Is it possible to cook rice in the microwave? How to cook rice in the microwave. Microwave rice with hot water

Rice is the unrivaled king of Asian cuisine; it is easy to cook not only on the stove, but also in the microwave. Not everyone realizes that there are a huge number of amazing and delicious ways to prepare this simple dish. Let's consider options for healthy rice recipes that you can pamper your family with, spending a minimum amount of time.

Cooking rice in the microwave

To get a tender and juicy side dish you will need a glass of rice, 2 glasses of water, salt, and spices. You can take any type of rice. Regular round-grain long-grain (basmati) will do. Japanese rice is prepared in the same way.

First, rinse the rice thoroughly in cold water until it becomes clear. Pour a glass of cereal into the container. A porcelain or glass dish will do. The main thing is that the container is spacious, because the rice will increase significantly in volume when cooked.

Pour water over the rice, making sure it completely covers the grain, otherwise the dish will burn or stick to the dish. Add salt and spices as you like. Fast food lovers can add a chicken cube. You can also add a handful of prunes or raisins - depending on your individual preferences. You can do the same with corn. Then cover the container with a glass lid and place the dish in the microwave.

Set the timer for 12 minutes - this is enough to prepare delicious crumbly pilaf. If you want to get a more delicate and juicy taste, set the time for 15 minutes. After the beep, you can leave the rice for another 10 minutes, then carefully, so as not to get burned, remove the plate. Stir the finished dish with a spatula or use a fan for rapid cooling.

Add a spoonful of vegetable oil or sour cream. You can mix rice with turmeric to give the dish a gentle yellow tint, sprinkle with herbs or add green peas. Your microwave rice is ready.

There are various options for mouth-watering recipes, the main ingredient of which is rice. It will also be more convenient and faster to cook in an electric oven. Let's look at some interesting and simple options.

Microwave rice with fruit

To prepare this original dish you will need two glasses, a spoon of sugar, a spoon of butter, fruit, and walnuts. Place pre-boiled cereal into the dish, alternating layers with fruits, walnuts, and dates. At the end add rice again. Place the plate in the microwave for 10 minutes, baking at maximum power. The food turns out simply delicious.

Bukhara pilaf

To prepare a classic version of pilaf, boil a glass of rice. Add washed raisins, pre-fried carrots and onions, and butter to the finished grain. Pour the mixture with a glass of hot salted water and pepper to taste. Cook in an electric appliance for 8 minutes at medium power. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then serve the aromatic oriental pilaf to the table.

So, cooking rice in the microwave is a simple and straightforward task. A good mood, a little imagination and creativity - and an original and healthy dish is ready to delight your family and friends.

It has long been known that in a microwave oven you can not only heat up ready-made dishes, but also cook a wide variety of foods. The easiest way is to cook buckwheat, pasta, vegetables and, of course, puffed rice in it, which has many beneficial properties, for example, it contains B vitamins and a large amount of carbohydrates that fill the body with energy. Next, we’ll look at how to cook rice in the microwave, as well as which varieties to prefer for certain dishes.

Varieties of varieties

There are quite a few varieties of rice that have certain beneficial properties and also require special preparation (see photo). Let's look at them in more detail:


This cereal has a dark beige color because... cleared only of the top shell, under which there was another one. This type of rice is highly valued all over the world. According to gourmets, it has an incredible aroma and taste. It is quite difficult to prepare crumbly cereal, because... you need to cook it almost 2 times longer than usual and use 2 times more water.


Basmati is quite soft and has a pleasant nutty taste. Usually it is used to prepare national dishes of various cuisines around the world, but it can also be eaten as an independent side dish. After cooking, it turns out airy.


Jasmine is very delicate, has a special milky aroma, and also contains many vitamins and microelements. It uses a small amount of water to prepare it, but it still becomes sticky. It is almost impossible to cook it crumbly.

Risotto and Paella

These grains are commonly used, as their name suggests, to make risotto and paella. They are very tender and can absorb a very large amount of liquid during cooking. From this it becomes clear that it will not be possible to cook them crumbly.


