Anti-aging pill. The best remedy for aging of the body Anti-aging pills already exist

People are prevented from fighting aging for health and longevity by negative historical experiences and psychological barriers in people's minds. Few people believe in the possibility of non-aging or a significant extension of maximum life expectancy. The lack of scientific knowledge, as a rule, is replaced by attitudes like - you can’t fight against nature, and why fight if we’re all there. It is easier for people to live today than to think about old age and make efforts and take care of health and longevity.

In order for prolongation of life not to turn into prolongation of old age, it is necessary to solve the problem of not only how to slow down aging, but even to significantly rejuvenate the body.

Geroprotectors And since we are not faced with the task of prolonging old age, we need to solve the problem of prolonging youth, prolonging a person’s healthy and active life.

Old age is a disease that can and should be treated. For most people, this point of view is unusual. But longevity without old age does not contradict the laws of nature. There are organisms on the planet that live for centuries without aging.
Sea urchins and whales live long without aging. Their age sometimes reaches more than 200 years.
The naked mole rat practically does not age. It is impossible to tell by the appearance of an animal how old it is - 3 years or 30.
Turtles live quite a long time. Among plants, some species of pine trees are long-lived, living for several thousand years!

Today, science already knows some substances, well studied in animals, that can slow down aging and increase both average and maximum life expectancy. These substances are geroprotectors (protecting against aging).
Two geroprotectors, the drug Metformin and vitamin D, have already been described in detail in the article “Medicine that allows you to prolong life.” and “Vitamin D increases life expectancy.”

Metformin is recommended to be taken 500 mg during or immediately after meals 1-2 times a day for 3-6 months. After this period of use, it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 months to restore pancreatic function. Links to Metformin studies:

Vitamin D has many beneficial properties. In human studies, it reduced mortality by 7%. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease

In addition to the two above drugs - Metformin and vitamin D, there are other geroprotectors, as well as vitamins and vitamin-like substances that promote longevity.

Aspirin Cardio (Cardiomagnyl) is an effective means of preventing aging, as well as thrombosis and cancer. geroprotectors Recommended for use after 50 years of age, especially for hypertension, at a dosage of 100 mg, one tablet per day. Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. Cardiomagnyl is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and macular degeneration.

Melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin). Melatonin is a synthetic analogue of the hormone produced by the pineal gland. The production of your own melatonin begins to decline after 30 years of age and further decreases with age, and by about the age of a hundred it stops completely. Taking melatonin in the evening increases the duration and quality of sleep, especially after 50 years of age, and also improves activity during the waking period.
Melatonin has shown immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties, and has also shown geroprotective properties in rodents.
Sources: Regelson & Pierpaoli, 1987; Pierpaoli, et al., 1990; Rodriguez, et al., 2008
It is recommended to take Melatonin to normalize sleep and as a geroprotector after 50 years (if necessary, even earlier) 1 tablet 3 mg before bed regularly.

Geroprotectors I had problems sleeping. Waking up very early, at 4-5 in the morning, I could not fall back to sleep. I was exhausted all day, my brain did not give the body the necessary commands, because... During the night he did not rest, neural connections were not restored. To compensate for the lack of vitality, I wanted to eat all the time during the day. Since I started taking melatonin, my sleep has returned to normal, vitality and increased daytime activity have appeared, and my insatiable appetite has disappeared.

Glucosamine sulfate (Glucosamine). Official medicine is positioned as a chondroprotector - a remedy for the treatment of joint diseases. The chondroprotective properties of the drug have not been proven, like the properties of other chondroprotectors. I wrote about this in more detail in the article “Useless drugs. Miracles of Russian pharmacology"

But its effectiveness in prolonging life has been proven! In a human study, glucosamine reduced cancer mortality by 13% and all-cause mortality by 33%. It is recommended to take the drug as a geroprotector in two-month courses with one-month breaks of 1500 mg of glucosamine once a day.

Before touching on the topic of vitamins and vitamin-like substances, it should be noted that vitamins should never be taken in combination, but only separately, since many of them turn out to be incompatible. I wrote about vitamins in the article “Not all vitamins are good for health.”

Synthetic vitamins are always significantly worse than natural ones. Also, when taking some synthetic vitamins, the risk of developing cancer increases. It is not recommended to take additional vitamins A and E, as well as iron and copper, which promote protein glycation. ( The effect of vitamin C is ambiguous. On the one hand, it has a slight positive effect, but in large doses it contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

Vitamin B1 - prevents protein glycation, thereby slowing down aging.

Vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinic acid) - In studies, it extended the life of nematode worms by 10%
In humans, it reduced the risk of colon cancer.

Vitamin B5 - In experiments on mice, it extended life by 18%. The mechanism of life extension remains unclear.

Vitamin B6 - Able to prevent glycation of proteins in the body.

Lipoic acid - prevents protein glycation. Extended the maximum lifespan of nematode worms by 6%
Magnesium is a very important mineral. geroprotectors It induces the production of its own endogenous melatonin, calms the nervous system, improves neural connections, and relaxes smooth muscles. Excess magnesium never accumulates in the body; it is simply excreted in the urine. It is recommended to take it in combination with vitamin B6 before bedtime.

Potassium - lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke.

Chromium is an insulinomimetic. Participates in glucose metabolism, lowers blood sugar. You can take the drug "Chromium Picolinate".

Zinc is an antioxidant and is involved in protein and fat metabolism. Reduces the risk of cancer. Preparations with zinc - “Zinc” “Zincteral”.

1. Metformin
2. Vitamin D (spring, autumn and winter)
3. Magnesium with vitamin B6
4. Melatonin (if you are over 50 or have trouble sleeping)

(The geroprotective effect of melatonin was highly variable and some authors were unable to detect a significant effect of this drug on life expectancy (Anisimov, 2001). There is clear evidence that this drug increases the incidence of lymphomas (tumors of the hematopoietic system) and testicular carcinomas in mice (Romanenko, 1983) In this regard, the advisability of the clinical use of melatonin is questionable, especially taking into account the existence of a much more effective drug with an identical spectrum of effects, but not causing tumors - epithalon (Anisimov, 2003).Part of the mechanism of the carcinogenic effect of melatonin has been deciphered - stimulation of leukemia gene expression has been discovered MLLT3 mice, however, further study of this aspect of melatonin action, as well as its geroprotective effects, is necessary)

Epithalon - at the cellular level normalizes the functioning of the neuroendocrine system, as well as the functioning of the pineal gland. Due to the fact that the neuroendocrine system normalizes its work, all cyclic processes return to normal. Taking the drug leads to an increase in the cellular resource of the human body by more than a third. Also, as a result of taking a drug that has a positive effect on the pineal gland, the production of melatonin is normalized and the hormonal background of the user of the substance is restored. Melatonin is a peptide substance called the sleep hormone. It is produced by the pineal gland (epiphysis) and its main property is the normalization of the process of falling asleep. AGAG (Epitalon) successfully prevents negative age-related changes associated with aging, so for older people it will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against old age. An artificial analogue of the pineal gland substance can be used to prevent hormonal imbalance. It is perfect for women in a premenopausal state, as it can push this age-related process forward. If women start using this drug well before menopause, their menstrual cycle is restored completely. There is evidence that Epitalon can delay the onset of menopause up to twenty years! To prevent age-related changes, you can start using AGAG from the age of thirty-five. There are no side effects from using the substance and it does not cause addiction. Over thirty years of detailed research, not a single side effect has been found.

Epitalon - effects of use:

1) Restoration of the pineal gland (epiphysis) at the gene level.

2) The production of melatonin (sleep hormone) is brought back to normal, which means sleep is normalized.

3) Rejuvenates the body from the inside, at the cellular level.

4) Corrects the entire hormonal balance in the human body in the correct direction.

5) Pushes forward the date of menopause.

6) Prevents premature aging.

Epitalon is produced in ampoules of ten milligrams each. For one course you will need five such ampoules. The course lasts on average about two months. If the drug used is less than thirty-five years old, the effect may not be noticeable. Important! Epitalon: instructions Incorrectly followed dosages at random can harm the body and cause a number of undesirable effects. Therefore, it is very important to follow the dosage according to the instructions for use of the drug. Detailed instructions for using the drug are included directly with the peptide itself upon purchase.

Storage of Epithalon peptide:

1) If the peptide is in powder form and stored at a temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius, then its shelf life is five years.

2) If the powder is in the temperature range from two to eight degrees Celsius, then it can be stored for up to two years.

3) If the powder is stored in a residential area, then it can be stored for no more than six months. The best option would still be to store the drug in powder form in the freezer. If the drug is already in the form of a solution, then it can no longer be stored in the freezer (freezing in liquid form is contraindicated). The liquid must be kept in the refrigerator. Epitalon has already received positive reviews from older people: women’s menstrual cycles have normalized, sleep and overall physical well-being have improved. You can buy good quality epitalon at an affordable price from us!

