Installation of braces. What you need to achieve excellent results of treatment with braces - useful recommendations. You need to seek help from braces if

The purpose of braces is to correct a person’s malocclusion; they can be used to correct uneven teeth or put the jaw in place, if the need arises. Installing braces is not the most difficult procedure, but it should only be carried out by qualified specialists in a dental clinic; only in this case can we talk about the reality of achieving the desired result. Only specialists know how to insert braces, how to put them on, how to make an impression and model, and how to care for the structure.

Why is the structure needed and what is it?

Braces serve the purpose of correcting various dental defects, but most often they are used to correct the bite. At the same time, not all patients are aware of how braces are installed, in which cases they can be done without them, and in which they cannot. Moreover, some fear that braces, as permanent structures, will be implanted into the teeth and cause irreparable harm to them. In reality, this is not the case; no implantation is required; a special glue is used to secure the braces to the teeth, which is highly durable and reliable.

Correction of certain defects is achieved through the use of an arch to which the braces are connected. They can be attached to it using ligatures, locks, rings or hooks; their installation is carried out sequentially, with strict adherence to technology.

Characteristics of braces

When choosing a braces design, you should start from the question of the materials used. Here, much will depend on the characteristics of the problem that has arisen and the patient’s financial capabilities. It must be remembered that wearing the system takes a lot of time and aesthetic considerations are as important as convenience.

For example, ceramic structures look preferable precisely from the standpoint of their appearance; they are invisible to others, but metal systems are more reliable and durable. Quite often, orthodontists recommend that patients have ceramics on the front row and metal on the molars. The installation itself will take approximately 2 hours; much will depend on the qualifications of the specialist, the scale of the problem and the structure of the jaw of a particular patient.

The issue of concern for patients is also the duration of wearing the structure. Here, the purpose of installing the system plays a decisive role; it should not be perceived only as a means of correcting aesthetic defects. Often, braces are placed to solve functional problems, as well as physical disabilities; it happens quite often that there is a connection of these two areas together. In this case, you should prepare to wear the braces system for a long time, at least two years, or even all three. For the simplest anomalies, even one year is enough, but in any case you should not count on getting rid of the problem very quickly.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for installing braces may include the following:

  • interdental gaps;
  • absence of elements in the dentition or their incorrect location;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • advancement of the upper jaw.

A situation may arise in which it will be impossible to install the structure, namely:

  • for diseases of the nervous, circulatory, immune or skeletal system;
  • with teeth grinding;
  • if tooth mobility is observed due to periodontal disease or periodontitis;
  • in the absence of a large number of teeth in a row;
  • if an implant is installed;
  • if oral hygiene is poor.

Pros and cons of braces

Positive points include:

  • excellent treatment results;
  • final elimination of the defect without the threat of its recurrence;
  • reliability of fastening; you cannot remove them yourself or by accident.

The disadvantages include:

  • visibility to others (exception - lingual systems);
  • forced to change their usual diet;
  • make oral hygiene more difficult;
  • at first they harm diction;
  • insufficient care creates a risk of caries;
  • duration of treatment;
  • the need to constantly visit the orthodontist to adjust treatment;
  • quite high cost.

Preparing to install an orthodontic system

Installing a braces system is unthinkable without prior preparation. First, you need to consult with an orthodontist and find out, as a result of examination and diagnosis, what kind of problem you are dealing with and what its extent is. Next, the process of sanitation of the oral cavity is performed, the duration of which will depend on its condition. Based on this aspect, the following actions may be required:

  1. Cure caries. Since the design of braces puts a significant load on the jaw, it is important that the entire dentition is healthy. The presence of caries before the installation of the system and its ignoring means that after completion of this procedure the disease will progress. Brushing teeth with an installed system is difficult; food debris and plaque begin to accumulate on the teeth, providing an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It also happens that caries appears after the installation of the structure, in which case it must be removed and the teeth treated. All this prolongs the correction and leads to an increase in its cost, so it is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner.
  2. Eliminate inflammation. This should be done, again, before starting corrective procedures, otherwise gum inflammation can lead to serious problems. Elimination of any periodontal diseases is a prerequisite; in addition, this will make it possible to reduce your costs due to fewer dental operations performed.
  3. Have it professionally cleaned. You cannot install the system on teeth with plaque and deposits; in this case, you will not be able to attach the braces correctly and securely. An important aspect will also be following the rules of oral care and careful hygiene. This is also important while wearing the braces, otherwise after removing the braces you will have to treat caries. The healthier the oral cavity, the easier and faster it is to install braces; in order not to experience problems with this, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and perform preventive measures.

