All harmful food. The most harmful food

Even children know about the importance of rational food today. But one thing is theoretical awareness, another - practice. In practice, not all people adhere to nutrition of exclusively healthy products. The most harmful foods, the list of which is presented in this article, it is recommended to reduce to a minimum in its daily diet.

It is no secret that the most harmful food is often the most delicious. Many are wondering why it is. Scientists explain that the whole thing is in the rapid addiction of the human body to harmful food. Studies show that the most harmful food products have a special chemical composition forcing them in excessive amounts.

There is a special term that denotes the emergence of a false feeling of hunger that makes us eat harmful food in excessive quantities - "hedonic hyperfagi". This state leads to eating food not for the sake of the sorrow of hunger, but for the sake of obtaining the feeling of pleasure from the use of a large amount of carbohydrates and lipids. Requires long and painstaking work to change unhealthy food addictions. But first you need to "learn the enemy in the face" - consider the 10 most harmful products for human health.

Fast food

This category includes hamburgers, frost potatoes, instant noodles and other "fast food". Products of this category quickly quench the hunger (truth for a while), relatively inexpensive and sold on every corner.

In almost all products belonging to the "Fast Food" contain taste amplifiers - in particular, the infamous glutamate sodium E-621. This chemical compound enhances the taste of any dish and, although not included in the official list of prohibited additives, is adversely affected by health. The main harm of glutamate is that he is rapidly addictive. People, "filming" to "fast food" healthy food seems fresh and tasteless. In addition, E-621 adversely affects the state of the nervous system.

Dampering potatoes "Fries" is quite large and without glutamate. Fried potatoes - a high-calorie dish with a huge amount of carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, lipids that are contained in it are the same trans-fats recognized by guilty of human diseases such as:

  • Type II diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • Coronary artery disease;
  • Obesity;
  • Hypertension;
  • Heart attack;
  • Stroke;
  • Neuropathy.

It has been proven that trans-fats provoke genetic mutations in cells leading to oncological diseases. The harm of fried potatoes is aggravated by the fact that in public catering points it prepares with the use of repeatedly heated oil. This method of cooking turns the product into a dangerous carcinogen.

Chips and crackers

Chips in excessive amounts contain both E-621 already mentioned, and a set of other chemical additives. This product often has a very distant attitude to potatoes and is prepared from starch, flour and flavors that give the product to the taste of bacon, cucumbers, shrimp.

Regular use of chips and crackers - direct path to the development of gastritis, ulcerative disease, gastric cancer. The substances contained in these products irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and lead to pathogenic cellular mutations.

Mayonnaise is another product full of fatty acid isomers (trans-fats). Food with a large quantity of mayonnaise has a detrimental effect on the state of the vessels, making them the walls less flexible. As a result, such pathologies are developing as hypertension and atherosclerosis, fraught with the most serious complications. The damage of mayonnaise is aggravated by the content of preservatives and stabilizers in this product.

No less detrimental to the state of health is frequent use of ketchup. Those products that are sold in supermarkets under this title, in a very small amount contain natural tomatoes, but in excess are saturated with dyes, flavors and other chemical additives.

Sugar and Sol.

The harm of sugar for the human body is as follows. Sugar leads to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which provokes excessive secretion of insulin. Thus, the pancreas begins to work in intensive mode and is quickly depleted. And this is a direct path to the development of diabetes. The incidence of diabetes increases annually: doctors believe that it is the use of sweets, confectionery products and other products with a high sugar content - the main reason for so disappointing statistics.

In addition, the regular use of sugar causes the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • The weakening of the immune status, which leads to an increased risk of infectious diseases;
  • Impairment of mineral balance in the body;
  • Obesity;
  • Pathology gums and teeth;
  • Osteoporosis caused by a violation of calcium absorption.

Now find out what is harmful salt. This product (or rather, seasoning) is the necessary element in the human diet, but its necessity is limited to 10-15 g per day. We consume 5-10 times more than this quantity. Excessive salt consumption leads to a violation of the fluid balance in the body, which in turn enhances the burden on the kidneys, heart and vessels. Result - renal failure, heart attacks, strokes, impairment.

