Bird's eye view: the tallest Ferris wheels in the world. The tallest Ferris wheels in the world

Almost every hotel has its own Ferris wheel, or even several. big city. By the way, the first Ferris wheel appeared in the last century. We owe its creation to the American engineer George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. The wheel was built for the beginning of the World's Fair in Chicago and was a kind of response to the Eiffel Tower. At that time, this structure had impressive dimensions - the diameter of the wheel was 75 meters. 36 cabins were attached to it, designed for 60 people.

Since the construction of the first Ferris wheel, increasingly grandiose structures have been created, striking in their height.

The tallest Ferris wheel in the world - find out in which countries you can admire stunning panoramas from a great height.


Attraction Zhengzhou, located in the Hunan province of China, is the 10th tallest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height is 120 meters. The province has many interesting attractions, and one of them is the huge Zhengzhou Ferris wheel, stunning in its size.

Tianjin Eye

In 9th place among the tallest Ferris wheels in the world is Tianjin Eye(“Eye of Tianjin”). The 120-meter-high structure is located in China, in the city of Tianjin. This is a unique wheel standing on a working bridge. There are 48 booths attached to the wheel, each of which can accommodate 8 people. The wheel makes a full revolution in half an hour. From the height of the 35-story building you can admire a beautiful panorama. They say that the surroundings around the wheel can be seen for 40 kilometers.


Ferris wheel Changsha 120 meters high, located in China, in the city of Changsha. The gigantic structure was built in 2004.

Melbourne Star

The seventh place in the list of the tallest Ferris wheels in the world is Melbourne Star. It was opened in 2008 in the Australian city of Melbourne. The height of the structure is 120 meters. Unfortunately, few were able to enjoy the stunning views from such a height - just 40 days after the start of work, the wheel was closed for repairs. The saddest thing is that the reconstruction, which began in 2011, is still going on and it is unknown when the “star of Melbourne” will work again.

Suzhou Ferris Wheel

One of the tallest Ferris wheels, Suzhou Ferris Wheel, is located in Suzhou, China. The gigantic structure, 120 meters high, was opened in 2009.

Orlando's Eye

The fifth place in the list of the tallest Ferris wheels in the world is occupied by the 122-meter "Orlando's Eye". This colossal Ferris wheel was opened in 2015 in the city of Orlando and is part of the shopping and entertainment center complex. The huge structure is interesting not only for its height, but also for its unusual booths. Enclosed glass capsule cabins are equipped with air conditioning. This was done so that visitors who are afraid of heights could ride on the wheel and admire the bird's-eye views of the surrounding area. The Orlando Eye has 30 cabins, each accommodating 15 people.

By the way, the attraction is a good hundred feet taller than the Statue of Liberty.

London Eye

In 4th place in the ranking of the tallest Ferris wheels in the world is "London Eye". This is the largest Ferris wheel in Europe and one of London's most popular attractions. Few tourists who find themselves in the capital of Great Britain can deny themselves the pleasure of riding a huge ferris wheel. Although the entertainment is expensive - a ticket to the famous attraction costs $30. To avoid tiring standing in line and get a discount, it is better to book your ticket in advance. This can be done on the official website of the attraction.

The 135-meter-high wheel is equipped with 32 closed, air-conditioned capsule cabins. Each can accommodate up to 25 attraction visitors. The wheel rotates at such a speed that passengers can easily get off and enter the cabin. The London Eye stops only to allow elderly and disabled people to board.

This is interesting: Architect couple David Marks and Julia Barfield originally conceived the wheel as a temporary experiment. Now the attraction has become one of business cards cities.

Star of Nanchang

Attraction "Star of Nanchang", whose height is 160 meters, takes 3rd place in the ranking of the tallest Ferris wheels in the world. The giant structure is located in China, in the city of Nanchang. Its construction cost a fabulous sum - more than $7 million. The attraction began operating in 2006, and since then the wheel has never been empty. The Star of Nanchang is equipped with 60 cabins with a capacity of up to 8 people each. The cabins are completely enclosed and equipped with air conditioning. The wheel makes a full revolution in 30 minutes. The attraction is very popular, since the price for the pleasure of admiring the surroundings from a great height is small - about 6 dollars.

Soaring Singapore

An attraction with a poetic name "Soaring Singapore" takes 2nd place in the list of the highest observation towers in the world. Its height is 165 meters. The wheel makes a full revolution in 28 minutes. The attraction is equipped with 28 air-conditioned cabins that can accommodate up to 28 people. A giant attraction is located in Singapore. From its height you can see the city and its surroundings, including the nearby islands. The attraction was opened in 2008. Tickets cost $33 for adults.