The process of installing braces

This process is very responsible and requires attention to detail and accuracy; it takes place in several stages. So, how to install a brace system:

  1. Installation of a mouth opener. With its help, all teeth become clearly visible, even to the most distant and hard-to-reach areas.
  2. Polishing the enamel and applying a restorative composition to it.
  3. System installation. Braces are attached to the teeth using a special glue that is applied to the enamel. Orthodontic cement is applied to each lock, which hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

When planning to get braces, you should also consider a number of points:

  • ligature-free braces are placed faster than lingual ones (up to one hour and up to one and a half hours, respectively);
  • non-ligature systems are placed on the outer part of the teeth, lingual - on the inner part;
  • any design is first placed on the upper jaw, then on the lower jaw, this does not depend in any way on the version of the system.

Is it possible to put braces on implants and crowns?

Braces can be attached to fillings, to crowns - they will not hold on as well, they may come off, but if there are no options, then you will simply have to go to the doctor more often for correction. But with implants the situation is different. If it is carried out, a prosthesis is fixed on 3 or even 2 implants, then orthodontic treatment will most likely not be possible, because the titanium roots fuse reliably with the bone and do not move. Of course, you need to look at the situation - it is quite possible that one implant will not act as a limitation.

However, if you need to place an implant (and it doesn’t exist yet), then it is better to first undergo treatment with braces, and only then proceed with implantation.

Adaptation to braces

As soon as the installation of the brace system is completed, the patient does not experience any discomfort, but after a few hours, pain in the jaw appears, and there is a feeling of loose teeth. This is absolutely normal, such a picture serves as an indicator that the process of correcting the bite has already begun. The pain is a consequence of the beginning of the movement of the dentition, which is experiencing pressure of an unnatural nature; in addition, the muscle tissue begins to change its position, and this cannot occur without pain.

On a note: It is impossible to say unequivocally how long these sensations will last; it is individual in nature and depends on many factors.

Under normal conditions, 4 to 5 days are enough for the body to adapt; if the pain persists and even intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If metal ligature braces are installed, patients often experience problems with their sharp parts, which begin to irritate the mucous membrane. It’s quite easy to get rid of this problem; all you need to do is purchase a special wax for braces that protects against injury.

Life after braces

While wearing braces, you should adhere to certain recommendations, otherwise the final result will be worse than expected:

  • at first it is necessary to eat only semi-liquid and soft foods;
  • careful adherence to oral hygiene is strictly necessary;
  • in case of injury by structural elements of the mucous membrane, special wax should be used;
  • for hygiene procedures you need to use special products - brushes, floss, brushes;
  • you should use an irrigator for better cleaning;
  • Visiting the dentist should be regular and mandatory.
  • foods that are too cold or too hot;
  • solid food;
  • sticky products;
  • sweets in large quantities;
  • products containing dyes.

How long do you need to wear different types of braces?

The duration of wear is mainly influenced by three key factors:

  1. The extent of the jaw or dental abnormality.
  2. What system will be installed.
  3. How old is the patient?

For the simplest situations, a very short period of time may be needed, starting from 6 months, but this is rare. The more serious the problem and the older the patient, the longer the system will need to be worn, usually about 2-3 years.

How to remove the system?

The procedure for removing braces is the reverse of installing them. First, the arch is carefully released from the locks, then it is removed and all braces are removed from the teeth. This procedure takes no more than half an hour. Next, the doctor cleans the enamel from glue residues and polishes it; if demineralization of the teeth is detected, then they are fluoridated or calcined. This process is also not particularly long and takes no more than 40-45 minutes.

Cost of installing braces

This issue deserves separate consideration, since the cost of the entire procedure does not always coincide with the price of the selected brace system. Often you have to deal with a number of additional aspects that can increase, and very seriously, the final cost. For example, ligature constructions will cost the patient approximately 40-60 thousand rubles, and non-ligature constructions can cost much more, up to 200 thousand, but the patient may also need to pay for other things. So, in the region of a thousand it will cost to diagnose the condition of the oral cavity, performed before the start of the treatment procedure. Eliminating caries or pulpitis will cost 3-5 thousand rubles, taking impressions and creating a jaw model based on them costs about 2 thousand, and comprehensive professional hygiene is estimated at around 4 thousand.