White bread

White bread is a typical representative of "fast carbohydrates", very harmful to the full vital activity of a person. This product leads to excessive flow of a large number of calories, which the body is forced to postpone in the form of fatty stocks. In addition, modern bread is prepared with the mandatory use of harmful additives and compounds leading to the development of digestive, vascular and oncological ailments.


Canned food, in essence, a dead product that does not contain anything useful. In addition, food additives, salt and chemicals in increased quantities are usually present in canned matter. Diet spectatists consult canned food exclusively in cases when it comes to salvation from hungry death.


High-quality chocolate (without palm oil and other additives) in limited quantities does not harm, but huge bars that we strongly advise to sink hunger are undoubted damage to the body. Such products contain an excessive amount of sugar, which is man and so uses in excess. The same applies to candies - especially caramel and candy.

Milk products

Some scientists do not consider milk with a product suitable for human nutrition. Others are not so categorical, but also do not advise you to use milk food more than 100 g per day. This is particularly related to yoghurts, which are persistently progressing as the most useful products in the world. In fact, yogurts contain a large number of thickeners, stabilizers and flavors, unambiguously harmful to health. So, if you need live bacteria, it is better to buy special pharmacy preparations.

Carbonated drinks

The harm of carbonated beverages is in the excess number of food "chemistry" contained in these products. Lemonades, soda and all sorts of "colas" contain a huge amount of sugar. Regular drinking of popular sodes leads to the washing of calcium from bones, problems with digestion and other undesirable consequences. Even if you drink low-calorie drinks with sugar substitutes, then in this case they do not bring much benefit. Does the question are harmful to the Sakharoznestems, most doctors are responsible today - yes, especially some of them.


The fact that alcohol is harmful to everyone knows everything. Alcohol adversely affects the state of the digestive system, kidneys, hearts. Even a small amount of alcohol causes a tangible blow to liver cells and nervous system cells, causing a stressful situation in the body. Regular use of alcohol leads to formation at first psychological, and then physico-chemical dependence.

More and more people have recently pay attention to the question of healthy nutrition and what is the differeble and harmful food. A sedentary lifestyle and sitting work lead far from the best consequences. But this is not the most important factor. Harmful food forms extra kilograms in the body and creates health problems.

Industrial food in which there is almost nothing left of natural, hardly satisfies your body with useful trace elements and minerals. Harmful food in English sounds like "Junk Food". Abroad, more and more often you can hear this phrase in different languages \u200b\u200bfrom people who worry about the health of their children and loved ones.

The most harmful meal

Among the abundance of food, damage to health and significantly reduce life expectancy, specialists have allocated a list of the most dangerous products. Many of them are very familiar in everyday life and make up the basis of the fast-food system. However, doctors and specialists worked on the creation of the list below, whose belief is worth listening to.


Recognized with the most harmful product. Due to the high concentration of carbohydrates and fats, abundantly sprinkled with flavoring substitutes, dyes and flavors, a 200-gram pack of chips is equal to half the daily rate of the cywlorials required by an adult person. They contain a large number of carcinogens capable of causing cancer, and the mass of hydrogenated fats will significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which as a result can lead to a stroke or infarction.

Roasted sweet drinks

This is a mixture of water, chemistry and gas. Aspartame (E951) is a synthetic sugar substitute. Flatanine is especially harmful. Sweet carbonated drinks are not quenched thirst, but on the contrary - cause a desire to drink more and more, due to the presence of chemical sweeteners, which cannot be completely removed saliva from the mucous membrane. The large content of sugar and as a result of this very low pH significantly disrupt the acid-alkaline balance and lead to the development of a wide range of diseases. Sodium benzoate (E211) is also present here, which slows down the work of enzymes, disrupts the metabolism and is the cause of many diseases. It may be skin rashes, and cancer of various departments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food

The fast food system has gained tremendous distribution worldwide. Starting from the stalls on the manufacture of Belyesha and Shawarma and ending with such giants like Burger King and McDonalds. The harmful food in them is mostly represented by or fried with meat, or stuffed chemistry with buns with the same cutlets, or sausages and abundantly flavored synthetic sauces.

