Skyrim cairn soul spells. Impatience of a Saint: Completing Common Side Quests in the Cairn of Souls in Dawnguard

The Cairn of Souls, as you might guess from the name, is a world for captive spirits, into which only those with black souls end up. This kingdom of the dead is ruled by the Perfect Lords, who are most likely Daedric princes. You can get to this world using the portal located in Castle Volkihar during the quest of the main storyline of the Dawnguard add-on “Chasing Echoes”.

You can get to the Cairn of Souls in Skyrim even after completing this task, regardless of which side you prefer: vampires or Dawnguard. It is most convenient to use the portal from the “Castle Volkihar - Balcony” zone.


  • After completing the quest "Find Arvak's Skull", your character will be able to summon an undead horse named Arvak for 1 minute.

  • If your character was not a vampire when visiting the afterlife, then part of his soul will break off, which will be reflected in a decrease in the main characteristics. To avoid this, you need to destroy the Reaper in his lair (to fight him you will need three fragments of the Reaper Stone).

  • You can return a part of your hero’s soul that was lost when entering the portal of the Skyrim Soul Cairn by finding a bottle of essence. It is hidden in a chest, the location of which will be indicated by Valerika.

Another side quest that complements the passage of Dawnguard can be taken from a soul called Jiub. Those who are well acquainted with The Elder Scrolls series probably remember this Dunmer from the game Morrowind, where we met him on the ship that sailed to Seyda Neen and was the first person we ever saw there. Jiub, or rather, now his soul, can be found in the southeast of the Burial Ground. After talking with him, you will learn that Jiub wrote his autobiography, but it just so happened that the sheets of all this text scattered to different corners of the Cairn of Souls.

We are required to find all these pages of the autobiography in order to return them to the owner. Just in case: for completing this task you will be given a unique copy of the Opus of Saint Jiub and the Amulet of Jiub (which will increase your strength reserve and the maximum possible carry weight by 50 units). In total, all the pages of Jiub's autobiography that we need to find will be ten pieces. Where to look for them to complete the passage of Dawnguard at this stage?

So, you can get the first page from the massive wall that divides the Cairn of Souls approximately equally. You will find the passage right in the middle: turn to face it, and then turn to the right, towards the south-eastern part of the map. From there you need to proceed to the stairs. When you go up the stairs, you will find the page you need.

The second page is in a small building with a broken Wall with the words of Power. It is on this building that Dornevir sits. You can find the building itself on the left side of the entrance to the Burial Ground (the place where Valerika lives). You will find a chest near the wall, the second page you are looking for will be to the right of this very chest.

The third page is located next to the tower, which consists of only one chamber with a chest. To get to the desired tower, find the wall separating the Soul Cairn. We need a passage in this very wall, turn left from it, there you will see ahead of you exactly the same tower that was discussed above. Exit from the tower on the other side, you will see a structure with a soul stone. You need to climb the stairs, where you will find the third page - it will be on the roof of the building not far from the chest.

You will find the fourth page next to the chest, which we will get to like this: first, turn to face the entrance to the Burial Ground, from there follow to the right along the wall, you will run into an extension. She is required to go up the steps, turn left there, go up again to the chest closer - you will find the piece of paper we need next to this very chest, as was already said at the beginning of the paragraph.

You will find the fifth page not far from Jiub and his fire. You need to look in a southern direction from it, there you will see an elevation of stones. It is on the hill that you will find the landing page, it will be next to the energy source, and there you will also find some other useful things.

The sixth page is located in the southwest direction from the entrance to the Soul Cairn - in this direction you need to go from the side of the stairs, you will reach a low tower. Actually, our page will be just inside in the corner, traditionally next to the chest.

The seventh page is located at the base of the altar pedestal, which is in the eastern part of the map. The easiest way to go there is from the place where you found the fourth page (see above), from there you need to go up to the east to the very edge of the map. There will be the altar mentioned above. On it, in addition to the page at the base of the pedestal, there will also be a bag of coins.

The eighth page will be inside the building with the bars. You will find the building if you follow to the right from the entrance to the Cairn of Souls, but you won’t be able to enter just like that because of the same grate. To enter, you must either shoot an arrow or cast a spell.

