Diet for 2 years by the hour. A two-year-old baby is already an adult, but still so small. Head holding training

Is your baby already two years old? We hasten to congratulate you on this achievement. You have probably already noticed how persistently the baby strives for knowledge; he shows interest in absolutely everything: natural phenomena, the operation of home appliances, animals and birds, as well as many other events that fall into the area of ​​his attention. Now the child acts consciously, he strives to acquire as many skills and knowledge as possible.

Daily schedule by the hour

At two years old, the child is accustomed to living according to a schedule and perceives any failure as problematic. Therefore, if possible, try to adhere to the daily routine without violating it. The most important rule is that eating should always occur at the same time. The same applies to sleep. All other activities can be rescheduled for another hour without much harm to the child. Daily schedule option:

  • 07:00 - waking up;
  • 07:00–07:30 - brushing teeth, ears and nose, washing, changing clothes;
  • 07:30–08:00 - morning exercises, it is advisable to do it together with mom or dad;
  • 08:00–08:30 - breakfast, milk porridge or vegetable puree, you can offer cookies for tea;
  • 08:30–09:00 - educational games;
  • 09:00–11:00 - first walk, in the cold season it is better to go outside later, when it gets a little warmer; in the summer, try to walk the child before the heat sets in;
  • 11–00:12:00 - playing games at home, reading books, listening to music with mom;
  • 12:00–12:30 - lunch, by this time the child usually already has an appetite, offer him soup, compote is suitable as a drink;
  • 12:30–13:00 - independent games, preparation for daytime sleep;
  • 13:00–15:00 - afternoon nap;
  • 15:00–15:30 - awakening;
  • 15:30–16:00 - playing with construction sets, drawing;
  • 16:00–16:30 - afternoon snack, a light snack before the walk will not hurt;
  • 16:30–18:30 - time to go for fresh air;
  • 18:30–19:00 - return home, wash hands;
  • 19:00–19:30 - communication with elders, learning new songs or educational games;
  • 19:30–20:00 - dinner with family;
  • 20:00–21:00 - air baths, bathing, massage, getting ready for bed;
  • 21:00 - sleep.

The schedule is tight, but this does not mean that you need to be near your child every minute. You can “puzzle” the baby with something, leaving him in the field of view, and at that time start preparing dinner or other household chores. The baby must be gradually accustomed to the fact that mom and dad can also have some activities. If this daily schedule option is not suitable, you can adapt it to the needs of your family. The main thing is that it matches the baby’s biorhythms.

What can a two year old baby do?

One of the most favorite pastimes for children of this age is drawing. Of course, they are still far from Leonardo da Vinci or Aivazovsky, but you will see for yourself that there is nothing more pleasant than looking at the next “creations” of your own child. And even if for some reason the horse is similar to Bear Mountain, and the car almost exactly follows the outline of the boat, do not forget to praise the kid, because he tried so hard.

It's time to involve your little one in the creative process. One option is modeling. To do this you will have to stock up on plasticine. The child will be happy to create figures from it, but it is hardly worth leaving him alone; with a high probability it can be argued that the child will definitely want to try out the new material. A popular activity option is finger painting. For this you will need watercolor paints. Try to allocate a place on the wall where you could attach a sheet of whatman paper - your child will be happy to draw fantastic patterns on it.

Don't know what toys are best to buy for a two-year-old child? This is a great period to get acquainted with puzzles and construction sets. Of course, the parts of the sets must be large enough so that the baby cannot accidentally swallow them. Sets of cubes, including those with letters, will come in handy. From time to time, during joint games, you can show the baby one of the letters; believe me, this information will be deposited in the baby’s subconscious. Basic skills:

  • drawing;
  • listening to fairy tales;
  • primary verbal communication skills with children and adults;
  • careful eating;
  • Carrying out hygiene procedures - washing, brushing teeth;
  • dressing - albeit slowly, but the child is already able to cope with most wardrobe items without the help of adults;
  • putting toys and clothes in their places;
  • controlled fulfillment of physiological needs.

Every day you need to find time to communicate with your child. Games for him are not just entertainment, but a way of understanding the world around him. Parents should become guides for him, who will simultaneously explain why the Sun is shining, what is good, and what actions it is better to refrain from.

Physical development of children at two years old

The baby is already moving much more confidently than at one and a half years old. He happily walks on a flat line - this could be a sidewalk curb or a board laid on the surface. Most often, two-year-old children joyfully and animatedly have fun during outdoor games. They can be asked to play with a ball or jump. Every day you should do gymnastics with your child, it will take a little time, up to half an hour, but the benefits are enormous:

  • inhale and exhale, this exercise should begin and end the lesson;
  • walking to music with high knees and moving your arms in different directions;
  • moving around the room by jumping - for 40–50 seconds;
  • goose walking;
  • “Bicycle” is one of the most popular exercises.

If you wish, you can supplement this list with other movements. You can come up with a story for each exercise, then it will be more enjoyable for your child to practice.

Intellectual games for two-year-old children

There are many games that stimulate mental development. For example, searching for an image that matches a three-dimensional figure. To do this, you can look for ready-made kits in the retail network or make your own kit yourself. Other options:

  • assembly of pyramids, nesting dolls;
  • playing with a construction set - you should start with the simplest elements, later you can move on to complex options containing more details;
  • selection of toys by color or shape;
  • contrasts - hard-soft, flat-volume, light-heavy, warm-cold;
  • drawing geometric shapes.