Separately, I would like to highlight the oil in the fryer, which is used repeatedly and is the cause of the formation of carcinogens and the development of cancer. Long use of such dinners leads to many diverse diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from colitis to gastritis.

Separately, you can allocate the group "Harmful food for children." These are snacks (nuts, crackers, etc.), juices, fast cooking lunches and sweet bars. They are the result of the development of modern chemical laboratories, but the benefits are not carried. Unfortunately, these products occupy a significant part of the diet for many modern children, inflicting an invaluable damage to their immunity and health in general.

Smoked, sausages and semi-finished products

Smoked home stores are dangerous due to the fact that in the process of their production, gasopyrene or liquid smoke are used, which form carcinogens.

Sausage, sausages, minced meat, dumplings are also harmful food. They are based on stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavors and thickeners. Additionally, fats, skins, cartilage and other beams of meat production are added there. Separately, it is worth noting the negative effect of gennometric products, especially transgenic soybean, which is part of more than 70% sausages and semi-finished products.

Ketchup and mayonnaise

They are more continuing the previous product group based on transgenic fats. They also include a large number of stabilizers, preservatives, taste and color additives. Excessive use of mayonnaise can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels, and a large amount of ketchup provokes gastric diseases, including ulcerative gastritis.


The name is very general, but also combines a large category of products. This includes crackers, chips, popcorn for microwaves, frozen desserts, french fries, pastries and finally margarine, which significantly expands the list of manufactured products. The damage of these fats is that due to them is significantly rising in the blood level of cholesterol. And in combination with sugar, the high probability of metabolic disorders arises.

Chewing gum and jelly candy

Excellent set for young chemist. Stabilizers, dyes, thickeners and sweeteners, causing addictive, can cause problems in the work of the stomach, caries and lead to the formation of excess weight.

Ice cream, milk shopping and yogurt

Favorite products also hit the list where the most harmful food is collected. Antioxidants, thickeners, stabilizers and flavors are far from the full list of additives contained in them. The presence of live bacteria is also often in question. Sugar in a mixture with synthetic additives in ice cream can easily cause obesity.

Industrial Vegetables and Fruits

The most valuable foods were also subject to refinement and improvement processes. Creation of gennometric varieties, processing chemicals to increase yields and combat pests, applying special protective films to increase the storage period - a small list of operations that help to implement more products, but make it almost unsuitable for eating.

Food and water

Disputes about whether it is harmful to drink after eating or not, go for a long time. This question should be considered from a scientific point of view. To start the digestive process, the eaten food should be split under the influence of gastric juice. Then in the small intestine there is a process of assimilation of beneficial substances using enzymes. If drinking a liquid after meals for 15-30 minutes, it will reduce the concentration of the gastric juice. Also, the flow of fluid is cleaning the useful elements that should have been learned in a specific gastrointestinal tract.

Further, the process of synthesizing the gastric juice and enzymes is repeated with additional energy consideration. If you consider the fact that digestion is one of the most energy-intensive processes, then drink food, which means to intentionally increase the burden on its body. When the intestinal tract does not have time to restore the concentration of digestive enzymes to complete the recycling of the resulting food, it begins to decompose and rot. These products are absorbed into the blood, and the additional energy is expended on the withdrawal of toxins from the body.

Properly drink water 15-30 minutes before meals and at least 30 minutes after the meal, if it was not very heavy. Useful and harmful food digested at different speeds, therefore the time of the use of fluid must correspond to the type of food eaten.

The effect of cold or ice drinks also negatively affects the process of digestion. This uses many fast food systems. Healthy and harmful food, powered by such drinks, is not delayed in the stomach for more than 20 minutes. Therefore, there is a feeling of hunger and fast foods get more orders.

If in the diet, the harmful food occupies a big percentage, then it is necessary to gradually replace it with salads or simply instead of meals to drink conventional purified water. Often, people confuse a feeling of hunger with thirst.

Healthy nutrition

There are many information about how harmful food, and what is useful. It should be understood that it is a healthy eating. Fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, wholegrain cereals and cereals help to saturate the body not only with useful elements, but also contribute to the removal of toxins. Moderate proper nutrition, regular sports and a large amount of clean water consumed will make the body slim and tightened, and most importantly, full strength and energy.

