable for washing the vagina.

Most cleansers are designed to maintain the skin's natural pH balance of 5.5. The normal pH of a healthy vagina is from 3.8 to 4.5, so using everyday soap can disrupt its natural flora and provoke the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Plus, most detergents contain fragrances that can cause irritation. With special responsibility you need to approach the purchase of cosmetic intimate hygiene products and focus on special gels for this.

Wash only the outer intimate area

The vagina has the ability to "cleanse" itself on its own, so there is no need to wash it inside. The most sterile place in a woman is the uterine cavity. In fact, washing the inside of the vagina can even be harmful. A woman should only wash the external intimate area: the vulva, vaginal lips and clitoris.

Daily washing

Every woman should wash her private parts with warm water once a day. The main requirement for washing is to carry out the procedure in running water at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is recommended that you wash your vagina after each bowel movement to prevent the transfer of bacteria from one place to another. For menses, wash twice a day. If it is not possible to clean women's places (outdoors, on the road, at work), use sanitary napkins.

Do not use sponges or gloves

Sponges and gloves can cause minor injuries to the soft and delicate skin of the vagina. When washing intimate parts, it is enough to use your hand.

Correct direction of the jet

When washing the intimate area, do not allow the jet to run directly into the vagina. Let the water flow down from the top of the intimate area. The most common cause of vaginal imbalance is foam that gets inside. If this happens rarely, the danger is not great, but constant cases contribute to the destruction of microflora, which leads to dysbiosis.

Always use a soft towel

The towel that is applied after washing must be soft and completely dry. The woman is obliged to change it every 3 days. Remember that a towel is a personal item, so don't let anyone else use it.

Use toilet paper correctly

After using the toilet, wipe the area with toilet paper from the vagina to the anus. This way, harmful bacteria will not spread and you will protect yourself from bladder infections and more serious problems.

Washing before and after the act

Make sure you wash your intimate area before and after making love. This is important because you prevent harmful bacteria from growing. In addition, it is advisable that the partner also maintains their intimate hygiene.

Washing up during pregnancy

Pregnant women should take special care of themselves. Immediately after using the toilet and having intercourse, clean your intimate areas with warm water from front to back. It is best to use an intimate gel with a plant extract, which does not dry out, but refreshes and deodorizes. For such purposes, a gel with bitter almond extracts is considered the most suitable. Of course, it is problematic to wash at a later date, so many women use sanitary napkins.

Do not forget that the intimate area needs to be looked after more carefully than other parts of the body. The art of washing is not difficult if you adhere to all the rules.

Women's health largely depends on how carefully a woman follows the basic rules of intimate hygiene. Particular attention should be paid to daily washing and washing. If you neglect these important activities, you can get sick with serious diseases. All ladies know that you need to wash yourself, and each woman has her own secrets of this procedure.

However, not every woman does it right.

About the features of proper washing you can find out by consulting a gynecologist. Some rules are mandatory for everyone, and some depend on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular woman. All doctors agree on one thing: proper washing helps to strengthen the immune system and is the best prevention of infections, and improper performance of this procedure, on the contrary, destroys health and brings only harm instead of benefit.

Washing is the most important hygiene measure... It is very important to perform this procedure correctly. Any girl, girl and woman should know that:

  • the daily toilet of intimate places prevents the penetration of infection;
  • if washing is carried out according to the rules, after the end of the procedure, the woman feels fresh and vigorous;
  • it is especially useful to wash off with cool water, since this procedure is also a hardening;
  • washing effectively relieves the feeling of discomfort caused by fungal diseases (for example, candidiasis, or, in common parlance, "thrush").

Most women wash in the bathroom using a jet of water of the required temperature in the shower. But it is best to do this using a special device for the daily women's toilet - a bidet. Typically, bidets are installed in hospitals, clinics, hotels and public toilets. However, recently more and more women are purchasing such equipment for apartments and private houses. It is very convenient to wash with a bidet, while the water does not splash on the floor.

