Print cards for Mother's Day. DIY Mother's Day card. Master class with step-by-step photos. Making a Mother's Day Card

Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. It is on this day that children can please their mothers with pleasant homemade products and surprises. To congratulate your dearest person, you can make a card.

Since the card will be made by a child, the technology for making it is very simple. First, decide on a drawing or image. The variety of animals look very cute. For example, a cat with a kitten or a family of birds. The card should radiate love and be themed for the holiday. If desired, you can make a leaflet with voluminous flowers, butterflies and ribbons. This product is also suitable for March 8th. Once you have decided what you want to depict, take thick cardboard and scrapbooking paper. Plain wallpaper with glitter or velvet fabric are suitable. Make the base. Cut colored paper into pieces and glue to the base. Don't forget to write it down. This can be done with colored gel pens or printed out the greeting on a computer. A voluminous card with flowers looks very impressive. To make it, take thick cardboard and cut out a rectangle. Cover it with beautiful paper. Fold the sheet in half. Now cut simple flowers with 5 or 6 petals from bright paper. Make 11 flowers of different sizes. Glue a smaller flower onto the largest bud, and then the smallest one. Curl the petals inward so they point toward the center. The result will be a bud that resembles a rose or peony.

Start making the vase. Cut out a vase from contrasting colored paper. Don't forget about the base with which the vessel will be attached to the postcard. Just leave a piece 0.5-1 cm long. Tie a ribbon around the vase or paint it with paints. Glue the vase to the base. Attach the flowers to the base and write a congratulations message on it. If desired, decorate the leaflet with rhinestones, glitter and ribbons. You can decorate it with beads and buttons. Postcards with palms look unusual. To do this, trace your palm and cut out the resulting image. After that, draw the nails. They can be painted with bright colors. Using a thin satin ribbon, make an imitation of a ring on your finger. Make a flower from tissue paper. This can be made from a regular one, but the bud must be convex. Glue the hand to the base and the bud on top of it. Two palms of different sizes look very harmonious, symbolizing the hands of mother and daughter. Decorate the product with buttons or lace. The most beautiful are postcards with an openwork frame. You will have to work hard to make them. Take thick cardboard and draw a pattern on its back side. These should be ornate lines. Using a sharp utility knife, cut out the image. If you want to make a convex frame, use very thick cardboard. Before cutting out the pattern, press the outline with a blunt object. Only then cut out the frame.

Mom will appreciate leaflets in the shape of an apron, pan or flower. You can make a card with hearts, just don't make it too romantic. In this case, it is more suitable for congratulations on Valentine's Day. If you know how to crochet, you can make flowers from threads. For knitting, it is better to take thin threads with glitter. To create a greeting card, any technique you own (kanzashi, origami) is suitable.

Mother's Day is very soon, which means it's worth thinking about what you plan to add to your congratulations. Of course, we are talking about postcards: this small symbolic detail is like confirmation of what you want to convey. In this material, we’ll try to make a postcard together, and a non-trivial one at that: what do you think, for example, is the shape of a donut or a piece of cake?

Idea 1: beautiful Mother's Day cards in the shape of sweets

You will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • thick cardboard;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • good glue;
  • markers and pens;
  • scissors.

These original Mother's Day cards are easy to make:

Idea 2: Make awesome cards with pompoms

We never cease to be amazed that all the fresh ideas are brilliantly easy to implement! For example, these postcards with pom-poms will take you about twenty minutes. You can buy the necessary materials for crafts at almost any craft and creative store. So let's get started.

You will need:

  • If you plan to use thread pompoms, you will need a sheet of cardboard. For standard store-bought pompoms, just thick paper will do.
  • pencils
  • glue gun,
  • PVA glue or needle and thread.

Let's get started:

To begin with, a sheet of cardboard or paper needs to be folded in half: this is how you get a blank for the future postcard. Now let's start drawing the background: it can be anything related to the theme of motherhood. We offer funny drawings of animals and birds with babies. Attach the pompom to the required places using glue and add the missing details. Even children can make such Mother’s Day greeting cards!

Idea 3: card with an embroidered heart for mom

This card turns out incredibly cute! Its production should be entrusted to children who can already be trusted to work with a needle. And you will probably have everything you need to make such a card at home.

You will need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • thick needle;
  • a simple pencil;
  • set of multi-colored threads.

Let's get started:

We take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut out a rectangle from it, which will serve as the basis for the future postcard. In the center of the card, carefully draw the outline of a heart with a simple pencil, which will be used for embroidery. You may not be able to draw a heart perfectly evenly by hand. In this case, we recommend using a cookie cutter or a pre-made paper template.

Without threading a thick needle, make a perforation along the contour of the heart, as in the photo below. Then we thread the needle and embroider. The holes on the cardboard must be connected in any order. Now you know how to make a card for mom that will surprise you!

Idea 4: three-dimensional card for Mother's Day

Making a three-dimensional card is not as difficult as it might seem. Our next master class is a clear confirmation of this.

You will need:

Let's get started:

Cut out small hearts from colored paper. The minimum quantity you will need is eight pieces. Keep in mind that the size of the hearts will determine the scale of the flower on the card.

We fold all the paper hearts in half and carefully begin to lay them out in the shape of a circle, thus forming a flower. The petals on the base need to be fixed with glue (just don’t overdo it, one small stroke is enough). Instead of glue, you can use double-sided tape. Admire the result: a stylish Mother’s Day card for your friend, sister, mother, grandmother or even colleague is ready!

Idea 5: postcard with spring birds

You will need:

  • set of colored cardboard;
  • a sheet of paper with a stylish ornament (sold in specialized stores, can be replaced with beautiful paper for gift wrapping);
  • a template with a silhouette of birds (feel free to take any that fits in size: we have presented several options below);
  • a blank in the shape of a circle with a figured edge;
  • some foam tape.

