Investigators and the FSB raided the underground offices of the Misanthropic Division. Misanthropic Division Novorossia

Zigging marginal degenerates sponsored by the Kremlin in order to split the Ukrainian national consciousness or real followers of a just cause loyal to the ideas of National Socialism on guard of Ukrainian statehood?

A Ukrainian radical from Misanthropic Division spoke about the future of white romantics.

"Misanthropic Division" - a paramilitary group of white racists and national socialists that arose on the Euromaidan. They broke through the ranks of the Berkutists, killed anti-Maidanites, are fighting with pro-Russian separatists and advocate the creation of a white Europe. Although the name "Misanthropic Division" is heard, however, it is not clear until the end who they are. An international organization of radicals who adhere to neo-Nazi beliefs, or one of the divisions of either the "Right Sector" or the "Social-National Assembly". Is this a Russian or Ukrainian group? And what is behind the photographs of guys with Kalashnikovs at the ready in the zone of the Donetsk conflict?

Questions are answered by politically incorrect representatives of the team of the leading public association VKontakte, which periodically blocks Roskomnadzor. The Misanthropic Division prefer not to reveal their names.

We are Europeans, Slavs. The Russian language was chosen because the majority understands it. Among us there are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and representatives of other white European nations. First of all, we are National Socialists, white racists, and we oppose chauvinistic enmity between fraternal peoples. The geography of our cells is much wider than Russia and Ukraine. At the moment we have more than a dozen regional communities, including those in Western Europe and North America, among them - the USA, Spain, Germany, Italy. Therefore, the "Misanthropic Division" and the English name.

- Your role in the Revolution of Dignity, how was it? "Misanthropic Division" is involved in the war in the Donbass?

- "Misanthropic Division", as a real force, took shape at the end of October 2013 in Kyiv. Our detachment on the Maidan organized under the auspices of "Social-National Assembly". We fought in Kyiv with Berkut, drove it already on December 1, 2013. AT Kharkov and Odessa, our units resisted the riots organized by the Anti-Maidan, after which Russian TV channels aired programs where we were accused of burning Colorados, attributing membership in the Right Sector. During the events in Kharkov on March 15, 2014, Misanthropic Division, fighting off the assault of the titushki, shot two of them. People from the "Misanthropic Division" autonomously fought against the "quilted jackets" in the Donbass, catching separatist online propagandists.

Then the activists joined the “Black Men” formation to fight the separatists in the South-East of Ukraine, and later the battalion, and now the regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Azov”, the SNA military structure defending Mariupol. In total, there are fifty comrades-in-arms on the Eastern Front, and one of our comrades Dmitry Nesterenko died near Novoazovsk.

- There is information that you are still a project of the "Right Sector" that later broke away from the SNA?

- "Right Sector" has nothing to do with "Misanthropic Division", which we have repeatedly stated, it seems to us a strange and often frankly treacherous position on some issues, which is taken by the political leadership of the PS. For example Jewish collaborationism in the ranks of the “Right Sector”, dubious connections of UNA-UNSO (MS is an integral part of the PS) with Chechen terrorists, and the presence of Chechens directly in the ranks of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of the PS. At the same time, we respect and support ordinary guys who are fighting as part of the DUK PS.

Among our people there are both SNA comrades-in-arms and non-partisans. In fact, we are not dependent on any organization, but we believe that the SNA is precisely the political force with which the revival of primordial Rus-Ukraine and all of Europe will begin.

"Misanthropic Division" is not a political movement, we have never sought to legalize it, it is rather an alliance of people with a passionate worldview. We are ready to act for the dream of a great future for our race, or to fight in the ranks of the military-political force, if we consider that our goals, albeit tactically, coincide. Our main enemy is Russian neo-Bolshevism. Against the Bolshevik, as they say, even with the devil himself. Our mission is justified by any means.

- You criticize the "Right Sector" for insufficient nationalism, but Beletsky, the leader of the SNA, the commander of "Azov", went to the Rada, entering the "People's Front" of Prime Minister Yatsenyuk. The fact that Sashko Bely was going to hang ....