If you notice that your baby is tired, it is better to interrupt the lesson. As a rule, at two years old children are able to concentrate attention for 20–30 minutes. After this time, they switch to something else.

Character of a two year old child

Children of this age are characterized by the desire to be in time everywhere and activity. Little fidgets have a hard time staying in one place, they constantly want a change of scenery, they happily walk in new places, looking around unfamiliar surroundings with surprised eyes. Important point! It is very important for two-year-olds to receive regular approval from adults, so be sure to praise them for their achievements.

A common problem is whims of a child. How to deal with this? Most often, the baby shows dissatisfaction in the following cases:

  • when he wants to attract the attention of others;
  • if there is no desire to do what his elders tell him;
  • if necessary, copy the behavior of one of your relatives or friends.

In such cases, we can only advise you to maintain composure and not break down. One way is to distract the baby’s attention, offer him an interesting activity, or show him something new. Other characteristic behavioral features:

  • refusal to make contact with strangers - children often become suspicious at the age of two;
  • active gestures, tendency to speak loudly to attract attention;
  • desire to communicate verbally;
  • Children as young as two years old enjoy watching cartoons and children's programs - on the Internet or TV.

Two-year-old children have a special relationship with music, and this is typical for both boys and girls. They sing with enthusiasm along with adults, and, as a rule, love to dance to the beat of the music.

Nutrition for a two year old child

The baby regularly needs to be given meat and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, and cereals. The diet must contain fermented milk products, along with which calcium enters the body. The formation of the child’s skeletal system depends on it. Basic principles of nutrition:

  • fish - twice a week;
  • cottage cheese - at least 100 g daily;
  • hard cheese - no more than 40 g;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables - every day;
  • The baby’s diet must include salads and stewed vegetables;
  • A sufficient amount of drinking is one of the factors of full development.

Don't overfeed your baby! This is a common mistake many parents make. Overeating in the evening is especially dangerous, as it can lead to decreased appetite the next day. During transition periods (spring and autumn), give your child vitamins - it is better to consult a pediatrician about this.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby should consist of the correct sequence of sleep, feeding and periods of wakefulness, alternating with the implementation of mandatory hygiene procedures.

Approximate (!) daily routine for a breastfed baby

  • 6:00 First feeding, morning hygiene procedures (changing a diaper, washing, cleaning the nasal passages, trimming nails.);
  • 7:30-9:30 Morning dream;
  • 9:30-11:00 Waking up, placing the baby on his tummy (). Second feeding (the newly fed baby must be held in a “column” to prevent regurgitation). We are going for a walk;
  • 11:00-13:00 Daytime sleep. Better while walking;
  • 13:00-14:30 Third feeding;
  • 14:30-16:30 Dream;
  • 16:30-17:30 Fourth feeding. Developmental activities: manipulations with a rattle, fixation of the gaze on the toy, accompanied by songs, rhymes, nursery rhymes;
  • 17:30-19:30 Dream;
  • 19:30-21:00 Fifth feeding. Hygiene procedures: bathing the child (if the room temperature is not lower than 22 degrees, you can take your time dressing the newly bathed baby, giving him the opportunity to be naked for five minutes);
  • 21:00-23:30 Dream;
  • 23:30-00:00 Sixth feeding;
  • 00:00-6:00 Night sleep. It is this time interval that is considered ideal for a two-month-old baby to rest at night, but, as a rule, the baby wakes up at night, sometimes even more than once - you should not refuse to feed him.

You can download and print a sample daily routine from our Yandex.Disk -

More daily routine options for children from 1 to 3 months:

This routine can be adjusted to take into account the individuality of the baby.. Frail babies often need more sleep. You can accommodate a child who is hungry ahead of schedule (15-20 minutes doesn’t solve anything). Sleep time also undergoes exactly the same adjustment: a capricious and overtired baby can be put to bed earlier, and a sound sleeper can be allowed to sleep a little more.

However, all this concerns only minor deviations from the schedule we have presented. Some young mothers, who do not know how to correctly interpret their baby’s behavior, begin to adapt to his every dissatisfied squeak. As a result, the schedule of feeding, sleep and wakefulness gets confused, giving way to unsystematicity and chaos.

Even if there are some deviations in the child’s behavior(for example, he may confuse the time of day, staying awake at night and sleeping during the day), they can and should be arranged. If this is not done on time, excessive maternal compassion will lead to the child’s incorrect behavior becoming the norm, making the organization of the family structure inconvenient for the rest of the family.

About the daily routine of an artificial baby

The daily routine of a 2-month-old baby fed with artificial formula will be slightly different than for a baby receiving breast milk. This is explained by the longer (compared to breast milk) absorption of the artificial product. In this regard, the breaks between feedings should be at least four hours, so the artificial feeding schedule will be as follows: 6:00 | 10:00 | 14:00 | 18:00 | 22:00 | 2:00

As for the periods of wakefulness and sleep, they remain the same as for infants feeding on mother's milk. Depending on the individual characteristics of each child’s body, some minor adjustments may be made to this regimen.

About the importance of sleep

The quality of sleep determines the physical and emotional state of the baby. If he slept well, it means he will have enough strength to actively perceive the world, play and communicate with loved ones, as well as an excellent appetite. A child who does not get enough sleep will be apathetic and capricious.

A two-month-old baby should sleep at least 16 hours a day, and a falling asleep baby does not need any rocking or stroking. If he is healthy, fed and put to bed on time, there should be no problems with falling asleep, because he needs sleep physiologically.

