Safe pain reliever for toothache. What painkillers help with toothache. Dexalgin is the best choice

The tooth may become sick at the most inopportune moment.

This happens at night, on a holiday or on a weekend when There is no way to get to the dentist.

Endure toothache impossible: she exhausting, exhausting And drives me crazy.

Get rid of it quickly from pain to visiting a doctor, you can use effective medicines, folk remedies And rinsing.

What medicine is best for toothache?

Exists many painkillers, but only some of them are capable for a short time completely cope with tooth pain.

  • Ketanov

The drug is designed for effective and quick pain relief. Available in the form tablets for oral administration, as well as ampoules for intramuscular administration.

Ketanov even helps for acute and unbearable toothache. Main active ingredient in medicine - Ketorolac. It is he who provides powerful analgesic effect.

Single dose of the drug - 1 tablet (10 mg). Depending on the intensity And frequency pain can be taken up to 4 tablets per day. After using the medicine already in 30 minutes the pain subsides and then disappears altogether 8 ocloc'k.

To avoid occurrence adverse reactions It is forbidden to use Ketanov simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol And non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 16 years of age, the drug contraindicated.

Ketanov — the best a potent medicine for tooth pain that also has a moderate antipyretic And anti-inflammatory influence.

Photo 1. One of the most effective and potent drugs is Ketanov tablets from the manufacturer Ranbaxy.

  • Nimesil

For toothache helps best Another drug is Nimesil. In addition to pain relief, it provides antipyretic And anti-inflammatory action. The medicine is released in the form of granules for oral administration.

Nimesil refers to new generation medicines. The active ingredient in the medicine is Nimesulide, which is active relieves pain. The advantage of the drug over other analgesics is that it does not have an aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

For oral administration it is necessary 1 sachet Nimesil pour into a container and pour 100 ml of water. Use the prepared solution straightaway, store it it is forbidden. The effect of the drug begins approximately half an hour after taking it and continues about 6 o'clock.

Important! Nimesil is contraindicated lactating and pregnant women, as well as for children under 12 years old.

If toothache haunts and visit the dentist soon no possibility, then it’s better to take Nise medicine. This modern, accessible at the price of a drug that has good analgesic effect. He also relieves inflammation and has a pronounced antipyretic impact on the human body.

Used for tooth pain tablets and suspension Nise. The active substance in them is Nimesulide. The tablets should be taken with plenty of water and not accept more than two pieces per day. The drug begins to act quickly, within 30 minutes. The greatest effect is noticeable two hours after administration. Duration of exposure is approximately 6 hours. It is not recommended to use the medicine more than four days.

Photo 2. Painkiller Nise, produced in tablet form and in a dosage of 100 mg by Dr. Reddy's.

Nise tablets should not be taken children under 12 years old, pregnant women, and nursing women. Suspension can be taken children from 2 to 12 years old.

  • Analgin

Not worth it endure toothache, it is better to take Analgin. Despite side effects, the medicine is often used as a pain reliever. It available in pharmacies and it's absolutely worth it inexpensive. Active substance Analgin - Metamizole sodium, which not only blocks pain, but also reduces heat body, and also prevents development inflammation.

The drug is used orally as tablets and suspensions, intravenously and intramuscularly as solution. It is quickly absorbed, so the action of the suspension occurs in just 20 minutes. The tablets begin to work approximately 40 minutes after administration, and solution for injection - in five minutes. The analgesic effect lasts about two hours.

Analgin eliminates pain syndrome moderate and mild severity. He can be in severe pain just dull. Should be taken by adults 250-500 mg no more than 3 times a day. A single dose should not exceed 1000 mg, and daily no more than 3000 mg. Children aged from 8-14 years appoint 250 mg no more than 3 times a day. The duration of administration should not exceed 5 days.

Attention! Pregnant and lactating women take analgin contraindicated.

