Noob's explanatory dictionary. Glossary of the game Perfect World Pv dictionary

Hello dear readers. In this article, I want to present you with a systematic table with words from the vocabulary of Perfect World players (correction: many can be used in other online games). Of course, there are more than enough such articles on the Internet, and I’m just creating a similar one, I just wanted this information to be present here on the site. On the other hand, why not?

When I started playing, I didn’t know absolutely a single word that I will write and describe below. And now, as you can see, all these words are familiar to me. You can meet them quite often in the game, be it in the world chat or in the chat of the players with whom you are playing.


Aggro- means to force the mob/boss to attack exactly the character the player is playing, that is, to concentrate the enemy’s attacks on his character.

AoE(Area Of Effect) - a skill whose effect extends to a certain area, that is, it acts (for example, an attacking skill) not on one enemy, but on several.

Afk(away from keyboard) – a status in which the player is not in place, but his character is online. In order not to write about the fact that the player is leaving somewhere, you can write briefly like this and everyone will understand that he is not there.

Assist– an action that allows you to target an enemy who is the target of another group member. To do this, you need to target the required group member (key combination Shift+(1-5)) and press the “attack assistance” action key.


Buff, buff (English buff “absorb blows”) - an effect that has a positive effect on the characteristics of the one on whom it is applied, that is, an increase in certain characteristics.

Build(English build) – a character with a certain distribution of stats for a certain game strategy.


Var(English war “war”) – Warrior, a class belonging to the Human race.


GD- City of Dragons. All major cities are usually called by their first two letters. For example, GO - City of Werewolves or GI - City of Origins.

Go(English go) - a call to go somewhere.

GVG(English gild “guild”, war “war”) - a battle between guilds.

Gold– Legendary armor that is crafted in the furnace of the City of Dragons. The name of the armor is colored yellow.

Grind– long and monotonous killing of monsters to gain experience and loot.

Green– Iron armor, which is crafted in the furnace of the City of Dragons. The name of the armor is colored green.


Damage(English damage “damage”) - damage.

DD(eng. damage dealer) - a character whose characteristics are pumped up in such a way that his damage is very high. In other words, this character specializes in dealing damage.

Debuff- an effect that negatively affects the characteristics of the one on whom it was applied.

Dex(dex dexterity) - dexterity.

Def(English def defense) - protection obtained through armor.

DK(eng. Dragon quest) - An abbreviation used to refer to the Dragon Quest, otherwise it is called the Search for Dragons. This is a quest that can be completed an infinite number of times, the essence of which is to collect certain materials and bring them to a certain NPC.

Drul- Druid


Hedgehog– Short for “Daily Task”. This word Hedgehog can be seen very often in chat. used, for example, in this context “Is there anyone in the 59th dungeon?”


Sharpening(upgrade) - improving the characteristics of weapons, armor, jewelry, that is, equipment in general.


Event, event(English event “case, event”) – a game event of various kinds, for participation in which the character receives experience, various items, money, etc.

THEM(IM, English item “item” and mall “shopping center, market”) is an abbreviation that stands for game store.

Inst, instance, dungeon (abbr. j)(English instance “instance, separate case”) – a dungeon that is individual for each party. That is, two entered groups of players cannot meet in a given dungeon, just as a single player cannot meet a group.

Int(eng. Int Intellect) - intelligence.


1 to designation of 1 thousand of something. Similarly kk-1 million, kkk-1 billion, etc.

Cast(English cast “throw, throw”) – application of a skill, that is, the time that the skill is applied.

Killsteel(eng. kill steal) literally “stolen kill”) - the process of stealing mobs/bosses. Here's how it happens: after one player knocks out almost all the health of, say, a boss, a second player joins in, sometimes even killing the first player, and kills the boss, thus receiving credit for, for example, a quest, while the first player receives nothing. Sometimes high-level players do this on purpose.

Control(English: crowd control “crowd control”) – the process of controlling the movement of a character. Types: sleep, camp, rut. Produced through skills, sometimes weapon properties.

Craft(English craft “skill, craft”) - the process of creating any things, this is also the name for the process of collecting resources.

Crete(English: critical hit - “Critical hit”) - in fact, this is a critical hit. The crit of all characters is equal to 200% of their damage.

Cube (Hive Cache)– a quest, which is the completion of various tasks in each of a number of rooms.


Level, lvl, lvl(English level “level”) – character level.

PM (PM, PM, PM- Private Message) – personal message.

Onion– Archer class belonging to the Seed race.

Loot(English loot “prey, rob”) - everything that falls out when killing mobs or bosses.


