Finding the holy relics of St. Macarius of Kalyazin. Holy Venerable Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin, Wonderworker Online broadcast stream addresses

Life of St. Macarius of Kalyazin

“I worked in vain and without success completed such a long journey to the Holy Mountain past Ka-lya-zin’s mo- na-sta-rya. For it is possible to be saved by living in it: everything here is the same as for those who live in the Holy that Mountain,” - such was the review of this famous Russian abode, lying on the Volga in the precincts of Tver , elder Mit-ro-fa-na (By-val-tse-va), under-vi-zav-she-go-sya nine years on Athos. B-go-chi-nie and b-go-le-pie mo-na-sta-rya noted the same and the most-like, well-known pro-po- the ved-nik and strict abbot knows-me-ni-that obi-te-li on Vol-lo-ka Lam-sky, a famous fighter against the heresy of the Jews yu-shchih. From all over Russia you went to Ka-lyazin in order to see with your own eyes the movements of the brethren and worship honest men -sham os-no-va-te-lya that obi-te-li - pre-po-do-no-go Ma-ka-riya Ka-lya-zin-skogo, get about-leg -che-ness and healing from serious mental and physical ailments. And here, at the crayfish with the saints, according to faith, many miracles happened.

The great Ma-ka-riy, abbot of Tro-its-ko-Ka-lya-zin-skogo monastery, was born in 1402 , in the village of Grid-tsin (Mushroom-ko-ve, now Ko-zhi-no), near Ka-shi-na, in God-lov-bi-howl, strictly respecting -in the Lord's time. Ro-di-te-li, bo-yarin Va-si-liy Ana-ni-e-vich Ko-zha, famous for his in-in-ski-mi movement under the great prince Va-si-lia Va-si-lye-vi-che II Dark, and his wife Irina (we honor them) all over the place) from childhood I remember Matthew (name in the world) in faith and reverence for God. As a child, he loved to spend time reading spiritual books, and everything he read was deeply rooted in his heart. He was not carried away by games and in his soul he constantly lifted up prayers dear to his heart, psalms and spirits. khov-nye songs, while thinking about how to serve God.

When he began to reach full age, Matthew began to think about moving away from the bustle of worldly life. ; give birth to him, one-on-one, so that he would accept the mo- tion, and receive the Biblical principles measures of life of the new saints who were saved in the world. The obedient son, not wanting to upset his relatives, agreed to the marriage and soon married a girl Elena Yakhon-to-voy. The young spouses promised each other that in the event that one of them dies, the one who lived before him will accept his mother. quality A year after the wedding, Matthew lost his father and mother, and two years later, Elena died; and twenty-five-year-old Matthew left the temporary, seeking eternity, and stepped into the strange place -da-le-ku Niko-la-ev-sky Klo-bu-kov mo-na-styr, where he cut his hair with the name Ma-kariy.

With zeal he went through all the monastic obediences, with humility and meekness superior to everyone, and the movement of the young foreigners aroused the surprise of the brethren. After some time, heavy-heartedly, I eat a lot of things, pre-loved by the blessing of the yoke -I-went off into the wilderness. He chose a place in the forest, lying 18 versts from Ka-shi-na, not far from the Volga, between two small lakes. Here he cut down his cell, and no one disturbed him in his solitary prayer, only wild animals came they were affectionate towards him, and he shared a sip with them. Having learned about the hermit, the foreigners began to flock to the great Ma-karius, wanting to pray together with the pre-dob-nym in his cell. He humbly accepted them and instructed them in the rules of another’s life. So the secluded forest thicket turned into a monastery, where the Reverend Ma-kariy was elected abbot.

The land on which the brotherhood lived, under-the-le-zha-la bo-yari-nu Iva-nu Ko-lya-ge, who over time no way there, pre-po-dob-no-go Ma-ka-riya looked at the foreigner with hostility. When was the church established and the number of pu-stants increased, Ko-la-ga was-pu-gal-sya, what to -Can part of his land be taken away? and so it was his oppression that he even planned the murder of the most... But God did not for-for-me Is it possible to say: death befell Ko-lya-gi’s family, and he himself was seriously ill. Being in misfortune, having built bad plans, the boy-Yarin repented of his sin and, having confessed it to Ma- karyu, was forgiven.

Soon Ko-la-ga, under the influence of the pro-po-ve-di pre-do-do-no-go, entered Ma-ka-ri-ev mo-na-styr, by -yes, I gave him all my lands. Since then, for the sake of peace, Ma-kariy himself had the monastery of Ka-lya-zin (now the city of Ka-lya-zin, Tver province). Quite quickly, she acquired a wide range of knowledge, for the teachings of the pre-excellent Ma-kariya, blowing in the example of his father's spirit and setting up, the perfection was in a foreign movement -ge and kept a strict as-ke-zu. A lot of people - both noble and ordinary people - would like to be accepted into the number of marriages. tii. And, I must say, even during the life of the pre-precious Ma-kariya, the pre-precious Ma-kariya came out of the Ka-lya-zinskaya abode. the venerable Eph-rem of Pere-re-kom (commemorated on May 16) and the most revered Pa-i-siy of Ug-lich (commemorated on June 6).

Chu-do-eff-ven-na was a mo-lit-va pre-excellent Ma-ka-riya, who received the best during his life from Bo -ha is a gift for curing ailments and guards. So, he freed from illness a certain weakened Za-kha-riya from the village of Ke-so-va Go-ra, vra-zu- I look at him with love: “Cha-do! The Most Blessed God does not want the death of a sinner, but life and conversion to salvation, and how-ki-mi ve-da- It is fate that leads him to salvation through po-ka-ya. You have been struck by God's revelation, and if you eat and leave your old customs, God will send you purpose; if not, then you will suffer more and more.” The sinner who brought him was healed, and after that he became a saint in his village and spent his whole life nil on-sta-le-niya pre-add-no-go Ma-ka-ria.

Another time, the most kindly you-treated mu-chi-mo-go be-sa-mi bo-yar-skogo Va-si-lia Rya-si-na. After praying, the Most Holy Ma-karii made the sign of the cross on him, and he cleansed himself. Encouraged by the grace-sent grace of God, he chose a different path.

The Lord gave the old man the spirit and the gift of insight. One day, a lot of oxen were stolen. Suddenly, the thieves were blindly behind and, wandering for a long time in the surrounding area, again found themselves at the gate of the abode. those. The Reverend Ma-kariy osmat-ri-val at that time the economy and, as if not knowing what was the matter, asked, seeing them, on -why are they here, and besides, with vo-la-mi. Po-hi-ti-te-li-knew about everything and ras-ka-ya. The Lord forgave them sin and, having cured it, ordered them not to touch someone else’s property in the future.

Not long before his end, the great Ma-kari fell ill. For some time he was silent, and in a pre-feeling of despair, calling the brethren, he said his blessing and the whole - everyone said and said goodbye: “I commend you to the Lord God! May you always be in labor, fasting, vigil and unceasing prayer; Take care of the pure soul and body, do not reward evil for evil or hope for hope. Ra-zu-mey-te, brethren: if I have the audacity to God, then after my departure this monastery will not grow weary, but it’s spreading out.”

The Holy Abbot Ka-lya-zinsky was a very old man on March 17, 1483, in the 82nd year of his life, and was in -Ben is near the church built by him. Above his grave there was a co-or-na and adorned cha-sa. When the temple was opened, the sacrifice decided to renovate it, building a stone church on that place. During the digging of ditches for its foundation, a coffin of the pre-precious kind was prepared. From his imperishable relics came bliss, the old man’s hair was pure, and even his robe was not no way. It happened on May 26, 1521.

A lot of healed, weak, demonic people, suffering from bone pain, blindness, pain new legs about-is-ho-di-lo with the relics of the saint. This attracted a lot of pa-lom-niks to the monastery. Until 1547, the Pre-excellent Ma-ka-ria was honored locally. Chu-do-your-re-re-tion and national love help the fact that at the Moscow Council of 1547 he was at -numbered to the ranks of the holy God-pleasers and his memory was celebrated all over Russia. In Ka-lya-zin, simple people walked to the pre-dob-no-mu, traveling on foot: in 1553, the monastery Tsar Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible visited in 1599 - Bo-ris Go-du-nov with his wife and children arrived to ask the priest add Ma-ka-ria blessing for Ksenia’s marriage. Then, when the royal gods, p-ly-tsa-mi, would have arranged a silver-ra-ka, where they would have re-lo- wives of the honest relics of the saint.

In 1610, the monastery was plundered in la-ka-mi, many of the brethren were killed. After the Troubles, you go-su-da-ri no-in-the-right-of-the-house Ro-ma-nov-ykh also prayed repeatedly in it: in 1619, Tsar Mi-ha-il Fe-do-ro-vich, in 1635 - his father, Patriarch Philaret. In 1654, during a frosty wind, Tsar-ri-tsa Ma-ria Ilya-nich-na and Pat-ri-arch Nikon had me- hundred-previously in the Ka-lya-zin obi-te-li. In 1700, for the sake of the mighty blessings, you sacrificed a new silver ra -Ka, in which the saint of God continued until the closure of the mo-na by the Soviet authorities. After its plunder in the 1930s, the power was transported to Tver, to the cathedral cathedral of Belaya Tro-i-tsa . In 2012, the mighty pre-po-dob-no-go Ma-kar-ria were solemn-but-re-ne-se-ny at the birth in the city clan Ka-lya-zin, to the temple of Voz-ne-se-niya of the Lord.

Memory of the pre-excellent Ma-ka-ria, Ka-lya-zin-sko-go-go-do-creator, so-ver-sha-et-sya March 17/30 , on the day of his death, and May 26/June 8 - the day of the re-re-re-te-re-relics, when in Ka-lyazin with a huge crowd nii pa-lom-ni-kov is completing the procession of the cross. In Ma-ka-ri-e-voy mo-na-sty-re the same day of the same name of the saint was celebrated - 16/29 Nov-Yab- rya.

Saint Ma-karii is also revered in the Council of Tver Saints (the ongoing celebration on the first Resurrection of the Resurrection -new after June 29/July 12 - the day of the holy first apostles Peter and Paul).