0:00 → First, the bracket system is fixed on one jaw, most often the upper jaw. Next, after 2-3 months the second jaw is connected. Hello. In this video you will learn all the most important things about the stages of installing braces. Please watch this video to the end to understand this issue. Before installation of the braces system, professional oral hygiene is performed by a general practitioner. After this, the patient wears a special device that isolates the teeth from the lips and cheeks. Thanks to this, we can safely fix the bracket system. The first stage of fixation is the application of a special material, which prepares the tooth surface for fixing the bracket and better bonding of the tooth and bracket. Next, glue is applied to the tooth itself with a special primer and illuminated...

1:05 → After fixing each bracket, an arch is installed on each tooth, which is fixed either with ligatures or locks installed in the bracket itself. A ligature is a small rubber band that fits around a ligature bracket. There are non-ligature systems in which, instead of an elastic band, a lock is installed on the bracket itself. At the initial consultation, after examination by an orthodontist, the patient is referred for additional research methods. These include: an orthopantomogram - a picture that shows all the teeth in the dentition and the location of the wisdom teeth, whether there are any changes behind the apexes of the roots and whether any further treatment is necessary before starting orthodontic treatment or removal of wisdom teeth.

1:55 → The image allows you to calculate the position of the teeth in the bone, inclined teeth and a further treatment plan. Impressions are also taken, and diagnostic models are cast to calculate the position of the teeth. Photographs are also taken intraoral and from the front, in profile, necessarily to draw up a treatment plan. That's right. Fixing braces without preliminary preparation is not possible. Before installing a brace system, it is necessary to sanitation of the oral cavity and a diagnostic study, which will allow you to select the most optimal treatment option for this particular situation. After the patient prepares all the teeth for fixation of the bracket system, and this means treatment of all carious processes, periodontal inflammation and removal of wisdom teeth according to indications, the patient comes to fix the brace system. The bracket system is selected individually for each patient. Here, the individual characteristics of the case, the preferences of the doctor and the patient, and the aesthetic aspect are taken into account. After this it is fixed...

3:14 → On average, adaptation takes 2-3 days, during which pain, inability to bite food and painful effects are possible. Most often, the pain goes away after 2-3 days. Patients who use painkillers are few. All this is very individual and depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity and physiology. In most cases, it takes 3 to 7 days for patients to adapt. After this, the patient forgets that he is wearing a brace system and feels comfortable. And the patient most often comes to the next appointment saying that he was more worried than it was actually worth.
Few people know that after removing braces, orthodontic treatment does not end, and a recovery period is necessary. It is the ritual period that allows you to consolidate and maintain the result of your beautiful smile...

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And how to get a tax deduction for them

How to treat teeth in a private clinic for free

In 2013 I got braces.

I thought it would be expensive, long and painful. It turned out that this is not entirely true. I paid for the installation of braces in stages, wore them for a year and a half, and the pain turned out to be quite bearable. In 2016, I filed a tax deduction and returned part of the amount spent.

I'll tell you how to do the same.

Marina Safonova

wore braces and received a deduction


Before installing braces, you need to do three things: put fillings, take a panoramic photo of the jaw and remove teeth as prescribed by the orthodontist.

Seals can be placed in any clinic, regardless of where your orthodontist sees you. You can treat your teeth before visiting the orthodontist - in any case, this will have to be done before installing braces. If dental care is included in your work health insurance, get it covered.

Shot of the jaw- aka orthopantomogram - you will need it in any case. It is convenient to do it in advance, before you go to the orthodontist. The photo costs about one and a half thousand rubles, it can also be done in any clinic. An orthopantomogram is usually not included in insurance.

Go to the orthodontist with the photo. Ideally, you should go to at least three specialists in different clinics. Most likely, the cost and treatment plan will vary for all three. Choose what suits you best in terms of price and number of teeth to be removed.

The average cost of an initial consultation in Moscow in 2017 is about 2,500 rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles for the first appointment. Sometimes clinics hold promotions where the initial consultation is free, but they need to be monitored.

Choose a clinic that is convenient for you to travel to, because you will have to do this regularly for at least a year. I was lucky and found an excellent orthodontist in a clinic 10 minutes from home.

Tooth extraction- the final stage of preparation before installing braces. Usually, the incorrect position of the teeth is formed precisely because of their crowding. Removing a wisdom tooth is one of the most common recommendations from orthodontists before starting treatment.