More attention is paid to health in schools and preschool institutions. Special classes, sporting events are held, children write in the work lessons on the theme of "harmful food" in English and in Russian.

There are also many different learning programs about healthy nutrition. They provide information on what useful and harmful food. Pictures help children visually see the difference and even make the right diet.

Proper nutrition gives visual results from the first months. The body changes in front of her eyes. Overweight is leaving, healthy skin color and many other aspects are returned. A permanent healthy lifestyle works in the long run, prolongs life and improves many of her parties.

Currently, many areas of healthy nutrition are common - this is vegetarianism, raw food, Ayurvedic culture and many others. But it is also worth remembering that the movement is the basis of life and physical exertion will significantly improve the well-being in a complex with the right food and self-development.

Harmful food is destructively reflected on the health of adults and children. With harmful meals, mental and physical development deteriorates, the ability of resistance to the effects of negative environmental factors is reduced. Nutritionists are confident that it is the nutrition that determines the quality and life expectancy of a person. Incorrect and harmful meals leads to various diseases.

The most harmful food

Food products that contain many substitutes and dyes, gradually poison the human body, in parallel causing addiction. People are very often eating food with biological and aromatic additives, with preservatives.

Harmful products violate the metabolism of the body, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive tract. The most harmful food is shortened by a person's life. Harmful meals are primarily associated with excessive use of animal fats. Such nutrition contributes to an increase in the number of people with obesity in various forms. When using a large number of fatty harmful food in people with obesity, the function of the stomach signal mechanisms responsible for the transmission of information on saturation in the brain departments is disturbed.

Experts allocated ten most harmful food. Lemonads and chips occupy the first place among harmful products. Chips are a highly concentrated mixture of carbohydrates and fats, in a shell from substitutes of taste and dyes. In the process of cooking in chips, a large number of carcinogenic substances are formed. And hydrogenated fats lead to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the plasma of blood, which significantly increases the risk of developing strokes and infarction. People with obesity cannot be used chips, because two hundred grams of this product contains about 1000 kcal (half of the daily calorie norm for an adult).

Lemonada is a mixture of chemicals, gases and sugars. Due to the presence of sugar and gases, such drinks may disrupt acid-alkaline equilibrium, which can lead to the development of various diseases. Lemonades in their composition contain aspartames (synthetic sugar substitute). When used in large doses, aspartame contributes to the development of panic seizures, violence and anger, manic depression.

Preservatives and food dyes contribute to the accumulation of resistant substances in the body (xenobiotics). The accumulation of xenobiotics in cells leads to a decrease in immunity, as well as to functional disorders of the organism (skin diseases, constipation, esophagus cancer).

The second place among the products of harmful nutrition is the so-called Fast Food - Chebureks, Shawarma, Potatoes Fries, Hamburgers. Over the years, regular use of such food can lead to gastritis, constipation, colitis, heartburn.

The third place in the rating of products of harmful food is occupied by store sausages, meat products, smoked. This product contains a large number of emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes, flavors and stabilizers.

Smoked fish and smoked meat fell into the rating of the most harmful foods due to the high content of benzopyrin - substances formed when processing them. In one piece, smoked sausage contains as many phenolic compounds, as a person comes in the body for the year when inhaled from the surrounding air.

Fourth place among harmful food products are divided by margarine and confectionery. In the manufacture of margarine, transgenic fats are actuated as the basis. Products that have in their composition transgenic fat are very harmful to the body (cakes with cream, puff pastry).

The fifth place in the rating of food products is occupied by canned foods. There are no vitamins and enzymes in canned products. For canning, many manufacturers use genetically modified raw materials (GMOs).

Sixth place occupies soluble coffee. Soluble coffee significantly increases the acidic medium of the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis, heartburn, ulcerative gastric disease.

Sixth place shared waffles, chocolate bars, shelled, chewing candies, chewing. These products include chemical additives, genetically modified products, flavors and dyes.

The eighth place in the rating of the most harmful food is occupied by Ketchup and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise contains carcinogenic transgira. Especially harmful mayonnaise in plastic packaging. Vinegar, which is usually added to mayonnaise, sucks carcinogenic substances from plastic. Ketchup, refueling and sauces contain substitutes of taste and dyes.

