Causes and treatment of white discharge on the head in men. Formation of a white film on the head of the penis

Men at any age may develop a white coating on the head of the penis, which does not always indicate the presence of a serious illness or poor personal hygiene. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in adolescents during puberty and men who are promiscuous. It’s worse when the cheesy coating on the glans and foreskin is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Surprisingly, many men delay going to the doctor for years, ignoring the problem and hoping for an independent cure.


Reasons for appearance

In 90% of cases, the reasons for the appearance of white plaque on the head and foreskin are as follows:

  1. Accumulation of smegma. This is a natural process, which in some people may either be disrupted or occur in an abnormal form. Every man has smegma, as it is responsible for moisturizing the glans penis and making it easier for the foreskin to slide over it. Smegma resembles a cheesy coating and has a sour, pungent odor. It occurs in young boys and adult men. Most often observed in adolescence during puberty. Only ignoring the rules of personal hygiene can cause an inflammatory process to begin due to the large amount of accumulated smegma.
  2. . It is not as common as in women, but it is candidiasis infection that can cause a man to develop a white coating and an unpleasant odor on his head. Candidiasis almost never manifests itself as single symptoms, so it can be observed along with white pellets on the foreskin. In rare cases, these cases may be accompanied by pain during urination. Even less commonly, candidal balanoposthitis spreads to the groin area and perianal area. Very often it can be asymptomatic for many years, so already advanced cases or recurrent balanitis are diagnosed.
  3. Gardnerella. For a long time, it was believed that gardella was found only in women suffering from bacterial vaginosis. However, it has been proven that in men gardella is also closely related, only with balanoposthitis. A distinctive feature is a white sticky coating on the coronal groove of the glans penis with a sharp, unpleasant odor and small red spots on the foreskin. Tends to heal on its own.

Sometimes white pellets on the head of the penis can be a complication of gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

White plaque on the head in men photo

Diagnosis and treatment

On a note! Circumcision is the most effective remedy for the accumulation of white plaque on the glans and under the foreskin. It has also been proven that circumcision reduces the risk of many inflammatory processes on the penis.

A variant of the norm is the appearance of a white coating in little boys and men during puberty. In men, smegma can only be observed if the rules of personal hygiene are ignored and the inflammatory process begins. If, with normal daily care of the penis, the cheesy coating and unpleasant odor do not go away after a week, and other symptoms such as itching or redness are added to them, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a urologist or venereologist.

To confirm the diagnosis of candidal balanoposthitis, plaque will be taken from the surface of the head for analysis. Fungi of the genus Candida are considered a conditional pathogen, so any deviations from the norm can be accompanied by inflammatory processes in both men and women. A qualified specialist will immediately recommend treatment for both sexual partners at once, since there is a high probability of relapse. Common treatment regimen:

  • Taking Diflucan 300 mg;
  • Taking Diflucan 150 mg the next day;
  • Take Diflucan 50 mg every other day.

From the first day and for two weeks, apply Clotrimazole or Nisatatin ointment. Also, white plaque from the head can be removed using the following ointments:

  • – externally 3 times a day;
  • Econazole – externally 2 times a day;
  • Ketoconazole – 2 times a day.

Systemic treatment is almost always prescribed; only local drugs are used in cases where the disease is asymptomatic and the main symptoms have appeared in the partner.

As for the treatment of smegma pellets that may appear on the head and foreskin, in most cases it is sufficient to enhance personal hygiene and preventive measures for the care of the genitals. For boys during puberty, it is recommended to wash the penis with warm water daily. In individual cases, washing the penis with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide may be effective.

We recommend not to self-medicate and at the first sign of burning, itching, redness or the appearance of a white coating and unpleasant odor on the penis, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Curing male thrush at the initial stage is not as difficult as suffering from relapses after each unprotected sexual intercourse or violation of personal hygiene rules.

White plaque on the head of the penis is a common phenomenon that occurs both at an early age in boys and adult men.

There are many reasons for the appearance of such a sign; it could be an infectious disease or a lack of basic hygiene.

What causes plaque to form?

Why does this problem occur? White plaque on the head of the penis is caused by two reasons: lack of hygiene or the development of infection in the foreskin. In the first case, it is worth understanding the process of plaque formation. It is produced by the secretion of the glands, which is located under the foreskin - smegma. The appearance of white discharge does not indicate the onset of the disease in men.

But over time, the smegma begins to rot and an unpleasant odor appears. This process increases the risk of the onset of the disease, as a result of which discharge appears on the head of the penis. Smegma is removed during hygiene procedures, so their absence or improper care of the genitals are the reasons for the appearance of such a scourge.

