Download the presentation for the Day of Knowledge in Dow. Presentations "September 1". where the school director wishes the children

I bring to your attention a presentation that I prepared specifically for eleventh graders. The last school year is coming for them. It does not promise to be easy, like all previous years. But without a doubt, this will be a special and very exciting year for them. The last one in the school biography of students. Many still have more than one year of study ahead - at the institute, in courses, in graduate school, but this is a completely different story. I propose now to look back and remember all the past school years.

At the event, the fruit of memories will be the “Brief Encyclopedia of School Life.” After all, who, if not eleventh graders, knows what school life is like!

Target audience: for 11th grade

This class is the first of the school year. After the summer vacation, the class guys meet again and decide what the coming year will be like? The whole year will be associated with the magical number 7. The purpose of the class hour: to create a festive atmosphere, teach how to communicate, and focus on the fact that the children have become older.

Target audience: for 7th grade

This resource is very well suited for conducting a Knowledge Lesson in 4th grade. A bright, high-quality interactive presentation is designed in the form of a journey through school subjects. Children travel through school subjects and perform various interesting tasks related to the knowledge they received in 3rd grade.
This lesson evokes positive emotions and will prepare children to be happy to go to school and gain knowledge.
The resource contains music files, which has an emotional impact on children.
Students who have just returned from a long vacation will find this lesson very interesting.

Target audience: for 4th grade

The presentation contains accompaniment to the song "First time in first grade."
The first day of school, the first lesson, the first teacher, new friends - all this is exciting for a child. The presentation will help create a festive mood, a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The presentation runs automatically.

Target audience: for 1st grade

We present to your attention a presentation that was used during the first class hour in the newly formed 10th grade.
Goal: overcoming barriers, relieving tension in communication, establishing emotional contacts between children.
Each person is unique and inimitable. However, there are some characteristic personality traits inherent in one or another zodiac sign. Knowing who your friend is according to your horoscope, it is much easier to find a common language with him.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The event on the theme “Journey through the Ocean of Knowledge” is held on September 1 and is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This event is held in 3rd grade.
Purpose of the lesson: to keep children in a festive mood from meeting with school; create the mood for learning activities.
The lesson takes place in a playful way. During the journey, the boundless expanses of the ocean of Knowledge open up before the children. They will visit the Logical Bay, sail past the Heroic Cape, anchor in the Guess the Guess harbor, visit the Igrivy port, sail to the Muzykalny Island and enter the Zhelanii Bay. Children are given entertaining quizzes, creative tasks, and competitions for ingenuity and ingenuity.

The presentation will help educators introduce children to the “Knowledge Day” holiday, as well as on the topic “Getting to Know School.” The slides can be shown in this order, or you can change their order in comparing school life and kindergarten.



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Slide captions:

All schoolchildren in the country go to school on this day.

They come in uniform and with flowers.

Who meets them at school? Teacher.

What do schoolchildren take with them to school? Briefcase.

What do the guys carry in their briefcase? Textbooks.

And school supplies.

Schoolchildren study in a classroom, sit at their desks, the teacher writes on the blackboard.

The bell calls for class.

There is a break between lessons at school.

In kindergarten, children are greeted by a teacher.

Pupils sit at tables, not at desks.

The group also has a blackboard, but smaller than at school.

After classes, children walk with the teacher on the street.

At school, students do not sleep, but in kindergarten they rest after lunch.

A little time will pass, and you will become first-graders, your first bell will ring for you.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children"

Jan Amos Comenius was the founder of modern pedagogy. His theoretical works on the issues of teaching and raising children examine all the most important pedagogical problems....

Presentation to consolidate children's knowledge about winter.

The sorceress winter has arrived. Soft, fluffy snowflakes fly, swirl and fall from the sky. Fluffy snow, like a white blanket, covered the ground. The frost on the trees sparkles with colorful lights. You're good...

September 1 Schoolchildren and students celebrate; on this day they begin a new academic year.

The holiday in schools is opened by ceremonial lines, school songs, poems about school, then a Peace Lesson is held.

This is the most awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. A brand new briefcase, textbooks, copybooks, desks and blackboards, the first bell for class, frightened little eyes, the first teacher.

Guess the riddles:

It has become a home for little hands.

It's called...

(pencil case)

Extends the life of notebooks

And a little textbooks,

They are always fine with her -

Protects them...


It's not new to her to work,

Not a lesson is lazy.

It's boring for her to lie in her pencil case,

Writes, writes, writes...


What kind of animal is this?

Walks up and down?

Nose stained with paint,

Wooden long tail?


How boring it is, brothers, Ride on someone else's back! Someone would give me a pair of legs, So that I can run on my own, I would do a dance like this!.. No, you can't, I'm a schoolboy ...


Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line. Be able to write about them!


Students write to them, Answering at the board.


I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats. Today I am the ruler -

I have…


I know everything, I teach everyone,

Although I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write.

Who am I?


I'm lying in my school bag, I'll tell you how you learn.


In two years,

to first grade.

You will wear a new uniform,

take a briefcase with notebooks.

Mom and Dad will definitely see you off.

First there will be a ceremony at school,

where the school director wishes the children

success in school affairs.

Then the first school bell will ring.

The school year has begun.

Then you and your classmates

and you will be the first teacher to go to class.

There they will show you a desk,

And the lesson will begin.

You are not allowed to chat in class.

To say something

or answer the question

you need to raise your hand.

There is a blackboard in the classroom

on which the teacher writes assignments with chalk.

Lessons in first grade are 35 minutes long.

At the end of each lesson the bell rings

change begins.