It happens that there is no hot water in the apartment or house(for example, the boiler room was turned off for the summer). In this case, you can wash yourself using an ordinary metal or ceramic ladle with a handle. Hot water, diluted with cold water, is added there. The main thing is to first check the water temperature so as not to burn yourself.

How often should you wash

All doctors have a common opinion on this issue: you should wash yourself at least twice a day. But there are also situations when to do it more often, for example:

  • during menstruation;
  • during an exacerbation of fungal and infectious diseases, which are accompanied by abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • in the first days after childbirth;
  • if unprotected sex has occurred.

Many women wash every time they shower. As a rule, this happens in the morning and in the evening. It happens that you cannot take a shower for some reason (for example, while traveling by train, bus or car). But even in this case, you can find a way out by using wet wipes for intimate hygiene.

During menstruation it is necessary to wash off every time after changing the gasket. If you neglect this rule, you can bring an infection into the body, since during menstruation, the immune system becomes especially vulnerable.

You also need to wash yourself every time after unprotected intercourse. Washing will not prevent sexually transmitted diseases, but it will reduce the likelihood of transmission of certain infections from man to woman.

What hygiene products can be used for washing

Since childhood, most beautiful ladies are accustomed to using ordinary soap for washing, for example, "bath", "baby", toilet soap. However, experts say that using soap for the daily toilet of the external genitalia under no circumstances... Soap destroys the vaginal microflora and changes the acid-base balance. With regular use of soap to cleanse, the skin becomes dry and irritated, and irritation and redness may appear on the genitals.

You can use ordinary water for washing. However, water does not eliminate the unpleasant odor. Another disadvantage of this method of washing is that tap water is often hard. Also, hot tap water often contains harsh chemicals. Therefore, if a woman decides to wash herself only with water, it is better to use boiled water cooled down to a comfortable temperature.

Perfect option - the use of gels for intimate hygiene... These gels have the following benefits:

  • maintain an optimal acid-base balance in the vagina;
  • effectively eliminate unpleasant odors and help to reduce discharge;
  • have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • have fungicidal, that is, antifungal, action.

How to wash for girls: useful tips

Always wash in the same direction.: from front to back, but never vice versa. If you neglect this recommendation, you can bring E. coli and other pathogenic microorganisms that live in the anus into the vagina.

After washing, it is imperative to put on clean underwear. It should be spacious, but not cramped. It is best to wear cotton underpants, as synthetics prevent the skin from breathing properly.

When choosing gels for intimate hygiene, preference should be given to products without aromatized fragrances and dyes. Strong fragrances can cause allergic reactions. The ideal option is a transparent, odorless gel. A gynecologist will help you choose the right option for daily washing.

The water temperature during flushing should be comfortable... Do not make the water very hot. After washing, be sure to wipe off with a dry and clean towel. You should not rub the skin so as not to cause irritation, it is enough just to gently blot the external genitals. The washcloth should only be used for its intended purpose. If there are several women in the house, each should have their own intimate hygiene towel. It is convenient to use a small terry towel or a soft microfiber cloth for this purpose.

While washing, the woman spreads the outer labia with one hand, and with the other hand directs a stream of water to them. If the procedure takes place in a regular bathroom, it is most convenient to do this while standing with your legs wide apart. Care should be taken not to splash water onto the floor.

Young girls need to be taught from childhood to wash themselves daily, at the same time. This is an essential neatness skill. The sooner the child learns to wash on his own, the better.

Shaving or waxing the intimate area should always be done before washing, but not vice versa... If a lady is washed after removing unwanted hair, she washes off all the hairs left on the skin after the procedure. If you neglect washing, these hairs can cause significant discomfort.

Women suffering from various gynecological diseases are often treated with douching - injecting drugs into the vagina in liquid form. Douching should be done only after washing. The same goes for the use of any medicinal suppositories.

Every woman should know the secrets of washing... Correct implementation of this simple procedure is a guarantee of health and excellent prevention of infectious, bacterial and fungal diseases. Ladies who neglect daily intimate hygiene are much more likely to get sick and have weaker immunity. Proper washing is not only health, but also beauty, comfort, cleanliness and freshness, as well as self-confidence. Every girl, girl and woman should know about this from early childhood. Anyone who does not like to wash and does not know how to do it right, risks his own health.


