Why a person wants to drink a lot. Permanent thirst: why often you want to drink. Methods of thickening night thirst

The desire to drink water is considered a response of the body for a lack of fluid. The polydipsy is fully explained after increased physical exertion, with a hot climate, after eating acute or salty food. Since all the factors mentioned reduce fluid supply in the body. But there are cases when you want to drink constantly, regardless of the number of drunk.

A strong thirst is a symptom indicating the water deficit in the body. Consider the main causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and options for preventing disorder.

When the water level decreases, the body takes moisture from saliva, which makes it a viscous, and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is dry. Due to dehydration, the skin loses elasticity, headaches and dizziness appear, the features of the face are sharp. This happens in some diseases and pathological conditions of the body. In this case, it requires a medical consultation and a number of diagnostic procedures to establish a real reason.

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Causes of severe thirst

There are many reasons for increased liquid need, consider the most common:

  • Dehydration - occurs with intensive physical exertion, when bleeding or diarrhea, as well as with a hot climate. Alcohol and coffee contribute to ailment. To eliminate the restoration of the water salt balance, it is recommended to drink more water.
  • Evaporation of water from then - increased air temperature and physical exertion cause sweating, after which you want to drink. This body's reaction is considered normal. Fears should cause excess sweating, which may indicate diseases of the nervous system, increased body temperature, inflammatory processes, lung disease, heart, kidney, or immune system. This state requires medical diagnostics, as it may lead to serious consequences.
  • Dry air - the body loses moisture with very dry air. This happens in rooms with air conditioning. To normalize humidity, you need more drinking water and make plants that raise moisture.
  • Soft water - if there is an insufficient content of mineral salts in water, then it causes a constant desire to drink. The thing is that mineral salts contribute to the absorption and retention of water in the body. It is recommended to drink mineral water chloride-sodium group with a small content of salts or bottled with normalized mineral content.
  • Hard water - the excess of mineral salts also negatively affects the body, as well as their disadvantage. If they are in excess, they attract water and make it difficult to assimilate the cells.
  • Acute or salty food - such products annoy the mouth and throat, and the desire to drink occurs reflexively. It is recommended to abandon such food for a while, if there was airs-of-huge, then you can not worry and return to the usual diet.
  • A diuretic food - similar products derive water from the body, which is why there is dehydration and the desire to drink. Discard from such food, if everything is normalized, there are no health problems. But if the polydipsy remains, it is worth seeking medical care.
  • Sugar diabetes - the desire to drink and dry in the mouth remains after abundant drinking and accompanied by frequent urges to urination. In addition, dizziness, headaches, sharp bandy weights are possible. With such symptoms, it is necessary to pass the analysis on blood sugar.
  • Drinking alcohol - alcoholic drinks suck water from body tissues, creating dehydration.
  • The dysfunction of parathyroid glands - hyperparathyroidism is accompanied by a constant desire to drink. This is due to a violation of the level of calcium level in the body by secretion of the parathyroid hormone. The patient complains of muscle weakness, bone pain, renal colic, reduced memory and fatigue. With similar symptoms, it is necessary to visit the endocrinologist and pass a number of analyzes.
  • Medicinal preparations - antibiotics, antihistamines, diuretic, hypotensive and expectorants cause dry mouth. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor and choose another medication.
  • Kidney diseases - due to the inflammatory kidney process, the liquid does not hold, causing the need for water. At the same time, problems with urination and swelling are observed. To eliminate the illness, you need to contact the nephrologist, hand over the urine for analysis and pass the ultrasound.
  • Liver diseases - In addition to the deficiency of the liquid, nausea appears, the yellowing of the skin and the proteins of the eyes, pain in the right hypochondrium, frequent nose bleeding. With such symptoms, it is worth turning to the therapist and undergo a study of the liver for the subject of pathologies.
  • Injuries - very often traumatic scalp damage cause severe thirst. For treatment, you need to contact a neurologist, since without medical intervention is possible edema of the brain.

Thirst as a symptom of the disease

The polydipsia occurs under the influence of many factors, but in some cases it is a symptom of the disease. At first, there is a feeling of thirst, which is impossible to quench. This may be due to violations of the functioning of the body and the imbalance of salts and liquid. The desire to apply is accompanied by a strong dryness in the oral cavity and the pharynx, which is associated with a reduced saliva secretion due to a liquid deficiency.