Discovery of the relics of St. Macarius of Kalyazin

The discovery of the relics of the pre-extra Ma-ka-riya Ka-lya-zin-sko-happened on May 26, 1521. A merchant from the city of Dmit-ro-va Mi-ha-il Vo-ron-kov donated funds for the construction of a stone church instead of one hundred about-vet-shav-shay de-re-vyan-noy in Ka-lya-zinsky mo-na-sty-re. Hegu-men of the mo-na-sta-rya Joasaph erected a cross in the place designated for the al-ta-rya, and blah-said to dig ditches under the fund-da-ment. During the work, an indestructible coffin was found, from which a blessing was generated. Hegu-men Joasaph immediately recognized the coffin of os-no-va-te-la mo-na-sta-rya - pre-precious Ma-kariya, pre-sta-viv-she-go -Xia in 1483. Brotherhood is mo-na-sta-rya and many co-bra-she-go-sya na-ro-yes with-ver-shi-li pa-ni-hi-du over per-re-ne -sen-nym to the temple coffin. From this day on, the incorruptible relics of the saint began to achieve healing. There was a meeting about this with the Moscow mit-ro-po-li-tu Da-ni-i-lu (1522-1539), which convened A council was held in Moscow and, after a detailed examination of the testimony of the holiness of the Most Holy Ma-kariya, a holiday was established -but-va-nie but-in-appearance-but-to-the-holy. The mighty ones would have been solemnly transferred to the temple in the Name of the Holy Trinity. Fe-o-do-si-em from Tver was involved in the service for the collection of relics. Until 1547, the name of Saint Ma-ka-ria was only in his abode. At the Moscow So-bo-re in 1547, under the mit-ro-po-li-te Ma-ka-riy (1543-1564), the reverend Ma-ka-riy Ka -Lya-zinsky was counted among the saints, he is remembered among other Russian saints in the st-nov-le-but-celebrated-but- spread all over Russia.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin

Carnal wisdom, Father Macarius, / you put to death through abstinence and vigil, / for the place on which you poured out your sweat, / like a trumpet cries out to God, / telling your corrections, / and Your honest relics exude healing./ Moreover, we cry out to you :// pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: Carnal thoughts, Father Macarius, you also put to death, but the place where you shed your sweat, like a trumpet, calls out to God, telling about your exploits, and after death, your venerated relics exude healing. Therefore we exclaim to you: pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Like a tree planted by the waters of temperance, / let us water with streams of your tears, / like Father Macarius, / sowing with tears, in the joy of reaping virtuous hands, / the Great Giver of fruits Your labors will be accepted/ and you will place your treasure in the barns of Heaven,/ but remember who honor your blessed memory with love/ and pray to the Holy Trinity, Reverend Macarius,// to save our souls.

Translation: Like a tree planted at a source of water (), watered by streams of your tears, Rev. Father Macarius, for, having sowed with tears, you reap with joy () sheaves, therefore the Great Giver of rewards accepted the fruits of your labors and placed you as a treasure in the Heavenly storehouses, but remember those who honor your blessed memory with love and pray, Rev. Macarius, for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin

With the streams of your tears you cultivated the barren land/ and you brought forth fruit from the depths of your sighs in a hundred labors,/ and you were the lamp of the universe, shining with miracles,/ Macarius our Father, pray to Christ God // our souls will be saved.

Translation: With your streams of tears you cultivated the barren desert and from the depths with groans you multiplied the fruit of your labors a hundredfold, and became the luminary of the universe, shining with miracles, Macarius, our father; pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin

Desiring the highest, having enjoyed abstinence and labors and sweats,/ having curbed the desire of your flesh,/ received a miracle gift from Christ God,/ the most luminous lamp appeared./ Moreover, the Church of Christ He glorifies you with songs, // Venerable Macarius, our father.

Translation: Striving for heavenly things, enjoying abstinence, labor and then prayer, having curbed the desires of your flesh and accepting the gift of miracles from Christ God, you turned out to be a shining lamp. Therefore, the Church of Christ glorifies you in hymns, Macarius, our father.

Kontakion to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin

As the date of Psalm, in the abundance of fasting, you flourished, / through your labors and sweat, as spiritual fruits, you exalted God above all, / but as having boldness towards the Holy Trinity, / commemoration Let us, who honor your holy memory with love, call you: Rejoice , Reverend Macarius, our father.

Translation: Like the palm tree from the psalm () you blossomed in the fasting valleys, then you magnified God above all with your labors, like spiritual fruits, but as one who has a connection to the Holy Trinity, remember us, who honor your holy memory with love, and cry to you: “Rejoice "Reverend Macarius, our father."

Prayer to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky

Oh, sacred head, reverent father, most blessed Abvo Macarius! Do not forget your poor to the end, but remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God. Remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King. Do not remain silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us, unworthy, at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not cease praying for us to Christ God: for grace has been given to you to pray for us. We do not think that you are dead: even though you passed away from us in body, you remain alive even after death. Do not give up on us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy, and all the charms of the devil, and the snares of the devil, our good shepherd. Even though your relics are always visible before our eyes, your holy soul stands with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the Heavenly Powers at the Throne of the Almighty, and worthily rejoices. Knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we bow down to you and we pray to you: pray for us to Almighty God for the benefit of our souls and to ask for time for repentance, and for the unforbidden departure from the earth to Heaven, bitter ordeals, demons, princes of the air and eternal to be freed from torment, and to be an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous who have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ from time immemorial: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father, and the Most Holy and Good and His Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages . Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Venerable Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky, Wonderworker

Kontakion 1

Chosen miracle worker, and a great servant of Christ, a multi-healing source and prayer book for our souls, Rev. Father Macarius, as if you had boldness towards the Lord, with your prayers free us from all troubles, let us call to you: Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Ikos 1

We will praise your earthly angel and heavenly man, Reverend Father Macarius, with whose singing and hymns we will glorify, with whose crowns we will bind your hardworking head, and with whose words we will magnify your many painful deeds; In the same way, reverently flowing to the race of your multi-healing relics, we zealously fall, with tenderness we cry out to you: Rejoice, zealous imitator of Christ. Rejoice, true guardian of his commandments. Rejoice, companion of angels. Rejoice, praise to the saints. Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord. Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity and abstinence. Rejoice, pillar of patience. Rejoice, image of gentleness and meekness. Rejoice, teacher of humility. Rejoice, many-bright lamp. Rejoice, shameless refuge for Christians. Rejoice, free physician of the infirm. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the nobility of your parents in your youth, God-wise, perfect wise, to the Lord, who gave you such, I sang a song of gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You had an unwavering mind, Reverend Macarius, even though you were young in body, but old in mind: for you disdained all the red things of this world from your youth, you despised children’s play, but you constantly sang psalms and spiritual songs to God the Savior with your heart and lips, taught and We are also wise and active, crying out to you: Rejoice, true mirror of Christian wisdom. Rejoice, for from your youth you have given your mind to the divine desire. Rejoice, for in your youth you imputed the temporary and earthly ways of being. Rejoice, for you have loved the only heavenly mother from your breast. Rejoice, for from your youth you laid the yoke of the Lord on your shoulder. Rejoice, for you have enslaved the flesh to the spirit. Rejoice, for when you were still young, you were not afraid of the wiles of the devil. Rejoice, for from infancy reading the Divine Scriptures you have loved with all your heart. Rejoice, for you continued day and night in reading and singing inspired psalms. Rejoice, for you have enlightened your mind, uncaptivated by passions, with the word of God. Rejoice, for you have instilled Christ in your innocent soul. Rejoice, for with an immaculate heart you desired to evade worldly rebellion and dwell in the desert. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

With the power of the Holy Spirit you have been clothed from above, and in your youth you have created a powerless enemy: strengthen, O blessed Macarius, with your prayers also us, who are exhausted in all good things, so that with you we may be worthy to sing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the wealth of spiritual purity, and the height of humility, parental wealth and slave service, you counted it for nothing, and after the resolution of the carnal union, to which you were bound for a short time, like a deer thirsty for springs of water, you rushed, all-blessed, into the desert: in it you exchanged your highness for humility, your wealth for poverty, you took off your many-colored clothes and put on rags. Also amazed at your humility, we please you, crying out: Rejoice, despising all the pride of the world. Rejoice, for having left the temporary, you have sought the eternal. Rejoice, for thou didst hate the splendid house and the adorned palaces. Rejoice, for you loved a wretched hut more than noble palaces. Rejoice, for you have adorned yourself with rags more than gold-woven clothing. Rejoice, for instead of sweet-nutritious meats, you loved to exhaust your flesh with fasting and much abstinence. Rejoice, for you did not desire service from slaves, but rather you yourself deigned to serve everyone. Rejoice, for you loved the casting of the earth above a soft bed. Rejoice, for through your right faith, like a shield, you defended yourself from all the temptations of the enemy. Rejoice, for with your inexhaustible patience, and even more sharply, you mortally wounded the enemy of our salvation. Rejoice, for through your indefatigable prayers you have created a powerless hesitator on the path of piety. Rejoice, for you have appeared to us as a pillar and affirmation of virtue. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

Taming the storm of doubtful thoughts and putting into silence the Divine teachings, in the image of assuring yourself that the Kingdom of Heaven, blessed Macarius, you unceasingly sang a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the venerable Macarius in the Gospel, the voice of the Savior crying: whoever wants to walk after Me will deny himself, and will take up his cross, and come after Me, you have denied yourself, and we will take up your cross, you have walked in the footsteps of Christ irrevocably. Likewise, we, who are unworthy, will write to you like this, saying: Rejoice, faithful guardian of the Gospel commands. Rejoice, steadfast guardian of the words of Christ. Rejoice, zealous bearer of your cross. Rejoice, you who graciously lift the yoke of Christ and His burden. Rejoice, for you did not turn back in the procession to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Rejoice, inexhaustible vessel of Christ's grace. Rejoice, pure friend of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, for through abstinence you have slain all the passions of the flesh for many. Rejoice, all-zealous planter of the helicopter city of Christ. Rejoice, for you have raised your mind to dispassion. Rejoice, all good things of the earth, for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, for the sake of your skills. Rejoice, lover of life equal to the angels to the end. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