Mount(English mount “to climb”, “mountain”) is a pet that can be used not only by Druids, but by absolutely all races - this is a riding pet.

Mdef(English: Magic Defense) – protection from magic.

Mob(eng. Mob mobile object “moving object”) - a monster.


Nirka– Short for Nirvana dungeon for characters of 100+ levels.

NPC(from the English NPC non player character) - not a game character. Characters who do not pose a threat are needed to give players tasks.

Disagreement- an effect that prevents the player from casting spells.


Rollback– a process in which a skill is recharged, that is, at this time the player cannot use the skill that is being rolled back, but only after it is ready for use again.


Party(English party) – a group of characters united to achieve some goal, usually to go to a dungeon.

PvE(English PvE player versus environment “player versus the environment”) - a battle between a player and monsters.

PvP(English PvP player versus player “player versus player”) - a battle between a player and another player.

Singing– speed of spell casting.

PC(English PK Player Killer “killer player”) - a player who kills other players in the accessible area. The nickname of such a player is colored red. There are three shades of red depending on the number of characters killed by the PC-assist. When a character becomes a PC, then the chance of items dropping from him when he is killed increases. You can only get rid of the PC by spending a certain amount of time in the game and by killing monsters.

Priest(English priest “priest”) – the Priest class from the Sida race.

Profa(English profession) – character class.

Pull(English pull, pulling “pull, push out”) - a situation in which the desired monster is “pulled” from a crowd of other monsters without aggro from the crowd.

Pooh– this is what the players call the weapon. This is not necessarily a firearm, especially since it does not exist at all in Perfect World, but everything that is used as a weapon, be it a crossbow or a sword.


Random(English random “random”) - a random event, be it the distribution of loot among party members or the success of sharpening equipment.

Rar(English rare “rare”) – this is what rare things are called. By things we mean not only some object, but also a pet.

Raid(English raid “raid”) is a group of characters united to achieve a common goal, the action itself is also called. The main difference between a raid and a party is that the raid consists of a fairly large number of characters.

Regen(English regeneration “regeneration”) is the restoration of health or mana units.

Res(abbreviated from Resources) – in fact, these are resources.

Rep.(English resurrect “resurrect”) - the resurrection of one character by another or the resurrection of a pet.

Respawn(English respawn “rebirth”) - restoration of a killed mob or a crafted resource. In fact, this concept can also be applied to the resurrection of a character, that is, it is the same as the previous concept.

Rest(English rest “rest”) - meditation, in a mode in which the speed of recovery of health and mana is doubled.

Ruth(Root root) is one of the means of control, it forces the enemy to stop and does not allow him to move, but in this state he can use skills or weapons.


Summons(summon from English “to call”) – pets that can be controlled. That is, the character under control has a pet, which is the main means of combat. Druids and Mystics have these.

Caliper(English support “support”) - this is the name of the characters of the class that helps and supports other characters, whether in a group or individually.

Set(English set “set, kit”) – a specific set of items, by collecting which you can receive additional bonuses to the character’s characteristics.

Skill(English skill “skill”) – a special ability, characteristic only of a given class.

Spell damage- (English spell “spell” and damage “damage”) – magical damage.

Spot(English spot “place, point, zone”) – a place where monsters gather.

Mill(English stun “stun”) - the ability (most often a skill, sometimes the ability to equip) to stun an enemy, that is, the enemy will not be able to move, use weapons and skills.

Stat(English status “status, position”) - character characteristics (Endurance, Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity), sometimes stats are points that should be distributed between characteristics.

Sik(English seeker) – the Guardian class belonging to the Ancient race.

Syn– the Assassin class belonging to the Amphibian race.


Take time(English to tame “to tame”) – the ability to tame monsters. Only one class has this ability - Druid.

Tank– a character with a large number of health units, performing the function of a “scapegoat” in battle. Since the survivability of such a character is higher than that of other characters, his task is to contain the damage of mobs/bosses on himself, while the rest, say, characters with high damage but low health, kill the mobs/bosses.

Twink(English twin “double”) is a character additionally created by the player, either on the main account or again on a newly created one for selling accumulated items or storing them.


UV(abbr. from Phoenix Gorge) - in fact, there is a phoenix gorge.


Farm(English farm “farm”) - targeted collection of resources, targeted mass killing of monsters to gain as much experience as possible and collect as much loot as possible from monsters.

Physicaldef- physical protection

Full(English full “full”) – a fully assembled, specific set of equipment, be it armor or jewelry.

Fiol– Regular armor with three stars. The name of the armor is colored purple.


HP(eng. HP Health Point “Health Units”) – the number of health units of the character.