In this video, you will learn how to wash properly.

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Women, as a rule, carefully monitor their appearance and health, carrying out the daily procedures necessary for this. An important component of the general hygiene of the female body is intimate hygiene. Proper care of the "interesting place" will allow each of us to avoid many unpleasant diseases, including thrush, bacterial vaginosis, various inflammatory diseases, and the like. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can also negatively affect reproductive health.

Daily care

The first thing I want to talk about is the daily cleaning of the intimate area. Many people think that this is a trifling matter. I took the soap, turned on the water, once or twice - and came out of the bath clean and fresh. In terms of the sequence of actions, everything is correct, but in terms of the attitude to these actions - not quite. Let's try to explain why.

Let's start with soap. It is not recommended for use for intimate hygiene, as it is incompatible with the vaginal microflora. The use of soap will dry out the mucous membrane of the genitals, which, you see, does not bode well. Moreover, it is not recommended that a woman's intimate hygiene is carried out using antibacterial soap. It will not only lead to dryness, but also destroy, along with harmful bacteria and beneficial bacteria existing in the microflora of the vagina.

To accomplish this hygiene, you should use special means, which we will talk about below. You can buy them at a cosmetics store or at a pharmacy.
By the way, a woman should wash herself at least twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime), as well as before and after intimacy. You can use a special agent once a day, and all other ablutions can be carried out with plain water. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the intimate organs is very delicate and even special means, with their frequent use, can harm it.

If, for some reason, a woman cannot use a special means for intimate hygiene, then it is better for her to use baby soap. It can be called a universal remedy that is suitable for all skin types. It will not harm the mucous membrane of the female intimate place. As for the rejection of intimate cosmetics, it is often associated with the occurrence of allergies to it.

Now let's talk about water. It must be warm (no higher than 30 degrees). Do not use cold or hot water. It is best to perform the ablution procedure under running water. The stream of water (do not make it too strong) should be directed from the pubis downward. The hand should also move during washing. The reverse movement promotes the movement of harmful bacteria from the anal area to the vaginal area, which is fraught with inflammatory processes.

It is not recommended to direct the stream of water directly into the vagina, as this can cause washing out of beneficial lactobacilli and dryness of the mucous membrane. As a result, the pH of the vagina will be disturbed and favorable conditions will be created for the development of inflammation and bacterial vaginosis. Also, experts in the field of gynecology do not recommend using washcloths for intimate hygiene, explaining this by the fact that they can injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Such female intimate hygiene should end with wiping. But here, too, there are some peculiarities. Do not rub your genitals too hard. You just need to blot them with a soft napkin or towel. It goes without saying that the wiping agent (be it a towel or napkin) should only be for this purpose. It must be changed every three days to exclude the possibility of the emergence and development of bacteria.

Intimate hygiene products

Now the turn has come to hygienic cosmetics for the intimate area. Today, various products are produced for these purposes, including gels, milk, creams, mousses and the like. All of them can be conditionally subdivided into two types: sexual and proper hygienic.

We will not dwell on the first type in detail, since these funds are used, by and large, only to give a pleasant smell. Let's talk in more detail about the second, since it is this intimate cosmetics that is intended for what is described in this article.

The main difference between these products and soap is that their acidity is as close as possible to the natural acidity of the vaginal microflora. And this suggests that cosmetics for intimate purposes affect the female genital organs gently and gently, moisturizing them and removing existing irritation.

Unlike other cosmetics, an intimate hygiene product should not contain too many dyes and fragrances, which often become causative agents of allergic reactions. Information on its composition can be found on the label. Also make sure to include lactobacilli. They help to maintain normal vaginal microflora.

Many types of intimate cosmetics also contain special natural ingredients that help get rid of minor troubles. For example, the presence of tea tree oil in a hygienic product suggests that it not only helps to thoroughly wash the intimate area, but also enhances the protective function of the genitals. And the presence of chamomile, calendula or aloe extract suggests that this intimate hygiene product helps soothe the skin and heal small wounds and cracks.