If sleep disturbances do exist in a 2-month-old baby, you need to figure out what is the cause of this unnatural phenomenon. Your baby may have trouble sleeping due to:

  • insufficient activity during waking hours;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, which reacts sensitively even to weak stimuli (for example, light in the next room falling into the child’s field of vision);
  • consequences of birth trauma (this kind of anxiety is noted until about three months of age);
  • feelings of discomfort (uncomfortable bed, wet diapers, feelings of hunger or overeating);
  • too bright light;
  • noisy environment;
  • increased humidity or dry air;
  • violations of the temperature regime in the children's room (the optimal temperature is considered to be from 20 to 24 degrees);
  • abdominal pain.

We also read about how much time a newborn baby sleeps during the day.

Babies accustomed to being rocked to sleep may have greater difficulty falling asleep. Having found out the cause of the sleep disorder, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it (allow the baby to move while he is awake, create a calm environment before bed: mute the TV volume, do not allow other family members to talk loudly in the room where the baby is sleeping). The main factor contributing to the normalization of sleep is putting the baby to bed at the same time. Once he gets used to the routine, he will begin to fall asleep on his own.

Sleep organization

To sleep, the child should have a comfortable crib with a firm, elastic mattress () and a flat pillow. In order for your baby to get a good night's sleep, it is necessary to create optimal conditions:

  • ventilate the children's room well;
  • remake the crib, making sure that the sheet does not form folds that could cause discomfort;
  • if the room is on the sunny side, it is necessary to shade the window;
  • change a diaper or nappy before going to bed;
  • feed the baby.

Since a two-month-old baby still needs close contact with his mother, he feels her absence even in his sleep. The sleep of a baby placed in a crib is characterized by short duration and intermittency. Many mothers notice this when they briefly leave the room where their baby is sleeping.

A completely different situation is observed if the mother is nearby: the baby sleeps soundly and for a long time. That is why pediatricians advise nursing mothers not to take their baby off the breast during feeding during the day, but to lie down next to him for about forty minutes. The benefit turns out to be two-sided: the mother gets the opportunity to relax and take a break from household chores, and the baby gains strength for the next wakefulness.

A bathing procedure before feeding your baby can make your night's sleep longer and more complete.

Many mothers are interested in the question of the advisability of swaddling a two-month-old baby before bed. In previous years, this manipulation was considered mandatory. Modern pediatricians are of the opinion that it is not at all necessary. The exception is when the baby sleeps restlessly, flapping its arms. Sometimes loose swaddling helps solve this problem.

Features of feeding

The ideal option for the proper development of a baby is breastfeeding, since mother's milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body and contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies that protect the child from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

The nuances of breastfeeding

The most physiological is considered to be a free breastfeeding regime, when the baby gets access to mother's milk “on demand.” Demanding crying or restlessness shown by your baby are indicators that he is hungry.

Despite the seeming spontaneity of this approach, it turned out that the baby needs to eat every three hours during the day and four at night, so this completely coincides with the daily routine recommended by modern pediatricians.

This is exactly the feeding regimen that most experienced mothers practice, arguing that it not only satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of the baby, but also minimizes the risk of milk stagnation (). Babies who receive breastfeeding on demand practically do not cry, because they feel not only fullness, but also a state of serenity and comfort, close to what they experienced during intrauterine development.

The daily requirement of breast milk for a two-month-old baby is approximately 900 ml (single dose - 130 ml). How to monitor whether the baby is receiving the required amount? The length of time it stays at the breast can serve as a guide. The average duration of one feeding is twenty minutes(the most active and strong babies are able to get enough in a quarter of an hour). We read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a child should eat -

There are children who turn away from the breast after just five minutes. This moment is clearly not enough to saturate the child. This is usually done by weakened infants who feed exclusively on “light” milk, which enters their mouths without the slightest effort on their part. When this “feed” stops, they stop sucking. To get the little sloth to eat properly, experts recommend that mothers express the first portion of milk. Then the baby will suck exactly as much as he is supposed to.

Note to moms!

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However, with this feeding option, the baby may experience a lack of fluid, since the “front” milk contains more liquid, and the “hind” milk contains more fat. To eliminate the possibility of such an imbalance, the mother should consult a pediatrician - he will help her choose the necessary feeding tactics.

It is also undesirable to hold the baby at the breast for too long. For some babies, feeding takes about an hour. After eating for the first twenty minutes, they simply hold the nipple in their mouth, occasionally sucking on it. Mothers of such babies should be aware that this can affect the condition of the nipples.

Due to the constant mechanical impact on them, they can form, which can cause extremely painful sensations during each feeding. To prevent this, you should carefully remove the nipple from the mouth of an already saturated baby.

Another indicator of the sufficiency of breastfeeding is the number of wet diapers and diapers soiled by the baby. A two-month-old baby, receiving a sufficient amount of mother's milk, urinates 12 to 15 times a day. The stool pattern may vary. Some babies poop after every feeding, others have stools from two to four times a day: this is also considered the norm (brother-fed babies do this less often - no more than once or twice a day).

About feeding artificial animals

Formula-fed babies are fed only at certain hours. This is a necessary measure, due to the fact that in order to digest an artificial mixture, although it is analogue of mother's milk, but slightly different from it in composition and beneficial properties, it requires more time.

Two-month-old infants are fed with adapted milk formula number 1. The number of feedings (5-6 times) and the volume of one serving (120-140 ml) is indicated on each package. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage and number of feedings. Premature babies and very low birth weight infants are on a special feeding regimen, which is monitored and prescribed by a pediatrician.

