After the illness, I lost my appetite. No appetite: reasons. Appetite boosters. When you need medical help

Do you know what many people who want to lose weight dream about? No?! Yes, about losing your appetite just like that without any reason... But not wanting to eat is a state that does not at all indicate health and the correct flow of processes in the body. Why? Because many reasons can lead to loss of appetite, not just self-esteem. Very often, appetite disappears due to stress, psychological problems, and nervous disorders. Sometimes lack of appetite can be associated with long-term use of certain medications. These may be some types of antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of arthritis, to lower blood pressure, eliminate swelling, and painkillers. But there may be other reasons.

To establish an objective reason for the lack of normal need for food, you need to undergo an examination. Very often, in addition to psychological reasons, lack of appetite can be a consequence of certain painful conditions. This can serve as an alarming signal that all is not well in the body, and there are serious changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Therefore, if you experience frequent, long-term loss of appetite, it would be right to contact your local physician, or consult with specialists - a gastroenterologist, psychologist or nutritionist.

Some reasons for not wanting to eat

As we have already said, loss of appetite can occur due to health problems. The most common reasons are:

Disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: The occurrence of gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis. These diseases are often accompanied by pain, weakness, nausea, which often leads to a lack of desire to eat, leading to severe exhaustion.

Errors in diet: If you want to get rid of excess weight, a person exhausts himself with a diet. As a result, nutrition becomes irrational and restrictive. The diet lacks a certain category of foods and nutrients. Rapid weight loss begins, accompanied by loss of appetite. It often ends in the development of anorexia.

Fasting: With a long or one-day refusal to eat, a complete loss of appetite often occurs. Especially if fasting occurs without medical supervision. Carrying out such fasting on your own is very dangerous, since if you have diseases for which fasting is contraindicated, their exacerbation may begin. This very often causes complete loss of appetite.

Incorrect treatment, products harmful to health: Long-term use of potent drugs, medications, herbal infusions, decoctions, without a doctor’s recommendation or with an incorrect diagnosis, is one of the reasons for loss of appetite. Also, refusal to eat can be caused by drug use, smoking, alcohol abuse, certain weight loss products, and the use of low-quality medications.

Improper (irrational) nutrition: Appetite disappears due to poor diet, expired, stale foods, the consumption of which leads to the formation of poisons and toxins. The entry of these harmful substances into the blood leads to poor health when you don’t feel like eating at all.

Psycho-emotional state: Under stress, frustration, after conflicts, quarrels, troubles, a person often withdraws into himself and refuses food

Consequences of impaired appetite

Of course, every person experiences this state at least once in their life. With a short-term violation, nothing terrible will happen, since the body is capable of self-healing. However, if you don’t want to eat for a long time and this condition occurs often, this can lead to very adverse health consequences. With prolonged fasting, hunger is felt by all internal organs and tissues of the body, including the brain.

A particularly dangerous consequence of fasting is anorexia. This disease occurs against the background of prolonged hunger and is caused by psychopathological disorders. Recently, the so-called anorexia nervosa has become widespread. First, a person seeks to correct the shortcomings of his figure and refuses food. Then the appetite disappears completely. During fasting, muscle atrophy occurs, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted, and the functions of entire systems and individual internal organs are disrupted. The longer a person starves himself, the food completely ceases to be absorbed by the body. This is a very dangerous condition and requires long-term treatment.

Long walks in the fresh air and vigorous exercise will help you regain a good appetite. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that stimulate the appetite have a good effect. Prepare infusions from the herbs wormwood, mint, yarrow, calamus roots, and spring.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help restore a good appetite.

But often it is possible to increase the desire to eat only after treating the underlying disease that caused the loss of appetite. In this case, as well as when anorexia appears, only a doctor can help. Especially if this condition is caused by prolonged fasting and changes begin in the body - dysfunction of the endocrine system, inflammation of the liver, stomach, pancreas. Consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist, psychotherapist, or gastroenterologist will quickly ensure a complete recovery and return your appetite.