  • Nurofen

Use of the drug Nurofen will help relieve tooth pain. The medicine contains the active substance - Ibuprofen, which has fast pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and fever reducer action. Nurofen is available in tablets, capsules, suppositories and in the form syrup.

For adults and children after 12 years should be taken 1 tablet orally no more than 3 times a day. The tablets must be taken with water.

Between medications the interval should be 6 hours. Daily dose for adults - maximum 1200 mg, for children 12-18 years old the dose should not exceed 800 mg.

After taking the medication on empty stomach maximum blood concentration is reached in about 45 minutes. The analgesic effect lasts up to 8 o'clock. Medicine is given to small children in smaller doses and instead of tablets they use candles or syrups.

Nurofen should not be used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, quinolone antibiotics, caffeine. It is contraindicated during pregnancy in the third trimester.

  • Ibuprofen

It is possible to relieve pain in the tooth area with Ibuprofen. this one good analgesic, which is not only anesthetize, but also will lower the temperature body, as well as will stop the inflammatory process. The medicine is produced in the form tablets, suppositories and suspensions. The active substance is Ibuprofen.

Photo 3. The painkiller and anti-inflammatory drug Ibuprofen MAX is produced by the Borisov Medical Preparations Plant. It can be taken by both adult patients and children.

For children from 12 years old adults should also take pills 200 mg no more than 4 times a day, pills 400 mg maximum 3 times a day. Dose in 24 hours should not exceed 1200 mg. Interval between doses at least 4 hours. It is recommended to give younger children instead of tablets suspension or apply candles. IN third trimester pregnancy ibuprofen contraindicated.

Traditional recipes for tooth pain at home

When a tooth hurts badly and go to the dentist there is no way to get there quickly, the most effective folk remedies will help relieve toothache.

Onions or garlic are a good and affordable remedy

Everyone in the house has onions and garlic. They great for toothache and are natural antiseptics.

Onion is necessary clear from the husk, cut off a piece And apply to tooth which is worrying. Can be done onion gruel and attach compress on the inflamed gum.

Garlic is also natural antibiotic. It copes with tooth pain faster and more effectively, but can cause a burn to the mucous membrane, so it must be used carefully. A peeled clove of garlic or garlic paste should be be sure to place it in gauze and apply not for long to a sore tooth.

How does lard relieve unpleasant itching?

Good for toothache salo. If it has large crystals of salt and pepper, then it's better than them clean off. Cut off small thin piece lard, remove peel And apply to the gum with a bad tooth. After 15 minutes the pain will begin to subside.

Use of alcohol

An effective way to relieve toothache is strong alcohol. Will do vodka, rum, whiskey, cognac and diluted alcohol. Liquid needed put it in your mouth and hold it for a while on the side of the diseased tooth. Nerve endings will lose sensitivity, gums goes numb, and the pain will disappear.

Important! If you have an appointment with the dentist in the next 24 hours, then you should not drink alcohol internally. Otherwise, when treating a tooth or removing it, an anesthetic injection may not work.

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What will help more effectively: clove or fir oil?

You can quickly relieve toothache at home using fir or clove oils, which also have antiseptic And anti-inflammatory properties.

Apply to a cotton pad or gauze swab three drops of oil and attach compress to the gum with a bad tooth for 15 minutes. Of necessity in two hours the procedure can be repeated.

Do not use clove and fir oil during pregnancy, and also when individual intolerance.

Can I take peppermint?

The plant has fast pain-relieving effect, relieves inflammation and disinfects. Fresh peppermint leaves should be grind, place on a cotton pad or gauze folded in several layers, then apply to a sore tooth. You can just chew the leaves, so far from them no juice will come out.

If not fresh peppermint, then suitable for relieving toothache dry plant leaves. They are necessary pour into a glass and pour boiling water over it. Enough half a tablespoon mint. Through half an hour You can rinse a sore tooth with the infusion.