  • The indomitable thirst, as a rule, indicates the development of diabetes mellitus. In this case, an abundant and frequent urination is observed, a violation of hormonal balance and water-salt metabolism.
  • The increased function of the parachitoid glands is another disease that is accompanied by polydipsey. The patient complains of muscle weakness, increased fatigue, sharp weight loss. Urine has a white color, such a color is associated with the calcium washed from the bones.
  • Kidney disease Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis - cause dryness in the mouth, swelling and problems with urination. Disorder arises due to the fact that the affected organ cannot hold the required amount of fluid in the body.
  • Brain injuries and neurosurgery operations - lead to the development of unacceptable diabetes, which causes a constant lack of water. At the same time, regardless of the amount of liquid consumed, dehydration does not pass.
  • Stress and nervous experiences, mental disorders (schizophrenia, obsessive states) - most often women suffer from thirst for reasons. In addition, irritability appears, fiscaliness, constant desire to sleep.

In addition to the above-described diseases, the unfortunate desire to drink occurs in narcotic and alcohol addiction, hyperglycemia, infections, burns, liver diseases and the cardiovascular system.

Strong thirst in the evening

Very often in the evening, the inexplicable feeling of thirst appears. Such a condition is associated with a slowdown in the metabolic processes in the body. On average, during the day it drinks up to 2 liters of water, in the heat the need for fluid increases regardless of day. But in some cases, the strong and uncontrolled desire to get drunk water occurs due to certain diseases. If the disorder is holding for several days, but is not associated with heat or increased physical exertion in the evening, then it is worth seeking medical care.

It is mandatory to examine the thyroid gland, to do ultrasound kidneys, pass the analysis of the hormones of the thyroid (TSH, T3SV., T4SV., ATPU, ATTG), urine analysis, blood on the biochemistry and renal complex (creatinine, glomeric filtration, urea).

One of the common causes of thirst is intoxication. A classic example of disorder is a hangover. The decay products of alcohol begin to poison the body, and in order to get rid of them to get rid of a large amount of water. This is necessary for the output of toxins by naturally, that is, through the kidneys. If there are no problems with alcohol, but I want to drink anyway, then the reason may be associated with infection or virus. Sugar and unacceptable diabetes, oncological diseases, heavy stress and nervous disorders, also provoke increased water intake in the evening.

Strong thirst at night

Strong polydipsy at night occurs through a variety of reasons, each of which requires a detailed study. First of all, it is necessary to find out how much water man uses during the day. If the fluids are not enough, the body is dehydrated and requires replenishing the water-salt balance. The lack of fluid appears when drinking coffee, salty, sweet and sharp foods overnight. Too dense dinner, can provoke a night awakening for quenching thirst. In this case, on the morning, the skin looks swelling and edema.

Disabilities may be caused by dry air in a sleep room. Snoring and breathing in a dream with an open mouth, cause drying the mucous membrane and the desire to drink. Various endocrine diseases, infections, inflammation and kidney disease, also provoke attacks thirst at night.

Strong thirst after sleep

The polydipsia after sleep is the common phenomenon with which everyone faced. The desire to get drunk water is very often accompanied by an increased viscosity of saliva, difficulty in swallowing, an unpleasant smell of mouth and burning language and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. As a rule, similar symptoms in the morning point to intoxicating the body, which could come due to non-valid use of alcohol on the eve of the evening.

Some drugs provoke a frustration in the morning clock. This applies to night overeating. If a defect appears systematically, it may indicate a diabetes mellitus of the second type, one of the symptoms of which is insufficient soluba production in the morning and its increased viscosity.

If the lack of fluid appears episodically, then such a state occurs during stress, nervous disorders and experiences. Infectious diseases with elevated body temperature, also cause thirst after sleep.

Strong thirst and nausea

The pronounced polydipsia and nausea is a combination of symptoms indicating nutritional poisoning or intestinal infections. Very often, these features appear before the deployed clinical picture, which is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. Unpleasant symptoms can appear in the errors in the diet and when overeating.

If the lack of fluid is accompanied by dryness and bitterness in the mouth, except for nausea appears heartburn, belching and white flare in the language, then these may be signs of such diseases:

  • Dyskinesia biliary ducts - occurs during diseases of the gallbladder. Maybe one of the symptoms of pancreatitis, cholecystitis or gastritis.
  • The inflammation of the gums - the desire to get drunk and nausea is accompanied by a metal flavor in the mouth, burning gums and language.
  • Gastritis of the stomach - patients complain about pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, heartburn and a feeling of overcrowding.
  • The use of drugs - some antibiotics and antihistamine medicines cause the symptoms described above.
  • Neurotic disorders, psychosis, neurosis, Amenorrhea - Violations of the central nervous system often causes a liquid deficiency in the body, nausea attacks and other unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thyroid diseases - due to changes in the motor function of biliary tract, spasmodification of bile ducts occurs and the emission of adrenaline increases. This leads to the fact that a white or yellow flare appears in the language, as well as bitterness, dryness and lack of liquid.