We are guided by God, all-blessed father, you found a silent life in the desert, and you sang in psalms: behold, my rest forever and ever, here I will dwell: in it you labored valiantly in fasting and vigil, and shedding many tears from your eyes, you unceasingly sang to God : Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the vain estates, the steward of your steady stay in the desert, we are kindled with the devil’s instigation, with the desire to kill you: but for the sake of the mortal illness that befell him, he came to his senses, fell at your feet, asking you for forgiveness and to stay in the desert with you. You, like a good and kindly shepherd, received him with joy, like a lost sheep, forgiving him everything and counting him among your chosen flock. Such is your kindness, and having heard much concern for the salvation of those who have gone astray, we dutifully sing to you: Rejoice, guardian of kindness. Rejoice, sincere lover of humility. Rejoice, image of meekness and patience. Rejoice, teacher of chastity. Rejoice, luminous pillar, enlighten those in darkness. Rejoice, great decoration of the monastery. Rejoice, for you taught hatred on the broad path leading to destruction. Rejoice, for you skillfully inspired me to walk the narrow and sorrowful path. Rejoice, fruitful tree, planted at the outflow of the waters of Divine grace and feeding many. Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, cooling many from the heat. Rejoice, vigilant guardian of your chosen flock. Rejoice, guide and companion of your kindly imitators of your life and teaching. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of your kindness and perspicacity, when the animal they stole returned to you, and instead of punishment, received fatherly instruction from you, seeing such your kindness, departed with much surprise, hurriedly singing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone in the desert like a bright dawn, Reverend Father, enlightening and instructing all those who come to you on the path of salvation, for this reason we cry out to you with much surprise: Rejoice, bright dawn, rising from the desert and illuminating the souls of the faithful. Rejoice, true teacher of those who have gone astray. Rejoice, mirror of chastity. Rejoice, true image of piety. Rejoice, reverent servant of the Altar of the Lord. Rejoice, zealot of monastic life equal to the angels. Rejoice, father imitator of the silence of the ancient God-bearing Ones. Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide us on the path of salvation. Rejoice, radiant sun, as with your rays you warm our souls, perishing from the filth of sin. Rejoice, bright moon, for you drive away the night of our foolishness. Rejoice, all-zealous servant of the Divine for the people of industry. Rejoice, our eternal joy, warm intercessor. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Although the weakened Zechariah receives perfect health, pray to bring it to himself and lay it before your feet, Reverend Father, so that through your prayers he will receive healing. You, like a wise doctor, healed his physical and spiritual ailments, and you sang a song of thanksgiving to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You had a wondrous life, and you performed wondrous miracles on earth, O Reverend Father Macarius, when he saw one young man tormented by a demon for a long time, you shed tears of emotion, and sighing, you made a prayer to God: Abi, the demon departed from the afflicted man, and he was restored to health. Having heard this, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, strong conqueror of evil spirits. Rejoice, you who drive away the soul-destroying wolves. Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, servant of God, good and faithful. Rejoice, speedy doctor to those who call upon you with faith. Rejoice, fruitful vine. Rejoice, for through your help the machinations of the enemy are crushed. Rejoice, wise warrior who fights against the forces of hell. Rejoice, endless stream of miracles. Rejoice, abundant in grace and source of healing. Rejoice, most bright ray of the sun's light. Rejoice, man of God, girded with honor and truth, like a golden belt. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

The wondrous and ineffable miracle of Heavenly grace now appears in the eyes of all the faithful: the long-suffering and abundantly merciful Lord was not angry with us to the end for our iniquities, but, remembering His generosity, gave us to you, most wonderful Father, a considerable intercessor, and thus raised the horn of salvation ours, let us take him out and sing to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all in the highest, but have not abandoned those below, Reverend Father Macarius, you reign ever with Christ, and for us sinners, you offer prayers to Him: not just those who fall to your celestial relics, but also those who are far away, calling on your all-honorable name , by your intercession you are kept from all evil. Moreover, in tenderness we call to you: Rejoice, our refuge in all sorrows. Rejoice, quick helper to all in their troubles. Rejoice, healer of mental and physical illnesses. Rejoice, our strong champion against invisible enemies. Rejoice, merciful visitor to those who lie in weakness. Rejoice, comforter of those in sorrow. Rejoice, for through you weeping ceases. Rejoice, as joy is given by you. Rejoice, for you have followed Christ valiantly. Rejoice, for you served the Sweetest Jesus to the end. Rejoice, for you enjoy the sight of God. Rejoice, for thou hast been worthy to see the unevening day of His Kingdom. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

You have endured all kinds of sorrows, and you have valiantly accomplished many labors and deeds, walking along the path of salvation to a venerable old age, clothed in the whole armor of God, in the flesh as if incorporeal, mortifying passions and crushing the slander of the ruler of the darkness of this age, and is also numbered with the Heavenly powers, together with with them you sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things are perplexed to adequately praise you, God-wise Macarius: who is pleased to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this age; or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in them you committed a desert-loving life; On the other hand, we, conquered by your love, gratefully call to you: Rejoice, all-zealous doer of God’s law. Rejoice, in purity and chastity, most valuable bead, most honest. Rejoice, in patience and struggle against the flesh, hardest adamant. Rejoice, thou glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious ones of the earth. Rejoice, in the flesh you are still alive on earth without flesh. Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of lust with living and saving tears. Rejoice, thou who art a successful helper to those who struggle with passions and lusts. Rejoice, most zealous imitator of great fasting in work, vigil and abstinence. Rejoice, most skilled teacher in spiritual wisdom. Rejoice, most meticulous in showing the monastic deeds. Rejoice, beauty of the desert dwellers. Rejoice, desert-loving and kind-looking turtledove. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Keep all the bones of the righteous, for not a single one will be broken by them. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ has shown us your incorruptible body on earth, O Reverend Father, like a life-giving font that heals every disease and every illness in people. Having received such a healer and prayer book, we cry out to him in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Your holy monastery has acquired a strong wall and a fair amount of prayer books, and all the countries of Russia boast of your intercession. In the same way, we are sinners, as children of our father, we pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes with your prayers, and let us cry to you joyfully: Rejoice, fragrant tree of the heavenly sky. Rejoice, cypress tree, fill the hearts of the faithful with incense. Rejoice, healer of the weak. Rejoice, rod, strengthen those who fall. Rejoice, hope and peace in the sea of ​​this floating life. Rejoice, solid fence and refuge for those who work diligently for God. Rejoice, for all those who diligently flock to you, temptations and troubles will soon be delivered. Rejoice, hard cover for all who are overcome. Rejoice, for you have moved from the earthly abode to the heavenly abode. Rejoice, for you descended from the heavenly abode to the earthly abode to do good. Rejoice, for even after your departure you remain with us. Rejoice, for even after your repose, you resurrected our souls, killed by sins, through your prayers. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

You brought singing and spiritual songs to the Trinity of the One Essence, with your heart and lips on earth, blessed Macarius: even now in Heaven, with angelic ranks standing before the Trinity Throne, you unceasingly chant the Divine song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

By faith we see the light-giving lamp that enlightens our souls, O blessed Father, standing before the Throne of God, and we are illuminated by your radiance, we call you like this: Rejoice, luminous cloud, enlighten our souls. Rejoice, saving water, watering everyone. Rejoice, wonderful shepherd. Rejoice, wise teacher. Rejoice, purity of the village. Rejoice, consolation for the sad. Rejoice, nourisher of the orphans. Rejoice, O representative of the offended. Rejoice, friend of the wisdom of God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of the grace of healing. Rejoice, herald of God's commandments. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of God's mercy. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss your honest relics, which the Lord has deigned to miraculously reveal to us. We also cry out with gratitude to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your departure to God, Reverend Macarius, we honor your sacred memory, we magnify your humility, we praise your long-suffering, we glorify your kindness, we rejoice at your deeds and the end of your course, as you received the crown of righteousness from the Lord, the righteous Judge. Moreover, praying earnestly that we may be deemed worthy to appear without condemnation at the Last Judgment Seat of Christ, we cry to you: Rejoice, warm representative for us at the Throne of God. Rejoice, husband who glorified God in your soul and in your body. Rejoice, man perfect in virtues. Rejoice, wondrous imitator of our Heavenly Father. Rejoice, organizer of the monastery of monastics. Rejoice, most kind and kind teacher of monks. Rejoice, speedy helper and intercessor of all Orthodox. Rejoice, known propitiator of the Heavenly King. Rejoice, having often preceded petitions with your intercession. Rejoice, Heavenly citizen. Rejoice, as you rejoice with the venerable and righteous. Rejoice, for you will always triumph with all God’s chosen ones. Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glorious and admirable Father Macarius, graciously accept this little prayer of ours, and by your strong and favorable intercession before God, deliver us from all enemies visible and invisible, from all misfortune and sorrow, from sudden death and future torment, so that we may be worthy with you and with all the saints forever sing a song of gratitude to God our Savior: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky, Wonderworker

Oh, sacred head, reverend father, blessed Abvo Macarius! Do not completely forget your poor, but remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God. Remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King. Do not remain silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us, unworthy, at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God: for grace has been given to you to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you passed away from us in body, you remain alive even after death. Do not give up on us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy, and all the charms of the devil, and the snares of the devil, our good shepherd. Even though your relics are always visible before our eyes, your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with disembodied faces, with the Heavenly Powers standing at the Almighty Throne, rejoices with dignity. Knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God for the benefit of our souls and to ask for time for repentance, and for the unrestrained transition from earth to Heaven, bitter ordeals, demons, princes of the air and eternal to be freed from torment, and to be an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . Amen.

Canon to St. Macarius of Kalyazin

Song 1.

Irmos:Having passed through the water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us sing to the Savior and our God.

Open to me, O Christ, and sing with your lips the exploits of Thy saint, the Venerable Macarius, so that with your prayers the clouds will destroy my ignorance.

Having lived a blissful life on earth, O Reverend, you have achieved heavenly pleasure and are now rejoicing with the Angels.

Glory: Your memory, O Reverend Macarius, rises like the bright sun; in this time, ask us from God for grace and mercy and deliverance from sins.

And now: Blessed is the Fruit, O Most Pure One, of Thy womb, Through whom all earthly curses are delivered, O Blessed All-Pure One, an unspeakable miracle, an unknown hearing, the salvation of all the faithful.