Raw potatoes

An excellent folk remedy for tooth pain is raw potatoes. The root crop has not only painkillers property, but also good relieves inflammation And heals wounds.

Photo 4. Raw potatoes are one of the most accessible painkillers. Its use does not require preparation, just wash and cut.

To relieve toothache, you need cut a thin slice potatoes without peel and attach to a sore tooth. Can grate the raw tuber on a grater, put the pulp on a gauze or cotton swab and apply to the inflamed gum.

Reference. To enhance the analgesic effect in mashed potatoes worth adding a little salt.

When should you drink propolis?

One of the best treatments for toothache is a natural product produced by bees - propolis. He has anti-inflammatory action, has a detrimental effect on microbes, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the occurrence of caries.

You should take a pea of ​​propolis, soften it and carefully rub into the gums where the diseased tooth is located. Within 30 minutes the pain will subside. Can chew propolis or dissolve until completely dissolved.

Works great as a pain reliever propolis tincture. You can cook it at home in the following way:

  1. Place in the refrigerator for three hours 50 g of propolis.
  2. Grind grate raw materials and pour cool water.
  3. In 5 minutes drain the water.
  4. Dry propolis.
  5. Place raw materials in a dark glass container.
  6. Fill 250 ml vodka.
  7. Insist in a dark place at room temperature.

There is probably no person who has not experienced what toothache is at least once in his life. This is a very unpleasant sensation caused by various reasons: the tooth may hurt as it grows, which often worries children. In such cases, the pain is accompanied by fever and general weakness. Teeth may hurt if they are sensitive to hot or cold, or if they have various diseases, including tooth decay. In such cases, a rational question arises about what will help with toothache.

If you are worried about toothache, then you need to take a medicine that will help eliminate it, because it is not always possible to visit the dentist and cure a bad tooth, and painful sensations interfere with a person’s normal life.

Tablets for toothache

Toothache can be relieved with medications. But with them you should be careful, because painkillers are very toxic and, if used incorrectly or in excess of the dose, can cause harm to health. When using over-the-counter toothache tablets, you should first read the instructions and follow the recommendations for use.

Your first aid kit should always contain medications for toothache, because the problem can arise unexpectedly, but getting rid of it is very difficult. It is important to remember that medications cannot cure a tooth; they only relieve pain for a while. For systematic dental pain You should contact your dentist, and the sooner the better. Only after curing diseases of the oral cavity will the patient be free from pain for a long time.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Tablets from this group will help not only soothe pain, but also relieve inflammation.

Freezing drugs

There is a category of people who take medications only in extreme cases, and if dentalgia is a concern, then it can be eliminated with the help gel with freezing effect. These remedies are among the most effective, and they do not cause side effects and have almost no contraindications.

Toothache during pregnancy

Quite often, toothache occurs in pregnant women. Use medications, especially painkillers, during this period absolutely not recommended, since they can affect the development of the fetus by penetrating the placental barrier. If a pregnant woman has a toothache, it is best to try to eliminate the pain with the help of traditional medicine. Compresses and mouth rinses will help relieve pain. In case of severe dentalgia, you can take certain medications.

The drug Ibuprofen relieves severe tooth pain. You can take one tablet first, but if the pain does not disappear, take another one after four hours. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use drugs such as Baralgin, No-shpa, Analgin, Spazmolgon against dental pain.

You should avoid using any medications in the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid fetal malformations. The second trimester is a safer time for the fetus, when medications are allowed if necessary. In the last months, some medications can trigger premature labor.

Tooth pain can occur not only in adults, but also in children. When a child has a toothache, it causes trouble for both the baby and the parents. Usually, Children don't like dentists and do not always agree to open their mouth, especially in severe pain. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, parents try to somehow help the child and calm down the pain syndrome. It is especially difficult to cope with painful sensations during the period when teeth are just beginning to cut. If folk remedies do not help, then you need to use a painkiller tablet. The problem is that not all drugs can be taken in childhood.