If during breastfeeding the baby is given drinking water only on especially hot days - to quench his thirst (mother's milk is both drink and food for him), then for artificial babies it is absolutely necessary. Drinking water must be given to artificially-fed babies in the pauses between feedings.

Despite the fact that artificial babies are fed from a bottle, mothers should feed them not in the crib, but by holding them in their arms: this is how much-needed physical contact is achieved with the person they love most.

After feeding babies (both infants and artificial babies), it is necessary to hold them in an upright position for three minutes, allowing the portion of air that has entered the stomach to leave it. The presence of profuse (“fountain”) belching is a reason to contact a pediatrician, since this may indicate certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of wakefulness

2 months is the time when the baby begins to pay attention to the world around him. If earlier his awakenings were associated only with the need to refresh himself, now he is able to stay awake for an hour and a half.

As the baby develops psycho-emotionally and mentally, his activity also increases. Having felt the ability to control muscles (due to the weakening of the flexor muscle tone), he begins to perform many targeted movements. Vision and hearing, improving day by day (the baby is able to see objects seven meters away from him), allow him to recognize close people and gradually navigate in space. This is largely facilitated by strengthening the neck muscles, which allow the baby to turn his head in the direction he needs.


Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial for every child. Their duration in the warm season can be at least one and a half hours. The best times for this are morning (before 11) and evening (after 16). It is best to walk in the lacy shade of trees, protecting your baby from the bright rays of the sun.

In winter, walks with a 2-month-old child are possible only at temperatures exceeding -10 degrees. The best clothing for a sedentary baby is a bib overalls with a natural fur lining and a lower part made in the form of an envelope.

The awake baby must be taken out of the stroller, showing him the world around him. You should take your baby for a walk in a place far from polluted highways: a quiet park or a calm courtyard..

Activities and educational games

Two months of age is a great time to train your senses.. In order for the baby to learn to follow moving objects, focusing his gaze on them, it is necessary to purchase several very light and bright rattles, painted in red, yellow and orange, since now he perceives only these warm colors. The sound of the rattle should not be scary, but pleasant.

  • Taking a rattle, you can approach the baby from the side and shake it thirty centimeters from him, forcing the baby to turn his head in the direction of the sound. By transferring the toy to the other hand, they try to turn its head in the opposite direction in the same way. The mother can simply call the baby in a gentle voice, approaching the crib from different sides, so that, in response to the sound, he turns his head in the right direction;
  • It is useful to place a rattle in a child's hand. Weak fingers are able to hold it for only thirty seconds. This is an excellent exercise that prepares the muscles of the hand for the act of grasping;
  • You can hang a garland of bright rattles over your baby's crib so that he can reach it with his arms or legs. The sound made by the garland in response to the baby’s touch leads him to surprise and delight, forcing him to wave his arms and move his legs even more actively;
  • A bright rattle can be placed in front of the baby, laid out on his tummy (it is better to do this in a crib without a mattress or in a playpen). A healthy baby should raise his head, lean on his forearms and, raising his chest, look forward. A bright object will certainly attract his attention and force him to stay in this position for some time, looking at the objects lying in front of him;
  • To develop fine motor skills, you can play “magpie-white-sided” with your child. While fingering and massaging each finger, you need to recite the text of the poem.

The duration of developmental activities with the baby should not exceed twenty minutes. You need to talk to him affectionately, emotionally, often changing intonation, read children's poems, sing simple songs. Having heard the baby “booming”, calling on his mother to communicate, it is necessary to respond to his call. Otherwise, the “humbling” will soon stop, which will inevitably lead to a delay in speech and impaired emotional development.

Gymnastics and massage


When bathing a two-month-old baby, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • The use of special detergents is allowed no more than once a week;
  • For daily bathing, babies use ordinary clean water;
  • If your baby has heat rash or diaper rash, you can add chamomile and chamomile infusions to the bath;
  • The optimal water temperature for bathing a baby is thirty-seven degrees;
  • It is not at all necessary to bathe the baby before going to bed for the night. If the baby protests and is capricious, you can do this during the daytime or morning hours, when he is awake.

Caring for a two-month-old baby is not an easy and very responsible task. If a caring and loving mother steadily adheres to the same daily routine, in the future she will be able to protect the family from the problems faced by parents of children raised without any structure. The sooner the baby gets used to order, the easier it is to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world.

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Video: what is a regime for a child?

  • Doesn't sleep well
  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • You can raise a child, adhering to the regime and routine, or you can treat this more freely, starting from the immediate needs of the baby. However, experts say that children who are accustomed to a certain regime from birth get sick less often, tolerate stress better, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Is it necessary to follow a regime, and what kind of routine to follow, says the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky.


    Food, sleep, water, a sense of security - these are what children really need. In the regime, as such, not a single child in the world has any physiological or psychological needs, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

    From this point of view, the regime is no longer needed by the baby, but by his parents, in order to remain capable adults who are able to raise a child.

    If the child sleeps and eats when he wants, even in the middle of the night, then it is obvious that mom and dad will not get enough sleep, and will quickly turn into lethargic and incapable people with signs of nervous exhaustion. Since the child still really needs healthy and full-fledged parents, it is wiser to introduce a daily routine, and do it as early as possible. Ideally, immediately after discharge from the hospital.