You can find the ninth page if you go west from the entrance to the Boneyard until you see a building with a huge floating soul stone. You need to find a portal in the building that will take you to the very top. You can find the page you are looking for next to the chest under the stone. Well, to go down, just jump, you don’t have to invent anything like that.

The tenth and final page will be found next to the wall near the merchant Morven Stroud. To be more precise, the last page of the customer’s autobiography lies on the barrel.

, Durnevir , Jiub , Misty Man , Morven Stroud , Reaper , Souls , Valerika , Furious man

  • Updatable: after 10 days
  • Console codes for moving to a location:
    DLC01SoulCairnOrigin, DLC1SoulCairnReaperCell
  • Recommended level: Min: 13
  • Wall of words for Scream: Summoning Durnevir
  • Cairn Shower

    DLC01SoulCairnBoneyardEntrance, DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper, DLC01SoulCairnCemetaryKeeper01, DLC01SoulCairnCemetaryKeeperStart, DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper, DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeperStart, DLC01SoulCairnDragonLair, DLC01 SoulCairnForestKeeper, SoulCairnHorseQuest, SoulCairnHorseQuest02, SoulCairnHuskMerchant, SoulCairnOffShoot, SoulCairnPOI01, SoulCairnPOI03, SoulCairnPOI04, SoulCairnPOI05, SoulCairnPOI06, SoulCairnPOI08, SoulCairnPOI09, SoulCairnPOIJiub , SoulCairnPOIMaze, SoulCairnPOIRJ02, SoulCairnPOIRJ05, SoulCairnPOIRJ06, SoulCairnPOIRJ07, SoulCairnPOIRJ08, SoulCairnPOIRJ09, SoulCairnPOIRJ10, SoulCairnStartAmbush, SoulCairnTest, SoulCairnTest2, SoulCairnTome01, SoulCairnTome02, SoulCairnTome03, SoulCairnWall01, SoulCairnWallPOI01

    You will visit the Soul Cairn during the course of the plug-in"s main storyline, either as a vampire lord or as a member of the Dawnguard. The Soul Cairn is primarily inhabited by souls, wandering non-hostile spirits that were sent here because they were soul trapped before being killed. If you talk to these spirits they will usually comment on how lost or confused they are, or how desolate or horrible the Soul Cairn is.

    There are various structures scattered throughout the Soul Cairn. Most of these ruined buildings contain a chest with random loot, typically guarded by the various hostile creatures found in the Soul Cairn. Sometimes, these structures may have gates barring your way, and near these you will see stones with glowing bluish-green balls inside them. Using a ranged attack on these orbs will lower the gates and allow you passage. You may also find well-like structures dotting the landscape. Most of them emit a purplish-white glow that comes out of the top, similar to the focus points in and around the College of Winterhold; jumping into these causes your health to regenerate. Also, there are smaller wells that do not glow; jumping into these will teleport you to a nearby, previously inaccessible location. Yet another possible find in these structures is a lightning rod, which is activated by placing a grand or greater soul gem into it, which will cause lightning to strike it and turn it into a black soul gem. Be aware that using the lightning rods will summon several hostile creatures.

    Interestingly, if you look straight up at the sky you will see a giant black hole in the center, much like Sovngarde.


    Related quests

    Cairn Soul Map

    Piece of the Reaper's Stone
    Spell books
    Skull of Arvak
    B, A Movement Arvaka
    1-10 Pages Jiub's opus


    • The Soul Cairn may be re-entered at any time. However, if you enter as a vampire, and then are subsequently cured of vampirism, you"ll need to become a vampire again in order to re-enter.
    • As the Soul Cairn is technically outside, it is possible to use the Storm Call shout to summon a storm. The area becomes cloudy and almost appears as if it"s part of Tamriel.
    • Soul Cairn is roughly shaped like an upside down (larger part up) figure 8 when viewed from the entrance stairs. It is oriented southwest at these stairs to northeast at the Boneyard entrance. There are two massive walls. One divides the figure 8 with about 1/3 on the entrance stairs side with one gap roughly in the center. The second wall separates Soul Cairn proper from the Boneyard. Both walls run roughly northwest to southeast. The Boneyard doorway is very close to the northeast corner where the wall and the hazy blue barrier meet.
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