You can run, chat with friends or have a snack.

School is big

and a friendly family.

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"Day of Knowledge"

presentation by Student 10 “A” class Akchurina Olesya 2011

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According to dry statistics, 40,000,000 people living in Russia are schoolchildren, students and their teachers, and the remaining 100 million are their relatives. So it turns out that the Day of Knowledge is a national holiday, when 40 million go to school or university to teach others or learn themselves, and their mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers are waiting for them at home, or accompanying them to the scene of events, empathizing, in a word .

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From the history

The history of September 1st as a special day goes back to ancient times, namely to the 4th century AD. In 325, Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor who made Christianity the dominant religion, convened the first Ecumenical Council, which, among other things, decided to start the new year on September 1.

Constantine the Great

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In Rus', the New Year was celebrated in March-April, and this lasted for quite a long time. Only at the end of the 15th century did Orthodox Rus' begin to celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1st. The New Year, which began in Rus' on September 1, was 1492. And this happened by decree of John III. All the first schools were attached to churches, so education in them began with the church new year - on September 1. By the way, on September 1st they not only celebrated the New Year and started school, but also collected taxes. This day, among other things, was called the Day of Seeds (in honor of the Monk Simeon the Stylite) and on this occasion trees were erected in houses and squares and decorated with ribbons, candles and beads.

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The September “New Year” did not last long in Rus': already in 1699, Peter 1 issued a decree to postpone the New Year to January 1, so as not to differ from Europe. It so happened that the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September 1 to January 1, when the new year 1700 began. But school has already begun in September - you can’t force students to study without a break for more than a year. Probably our climate also mattered: after all, cold autumn holidays would have brought children much less joy and benefit than warm summer holidays. In general, the tradition of starting the school year the old fashioned way on September 1 was left intact. That is why children go to school on September 1 - because previously this day was the first day of not only the school year, but also the calendar year!

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In 1984, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established a new holiday - Knowledge Day. The date of the holiday was the First of September! In fact, long before 1984, September 1 was a solemn day. Always on this day, girls went to school in white aprons, and boys in pressed suits. The students carried flowers in their hands for their favorite teachers. Schools held ceremonial assemblies, and after official events, high school students had picnics or parties. Parents of newly minted first-graders often set a festive table at home. In a word, September 1 has long been a real holiday, although it was not officially recognized until 1984. But justice triumphed, and September 1st became a red day on the calendar.

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Knowledge Day in other countries

Not in all countries children go to school on September 1 Although September 1 as the Day of Knowledge is considered an international holiday, the tradition of starting the school year on this day does not exist in all countries. "Knowledge is power!" - said Julius Caesar, and made all humanity believe it. Meanwhile, on the first of September only people in the former CIS countries go to school. And not in all of them. In Uzbekistan, for example, September 1 has been celebrated as Independence Day for many years now, and children get a head start in the form of an additional day of rest, and only go to school on the second.

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In the United States, there is generally no clearly established date for the first day of the new school year. The date is determined by each educational district: it turns out that American children from different states go to school on different days - some at the end of July, some in August, and some in September. By the way, in Russia they are increasingly talking about the advantages of a flexible academic year based on the US model, because our country is large and consists of many regions, the climatic features of which sometimes differ very significantly. Therefore, an individual approach to the formation of a training schedule is completely justified. For example, in hot regions it is proposed to shift the start of the school year to a later date, and in the North they have long been sending children on vacation during the polar night.

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No matter how crazy it may sound, even in the 21st century there are countries where school education is not compulsory. Residents of Akkistan, Kenya, Gambia, Lebanon and some other countries in Africa and Asia don’t have to go to school at all. The percentage of illiterate people in such states reaches a significant number of the entire population. But back in the 17th century, the outstanding Czech educator and teacher Jan Amos Comenius, whose works largely determined the image of the modern school, proved: “For a person to become a person, he must receive an education.”

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From the history of the holiday

  • Julius Caesar said: "Knowledge is power."
  • And Knowledge Day is always an exciting holiday for everyone. There is probably not a person in Russia who would not remember the day of the first bell, his first teacher, school friends with whom he began his journey into adulthood.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar - ancient Roman statesman and political figure, dictator, commander, writer.
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    This day is celebrated by schoolchildren and students, because today they begin a new academic year. Officially, Knowledge Day was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. The history of this holiday (as well as a number of others) is connected with Krasnodar school No. 12 named after. Makarenko under his arm. Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR, F.F. Bryukhovetsky.

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    Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky (May 15, 1915, Ekaterinodar - March 18, 1991, Krasnodar) - Soviet teacher, school director, Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR, Candidate of Historical Sciences. F. F. Bryukhovetsky continued the ideas of A. S. Makarenko on organizing a team, created many school customs that became widespread in the schools of the Union, including such as the Day of Knowledge, the holiday of the first bell and the holiday of the last bell, and worked on the creation of a cultural center based on the school.

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    Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies and meetings dedicated to the holiday. As always, first-graders are greeted with special solemnity at schools. For first-graders, this is a holiday of the First Bell, and in general, a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, especially for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers.

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    Initially, September 1, after it was given the status of a state holiday, was still a school day in schools: the holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Now schools only hold ceremonial lines (when school students line up according to their class) and other festive events, at which special attention is paid to first-graders.

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    On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers and congratulate them on the start of the school year. The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

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    In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without lines (a formal meeting is held for freshmen, but senior students study), but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment. In addition to the first bell celebration and the presentation of student cards, students have recently celebrated September 1 on a grand scale: with boat rides, parties in cafes and in the fresh air.

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