A little about pads and napkins

Panty liners make a woman's life much easier. With their help, you can maintain the hygiene of the intimate area and prevent secretions from entering the laundry. You must admit that wet linen does not feel very pleasant, but everyone will like the feeling of “dry and comfortable”.

But panty liners should be used according to the rules. Otherwise, instead of feeling comfortable, you can earn a lot of trouble. So it is not recommended to wear one pad all day long. By absorbing moisture, it at the same time turns into an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. To protect yourself from getting into the genital area, it is necessary to change this hygiene product every three to four hours.

It should also be noted that female intimate hygiene is not a complete isolation of the genitals. The skin must breathe, and panty liners prevent this. As a result, irritation, hives and allergic reactions can occur. There is only one way to avoid this - periodically take breaks in the use of pads.

Another achievement of our time is intimate hygiene wipes. They are very convenient for use in those moments when, due to inappropriate conditions, a woman cannot perform the necessary procedures. When choosing this hygiene product, it is better to give preference to those of its types that contain herbal extracts or antimicrobial compounds. However, you should not get carried away with napkins, much less replace washing with them. Using them too often can affect the microflora of the vagina and cause irritation.

Hygiene on critical days

During menstruation, a woman's intimate hygiene should be carried out more carefully, because the discharge occurs constantly, and, as a result, excellent conditions are created for the appearance and reproduction of bacteria. And the wrong choice of underwear, moisture and constant wearing of a panty increases the risk of infection and development.

On critical days, in addition to the obligatory double washing, it is advisable to find time for an additional water procedure (or several, depending on the intensity of the discharge). If this is not possible, the aforementioned napkins will come to the rescue.
As for underwear, during this period it is best to choose things from natural fabrics, since synthetics are airtight. The presence of the gasket also interferes with normal air circulation, which can lead to infection. Cotton linen allows the skin to breathe, so on such days it is indispensable.

From hygiene products during menstruation, women use pads or tampons. They must be chosen based on the intensity of the discharge and, of course, on personal preference. Tampons, for example, are suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle and in the case when you want to wear tight-fitting trousers or a short skirt.

Regardless of the choice of hygiene product, intimate hygiene will not be complete if you do not follow the rules for its use. It is recommended to change the pads every three hours, as they can cause bacteria, and tampons even more often (two hours after insertion). The latter reside directly in the vagina, so it is very important to prevent the emergence of a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

In addition to the named hygiene products used during critical days, today there is also a special bowl (another name is mouthguard), which is just beginning to gain popularity in the post-Soviet space. A menstrual cup is a small funnel made of flexible plastic or silicone that collects blood secreted in it.

It is necessary to choose this hygienic "device" based on the size of the vagina, since the method of its use is similar to the use of tampons. The cup should be emptied several times a day (the number of "drains" depends on the intensity of menstrual bleeding). After each emptying, it must be disinfected and then returned to its place.

This cup can last for more than one year, but, having got used to wearing it, a woman will not feel discomfort either while performing work duties or in everyday life. Not everyone is allowed to use the bowl. For those who have a tendency to allergies to silicone, inflammation and other problems of the intimate area, this hygiene product is strictly prohibited. To find out exactly whether it suits you or not, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Hygiene during pregnancy

Note that a woman's intimate hygiene during pregnancy is not much different from hygiene in another period of her life. True, there are some peculiarities here, which must be remembered. One of them is a more careful choice of intimate care cosmetics. It should be free from dyes and fragrances. It is better to choose products that include herbal extracts (calendula, chamomile, and the like).

The second important point is the frequency of hygiene procedures. Since the amount of discharge increases during pregnancy, you will have to perform ablution more often. How often - it depends on the intensity of the discharge and the health of the expectant mother. A doctor who advises a woman during pregnancy can help with the routine of water procedures.

As for sanitary napkins and panty liners, women who are in a position can use them. The main thing is that these hygiene products do not have aromatics and alcohol in their composition.