The most effective way to prevent white matter from accumulating is to circumcise the foreskin. Why is it effective? As a result, the head of the penis is always exposed, which prevents the accumulation of smegma on it, so white plaque on the head of the penis does not appear in the future.

The next reason why a similar plaque appears or may appear on the head of the penis is the development of infection. Among such diseases, candidiasis balanoposthitis, known as thrush, is often the cause of white plaque on the penis. In most cases, a man becomes infected from a woman with thrush, in rare situations - through contact with dirty laundry.

If there is itching and a white coating, there is a burning sensation and redness of the foreskin, then this clearly indicates this disease. You should not attempt to cure yourself, since improper treatment will not only not get rid of the problem, but will also cause even more harm. The patient himself will not be able to determine the reasons for the appearance of white discharge.

Preventive measures

Following hygiene rules is much easier than treating the consequences of neglect of this problem.. Therefore, to prevent white matter from accumulating, a number of procedures should be carried out that are included in preventive actions.

Hygiene should be taught from childhood. A boy who was taught all the basic rules in childhood, as a grown man, is unlikely to encounter such problems. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the penis twice a day with warm water and soap - this will be enough to prevent the discharge from accumulating on the glans. All kinds of bactericidal agents are not recommended during the evening shower. Their frequent use can wash away beneficial microflora, which, on the contrary, will help bacteria easily penetrate.

If inflammation has begun, the manifestation of which is a white coating on the head of the penis, then the site of inflammation and redness should be treated with 1% tetracycline ointment. The drug "Malavit" will be effective. The most radical but effective method - circumcision - will also work.

The occurrence of candidiasis and its symptoms

Candidiasis, called thrush, appears quite rarely in men. Nevertheless, cases of the disease occurring in the male half of humanity occur, and the cause of the disease is favorable development conditions under the foreskin, that is, lack of hygiene.

The causative agent of candidiasis is a fungus that has a good degree of resistance to the effects of drugs, so it is easier to avoid the disease than to waste your time and energy fighting it. The following routes for the entry and development of such an infection in men are identified:

  1. The most common cause is unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman with thrush.
  2. The next reason is the transfer of fungus to the penis from other places affected by thrush.
  3. Lack of basic hygiene, which includes dirty laundry or transferring infection to the penis with dirty hands.

The disease is easy to identify, as it has the following symptoms:

Development of other infections

In addition to candidiasis, white plaque on the genitals can appear due to diseases, both sexually transmitted and those arising due to deterioration of health. These include herpes, dermatitis, psoriasis, chlamydia, diabetes, syphilis.

This is especially true for syphilis, since the discharge of a white substance on the head is one of the signs of the disease. In addition, with syphilis, ulcers can form, after a while it goes away, therefore, if a white coating appears on the head of the genital organ, you should consult a doctor and do not treat yourself.

Chlamydia also leads to the appearance of white discharge in men. The disease is sexually transmitted, with chlamydia playing a major role in this, which infects humans. The disease is fraught with complications such as arthritis or conjunctivitis.

White plaque on the genitals is also a sign of herpes. Along with this symptom, blisters also appear on the skin of the penis, which are accompanied by itching. If they burst, this leads to the appearance of painful ulcers in their place, which take a long time to heal. Do not forget about diabetes mellitus or HIV infection, since these diseases also lead to the formation of plaque.


To eliminate discharge on the head of the penis, if it occurs due to the appearance of candidiasis, you can resort to two methods of treatment - traditional and folk. The goal of the traditional method is to eliminate the source of infection, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate harmful bacteria. Traditional treatment suppresses the further development of bacteria; for this purpose, antifungal agents are used in the form of ointments, suppositories and gels.

Local treatment is applied twice a day; if the desired result cannot be achieved, then they switch to the use of injections and tablets, which are characterized by a systemic effect. To strengthen the immune system, you should consume nicotinic and ascorbic acid. Don't forget about vitamins B2 and B6. The patient must follow a strict diet, which includes foods rich in proteins. Sweets should be removed from the diet.

For the treatment of candidiasis with folk remedies, decoctions of plants (chamomile, bird cherry, oak bark, calendula) that are taken orally are suitable. The same plants are suitable for lotions and rinses. Kvass, kombucha tincture and dishes containing garlic are often used. They have a positive effect on the body, helping it cope with candidiasis and eliminate plaque on the head of the penis.

Thus, the appearance of such plaque is due to the development of infectious diseases or lack of hygiene. If the disease begins to progress and the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This also applies if white cheesy discharge appears due to poor hygiene. You should not do treatment on your own.