    Routine is a great way to organize family life, in which an infant is growing up, and also prepare the baby in advance for a future visit to kindergarten and school, because everything there is according to the regime. However, parents will have to change the daily routine several times in the first years, since different ages require different approaches to organizing the regime.

    Daily routine by month

    At the very first stage of life, a child’s regimen should be drawn up with mandatory consideration sleep standards, which have significant age differences. A newborn, for example, needs at least 18 hours of sleep per day, a six-month-old child needs 14.5 hours, and a one-year-old baby needs 13.5 hours. However, much depends on the temperament of the child himself.

    Some babies refuse daytime sleep after 2 years, but they are perfectly fine choosing the 12-13 hours of sleep they are entitled to at night. Attempts by parents to force the baby to sleep during daylight hours end in complete fiasco - even if the child begins to sleep during the day, the quantity and quality of sleep at night deteriorates significantly. Therefore, drawing up a regime will require parents to be flexible and understand the individual characteristics of their own child.

    Diet convenient for parents, but it also has its downsides, says Evgeny Komarovsky. The child begins to produce gastric juice precisely when it is time for lunch or dinner according to his usual schedule. But as you grow older, circumstances may change, the kindergarten will have a different schedule and lunch time will shift by an hour, the school will have its own schedule and the child will have to adapt again. The production of gastric juice in the absence of food does not benefit the body.

    Considering the feeding hours, they should be as close as possible to the routine that exists in the kindergarten that the child will attend or to the school routine.

    Walking mode very important for the baby and for the older schoolchild. You cannot refuse to walk in the fresh air even during illness, especially if the illness is respiratory. The only reason not to go outside is high temperature. But as soon as the fever subsides, then, despite the runny nose and cough, you need to go outside.

    During illness The child’s routine may go astray, and this is completely normal, says Evgeny Komarovsky. With a properly organized routine, the child will quickly return to his usual “track” after recovery.

    An approximate mode may be as follows.

    1-2 months

    At this age, the need for sleep is from 18 to 20 hours (depending on the baby’s temperament). In this case, night sleep (about 12 hours) can be interrupted by 1-2 feedings. During the day, the baby sleeps 4-5 times, each episode of sleep lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

    The average number of feedings is 6-7, the interval between meals is from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Any mother can “adjust” this approximate plan to specific hours and minutes based on the family’s daily routine. If household members go to bed early (at 21-22 o'clock), then water procedures and the last feeding should occur at 20.30. This assumes that the family gets up at 5:00.

    If parents and other children in the family go to bed late (at 23:00), then the last evening feeding should be moved to 22:30, while the family (including the baby) wakes up at 7:00.

    3-4 months

    In children at this age, the intervals of wakefulness between sleep episodes increase, so the regime will require parental adjustment. Considering that the baby may not sleep for 1.5-2 hours, the number of sleep episodes is reduced to 3-4, the duration of each episode is 1.5-2 hours.

    At night, the baby is supposed to sleep about 11 hours with waking up for feeding. Children at this age eat 5-6 times a day every 3.5-4 hours. When making adjustments, it is important not to mix evening procedures (bathing, massage and the last feeding should remain at the same time as before).

    5-6 months

    The nightly need for sleep during this period remains the same - 11 hours. Daytime periods last 1.5-2 hours. However, the number of these daily periods can be reduced to 3. The child is awake for 2-2.5 hours.

    At night, from the age of six months, he may no longer eat; in any case, there is no longer a biological need for night feeding from the age of 6 months. Therefore, the number of meals is also reduced - up to 5 times a day. The baby is already able to withstand four-hour intervals between meals. The total need for sleep is about 15 hours a day.

    7-8-9 months

    This is already an active and inquisitive baby who spends quite long periods of time awake. The number of meals is 4-5 per day. Feeding at night should be strictly avoided. The baby sleeps at night for about 10 hours.

    During the day he should go to bed 3 times, but sometimes this number decreases to 2 (closer to 9 months). Periods of play and active exploration of the world between episodes of daytime sleep can last up to 3 hours; the main thing is to prevent the baby from becoming overtired and remaining without sleep for a longer period of time.

    10-11 months - 1 year

    Such a baby can eat 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The amount of daytime sleep is reduced to 2 times, but the intervals increase - up to 2.5 hours for each sleep.

    The need for night sleep is 10 hours. At this age, it is important to include longer walks and developmental activities than before.

    1.5 years - 2 years

    At this age, it is important to adjust the regime in accordance with the regime of the preschool institution that the parents have chosen for their child. To do this, mom needs to pay a visit to the kindergarten, talk with the teachers, write down the hours of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, hours of classes and walks.

    On average, children of this age eat 4 times a day (including dinner, which is absent in kindergarten). The baby should sleep 2 times during the day, with a gradual transition to 1 nap (by 2-2.5 years). The duration of each “quiet hour” is 1.5-2 hours. The need for night sleep is 10-11 hours.

    The intervals, taking into account the individuality of the child, may differ from those indicated; it is important that the baby sleeps about 12.5-13 hours a day, this norm is physiologically determined for him.

    How to establish a regime?

    If a child is not accustomed to the regime, and at 8-10 months of age arranges nightly “vigils” for parents at the crib with loud demands for food, toys and attention, then Komarovsky advises parents to decisively begin to establish a “dictatorship”. It will take about 2-3 days to establish a regime, after which mothers and fathers of such babies will be able to forget about insomnia forever.