In any case, if such disorders are kept within a few days, it is necessary to seek medical help. The doctor will appreciate additional symptoms (the presence of abdominal pain, disorders of digestive and chair), which may indicate the disease of the digestive system, and will hold a number of diagnostic studies to determine other possible pathologies caused by nausea and dehydration.

Strong thirst and dry mouth

Strong dehydration with dry mouth - these are signs indicating a violation of the water balance of the body. Cerostomy or dryness in the oral cavity occurs due to decreasing or stopping saliva. This happens with certain diseases of infectious nature, with lesions of respiratory and nervous systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and autoimmune diseases. Ailver can be temporary, but with the exacerbation of chronic diseases or the use of drugs, it appears systematically.

If the lack of liquid and dryness in the mouth is accompanied by such symptoms as: frequent urges in the toilet or problems with urination, dryness in the nose and throat, cracks in the corners of the mouth, dizziness, changing the taste of food and beverages, from viscosity in the mouth. It becomes vague. Swallow, an unpleasant smell of mouth appears, this indicates a serious disease that requires medical care.

Strong thirst after eating

The emergence of a strong thirst after meals has a physiological substantiation. The fact is that the body works on the balancing of all substances into it. This also applies to salt that falls with food. Sensual receptors give the brain a signal about its presence in cells and tissues, so a desire to drink is appear in order to reduce the balance of the salt. Dehydration occurs when drinking acute food and sweets.

In order to normalize the water-salt balance after eating, 20-30 minutes before meals, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of purified water. This will allow the body to absorb all the beneficial substances entering the body with food and will not cause the desire to get drunk. 30-40 minutes after meals you need to drink another glass of liquid. If you get drunk immediately after meals, it can cause pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract, belching, a feeling of gravity and even nausea.

Strong thirst for metformin

Many patients who were prescribed metformin complain of severe thirst caused by means of reception. The medicine is included in the category of antidiabetic medicines used in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus and with violation of glucose tolerance. As a rule, it is well tolerated, and besides the main drug action, it helps to significantly reduce weight. The normalization of body weight is possible if diet and physical exertion have not helped to remove extra kilograms for a long period of time.

  • The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of endocrinological and gynecological diseases. The active substance reduces the appetite, reduces the absorption of glucose in the distal gastrointestinal departments, slows down the synthesis of the glycogen of the liver and regulates the level of glucose. The medicine reduces the stimulation of pancreatic cells responsible for the production of insulin, which reduces appetite.
  • The medication is accepted inward, dosage and duration of use are determined by the attending physician and depend on the testimony. One-time dose - 500 mg. During the use of tablets, it is necessary to abandon simple carbohydrates, as they can cause side effects by the gastrointestinal tract. If the medicine caused nausea, then the dosage decreases twice.
  • Tablets are contraindicated in the period of pregnancy and lactation, with cardiac, renal and liver failure. Pronounced polydipsia, is also contraindicated to use. The medicine is not prescribed to patients under 15 years old.
  • If during the use of the medication does not comply with a fragile diet, then side effects are possible. Most often, patients complain about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, the appearance of a metal taste. Prolonged use can cause B12 deficient anemia.

Competent use of metformin with clear observance of the dosage and without exceeding the recommended course of therapy, does not cause dehydration or any other side effects.

Strong thirst for a child

The reinforced polydipsee is characteristic of patients of children's age category. Many parents do not follow the water balance of the child's body. So, if the kid is long in the street or under the scoring sun, it can cause not only dehydration, then a thermal impact. Thirst in children has both physiological reasons that arise due to salt, acute and sweet food, and pathological, that is, caused by certain diseases.

Treatment depends on what cause is based on it. The symptom cannot be ignored and at the first opportunity it is recommended to take the child to the pediatrician. The doctor will hold an integrated examination and will help get rid of malaise.

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Strong thirst for pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period for each woman, as it is characterized by a high load on the body. During the toasting, the future mother very often suffers from dehydration. The human body is 80% of water. Water is present in all cells and is the key to the normal functioning of the body. The fluid deficit slows down the metabolic processes and pathologically affects both the mother's body and the development of the fetus.

  • In the early period of pregnancy, the fruit begins to form and its body does not function fully. This concerns the bodies responsible for neutralizing toxins and the conclusion of slags. Therefore, a woman feels the need for a large amount of liquid necessary for their elimination.
  • Water is needed for the formation of an oily fluid in which the child develops. From each week its volume increases, which means that thirst increases.
  • Another reason for the increased need for water is the restructuring of the circulatory system, which is completed by 20 weeks of tolerance. Due to the deficit of the fluid, blood becomes too thick. This is a threat, both for the future mother and for the child, as can form intravascular blood clots, ischemic damage and other pathologies.
  • Changing taste preferences - during pregnancy, a woman pulls into food experiments. Excessive use of sweet, sharp, salted and fat requires an additional fluid for digesting and output from the body of an increased amount of salt.