The penis is most often an accumulation of smegma - the secretion of the glands located under the foreskin. It has an unpleasant odor and a thick consistency, reminiscent of a “curdled mass.” Typically, increased secretion of smegma is observed in adolescents during puberty. As a rule, the accumulation of this fluid occurs due to the lack of violation of the basic rules of intimate hygiene. The active substances of smegma are carcinogens that increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Candidiasis, or thrush

Candidiasis is a fungal infection, which is the second provocateur of the appearance of white plaque on the penis. It is extremely rarely diagnosed in people, since there are no favorable conditions under the foreskin of the penis for the development of this disease. Thrush can develop after sexual contact, and in rare cases, through dirty hands and underwear. In addition to white plaque, symptoms of the disease include swelling, itching, burning, pain when urinating, the appearance of erosion and a noticeable decrease in immunity.

How to get rid of plaque

If a white coating appears on the head of the penis, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, this can lead to undesirable consequences. First of all, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

If smegma accumulates, it will be enough to follow the rules of hygiene and, if necessary, treat with one percent “Tetracycline ointment” and the drug “Malavit”. The most radical way to get rid of this problem is extreme surgery, which reduces the possibility of developing an infection.

If the cause of this problem is thrush, you will need to undergo a course of treatment with local medications in the form of ointments, gels and solutions. At the same time, medications are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, vitamins B2 and B6, as well as a diet that excludes sweets. The partner must also undergo treatment for a fungal infection.

White plaque on the head of the penis can also be observed with syphilis, gonorrhea,

Sometimes doctors diagnose white plaque and itching on the head in men. This phenomenon may be a sign of illness in the body or a feature of puberty in the body. Men of different ages suffer from diseases of the genital organs, but puberty affects only adolescents. Why does white plaque and itching appear on the head in men and how to cope with this disease? The material in this article will help you find answers to this and related questions.

White discharge on the head in men is rarely considered normal. Most often, this symptom is attributed to a pathology that is the result of negative changes in the body.

In most cases, white plaque with itching torments men with:

The described reasons in most circumstances are factors leading to the appearance of white plaque on the surface of the penis. In some cases, in addition to white protrusions, an itchy symptom is felt, which also serves as an indicator of unhealthy reproductive system. The detection of these signs is the reason for the man to visit the appropriate medical specialist who can provide the necessary assistance to the patient.

How is it treated?

If the head of the penis, covered with a white coating, itches, you should immediately go to the hospital for help. After a detailed examination of the penis, the doctor will decide on the most appropriate treatment regimen for this disease. The chosen treatment model is always based on the ailments and “sores” existing in the body, thereby trying to prevent their exacerbation.

In most cases, diagnosing an existing pathology is not complete without studying the composition of the white spots covering the head. To do this, using special instruments, they take a swab from the surface of the penis and subject it to bacterial seeding. This technique allows you to determine whether an existing sign is a symptom of thrush or not.

Sometimes white protrusions on the penis are accompanied by a burning sensation, which also causes severe discomfort to the patient. In some cases, this symptom accompanies the manifestations of cheesy accumulations of smegma. The doctor recommends treating such a diagnosis by strengthening compliance with personal hygiene standards. It can be carried out not only in the morning and evening hours, but also in the middle of the day, if a person has free time for this.

Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis is based on the use of the following medications:

  • Fluconazole.

If the patient also suffers from phimosis (narrow foreskin), then the treatment course includes drugs to alleviate the patient’s condition. Such medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, since many of them can cause side effects. The latter are very dangerous, because in many cases they are the initiators of exacerbation of “sores” existing in the body.

If the white spots on the penis also itch unbearably, then doctors resort to eliminating them. To do this, circumcision is performed, which is the removal of the foreskin from the male penis. All this is carried out under special anesthesia and is practically painless.

As a result of removing the foreskin, the risk of formation of smegma accumulations is eliminated. In addition, this manipulation eliminates the likelihood of many sexually transmitted diseases developing in the body.

There are special rules, the observance of which eliminates the possibility of developing white spots on the penis. These rules are easy to follow on a daily basis at home.

Let's get to know them in more detail:

  1. Showering after intercourse. If you shower regularly after sexual intercourse, the likelihood of white spots appearing on the penis is significantly reduced. A shower is required, even if condoms were used during sexual intercourse.
  2. Wash your genitals well. To maintain your health, it is recommended to shower at least twice a day. In this case, washing the genitals should be carried out not only with running water, but also with the use of antibacterial or laundry soap.
  3. Wipe every day with Chlorhexidine. By daily wiping the genitals with Chlorhexidine, the risk of pathogenic microorganisms developing on the glans penis is significantly reduced.
  4. Washing with potassium permanganate. By washing the genitals daily with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), you can reduce the risk of developing itching and white spots on the head of the penis. It is better to do this in a course of seven days.