Black beans are very expensive, so it is very difficult to find them in our stores. It’s worth noting right away that they have a very interesting grassy taste, so they are used mainly for preparing oriental dishes.


Red rice is completely unpolished and has a distinct nutty flavor. It boils very softly, so it is used mainly for preparing a wide variety of Asian salads.

Basic recipe

In order to cook fluffy rice in the microwave, you don’t have to be too sophisticated and buy the most ordinary white grains in the supermarket. They must be thoroughly washed and placed in a special microwave-safe container.

It is not advisable to cook in plastic containers, because when heated, they begin to release substances harmful to health. The next sequence of actions is as follows:

  • water is poured into the container in a 2:1 ratio with rice, and salt is added;
  • the vessel is covered with a lid and placed in the microwave;
  • the equipment is turned on at full power for about 16 minutes;
  • after the time has passed, the rice should be left covered at room temperature for about 7 minutes;
  • The dish must be mixed, after which it can be eaten.

How to make for sushi?

How to cook rice in the microwave for rolls? Sushi and rolls have recently become very popular and more and more people are trying to prepare them at home. For them to turn out, the main thing is to cook the rice correctly. Under no circumstances should it turn out crumbly. On the contrary, the grains should stick to each other. So, the recipe for puffed rice in the microwave:

  • the cereal is thoroughly washed with water until it becomes transparent;
  • the grains are filled with water for about 40 minutes;
  • the side dish is placed in a special bowl for cooking in a microwave oven, filled with water in a ratio of 1:1.5 and salted;
  • cook rice in the microwave at maximum power for 8 minutes;
  • During this time, it is necessary to mix the grains several times;
  • the finished side dish is mixed with sushi vinegar and left to cool.

Thanks to this recipe, you will be able to get delicious rolls into which you can add any other ingredients (avocado, cucumber, salmon, etc.).

Every housewife uses a microwave oven to heat, defrost or bake something. However, this device can be used for boiling cereals, vegetables and pasta. We'll tell you how to cook rice in the microwave and present the best recipes for cooking it for housewives.

Preparing cereals for cooking

There are many varieties of this healthy and nutritious cereal, and each of them is unique in its taste and chemical composition. However, most often on our tables you can find white – round and long-grain – rice cereals. These cereals are rich in essential microelements and vitamins (including B and PP) and bring invaluable benefits to the body. Rice diets are prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders and hypertension, as well as for weight loss. However, diabetics should not consume dishes made from this product.

Those who like culinary experiments should try cooking such varieties in microwave ovens as “Jasmine”, “Basmati”, “Arborio”, “Fushigon”, “Devzira”, “Indica”, golden, red, wild, brown, as well as mixtures several varieties.

The main thing in preparing any dish is the correct amount of water so that it does not turn out too liquid or, on the contrary, too dry.

It is also worth remembering that the preparation of each type of rice has its own nuances. Typically, a description of the cooking conditions (how much liquid should be taken for a certain number of servings, how long the dish should spend in the microwave) can be found on the packages of these cereals.

If you want the cooked rice to be crumbly, remove excess starch before cooking. To do this, the cereal, filled with clean cool water, is washed well, after which the cloudy water is carefully drained and fresh water is poured into the bowl with rice. After two or three washes, the water should be almost clear.

White rice

Pour the rice washed in the above manner with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The main thing to remember when preparing this dish in a microwave oven is to use a container specially designed for this purpose (a glass or plastic container with a lid).

  • To cook white rice you need to take:
  • one cup of cereal (150 g);
  • two cups of cold water (300 ml);
  • vegetable oil (one tablespoon);


Cooking white rice is divided into two stages. First, you need to evaporate the water from the rice and let it swell. To do this, cook the cereal without a lid for 15 minutes at a power of 800 W. After this, add the rest of the water to the bowl, cover the container with a lid (if the rice is cooked in plastic, there is no need to close it tightly) and cook the rice for another 5 minutes.