Other trade names: Epithalon

With age, any person begins to resort to various means of rejuvenation in order to somehow improve their fading appearance. Previously, it was believed that no cosmetic product could rejuvenate one’s appearance like surgery. Now that scientists have created Epithalon, you don’t have to worry, because this is the only drug that will help stop aging for many years and improve your health without side effects!


Rejuvenation, increased lifespan, good sleep. The issue of safe rejuvenation and preservation of youth today worries many people of different ages and genders. However, only a few of them choose the path of external renewal of the body under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. The main group of seekers of the elixir of eternal youth want to achieve their goal through the use of innovative, safe drugs that have a stable, long-lasting effect. We are pleased to present to them a unique synthesized protein for rejuvenation - Epithalon, essentially a breakthrough in cosmetology and sports medicine.

Practical research and the effect of epithalon on the thyroid gland

By studying the structure and morphology of thyroid cells, leading medical luminaries have concluded that premature aging results from decreased functionality of calcitonin-immunoreactive cells, or C cells. However, after the introduction of the synthetic protein epitalon into them, this process slows down. In addition, epithalon, according to researchers, promotes the continuation of cell division. For example, the control group of cells loses the ability to reproduce already at the 34th generation, while cells into which Epithalon was introduced continue to divide up to the 44th generation. But it is the ability of cells to reproduce that is a kind of biological clock of the body’s aging.

Additional features of epitalon and reviews

By normalizing the work of C-cells, this drug takes an active part in the regulation of calcium metabolism. This means that by taking it regularly, you can implement effective therapy and prevention of age-related osteoporosis. In addition, epitalon stimulates humoral and cellular immunity. Clear proof of this are numerous reviews from consumers who, while taking Epithalon, never suffered from infectious or microbial diseases, and also felt a general surge of strength. Epitalon, according to doctors and patients, today occupies a leading place in the list of drugs that can effectively combat most geriatric diseases. Experienced experts recommend taking Epitalon to prevent the first manifestations of senile ailments, but following the instructions.

Epitalon - results of use, instructions

Rejuvenation with Epithalon is a long process. In this case, the internal renewal of the body first occurs, which is subsequently reflected in the external condition of the skin. In general, this drug, which has a wide range of effects, can normalize your sleep and hormonal levels, add vitality and resist the formation of tumors. If necessary, you can buy Epitalon in our store at reasonable prices.

We suggest you read research on the normalizing effect of the Epithalon peptide on the circadian rhythm of melatonin in elderly people

Other trade name: Epithalon

I take these geroprotectors myself and on this basis I recommend you to take them too.

Our expert is an employee of the Oncology Research Institute named after. N. N. Petrova, President of the Gerontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Anisimov.

In fact, “pills for old age” have already been invented, and the day is not far when doctors will prescribe them to us.

Against diabetes and more

In the 70s of the last century, our scientists put forward the idea that drugs from the biguanide group, which are prescribed to patients with diabetes, can prolong life. Studies were conducted on laboratory rats, and it turned out that the drug has another effect - it inhibits the development of tumors.

A quarter of a century later, employees of the N. N. Petrov Oncology Research Institute found that a drug from this group, metformin, increases the life expectancy of mice and inhibits the development of breast cancer in them. At the same time, American and English scientists announced the results of their research. They analyzed the health status and life expectancy of 70 thousand patients with diabetes who took metformin. Their risk of developing cancer was 35-40% lower than those who did not take this drug, and they lived 15% longer.

Recently, American scientists announced plans to study how metformin affects older people without diabetes, but with other diseases: atherosclerosis, cancer... Observation will take place over 3 thousand volunteers over 70 years of age in 15 medical centers. But metformin has already been recognized by the American Drug Administration (analogous to our Pharmaceutical Committee) as a geroprotector. And in the USA it is already prescribed as a medicine that delays aging.

Who's next?

Another substance - melatonin - can be called a geroprotector. It was opened in 1958. This is a hormone that is produced in our body at night, in the dark, and is a regulator of sleep and biorhythms. In the 70s of the last century, our scientists found that melatonin, administered as a drug to rats and mice, prolongs their life.

Melatonin is already prescribed in the United States as an anti-aging agent. In Russia, it, like metformin, is already used in the treatment of cancer. And the use of melatonin as a geroprotector that delays aging is a matter of the near future.