    During the daytime, you need to walk with your child as much as possible and not let him get enough sleep. If he really wants to sleep, you should still wake him up and take him outside. During the two “turning-point” days you should feed sparingly, from hand to mouth. In the evening, take a cool bath, and then give the child a sufficient amount of food for the first time that day. When he eats everything and immediately goes to bed, you don’t have to worry - such a little one will sleep for 6-8 hours in uninterrupted sleep.

    A two-month-old baby is no longer the same four-week-old baby who only eats and sleeps. Parents unexpectedly suddenly realize that this baby is capable of more - despite the fact that physiological needs remain in the foreground, children of this age are already beginning to show some inclinations and character traits that are characteristic only of them. And, of course, at the same time, a child’s daily routine at 2 months requires revision. Therefore, a hint in the form of a table with a daily routine by the hour will not hurt at all.

    Changes in the routine of a two-month-old baby

    At two months, the baby takes a noticeable step in development, and this applies not only to the fact that he already knows how to hold his head - metamorphoses also occur in the child’s way of acting.
    This implies a whole complex of nuances that distinguishes it from a helpless newborn baby:

    1. First of all, it is recognizing the person closest to him - his mother. His genuine, sincere joy at the sight of her is a smile, arms outstretched to her, a greeting in his still unintelligible, childish language, mainly consisting of cooing.
    2. But his abilities are not limited to this - the little one tries to grab the rattle, thus showing that his hand motor skills are developing. Despite the fact that at first he does this spontaneously, every day the baby becomes more and more aware of his capabilities and continues to try to achieve his goal.
    3. The third and very important change is that the baby sleeps less, which means he has more free time to be awake and play.

    It is clear that in this regard, the old feeding and sleeping regime becomes irrelevant, and a new daily routine for a two-month-old baby is required. Thanks to this, parents will be able to spend more time with their beloved child, and in the process of communication and games, help him learn new skills.

    2 month old baby's daily routine

    The main changes regarding the daily routine of a two-month-old baby are related to the development of its life systems, in particular the digestive system:

    1. The baby's salivary glands produce saliva more actively, making it easier for him to suck milk from his mother's breast. In addition, he swallows less air, since his mouth is able to fit more tightly to the mammary gland. This relieves the baby from frequent regurgitation, bloating and colic in the tummy, and also reduces the feeding time.
    2. The intensive development of the digestive organs leads to the fact that the child’s fermentation is activated, gastric juice is more actively synthesized, and the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines increases. All this leads to the fact that food is now digested faster, so the breaks between meals are reduced to two hours.

    Other changes concern the sleep of a two-month-old baby - at this age he has a primary tendency to wake up later or earlier in the morning. It is important for parents not to miss this important moment, because it is at this time that physiological reasons lead to the formation of the behavior of “larks” and “night owls.”
    Typically, at night, children can sleep from 7 to 10 hours with one or two food breaks of 5-10 minutes. During the day, the baby needs about 4 hours of rest, divided into two times. Children sometimes confuse day with night, and during the day they can rest much more than expected. In such cases, it is better to wake them up and gradually retrain them to the correct daily routine.

    Now it is clear why drawing up a schedule by the hour is so important - the table presented below can be taken as the basis for the individual regime of a two-month-old child.

    Nutrition for a two month old baby

    The feeding pattern is one of the important points of the daily routine, because both the physical and intellectual development of the baby depends on it. Starting from two months of age and up to six months, special attention must be paid to this issue, and nutrition must be timely and of high quality.

    Of course, it is better if it is possible to breastfeed the baby, but with the right approach to using formula milk, you can also raise a healthy child.
    In both cases there are subtleties, but, as a rule, the baby’s first meal occurs early in the morning - from 6 to 8 o’clock, and before bedtime - from 22 to 24 o’clock. But, as already mentioned, you will have to create a regimen in accordance with the biological rhythm of the baby and the daily routine of the household.

    The regimen of a breastfed baby has its own characteristics. Despite the fact that pediatricians increasingly recommend feeding children on demand, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the duration and frequency of such feedings.

    It's necessary:

    • if the baby asks for the breast every time he is under emotional stress;
    • if the break between meals is less than two hours;
    • with excessive regurgitation after eating, especially with the presence of undigested milk.

    The mother's own health is also important. When she is not feeling well, she is physically tired, there are cracks in the nipples or their soreness, it is wiser to take longer breaks between meals.

    You should also pay attention to how the baby sucks milk - with restless behavior and rapid weaning, there is reason to think about digestive disorders, such as inflammation of the colon or lactose deficiency.

    In a situation where the baby is bottle-fed, free food intake is unacceptable. For the full production of enzymes and good absorption of nutrients, you need a strict regime that provides specific hours and portions. This schedule will reduce the risk of unpleasant symptoms such as painful abdominal cramps and regurgitation. The child will simply have to be accustomed to the new schedule for his own good.

    The daily regimen of a 2-month-old baby also involves supplementing with boiled water - for those who are simultaneously fed with mother's milk and supplemented with formula, the liquid is given in a spoon, and for children who are completely on artificial nutrition - in a bottle. The usual portion for healthy children is 130-150 ml; two-month-old babies drink about 900 ml per day.

    As for night feedings, they should happen on demand. For some children, one or two times a night is enough, but there are children who have an increased appetite and need to eat up to 4 times a night.

    Features of sleep in two-month-old children

    If a baby has a sleep disorder at two months, he may become lethargic, capricious, and insufficient rest also affects the nervous system and digestion. On average, a baby needs at least 16 hours of sleep to be healthy and alert. But this, of course, depends on the general daily routine.