In some cases, doctors limit pregnant women in the use of water. This is due to bad urine tests, swelling, multi-way. Increased water accumulation may cause gestosis and premature genera. If dehydration is accompanied by dryness in the oral cavity, it may indicate the development of serious diseases. Sometimes future mothers diagnose gestational diabetes, which is detected in urine and blood analyzes. In this case, a woman is prescribed a special diet to normalize blood sugar. Viral diseases, microbial infections, gastrointestinal diseases and respiratory tract are also accompanied by polydipsey.

Thirst - This is a phenomenon that indicates the need to fill the water reserves in the body. Thirst is observed in a healthy person after severe physical exertion, in a strong heat, after using a very acute and salty food. However, if the feeling of what you want to drink does not leave constantly, then such a symptom can be quite serious and testify to the development of severe diseases.

How does the thirst manifest?

With the thirst, a person feels an insurmountable desire to drink liquid. Thirst is one of the main biological motivations that ensures the normal functioning of the body. The feeling of thirst helps maintain equilibrium between the content of salts and water content.

The main manifestation of thirst is severe dryness in the mouth and throat, which is explained decrease in Salyun secretion due to the shortage of water in the body. In this case, we are talking about true thirst . Sometimes the same symptoms develop after eating very dry food, after a long talk, smoking. it false thirst , to eliminate which you can, just moisturizing the cavity of the mouth. If we are talking about true thirst, then moisturizing only softens a little, but does not eliminate the desire to drink.

In order to prevent thirst, it is necessary to replenish the supply of fluid in the body in a timely manner. To do this, you should know how to calculate the need for water. To date, it is believed that the daily need for water for a healthy adult is about 30-40 g per 1 kg of its weight. Applying such a rule can be easily calculated, what is the need for the body in water per day for a person with a certain weight. But, making such calculations, it should be noted that a number of other factors affect the need of a person in water. If a person often sweats due to an active lifestyle, he will need an extra liquid. Another factor affecting the emergence of thirst is air temperature. On hot days or in too hot, you need to drink much more. Loss of liquid increase stressful situations , some illnesses , pregnancy and. Doctors suggest that in the form of pure drinking water, a person must eat about 1.2 liters of liquid daily. Another part of the water enters the body with a variety of food.

Why does thirst arise?

Why I want to drink, explained very simple. Thirst arises, since the human body regularly loses moisture. Moisture is lost both with physical and mental loads. Thirst may also observe with a sense of strong excitement. But if we are talking about a constant thirst, then a person feels the desire to drink constantly, and, how much liquid he drank before, does not matter. Pathological thirst called polydipseia .

In medicine, a number of reasons are defined that determine the emergence of a permanent thirst. First of all, I want to drink much if there is no moisture in the body or salt. Such a phenomenon can be the result strong vomiting , and etc.

Most often, the human body lacks fluid on hot days. If the human body goes too much water, then in order to avoid dehydration, the body begins to work in moisture conservation mode. Drying the skin, the mucous membranes breathe, the eyes are wade. Urination becomes very rare, as the body is trying to keep moisture. Therefore, at high temperatures, with diarrhea, vomiting, abundant sweating need to drink a lot of fluid. When restoring a water balance in the body, thirst disappears.

Thirst can be provoked by the use of too much alcohol, salted products, coffee-containing food. Often women want to drink a lot of water when pregnancy, especially in the warm season. Thirst also causes a number of medication. May want to drink when taking diuretic drugs , tetracycline row , lithium , phenothiazina .

Sometimes a person himself does not understand why I want to drink a lot. In this case, we can talk about the development of some serious diseases.

The indomitable thirst can very often testify to the development of a person. Especially carefully to such a symptom of the baby should take the parents. If the child wants to drink often, and it is also observed, it may indicate the start of diabetes. In this case, the thirst is observed due to the fact that there is a violation of a hormonal balance in the body, which, in turn, entails a violation of water-salt metabolism.

The constant sensation of thirst may indicate an enlarged function. parachitovoid glands . With this disease, a person complains about other symptoms - there is a weakness in the muscles, weakness is observed, strong fatigue. Watering is highlighted, as it is painted with calcium, flushed from bones.

In most cases, thirst accompanies kidney disease - glomerulonephritis , etc. When defeating the kidneys cannot hold the required amount of water in the body, due to this, the need for fluid increases significantly. In this case, the thirst can be accompanied by edema, since the amount of urine released decreases.

It happens that thirst is a consequence neurosurgical operations or injury to the brain. This may lead to development. nonachar diabetes . Despite the fact that a person drinks a lot of fluid throughout the day, the thirst is not quenched.

