Is dry cat food dangerous? Dry food for cats. Is it possible to mix dry and wet food?

To date, there are about 500 dog breeds registered! Each of them is not only unique behavior and external data. These are also physiological differences between animals: the structure of the skeleton, gastrointestinal tract, the degree of development of intelligence and secondary characteristics of the breed.

In this article we will look at the benefits and harms of dry dog ​​food.

No manufacturer is able to provide nutrition for each species! Meanwhile, the correct menu is the main source of animal health. Has anyone seen a well-fed herd of fat sheep or calves destined for dog food in beautiful alpine meadows? That's right, no one ever! Perhaps the skinned carcasses of this herd will be used as feed in the form of offal? Alas, even this is not a fact.

Composition of cheap and expensive dry dog ​​food

Dogs, even the smallest breeds, are first and foremost predators. Meat is the main component of their menu. Hence the obvious conclusion is that dry food containing natural meat ingredients in quantities sufficient for dogs cannot be cheap! What most often ends up in dry food instead of meat? What are the dangers of dry dog ​​food?

Even in the USA, sanitary requirements for meat in feed are very strict: the residual presence of drugs, damaged, diseased, defective areas of carcasses, a high percentage of rejected meat products, including those with an unacceptable expiration date, age-related slaughter, this is an incomplete list of “problem” proteins in the product.

An excess of the hormonal component - defective batches of meat, with a detected excess of artificial hormones for “rapid growth” and “embryonic maturation of the fetus.” Such meat causes pathologies, including cancer. Replacing natural fats with artificial or vegetable ones, the presence of dyes, fixatives, taste stabilizers, oxidizing agents, the use of cheap fillers that cause allergenic reactions in some dog breeds:

  • peeling of the skin,
  • hair loss, up to.

Increased content of sugar, insidious, caries, or salt, causing a constant feeling of thirst. In addition, dry food completely lacks the vital energy that a predator receives from natural meat or fish, and heat treatment reduces the vitamin value of the product.

What are the benefits of dry food?

Ralston Purina first introduced dry food for dogs and cats in 1922, and almost immediately it became popular. In our country, its mass consumption began 15-20 years ago and the rating of dry food only grows every year. Why? Let’s admit that the main advantage of dry food is convenience, which has nothing to do with dogs.

Such food does not require long cooking or washing of dishes, it is indispensable on hikes, on walks and as a reward during exercise, therefore, first of all, it is convenient for animal owners. Vitamins. Not every “tailed friend” can be forced to eat them, especially raw. Dry food contains both main and a number of auxiliary foods.

In puppyhood, with specific diseases, they are vital. Minerals. Calcium, iodine, zinc, iron. From a conscientious manufacturer, the minerals included in the food are natural and all are necessary for the dog, regardless of the breed, especially during the molting period.

Try to avoid extremes. You need to imagine the advantages and disadvantages of dry food. With reservations, price can serve as an indicator of quality. In a 20 kg bag, costing $5-10, you won’t find high-quality proteins. Most cynological institutes advise buying food from traditional producers (

The article suggests understanding the choice of optimal food for cats, kittens and cats, and also provides answers to the most frequently asked questions from owners of such cute and fluffy pets.

Is dry food harmful for cats and veterinarians reviews?

There are many discussions on the benefits and harms of dry food on specialized forums. There is an opinion among professional breeders that when feeding a cat with Premium or Super Premium class dry food, it receives complete nutrition, guaranteeing it a good mood, appearance and good health.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to the condition and preferences of a particular animal. When deciding to switch to dry food, choose only Premium or Super Premium varieties. You cannot mix natural feeding and dry food; be sure to ensure that the animal receives a sufficient amount of water.

Is dry cat food harmful for kitekat, whiskeys, proplan, royal canin, acana?

Economy class cat food leads to the development of urolithiasis and other diseases, so experts do not recommend feeding the animal with food such as Whiskas, Kitekat, Proplan. Premium and Super Premium food, containing natural ingredients and a balanced composition, is considered acceptable by experts for feeding cats.

Can cats have dry food and milk?

Feeding a cat dry food with milk can provoke the development of urolithiasis in the animal. Premium class food contains all the necessary components for the healthy development of a pet, and in addition to food, it only requires water.

Is it possible to combine dry food and natural food for cats?

Veterinarians do not recommend mixing cat food. The animal must be fed either dry or natural food. If necessary, combination is possible only at intervals, for example, dry food in the morning, natural food in the evening.

