Training your dog to guard the command. Quickly train a dog to guard and be angry. Protection from yard dogs

Any service dog must be able to protect. Does this apply to the house or things that were entrusted to her during the owner’s absence.

First you need to teach your dog not to trust strangers. It’s good that if a dog already knows how to get angry at strangers, it should also not take food from them.

Algorithm for teaching a dog the command “Guard!”

It happens that the dog only reacts to the helper, but does not pay attention to the protected item. Then a meter-long rope is tied to it, and when the dog rushes at the helper, he will pull the rope and attract the dog’s attention with a moving object. And if the animal tries to stop the thing, it must be rewarded. Once the dog has learned the lesson of guarding things well, the task can be complicated.

The assistant tries to bribe the dog with a treat and at the same time tries to steal the item from under guard. If the dog sniffs the treat, you need to move the thing slightly. If the dog tries to take the treat, then the helper should sharply hit him with the rod, and the owner should immediately hit him. The next training involves changing the owner’s protected items. This could be his clothes or shoes, bag, ball, etc.

Security positions also need to be changed. The skill should be consolidated with several assistants, and gradually increasing the time of guarding the object. With such training, it is important that the dog’s guarding of things does not develop into total anger. It is considered that the guarding skill has been developed if the dog guards the item for 20 minutes without reacting at all to people passing by. She begins to growl or bark only when a stranger wants to take away a protected item.

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Move away, otherwise I'll bite you!

Understand what you want. A dog can scare away hooligans attacking you with a simple bark. Especially if the dog is quite large. Most often, a loud bark that attracts the attention of everyone around, high jumps and a grinning muzzle are quite enough. It’s a completely different matter if you want your dog to detain an intruder according to all the rules: growl, jump and poke its nose into the ground. With subsequent security until the arrival of the police. Of course, not every dog ​​is suitable for such manipulations. Only large dogs, traditionally classified as service dogs, are capable of this - shepherds, large terriers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc.

Step 2

Best friend

Don't try to arouse aggression in little puppy and under no circumstances set him against your family, especially children. Such actions can break a dog’s psyche and ruin its character. You may end up uncontrollable aggressive dog, who will hysterically rush at everything that moves.

Step 3

Teaching your dog simple commands

Start by learning the simplest commands. Elementary “come to me”, “fu”, “stand”, “sit” and other commands included in the general training course are, first of all, vitally necessary for your dog. Secondly, they teach the dog to be adequate towards you, forming in his eyes your image as the leader of the pack. And the leader is sacred and inviolable. If necessary, the dog is ready to give his life for him.

Step 4

Enter the “alien” command into your arsenal. Use it when someone knocks on your door and get the dog to respond by vocalizing. IN dangerous situation All you have to do is say this command for the dog to bark and rush at the attacker. But this is only if you decide that such a reaction is enough. If not, you need training in the “Face!” command.

Step 5

Dog on a special training ground with an instructor

Full training on the command “Fast!” can only take place on the site with a professional instructor. Special equipment and techniques that have been proven over decades help train a dog to protect its owner without fail.

Step 6

Naturally, all these measures will not give results if your dog is cowardly from birth and hides behind your legs in any danger (even mythical). However, such a pathology is extremely rare. This means that you have every chance of getting a worthy defender, with whom you will not be afraid in any situation.

I’ll say right away that any dog ​​can be taught to protect its owner. Even the kindest and smallest.
I remember a classmate had a toy – sorry to everyone who loves these dogs, but for me it’s a parody of a dog. Nevertheless, it is a fact. Once, when I was visiting a classmate (we were 10-11 years old at the time), she gave me a book to read. And when I went to the exit with this book, a menacing growl blocked my way. With all his appearance the dog showed that he would not let him enter the door with his master's goods!
The same thing happens when the owner or his child is in danger: the dog instinctively protects any member of the pack, and especially the leader or cub, as well as its territory. And the kindest companion such as a Labrador or a poodle in the blink of an eye turns into fanged monsters capable of resisting anyone.
And yet the question remains: how to teach a dog to protect its owner? I'll try to answer it.