The thirst emerged on the nervous soil often develops stressful situations. In most cases, such a phenomenon is characteristic of women. In addition to the thirst among female representatives in such a state, there are often plaslability, irritability, whims, and a woman constantly want to drink and sleep.

Another important reason for the constant thirst in humans may be drug addiction. This moment should take into account the parents, watching the behavior of their children if they often want to drink.

In addition to the above, the permanent thirst may indicate hyperglycemia , diseases of the liver , infections , burns . In the heart pathologies, the thirst is due to the fact that the heart cannot provide the necessary level of blood supply.

How to overcome thirst?

If a person really wants to drink all the time, then, first of all, you should take care to eliminate the presence of serious diseases. Determine the reasons why you often want to drink, you can after you have a high-quality and complete diagnosis. Therefore, with suspicion of development sugar diabetes and other diseases that may be accompanied by a strong thirst, it is necessary to visit the doctor and tell him in detail about the symptoms. First of all, it is advisable to get consultation endocrinologist. The specialist will appoint general and biochemical studies. The presence of an increased level of sugar in the blood indicates the development of diabetes. But if diabetes or other serious diseases will be detected at an early stage, then it is possible to prevent serious consequences much easier.

For sugar diabetes The patient is assigned to those medicines that will reduce blood sugar. With a clear observance of the treatment regimen, you can reduce unpleasant symptoms and avoid the manifestation of a constant thirst.

But if the thirst pins without visible reasons, it is necessary to revise some habits. First of all, you should not quit thirst roasted sweet drinks, beer.other alcoholic beverages. Mineral water - Also not the best option for thickening thirst, as it contains a large number of salts.

In the diet should be less canned, smoked, fatty and too salty dishes. It is especially important to adhere to this rule on hot days. In the summer, vegetables, fruits, food, cooked for a couple, will help to avoid constant desire to drink. It is undesirable to quench the thirst with cold water, since the body is much better in room temperature. Very well thicken thirst on hot days chilled outstanding tea, decoration mint., raspberries and other berries or herbs. You can also add a little lemon juice.

If thirst provoke medicationsIt is necessary to report this to a doctor who can prescribe substitutes for such drugs or change the treatment scheme.

If the thirst is the consequence of stress, you should not constantly drink a large amount of water. It is enough to periodically make lips, rinse with water with water. To overcome stress, because of which there is a desire to drink, plant preparations can help -, valerian .

People who want to drink all the time, often do not even think that such a state of affairs is not the norm. They do not even notice how countless glasses, mugs and bottles with liquid dry, whether tea, coffee, juice, compote, mineral water or just water. Even their loved ones get used to such "features" behavior and do not pay attention. In fact, the search for roots is very important for health.

  1. To maintain water-salt balance
  2. To ensure thermoregulation
  3. To improve well-being
  4. To ensure normal metabolism
  5. For blood dilution
  6. For lubrication joints
  7. For energy
  8. To improve digestion

According to studies, the average daily rate of fluid consumption for a person is about two liters. But some lovers manage to drink much more. Some do not even have discomfort in the form of a frequent visit to the toilet or full stomach. Why do you always want to drink? Where does the desire to saturate the body by the life of moisture?

Reasons for frequent hunt Drink:

False drinks.

It is proved that any liquid, except for water, is not able to truly quench thirst. After all, only H2O is a drink for the body, and everything else is the food. Moreover, some drinks, especially sweet or alcoholic cause dehydration of the body. Everyone knows what drunken in the morning after the evening drinking of hot drinks. Also cause thirst for lemonade and cola in connection with the increase in blood sugar.

Wrong drinking process.

If large sips quickly drink a lot (1-3 liters) of water or other liquid, then the stomach will be filled immediately, and the thirst will not retreat. Because the brain will process the signal on obtaining moisture only for 10 minutes. It is not surprising that during this time I want to drink more and more, especially if it was not possible to drink immediately.

With renal and heart failure, diabetes, liver diseases there is a permanent thirst. This is due to the violation of the functions of vital organs, while the water balance of the body is disturbed, because too much fluid is outlocked.

Injury or brain pathology.

The center responsible for the feeling of thirst is in the brain, if it is damaged due to injury or is affected by a tumor, he sends distorted signals.


If a person is under dry and warm air, it will be thirst all the time, because the flow rate of the liquid in the body will increase by drying the mucous membranes and increase the sweating.

Incorrect meals

It is known that after the use of salty, sweet, smoked, sharp and flour food pulls on the water. It is quite logical that if you eat such products all the time, then the thirst will not disappear, because the body needs water to assimilate the "heavy" food and the elimination of harmful substances contained in it.

Work specifics.

People who, by virtue of the profession, have to talk a lot (teachers, politicians, leading, etc.), often experience thirst due to the drying of the mucous membrane. Who works in dry warm rooms, especially physically. After all, the amount of fluid derived by the body is increased to maintain normal body temperature.

Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Avoid smokers and drug addicts often suffer from thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove poisonous substances that poison blood and all organs. If you use alcohol in the evening in large doses, then the organism will suffer from dehydration, which is confirmed by the so-called drying. Also, the thirst is one of the main signs of a person who uses drugs.

Reception of medicines.

Some drugs have a side effect - dry mouth, which provokes the appearance of thirst. These include diuretic, antibiotics, expectorant, sedatives.

Fresh stress or excitement.

It is proved that when a person worries or worries, he feels dry mouth, it can be regarded as thirst. The reason lies in the tagging of heartbeat, rapid breathing, often increased sweating caused by stress.

Why not drink a lot

A frequent thirst leads to what you have to drink a lot to quench the desire of the body. But excessive use of fluid adversely affects man. In history, even lethal cases of "intoxication" with water are recorded. What trouble can Votokhlebov help?

  1. Violated saline balance of the body
  2. Kidney and heart are overloaded
  3. Stretch stomach

How to deal with the desire

To begin with, you need to learn how to drink simple clean water. Not even mineral, but, moreover, not carbonated. Scientists argue that tea, sweet carbonated and other drinks thirst do not quench. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, because for their assimilation requires simple water.

Next, you need to establish the right drink process. It is to eat water slowly, making small throats. After all, it has long been proven that the feeling of thirst disappears by about 10 minutes after the use of fluid.

Recommend the daily rate of water to drink regularly equal portions, without waiting for the appearance of thirst. But it should be noted that under certain conditions (exercise sports, increasing body temperature, strong sweating) N2O need to be increased.

Also advise to take the use of clean water in the morning in the morning after sleep and before each meal, approximately 10-15 minutes. Morning drink will help the body to wake up faster.

A glass of water before meals will help determine whether the body really needs food or just feeling hunger is intertwined with thirst. If 10 minutes after drinking water, you do not want to eat, it means there was a signal about the need for water. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then it's time to eat.

With anomalous thirst, it is best to consult a doctor. Establishing the reasons for regular thirst will help to understand the problem and avoid worsening health. In such a situation, it is better to pass the tests, the first of which is the blood test on sugar. Perhaps it will be recommended MRI brain, ultrasound kidneys, liver.

It is interesting:

So-called drinks are not really drinking, but food. This is explained by the fact that the assimilation of any substance, except for the water, the body should spend certain energy. Therefore, the expressions of the type "Exclude tea" used before.

The lack of salt in the body is also dangerous as its excess. If a person limits the use of salt, drinks a lot of water, it can quite earn such a disease as hypongatremia.

It is believed that if you drink more than three liters of water in an hour, you can die from brain edema, lungs or lowering potassium levels in the body.

Thirst arises when the body is already dehydrated by 2%. With a loss of 10% of fluid, a person starts dizziness, violation of speech, movement coordination, at 20-25% - lethal outcome.

For runners on long-term distances, a special drink mode has been developed to quench thirst and not harm the body with an overaffect of fluid.

Frequent thirst can have many reasons. In any case, it is worth sticking to a healthy lifestyle, regular and balanced nutrition, drinking 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is better to use only for the treatment of a doctor's prescription. Then the body will work like a clock, and the drinking mode will go to its norm, thirst will stop disturbing.

Thirst is a natural body reaction, which is not enough liquid. This is alert that you need to replenish the reserves of the giving moisture. Why do you want to drink water all the time? This may occur for various reasons. But in any case, it is important to fill the lack of fluid if it requires an organism.

When the feeling of thirst is constantly, and water does not save from it, this phenomenon is not considered the norm. Symptom may indicate dangerous diseases of blood or internal organs. Therefore, it is important to find out why all the time you want to drink water.

The role of water

Considering the topic, why all the time I want to drink, you should familiarize yourself with the function of fluid in the body. Water maintains a liquid balance, so the body dries without it. After all, it consists of 60% of water.

To other water functions include:

  • digestion;
  • blood circulation by vessels;
  • elimination of harmful substances, slags;
  • cell saturation with nutrients;
  • maintaining normal body temperature;
  • selection of saliva.

When training in the gym or at home you need to drink water to replenish its losses during sweating. After training, you should immediately drink in small sips. For some people, the use of water during training acts relaxing.

The liquid is necessary for the skin so that it has a healthy look. Without it, it will be wrinkled, dry, dirling. To enhance its delay on the skin, a moisturizing cream is used.

The kidneys without water are not able to properly remove the nitrogen of urea from the blood and other water-soluble slags. There is a risk of rock formation in the kidneys. Water allows you to function normally intestines, protect against constipation. This is especially effective when combined with fiber. Adjusting the balance of water occurs through the pituitary gland, giving the kidney command.