If you have lost your appetite, then in order to track the causes of this condition, you need to seek help from medical specialists. So approach the problem with full responsibility. A good appetite will ensure a positive attitude towards yourself and your life, and restore health and good mood for many years. Be healthy!

A healthy appetite is a sure sign of a properly functioning body. What to do if he disappears?

Do not ignore the “alarm bell” of your own body, understand the reasons and eliminate them as soon as possible.

Let's talk about what may lie behind the reluctance to eat and what to do if there is no appetite.

Appetite - causes of disturbance and ways to solve the problem

In the general sense of the word, appetite is identified with the feeling of hunger: one of the basic reactions of the body, inherent in any living organism.

To live, you need to eat, and how and when to do this, the brain signals with the help of feelings.

Appetite covers and satisfies three nutritional goals:

  1. Getting energy
  2. Intake of vitamins and minerals
  3. The pleasure of eating

All of the above points are equally important for a healthy body.

The first and second are the key to physical well-being, and you can’t do without the third.

Decreased or loss of appetite or hypo- and anorexia is a serious problem that can occur in a person of any age.

It is not always a cause for concern, but it always requires you to listen to yourself and understand why the body decided that it does not need food.

Reluctance to eat does not always indicate health problems

Loss of appetite as an independent problem

Hypo- and anorexia can develop without accompanying symptoms.

It is caused by the following factors:

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Bad habits affect the normal functioning of internal organs and lead to loss of appetite.

A sedentary lifestyle reduces our need for food, since virtually no energy is wasted.

The solution is simple and complex at the same time - go in for sports, give up bad habits, and eating behavior will normalize.

Wrong lifestyle and bad habits will sooner or later make themselves felt


Weather-sensitive people experience a decrease in appetite during difficult weather periods.

One day, those who do not suffer too much from its changes also risk falling under the influence of the weather, because in the summer the body usually needs less food.

At this time, his main task is to maintain normal water balance - you need to drink more fluid, and your appetite will return when the heat subsides.

Reaction to medication

A number of medications have side effects that include a noticeable decrease in appetite, so never take pills without a doctor's prescription.

Excessive dieting

When dieting, people ignore the feeling of hunger, and it can simply turn off. Be sure to consult a nutritionist, choose diets that are suitable and do not follow them longer than prescribed.

Stress, strong emotions, or burnout syndrome

Losing your appetite for a day due to anxiety is normal, but make sure that such incidents do not become a habit.

Loss of appetite can also be caused by decreased physical activity.

Lack of appetite in older people

If an elderly person has no appetite, there is no need to immediately wonder what to do.

If there is no overall deterioration in health, the reluctance to eat is not accompanied by other symptoms, it is just a manifestation of age. The older we get, the less energy the body requires.

Child refuses to eat

Many parents begin to panic if their child has no appetite. What to do in such situations? I like Dr. Komarovsky's advice: don't force children to eat.

A healthy child, having walked around and spent energy, must beg for food himself, and only then is it worth feeding him.

This works well at 2 years of age and up.

Don't force your child to eat

What to do if a younger child has no appetite and cannot yet clearly communicate to his parents about his needs?

Stick to the right food, make sure that the baby is full during the meal and do not encourage snacking - even if it provides you with an hour or two of peace.

If loss of appetite is the main problem that worries you, it will be easy to solve.

Give up bad habits, try to improve your lifestyle and get busy.

It will calm frayed nerves, restore the desire to snack, and delight you with its taste.

To prepare, take two teaspoons of lemon balm herb, brew half a liter of boiling water, cover with something and leave to steep for four hours.

Half an hour before your planned meal, drink half a glass, sweetening it with honey if desired - you will notice the result very soon.

Loss of appetite as a symptom

Loss of appetite can sometimes indicate more serious problems.

Typically, such cases are easily identified by the presence of accompanying symptoms: if anorexia is a symptom of a serious problem, it will not come alone.

Wild garlic is considered an excellent remedy for combating poor appetite.