Difficulty level: Not easy

1 step

Move away, otherwise I'll bite you!

Understand what you want. A dog can scare away hooligans attacking you with a simple bark. Especially if the dog is quite large. Most often, a loud bark that attracts the attention of everyone around, high jumps and a grinning muzzle are quite enough. It’s a completely different matter if you want your dog to detain an intruder according to all the rules: growl, jump and poke its nose into the ground. With subsequent security until the arrival of the police. Of course, not every dog ​​is suitable for such manipulations. Only large dogs, traditionally classified as service dogs, are capable of this - shepherds, large terriers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc.

Step 2

Best friend

Do not try to awaken aggression in a small puppy and under no circumstances set him against your family, especially children. Such actions can break a dog’s psyche and ruin its character. As a result, you may end up with an uncontrollable, aggressive dog who will hysterically attack everything that moves.

Step 3

Teaching your dog simple commands

Start by learning the simplest commands. Elementary “come to me”, “fu”, “stand”, “sit” and other commands included in the general training course are, first of all, vitally necessary for your dog. Secondly, they teach the dog to be adequate towards you, forming in his eyes your image as the leader of the pack. And the leader is sacred and inviolable. If necessary, the dog is ready to give his life for him.

Step 4

Enter the “alien” command into your arsenal. Use it when someone knocks on your door and get the dog to respond by vocalizing. In a dangerous situation, you will only need to say this command for the dog to bark and rush at the attacker. But this is only if you decide that such a reaction is enough. If not, you need training in the “Face!” command.

Step 5

Dog on a special training ground with an instructor

Full training on the command “Fast!” can only take place on the site with a professional instructor. Special equipment and techniques that have been proven over decades help train a dog to protect its owner without fail.

Step 6

Naturally, all these measures will not give results if your dog is cowardly from birth and hides behind your legs in any danger (even mythical). However, such a pathology is extremely rare. This means that you have every chance of getting a worthy defender, with whom you will not be afraid in any situation.

If you purchase a dog so that it will guard your private property and enhance security, then with early childhood we need to start training her for this kind of work. Typically, service breed dogs are purchased for such purposes. Their mere presence in the yard will deter intruders. But sometimes even the courtyards, not purebred dogs carried beautifully security service, if they are accustomed to it in time and correctly. So, let's learn about this process.

It is important to consider that guard dogs can be more aggressive. Therefore, you first need to achieve obedience from your pet, which will avoid possible troubles.

Step #1 - obedience. This is the basis for training a dog to protect territory. It is necessary to explain to the pet that the owner is always in charge. Obedience is the dog’s unquestioning execution of the commands “come”, “no” or “fu”, “near”, “sit”, “place”. Your pupil must be accustomed to walking on a leash. When training, you must use motivation in the form of treats.

Step #2 - establishing clear boundaries. The pupil must protect the yard and house and not let strangers in, but outside of it the dog must behave calmly. To do this, every day you need to take the pupil for walks outside the site, let him off the leash and reinforce commands.

Step #3 - socialization of the dog. In order for your pet to understand when there is a threat to the territory and yard that he is protecting, you need to introduce him to the people who come to visit you, the neighbors. In this case, you need to stay close to the dog and control his actions. The dog should also know a variety of noise sounds, for example, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, or power tools that you use. In front of the dog you need to open and close a push-button umbrella and move objects. That is, he should not react by barking to actions that do not pose a threat to the protected area.

Step 4 - praise for barking at strangers. When a stranger enters the yard, the dog should react loudly. The owner rewards him for this with praise, stroking, and treats.

Step 5 - teach not to take food from strangers. Surely everyone knows that thieves and criminals very often put watchdogs to sleep before robberies. For this purpose, the dog is offered meat products with sleeping pills. Therefore feed watchdog there must always be one person. And do not allow guests of your home, strangers, to feed your pupil.