Hill(English heal “to treat, heal”) – opportunity, i.e. a skill that allows a character to heal another character or a pet.

Khirka, hirki(abbreviated from Hierogram, English hierogram) - amulets that have a certain supply of health units or units of magical energy, which is consumed when the basic parameters of the player’s character’s health or mana are reduced to 50%.


Char(English character “character”) – a game character.

Chi(Chi) 100 rage. Chi and Rage are required to use some skills.


Sham– (short for Shaman) – a gaming class belonging to the Amphibian race.

Shmot- armor, but is used mainly to refer to equipment in general.


Expa(English experience “experience”) - that’s right, the experience that the player’s character gains, loses or has.

When you enter the Perfect World game for the first time, you are unlikely to understand what the players are writing about, so below are the basic terms that will help you navigate. Also, many people insert English words into conversations in Russian letters, here you will also have to get used to it, for example, instead of go-go they will write -go-, so accept it ((.

Aggro, aggro, aggravate

This means taking on an attack from a mob or a character, and fighting back is when the mob you want to hit runs away. When you are in a hedgehog game, for example, then walk carefully and do not aggro mobs on yourself, that is, do not catch them.


AoE is a skill that causes damage to enemies in a large radius, almost all classes have such skills, bosses also have AoE, that is, they hit all members of the group.


in Perfect World this means gaining a new level, and in other games probably too)))

DB - battle of dynasties

The Battle of Dynasties is a special event for players 100+, its essence is that players, getting into a special location, are divided into factions and fight with each other, receiving coins for completing them, which can then be exchanged for various useful things. The battle takes place every day at 21:00 Moscow time, you can take part in the battle by approaching General Yuanbo, he is located in all capitals of the Perfect World. In the State Duma it is located in the north.

GEO, daily quarter

GEO, this is the name of the daily quarter for Persians from level 70+, it is given by the NPC Lee Menbau, standing in the west of the GD near the elder of the Phoenix Gorge. The essence of the qv is to fly from point to point and take the qv from nipas, handing it over to the same nipa from whom you took it. You need to look at the point where to fly in the Available (daily) tab. They give a lot of experience for this square.

When you start playing on PWI, you will definitely encounter the problem of finding an English equivalent of a word you know. In this case, this dictionary will help you, where you can find English versions of PVsh and near-PV jargon.


AEU - Caverns of Eternity 100+
BH (Bounty Hunter) - daily quest “from the plate”
DH (Dawnlight Halls) - Palace of the Dawn. DDH is hard mode, JDH is legendary mode.
Eden - 89 rai
Brimstone (Brim) - 89 hell.
EU - Caverns of Eternity 95+
FSP (Flow Silver Palace) - Silver Citadel. jFSP - Judgment Mode (enhanced mode) FSP. dFSP - decide mode FSP - normal FSP mode.
Lunar Glade (Lunar) - Moon
MBH (Master Bounty Hunter) is an analogue of the regular BH in NeverFall.
PV (Phoenix Valley) - Phoenix Gorge
TT (Twlight Temple) - XX.
UP (Uncharted Paradise) - Sea of ​​Illusions. DUP - enhanced mode of the Sea of ​​Illusions.
WH (Wraith Hunter) - an event for killing a boss in a dungeon. WH69 - kill the boss in dungeon 69 of the Wraith Hunter quest.
WS (Warsong) - GBP. FWS - GBP (City of War Songs) at full (full approach). FWS spawn - full GBP without killing mobs.
Delta - Guy Master


Archer (EA) - archer
Assassin (sin) - killer, sin
Barbarian (barb) - equipment
Blademaster (BM, warrior) - var
Cleric (ep) - priest, cleric
Duskblade (DB) - ghost, tooth, dusk
Mystic - mystic
Psychic (psy) - shaman, psychic
Seeker - guard, seeker
Stormbringer (SB) - reaper, scythe
Venomancer (veno, WF) - steering wheel
Wizard (wiz) - magician

arcane - int class
heavy - heavy class
light - light class

full vit - full con
pure (full) int - full int
tank is a character who can hold a boss (or a wave of mobs) on himself.