Song 3.

Irmos:You are the affirmation of those who flow to You, Lord, You are the Light of the darkened, and my spirit sings to You.

Through your strong prayer, father, you ascended to premium pleasure and from the honest shrine of miracles you release radiance, Macarius.

Having come together today in your Divine memory, we sing of your deeds, and illnesses, and corrections, Reverend Father.

Glory: Your life is wonderful, O Lord, surrounded by the grace of the Divine Spirit; you have accepted your blessed death, Father, rejoicing.

And now: From Your lies, O Most Pure Truth, the Sun rises and enlightens the world, and with His Divine dawns enlighten me.

Sedalen, voice 8th

Guardian of the Divine commandments Masters, glorious, your pure life has shown you to be a Divine priest, with the drops of your sweat you have extinguished the fierce coals and into a quiet refuge Thou hast achieved, sir, blessed One, Whom thou hast desired. Moreover, we cry out to you: pray to Christ, the God of sins, to leave taxes to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, and now:

Like the Virgin and one in wives, Ty, who without seed gave birth to God's flesh, we please all, giving birth to humanity, For Fire has settled in Ty of the Divinity, and like the Child, give birth to the Creator and God Lord. Therefore, the angelic and human race, we worthily glorify Your most holy Nativity and, in accordance with the cry of Ty: pray to Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who worship in faith Your most holy Nativity ́.

Song 4.

Irmos:I have heard, Lord, the sight of Your sacrament, I have understood Your works and glorified Your Divinity.

In the simplicity of your soul, like an Angel, having lived, blissfully, your passions dispersed your soul-smothering charm with Divine grace.

An honorable vessel appeared to you of the Divine Spirit, carrying into your hearts, O blessed one, Divine aromas, delighting the hearts of those who faithfully honor your memory.

Glory: You are crowned with a bright crown, standing before the Throne of all the King: pray, O most blessed one, with faith those who celebrate your Divine memory.

And now: The laws in You have been emptied of nature, more than nature, for You gave birth to the Word. Moreover, I pray to Thee by faith: more than human nature, O All-Immaculate One, having sinned much and having gone far from God, having turned, save me through Thy prayers.

Song 5.

Irmos:In the morning, we cry out to You: Lord, save us, for You are our God, and You know no other.

When you acquired wisdom through the grace of the humble Spirit, you gave a deep wound to the enemy who brought death, and you completely overthrew that highly intelligent character.

Having ascended to the eternal abode, you were honored among the ranks of the venerables, Macarius, with Him remember us, who remember you on earth.

Glory: May Macarius be worthy of blessing: unite with fasting, prayers, and tears to God and enlighten everything with spiritual grace.

And now: Oh, Mother of the Virgin, who gave birth to the immeasurable God in flesh, the glory of angels and the plague of demons, Bride of God, my heart, wounded by sin, the goals of the Divine blessings.

Song 6.

Irmos:I will pour out a prayer to the Lord and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my life is drawing near to hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

You lived well on earth, O Reverend, and you were vouchsafed to see the blessedness of the saints and eternal pleasures.

Honest was the death of blessed Macarius, who appeared before You, God of all, whose memory You freely showed to those who honor him.

Glory: You received the Spirit of grace, Father, to drive away illnesses from people and destroy demonic harm, the great saint appeared to be Christ our God.

And now: You will find the Omnipotent Spirit, the All-Immaculate One, and the Word of God will dwell in You, and the flesh will be unspeakably, remaining unchanged.

Kontakion, voice 2.

Desiring the highest, having enjoyed abstinence, and labors, and sweats, having curbed the desire of your flesh, you received a miraculous gift from Christ God, the most luminous lamp appeared. Moreover, the Church of Christ glorifies you with songs, O Venerable Macarius, Our Father.


Earthly angel and heavenly man, you shone in abstinence through all prayer, and fasting, and purity, and, having passed away from the Divine flow, you were a partaker of the Most High incorruptibility, God-bearing, You have acquired a new gift to the Lover of Mankind, God, who has given you grace for healing for various ailments. Moreover, we cry to you by faith: Rejoice, all-blessed father, praise to the fasters; Rejoice in the pillar of chastity, from which demonic vacillation has been eradicated; Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp, whose radiance enlightened the universe with miracles; Rejoice, for you give help and intercession to your flock; Rejoice, praise and affirmation to our crusader people, who are protected by your prayers from the enemy, and let us all cry out to you: Rejoice, O Venerable Macarius, our Father.

Song 7.

Irmos:The fire was sometimes ashamed of God's descent in Babylon. For this reason, the youth in the cave, with joyful feet, as in a flower bed, rejoicing, said: Blessed are you, God our father.

You ascended to the Never-Setting Light and, like the sun, enlightened the universe, You have accomplished the works of Light, O Reverend Macarius, and now you cry: Our father, God, blessed are you.

O Lord, by abstinence and by lying on the earth, you have put to death the carnal movements, and you have shone through enlightenment of the virtues, crying out to Christ: Our father, God, blessed are you.

Glory: Your life is wonderful, O Lord, having appeared surrounded by the grace of the Divine Spirit, you accepted the blessed end, rejoicing in Christ, and cried out to Him: Father of our blessings, en you.

And now: Now everything is filled with the Divine Light of You, Most Pure One, for You have appeared as a door through which God has come to the world, enlightening with faith those who call: Blessed be our Father, you are.

Song 8.

Irmos:The sevenfold furnace of the Chaldean tormentor furiously kindled the godly, but by the best power they were saved, having seen, they cried out to the Creator and the Deliverer: children, bless, priests, sing, Hey, exalt him to all ages.

Enjoying the divine goodness, enlightening all the miracles of radiance and destroying the demonic darkness with God’s grace, singing: children, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt to all ages.

Shining with the grace of the Divine Spirit, Reverend Macarius, with your holy prayers, seek forgiveness of sins for those who are doing the dormition, singing: young men, bless, priests, , people, exalt to all ages.

Glory: With the dawn of your steadfast deeds, you have shone like the sun: you have poured out healing and alleviated every disease to those who cry out to Christ: young men, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt to you forever.

And now: Like a robber, I cry to you: remember me, Lover of mankind. I cry, like a harlot, and cry: I have sinned, like the prodigal of old, take me, the desperate one, for the sake of the Mother of God, and cry earnestly: priests, sing, O people, exalt Christ forever.

Song 9.

Irmos:Heaven and the ends of the earth were terrified at this, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Your womb was the most spacious of Heaven. Thus, Ty, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

Cancer, where your honest body lies, the source works miracles, flowing to it, we get rid of all filth and passions.

With the fire of Divine fear you inflamed my soul, and you shone into the unevening radiance, and now, blessedly, I illuminate you with the Trisolar Light.

Glory: Having hated the sweets of the world, with a manly disposition you strived for achievement and you were beautiful in your beauty, so we honor your memory, most wonderfully.

And now: Bring down the exalted ones and defeat the foreign regiments, O Pure Virgin, who would fight, and keep Your servants harmless from them, O Young Lady.


The Monk Macarius of Kalyazinsky, in the world Matthew, the son of the glorious boyar Vasily Kozha, the founder of the noble family of Kozhin, was born in 1400 in the village of Gribkovo (Kozhino) near the city of Kashin, Tver province.

In addition to Matvey, the Kozhin family had two more sons, Alexander and Grigory, and a daughter, Ksenia. Alexander became the ancestor of the Kozhin nobles, Gregory, tonsured Gennady - a famous church figure in the Tver principality: until 1461 he was the archimandrite of the Tver Otroch monastery, and from 1461 to 1477 - the bishop of Tver. Macarius's nephew, son of Xenia and Dmitrov boyar Ivan Gavrenev, Paisiy (d. 1504), became the founder of the Uglich Intercession Monastery and canonized at the end of the 16th century.

Parents, boyar Vasily Ananievich Kozha, famous for his military exploits under Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich II the Dark, and his wife Irina (their memory is revered locally) raised Matthew (name in the world) from childhood in faith and reverence for God. The youth loved to spend time reading spiritual books, and everything he read sank deeply into his heart. He was not carried away by games and in his soul he constantly offered up prayers, psalms and spiritual songs dear to his heart, while thinking about how to serve God.

When he began to reach adulthood, Matthew began to think about moving away from the vain worldly life; his parents, however, did not want him to become a monk, and cited biblical examples of the lives of New Testament saints who were saved in the world. The obedient son, not wanting to upset his family and obeying, agreed to the marriage and soon married the girl Elena Yakhontova. The young couple promised each other that if one of them died, the widowed one would become a monk. A year after the wedding, Matthew lost his father and mother, and two years later, Elena died.

Having nothing that would tie him to his former life, Matthew took monastic vows at the Nikolaev Klobukovsky Monastery. Considering himself lower than everyone else, novice Macarius lovingly obeyed not only the abbot, but also every brother, older and younger; he spent the night singing psalms and prayer, and during the day, after obedience, he read the lives of the saints.

Monument to Macarius Kalyazinsky

Not content with feats of obedience and striving with his soul from the city monastery into desert solitude, Macarius, together with 7 monks, found a place 18 miles from Kashin, between two lakes, near the Volga. Here the monk erected a cross and founded a secluded hermitage.

Boyar Ivan Kolyaga, who owned nearby lands, began to fear that a monastic monastery would arise that would begin to cultivate the wasteland. The enemy of salvation sowed such anger and hatred towards the saint in the boyar that he decided to kill the saint. But suddenly he was struck down by a serious illness. The fear of imminent death awakened repentance in the boyar. The sick Kolyaga ordered to be carried to the monk and at his feet he told about his evil intention and asked for forgiveness. “God will forgive you,” answered the humble ascetic.

Soon Kolyaga, under the influence of the saint’s sermon, entered the Makariev Monastery, donating him all his lands. Since then, for the sake of humility, Macarius himself called the monastery Kalyazinskaya (now the city of Kalyazin, Tver province).

The spread of rumors about the conversion of boyar Kolyaga led many who longed for salvation to the monk. It was necessary to elect an abbot. The Monk Macarius was then no less than 53 years old, but he considered himself unworthy of this rank and asked each of the elders who came with him to accept the priesthood and abbess. Only yielding to the general desire, the monk was ordained hegumen by Bishop Moses of Tver.