Before installing braces, I had to remove three wisdom teeth and another tooth on the lower jaw.

The cost of tooth extraction depends on the complexity and the clinic:

  • ordinary single-rooted tooth - from 1500 rubles;
  • multi-rooted tooth - from 2500 rubles;
  • complex removal if the tooth lies horizontally in the jaw - from 5,000 rubles.

Additionally, factor in the cost of anesthesia. One injection with an anesthetic drug - from 500 rubles.


This entire preparation phase takes time. After tooth extraction, the jaw will take at least a week to heal. Don't expect to go to the orthodontist and immediately leave with braces. Most likely you will have to wait a month or more.

This has an advantage: payment also extends over time.

Installation of braces

So, you have cured your teeth, taken a picture, chosen an orthodontist and removed any extra teeth, if any.

After this, an impression of your teeth will be made. Using it, the doctor models a treatment regimen. A cast costs 2.5-3 thousand rubles. At the end of treatment, the impression is usually returned to the patient as a keepsake.

After this, you will be given a date to have your braces installed. Braces are the main expense when correcting teeth.

You will need to install two braces: for the upper and lower jaw. A single bracket system is not installed: it is believed that treatment should be comprehensive and correct the entire bite. Therefore, it will not be possible to correct curvature, for example, only in the lower jaw.

At first, braces will be placed on only one jaw, usually the upper jaw. In a couple of months you will get used to the braces, and the doctor will look at your progress and how your teeth move. At this time, you will wear the thinnest archwire. After this, braces will be placed on the lower jaw.

The most common types of braces in Russia are metal, ceramic, sapphire and lingual.

Metal braces Orthodontists love them most because they are the most effective: they move teeth faster. But they are ugly, so many are embarrassed to wear them. Metal braces are also the cheapest. In 2013, I paid 30 thousand rubles for one arch of metal braces.

Prices for braces depend on the manufacturer and clinic. I give examples of prices based on my experience. Find out exact prices in clinics

Ceramic braces They match the color of tooth enamel, so they are practically invisible on the teeth. But it is believed that they are less effective than metal ones - you will have to wear them longer. And they cost more. Another disadvantage: light ceramic ligatures are stained. Therefore, doctors recommend not drinking red wine, strong black tea, or eating beets if you wear ceramic braces. One arc of ceramic braces in 2016 cost me 40 thousand rubles.

Sapphire braces made from artificial crystal, completely transparent, expensive. One arc costs from 50 thousand rubles.

Lingual braces- This is another type of braces system. This arch is installed on the back side of the teeth, so they are completely invisible to others. Lingual braces make your mouth smaller, so you may develop a lisp. Lingual braces are the most expensive option. One arc costs from 70 thousand rubles.

You can combine different types of braces: for example, put ceramic ones on the upper jaw, and iron ones on the lower jaw, which is less visible. I did so.

Different clinics pay differently. I know that some dentists ask you to pay for the entire complex treatment at once. I paid in stages, after each brace system was installed and after each visit to the orthodontist.

Equipment does not count

Braces are equipment, not treatment. You will not be given a tax deduction for their cost.

Scheduled visits to the orthodontist

Further expenses are usually less than the cost of braces, and are even more extended over time.

Every month you need to come to the orthodontist for a scheduled appointment. The orthodontist evaluates the progress, makes a lift or changes the arches (for example, installs a tighter arch). A scheduled appointment with an orthodontist costs an average of 2,000 rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles every month for a regular appointment.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe additional procedures and devices, for example:

  • wear elastic bands that tighten the upper and lower jaw;
  • install a spring that accelerates the movement of teeth in the jaw;
  • place the screw on the tooth;
  • install the Herbst apparatus.

Because of all these appointments, treatment costs may vary. They put a spring on me and told me to wear rubber bands. The spring cost 3,000 rubles, and the elastic bands cost 100 rubles per package, which lasted for two months. A friend of mine was fitted with a Herbst apparatus. She wore it for six months and paid 40 thousand rubles.

Unscheduled visits

One day my brace broke. I unsuccessfully bit off a steel chain, and the “lock” to which the arch is attached flew off the tooth. The next day I went to the doctor. I thought that I would have to pay a large sum for restoration, but it turned out that this is a typical breakdown for everyone who wears braces. The replacement cost me 500 rubles.

Removing braces

The final stage is removing braces, ordering aligners and cleaning your teeth.

Removing braces takes about an hour. I paid 7 thousand for withdrawal.