Children can be given medications based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Rectal suppositories are perfect for infants, and for older children - suspensions, syrups, tablets that will help eliminate toothache.

Tablets for severe dentalgia

For severe and prolonged pain, use new generation medicines. These are effective and at the same time safe drugs Ibufen, Ibuklin. When taking these pills, it is very important not to exceed the dose, as side effects may occur. An adult is allowed to take no more than four tablets per day. These drugs are strictly contraindicated in patients with blood and liver diseases, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended to give strong medicines to children when a tooth hurts, in the form of syrup.

The strongest are considered drugs based on nimesulide. These are Nise, Ketanov, Actasulide tablets. Before taking, you should familiarize yourself with all contraindications and possible side effects. The drugs can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription, however, you must read the instructions.

Tooth decay causes severe pain that is difficult to bear, requiring the use of strong medications. They can also help with problems associated with the formation of cysts, granulomas and other severe periodontal diseases. It is worth using drugs taking into account the patient’s age and the severity of the pain syndrome. You should also pay attention to contraindications and special instructions when using the selected pain reliever. This will avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, will not cause serious side effects and will not provoke an overdose.

The best medicines for toothache

The main substances in this medication are paracetamol and vitamin C. This combination allows you to enhance the effect of exposure and make it last longer. Taking Grippostad is required taking into account the patient’s weight, including in adulthood.

Patient weightSingle doseRecommended daily amountMaximum daily dose of paracetamol
40-50 kg1 sachet3 sachets2 g
50-65 kg1 sachet4 sachets3 g
Over 651 sachet4 sachets4 g

It is recommended that the patient maintain a 6-hour interval between doses and not exceed therapeutically safe doses. When using more than 4 sachets of the drug, unwanted kidney problems may develop.


Refers to powerful medications that can eliminate the discomfort associated even with cysts in the dental canal. The dosage is determined based on the degree of concern of the disease. For minor discomfort, you can take half a tablet up to 6 times in 24 hours, maintaining a four-hour interval between doses. For severe pain, you need to take a whole tablet every six hours. For patients with impaired renal function, more than two Dexalgin tablets should not be taken.


Considered the best medicine for this type of pain, the drug is produced in India. The effectiveness of these tablets is determined by the presence of ketorolac, which has a noticeable systemic effect. You should not take more than two tablets in one day. However, most experts agree that Ketanov needs to be taken only once. As soon as acute pain is blocked, it is better to switch to maintenance therapy using more gentle painkillers. This medication causes side effects with almost every use, which may include intestinal problems, severe fatigue, and decreased kidney function. Because of this, even minimal therapeutic doses of this drug should not be given to children and pregnant women.

Trigun D tab. No. 10

The medication contains dicyclomine and paracetamol. When combined, it has a good analgesic effect and reduces fever if it appears due to inflammation. To stabilize the condition, taking into account the damage to dental tissue and symptoms, you can drink no more than two doses at a time. The number of daily doses is 2-4; it is strictly forbidden to give the patient more than eight doses of Trigan D in one day.


A combination group medication that includes dicycloverine and an antipyretic component. Since Dolospa, even with a minimal excess of the amount, can provoke itching, urticaria and pain in the epigastric region, it is necessary to carefully prescribe the number of tablets. You are allowed to take one tablet up to three times during the day. If the pain is severe, you need to take two tablets at once.


This medication can only be taken in severe conditions, when pain is associated with serious damage to the dental canals and cysts. Meloxicam only needs to be taken once, the dose is equal to 15 mg of the active ingredient. It is important that the treatment is one-time only.


The rapid analgesic effect of the drug is provided by the substance ketorolac. It is necessary to take Ketocam according to two schemes, taking into account the effectiveness of the tablets and the strength of the pain. You can take 10 mg every 4-6 hours or 20 mg up to four times a day. If the patient has a body weight of less than 50 kg or is over 65 years of age, the Ketocam dose should not exceed 60 mg.