When this time is over, you can let the rice “cook” for about 10 more minutes - then the cereal will be more tender and soft. You can stuff cabbage rolls, pies, puddings with this rice, or use it as a side dish. This dish is also good as a quick snack for those who are watching their figure.

To speed up the cooking process, rice can be pre-filled with hot water in a ratio of 1: 2. For the first 5 minutes, it is cooked in the microwave under a closed lid, then taken out, stirred and sent back to finish cooking for 3 minutes (the dish is closed again).

Packaged rice - cooking features

Rice in bags is most often already steamed, so it will be easier to cook. This type of cereal has a big advantage - it has undergone preliminary heat treatment and is therefore easier to digest by the body.

Pour boiling water over the bags of cereal until it completely covers them. Usually, for two bags, 600 ml of boiled water is taken, that is, about three glasses. You can add salt, curry powder or turmeric to taste to give the rice a nice color.

After this, place the dishes (uncovered) in the microwave oven, turned on at maximum power, for 13-15 minutes. When the timer goes off, take out and place the bags of cereal in a colander and let the liquid drain. Place the finished rice from the cut bags onto plates for serving.

For sushi and rolls

The method of preparing rice for these dishes has its own characteristics. It should not turn out crumbly; on the contrary, the more tightly the grains stick together, the better.

Rice will be cooked using the following technology:

  • the cereal is soaked in cold water for 40 minutes;
  • the water is drained and the cereal is transferred to a special container;
  • add fresh water there (in the proportion of one and a half cups of water per cup of rice) and lightly salt it;
  • the sealed container is placed in a microwave oven;
  • the cooking process takes 8 minutes at maximum power, and during cooking the cereal should be stirred several times;
  • After the timer goes off, the dishes with the cereal are removed from the oven, sushi vinegar is added to the finished “porridge” and it is left to cool.

With vegetables

To make a dish cooked in a microwave more appetizing and juicier, various vegetables are added to it, giving it a new taste. Prepare using the following ingredients for six servings:

  • 300 g (2 cups) cereal;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • 450 ml (3 cups) water;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

The cooking method is as follows:

  • soak the washed (as indicated for cooking fluffy rice) cereal for 10 minutes;
  • finely chop the onion and cut the carrots into cubes;
  • fry vegetables in a glass container in oil in the microwave (set to maximum power) for 3 minutes;
  • Drain the soaked rice in a colander, rinse again and let the water drain;
  • mix the cereal and vegetables, add water until it covers the mixture;
  • The main cooking time is 10 minutes, microwave oven power is 80%.
  • After the timer signal, mix the removed dish, add salt and put it in the oven for another 3 minutes.

With chicken

This hearty, tasty and nutritious dish can be prepared according to the recipe, for which you will need to take (based on six servings):

  • 400 g chicken white meat (breast);
  • 200 g rice;
  • 450 ml (3 cups) meat broth;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper (to taste).

Soak the cereal, washed using the above method, in cool water for 1 hour. We cut vegetables into strips, and chicken into small pieces. Wash the rice again and mix it with vegetable and meat preparations, salt and pepper. Fill it all with broth and add softened butter. This mixture is cooked in an open container for 15 minutes in a microwave oven set to 850 W. Then close the dish and cook the dish for another 7 minutes.

When serving this dish, it is usually sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Pilaf in Bukhara style

This dish is a classic of oriental cuisine. It will require:

  • pre-cooked rice cereal;
  • washed raisins (kishmish);
  • fried mixture of carrots and onions;
  • butter;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The amount of ingredients depends on the number of servings. Pour the mixed ingredients into a glass of salted boiling water and place in a microwave oven turned on at medium power for 8 minutes. After the timer signal, let the pilaf stand in the oven for another 10 minutes so that it becomes even softer and tastier.