Liquid perfectly controls calorie intake. It fills the stomach, and man eats less. This is used to lose weight. Why do you want to drink all the time? The reasons for this state are presented below.

Heavy and Fatty Food

Products in which there are plenty of water provide faster saturation, support satiety, having a small amount of calories. Therefore, it is advisable to eat:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • bean;
  • oatmeal;
  • soups on the boulevard.

But why do you want to drink all the time? This phenomenon may be associated with meat abuse, fatty food. This is one of the reasons why you want to drink during meals. Thirst causes salted food. Why do you want to drink during meals? This may occur when the sweet food is used.

After eating the body, there will be a lot of water, since waste from the use of such food needs to withdraw the kidneys and stomach. But it is not possible to fulfill such work the organs will not be able, there are edema, the pressure rises, the joints are sick.

Therefore, it is so important to eat correctly, adding more vegetables, greens to each reception. Heavy, full, oily food leads to what I want to sleep, drink, let's let down. Energy in man will not be.


Why do you want to drink all the time? This is always happening after drinking alcohol. This phenomenon is associated with the dehydration of the body from alcoholic beverages. This state is dangerous, especially for leaving.

The risk of the formation of thrombus due to thick blood is high. Slags are not removed from the cells, are located in them and destroyed from the inside. No cell power, nutrient components do not come without water to cells. Therefore, you should get rid of this bad habit.


This is another answer to the question why I want to drink all the time? At the same time, the fear of the patient often torments thirst. A person uses a lot of water, but can't get drunk. Also observed constant dryness in the mouth, severe urination, constant hunger.

All the time I want to drink water due to the high content of blood sugar. Each glucose molecule is attracted to each blood molecule, the required amount of water molecules is attracted. Over time, dehydration occurs.

Mandatory treatment, a decrease in blood sugar, a diet with carbohydrate controls. Refined food should be eliminated. Sugar in the blood needs to be constantly monitored.

Nonachar diabetes

If all the time I want to drink, the reason may be in this rare disease. Nonachar diabetes leads a shortage of vasopressin - antidiuretic hormone.

The pituitary diabetes is manifested in the form of allocating a large number of diluted urine, thirst, huge water consumption. Only the introduction of vasopressin stops this process. This disease appears due to the violation of the pituitary operation.

Treatment is performed by despopressin or adiuretin. There are medicines of adiuretin, which are used intramuscularly or intravenously. Lack of water can affect the desire to drink water. The fluid consumption must be normalized and hold the norms - 1.5 liters per day.

Other reasons

If all the time you want to drink water, the reasons may be in:

  1. Dehydration. This is observed with strong physical exertion, bleeding, diarrhea, hot climate. Alcohol and coffee lead to the dehydration of the body. To resolve the problem, you need to drink more water.
  2. Evaporation of water from then. High air temperature and physical exertion lead to a strong sweating, after which you want to drink. This reaction is normal, concerns should occur during excess sweating. It may indicate diseases of the nervous system, elevated temperature, inflammation, heart disease, kidney, immune system. In this case, the diagnosis is required.
  3. Dry air. The organism is lost moisture. This happens in rooms with air conditioning. To normalize humidity, you should drink more water and make plants raising moisture.
  4. Soft water. If the liquid contains insufficiently mineral salts, it leads to a strong thirst. It is advisable to drink mineral water chloride-sodium with minimum salts.
  5. Rigid water. An increase in the number of mineral salts adversely affects the body. In excess, the absorption of fiber is complicated.
  6. Parasoid dysfunction glands. This is due to violation of calcium level control. The patient will have muscle weakness, bone pain, renal colic.
  7. Medicines - antibiotics, antihistamine medicines, diuretic preparations.
  8. Kidney diseases. Inflamed kidneys do not hold the liquid, which leads to the need for water.
  9. Liver diseases. In addition to lack of liquid, nausea arises, yellowing of the skin, eye proteins.
  10. Injuries. Head damage often lead to a strong thirst.

When carrying a child

Why do you want to drink during pregnancy? Cheating a child - a difficult period, in which a strong load is placed on the body. This time there is severe dehydration. Water is in all cells and is considered the key to the normal operation of the body. Liquid shortage slows down the exchange and pathologically affects the organism of the mother and child.

I constantly want to drink during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. In the early deadlines, the formation of the fetus, and its body does not fully work. This refers to the organs that are responsible for the neutralization of toxins and the removal of slags. Therefore, the need for the use of liquid is felt.
  2. Water is required to form an oily fluid where the child develops. From each week its volume increases, so thirst increases.
  3. Another reason is the restructuring of the circulatory system, which is completed by 20 weeks of tolerance. Due to the lack of fluid, the blood becomes thick. This leads to the risk of the appearance of thromboms, ischemic damage and other pathologies.
  4. Taste preferences change. Since during pregnancy, it has a sweet, sharp, salty, fatty, need extra liquid to digest and remove the fluid.