Las Vegas High Roller

Las Vegas High Roller– the most big wheel reviews in the world. Its height is 167.5 meters, which is a record for this kind of attraction today. The colossal structure completes a full rotation in 30 minutes. The attraction was opened in 2014. It is equipped with 28 glass booths that can accommodate up to 40 people. The wheel is located in one of the most crowded places Las Vegas - Las Vegas Strip.

The ticket price during the day is $25, but at night a ride on the wheel will cost more – $35.

This is interesting: The Ferris wheel in Las Vegas will not hold the title of the largest for long. It is expected that construction of two even more grandiose attractions will be completed in 2017-2018. The New York Wheel, which will be located on Staten Island, will rise 192 meters in height. An even more colossal Ferris wheel is being built in Dubai - the height of the Dubai Eye attraction will be 210 meters.

Exactly 120 years have passed since engineer George Ferris designed the world's first Ferris wheel. Few people know, but this miracle of engineering is also called the Chicago wheel, since it was presented in Chicago at the World's Fair.
Of course, Ferris's wheel in those years remained the tallest ferris wheel in the world, having a height of 80.4 meters. However, very soon new record holders began to appear. What are the dimensions of the current largest Ferris wheels on Earth?

1. Sky Dream Fukuoka.
The height of this Japanese miracle is 120 meters. Until today, the “Heavenly Dream” attraction is considered the largest ferris wheel of the classic type. It makes a full revolution in 20 minutes, and you can enjoy the view of the city from such an unprecedented height for only 10 dollars, which is a mere trifle compared to the prices of similar attractions.

2. Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel.
The Chinese Ferris wheel, opened back in 2003, is also not inferior to the Japanese attraction and rises 120 meters above the city of Zhengzhou. By the way, this is one of four 120-meter wheels in China, including the Changsha Ferris wheel (2004), the Suzhou Ferris wheel (2009) and the most famous Ferris wheel, the “Eye of Tianjin”.

3. Tianjin Eye.
In addition to its enormous height, this attraction is also famous for the fact that it is the only wheel of its kind that stands on a bridge. “Eye of Tianjin” has 48 cabins that can lift 8 people to the height at once. The wheel completes a full rotation cycle in half an hour.

4. Melbourne Star.
And this 120-meter rating participant comes from Australia. Watching it is a pleasure, because the wheel is decorated with 3.7 kilometers of LED lights. True, the ferris wheel only worked for 40 days, after which it was closed for repairs. Today, the Melbourne Star is still under renovation.

5. London eye.
This British representative It is rightfully considered the largest Ferris wheel in Europe. Its height is 135 meters, but enjoying the intoxicating view from the London Eye booth is not a cheap pleasure. For a half-hour ride you'll have to fork out $30. And buying a ticket is not so easy. Therefore, it is better, in order to avoid huge queues, to book a “session” in advance on the official website, where, in addition, they provide a 10% discount.

6. Star of Nanchang.
The Chinese Ferris wheel has a mind-boggling size - as much as 160 meters in height! And you can enjoy this attraction for a very affordable price - $6 per person.

7. Singapore Flyer.
"Soaring Singapore" is now recognized largest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height is 165 meters, and the cost of a ticket for the attraction is $21. However, according to forecasts, very soon the Singapore miracle will have at least two rivals from New York and Dubai.

The first huge Ferris wheel - a record height of 80 meters at that time - was designed by George Ferris, who dreamed of eclipsing the fame of the author Eiffel Tower. And each subsequent inventor of a high-altitude attraction sought to surpass his predecessor. Today, the leaders in the top ten largest Ferris wheels are:

1st place: Singapore Flyer

This 165 meter high wheel was opened in 2008 in Singapore. To date, no one has managed to break the record of its creators, and this sightseeing attraction is the largest on the planet. Every 37 minutes the wheel makes a full revolution. This viewing wonder consists of 28 cabins, each of which can accommodate 28 people.

2nd place: Star of Nanchang

The Chinese province of Jiangxi has the second largest Ferris wheel, inferior to its Singaporean counterpart in height by only five meters. The attraction's height of 160 meters required more than $7 million during construction. Visitors pay only $6 for half an hour of pleasure from visiting the attraction. The wheel wears beautiful name"Star of Nanchang"

3rd place: London Eye

London has another large Ferris wheel, which opened in 2000. For six years this wheel was considered the largest. And now every tourist and guest of the city is curious to visit this amazing attraction. $30 per ticket entitles you to one revolution of the wheel, 135 meters high, which lasts half an hour.