The main components of this drug are bendazole and metamizole sodium. The composition also includes papaverine, which relaxes muscles. This may cause some problems with bowel movements, so the medication should not be used for constipation. The dose of Andipal is 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. The maximum number of tablets in 24 hours is 6. For moderate pain, you should not take more than three doses of Andipal per day.

Attention! The described non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be combined with each other. This is prohibited even though they contain different active substances. When combined, the risk of overdose and unexpected side effects increases.

Video: Tablets for toothache

The best medicines for patients under 12 years of age

Traumeel S

The product belongs to homeopathic and contains only herbal components, which perfectly complement each other and provoke an instant analgesic effect. Traumeel S copes well with swelling, itching of the gums and pain. It is allowed to apply the drug only to the gums no more than three times a day. If the dental cavity of the tooth is severely damaged, you can carefully place a small amount of Traumeel S into the pulp.


The drug is produced in the form of a gel, which has a systemic effect, eliminating the activity of bacteria, reducing pain, and reducing the severity of the inflammatory process. The special structure of the gel allows it to remain on the mucous membrane for a long time, which ensures lasting results for 3 hours. The dosage of the drug is 5 mm 2-3 times per day.

Tsefekon D suppositories

This medicine can be prescribed from 3 months. Available in dosages of 50, 100 and 250 mg of the anesthetic component. The average dosage of the main component is calculated based on the formula 10-15 mg of Cefekon D per kilogram. Place suppositories no more than three times every 5-8 hours. Cefekon D should be taken with great caution when hemoglobin levels are low.

Attention! In childhood, it is recommended to use only gentle gels and ointments, as well as syrups with antipyretic and analgesic effects. They have a general stimulating effect on the body and prevent inflammation from developing.

Best medications during pregnancy


Officially, the instructions do not recommend taking this medication at any stage of pregnancy due to its effect on the excretory system. But in case of severe pain, it is allowed to take half a tablet immediately after a meal. Tempalgin can be taken in this amount three times during the day, the interval between applications cannot be less than 4 hours.


This medicinal gel is prescribed to children during teething. You can also use this remedy during pregnancy, and this can be done in any trimester of pregnancy. You can apply Kalgel while carrying a baby up to three times a day. In this case, 0.5-1 cm of the active substance is applied to the gums. Before using the gel, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth so that the active substance can penetrate as deeply as possible into the tissues of the affected tooth.


It is allowed to use the medication in any trimester of pregnancy. It is advisable that a single dosage does not exceed 40 mg of the active ingredient; for acute pain, you can take 80 mg. The maximum amount of Drotaverine is 240 mg, and between doses it is necessary to maintain a time interval of 4-8 hours between uses. In the first trimester you should not drink more than 120 mg of medication.

Attention! During pregnancy, when toothache occurs, women need to focus on safe folk remedies. Soda, salt or herbal rinses are perfect. In the third trimester, women may find that taking painkillers can trigger premature labor or, on the contrary, reduce uterine contractions.

Video: Pregnancy and pain medications

Medicines for kidney problems


Among the ingredients of the drug are acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and an antipyretic component. Askofen can be taken from the age of 15; the dosage does not require any adjustment at any age. To relieve the painful syndrome, you need to take two tablets at once. Usually this is enough to relieve discomfort for a whole day. If this fails, you can take two more doses of Askofen. During the day you should not take more than four doses of the active substance.


If the patient does not have any degree of renal failure, you can take this medicine without any problems. It is recommended to drink Coficil-plus only with milk drinks or alkaline mineral water, this will enhance the effect of the medication and will not negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. The average dose of Coficil-plus is one tablet no more than four times a day. If the pain is severe, you can take the drug two tablets 2 times.


This medication can also be taken for any kidney disease, but only if it is not caused by kidney failure. You can take this medicine with or after meals. The dosage of the medication is one pill every 6 hours; if necessary, the interval can be reduced to 4 hours. It is forbidden to take more than six Excedrin tablets in one day. In case of impaired functioning of the renal system, it is better to reduce the daily dose of the substance to 4.