Sometimes doctors limit pregnant women in the use of water. This is due to bad urine tests, edema, multi-way. High water accumulation can lead to gestosis and premature birth.

If during dehydration, dry mouth is observed, then this may indicate serious illnesses. Often, the future mothers are detected gestational diabetes mellitus, detected by urine and blood analyzes. Then the diet is required to restore blood sugar norm.

Why do you want to drink during breastfeeding? During breastfeeding, approximately 1-1.5 l of milk is produced during the day. For its production you need a fluid, so women are thirsty. The norm at this time will be 2-2.5 liters per day.


The constant sensation of thirst is usually the first clinical sign and is almost never considered the only symptom. Usually there are those manifestations that are characteristic of pathology that caused.

The feeling of thirst manifests itself in the form:

  • dryness in the mouth;
  • separation of light urins;
  • tongue laid;
  • weakness and general alert;
  • pressure fluctuations and heart rate;
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • severe skin itching;
  • dysfots and belching;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • changes in skin shade;
  • frequent urges for urination;
  • swelling of legs;
  • pain with localization at the site of the affected organ;
  • reduction or complete absence of appetite;
  • sleep disorders.

Patients should be remembered that these are only some symptoms. Together with them there is a strong thirst.


What if you want to drink all the time? It is necessary to consult a doctor. Diagnosis of dehydration is a long process, since malaise may indicate pathology. Usually, the disorder is considered in several aspects - diabetes, diseases of the kidneys, hearts, vessels.

Applied diagnostic procedures depend on additional symptoms that are manifested with thirst. It will take blood tests and urine to biochemistry. An analysis of thyroid hormones, renal and liver samples is also assigned.


Therapy depends on the main ailment. It is necessary to restore the water-salt balance. Do not limit drink. There are several recommendations to eliminate malaise:

  1. Every hour should drink at ½ cup of clean water. A day should drink 2 liters of fluid.
  2. You should pay attention to urination. The norm is urine a little yellow color without a sharp smell.
  3. When exercising sports and physical labor, water reserves should be replenished. Therefore, before training or work in 15 minutes, ½ cup of water should be drunk.
  4. If the lack of water is permanent, then you need to pass the blood test on sugar. After all, it is likely that malaise is caused by diabetes.

With frequent and severe dehydration, you should visit the therapist or endocrinologist. If the high need for a liquid arose after the head injury, then you need to turn to a neurologist and trauma.

How to eliminate desire?

First you need to learn how to use clean water. Scientists believe that tea, sweet carbonated and other drinks cannot quench thirst. On the contrary, they lead to the dehydration of the body.

Then you need to restore the correct drink process. It is based on the fact that water should be used without a rush, in small sips. The feeling of thirst takes 10 minutes after taking the fluid.

The daily rate is better divided into identical portions. Do not wait for the appearance of thirst. But sometimes (during sports, high body temperature, strong sweating) the amount of fluid needs to be increased.

It is advisable to use water in the morning immediately after sleep and before meals, for 10-15 minutes. Morning intake allows you to quickly wake up. A glass of water before meals allows you to eat less.

Why not drink a lot of water?

Thirst leads to what I want to quench this desire. But more than the amount of fluid adversely affects a person. Negative consequences include:

  • violation of salt balance;
  • renal overload and heart;
  • stretching the stomach.


Prevention is to eliminate factors that lead to disorder. The main task is to establish the cause:

  1. It should be abandoned from bad habits - smoking, alcohol, oxidation of oily, salted, acute food. Coffee and snacks lead to the desire to drink.
  2. It should be monitored by the amount of water drunk on the day. Whatever the diet, no less than 2 liters of pure fluid should be consumed.
  3. It is necessary to control the air in the room. Dry air leads to thirst. You can use humidifiers or make room plants.

It is useful to drink milk and drinks from it - ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt. It is important that all products are not fat. Suitable tea from blueberries, chamomiles. You can use juices - ink, pomegranate, tomato. They must be fresh. Mineral water should be chosen without gas.


It depends on the reasons. If the ailment is considered a sign of diabetes, then it will be necessary to be treated all my life. This is therapy that allows you to maintain the normal level of sugar and glucose in the blood. If the disorder is associated with diseases of the kidneys and heart, then the root cause should be eliminated.

The thirst that appears from psychological factors requires the help of a psychologist or a neuropathologist. When eliminating provoking factors, the forecast is positive. In any case, you should not ignore this symptom.

In frequent thirst for many reasons. In any case, it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle, eating properly, to use 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is desirable to use only for treatment with the appointment of a doctor. Then the body will start working normally, and the thirst will disappear.

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