Chapel of Macarius Kalyazinsky

The new abbot prepared for his first service at the altar of God with a long solitary prayer, and then introduced all the brethren to the Holy Mysteries. In the rank of abbot, the Monk Macarius worked equally with his brethren. Subsequently, two chalices, a paten and two dishes made by the Monk Macarius on a lathe were kept in the monastery.

The abbot added care and labor to the monk’s exploits: instructing the brethren and visitors to the monastery. Those who sincerely sought salvation saw strong edification in the strict life of Macarius, and in simple conversations they heard the voice of experienced piety. Ordinary people and many nobles came to see and listen to Macarius. They respected him as a father, although he wore thin clothes covered with patches. Judging by his attire and the simplicity of his manner, others took him for a simple man and even laughed at him. Macarius was more pleased when he heard ridicule of him than when he was praised. The consolation for him was to walk in silent places, in nature. Then the inhabitants of the desert region were wild animals, but they were meek with the meek servant of God and sometimes accepted food from him.

Spiritual life blossomed in the monastery of Macarius. It is no coincidence that the disciple of the Monk Paphnutius of Borovsk († 1477; commemorated May 1/14), the Monk Joseph of Volotsk († 1515; commemorated September 9/22), having visited the Monk Macarius in 1478, wrote: “Such piety and deanery were in that monastery, for everything happened in accordance with paternal and communal legends, that even the great elder Mitrofan Byvaltsev marveled at it.” Returning from Mount Athos, where he lived for 9 years, he told the brethren: “I worked in vain and foolishly, making the journey to the Holy Mountain, in addition to the Kalyazin Monastery, you can be saved in it; here everything is done exactly the same as in the cinemas of the Holy Mountain.”

Many people - both nobles and commoners - asked the monk to accept them into the ranks of the brethren. And, it must be said, even during the life of St. Macarius, St. Ephraim of Perekom (May 16) and St. Paisius of Uglich (June 6) left the Kalyazin monastery.

Miraculous was the prayer of the Monk Macarius, who during his lifetime received from God the gift of healing the sick and suffering. Thus, he freed a certain paralytic Zacharias from the village of Kesova Gora from illness, admonishing him with love: “Child! The Most Good God does not want the death of the sinner, but life and conversion to salvation, and what destinies He knows, leads him to salvation through repentance. You have been visited by God and if you repent and leave your old customs, God will send you healing; if not, then you will suffer even more than this.” The sinner who repented was healed, and after that he became a priest in his village and all his life he remembered the instructions of the Monk Macarius.

Another time, the monk cured the boyar Vasily Ryasin, who was tormented by demons. After the prayer, the Monk Macarius made the sign of the cross over him, and he was cleansed. Delighted by the mercy of God sent down, he chose the monastic path.

The Lord also rewarded the spirit-bearing elder with the gift of clairvoyance. One day the monastery's oxen were stolen. Suddenly the thieves were struck by blindness and, after wandering for a long time in the surrounding area, they again found themselves at the gates of the monastery. The Monk Macarius was inspecting the farm at that time and, as if not knowing what was the matter, asked, when he saw them, why they were here, and besides, with oxen. The kidnappers confessed everything and repented. The monk forgave them their sin and, having healed them, ordered them not to encroach on someone else’s property in the future.

Shortly before his death, the Monk Macarius fell ill. For some time he was silent, and in anticipation of the outcome, calling the brethren, he blessed and kissed everyone and said goodbye: “I hand you over to the Lord God! Always remain in labor, fasting, vigil and unceasing prayer; Maintain spiritual and physical purity, do not repay evil for evil or annoyance for annoyance. Understand, brethren: if I have boldness towards God, then after my departure this monastery will not become scarce, but will expand.”

On May 26, 1521, a merchant from the city of Dmitrov, Mikhail Voronkov, donated funds for the construction of a stone church, instead of a dilapidated wooden one, in the Kalyazinsky monastery. The abbot of the monastery, Joasaph, having prayed, placed a cross in the place intended for the altar, and blessed the digging of ditches for the foundation. During the work, no water came out anywhere, the diggers found only the bones of the buried brethren: they finally found an undestroyed coffin from which incense emanated. This was reported to the abbot; Joasaph immediately recognized the coffin of the founder of the monastery, Macarius. They rang the bell, the brethren and many people gathered, rejoicing at the newfound treasure. The monks reverently lifted the coffin of the blessed one and carried it to a tent near the church, where they sang a funeral service over him. When they opened the coffin, an even greater fragrance poured out of it; The body of the monk turned out to be completely incorruptible, even his clothes did not decay.

From that day on, healings began to take place at the incorruptible relics of the saint. Many healings of the paralytic, the demon-possessed, and those suffering from bone pain, blindness, and leg disease took place at the relics of the saint. This attracted many pilgrims to the monastery. Until 1547, St. Macarius was revered locally. Miracles and popular love contributed to the fact that at the Moscow Council of 1547 he was canonized as a saint of God and it was decided to celebrate his memory throughout Russia. Ordinary people went to Kalyazin on foot, kings visited the monastery: in 1553, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible visited the monastery, in 1599, Boris Godunov with his wife and children arrived to ask the Monk Macarius for a blessing for his daughter Ksenia to marry. Then the royal pilgrims built a silver shrine, into which the holy relics of the saint were transferred.

In 1610, the monastery was plundered by the Poles, many of the brethren were killed. After the Time of Troubles, the rulers of the new ruling house of the Romanovs also prayed in it several times: in 1619, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1635, his father, Patriarch Filaret. In 1654, during a pestilence, Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and Patriarch Nikon resided in the Kalyazin monastery. In 1700, pious donors built a new silver shrine for the relics, in which the saint of God rested until the closure of the monastery by Soviet power. After its plunder in the 1930s, the relics were transported to Tver, where they now rest in the White Trinity Cathedral, in the right aisle.

The memory of St. Macarius is celebrated by the entire Russian Church on March 17 and May 26 (old style), and in Kalyazin before the revolution they also celebrated November 16 on the day of his namesake, September 18 and October 9 on the days of the transfer of the relics. The day of the discovery of the relics of the saint in the Kalyazin monastery, starting from the middle of the 19th century, was celebrated especially solemnly: every year on May 26, after the liturgy, a religious procession was carried out with the relics of the saint around the Trinity Cathedral that he had built.

Cell of St. Macarius in the Klobukovsky Monastery.
Kashin. 1910

In the Klobukov monastery, for a long time, a wooden cell was preserved, in which the saint lived. Makariy, rebuilt in 1904 at the expense of V. A. Lodygin and revived in our time. In the saint’s homeland, in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a chapel was built in his honor, where to this day rest the tombs of his parents - Vasily and Irina Kozhin and his wife Elena, revered ascetics of piety on the Kashin land. Venerated St. Macarius of Kolyazinsky and in Tver: so in the Tver classical gymnasium, at the expense of the nobles of the province, a church was built in his name.

Here is the Church of the White Trinity (built in 1564). This is now the oldest building in the city. It contains the relics of St. Macarius of Kalyazin. It survived the pogrom committed by the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible, and the “Lithuanian devastation”, and the fire of 1763... The church served as a refuge for Tver residents fleeing from enemies, and there is a version that it was connected to the Tver Kremlin by an underground passage (but attempts to discover it was not successful during excavations).

Venerable Macarius of Kalyazinsky

Kontakion 1

Chosen wonderworker, and a great servant of Christ, a multi-healing source and prayer book for our souls, Rev. Father Macarius, as if you have boldness towards the Lord, with your prayers free us from all troubles, let us call to you:
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miraclemore creative.

Ikos 1

We will praise your earthly angel and heavenly man, Reverend Father Macarius, with whose singing and hymns we will glorify, with whose crowns we will bind your hardworking head, and with whose words we will magnify your many painful deeds; In the same way, reverently flowing to the race of your multi-healing relics, we diligently fall down and cry out to you with tenderness:
Rejoice, zealous imitator of Christ.
Rejoice, true guardian of his commandments.
Rejoice, companion of angels.
Rejoice, praise to the saints.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord.
Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity and abstinence.
Rejoice, pillar of patience.
Rejoice, image of gentleness and meekness.
Rejoice, teacher of humility.
Rejoice, many-bright lamp.
Rejoice, shameless refuge for Christians.
Rejoice, free physician of the infirm.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the nobility of your parents in your youth, God-wise, perfect wise, to the Lord, who gave you such, I sang a song of gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You had an unwavering mind, Reverend Macarius, even though you were young in body, but old in mind: for you disdained all the red things of this world from your youth, you despised children’s play, but you constantly sang psalms and spiritual songs to God the Savior with your heart and lips, taught and We are also wise and active, crying out to you:
Rejoice, true mirror of Christian wisdom.
Rejoice, for from your youth you have given your mind to the divine desire.
Rejoice, for in your youth you imputed the temporary and earthly ways of being.
Rejoice, for you have loved the only heavenly mother from your breast.
Rejoice, for from your youth you laid the yoke of the Lord on your shoulder.
Rejoice, for you have enslaved the flesh to the spirit.
Rejoice, for when you were still young, you were not afraid of the wiles of the devil.
Rejoice, for from infancy reading the Divine Scriptures you have loved with all your heart.
Rejoice, for you continued day and night in reading and singing inspired psalms.
Rejoice, for you have enlightened your mind, uncaptivated by passions, with the word of God.
Rejoice, for you have instilled Christ in your innocent soul.
Rejoice, for with an immaculate heart you desired to evade worldly rebellion and dwell in the desert.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