4th place: Suzhou Ferris Wheel

The 120-meter-high attraction became available to everyone in 2009. This wheel is located in the Chinese city of Suzhou. City residents and tourists can endlessly enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area from above.

5th place: Melbourne orSouthern Star

Since 2008, the 120-meter-high wheel has been bringing joy to the people of Melbourne. Despite the fact that its construction was completed a little earlier than the Chinese attraction, it is not possible to enjoy its visit to this day. Having barely opened, the Ferris wheel needed serious reconstruction, which was frozen for three years. The renovation, which began in 2011, has not been completed.

6th place: Tianjin Eye

The high-rise giant is located directly above the Yongle Bridge, located in China. The 120-meter attraction became a record holder among Ferris wheels located on top of bridges. However, everyone can try to ride this wonderful wheel, because a ticket for an adult costs only $11, and for a child $6.

7th place: Changsha Ferris Wheel

Another enormous attraction was also built in China. Its height of 120 meters allows you to enjoy a bird's eye view of the world. It seems that the Chinese decided to gain dominance in the skies in this way.

8th place: Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel

Another Chinese achievement in the form of a high-rise Ferris wheel towers over Century Amusement Park. The 120-meter attraction completes the list of similar overview inventions of this amazing country.

9th place: Sky Dream Fukuoka

The Japanese city of Fukuoka could also be viewed from a height of 120 meters. But the rotating high-rise delighted visitors only from 2002 to 2009. The attraction with the poetic name “Heavenly Dream” is still the largest Ferris wheel in the classical style.

10th place: Diamond and Flower Ferris Wheel

Kasai Rinkai Park in Tokyo boasts another high-rise wonder of the world in the form of a Ferris wheel. The 117-meter attraction was put into operation in 2001 and delighted visitors for several years. Today the wheel is closed, but this does not prevent it from remaining the tallest in Japan.

Each of us at least once in our lives rode a Ferris wheel and tried to spot our house from it. I would like to present to your attention the best, most beautiful Ferris wheels in the world, and also tell you about the largest Ferris wheel in the world

In the summer of 1893, the first Ferris wheel was introduced to humanity at the Chicago Exposition. The legendary structure was designed by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Ferris' wheel measured over 260 feet (80 m) tall and weighed 2,000 tons. It could hold approximately 2,000 people. The 20-minute ride cost 50 cents.
Much time has passed since that time, and humanity has been able to build many similar structures.
This list features the 10 best Ferris wheels that are currently fully operational. Not only size was assessed, but also beauty and uniqueness. So, let's take a ride on the Ferris wheel, or as it is also called, the Ferris wheel.

10. Navy Pier in Chicago

This ferris wheel was built in 1916 at a cost of $4.5 million ($90.5 million today). total length wheel is almost 1 km.

The cost of the trip is $6, duration is approximately 7 minutes.

9.Singapore Flyer in Singapore - the largest Ferris wheel in the world

Began to function on February 11, 2008, height - 165 meters. Modern miracle has 28 air-conditioned capsules, one capsule accommodates 28 people.

8. Santa Monica Pier

This Ferris wheel is the world's first wheel that is powered by solar energy.

7. Big-O Ferris Wheel

Big-O is located in Tokyo, Japan. This is the first centerless wheel. Wheel diameter - 60 meters. It is also interesting because Tokyo’s largest roller coaster passes through it; its speed reaches 130 km/h.

6. Texas Star

The Star of Texas in Dallas is the tallest Ferris wheel North America and has been the main centerpiece of the State Fair of Texas since 1985. The wheel was built in honor of the sesquicentennial of Texas.

5. Wonder Wheel

The dimensions of this miracle - the wheels are not very large - 45 meters in diameter, but it is surprising in that not all passenger cabins are attached to the outer part of the wheel, some of them spin inside the wheel itself!

4. Riesenrad wheel

This amazing structure is located in the Wurstelprater amusement park in Vienna, Austria. It is already more than 100 years old, it is one of the first wheels, it was once considered the largest Ferris wheel in the world. It was built in 1897 for the anniversary of Franz Joseph I of Austria.

During the Second World War, the wheel was damaged, after which it was restored, but only 15 passenger carriages are in operation (instead of 30). The people of Vienna are very happy that the wheel is still standing in its place, it is a symbol of Vienna. Its height is 65 meters

3. Cosmo Clock 21

This is a huge clock - a Ferris wheel in Yokohama, Japan, 107 meters. It has 60 passenger trailers that are designed for 8 people each. The duration of the journey on it is 15 minutes. For the last 8 years it has been considered the largest Ferris wheel in the world.