Let's look at common diseases:

  1. Colds, acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases. If you or your child has a fever, runny nose, cough or other cold and flu symptoms, and no appetite, do not worry - a lack of appetite with such illnesses is completely normal. It will return as your health improves.
  2. If the lack of desire to eat is accompanied by intense nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea- Most likely, you have been poisoned. Intoxication, regardless of what caused it, is a very serious problem: do not wait until it “goes away on its own” and call an ambulance.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system and internal organs can cause a complete loss of appetite. Abdominal pain is usually an accompanying symptom. It is important not to neglect the matter and go to a gastroenterologist on time.
  4. Interruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system. You will need to be attentive to yourself, since other symptoms can easily be attributed to stress, fatigue and many other factors. In order not to miss the onset of diseases associated with the endocrine system, regularly take blood tests for thyroid hormones.
  5. Depression, problems in the nervous system, mental disorders. In this case, you need to look for emotional rather than physical symptoms. Constantly low mood, indifference to everything, or, conversely, periods of increased activity and euphoria, accompanied by loss of appetite, may be evidence of serious nervous disorders. Go to a specialized specialist for advice.
  6. And finally, the most difficult option is oncology. If you have no appetite, feel nauseous and dizzy, or have chronic weakness, consult a specialist immediately. Such symptoms are not to be joked about.
Try a simple and delicious decoction of lemon balm and honey.

Advice: If you are unsure about one or more symptoms, visit your GP or consult your family doctor. He will help you figure it out and refer you to a specialized doctor.

What to do if your pet refuses to eat

The people were dealt with; Now let's talk about those cases when a pet's appetite has disappeared.

It is easy to understand that a cat or dog has no appetite: the bowl has been left untouched all day, and the pet is behaving unusually, showing lethargy or unusual activity. What to do?

The only thing you can do at home if your cat or dog has no appetite is to make sure you offer it to your pet.

Sometimes our four-legged friends realize long before us that some product is spoiled and refuse to eat it.

This can also be a reaction to unusual food or even.

If your pet stops looking at food with interest, take him to the veterinarian

For example, my cat ignored rabbit-flavored canned food for days on end, although she ate all other products from this manufacturer with a bang. Everything is individual.

If you have established that the reason for the lack of interest in food does not lie in the food itself, then there is only one answer to the question “what to do”: urgently take your pet to the veterinarian!

Animals are like little children

Tell them that the cat/dog has no appetite, how long it lasts and what you did.

After examining the animal, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Advice: do not try to diagnose your pet yourself!

You will learn some useful tips on what to do if you have no appetite in this video:

A good appetite is one of the signs of health. And although many people do not attach much importance to a decrease in appetite, this factor may indicate a disorder of body functions or impending diseases. But let’s assume that none of the doctors could tell you the reason why your appetite decreases and you can’t even gain weight.

Coldness to food, if it is constantly present, will certainly disturb you and reduce your level of vitality. It is difficult to imagine a person who does not leave the gym or is able to work 12 hours and raise three more children and at the same time eat nothing))).

But in most everyday situations, this symptom can be eliminated, vitality restored and body weight normalized by cleansing the body and harmonizing metabolic processes.

This is what our article is about, based on the experience of hundreds of people who have already used the Sokolinsky System. It is aimed not at the symptom - loss of appetite, but at eliminating the possible reasons why the body sends such signals.

The main reasons for lack of appetite and what you can do

Loss of appetite is not a disease, but can be a symptom of a deeper disorder in the body. Among the reasons that most often cause a decrease in desire for food, in practice we see several main reasons:

1. Impaired functioning of the liver and gall bladder. Discomfort in the right side, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, intolerance to fatty foods, bloating are typical symptoms and they are accompanied by loss of interest in food. The body cannot cope with digesting food and therefore asks “not to send any more.” You will find a recipe for using natural remedies if you are prone to bile stagnation and if you have gallstones, and to support the liver at a deep level we always use Liver 48.

This is a herbal formula of herbs, sulfur and iron with a history of use of several centuries, it is now produced specifically for the Sokolinsky Center and helps to harmonize the work of the liver when it is hard.