The ninth place among harmful food products were divided by yogurts, ice cream and milk. In the process of manufacturing in these products, antioxidants, stabilizers, flavors and thickeners are added. All these components slow down the metabolism of the body.

The tenth place specialists gave shop vegetables and fruits. Even natural and useful products can become harmful if they were grown, for example, near the plant or highway. For rapid maturation and long storage, store vegetables and fruits are often treated with sodium glutamate. When poisoning with sodium glutamate, headache appears, vessel spasms, metabolic disorders.

Dangerous diets

The negative impact on the human body has not only harmful meals, but also a long deprivation of a body of some kind of product (dangerous diets). So, there are long dangerous diets, in which a person feeds mainly only with carbohydrates or only proteins.

With such dangerous diets in the human body, the vital food ingredients do not come for it, and an excess of other food components are created that the human body does not use.

Protein diets are especially dangerous. With such a harmful meal, you can lose weight, but at the same time you can cause significant harm to the kidneys. With proper nutrition, proteins are used to construct the body tissues, and the energy for these processes is formed due to carbohydrates. If carbohydrates do not go into the body in the required quantity, proteins or fats are used as a source of energy. If proteins are used as a source of energy, then poisoning toxic products accumulate in the body. After a protein diet, the body begins to store energy material hardly, laying stocks in the form of fat.

In case of harmful food with disadvantage of proteins, immunity is reduced, leather, nails and hair becomes fragile and dull. With a lack of fats in the body, the metabolism is violated.

We all would like to eat correctly, please yourself delicious and with this healthy, full-fledged meal. But how to be to us, the inhabitants of the modern world, in which the shelves of supermarkets are filled with colored packages with stuffed chemicals products? Their advertising promises health to us, while common sense suggests that something is wrong.

How to find out what we cook for breakfast than to eat? What to buy in the store, and from what is better to resolve? What products are better to immediately throw into a trash can, despite the fact that they are actively advertised and many with joy and appetite use them in their diet? Let's figure it out!

Unfortunately, the food industry of the 21st century left so far ahead that he stopped being food. Strengthening taste and increase the shelf life of products make an excellent product from them, but bad food. It seems to us that Burgers and Fries are so tasty! But about what is happening with our organism after we have lunch, we do not guess.

Some studies prove that products with preservatives with other chemical additives shorten the life, cause severe diseases, worsen the condition of the skin and appearance. At the same time, our life develops in such a way that we cannot completely eliminate the harmful products. But you can always try to reduce the use of dangerous meals. In this - the key to your future health!

List of hazardous products

So, in front of you - the top 10 of the most unwanted products for our body.


Honorable first place occupy chips. This miracle of the chemical industry contains in itself such an unsuccessful combination of fats and carbohydrates in the most incredible concentrations that your liver comes into a shock state.

This is no longer speaking about harmful ingredients, taste amplifiers and much more. How far is this delicious product left its ancestor - the usual finely chopped potatoes, roasted to a crispy crust. Yes, these were the first chips.

Let's look at the composition of the modern version of this product:

Ingredients Short description
Sodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanilla

Thanks to these additives, we feel such a bright taste of the final product. Studies suggest that substances do not cause health problems if they eat them in reasonable limits.

Excess doses can cause loss of vision, problems with eye retina, a set of excess weight, to have a hepatotoxic effect on the body.

Synthetic flavors It is impossible to attribute them to particularly harmful substances, but they can still have some negative impact on the human body. Some of them have toxic effects, destroy the liver.
Wheat, corn or rice flour Conventional ingredients that are obtained by grinding the grains of certain cereals. Harm is not boring.
Soy protein The danger proceeds from the type of soybean, from which the protein has brought. Most often is GMO.
Mix of starch It turns into the body in glucose, during an excess leads to obesity, problems with weight.
Vegetable oil The quality of the oil is difficult to check, including the presence of harmful impurities, carcinogens.

It seems that they do not have a trace of natural food. The result is obesity, intestinal disease, an increase in the risk of oncology.