Quick Creamy Jasmine Side Dish

If you want to pamper your family with something original, you should try a side dish with the addition of tea. It is prepared like this:

  • Place the pre-washed cereal in a microwave-safe bowl and fill it with hot water;
  • salt and add a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • Place a bag of green jasmine tea in the bowl (after removing the metal bracket first).

To prevent the boiling liquid from escaping, you should draw a “border” with a piece of butter along the inner walls of the pan.

Cooking time: 10 minutes at 600 W microwave oven power. When this time is over, the dish is stirred and “simmered” in the microwave for another 5 minutes. This side dish is served by mixing it with butter.

Culinary tricks

To ensure that rice dishes are always a success, you can “take a pencil” Some tips from experienced housewives:

  • you can boil cereals not only in water, but also in vegetable and meat broths to give dishes a special taste; when preparing a side dish for salmon, you should use salmon marinade as a basis;
  • if you decide to make rice quickly and foam forms, then you need to reduce the cooking temperature and remove the scale with a spoon or slotted spoon;
  • To make a side dish or porridge crumbly, you should add one or two tablespoons of vegetable or butter during cooking and “fluff” the finished rice with a fork;
  • Cooking brown or wild rice will take at least 25 minutes, and you need to pour boiling water over it in a ratio of 3 (water): 1 (cereal);
  • the dishes intended for cooking this cereal must be large enough (about four times larger in volume) to have enough space for boiling liquid and swollen rice;
  • You can improve the taste of the filling or side dish with various seasonings (ginger, turmeric, curry powder, black mustard, herbal mixtures).

With proper organization of the process in a microwave, you can not only heat up food, but also cook various dishes, including rice. True, you will first have to evaluate the characteristics of existing varieties and choose the one that tolerates this type of processing better than others. Some types of cereal will only be used for viscous porridge, but there are also those that can be turned into a crumbly side dish. The cooking process itself is very simple and takes minimal time. You just have to cook the product in small portions, otherwise it will not be processed evenly and will turn into a heterogeneous composition.

Rice recipe

Despite the warnings, some housewives try to boil rice directly in plastic containers. It is not recommended to do this, because... plastic heated in the microwave begins to release harmful substances that penetrate the structure of the food. It is better to stock up on heat-resistant glassware and organize the process as follows:

  • Pour water into the selected container in accordance with the requirements of the variety, but at least 2 parts per 1 part dry product. Immediately add salt to it. Add the rice, mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid and place in the microwave oven.
  • The composition must be cooked for at least 15-17 minutes at maximum power. During this time, it is recommended to stir the mass several times and then process it in the microwave.

Tip: Cereals do not have to be boiled in clean water. If you use vegetable broth as a liquid base, the composition will be more aromatic. And chicken broth increases the nutritional value of the product, making it more tender and soft.

  • After the set time has expired, leave the rice covered at room temperature for 7-10 minutes. Stir the finished product and serve.

If you want to prepare a more complex side dish, for example, with the addition of vegetables, all components will have to be boiled separately. When initially mixing all the ingredients, there is a risk of getting porridge rather than a crumbly dish.

How to boil rice for sushi and rolls?

Fans of Asian cuisine have adapted to boiling textured and slightly sticky rice in the microwave, which can be used to make sushi and rolls. The manipulation is quite simple, but has certain specifics. If done correctly, the product will be airy and easy to mold.

  • We rinse the selected variety of cereal several times with cold water until the liquid remains clear. Then fill the grains with cold water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid, rinse the mass again, and then fill it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. Be sure to add some salt and stir the rice.
  • Boil the mixture in the microwave for 8 minutes at maximum power. During this time, the product must be mixed at least three times.
  • Mix the resulting preparation with vinegar for sushi and rolls or a self-prepared dressing, after which it needs to be cooled and can be used for its intended purpose.

We must not forget that all microwave ovens have their own technical characteristics, which is why certain nuances may arise when making rice. To cook a truly high-quality and tasty product, you will have to make several attempts, which will help establish optimal parameters for a particular device.