2. Problems with the intestines and stomach. Everyone knows that when you don’t go to the toilet normally, you develop, if not aversion to food, then you definitely won’t eat much. With irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation, gastritis, the problem is not only that appetite decreases, but also that there is no normal absorption of nutrients. Hence, there is no strength, immunity is impaired, and there is no way to gain weight.

At the same time, maintaining normal bowel function is not so difficult if you adhere to a reasonable diet and use natural remedies. Take a natural course of cleansing and nutritional support.

3. Chronic stress. When you are busy with work or worries, you usually don’t want to eat. But if the stress lasts for months, the loss of appetite can become uncontrollable. But there is a deep solution to this problem when, with the help of a unique set of Bulgarian herbs Neurolaxin and the natural remedy Biolan, we protect nerve cells from damage. They are part of our author's "". Of course, no herbs can change your attitude towards the problem, but giving time to calmly solve it and support the body’s energy when you need to get yourself together is possible.

5. Sluggish appetite and digestion can be associated with decreased thyroid function. If you live in conditions of iodine deficiency and do not take thyroxine prescribed by an endocrinologist, you can use the combination of Biolan + a natural precursor of the hormone thyroxine - the amino acid Tyrosine and Spirulina Sochi with selenium in the initial stages of hypothyroidism (at least 30% of women over 40 years of age are in this state). . The course lasts 2-3 months. But we take Biolan 1 capsule per day (pour it under the tongue) for only 20 days every month, and Tyrosine and Spirulina Sochi contain selenium every day.

Diseases and hormonal changes

Loss of appetite can be observed in many diseases, ranging from viral infections and influenza to such serious diseases as kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. Decreased appetite is often a symptom of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The desire to eat also disappears in case of autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid polyarthritis), problems with the endocrine system (diabetes, hypothyroidism), tuberculosis, asthma and many other diseases. Moreover, in some cases, loss of appetite is the first signal of an impending disease.

Emotional states and mental pathologies

Appetite can disappear due to a wide variety of psychological problems and due to nervous overstrain. Stress, depression, phobias, neuroses and other conditions can lead to loss of appetite. This problem can also arise with mental illnesses such as anorexia, schizophrenia, dementia, etc. But this is not the topic of our article.

Taking medications

Lack or excess of substances needed by the body

The cause of loss of appetite can be either hypovitaminosis or hypervitaminosis. In addition, even a deficiency or excess of any one substance can affect appetite. For example, interest in food often disappears if there is a lack of zinc. This can be corrected by taking the mineral in an easily digestible form, Spirulina Sochi Zinc, just 1 tablet per day, in the afternoon, without combining it with grains and tea.

A similar situation occurs when the body is oversaturated with vitamin D. To reduce the risk of overdose, when taking vitamin D for a long time, for example, for osteoporosis, we recommend using a high-tech liposomal formula in an aerosol. It is not sold in pharmacies, but at the Sokolinsky Center you can order vitamin D in an aerosol for safe use.

Why does my appetite worsen?

Loss of appetite may be the only sign of a pathological condition, but is most often accompanied by other symptoms. For example, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, and pain initially occur, and subsequently, against the background of this, a fear of eating develops and appetite disappears. This is typical for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and other diseases.

If at first you lose your appetite, and soon the temperature rises, general weakness appears, this may indicate ARVI, flu, or colds. When, along with a deterioration in appetite, there is a decrease in vital tone in general (drowsiness, fatigue), there may be problems with the endocrine system.

Thus, if the problem is chronic and not associated with mental pathology, then it is quite possible to cope with it through natural means by influencing the causes. If this is a side effect of medications, consult your doctor, and the same should be done when loss of appetite is accompanied by acute manifestations of infections or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to learn to solve several health problems at the same time and simply?

We have already been taught that for every single symptom there is a cure. And this is correct when you are in the hospital or are faced with an acute illness. But if your goal is to improve health and improve performance, everything will be exactly the opposite. Everything in the body is connected and eliminating symptoms does not lead to a solution to health problems, but only masks them. Real changes come from addressing the causes of poor health.