Fast food

Silver medal on this list at fast food. Manufacturers assure us that burgers are made of the freshest products. In this can be believed, even if so! But why do they have such a number of wonder frauding flavors and amplifiers of taste, dyes and preservatives?

In addition, for example, FRI potatoes are preparing on oil that boils for quite a long time. The famous fact that it turns into a deadly product.

The following image can clearly see the harmful effect of such food on the body:


Energy drinks are not just a bullet in the liver, but a real bomb. This is an incredible "bouquet" of caffeine, shock dose of sugar, gases and chemistry. Add to the consequences of at least the intestine, stomach and get one of the most harmful products.

Consider the composition that can be found in almost any energy drink:

Ingredients Short description
Purified carbonated water One of the few harmful ingredients in the product.
Sugar Drinks with sugar want to drink more and more, while the thirst is not quenched. Such a combination may cause obesity.
Lemon Acid, Sodium Citrate Used to regulate the acidity of the drink.
Taurin Improves energy and metabolic processes. Widely used in various badges.
Natural flavors In most cases, under normal dosages, harmful consequences are not observed for the body.
Sorbate potassium, Sodium benzoate,

Are preservatives. Thanks to them, the drink can be stored for a long time and not to disappear. Sorbate potassium is considered one of the safest food preservatives.

Sodium benzoate can accumulate in the body and have a passive harmful effect. More specific studies that could put all the points in their places, unfortunately, not yet.

Koofin. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. With prolonged use, it may cause a light dependency.
Dyes Depending on the type and number of dyes, the drink can have a negative impact on the organism of varying degrees. Can cause allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis and other unpleasant health violations.
Guarana extract The additive of the cooking is used in sports nutrition. Brightly expressed tonic organism ability.


Immediately it is worth noting that, that drink that you yourself prepare from natural ingredients does not bother.

At this point, we will look at the lemonade as the food industry beverage, which is produced on the factories. Other carbonated, sweet drinks can be attributed here.

Refreshing lemonade, it turns out, not so refreshing. If you trace the chemical reactions that it starts in the body, then you can nourish.

But we will not lose heart, better limit the use of this drink! It contains specific substances that attach the taste that may run panic disorders, depressive states.

And the combination of gases and sweet is unique in its negative impact on the body is just a bomb for our acid-alkaline balance.


Favoric smoked smoked meats - carcinogens. Do not believe? Ask chemists. After all, you do not want to root like everyone else?

If you think this is a bloated danger, because everyone eats smoked, then remember how much the level of health has decreased in our day. This means that the thesis "everyone eats, and I will eat" better to revise.

Sausages, sausage

Cute sausages, juicy sausages and other offal, including sausage, are also far from benefit for our body.

Manufacturers add a sufficiently large amount of bass, pork skirts, as well as hazardous phenolic compounds.

Look at the label from any similar product. There, the mass of additives that can cause irreparable harm to health.

Fully natural products are two, or even three times more expensive than the one that can be found on the counters in the nearest supermarket.


Margarine - the king of dangerous fats. After all, you, of course, know that not all fats are useful? Harmful fats are the exchange of substances, and the reason for the use of margarine.

Remember that with the use of margarine are manufactured by many cooking masterpieces - cakes and cakes. If you want to drink tea with a cake, remember first of your liver ... Maybe it's better to take an apple?


Canned food makes life much easier for everyone who hurries and does not want to spend time on cooking. Conveniently? Still would. However, canned food also reduce life and reduce health. They found the most unpleasant carcinogens.

This is if not to say that it is quite part of the case when buyers of such products find various bonuses in the form of cockroaches or mice.

Ice cream

Unfortunately, ice cream falls on this list: it has a huge number of flavors. In addition, the combination of milk and sugar in principle is not very safe. It has a very negative effect on metabolism.

If you like this product, you should accumulate on the machine for the manufacture of ice cream. In this case, you can independently control the quality and challency of the components.


Sukharikov do not bring any benefit. Of course, we are talking about those crackers who have different flavors - from chill to smoked fish - and sold in colorful packaging.