Let's get started:

Idea 6: card with voluminous flowers for Mother's Day

This card is not as easy to make as the previous options, so be patient: it will take you about two hours to do everything.

You will need:

  • a sheet of thick white cardboard or paper (approximate size 23 x 31 centimeters);
  • several sheets of thin colored paper of different colors;
  • several types of floral tape (at your discretion: you can use just one type);
  • green chenille wire;
  • glue sticks or glue gun;
  • several glue crystals;
  • ruler;
  • a small amount of thin grosgrain ribbon (preferably pink);
  • scissors.

Larisa Savchuk

The master class is intended for preschool children, primary school students, teachers and parents.

Purpose: as a gift, interior decoration

Target: making a postcard with your own hands as a gift for mom

Tasks: develop interest in artistic creativity;

Learn how to make a postcard with your own hands:

Develop aesthetic taste, compositional skills;

Improve application skills;

Develop a desire to please your loved ones;

Foster independence, accuracy in work, love for loved ones

Required material:

Colored cardboard;

Office paper white, yellow, green;

Openwork paper napkins;

Figured hole punch "flower";

Scissors are simple and with zigzag and wave blades;

Glue stick, PVA glue;

Cotton buds;

Yellow gouache.

Postcard making process:

Cut flower stems from green paper

Find suitable inscriptions, congratulatory poems on the Internet and print them out

Divide the colored cardboard into two parts, and round the corners of each 1/2 part (the base of the card). Use a hole punch to make flowers, cut out poems and inscriptions.

Place congratulatory poems on the back of the card

Glue an openwork napkin in the lower corner of the base, and the stems on top. Fold the sides of the napkin towards the center in the form of a ball

Glue flowers

Use a cotton swab to draw yellow cores in the center of each flower.

Make a bow from a narrow strip of colored paper and glue it to the bouquet. Place the inscription “Happy Mother’s Day!” in the lower corner of the card.

The postcard is ready!

We are waiting for the holiday!

Publications on the topic:

The long-awaited spring has arrived again. Nature awakens, and flowers bloom with it: anemone, mother and stepmother, pleasing to the eye.

Master class: In order to make such a balalaika, I took: plywood, gouache, brushes and clear varnish. And of course, a good mood.

The master class is designed for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten, for educators, teachers and parents. Appointment of a master class.

In November, such a wonderful holiday as Mother's Day is celebrated annually. This holiday is one of the main children's holidays.

1. I bring to your attention a massager made from Kinder Surprise containers. To make such a massager you don’t need much.

For any occasion, it’s nice to receive a handmade gift - it can be a souvenir. Souvenirs come in different sizes, big and small.

Card for Mother's Day - we offer a wonderful master class on making a cute card to congratulate your mother on Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. You can also just please your mother with this card.

Materials and tools:

  1. white and colored cardboard or thick paper;
  2. scissors;
  3. pencil or printer;
  4. PVA glue or double-sided tape (thick).

Step 1

Download the bird detail template for the postcard. Next, print the template on thick paper (or transfer it with a pencil) and cut it out - this will be a reusable template for making postcards.

Cut out a rectangle measuring 14x22cm from white cardboard (thick paper) and fold it in half. Next, we cut out two rectangles measuring 13x10cm from colored cardboard and glue them to the base of the postcard so that we get equal indentations from the edges.

Let's start making birds. We choose which birds will be on the postcard and take the desired template. We also select cardboard of the desired color, transfer the template of the bird parts onto the cardboard and cut it out.

We glue all the details of the birds to the postcard, the gluing sequence is shown in the figure. There are two ways to do this:

just glue the parts;

We add volume to the postcard by gluing the parts onto thick double-sided tape or cutting out small pieces of cardboard and first gluing them to the parts of the birds, and then gluing the parts to the postcard.

Finally, we cut out and glue the eyes and beak, you can also decorate the card as you wish. All, Mother's Day Card ready.

Mothers Day - this is a wonderful bright holiday,

and the best gift, as everyone knows, is the one made with your own hands. That's why, must be made with your own hands, then they will truly be presented with all your heart and love.

In Russia, Mothers' Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, but nothing stops us from making a beautiful card and reminding them once again how much we love and appreciate them.

For the manufacture of we will need:

1. double-sided colored paper;
2. colored cardboard;
3. toothpick;
4. scissors;
5. ruler;
6. pencil;
7. glue.

Postcard making technology:

1. In order to make flowers, we select paper of four bright colors and select four light shades for them, for example: orange - yellow, blue - light blue, red - pink, bright lilac and pale purple.

2. Separately, we select the color for the center of the flowers; it is advisable that it does not match the color of the paper that has already been selected.

3. Sheets of dark shades need to be cut into strips 3.5 cm wide, and light ones - 2.5 cm.

4. Place strips of the same color together and, without bringing the scissors 5 mm to the opposite edge, cut the fringe.

6. Now we make the middles. To do this, we wind the cut strips onto a toothpick, gluing their ends so that they do not unravel.

7. Flowers can be made of two types. For the first, to the middle, end-to-end, you need to glue a strip with a fringe of a light shade. Twist it and glue the end. Glue the dark strip in the same way. Using a toothpick, peel back the petals, layer by layer.

To make the second type of flowers, you need to glue strips of the same color but different shades together so that the dark strip is on top and the light strip is on the bottom. Then you need to glue them end to end to the middle and fix the ends. Use a toothpick, as in the first option, to bend the petals.

8. In order to make leaves, you need to cut bright green paper into strips 10 mm wide. Twist each strip onto a toothpick and let it “unravel” a little. Glue the end and shape it into a leaf by pressing one side with your thumb and forefinger.