If you want to feel better, influence the body using deep universal mechanisms that simultaneously eliminate similar disorders in different organs: correcting nutrition, a reasonable lifestyle, detox, nutrition and protection of nerve cells, restoration of microflora, normalization of digestion, natural anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants .

The Sokolinsky System offers a systemic naturopathic approach based on a deep understanding of physiology, modern research, and has been tested in practice by more than 10,000 people since 2002.

Natural products are produced specifically for use in the Sokolinsky System.


The system was developed by the famous Russian nutritionist Vladimir Sokolinsky, author of 11 books on natural medicine, member of the National Association of Nutritionists and Dietetics, the Scientific Society of Medical Elementology, the European Association of Natural Medicine and the American Association of Practicing Nutritionists.

To the question: “An adult has no appetite, why?” there are many answers.

Nutrient deficiencies are a must will affect not only your well-being, but also your health. Therefore, the problem of their absence needs to be solved as soon as possible. How to increase appetite and why did it disappear?

The difference between hunger and appetite

Before diagnosing loss of appetite, it is important to understand the concept. Appetite is often confused with hunger, a reflex that occurs in the absence of food.

The mechanism of hunger development is triggered by a decrease in glucose levels, which causes a signal to be sent to the centers of the brain. When a hunger spasm occurs, a person actively salivates, their sense of smell improves, and a pulling sensation appears “in the pit of the stomach.”

All these symptoms help a person feel hungry and go in search of food. At the same time, he has no desire to eat certain foods; he is ready to eat any dish.

The manifestation of hunger, in which a person desires certain foods, is called appetite. This feeling is influenced by many factors: time of day, country of residence, taste preferences, emotional state.

A violation of habitual taste needs, when a person does not want food at all, is called a decrease in appetite. This condition leads to anorexia and other problems.

Associated symptoms

The brain sends a signal that the body needs to take food. It contains neurons that carry a signal to the digestive organs.

In the body of an individual experiencing a feeling of hunger, Insulin levels are increased and gastric juice is actively produced. The absence of hunger indicates that the brain is working on other needs. Decreased appetite is a protection against certain diseases of the digestive system.

There are symptoms that often accompany a person with lack of appetite. Nausea and weakness are the most famous of them. Thanks to these signs, it is easier for doctors to determine the cause of loss of appetite.

Causes of decreased appetite

All the reasons why appetite disappears can be divided into two categories: pathological and non-pathological.

Pathological causes

Most often, poor appetite in adults indicates illness.

To forget about problems with appetite, you will need professional help.

Pathological causes of decreased appetite include:

  1. Intestinal dysbiosis. Beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms take part in the digestive processes. If their balance is disturbed, the body does not receive the necessary microelements from food.
  2. Endocrine problems. Lack of hormones leads to nausea and vomiting. As a result, the person becomes weak and loses appetite.
  3. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Similar symptoms indicate a stomach ulcer, gastritis,. At the first signs of exacerbation of diseases, you should undergo preventive treatment.
  4. Mental problems, neuroses. High workload, stress, lack of rest and moral support lead to apathy and depression. These problems are often accompanied by weakness, nausea, fatigue and lack of appetite.
  5. Intoxication of the body. Harmful bacteria can cause intoxication, causing a person to feel weak and averse to food.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases. Wear and tear of blood vessels provokes general weakness of the body, and high blood pressure causes nausea.
  7. Drug addiction. The need to constantly take medications forces the gastrointestinal tract to work hard. Because of this, gastritis, ulcers, and pancreatic pathologies may appear.
  8. Oncology. During chemotherapy, many processes malfunction, especially in the functioning of the digestive organs.
  9. Viruses and infections in the body. When illness occurs, there is often a significant decrease in appetite, as energy is directed toward fighting viruses. To prevent a large number of toxins from leading to weakness and nausea, you should maintain fluid balance, namely, drink plenty of fluids.

Non-pathological causes

Natural reasons cause a situation in which a person refuses to eat.