Step 6 - learning to react to strangers. For this you will need a volunteer assistant. He must approach the protected area and make noise sounds of entry (knocking, opening a gate). At this time, the owner gives the command “guard!”, and the dog usually begins to react by barking, which intensifies. Then the “intruder” should calm down for a while behind the fence and do nothing. At this time, you give the dog a treat and praise him. Then the training is repeated. The owner controls the dog’s actions and repeats commands.

Step 7 - training the dog in active defense. To do this, the volunteer assistant must be prepared for a dog attack. Of course, this is a risky training and it is better if such a person is a specialist in training service dogs. The “intruder” now not only imitates noise, but also penetrates the yard. He must attempt to attack the dog if it does not do so first. The assistant gives you the opportunity to pat yourself on the sleeve or clothes. If the dog belongs to the category of purebred guards, then it will probably not just let go of the “intruder” and will hold it with its teeth until the owner arrives. Praise the student for his service and reward him with a treat. The skill needs to be repeated and reinforced, then your dog will never allow strangers into the yard.

Step 8 - Use the services of a dog training center if you cannot teach your dog to guard the territory on your own, and you do not want to risk the lives of your friends by training him to guard.

It’s also worth hanging a sign on the fence that will inform you that the territory is guarded by a service dog. Such a warning scares off many intruders, and from a legal point of view, it protects you from liability for the fact that the dog may bite a stranger who enters the yard.

The protective guard service (PSS) is a block of commands aimed at protecting the personal safety of the dog, its owner, family and property. The commands “Guard”, “Alien” and “Face” are mastered in parallel. In work aimed at protection there is no place for doubts, uncertainty and ambivalent understanding; the pet must clearly understand what they want from him. Let's consider methods of how to teach a dog a stranger's command and why this is the basis of the ZKS.

Strictly speaking, “Stranger” is not a command, but a way to set the tone of behavior; the opposite situation is when you say “Friends” to your dog when friends come to visit you. Having heard the word stranger, the dog should not rush to attack (Face) or defend the entrusted object (Guard). The command is foreign to the dog; it is a signal that there is a suspicious person in front of him, who could hypothetically cause harm.

When executing a command, showing aggression is encouraged - growling, grinning, barking, bristling, taking a position for attack. And at this stage, the trainer is faced with the first nuance - each dog shows aggression in its own way. German Shepherds They make their position clear by barking, growling, and posturing, while the Caucasian ones will not raise an eyebrow, but will silently prepare for an attack. Your task is to observe your pet from early childhood, in games, he will show his natural skills and habits.

Note! The “Alien” command is not mandatory, but is convenient in everyday life. Most often, a fight or attack can be avoided if the pet can visually demonstrate aggression.

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When to start learning the Alien command

Before teaching a dog a stranger’s command, you need to learn a number of rules:

  • ZKS - a set of commands for adult dog or a teenager, but not for a puppy. By developing aggression in a puppy not “for fun”, you risk the safety of your family and the people around you.
  • The command is difficult to master and it is highly not recommended to practice it only on your own if you do not have the appropriate canine experience.
  • Before training, it is recommended to consult with a dog trainer. A professional will understand the dog’s psychotype and degree of excitability by observing it on the site and will give recommendations for training.
  • Do not teach your dog the “Stranger” command at home, and do not involve family members.
  • Do not approve of a dog barking under the door, a loud growl at most. Contrary to popular belief, you will not reinforce the “Alien” command, but a “bad habit” that is really hard to break.
  • The role of a bandit can only be unknown to the dog a man dressed in a special suit and hiding his face with a mask.
  • Before starting the ZKS course, the dog must undergo a general training course (general training course), unquestioningly follow the commands Fu, Come to me, Sit, Place.

Note! Temperamental dogs have a hard time containing their emotions. It is recommended to train such pets to bark - the dog is at a safe distance from the enemy, growls and barks, but does not attack without a command from Fas, and stops aggressive actions on the orders of the owner.