With the power of the Holy Spirit you have been clothed from above, and in your youth you have created a powerless enemy: strengthen, O blessed Macarius, with your prayers also us, who are exhausted in all good things, so that with you we may be worthy to sing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the wealth of spiritual purity, and the height of humility, parental wealth and slave service, you counted it for nothing, and after the resolution of the carnal union, to which you were bound for a short time, like a deer thirsty for springs of water, you rushed, all-blessed, into the desert: in it you exchanged your highness for humility, your wealth for poverty, you took off your many-colored clothes and put on rags. Also amazed at your humility, we please you, crying out:
Rejoice, despising all the pride of the world.
Rejoice, for having left the temporary, you have sought the eternal.
Rejoice, for thou didst hate the splendid house and the adorned palaces.
Rejoice, for you loved a wretched hut more than noble palaces.
Rejoice, for you have adorned yourself with rags more than gold-woven clothing.
Rejoice, for instead of sweet-nutritious meats, you loved to exhaust your flesh with fasting and much abstinence.
Rejoice, for you did not desire service from slaves, but rather you yourself deigned to serve everyone.
Rejoice, for you loved the casting of the earth above a soft bed.
Rejoice, for through your right faith, like a shield, you defended yourself from all the temptations of the enemy.
Rejoice, for with your inexhaustible patience, and even more sharply, you mortally wounded the enemy of our salvation.
Rejoice, for through your indefatigable prayers you have created a powerless hesitator on the path of piety.
Rejoice, for you have appeared to us as a pillar and affirmation of virtue.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

Taming the storm of doubtful thoughts and turning them into silence with Divine teachings, in the image of assuring yourself that the Kingdom of Heaven, blessed Macarius, you constantly sang a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the venerable Macarius in the Gospel, the voice of the Savior crying: whoever wants to walk after Me will deny himself, and will take up his cross, and come after Me, you have denied yourself, and we will take up your cross, you have walked in the footsteps of Christ irrevocably. Moreover, we, who are unworthy, write to you such, saying:
Rejoice, faithful guardian of the Gospel commands.
Rejoice, steadfast guardian of the words of Christ.
Rejoice, zealous bearer of your cross.
Rejoice, you who graciously lift the yoke of Christ and His burden.
Rejoice, for you did not turn back in the procession to the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Rejoice, inexhaustible vessel of Christ's grace.
Rejoice, pure friend of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for through abstinence you have slain all the passions of the flesh for many.
Rejoice, all-zealous planter of the helicopter city of Christ.
Rejoice, for you have raised your mind to dispassion.
Rejoice, all good things of the earth, for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, for the sake of your skills.
Rejoice, lover of life equal to the angels to the end.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

We are guided by God, all-blessed father, you found a silent life in the desert, and you sang in psalms: behold, my rest forever and ever, here I will dwell: in it you labored valiantly in fasting and vigil, and shedding many tears from your eyes, you unceasingly sang to God : Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Seeing the vain estates, the steward of your steady stay in the desert, we are kindled with the devil’s instigation, with the desire to kill you: but for the sake of the mortal illness that befell him, he came to his senses, fell at your feet, asking you for forgiveness and to stay in the desert with you. You, like a good and kindly shepherd, received him with joy, like a lost sheep, forgiving him everything and counting him among your chosen flock. Such is your kindness, and having heard much concern for the salvation of the lost, we dutifully sing to you:
Rejoice, guardian of kindness.
Rejoice, sincere lover of humility.
Rejoice, image of meekness and patience.
Rejoice, teacher of chastity.
Rejoice, luminous pillar, enlighten those in darkness.
Rejoice, great decoration of the monastery.
Rejoice, for you taught hatred on the broad path leading to destruction.
Rejoice, for you skillfully inspired me to walk the narrow and sorrowful path.
Rejoice, fruitful tree, planted at the outflow of the waters of Divine grace and feeding many.
Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, cooling many from the heat.
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of your chosen flock.
Rejoice, guide and companion of your kindly imitators of your life and teaching.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of your kindness and perspicacity, when the animal they stole returned to you, and instead of punishment, received fatherly instruction from you, seeing such your kindness, departed with much surprise, hurriedly singing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone in the desert like a bright dawn, Reverend Father, enlightening and guiding all those who come to you on the path of salvation, for this reason we cry out to you with much surprise:
Rejoice, bright dawn, rising from the desert and illuminating the souls of the faithful.
Rejoice, true teacher of those who have gone astray.
Rejoice, mirror of chastity.
Rejoice, true image of piety.
Rejoice, reverent servant of the Altar of the Lord.
Rejoice, zealot of monastic life equal to the angels.
Rejoice, father imitator of the silence of the ancient God-bearing Ones.
Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide us on the path of salvation.
Rejoice, radiant sun, as with your rays you warm our souls, perishing from the filth of sin.
Rejoice, bright moon, for you drive away the night of our foolishness.
Rejoice, all-zealous servant of the Divine for the people of industry.
Rejoice, our eternal joy, warm intercessor.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Although the weakened Zechariah receives perfect health, pray to bring it to himself and lay it before your feet, Reverend Father, so that through your prayers he will receive healing. You, like a wise doctor, healed his physical and spiritual ailments, and you sang a song of thanksgiving to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You had a wondrous life, and you performed wondrous miracles on earth, O Reverend Father Macarius, when he saw one young man tormented by a demon for a long time, you shed tears of emotion, and sighing, you made a prayer to God: Abi, the demon departed from the afflicted man, and he was restored to health. Having heard this, we joyfully cry out to you:
Rejoice, strong conqueror of evil spirits.
Rejoice, you who drive away the soul-destroying wolves.
Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.
Rejoice, servant of God, good and faithful.
Rejoice, speedy doctor to those who call upon you with faith.
Rejoice, fruitful vine.
Rejoice, for through your help the machinations of the enemy are crushed.
Rejoice, wise warrior who fights against the forces of hell.
Rejoice, endless stream of miracles.
Rejoice, abundant in grace and source of healing.
Rejoice, most bright ray of the sun's light.
Rejoice, man of God, girded with honor and truth, like a golden belt.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

The wondrous and ineffable miracle of Heavenly grace now appears in the eyes of all the faithful: the long-suffering and abundantly merciful Lord was not angry with us to the end for our iniquities, but, remembering His generosity, gave us to you, most wonderful Father, a considerable intercessor, and thus raised the horn of salvation ours, let us take him out and sing to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all in the highest, but have not abandoned those below, Reverend Father Macarius, you reign ever with Christ, and for us sinners, you offer prayers to Him: not just those who fall to your celestial relics, but also those who are far away, calling on your all-honorable name , by your intercession you are kept from all evil. Moreover, in tenderness we call you:
Rejoice, our refuge in all sorrows.
Rejoice, quick helper to all in their troubles.
Rejoice, healer of mental and physical illnesses.
Rejoice, our strong champion against invisible enemies.
Rejoice, merciful visitor to those who lie in weakness.
Rejoice, comforter of those in sorrow.
Rejoice, for through you weeping ceases.
Rejoice, as joy is given by you.
Rejoice, for you have followed Christ valiantly.
Rejoice, for you served the Sweetest Jesus to the end.
Rejoice, for you enjoy the sight of God.
Rejoice, for thou hast been worthy to see the unevening day of His Kingdom.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

You have endured all kinds of sorrows, and you have valiantly accomplished many labors and deeds, walking along the path of salvation to a venerable old age, clothed in the whole armor of God, in the flesh as if incorporeal, mortifying passions and crushing the slander of the ruler of the darkness of this age, and is also numbered with the Heavenly powers, together with with them you sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things are perplexed to adequately praise you, God-wise Macarius: who is pleased to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this age; or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in them you committed a desert-loving life; Otherwise, we, conquered by your love, gratefully call to you:
Rejoice, all-zealous executor of God's law.
Rejoice, in purity and chastity, most valuable bead, most honest.
Rejoice, in patience and struggle against the flesh, hardest adamant.
Rejoice, thou glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious ones of the earth.
Rejoice, in the flesh you are still alive on earth without flesh.
Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of lust with living and saving tears.
Rejoice, thou who art a successful helper to those who struggle with passions and lusts.
Rejoice, most zealous imitator of great fasting in work, vigil and abstinence.
Rejoice, most skilled teacher in spiritual wisdom.
Rejoice, most meticulous in showing the monastic deeds.
Rejoice, beauty of the desert dwellers.
Rejoice, desert-loving and kind-looking turtledove.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Keep all the bones of the righteous, for not a single one will be broken by them. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ has shown us your incorruptible body on earth, O Reverend Father, like a life-giving font that heals every disease and every illness in people. Having received such a healer and prayer book, we cry out to him in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Your holy monastery has acquired a strong wall and a fair amount of prayer books, and all the countries of Russia boast of your intercession. Likewise, we are sinners, as children of our father, we pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes with your prayers, so we cry to you joyfully:
Rejoice, fragrant tree of the heavenly sky.
Rejoice, cypress tree, fill the hearts of the faithful with incense.
Rejoice, healer of the weak.
Rejoice, rod, strengthen those who fall.
Rejoice, hope and peace in the sea of ​​this floating life.
Rejoice, solid fence and refuge for those who work diligently for God.
Rejoice, for all those who diligently flock to you, temptations and troubles will soon be delivered.
Rejoice, hard cover for all who are overcome.
Rejoice, for you have moved from the earthly abode to the heavenly abode.
Rejoice, for you descended from the heavenly abode to the earthly abode to do good.
Rejoice, for even after your departure you remain with us.
Rejoice, for even after your repose, you resurrected our souls, killed by sins, through your prayers.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

You brought singing and spiritual songs to the Trinity of the One Essence, with your heart and lips on earth, blessed Macarius: even now in Heaven, with angelic ranks standing before the Trinity Throne, you unceasingly chant the Divine song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

By faith we see you, blessed father, standing before the Throne of God, the light-giving lamp that enlightens our souls, and illuminated by your radiance, we call you:
Rejoice, luminous cloud, enlighten our souls.
Rejoice, saving water, watering everyone.
Rejoice, wonderful shepherd.
Rejoice, wise teacher.
Rejoice, purity of the village.
Rejoice, consolation for the sad.
Rejoice, nourisher of the orphans.
Rejoice, O representative of the offended.
Rejoice, friend of the wisdom of God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of the grace of healing.
Rejoice, herald of God's commandments.
Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of God's mercy.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss your honest relics, which the Lord has deigned to miraculously reveal to us. We also cry out with gratitude to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your departure to God, Reverend Macarius, we honor your sacred memory, we magnify your humility, we praise your long-suffering, we glorify your kindness, we rejoice at your deeds and the end of your course, as you received the crown of righteousness from the Lord, the righteous Judge. Moreover, praying earnestly that we may be deemed worthy to stand before the Last Judgment Court of Christ without condemnation, we cry to you:
Rejoice, warm representative for us at the Throne of God.
Rejoice, husband who glorified God in your soul and in your body.
Rejoice, man perfect in virtues.
Rejoice, wondrous imitator of our Heavenly Father.
Rejoice, organizer of the monastery of monastics.
Rejoice, most kind and kind teacher of monks.
Rejoice, speedy helper and intercessor of all Orthodox.
Rejoice, known propitiator of the Heavenly King.
Rejoice, having often preceded petitions with your intercession.
Rejoice, Heavenly citizen.
Rejoice, as you rejoice with the venerable and righteous.
Rejoice, for you will always triumph with all God’s chosen ones.
Rejoice, Macarius, quick helper and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O glorious and wonderful Father Macarius, graciously accept this little prayer of ours, and through your strong and favorable intercession before God, deliver us from all enemies visible and invisible, from all misfortune and sorrow, from sudden death and future torment, so that we may be worthy with you and with all the saints forever sing a song of gratitude to God our Savior: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to St. Macarius of Kalyazinsky