Feeding a cat dry food per day, pros and cons

Cats are fed twice a day, at the rate of 30-60 grams of dry food per kilogram of animal weight. The norm depends on the calorie content of the feed.

The advantages of dry food: it saves the owner’s time, it does not spoil, it is convenient to feed, it is properly balanced.

Disadvantages: the cat must constantly replenish its water balance, it spoils the teeth, contains an excess of carbohydrates, the cat must be fed only with Premium class food, and they are quite expensive.

Comparison of dry cat food from Canada, Nutram and Choys, by composition

In terms of the amount of protein and fat, carbohydrates and fiber, the feed is identical. Choice food additionally contains chicken eggs, flaxseed, fish oil and tomato paste.

How to wean a cat off dry food

The first step is to try switching to canned food from the same manufacturer. Then gradually, first, replace the food with natural food once a day: porridge with meat or fish. If your pet feels well and eats with pleasure, you can completely replace the dry food. If the animal refuses to eat, you need to give it time to get hungry and try to find other options for cereals and meat.

At what age should you give dry cat food?

Special food for kittens indicates the age at which you can start feeding the animal. Usually this is 4-6 weeks.

Feeding your furry four-legged pet with a dry granular composition or ready-made pate is considered quite convenient. The owner does not need to spend time on cooking and preparing the correct diet taking into account the needs of the animal. Pet store shelves are supplied with food from various manufacturers. They all differ in their composition, pricing policy and other aspects. But, despite the popularity of such products, some owners still doubt the correctness of feeding their cat this particular food. Let's understand the basic aspects together.

  1. This kind of food for animals requires compliance with certain recommendations. It is prohibited to combine granulated or pate-type food with natural food prepared by yourself. Otherwise, the animal will suffer enormous damage. The digestive system takes a long time to adapt to the absorption of certain foods. And if you constantly alternate it, the cat will experience constipation.
  2. Do not mix different brands of food. They have different compositions, and accordingly, the effect on the four-legged friend’s body will vary. If there is an urgent need to change the diet and the manufacturer, then this is done smoothly. The animal is given new food in small portions, gradually increasing the amount. The transition lasts a couple of weeks.
  3. Due to their natural characteristics, the cat family does not lean on water, as, for example, dogs do. Dry food takes fluid from the body, which can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and other important organs. Therefore, your pet should be given soaked pellets or forced to drink water after eating.
  4. Experts from the field of veterinary medicine unanimously say that between the choice of wet and dry granulated food, it is always better to give preference to the first option. On the shelves of pet stores you can find ready-made food in the form of pates. Of course, you can alternate several types by buying the same brand. Cats usually perceive pate as a treat and encouragement.

Which food is considered the best?

  1. You should not buy food for your furry pet without first studying the ingredients. For example, chicken is contraindicated for animals with liver diseases. Consult your veterinarian first; he will prescribe a diet suitable for the animal’s body.
  2. Holistic class food is considered to be of the highest quality. They often include turkey, rabbit, ocean fish and even venison. If possible, then such products are purchased, belonging to the super-premium segment.
  3. Some foods cause an allergic reaction, the cat's skin turns red, the animal itches and bites its paws. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an allergy, the food is changed after consultation with a veterinarian.

Consideration of this issue should begin by studying the valuable characteristics of the finished feed.

  1. The first positive feature is that you don’t need to cook anything yourself. This is a significant plus, since not every owner can create the right menu for their pet from natural products. In addition, dry food simply saves the owner’s time and effort. Whiskered animals like dry preparations, they eat them with pleasure and ask for more.
  2. It is impossible not to mention the completely balanced composition of prepared food. Especially when it comes to premium nutrition developed taking into account the breed. Today you can find many options for fold-eared cats and other breed groups. The breakdown is also carried out taking into account the characteristics of the animals. After all, castrated or sterilized pets require a special diet that removes the load from the urinary system. Dry food of this type can be found on the shelves of pet stores. There are also options for pregnant, elderly, and young cats. The owner can only consult with a veterinarian and buy a suitable option.
  3. The valuable characteristics of the granular composition include the fact that when cats consume such food, dental diseases are prevented. There is no plaque formation, no bad breath, and the stone is removed. In order not to bother with brushing your teeth on your own, it is enough to entrust this task to nutrition.

Harm of dry food

Previously, we looked at the beneficial properties of dry food. But if there are positive qualities, there is almost always an opposite side.