The right underwear is the key to the health of the genitals

Correct intimate hygiene of a woman implies the correct choice of underwear. The best in this regard is cotton underwear. Choose it for everyday wear, but give preference to panties and thongs made of synthetic fabric only in exceptional cases, for example, if you are going to a romantic date.

Please note that a cotton insert must be present at the point of contact of the panties with the crotch. If there is none, and you really liked this underwear, then daily pads will help to make up for its absence.
Another important point regarding the correct intimate hygiene of a woman: panties must be changed daily. At the same time, try to wash them separately from other things (clothes, bedding, and the like).

As follows from the above, intimate hygiene is practically a whole science, knowing the basics of which you can always radiate freshness and purity. However, it is not so difficult to follow all the rules recommended by specialists in the field of gynecology, because they do not require special skills. The main thing is to follow them unswervingly.

Wash yourself at least once a day and put on fresh underwear every time you wash. If you have, you need to wash yourself as often as you change the pad (gynecologists advise you to change it every 3-4 hours).

Rule 2: Water

Rinse yourself under running water, not in the bathroom or basin. When directing a stream of water to the genitals, try to let the water flow from top to bottom, and not be directed from bottom to top at the vagina. This also includes douching. Remember once and for all: douching is harmful.

Rule 3: Hands Only

When washing, use only your hands: no washcloths, sponges, or terry gloves. These products are great for cleansing the rest of the body, but not good for the delicate skin of the genitals.

Rule 4: Outside, but not inside

When washing, try to clean only the external genitals: the area around the entrance to the vagina, the labia majora and small labia, the area around the clitoris. No need to wash the inside of the vagina - the vagina can clean itself without assistance. Sticking your fingers into the vagina while washing can damage the mucous membrane and cause discomfort. Don't do this.

Rule 5: Means for intimate hygiene

Even a simple rinse with water allows you to properly cleanse the external genitals. However, if it is more convenient and comfortable for you to use additional means for washing, choose exactly those that are intended for intimate areas. Never wash with shower gels, soap or shampoo - these products have an alkaline pH and can cause itching and inflammation. When choosing a product for intimate hygiene, pay attention to the instructions: these products can be designed for different age groups (separately for girls under 12 years old, for girls and women, and for women over 45 years old).

Rule 6: No more than a minute

Washing usually takes no more than 1 minute - there is no need for a longer washing of the genitals. Even more, the longer you wash, the higher the risk of disrupting the microflora and provoking inflammation.

Rule 7: your towel

After washing, pat your skin dry with a clean towel. It should be just your towel (no family member uses it anymore), and with this towel you only get your genitals wet (don't wipe your hands, face, etc. with it)

Rule 8: Panties

Wear quality underwear, preferably cotton. Panties made of synthetic materials are a very common cause of inflammation. Choose underwear of your size: the panties should not dig into the skin or chafe. It is better to refuse thongs: they do not allow the intimate areas to "breathe" normally, which can cause inflammation and itching.

Rule 9: 15 minutes a day

Try to walk without underwear for at least 15 minutes a day, and it is best to take off your underwear while you sleep.

Rule 10: Going to the toilet

Using toilet paper, wipe from front to back, or from vagina to anus (never the other way around).

Rule 11: Sex and Masturbation

If you are sexually active, wash yourself every time before and after sex. If you are, wash your hands every time before and after masturbation. If you use foreign objects, make sure they are clean. After masturbation, wash or use intimate tissues.

Rule 12: pads and tampons

Use pads over tampons during your period. can be used if it is really necessary (for example, you are going to the pool), but no more than 6 hours in a row. Never go to bed with a tampon.

Rule 13: Daily

Rule 14: Wipes for intimate hygiene

If you have a long trip ahead and don't have the opportunity to wash yourself, take special intimate wipes with you. You can easily find them in the supermarket or pharmacy. Do not use regular wipes to cleanse the genitals: they have the wrong pH and may contain alcohol.

Rule 15: If Something Goes Wrong

If you have itching, with an unpleasant odor or unusual color (yellow, green), dryness, discomfort - do not wait, it will not go away on its own. See your gynecologist.

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