O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abvo Macarius! Do not completely forget your poor, but remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God. Remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King. Do not remain silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us, unworthy, at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God: for grace has been given to you to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you passed away from us in body, you remain alive even after death. Do not give up on us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy, and all the charms of the devil, and the snares of the devil, our good shepherd. Even though your relics are always visible before our eyes, your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with disembodied faces, with the Heavenly Powers standing at the Almighty Throne, rejoices with dignity. Knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God for the benefit of our souls and to ask for time for repentance, and for the unrestrained transition from earth to Heaven, bitter ordeals, demons, princes of the air and eternal to be freed from torment, and to be an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . Amen.

“I worked in vain, and without success I made such a long journey to the Holy Mountain past the Kalyazin Monastery. For those who live in it can also be saved: here everything is done like the monasteries located in the Holy Mountain,” this was the story of Elder Mitrofan (Byvaltsev), who labored for nine years on Mount Athos, about this famous Russian monastery, located on the Volga within the boundaries of Tver. The decorum and splendor of the monastery was also noted by the Monk Joseph of Volotsky, the famous preacher and strict abbot of the famous monastery on Volok Lamsky, a famous fighter against the heresy of the Judaizers. From all over Rus', thousands of pilgrims went to Kalyazin in order to witness with their own eyes the deeds of the brethren and venerate the honorable relics of the founder of that monastery - St. Macarius of Kalyazin, to receive relief and healing from serious mental and physical ailments. And here, at the shrine with the holy relics, many miracles were performed by the faith of those who came.

The Monk Macarius, abbot of the Trinity Kalyazin Monastery, was born in 1402, in the village of Gridtsin (Gribkovo, now Kozhino), near Kashin, into a God-loving family that strictly respected the commandments of the Lord. Parents, boyar Vasily Ananievich Kozha, famous for his military exploits under Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich II the Dark, and his wife Irina (their memory is revered locally) raised Matthew (name in the world) from childhood in faith and reverence for God. The youth loved to spend time reading spiritual books, and everything he read sank deeply into his heart. He was not carried away by games and in his soul he constantly offered up prayers, psalms and spiritual songs dear to his heart, while thinking about how to serve God.

When he began to reach adulthood, Matthew began to think about moving away from the vain worldly life; his parents, however, did not want him to become a monk, and cited biblical examples of the lives of New Testament saints who were saved in the world. The obedient son, not wanting to upset his family and obeying, agreed to the marriage and soon married the girl Elena Yakhontova. The young couple promised each other that if one of them died, the widowed one would become a monk. A year after the wedding, Matthew lost his father and mother, and two years later, Elena died; and twenty-five-year-old Matthew left the temporary, seeking the eternal, and entered the nearby Nikolaev Klobukov Monastery, where he took monastic vows with the name Macarius.

He went through all the monastic obediences with zeal, surpassing everyone else in humility and meekness, and the exploits of the young monk aroused the surprise of the brethren. After some time, burdened by the crowds of the monastery, the monk, with the blessing of the abbot, retired into the desert. He chose a place in the forest, located 18 versts from Kashin, not far from the Volga, between two small lakes. Here he built a cell for himself, and no one interfered with his feat of solitary prayer, only wild animals came and caressed him, and he shared food with them. Having learned about the hermit, the monks began to flock to the Monk Macarius, wanting to pray with the monk in his cell. He humbly received them and instructed them in the rules of monastic life. So the secluded forest thicket turned into a monastery, where the Monk Macarius was elected abbot.

The land on which the brethren lived belonged to the boyar Ivan Kolyaga, who, from the time the Monk Macarius settled there, looked at the monk with hostility. When the church was built and the number of hermits increased, Kolyaga was afraid that part of his land might go to the monastery; and this depressed him so much that he even planned to kill the saint... But God’s punishment was not slow to tell: death befell Kolyaga’s family, and he himself became seriously ill. Being in misfortune, the boyar who had made evil plans repented of his sin and, having confessed it to Macarius, was forgiven.

Soon Kolyaga, under the influence of the saint’s sermon, entered the Makariev Monastery, donating him all his lands. Since then, for the sake of humility, Macarius himself called the monastery Kalyazinskaya (now the city of Kalyazin, Tver province). Quite quickly it became widely known, for the disciples of St. Macarius, following the example of their spiritual father and mentor, improved in monastic feat and maintained strict asceticism. Many people - both nobles and commoners - asked the monk to accept them among the brethren. And, it must be said, even during the life of St. Macarius, St. Ephraim of Perekom (May 16) and St. Paisius of Uglich (June 6) left the Kalyazin monastery.

Miraculous was the prayer of the Monk Macarius, who during his lifetime received from God the gift of healing the sick and suffering. Thus, he freed a certain paralytic Zacharias from the village of Kesova Gora from illness, admonishing him with love: “Child! The Most Good God does not want the death of the sinner, but life and conversion to salvation, and what destinies He knows, leads him to salvation through repentance. You have been visited by God and if you repent and leave your old customs, God will send you healing; if not, then you will suffer even more than this.” The sinner who repented was healed, and after that he became a priest in his village and all his life he remembered the instructions of the Monk Macarius.

Another time, the monk cured the boyar Vasily Ryasin, who was tormented by demons. After the prayer, the Monk Macarius made the sign of the cross over him, and he was cleansed. Delighted by the mercy of God sent down, he chose the monastic path.

The Lord also rewarded the spirit-bearing elder with the gift of clairvoyance. One day the monastery's oxen were stolen. Suddenly the thieves were struck by blindness and, after wandering for a long time in the surrounding area, they again found themselves at the gates of the monastery. The Monk Macarius was inspecting the farm at that time and, as if not knowing what was the matter, asked, when he saw them, why they were here, and besides, with oxen. The kidnappers confessed everything and repented. The monk forgave them their sin and, having healed them, ordered them not to encroach on someone else’s property in the future.

Shortly before his death, the Monk Macarius fell ill. For some time he was silent, and in anticipation of the outcome, calling the brethren, he blessed and kissed everyone and said goodbye: “I hand you over to the Lord God! Always remain in labor, fasting, vigil and unceasing prayer; Maintain spiritual and physical purity, do not repay evil for evil or annoyance for annoyance. Understand, brethren: if I have boldness towards God. then after my departure this monastery will not become scarce, but will expand.”

Hegumen Kalyazinsky reposed on March 17, 1483, a very old man, in the 82nd year of his life, and was buried near the wooden church he built. A wooden chapel was built and decorated with images over his grave. When the temple fell into disrepair, the donors decided to renovate it by building a stone church on the site. While digging ditches for its foundation, the saint's coffin was found. A fragrance emanated from his incorruptible relics, the old man’s gray hair was clean, and even his vestments had not changed. This happened on May 26, 1521.

Many healings of the paralytic, the demon-possessed, and those suffering from bone pain, blindness, and leg disease took place at the relics of the saint. This attracted many pilgrims to the monastery. Until 1547, St. Macarius was revered locally. Miracles and popular love contributed to the fact that at the Moscow Council of 1547 he was canonized as a saint of God and it was decided to celebrate his memory throughout Russia. Ordinary people went to Kalyazin on foot, kings visited the monastery: in 1553, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible visited the monastery, in 1599, Boris Godunov with his wife and children arrived to ask the Monk Macarius for a blessing for his daughter Ksenia to marry. Then the royal pilgrims built a silver shrine, into which the holy relics of the saint were transferred.

In 1610, the monastery was plundered by the Poles, many of the brethren were killed. After the Time of Troubles, the rulers of the new ruling house of the Romanovs also prayed in it several times: in 1619, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1635, his father, Patriarch Filaret. In 1654, during a pestilence, Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and Patriarch Nikon resided in the Kalyazin monastery. In 1700, pious donors built a new silver shrine for the relics, in which the saint of God rested until the closure of the monastery by Soviet power. After its plunder in the 1930s, the relics were transported to Tver, where they now rest in the White Trinity Cathedral, in the right aisle.

Troparion, tone 8:

Carnal wisdom, Father Macarius, / you put to death through abstinence and vigil, / for the place on which you poured out your sweat, / like a trumpet, cries out to God, / telling your corrections, / and after your honest death, your relics exude healing. / We also cry out. ty:/ pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:

Desiring the highest, having enjoyed abstinence, and labors, and sweats,/ having curbed the desire of your flesh,/ received the gift of miracles from Christ God,/ you appeared as a bright lamp./ In the same way, the Church of Christ glorifies you with songs,/ Venerable Macarius, our father.

The oldest history of the Nikolaev Klobukov Monastery is connected with the life of the Monk Macarius of Kalyazin, who came to the monastery around 1420 and took monastic vows there.

The Monk Macarius (in the world Matthew) was born in 1402 in the village of Gridkovo (now Kozhino), which is seven miles from Kashin, into the pious family of the boyar Vasily Kozhin and his wife Irina (their memory is revered locally). At the age of seven, the boy learned to read and write and throughout his life fell in love with reading spiritual books, taking everything he read to heart. Matthew dreamed of becoming a monk, but, obeying the will of his parents, upon reaching the required age, he married Elena Yakhontova. When entering into marriage, the young couple made a vow to each other - if one of the spouses dies first, then the second, without leaving the cemetery, will go to a monastery and become a monk. A year later, Matthew’s parents died, and two years later Elena also died. Matthew fulfilled his vow - so he ended up in the Nikolaev Klobukov Monastery, where around 1425 he built himself a small wooden cell, and on the banks of the Kashinka - a monastery mill. According to legend, the monk retired here to pray.