Before cooking your favorite rice according to the proposed plans, you need to carefully read the instructions on the product packaging. Only by following specific recommendations can you expect to obtain the desired end result.

  • Brown rice If you decide to boil this cereal in the microwave, you need to take into account that you will have to use about twice as much water, and process the component twice as long. The mass must be stirred more often than usual (we do this carefully so as not to remove the especially valuable shell from the surface of the grains). We determine the degree of readiness not by the boiling time, but by the texture of the products.

  • Basmati.

  • To cook such a cereal crumbly, but not dense, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the amount of water used. If you are not lazy and stir the mixture regularly, it will turn out very tender and airy.

  • Jasmine. It is almost impossible to cook this popular type of product in the microwave so that it remains crumbly. Even if you reduce the amount of water used, the mass will turn out quite soft and sticky.

  • Red. This rice with a distinct nutty flavor is almost impossible to spoil. If you wish, you can even conduct several experiments with the amount of liquid and processing time to achieve the ideal consistency of the dish at your discretion.

  • Black. It is when boiled in the microwave that the unusual herbal aroma of this rice is fully revealed. You just need to strictly follow the recommended proportions and cook the cereal as much as indicated on the package. Risotto and Paella.

They need a lot of liquid, which they actively absorb. Considering the purpose and specifics of the variety, you should not rely on the density of its texture. No tricks here will help achieve friability.

Cereals cooked in the microwave usually have a clean, distinct flavor, which is not the case with foods cooked on the stove. If this rule is not followed, this indicates low quality of the water used. You need to change the fluid and evaluate the result with this approach.

Rice is cooked quickly and easily in the microwave. If desired, it can be supplemented with fresh vegetables, corn, beans, herbs or spices.

Rice cooked in the microwave can be served on fasting days as a separate dish.

Ingredients Salt 2 pinches Carrot 0 item(s) Bulb onions 60 grams Water 400 milliliters Rice

  • 300 grams 6
  • Number of servings: Preparation time:
  • 10 minutes Cooking time:

15 minutes

How to cook rice in the microwave

  1. Cereals cooked in the microwave have a special taste. It turns out crumbly and juicy.
  2. Rinse the rice, then cover it with water and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a deep glass bowl and place vegetables in it. Place the vegetables in the microwave and fry them for 3 minutes at maximum power.
  4. Place the rice in a colander, rinse again and let the water drain. After this, add the cereal to the vegetables, mix the ingredients and fill them with water. The liquid should cover the food completely.
  5. Cook the dish for 10 minutes at 80% power. Remove the rice from the oven, add salt and stir. Cook the cereal for another 3 minutes.

Ready rice can be served as a main dish on a fast day.

How to cook fluffy rice in the microwave

We suggest you prepare a simple side dish for meat or fish.


  • rice – 200 g;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • salt - to taste.
  1. Rinse the rice under running water, place it in a deep microwave-safe container, pour in water and add salt.
  2. Cook rice for 20 minutes. in salted water, in a deep microwave-safe container with a lid. Interrupt cooking 2-3 times to stir the grains.
  3. Remove the dish from the oven after the beep and leave it to stand under the closed lid for another 15 minutes.

If desired, the finished dish can be mixed with vegetable or butter.

Rice with chicken

If you want to prepare a hearty dish for lunch or dinner for the whole family, then take note of this recipe.


  • chicken breasts – 400 g;
  • meat broth – 400 ml;
  • rice – 200 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
  1. Rinse the cereal, soak it in cold water for 1 hour.
  2. Cut the onion and pepper into strips and the chicken into small pieces.
  3. Mix washed rice with vegetables and chicken fillet. Add salt and spices to taste.
  4. Pour the broth over the ingredients and add soft butter. Mix the ingredients and place them in the microwave for 15 minutes. Cook at 850 Watts.
  5. When the required time has passed, cover the dish with a lid and simmer for another 7 minutes.

When the dish is ready, place it on plates and garnish with chopped herbs.

Rice cooked in the microwave can be used as a filling for pies or puddings.