They do not depend on any disease, as they arise due to external pathogenic factors.

Distinctive features of non-pathological causes:

  • the duration of the symptoms does not exceed 4-5 days, then the increase in appetite occurs independently;
  • no need for medical attention or medication;
  • there is no negative impact on health;
  • symptoms recur no more than once a month;
  • loss of appetite does not lead to sudden weight loss.

The list of non-pathological causes includes the following conditions:

  1. Menstruation. During this period, the female body is especially susceptible to the influence of hormones. A sharp increase in estrogen and progesterone levels provokes weakness and loss of appetite. At the end of the cycle, abdominal cramps and headaches are often added to these symptoms.
  2. Binge eating. Lack of adequate nutrition during the day leads to increased appetite at night. The gastrointestinal tract was not stressed all day, so in the evening, when preparing the body for sleep, the food consumed can cause poor sleep, nausea and vomiting. All this will lead to a decrease in appetite.
  3. Prolonged fasting. If a person voluntarily refuses to eat, this can cause nausea and weakness. Since food does not enter for a long time, the secretion produced negatively affects the mucous membrane, irritating it. In the absence of food, performance decreases and weakness and loss of strength appear.

Diagnosis of poor appetite

Normal functioning is ensured by balance, which is an alternation of feelings of hunger and appetite. Violation of the normal state for any reason leads to a decrease in appetite, and then a feeling of hunger.

Eating high-calorie foods can increase the interval between the onset of the desire to eat to 4-5 hours.

However, if hunger does not come for more than 8 hours, this is a signal that problems have appeared in the body.

A decrease in blood glucose levels will cause dizziness, weakness, and loss of strength.

To diagnose the cause of loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a full examination of the body, including tests. If a woman has a problem with appetite, pregnancy should first be ruled out.

Video - How to gain weight when you have no appetite?

What can you do to increase your appetite?

The reasons that provoked the loss of appetite and were identified during diagnosis are eliminated by therapeutic methods. Parallel Doctors advise the patient to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Follow a meal schedule. You need to eat several times a day in small portions. You should have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime. Eating at a specific time every day will help produce saliva and prepare the body to absorb food.
  2. Food should be chewed slowly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli (TV, computer). You should use attractive table settings and work on beautiful presentation of dishes.
  3. Food should be tasty and varied.
  4. When fighting poor appetite, it is very important to follow a daily routine: sleep at least eight hours, do not forget about rest. Light physical activity is encouraged, as sport stimulates the urge to eat.
  5. Stress, conflict situations, and bad emotions should be avoided.
  6. In order for digestive juice to be produced more actively, you need to eat foods that stimulate this process, for example, pickled and salty foods. Spices, hot seasonings, herbs, sour berries, foods high in vitamins B and C, decoctions and infusions of bitter herbs help increase appetite.

Loss of appetite in old age

Lack of need to eat and persistent loss of appetite can occur in older people. Pensioners often limit themselves to healthy and nutritious foods due to financial problems. In addition, with age, it weakens, diarrhea begins, and the functioning of the receptors worsens. The body begins to digest food poorly.

The above factors affect appetite. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to increase the number of easily digestible foods. The menu should include stewed vegetables, cereals, fish, and lean meats. Older people should avoid fatty and fried foods, avoid eating large portions, and use a blender to puree food if necessary.

How to increase your child's appetite

Adults often have problems feeding their baby due to his refusal to eat. To increase children's appetite, you can take the following measures:

  • create a diet that is optimally suited to the age and characteristics of the child;
  • maintain a meal schedule;
  • spend several hours a day in the fresh air;
  • include outdoor games and sports in the daily routine;
  • attractively design children's dishes;
  • add fruits and dried fruits to porridge;
  • do not force feed the child;
  • do not overfeed the baby;
  • reduce the number of snacks on cookies and other starchy foods;
  • Place small portions on a plate.

If the lack of appetite continues for several days, you should not look for the cause and treat it yourself. The specialist will quickly determine what is causing the loss of appetite and prescribe medications to increase it.