Fat on which they are fright, causes many complaints from nutritionists. And the concentration of harmful additives simply rolls. The following is the composition of standard crackers (ingredients are stressed in red, which have a pronounced destructive effect on health):

What can these popular products be replaced?

Certainly, home products! Prepare yourself, do not be lazy.

Take a rule - not buy sausages, buy better good, fresh meat on the farmer market. You should also not attend fast food cafes, better go to a dining room or a good cafe.

Limonad you can do yourself, will be great if you take honey, not sugar. And without ice cream, canned and power drinks can be done at all. Eat vegetables, buy fruit and be cheerful and healthy!

All products listed above can and need to be prepared by the well-known recipes without, adding harmful additives. Of course, the taste will not be so bright as the "industrial" products, however, the body will tell you thanks.

We give you to help the following table, which will help to make the right choice:

Harmful product Useful replacement
Sausage Baked meat
Vegetable oil Olive oil (cold spin)
Coffee Herbal tea
Shop mayonnaise Mix of low-fat sour cream, mustard and lemon juice
Canned fruits Frozen fruit
Seasonings (for example, from fast cooking noodles) Natural spices, grass sets
Cream Almond milk
Sugar Fructose
White rice Wild rice
Crisps Independently cooked potatoes, finely sliced \u200b\u200band roasted to crust
Yeast bread Spring grain
Fabricates, semi-finished products Alone prepared "yummy" from natural components.

Despite the fact that the duration of human life and the risk of developing certain diseases is directly related to the genetics of a particular individual, the nutrition is also played with a significant role in these aspects.

A modern person consumes a huge amount of harmful products, which significantly reduces life expectancy and provokes the development of many severe diseases. The importance of proper nutrition is not exaggerated, which prove hundreds of scientific research of large clinics and laboratories.

The power system with the predominance of fast food is fraught with such consequences for health that there are separate books on this issue. It is one of the most harmful food products that seriously increase the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The main harm of Fastfud is associated with an abundance of oil, which is used when prepared it. Moreover, the fastener filling itself, containing a huge amount of carbohydrates and harmful additives (taste, preservatives).

  1. Burgers.
  2. Hot dogs.
  3. Sausages in the test.
  4. Shaurma, Kebab.

The consequences of frequent use of fast food:

  • are not the cause of diabetes, but significantly increase the risk of its development;
  • increase the risk of developing oncological diseases (mainly stomach, esophagus, rectum);
  • reduce the amount of testosterone;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • obesity;
  • ulcer, gastritis.

Food "from bags"

The so-called food from bags with rare use of strong harm to health does not cause. The situation is radically changing with constant use of such food. Such food does not contain a sufficient amount of beneficial substances (vitamins, minerals, proteins), so its predominance in the diet contributes to the development of avitaminosis and iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, overweight is one of the consequences of frequent use of packaged food: due to a large amount of carbohydrates.

The most harmful products from the group:

  1. Fast cooking noodles (any brand).
  2. Water puree.
  • chronic;
  • obesity (when used in large quantities);
  • and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic constipation;
  • with the predominance of packaged food in the daily diet, iron deficiency anemia is possible.

Chips, crackers, snacks, french fries

This is probably one of the most dangerous foods for people of all ages. A huge amount of carbohydrate, fats, taste amplifiers and food E-additives make this food incredibly "heavy" for the digestive system.

The average man should be remembered about the cooking process of such food. In most cases, chips and french fries are prepared by large parties in oil, which does not change in the cooking process. If I really want to: eat such products is recommended no more than 1-2 times a week and without alcohol or carbonated drinks, which only aggravate the general harm of such food (due to a huge amount of carbohydrates).

The consequences of frequent use of this food:

  • pCT and gastritis ulcers;
  • chronic heartburn;
  • proctological diseases (hemorrhoids, rear pass cracks, damn);
  • obesity;
  • a significant increase in the risk of developing cancer of the stomach, esophagus and rectum;
  • increasing the risk of developing acute pancreatitis;
  • chronic constipation or diarrhea.


Sausage products are among the most popular food all over the world. Meanwhile, it is also one of the most reassured food doctors, and it is not relatively.

The fact is that sausages are not an analogue of "pure meat", although many people are mistakenly believed that this is so. And the point here is not in the composition of sausages, although it causes many questions, but in the very quality of food and its influence on the human body.