On the same day, teeth are usually cleaned using the Airflow apparatus. Cleaning after wearing braces is considered mandatory: you need to clean all the places that have been covered by the braces system for a year or more. Airflow costs 3-5 thousand rubles. In 2013, I paid 1,500 rubles for this procedure because there was a promotion at my clinic.

Airflow cleaning is often included in VHI at work, if dentistry is included in it. You can usually do cleaning with this program once every six months. Check your insurance.

After removing braces, there will be another major expense - aligners. They are needed so that the teeth do not move apart again in different directions when the doctor removes the arches.

Mouthguards are made individually, based on a cast. The wearing period is determined by the orthodontist. You will need to wear the mouthguards every night - just put them on and go to bed.

The mouth guards cost me 5,600 rubles: 2,800 per mouth guard for one jaw.

How to get a tax deduction

Correcting a bite with braces is a treatment. You can get a tax deduction for it. But in the amount with which the deduction is made, only medical procedures are taken into account: tooth extraction, caries treatment, installation of braces or additional equipment, removal and tightening of arches, Airflow cleaning. There will be no deduction for the cost of the braces themselves, because they are considered equipment.

Who can receive a tax deduction

A tax deduction for dental treatment and installation of braces can be obtained if:

  • you receive a salary or have income on which you pay 13% personal income tax;
  • you paid for your treatment or the treatment of your parents, spouse, children under 18 years of age;
  • no more than three years have passed since treatment. In 2017, you can receive a deduction for 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Before concluding a treatment agreement with a clinic, check whether you can receive a tax deduction. The clinic can be both public and private - the main thing is that it has a state-issued license. In normal clinics they will immediately ask you about the deduction and help you prepare documents. If the clinic refuses to issue a tax certificate, do not contact it. Most likely, such a clinic operates under illegal schemes and evades taxes.

The maximum cost of treatment, which is taken into account when calculating the deduction, is 120,000 rubles. This amount includes all social tax deductions: for treatment, training, charity and others. The maximum deduction that can be received in one year is 15,600 rubles (13% of the amount spent).

If you've had braces for more than a year, break up your payments and file deductions for each year. Suppose you spent 120,000 rubles on dental treatment and installation of braces in 2014, and another 30,000 rubles in 2015. You will be able to apply for deductions from both of these amounts: 15,600 rubles for 2014, 3,900 rubles for 2015.

The mechanism for receiving a deduction for treatment by an orthodontist is the same as for any other medical treatment. We wrote about it in detail in the article “How to get a tax deduction for treatment.” I collected all the documents and took them to the regional Federal Tax Service. Two months later I received 7,306 rubles.

If during the treatment you lose any receipts for payment for procedures, they can be restored at the clinic

I spent 130,000 RUR on braces and returned 7306 RUR

Initial consultation1500 R
Snapshot1500 R
Cast2600 R
Removal of a difficult wisdom tooth5500 R
Removal of two multi-rooted teeth4400 R
Removal of a single root tooth1600 R
One filling4000 R
1 arch of ceramic braces40,000 Requipment
1 arch of metal bracesRUB 30,000equipment
14 visits to the orthodontist21,000 R
Spring for correcting bite3000 Requipment
Three packs of rubber bands to correct your bite300 Requipment
Replacing a broken lock on braces500 Requipment
Removing braces7000 R
Making trays5600 R
"Airflow"1500 R

To correct dental defects in children and adults, permanent orthodontic structures are used. The installation procedure is performed by an experienced dentist and lasts about 1-2 hours.

Pros and cons of braces – are they necessary at all?

Treatment with braces will require material investments and a long time. Before you decide to install a system, you need to discuss with your orthodontist whether braces are needed at all.

Indications for brace system therapy:

  • Defects in the location of individual teeth.
  • Defects of dentition and bite.
  • Supernumerary teeth.
  • Impacted teeth.


  • Enamel defects (chalky spots, cracks).
  • Untreated caries.
  • Multiple fillings, artificial crowns.
  • Low adherence to therapy (compliance) of the patient.
  • Mental and severe somatic illnesses.
  • Allergic reactions to the materials used.

They give the orthodontist many opportunities, but they also have their disadvantages.

Pros of therapy with braces:

  1. High treatment results (move teeth in three planes, eliminate almost any dental anomalies).
  2. Good long-term results (in fact, after a full course of treatment, dental deformations are eliminated forever).
  3. They are securely attached (children and teenagers will not be able to remove them on their own).