Common words

wtb (want to buy) - buy (want to buy)
wts (want to sell) - I will sell (I want to sell)
wtt (want to trade) - I will exchange (I want to exchange)
LF (looking for) - looking for

@ (at) - indicates the location of something. at toad (@toad) - the party is located at the frog in the Silver Citadel. @521,421 - I am located at coordinates 521,421.
1v1 (1vs1) - 1 on 1. Maria, 1v1? - Maria, 1 on 1?
alt (twin) - twink.
Archosaur (Archo) - GD.
apo - pharmacy (pharmacy pills)
badge - res for crafting g16 and p9.3.
badge run - going for badges. In relation to the Moon and WS (GBP)
brumble - buff when driving with spikes. Brumble me - bash me with thorns
buff - buff. buff me pls - buff me please
charm - hirka
class — character class. pm class - write in pm the character’s class
coins - yuan
culti (cultivation) - respect
DD (Damage Dealer) is a character with good attack.
each (ea) - each. WTS gold. 4m each. - I will sell gold. 4kk per piece (for each).
exp - experience
faction - clan
fly - flight, fly
full - full. Squad full - party full.
Gold - gold
good - good. good DD is a good damage dealer.
gf (good fight) - a good fight (gratitude to the enemy after the end of the PC).
guild - guild
hit - hit
invite (inv) - invitation. Invite me - throw a party.
item - item
link - link. link weapon - shift fluff
lvl (level) - level. lvl82 - level 82
M (MIL, kk) - million. Americans are more accustomed to denoting a million as “M,” but “kk” is also often used.
mail - mail
mailbox - mailbox
main - main, basis. It’s my main - this is my basis (main character).
offer - offer. pm offer - write an offer in private.
op - too strong
opener - opener
OS Sin is a sin that kills the last boss in FSP with a skill. LF OS Sin for FSP - looking for OS Sin for FSP
packs - chests
pav (pavilion) - pavilion in Varsong (GBP)
PC (Price Check) - price request. PC *shift*? — Ask the price of a shifted item
pm (private message) - personal message. PM me - write in a personal message.
pots - jars
price - price. pm price — price in pm.
Primal - the world of people
proc - weapon ability
purge - cleaning. Purge him - clean him.
reset — Reset (daily after changing days). Before reset - before reset. After reset - after reset. LFM JFSP before reset.
quest - quest
rb - reborn - rebirth of a character. Recruiting rb2 players - a set of twice-reborn characters
reward - reward
safe zone (sz) - peace zone
signet (sig) - call.
sign up - join, add. Sign up for tw - mark that you are going to GVG (usually on the forum).
spirit - spirit
spot - place. Last spot - last place (in the party).
tele (teleacoustic) - speaker. Last tele - the last mouthpiece.
timer - time counter. B. H. W. S. Timer done - BH GBP. The time (of waiting) is up.
TNF (Thursday Night Fights) - Event PC Arena on Thursdays
toon - character. Make a toon - create a character.
tw - tv, gvg
tw pay - payment for attendance at the GVG
ulty is a red skill from house building.
wc (wrong chat or world chat) - wrong chat or world chat. Depending on the context.
weapon (wep) - weapon. pm wep - shift fluff in pm.
wine - wine
wined - means, for example, that the opponent did not come out. Wined TW - TV vs empty crystal.
xtw - cross-server guild battle


a few - a little
active - active. Active faction - active guild
anybody (anyone) - anyone
best - the best.
brb - I'll be right back
but - but
cheap - cheap. WTS my soul. Cheap
come - to come. Come here - come here
for - for
free - free. Anyone need it for free? - Does anyone want this for free?
gift - gift
give up - give up
good job (gj) - good job
help - help. Help me please - help me please.
idk (I don"t know) - I don’t know
join - to join. Join us - join us.
kill - kill. Need help to kill knewy rattus - need help in killing the leader of the rats
last - last. Last spot - the last place in the party.
left - left. 3 spots left - 3 spots left
like - like. I like it - I like it
love - love
more - even, more.
need - required
omw - on the way (I'll be there soon)
only - only. Need barb only - you only need equipment
owner - owner. Shop owner - owner of the cat.
people (ppl) - people
please (pls, plz) - please.
question - question. I have a question - I have a question
random - random. random squad player - random party member
rare - rare. Rare fly - rare flight.
ready - Ready. Squad ready - party is ready
recruit - recruit (to a clan). Guild Romashka recruiting all levels - Guy Romashka recruits characters of any level into her ranks.
sale - sale
shop - store
should - follows. You should - you should
shut up - shut up
someone - someone (someone needs help)
sorry (sry) - forgive me. Full, sry - the party is full, sorry.
still - still
stone - stone
thank you (ty, thx, thanks) - thank you. Ty all - thanks to everyone (gratitude to the party when we went, for example, to BH).
useless - useless
wait - wait
want - want. Who want? - who wants?
who - who
why - why?
with - with
worry - to worry. Don’t worry - don’t worry
worst - worst
you (u) - you, you.
yw (you"re Welcome) - please. In response to someone's gratitude