For example, frequent use of poor quality sausages can provoke development, chronic diarrhea and even stomach cancer (and not only). WHO recommends consuming no more than 50 grams of sausage products per day.

The most harmful products from the group:

  1. Any sausages.
  2. Surgical and liven sausage.
  3. Board-smoked sausages.
  • chronic diarrhea or, less often, constipation;
  • heartburn, gastritis ulcers, gastritis;
  • a significant increase in the risk of developing cancer of the stomach and esophagus;
  • hemorrhoids.


Canned foods create a heavy burden on the gastrointestinal system, being one of the most frequent causes of the development of acute diarrhea. It should also be noted that in the process of production of canned others lose most of the beneficial substances (including vitamins), therefore, it is impossible to replace such food.

Also canned (mainly home production) are one of the most frequent causes of acute poisoning (including death).

The most harmful products from the group:

  1. Meat and fish canned food and preserved.
  2. Patty.
  3. Sausage stuffing and stuffing from offal.

The effects of irrational eating:

  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic heartburn;
  • constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • increased risk of developing acute pancreatitis.

Sugar, chocolate, and other sweets

There is an opinion that sweets are harmful only for children. In fact, this is a myth, and regular use of sweet in large quantities equally harms and adults. Frequent use of sweets significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes, although they are not the cause of the development of this disease.

In addition, many preservatives, taste amplifiers and sometimes dyes, which can cause the development of allergic reactions add in sweets. It should be taken into account that sweets are very calories and their constant consumption is fraught with obesity.

The most harmful products from the group:

  1. Chewing gum.
  2. Lollipops.
  3. Chocolate (in any form).
  4. Ice cream.

The effects of irrational eating:

  • high risk of sugar diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions (especially in children);
  • dermatological diseases (skin problems).

Ketchup and mayonnaise

Ketchup and mayonnaise are not independent food. With frequent use, such an additive to the main dishes is very harmful to the human body. In the CIS countries, the peak of the incidence of acute pancreatitis (and the exacerbation of chronic) falls on New Year's holidays, which is connected not only with the use of alcohol, but also traditional dishes that contain many mayonnaise.

Speaking about the dangers of Ketchup and mayonnaise, it is necessary to take into account that it is about shopping products and about home. The home option is only the fact that it is rarely used in taste and flavors amplifiers.

The effects of irrational eating:

  • chronic heartburn;
  • gastritis and gastrogen ulcers;
  • flatulence;
  • hemorrhoids, proctitis;
  • an increase in the risk of developing stomach cancer, language and esophagus.

Juices, cold tea, carbonated drinks

These drinks are harmful primarily by the fact that when using them together with solid food, fermentation in the stomach is possible. It does not lead to serious health consequences, however, it does not create a significant discomfort of the patient, since meteorism, diarrhea and nausea develop in the gastrointestinal gasts.

In addition, such drinks enhance the appetite, literally "spurring" a person to use a large amount of food, which is known, fraught with obesity.

The effects of irrational eating:

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • an increase in the risk of developing diabetes;
  • chronic heartburn.

Top 10 harmful food (video)


Alcohol, undoubtedly, is one of the most terrible enemies of mankind. Annually from alcohol use hundreds of thousands of people die. Alcoholic beverages violate the work of almost all human organs, the cause of the development of one types of oncological diseases and a predisposing factor for the development of other types of oncological diseases.

Absolutely all alcoholic beverages are harmful, albeit in different degrees. Any alcohol (with regular consumption) is the main cause of acute pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis.

The most harmful products from the group:

  1. Homemade alcohol (primarily moonshine).
  2. Vodka, brandy.
  3. Beer (when eating more liter per week).
  4. Alcoholic cocktails.

The effects of irrational eating:

  • a significant increase in risk of developing cancer of the stomach, esophagus, liver and intestines;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • blockage of vessels (thrombosis);
  • chronic heartburn;
  • ulcers and erosion of the stomach, gastritis;
  • myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease;
  • reduced mental abilities;
  • impotence and disorders of the reproductive system in both sexes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.
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