Disadvantages of braces:

  1. Visible on teeth (except lingual).
  2. Requires dietary changes.
  3. Complicates oral hygiene.
  4. Diction worsens (primarily lingual).
  5. They cause some discomfort (especially in the first days after installation).
  6. They increase the risk of caries due to insufficient enamel mineralization or defects in care.
  7. Long-term treatment is expected (on average 1-2 years).
  8. Requires regular visits to the dentist.
  9. They require large financial investments (from 80 thousand rubles per course of treatment).
  10. Braces should be avoided by those who are not ready to follow the regimen after installation, pay due attention to oral hygiene, and visit a doctor frequently. If the desire to have a beautiful smile is high and there are financial possibilities, then after consultation with an orthodontist you can begin treatment.

The procedure for installing braces on video

The procedure for installing braces has several stages:

  • Stage 1. Preliminary.
  • Stage 2. Fixation of orthodontic rings and cheek locks.
  • Stage 3. Fixation of staples (braces) to the tooth surface using a direct or indirect method.
  • Stage 4. Fastening the orthodontic arch (ligature or non-ligature method).

The preliminary stage includes consultations with a dentist, examination of the patient and selection of the necessary braces.

The doctor discusses with the patient the cost and duration of treatment, expected results and necessary restrictions.

Preliminary consultations allow you to select an individual device and record the initial data.

The patient undergoes an orthopantomogram, a teleroentgenogram, an x-ray of the skull in different projections, photographs of the teeth, face, and plaster models of the dentition.

Fixation stage of orthodontic rings and cheek locks allows you to fix the entire structure in the oral cavity.

Rings and locks are most often placed on the 6th and 7th teeth of each jaw.

Fixing braces requires a good view of the oral cavity, so the dentist installs a mouth retractor. The surface of the teeth should be dry, for which it is treated with a stream of warm air.

Substances (restorative composition) are applied to the enamel for 30 seconds to disinfect the surface, which helps to avoid caries under the structure. Then the dentition is dried again with a stream of air.

Fixation of braces is carried out with special glue (bond), which is similar to filling material. It hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Indirect fixation involves initially installing a fastener (ring) on ​​each tooth. The bracket is subsequently attached to these rings. Direct bonding allows the bracket to be bonded directly to the surface of the tooth.

Fixing braces can take 30-90 minutes or even longer. The procedure is painless. It is recommended to eat a large meal before it (to avoid excess saliva production).

Securing the orthodontic arch, which is part of the braces system, is carried out after fixing the brackets. Such an arc has “shape memory,” that is, the ability to restore its original shape after deformation.

The arch is attached to the staples with ligatures using the classical method. Modern orthodontic arches can also be self-ligating, that is, they are attached to brackets without ligatures.

Within 6-8 hours after installing braces the patient may feel quite severe discomfort, which is a consequence of tooth displacement under the influence of an orthodontic arch. You can take over-the-counter pain medications during this time.

Within 3-4 days after the procedure, discomfort and pain almost completely cease to bother the patient.

After installing braces, the long stage of teeth straightening begins. For treatment success, the patient must adhere to the rules of care and certain restrictions.

  1. After installing braces and after each visit to the dentist, you may experience pain and discomfort associated with the pressure of the orthodontic archwire. At that time, you can use recommended painkillers, eat semi-liquid foods, and maintain oral hygiene.
  2. If the brace injures the mucous membrane, it can be temporarily covered with medical wax or cotton wool. The mucosal area heals within 24 hours and becomes less sensitive. If the ligature or orthodontic arch rubs, the dentist can correct the situation.
  3. Oral hygiene should be carried out with special orthodontic and single-tuft brushes, dental brushes, and dental floss. An orthodontic brush is shaped like a “V”. She cleans the teeth above and below the arch. The cervical part of the tooth and the bracket are cleaned with a single-tuft brush. A dental brush cleans the orthodontic arch. The lateral surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with dental floss. Ultrasonic and electric toothbrushes can also be used after meals. It is necessary to clean your teeth and braces immediately after each meal (toothbrushes) and before going to bed (toothbrushes, brush, floss).