St. Petersburg scientists are now testing a number of drugs that can prolong our lives. Among them are aspirin in small doses, resveratrol - a polyphenol found in grape seeds and red wine... The same studies are underway in the USA and other countries. People now live longer, and it is necessary to extend their working period, and push old age to the very edge of life.

Why was dry eye syndrome chosen for the first clinical trials?

There are two answers. Firstly, this is an incurable disease, and any success in treating an incurable disease is impressive: if it helps, it helps. And according to our concept, many incurable diseases are not diseases at all, but the fulfillment of the aging program. And the second answer: for dry eye syndrome there is only symptomatic treatment. Usually they drip something that moisturizes the eye, for example the drug “Natural Tear”. There is nothing natural there, but there are high-molecular compounds and something else. But it does not eliminate the causes of the disease; first you have to drip once a day, then two, three... then fifty.

And what did the drug trials show?

The decisive moment is when, after three weeks, patients are asked if they have any complaints. With our drug, 60% answered no, but with tears - only 20%. I think that if the tests had continued longer, our percentage would have been even higher. But according to the conditions of the Ministry of Health, we had to drip for no more than three weeks. They were afraid of adverse events, as they affectionately call them, AEs. We only had one case of NEA, although not in this series, but with glaucoma, when a tree fell on the patient, but, God knows, we are not to blame. We have been treating glaucoma and cataracts for six months now, and so far there have not been a single adverse event in dozens of people. By the way, we didn’t choose dry eye syndrome, it was suggested to us by the Ministry of Health.

Are there any results on cataracts and glaucoma?

It is impossible to say until the end of the tests. This is a double-blind experience - and in the case of almost blind people, it turns out to be triple-blind. Neither the doctor nor the patient knows which drug is being given - a “dummy” or our medicine. But the experiments on cataracts have ended, and so far I can say that the effect is good. It is determined by how many lines in the table a person can read. And for glaucoma, we just can't get enough people to complete the trial.


A person must drip into himself who knows what for six months, without receiving a penny. And he must sign a document stating that he will not be held accountable if he becomes blind as a result of the experiments. There is standard paper: when a leg is cut off and when drops are put in, the document is the same.

They say you cured your eye with your medicine...

Yes, my eyes generally have bad heredity. Senile cataracts have set in. Both eyes were affected, the right one more severely. I feel like I can no longer read with my right eye. The doctor prescribed me an operation to replace the lens. And I took a break for a month and a half and began to drip our drug. Then I came to the appointment, and the doctor still prescribed surgery for one eye. The thing is that our drug no longer works on very old rats. I decided that I was an old rat. But then God punished me for not believing in my strength. We did not cut the second eye right away; it was the very end of 2008 - the beginning of 2009, the crisis, there was no time for surgery. But I continued to drip. And he came to the doctor only eight months later. And the doctor says: “Where did you put your cataract? She's gone. You don't need surgery." Four years have passed since that time, I continue to drip, cataracts have not appeared.

Moreover, my myopia has dropped: it was seven units, and became three. And visual acuity is now one in one eye, and 0.9 in the other. So we will expand the list of indications for our drops.

The main goal of the project is “pills of youth”, turning off the body’s aging program. You should start clinical trials in the coming years. When?

We aim to begin testing next year.

How will it look like? A person is not a rat, he lives a long time - how can you determine that the drug is working?

This will look like therapy for individual diseases of old age. You can try the same eye diseases - do not put drops in the eye, but take a pill. There are several options. We are doing very well in treating wounds. It is known that old people have a painful healing process: any scratch can lead to gangrene. And we showed in rats that such senile processes do not appear if the rat is fed our substance.

What about any heart diseases? These are also all diseases of aging, arrhythmias for example.

Yes. This is next on the list. Moreover, we modeled several types of arrhythmias in rats, all of them are perfectly treatable. We also have amazing results on behavior. There is such an experiment - an elevated cross-shaped maze (an installation of two open and two closed paths, raised above the floor; with its help, the level of anxiety and activity in rats is studied. - “RR”). Old animals usually spend all their time in a closed area and generally prefer to sit in one place. And our rats behave in such a maze as if they were young. It’s not very clear how to find an analogue for a person, but I think psychologists will advise something.

We have three rats living in our editorial office. They are old in age, but act like young people. We, however, try to limit their diet...

It's right. The second way to slow down the aging program, besides our drug, is to fast. Eat 30% less, and most importantly, don’t eat meat.

And what is the mechanism?