  1. It is worth noting that the disadvantage of this food is that it is dry. All manufacturers strongly recommend giving your cat plenty of water if she regularly eats this way. The problem is that not all four-legged friends like to consume a lot of liquid.
  2. Don't forget that cats are predators by nature. Therefore, they are accustomed to receiving all the necessary moisture from the caught prey. Please note that even in the wild you will hardly see lions or tigers at a watering hole. In such places they can only hunt.
  3. The same is true with feed. If the animal eats natural food or wet food, it will receive the required amount of water from the food. But the same cannot be said specifically about dry food.
  4. As a result, if your pet constantly eats such a product and consumes little liquid, it will soon develop health problems. In this case, you can track how often your cat drinks. Alternatively, the feed can be softened directly in liquid. As a result, the problem will be solved.
  5. If the pet refuses the soaked product and also drinks little water, veterinarians recommend in this case to practice a combined diet of wet and dry food. These are the actions that are considered the most correct and modern at the present time.
  6. Another disadvantage is that dry food contains chemical compounds. There is no doubt that the product is completely balanced and healthy, but not all manufacturers adhere to high quality. A good product can only be premium.
  7. As for economy class feeds, they contain harmful components. It is this type of food that is most popular. This disadvantage can also be attributed to low-quality wet food. Therefore, significant harm can be caused to the animal.
  8. Among other things, the systematic consumption of such food by animals can negatively affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract. If your pet overeats, he may soon develop intestinal obstruction, gastritis, and even peptic ulcers.

To avoid such problems, try to closely monitor the health of the animal. Change the food, sometimes give a wet product. In addition, do not skimp, buy high-quality food from a trusted manufacturer. If necessary, visit a veterinarian and consult with him.

Video: is dry food dangerous for cats and dogs?

Not a single product can be considered useful or harmful, as they say, by definition, unless, of course, we are talking about poisons and toxic substances. This is especially true for dry industrial diets, the industry of which dates back more than 100 years, and they have proven themselves to be a convenient and safe way of feeding pets. In this article, we will address the most common concerns about whether dry cat food is bad for cats.

Dry food is poor nutrition

Many followers of natural feeding claim that dry food is not a balanced diet because it does not contain all the necessary nutrients. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - creating a complete diet from natural products is much more difficult, because we only have an average idea of ​​the substances they contain. At the same time, the recipe for dry food is strictly verified, and a guaranteed analysis indicates how much and what essential nutrients it contains. These regulations are regulated by the industry and every manufacturer is required to follow them.

Dry food contains many “artificial” ingredients

Ready-made diets are made from the most common products, and there is nothing artificial in them. Of course, they are all cooked, but the same goes for regular food preparation for both humans and animals. Most diets do not use dyes or chemically synthesized preservatives; natural antioxidants are used as the latter. Organizations that regulate the industry issue special standards for the content of all vital substances, as well as prohibited components, which are adhered to by all manufacturers who want to maintain their business.

Dry food is made from who knows what

The quality of ready-made commercial diets on the market actually varies greatly and depends on the components used. Some manufacturers create their products based on meat, others prefer to replace it with sources of plant protein, which is not a complete replacement for animal ingredients. Significant claims can also be made against diets that contain a lot of grains, since high-carbohydrate foods are not physiological for cats and can lead to obesity and diabetes.

But consumers are protected by law, according to which the manufacturer must accurately indicate all the ingredients of the food in the composition list. So you just need to study it, paying attention first of all to the amount of meat - animal ingredients should be high on the list. It is also important that all ingredients are indicated accurately and clearly, without vague formulations such as “meat and its processed products”, “fish products”, etc. - then you will know exactly what your cat eats.

Harm of dry cat food - in the development of ICD

The causes of such a serious disease as urolithiasis (urolithiasis) depend on the composition of the food, which affects the pH of the cat’s urine. If the animal’s nutrition is complete, that is, it contains the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, then there is nothing to fear. The idea that cats who eat dry food do not receive enough fluids, which is why the notorious “stones” are formed, is incorrect.

Yes, ready-made industrial diets do indeed have low humidity, but a cat can easily compensate for it by consuming more water, which is what pets do. Therefore, when feeding dry food, you need to ensure that your cat’s drinking bowl is always full.

Thus, the harm of dry cat food is determined by the composition of the product, which does not cost any attentive owner anything to find out. Cats are carnivores and must eat meat, so when choosing food for them, look for products that are based on animal ingredients, so you won't have to worry about its health.