A patient with braces cannot:

  1. Eating foods that are too cold (ice cream, drinks).
  2. There are hot dishes (including hot tea).
  3. Biting and gnawing hard foods (dries, apples, carrots, nuts).
  4. There are chips, cookies, waffles, as their small parts are difficult to remove from the system after eating.
  5. There are sticky foods (taffy, candy).
  6. Abuse sweet foods (contribute to the development of multiple sugars).
  7. Coffee, tea, coloring products, and smoking should be limited so as not to stain the braces.

The success of treatment depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on the patient’s commitment to therapy.

Photos before and after installing braces

Braces are installed if The patient has:

  1. Deformation bite of various types.
  2. Heap position of teeth.
  3. Disproportional development one of the jaws.
  4. Incorrect position of teeth.
  5. Crevices between the teeth.
  6. Profile defect.
  7. Facial asymmetry.

How are braces placed on teeth?

Before putting on braces, some previous procedures.

Preparation before insertion

Before installing braces, you must consultation dentist He will examine the oral cavity, the structure of the jaw and find out if there are any illnesses or contraindications to installation. If caries, pulpitis and other ailments are detected, the dentist will prescribe therapy.

And after the problems have been eliminated, the attending physician will advise the patient about the duration of treatment, cost, and also give a prognosis for the final result and select individual braces system. Dentist must Explain how to carefully care for your mouth while wearing braces.

Preparation takes miscellaneous amount of time. She depends on condition of teeth and the presence of diseases in humans.

Can be diagnosed with preliminary dental treatment

To avoid unpleasant situations and negative consequences, doctors recommend get rid of for problems in the oral cavity before installing a brace system.

Sometimes it occurs after braces are installed. In this case, the system is removed from the damaged area and the area is treated.

Brushing teeth before installation

For high-quality adhesion of surfaces, before installation it is done professional cleaning teeth from various types of deposits and plaque.

Attention! On the day of cleaning it is forbidden install staples because there is bleeding.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 1 hour. Ultrasound or special preparations containing fluoride are used.


On average, it takes about 2 weeks. Depending on the material, there are several types of staples. The most common are:

  • Metal: made of stainless steel, sometimes containing nickel impurity. The main advantage is simplicity, low cost, reliability and ease of maintenance. The metal system quickly normalizes malocclusion. The disadvantages are: visibility of the structure and possible allergic reactions. Some patients order gold plating for braces, thereby making them a decoration. It also minimizes allergies to metal products, but the cost increases significantly.
  • Ceramic: made from polycrystalline(transparent) and monocrystalline(matte) ceramics. This is a more modern option. The advantage is invisibility, the disadvantage is fragility. Like any ceramic product, such staples easy to damage.
  • Sapphire: artificial sapphire staples. This special type of ceramic is called single crystal. Cons: fragility and ability to absorb dyes. The advantages of sapphire bracket systems: spectacular shine, special transparency and the ability to securely attach to the teeth.

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Photo of the procedure

Photo 1. Securing clasps to the patient’s tooth enamel using dental glue.

Photo 2. Mouth expander, allowing access to the distant teeth for installation of braces on them.

Photo 3. The doctor passes and fixes a metal arch through the locks glued to the teeth.

How are they placed and attached to the teeth?

The installation process requires maximum concentration, caution and patience from the dentist. Procedure is divided into stages:

  1. First 10-15 minutes Preparations for installation are underway. Inserted into the mouth expander allowing you to see all the teeth. Afterwards, the dentist polishes the enamel and applies a restorative agent on top. Later 30-40 seconds the product is removed and the teeth are dried. Having completed these manipulations, they begin to secure the braces.
  2. The bracket system is attached with special glue ( Bond), previously applied to the enamel. Orthodontic cement is applied to each clasp, which hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays. If necessary, excess material is removed. When the staples are fixed, there is securing the arc. It is fixed with a hook, which is installed on the last tooth.

Prescription of braces - parameters included in the characteristics of braces that affect the movement and final position of teeth in the oral cavity. They are usually described as vestibulo-oral or for lateral teeth buccal-lingual incline, mesial-distal tilt and rotation around an axis. In some systems, the distance between the grooves is of fundamental importance.

The first days after installing braces

A few hours after the procedure, perhaps manifestation of pain and a feeling of loose teeth. There is no need to worry, this is a normal phenomenon and indicates that the system has begun working to correct the bite.

Over time, when the dentition begins to shift, minor pain will appear. Pain lasts after brace installation at least 2-3 days. If it is too pronounced, then it is advised to take painkillers.

  1. Not recommended frequent lip movement.
  2. In the first week apply more wax.
  3. Don't focus on the problem.