Attention! The medications described and the doses given are suitable for patients who have kidney problems. But with simultaneous pathologies of the kidneys and liver, the dose of any active substance, even with moderate pain, can only be selected by a dentist or therapist.

Video: Painkillers for toothache

It is not enough to use good medicines to relieve toothache. It is also necessary to observe general measures to prevent pain due to the development of dental disease.

  1. Remember to brush your teeth even if there is severe discomfort. Just clean the sore area with softer and more gentle movements. Reluctance to touch the tooth can ultimately lead to even more severe pain.
  2. You should move more and stay horizontal less. While lying down, blood circulation in the periodontal tissues increases several times, which significantly increases the pressure in them. This ultimately leads to severe pain.
  3. Do not use warm compresses. They also cause increased blood flow to the gums, which causes increased pressure and increased inflammation.
  4. After eating, rinse your mouth several times and remove food from between the teeth. Even a small piece of food inside a cavity or next to a tooth can cause increased discomfort.
  5. You should not chew on the sore spot even after taking a painkiller that has proven effective. Until the tooth is cured, the likelihood of pain recurrence is very high.

Attention! Such measures will increase the impact of active substances. At the same time, it will be possible to slightly curb the spread of bacteria and caries. It is especially important to follow these measures if fistulas and abscesses are observed.

If, when using any of the described drugs, the patient begins to experience unwanted side effects, you should immediately stop taking the drug and, if possible, carry out symptomatic treatment. If side symptoms do not disappear or subside after 1-2 days, you should also seek medical help to avoid the need for emergency hospitalization.

Toothache is an unpleasant occurrence. It may have different characteristics and causes.

Sharp unpleasant sensations appear in advanced stages of caries, pulpitis or other diseases of the oral cavity. Aching pain often occurs during hypothermia or at the very beginning of the development of caries.

Also, discomfort may be observed immediately after dental treatment or during the eruption of the last molars. Such feelings are difficult to endure. For this reason, it is important to know which painkillers are effective for toothache – you will find the list below.

Popular tablets used for toothache

All medications designed to relieve toothache can be divided into two groups. The first includes drugs - analgesics. Their purpose is to quickly relieve an attack. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs with similar properties.

The active components of these tablets relieve pain in different parts of the body. The oral cavity and gums are no exception. Analgesics quickly eliminate pain that occurs due to mechanical or thermal effects on exposed nerve endings in the dental pulp.

However, quite often toothache is provoked by inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the teeth or gums. In this case, analgesics will only provide a temporary effect.

It is necessary to take drugs with anti-inflammatory effects. Sometimes antibiotics may be needed.

The most popular tablets are those based on ketorolac. These are drugs such as Ketorol or Ketanov. These are very strong analgesics with a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. One tablet acts in the body for up to 5-6 hours, blocking painful sensations. Ketorol should not be used for a long period of time due to its high toxicity. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood;
  • liver pathologies;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypersensitivity to ketorolac.

To relieve a painful attack, it is enough to take one tablet of Ketorol or Ketanov. Another way to relieve the condition is to apply ½ tablet to the problem tooth.

The drug Nise will help cope with severe toothache. The active ingredient of these tablets is nimesulide. Nise is recommended for relieving discomfort after root canal filling. The product acts quickly, pain decreases within 10-15 minutes after administration. The pills are prohibited during pregnancy. In some cases, taking Nise is accompanied by side effects. Most often it is nausea and skin rashes.

Nurofen is considered a safe and effective medicine. These tablets not only relieve pain, but also help stop inflammation. A single dose of the drug is allowed during pregnancy. Nurofen is also approved for children.

Ibuprofen tablets are highly effective against toothache. This inexpensive drug has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For children, you can use the medicine in syrup form. Ibuprofen is not prescribed for problems with the kidneys and liver, as well as in late pregnancy.