    When parents notice that their baby is having trouble falling asleep and is restless in bed, the reasons may be the following:

    • the child has increased excitability, which is why he cannot fall asleep in the presence of extraneous sounds and lighting, even dim ones;
    • the mattress does not match the size of the crib, and therefore it is uncomfortable to sleep on;
    • the baby has eaten too much or, conversely, is hungry;
    • his tummy hurts;
    • the child was not active enough during the day;
    • the room is too hot, humid or dry;
    • Wet diapers cause discomfort.

    If poor sleep in children is not an episodic, but a constant phenomenon, perhaps the prerequisite for this was trauma during childbirth. It is worth consulting a doctor.

    Pediatricians talk a lot about how you shouldn’t teach your baby to hold hands, especially when it comes to falling asleep. If a child has already developed such a habit, he needs to get rid of it urgently. It has been observed that children fall asleep best when they are put to bed at the same time.

    To improve the quality of sleep, you should make sure that your baby has an elastic and fairly hard mattress and a small thin pillow. This way the baby will be placed before bed in the most natural position for his body. But it is also important to take into account other requirements:

    • the baby should be fed three hours before going to bed;
    • go to bed in clean, dry diapers;
    • if the sun's rays hit it, it is worth shading the room;
    • the baby’s bed is first adjusted, folds that can create discomfort are eliminated;
    • It’s good if the baby sleeps in a soft cotton onesie; the closed sleep will retain heat for a long time and will not irritate delicate skin;
    • The air in the nursery should be moderately cool, humidified and fresh.

    Since young children are often awakened by painful cramps in the tummy, it is important to warm them with a heating pad, give them a massage or give them special products - Espumisan, Baby-Calm or Plantex.

    During the day, it is advisable to divide the rest into three times of 1.5-2 hours, but due to the individual characteristics of some children, this can be two times of 3 hours. The main thing is that the baby feels cheerful.

    Due to the fact that the sleep of children at this age is often superficial, in fact, difficulties with falling asleep and night vigils occur, but with the established regime, the problem can be solved.

    When your baby gets enough sleep, it provides him with enough energy to stay awake, maintains a good appetite and helps him develop a strong immune system.

    Waking time

    At two months of age, a baby can play for an hour and a half straight, and this is real progress. As the baby becomes aware of the ability to control his body, he can perform many movements. Improving the functions of the visual and auditory apparatus also contribute to this, and the development of muscles allows him to turn his head in the direction of interesting objects.

    In this regard, it is recommended to play with children, training their senses in the process. At the moment, the most attractive toy for them is a rattle. There should be several different colors and shapes. A bright object can be placed in the baby’s hands or hung above the crib so that the baby reaches for it. All these exercises will help the baby distinguish colors, develop sound perception and fine motor skills - after all, children at this age are able to hold light things for 20-30 seconds. In general, such classes last up to 20 minutes, which in itself is not short, and most importantly, useful for children.

    Children's exercises for little ones, including massage, are carried out in the morning. These activities prevent constipation, colic, and flatulence in infants.

    Exercises are as follows:

    • spreading and crossing arms;
    • bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the tummy;
    • alternately stretching out arms;
    • imitation of riding a bicycle with legs.

    The massage involves lightly stroking the baby's arms, legs, abdomen, buttocks and back with soft, light circular movements. When it is carried out three times during the day, the child’s digestion improves, gases pass more easily, and his mood improves.

    Daytime walks at 2 months are usually about 2-3 hours, morning walks are from 9 to 11 a.m., evening walks are from 4 to 6 p.m. In winter, you should not go outside if the thermometer shows below 10 degrees below zero. It is important to periodically remove the baby from the stroller, but this, of course, can only be done in parks with an abundance of trees, where the air is truly fresh and not polluted by car exhaust.

    No less important are hygienic and hardening procedures, but especially bathing, which is the favorite pastime of most children. It is necessary to bathe children regularly, excluding high fever and other symptoms of illness in infants. The water should be warm, not lower than +28 degrees. First, the legs, butt, back, and only then the face and head are immersed. Doctors do not recommend adding any antiseptics to the water, but if you have trouble falling asleep, you can add soothing herbal infusions to the water. If the bath is large, the baby can quickly learn to float and even dive, of course, under adult supervision.

    A properly designed daily routine for a 2-month-old child makes it easier to care for the baby, helps him grow and develop fully, and if the family has established such a routine already at the age of one month, then switching to a new schedule will be much easier. On the other hand, it is never too late to do this, especially since it is useful for the baby and convenient for parents.

    Hello, dear parents. It’s two months since the birth of your son or daughter. The child has grown even more and is slowly beginning to please you with his achievements. What is the baby’s daily routine during this period? You can find out about this by reading this article.

    Daily regime

    As before, the baby’s day and night routine consists of certain procedures. The baby can already start doing gymnastics, pay more attention to massage, and talk to him more often. But we shouldn’t forget that the baby’s diet should still include good sleep, proper nutrition, and walks outside under optimal environmental conditions. As well as bathing procedures.