Compliance with personal hygiene standards in most cases prevents the appearance of white plaque on the genitals.

White vision in men on the head of the penis is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, the secretion may be a sign of a certain disease. Most often, fluid is released from the sebaceous glands, the genitourinary canal, as well as from pathological neoplasms located on the reproductive organ. In this case, the secretion may be physiological or indicate the presence of certain diseases.

What to pay attention to

Ejaculate is the sperm that is released after sexual intercourse. This fluid consists of sperm and secretions. A similar group of discharges also includes wet dreams, when white drops are discharged after sleep in adolescents.

If the appearance of the liquid changes, you should consult a doctor. Particular attention should also be paid to the smell and consistency of the discharge.

If this is a pathology

The causes of white discharge on the head in men can be pathological. Often such a secret indicates the development of a certain disease. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist.

This kind of discharge can be a sign of the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system or signal the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the body. Each disease has specific symptoms. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo an examination and study the features of the secretion. Among the pathologies, it is worth highlighting the following ailments:




Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis;


Prostatitis of various etiologies.


Yellow-white discharge on the head in men may indicate the presence of a disease such as gonorrhea. It is worth noting that with this disease the secretion has an unpleasant odor. During urination, a man may experience a burning sensation. The main symptoms of gonorrhea, in addition to specific discharge, are pain in the groin and fever. The causative agent of the infection is gonococcus bacteria. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact.



Candidiasis is a disease accompanied by a nonspecific inflammatory process. The disease usually appears with a sharp decrease in immunity. With candidiasis, white discharge appears on the head in men. A photo of the secretion allows you to more clearly imagine what the main symptom of the disease looks like. The discharge from this disease resembles cottage cheese. They have a very thick consistency and a sour smell. During urination, a man may experience pain, severe burning and itching.

Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

Such diseases are sexually transmitted pathologies that are transmitted from partner to partner during sexual intercourse. When the disease manifests itself, you may notice discharge. They can be transparent or white. Most often, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are accompanied by pain in the groin area. In addition, severe burning and itching occurs when completing and during urination.


The causative agents of diseases such as trichomoniasis are also sexually transmitted. In this case, disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system appear almost immediately after infection. The disease has rapidly occurring and vivid symptoms. A man with the disease suffers from severe irritation of the urethra when emptying the bladder. In this case, a liquid with a specific odor and a thick consistency, yellow-white in color, is released abundantly.

Diagnosis of diseases

White discharge under the head in men is most often physiological. But in some cases a full examination is required. Diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system consists of a number of studies. Usually carried out:

General examination;

Clinical urine analysis;

General blood analysis;

Analysis for the presence of glucose;

Taking a smear - bacteroscopic analysis of the urethra;


Sowing a smear to identify the pathogen’s habitat and determine its response to the antibiotic.

Only an integrated approach can detect the presence of any disease of the genitourinary system.

Treatment options

What is prescribed for white discharge on the head in men? How to treat the disease? Before prescribing therapy, the doctor must identify the nosology, as well as the type of causative agent of the disease, accompanied by white discharge. However, most diseases are treated by taking antibacterial drugs that have a wide spectrum of action. After a thorough diagnosis, specialists prescribe the patient a drug to which the pathogen is less resistant. Therefore, narrowly specialized medications may be prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases.

Folk remedies

White discharge in men around the head, on it and under it is a sign of the development of pathology. The exception is physiological fluids. In the initial stages of diseases, you can resort to the help of alternative medicine. Some drugs have no side effects or contraindications. To eliminate the main cause of discharge, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs. For such symptoms, calendula, bird cherry, oak bark, string and chamomile are ideal. Ready-made decoctions can be used internally or externally.

Traditional healers also recommend using kvass with garlic or kombucha to eliminate pathogens and other pathogens. It is worth noting that such drugs not only help eliminate the root cause of unpleasant symptoms, but also strengthen the immune system as a whole. In addition, many pharmacies sell ready-made herbal teas with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

However, you should resort to traditional medicine only after consultation with specialists. Self-medication can cause the development of unwanted complications.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat the consequences of its development in the future. To prevent a relapse, a man should not forget about personal hygiene. It is recommended to carry out water procedures twice a day.

In addition, you should avoid underwear that is too tight or uncomfortable. You should not use clothes made of synthetic materials. It is also recommended to pay special attention to habits and nutrition. It is worth removing smoked and spicy foods, as well as sweet foods, from your daily diet. Experts advise completely abstaining from alcoholic beverages and tobacco. This will allow you to promptly prevent the development of pathogenic microflora and speed up the healing process. The diet should include berries, fresh fruits and dairy products.