Troparion to St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin, Wonderworker, tone 8

Carnal wisdom, Father Macarius, through abstinence and vigil you have put to death, the place on which you poured out your sweat, like a trumpet crying to God, telling of your corrections, and after your death, your honest relics exude healing. We cry even more to you: pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

Being of noble birth, Saint Macarius humbled himself below everyone else, lovingly obeyed not only the abbot, but also every brother, elder and younger, spending the day after monastic services and obediences in reading the lives of saints, and the nights in singing psalms. But the monk, having a penchant for true desert living, desired complete solitude - the everyday noise of Kashin reached the Klobukovsky monastery, located in close proximity to the city. In 1444, the Monk Macarius fulfilled his cherished desire and, with the blessing of the abbot, left the monastery with seven other ascetics, going to look for a new place in a more secluded desert. According to legend, from the tears he shed on the occasion of the departure of “Von” from Kashin, the Vonzha River was formed, which flows into Kashinka near the monastery.

The hermitage founded by the monk was located in a beautiful place in the forest, between two lakes. For a long time the saint did not agree to accept the rank of abbot, but was forced to yield to the requests of the brethren who had gathered around him. There were also sorrows. The land on which the monastery grew belonged to the boyar Ivan Kolyaga, who disliked the Monk Macarius - the boyar suspected that the monks were encroaching on his property. He even thought about killing the saint, and then God’s punishment overtook him - his loved ones died, and the boyar himself became seriously ill. Preparing for death, he repented and, having confessed to a saint, was forgiven. Having been healed, Ivan Kolyaga donated his lands to the monastery, and he himself entered it as a simple monk.

This was the beginning of the Trinity Kalyazinsky (named after the boyar Ivan Kolyaga) monastery, the charter of which was so strict that many, unable to bear it, left. Elder Mitrofan Byvaltsev, who lived on Mount Athos for nine years, marveled at the monastic order and splendor of that time. “I worked in vain,” he lamented, “and made such a long journey to the Holy Mountain past the Kalyazin Monastery, For those living in it can be saved: here everything is done like the sons of the Holy Mountain.”

The half-submerged Kalyazin bell tower of the St. Nicholas Church is the little that remains of old Kalyazin, which fully experienced all the delights of the material “restructuring of the world.”

The Monk Macarius of Kalyazin, talking with the Monk Joseph of Volokolamsk, spoke of his brethren who left the walls of the Klobukovo monastery: “When I came to this place, seven elders came with me from the Klobukov monastery. All of them were so perfect in virtues and spiritual life that other brothers came to them to receive instructions.” From this environment came great ascetics, and among them was St. Ephraim of Perekom (May 29 and October 9, New Style). He subsequently founded a temple in honor of the Epiphany on an island located at the mouth of the Verenda River. For convenient delivery of water to the monastery, the saint dug a channel into Lake Ilmen, which is why the monastery received the name Perekopskaya, or Perekomskaya.

The Monk Macarius, abbot of Kalyazin, reposed on March 17, 1483 at the 82nd year of his life. He was buried near the wooden church he built, having built a chapel over the grave. When the wooden temple fell into disrepair, it was decided to build a stone church in its place. They began to dig ditches for the foundation - and they found the saint’s coffin. A fragrance emanated from his incorruptible relics, the old man’s gray hair was clean, and even his vestments had not changed. This happened on May 26, 1521.

At first, St. Macarius was revered locally. And at the Council of 1547 he was canonized for church-wide veneration.

The memory of the Monk Macarius of Kalyazin is celebrated on March 30, the day of his death, and June 8, the day of the discovery of the holy relics. Dates are given according to the new style.

The Monk Macarius, abbot of the Trinity Kalyazin Monastery, was born in 1402, in the village of Gridtsin (Gribkovo, now Kozhino), near Kashin, into a God-loving family that strictly respected the commandments of the Lord. Parents, boyar Vasily Ananievich Kozha, famous for his military exploits under Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich II the Dark, and his wife Irina (their memory is revered locally) raised Matthew (name in the world) from childhood in faith and reverence for God.

The youth loved to spend time reading spiritual books, and everything he read sank deeply into his heart. He was not carried away by games and in his soul he constantly offered up prayers, psalms and spiritual songs dear to his heart, while thinking about how to serve God.

When he began to reach adulthood, Matthew began to think about moving away from the vain worldly life; his parents, however, did not want him to become a monk, and cited biblical examples of the lives of New Testament saints who were saved in the world. The obedient son, not wanting to upset his family and obeying, agreed to the marriage and soon married the girl Elena Yakhontova. The young couple promised each other that if one of them died, the widowed one would become a monk. A year after the wedding, Matthew lost his father and mother, and two years later, Elena died; and twenty-five-year-old Matthew left the temporary, seeking the eternal, and entered the nearby Nikolaev Klobukov Monastery, where he took monastic vows with the name Macarius.

He went through all the monastic obediences with zeal, surpassing everyone else in humility and meekness, and the exploits of the young monk aroused the surprise of the brethren. After some time, burdened by the crowds of the monastery, the monk, with the blessing of the abbot, retired into the desert. He chose a place in the forest, located 18 versts from Kashin, not far from the Volga, between two small lakes. Here he built a cell for himself, and no one interfered with his feat of solitary prayer, only wild animals came and caressed him, and he shared food with them. Having learned about the hermit, the monks began to flock to the Monk Macarius, wanting to pray with the monk in his cell. He humbly received them and instructed them in the rules of monastic life. So the secluded forest thicket turned into a monastery, where the Monk Macarius was elected abbot.

The land on which the brethren lived belonged to the boyar Ivan Kolyaga, who, from the time the Monk Macarius settled there, looked at the monk with hostility. When the church was built and the number of hermits increased, Kolyaga was afraid that part of his land might go to the monastery; and this depressed him so much that he even planned to kill the saint... But God’s punishment was not slow to tell: death befell Kolyaga’s family, and he himself became seriously ill. Being in misfortune, the boyar who had made evil plans repented of his sin and, having confessed it to Macarius, was forgiven.

Soon Kolyaga, under the influence of the saint’s sermon, entered the Makariev Monastery, donating him all his lands. Since then, for the sake of humility, Macarius himself called the monastery Kalyazinskaya (now the city of Kalyazin, Tver province). Quite quickly it became widely known, for the disciples of St. Macarius, following the example of their spiritual father and mentor, improved in monastic feat and maintained strict asceticism. Many people - both nobles and commoners - asked the monk to accept them among the brethren. And, it must be said, even during the life of St. Macarius, St. Ephraim of Perekom (May 16) and St. Paisius of Uglich (June 6) left the Kalyazin monastery.

Miraculous was the prayer of the Monk Macarius, who during his lifetime received from God the gift of healing the sick and suffering. Thus, he freed a certain paralytic Zacharias from the village of Kesova Gora from illness, admonishing him with love: “Child! The Most Good God does not want the death of the sinner, but life and conversion to salvation, and what destinies He knows, leads him to salvation through repentance. You have been visited by God and if you repent and leave your old customs, God will send you healing; if not, then you will suffer even more than this.” The sinner who repented was healed, and after that he became a priest in his village and all his life he remembered the instructions of the Monk Macarius.

Another time, the monk cured the boyar Vasily Ryasin, who was tormented by demons. After the prayer, the Monk Macarius made the sign of the cross over him, and he was cleansed. Delighted by the mercy of God sent down, he chose the monastic path.

The Lord also rewarded the spirit-bearing elder with the gift of clairvoyance. One day the monastery's oxen were stolen. Suddenly the thieves were struck by blindness and, after wandering for a long time in the surrounding area, they again found themselves at the gates of the monastery. The Monk Macarius was inspecting the farm at that time and, as if not knowing what was the matter, asked, when he saw them, why they were here, and besides, with oxen. The kidnappers confessed everything and repented. The monk forgave them their sin and, having healed them, ordered them not to encroach on someone else’s property in the future.

Shortly before his death, the Monk Macarius fell ill. For some time he was silent, and in anticipation of the outcome, calling the brethren, he blessed and kissed everyone and said goodbye: “I hand you over to the Lord God! Always remain in labor, fasting, vigil and unceasing prayer; Maintain spiritual and physical purity, do not repay evil for evil or annoyance for annoyance. Understand, brethren: if I have boldness towards God. then after my departure this monastery will not become scarce, but will expand.”

Hegumen Kalyazinsky reposed on March 17, 1483, a very old man, in the 82nd year of his life, and was buried near the wooden church he built. A wooden chapel was built and decorated with images over his grave. When the temple fell into disrepair, the donors decided to renovate it by building a stone church on the site. While digging ditches for its foundation, the saint's coffin was found. A fragrance emanated from his incorruptible relics, the old man’s gray hair was clean, and even his vestments had not changed. This happened on May 26, 1521.

Many healings of the paralytic, the demon-possessed, and those suffering from bone pain, blindness, and leg disease took place at the relics of the saint. This attracted many pilgrims to the monastery. Until 1547, St. Macarius was revered locally. Miracles and popular love contributed to the fact that at the Moscow Council of 1547 he was canonized as a saint of God and it was decided to celebrate his memory throughout Russia. Ordinary people went to Kalyazin on foot, kings visited the monastery: in 1553, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible visited the monastery, in 1599, Boris Godunov with his wife and children arrived to ask the Monk Macarius for a blessing for his daughter Ksenia to marry. Then the royal pilgrims built a silver shrine, into which the holy relics of the saint were transferred.

In 1610, the monastery was plundered by the Poles, many of the brethren were killed. After the Time of Troubles, the rulers of the new ruling house of the Romanovs also prayed in it several times: in 1619, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1635, his father, Patriarch Filaret. In 1654, during a pestilence, Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and Patriarch Nikon resided in the Kalyazin monastery. In 1700, pious donors built a new silver shrine for the relics, in which the saint of God rested until the closure of the monastery by Soviet power. After its plunder in the 1930s, the relics were transported to Tver, where they now rest in the White Trinity Cathedral, in the right aisle.