My hypothesis is that when the amount of food decreases, some receptors in the body register this in the blood. And they perceive it as a threat of hunger. And for a population, the only thing worse than hunger is an epidemic. The body is faced with a choice: either mobilize all resources and find food, or die. In such a situation, all optional programs are canceled. The aging program is also optional, it is needed only for future generations. The body turns off aging for a while. For several months or even a year. The symptoms are the same as when taking our substance: osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, baldness, graying do not develop, menstruation does not disappear, attraction of males to females... But, unfortunately, anxiety appears when there is a signal of hunger. This can be measured: usually a mouse in a wheel runs no more than a kilometer in a day, and when there is a signal of hunger - up to eight, and sometimes it even dies from exhaustion and falls dead. She tries to run away and find food. If you use our drug, there are no such effects, because the receptors signal that everything is in order.

It is known that the active substance in eye drops is the same as in the “youth pill”. Didn't you think that these drops would be bought up and simply taken orally?

There's very little substance there. There are two nanograms in a droplet. So you need to buy thousands of our bottles, pour them into a glass and then drink them instead of water for the rest of your life. If there is some kind of millionaire, perhaps...

Will there be more for oral administration?

Certainly. We will recalculate in kilograms of live weight... I’m now thinking about what to call this drug. You see, a medicine is some substance that makes it easier for the body to fight an illness. And here we are trying to prevent the body from doing bad things itself. This is actually the fight against suicide. Our logic is this: there is some kind of center that sends aging signals to cells, signals of slow suicide. The center operates according to a genetic program. And we interrupt signal transmission at the cellular level. If this is all true, then the drug must be taken all the time: as soon as you stop, the signal begins to flow again, because the genes have not gone away.

Aren't you afraid that the “youth pill” will become an analogue of the atomic bomb in biology? Will it completely change social life?

If it turns around, it will be for the better.

You can imagine the following consequences, for example: social elevators will stop working. The boss will be the boss for a hundred years. Forever young.

Well why? Everything is decided politically. Rigid rotation, for example. I'm not a politician, I'm a biologist. Our job is to offer. After all, this has already happened: people now live on average twice as long as they did in the 19th century.

Yes, we have already experienced one such revolution - antibiotics.

We survived. And no one, not a single person complained about it. By the way, I’m not saying that people will live 800 years. There is an example: whales. They do not age, but mature with age. And they live about 200 years. They apparently do not have an aging program, but this does not mean that nothing bad happens to the body. Parts of the body do wear out. There are real diseases of aging, and I think people will not live 800 years. By the way, there is still cancer that our pill cannot treat, which means that everyone will live to see their cancer. So it is unknown how many years we can extend life, and that is not the main thing. The main thing will be that the layer of unfortunate people who have fallen into childhood, if not because of their mental abilities, then because of their physical capabilities, will disappear. We managed to do this in animals. There is hope that it will work on humans.

Staying young, extending your life and coming up with pills for eternal youth has always been a person’s cherished dream, from ancient times to the present day. If previously those who wanted to defeat old age had to be content with various strengthening tinctures or “magic” drinks, today in pharmacies you can purchase licensed anti-aging drugs, drugs that can slow down this process. The use of special means can slow down the aging process of various organs, improve the general condition of the body and prolong a person’s youth and life.

Before purchasing any anti-aging products, you need to understand how they work and how they can affect the biological processes that cause aging in the body. Until now, scientists cannot name the main cause or causes of aging. Therefore, there is no remedy that can completely stop aging; there are drugs that can slow down these processes, such as Metformin, Skulachev drops, biopeptides or telomeres and many others.

Anti-aging pills

Perhaps scientists will soon offer us effective anti-aging pills.

The fight against aging must be waged daily. Not a single magic pill against old age will help if you do not monitor your health and try to maintain all organs and systems in good, “working” condition.

In addition to taking special medications, gerontologists strongly advise paying attention to simple and effective means:

  • Antioxidants - the harmful effects of free radicals on the body have long been proven; it is possible that they accelerate or even “trigger” the aging process. Taking antioxidants in special supplements or simply vitamins E, C or selenium helps remove toxins and aging products from the body, which means it increases the lifespan of cells and tissues.
  • Vitamins – decreased concentration and lack of vitamins leads to depletion of all organs and systems, which accelerates the aging process; regular intake of vitamins is an excellent and safe remedy.
  • Anticoagulants - regular aspirin, regularly taken in small (up to 100 mg) doses, can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack several times, which means it helps maintain health and prevents the aging of the cardiovascular system.
  • Drugs to maintain heart function and normalize blood pressure - ACE inhibitors and other drugs that help stabilize blood pressure are considered one of the most effective means for the cardiovascular system, which is the first to wear out.
  • Medicines to improve metabolism and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Human health largely depends on the state of his digestive system. Proper nutrition and medications that improve digestion processes will help save at least several years of life and slow down the aging of the body.