    Indicative table


    Daily regime

    From 6:00 to 7:30 Waking up, feeding. Compliance with hygiene procedures.
    From 07:30 to 09:30 First nap during the day.
    From 9:30 to 11:00 Active period. The baby must be placed on his tummy. Feeding No. 2. You can now get ready to go outside.
    From 11:00 to 13:00 Dream number 2 of the day. We combine it with a walk.
    From 13:00 to 14:30 Third feeding. Don't forget to communicate with your baby.
    From 14:30 to 16:30 Third nap.
    From 16:30 to 17:30 Feeding No. 4. We are engaged in the development of the baby. We move a rattle in front of him and shake it. We check how the baby reacts to the sound of an object that he cannot see in front of him.
    From 17:30 to 19:30 Sleep for the fourth time this day.
    From 19:30 to 21:00 We bathe the baby. After this, the baby has his fifth feeding.
    From 21:00 to 23:30 Last nap.
    From 23:30 to 00:00 We feed the baby for the last time before the night.
    From 00:00 to 6:00 The baby dreams.

    It is important to understand that you can choose the hours for a particular procedure. This is especially true for massage, gymnastics and developmental exercises. And this table only serves as a general example of the correct daily routine.


    Breastfeeding is very important for a child. It is through mother's milk that the baby receives all the necessary substances for proper development and growth. But this is not always possible. The baby has to use ready-made formulas. Do not forget to raise the baby to an upright position after feeding. This is necessary to allow you to burp.

    Features during breastfeeding

    A 2 month old baby should suck up to 0.9 liters of milk per day. This is approximately 125 ml per meal. Of course, it is convenient for the mother to give the baby the breast in case of emergency, to soothe his tears, for example. However, you need to understand that by doing this you will only harm the baby. It is important to try to feed your 2 month old baby at approximately certain times. Thanks to this, the baby will have time to get hungry, and mother’s milk will be produced on time.

    It is important that the little one eats up. If you see that he does not have enough milk, for example, he is not gaining weight well. Talk to your doctor about how to fix this. It happens that the cause is insufficient fat content, or that the baby drinks only the first liquid fraction of breast milk.

    Features of the artificial type

    Such children are fed up to six times a day. One serving is approximately 135 ml. The packaging with the mixture indicates how to prepare it correctly and what the one-time dose of the mixture should be for a 2-month-old baby.

    It is important to give your baby something to drink between feedings.

    Healthy sleep

    Daily sleep duration decreases. It lasts an average of 17 hours.

    The baby, accustomed to the fact that his mother is nearby, can hardly tolerate her absence during sleep. He becomes restless and wakes up frequently. If his mother lies down with him, then such a toddler’s sleep will be sound and long.

    During the day, the baby still sleeps for 2 hours on average, five times.

    So that a 2-month-old baby can sleep normally at night, it is recommended to buy and feed him before bedtime. And, most importantly, monitor the environment in the room where the baby sleeps and make sure that he does not have stressful situations during the day (for example, mom and dad swearing) - environmental factors greatly influence the baby’s well-being.

    Waking process

    At this time, a 2-month-old baby should receive gymnastic procedures, massage, and bathing. Walking outside can occur both during the time when the baby is active and during sleep.

    It is important to communicate with your baby while you are awake, to play magpie-crow with him, for example. He will love it when you bend his little fingers and say something at the same time. It is also important to play with the baby with rattles. You can already notice how your baby is watching the toy with his eyes.

    Let's go for a walk

    Fresh air is still an integral part of a child’s life. By saturating the lungs with oxygen, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Sunlight produces vitamin D, the presence of which is important for the absorption of calcium by the child's body.

    Even in the cold season, don’t be too lazy to dress your little one and take him outside, at least for 5 minutes. At worst, you can go out onto the balcony. But you shouldn’t carry a baby if it’s minus 10 and below, or plus 30 and above. Also avoid walking in strong winds and rain.


    1. The procedure is daily.
    2. You can bathe a 2 month old baby in clean boiled water, without adding any special herbs. The main condition is still the temperature (approximately 37 degrees).
    3. It is enough to wash the baby with just water. Frequent use of baby soap can harm the baby by drying out the skin or even causing an allergic reaction in the form of local irritation.
    4. It is better to bathe your toddler in the evening, before bed. But each mother must individually select for her child the time that is ideal for her baby.
    5. After bathing, do not dry your baby by wiping his body. This will only cause skin irritation. You just need to soak up the remaining water from it and wrap it up, not forgetting to cover your head.
    6. Air baths are also important in a baby’s life. So don't be shy about keeping your baby naked sometimes. The main thing is not to do it immediately in a cold room.

    Gymnastic exercises and massage

    It is extremely important to continue giving your baby massage. This will not only help relax his body, but will also begin to strengthen his muscular system. If you cannot do this procedure yourself and are afraid of harming your little one, you can seek help from a specially trained massage therapist. He can also perform gymnastic exercises. And they are extremely necessary for the proper development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system.

    If you decide to carry out this procedure yourself, here’s what it may include:

    1. When the baby is lying on his back, you need to raise and then lower each handle one by one; after the third pass, you raise two handles at once.
    2. You need to take turns, one after another, stretching out one or the other of the baby’s arms in front of him.
    3. Holding the baby by the small heels, make rotational movements, as if the child was riding a bicycle.
    4. Bend your baby's legs at the knees, and then pull them towards the tummy and lower them to their original position.
    5. Hold your little one in the armpits. At the same time, carefully lower it onto a hard surface. The baby should stand on it with his feet, at least his toes.

    We perform the first four exercises lying on our back, but it is important to place the baby on his tummy. But you don’t need to do any special exercises. This will help the baby begin to raise his head and learn to roll over onto his back in the future.

    So you have found out what a child’s routine should be at 2 months. It is not necessary to strictly follow everything described in the article, but it is still worth adhering to these rules. Don’t forget that every mother creates the fate of her baby herself, and the same applies to the correct daily routine.