Medicines based on metamizole sodium are used quite often. This is a popular and inexpensive Analgin, as well as its analogues: Bral, Tempalgin, Baralgin. These pills quickly relieve pain, but have many side effects. These remedies are considered outdated and can only be used in the absence of other tablets.

It should be remembered that painkillers do not act on the cause of pain. They are good as a temporary remedy for relief. Don't put off visiting the dentist.

What to take for weak, aching pain?

Mild toothache often appears in the early stages of caries. In this case, a single dose of a moderate analgesic is allowed. It is better to give preference to tablets such as Ibuprofen or Nurofen.

Paracetamol can help with mild pain. This is a safe drug approved for pregnancy and lactation. It is also acceptable to take it in childhood.

If the pain is aching, then you can apply a No-Shpa tablet to the disturbing tooth.

Drotaverine in this drug acts as a temporary “freeze”. The product is approved for pregnant women.

It is best to stop taking the pills if there is minor discomfort. Any systemic drug is absorbed into the blood from the intestinal tract and distributed throughout the body.

An overview of groups of drugs against toothache is presented at the link:. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory drugs, their characteristics.

What to drink for severe toothache?

Let's look at the most powerful painkillers for toothache. Intense pain can be impossible to tolerate, so taking analgesics is necessary. Traditionally, Ketorolac, Ketorol and Ketanov are considered the most effective. These tablets should not be abused. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 2 pieces.

Another remedy that helps with acute pain is Nise.

Other drugs based on nimesulide, for example, Actasulide, have a similar effect.

The safest drugs are those based on ibuprofen. You can safely take Ibuklin or Ibufen.

Severe pain is a sign of serious tooth decay. The pulp is probably affected and the nerve endings are exposed. In this condition, the help of a dentist is necessary.

What to consider when using pain medications

Medications intended to relieve toothache are not completely safe drugs. They, like any other medications, should be taken with caution.

There are several factors to consider when choosing tablets.

  1. The nature of the sensations. Aching pain can be dealt with at home. A small amount of the drug is enough. Often folk remedies are more effective. Tablets do not always help with acute or throbbing pain. To avoid serious complications, it is better to visit a dentist. If the pain is unbearable and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then you should seek medical help immediately.
  2. Cause of pain. For shallow caries, you can take a pain reliever and wait for your appointment with the dentist. But in some cases, the reasons for the discomfort are different. You should not endure prolonged pain during the eruption of wisdom teeth. Discomfort may be caused by improper growth of the last molars. A photograph of the problem area of ​​the gum will rule out or confirm this condition.
  3. Existing health problems. Many pills have side effects. Products based on metamizole sodium have a negative impact on overall immunity. This substance, accumulating in the body, provokes agranulocytosis. Therefore, people with hematopoietic disorders are advised to refrain from taking Analgin, Tempalgin or Baralgin.
  4. Age. Many drugs are prohibited for children under a certain age. However, toothache can occur in both adults and children. Before giving your child a pill, you need to read the instructions for the drug. Some products are available in the form of suspensions. They are more convenient for children.
  5. Presence of pregnancy. When carrying a child, a woman must choose medications especially carefully. Painkillers for toothache for pregnant women are selected by the doctor on an individual basis. Most analgesics during pregnancy and lactation are strictly prohibited. If the pain is severe, the expectant mother is advised to visit the dentist. You can only take a Paracetamol tablet on your own. This remedy has a weak analgesic effect. Rinsing your mouth with baking soda or chamomile decoction or applying a special gel to the gum next to the disturbing tooth will help alleviate the condition. The product should not contain lidocaine. This component is not safe for pregnant women.
Toothache does not go away on its own. In most cases, it is a symptom of one of the oral diseases.

If left untreated, the inflammatory process from the tooth tissue can spread into the gums or bone. These are serious conditions that often require surgery.