Anti-aging drops

The development of drops to combat the aging of the body in laboratories has been ongoing non-stop for several decades.

You can slow down aging with the help of various herbal preparations, the most popular of which are tincture of calamus root, hawthorn, ginseng and many others. Great excitement was caused by the appearance of Skulachev's drops from old age - an antioxidant drug that can stop the aging process. Today, Visomitin is used to treat dry eye syndrome, but the full capabilities of this drug have not yet been studied and perhaps, in a few years, a drug will be synthesized that can fight free radicals at the site of their origin - in the mitochondria.

Skulachev's drops

Skulachev's famous drops can have a positive effect on youth and health.

Academician V. Skulachev, who studies the aging process, proposed a product called drops or Skulachev ions - a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the body. Today, Vizimitin eye drops are actively offered for sale, but the release of the drug against old age has been postponed for now, since all the necessary tests and studies have not been carried out. In 2016, information appeared that the medicine for old age was already in pharmacies, but so far there is no data on its production and sale.

Anti-aging products

The development of anti-aging drugs for women's skin continues non-stop.

The condition of the female body is largely determined by the hormonal component, and for many women, the fight against old age is the meaning of life after 30 years. Depletion of female sex hormones or menopause is one of the main causes of rapid female aging. Taking medications containing estrogen helps not only cope with the symptoms of menopause, but also delay the manifestations of aging. But if medications with hormones can be taken only as prescribed and on the recommendation of a doctor, then foods rich in phytoestrogens will be useful for all women: these are sprouted wheat and soybeans, wheat germ oil, clover, alfalfa and many other plants.

Ointments for skin aging

Various anti-aging creams and ointments usually affect only the epidermis and underlying layers of skin, without penetrating deep into the body. Today, stem or embryonic cells, characterized by an active process of division and differentiation, are used to create extracts, ointments, creams and injections. Once in an adult, aging body, these cells activate the processes of division and growth, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the tissue or the entire organism as a whole.


Metformin is sold by prescription in our pharmacies

The most famous remedy for old age, Metformin, when it appeared, many believed that victory over aging had already been won, but this drug can prolong life and youth, but not forever delay the onset of old age. Initially, metformin was synthesized as a drug to combat type 2 diabetes. It was then proven that this remedy can prolong life and improve health. Metformin reduces the concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, which reduces the risk of developing senile vascular atherosclerosis and improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and the entire body as a whole.

Tablets by Elena Malysheva

In her program dedicated to the problems of aging, Elena Malysheva claims that she knows how to defeat old age with the help of quite familiar drugs. All the same aspirin, statins and drugs that regulate blood pressure. These drugs are called “Malysheva’s anti-aging pills.”

Aging from a lack of telomeres

The theory about aging as a result of the loss of the end sections of chromosomes - telomeres, echoes another theory - the existence of special peptides that control the state of the cell. Today, based on the theory of telomeres, special “short” peptides have been created that have an effect on human organs and slow down the aging process. There are different types of drugs: for the immune system, bone and muscle tissue, internal organs, visual organs, brain and endocrine system.

Products to slow down the aging of the body

A person’s life expectancy depends not only on genetic characteristics and lifestyle, but also on the nature of his diet - a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals can slow down the aging process of the body. Proper nutrition ensures that a sufficient amount of oxygen, building material and energy enters the cells. This means the cells will live and function much longer.

The most useful products for maintaining health and against cell aging today are considered to be:

  • Nuts – all types of nuts are sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, “supplying” all the necessary substances to the body.
  • Berries are natural antioxidants that help eliminate toxins and free radicals.
  • Green vegetables - reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood and help improve the cardiovascular system.
  • Fatty fish are a source of essential fatty acids.
  • Lean meat is a supplier of protein, “building material” for cells.

Medicines for the lungs

The lungs are the most important organ in the human body, loss of elasticity of the lung tissue, lack of oxygen and accumulation of carbon dioxide. All these factors contribute to the aging of cells and the entire body, which is why in old age it is so important to maintain a healthy respiratory system. Aging of the lungs can be caused by genetic factors, smoking, air pollution, working in hazardous industries and many other factors.