They are nationalists, but they are not National Socialists and not white racists, like us. Andriy Beletsky entered the Rada as a self-nominee in the majoritarian district, in fact he did not belong to any structure.

You are not embarrassed that Islamists are participating in the war from the Kyiv side, and Ukrainian nationalists support the Russophobic Crimean Tatar Mejlis.<

So far, the actions of these Islamists are nothing more than empty bravado on camera, they do not take a real part in the hostilities (M.S. in the forces of the "Anti-Terrorist Operation" is the Islamic company "Crimea" and the battalion of Chechen terrorists "Named after Dzhokhar Dudayev") . Our position is simple: even if they are “for us”, we simply have no time for them, but as equals to ourselves, our associates, we do not perceive them. They have no place in our country in Ukraine.

Regarding the Crimean Tatars - even if they are an indigenous people, it does not matter, we do not have any positive feelings towards racially alien elements. We repeat, unlike the "Bandera", for us in the first place is the question of blood, not cultural identity.

In the ranks of your opponents, the armed formations of "Novorossiya", there are many fighters for "far-right Europe". French, Scandinavians. How so to understand?

The percentage of separatists who declare a nominal far-right position is very small of the total. This is still very funny, despite the fact that the main ideology of the Novorossiya project is anti-fascism. The "right" separatists are mostly poorly erudite romantics who have abstractions and clichés in their heads. "Eurosceptics" see Putin's Russia as an enemy of the European Union. Many of them sincerely regard dictator Vladimir Putin as almost a new fascist Duce, perceiving his demagoguery and his declared "nationalism" as a real political platform.

How would you comment on the assumption of the activist of the Eurasian Youth Union about the connections of the Misanthropic Division with Russian anarcho-antifa from

The first group is the funniest. Meet Makhmut Ebdaev from Urus-Martan (Chechnya).

I was joking. This is Alexander Kobzev from Krasnodar. Cossack from the so-called. "Russian Orthodox Army".

I came with friends to Ukraine to fight against fascism.

No, it's not Heil. This means "For Rus'!".

We zigged, now you can take pictures at the monument to Soviet soldiers in Luhansk.

And the imperial flag, of course. How without it. Alexander Kobzev came to Donbass for the same reason why other ideological ones - to restore the Russian Empire.

And here is another idea. Alexander Bokov, nickname "Mahmut".

Terek Cossack, from Makhachkala. The last years he lived in Moscow. Photo with friends in front of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

But in Moscow he could not sit. In 2014, Sanya "Makhmut" went to Ukraine to fight. What for? - Who knows. To walk around Kyiv in hats, too, probably. Dance lezginka. For Rus', in short. There in Ukraine he died at the age of 34.

And here is another interesting Zarus - Anton Raevsky from St. Petersburg. A member of the Black Hundreds, at home shed tears for the lost Russian Empire and the Tsar-father.

Lil-lil, and he signed up for a detachment with Strelkov, to fight fascism.

He received shrapnel in his legs, rethought his behavior.

In general, fragmentation (preferably in the head) is a good cure for dreams about the Russian Empire, "Holy Rus'", "USSR 2.0" and other brain lesions.

But this comrade has not yet received his fragment. Until now in Donbass. His name is Kirill Rimkus.

Also from Petersburg. And also an anti-fascist.

In the family.

And by the way, his dad (Leonid Rimkus) is also an anti-fascist. Here he is crucifying in his classmates about worthless envious crests and great Russians.

His son Kira Rimkus in a "Yarussky" T-shirt with a friend.

True, this friend (he is also a Nazi from St. Petersburg) recently publicly renounced Rimkus. In Russian, the guy writes with difficulty, but the meaning of the text is clear:

Those. Rimkus' friend publicly repents before the "comrades" for his behavior. A small clarification of what these "comrades" are. This is the so-called. "Misanthropic Division" or MD for short. This is an international (mainly Russian-Ukrainian) neo-Nazi network. Specializes in "direct actions" (ie terror).

When MD found out that Rimkus was for Novorossiya, he was expelled from there. In response, Rimkus and his friends created their own office - "Misanthropic Division Novorossiya"(MD Novorossia) as part of the DPR/LPR army. Former NA (National Socialist) comrades-in-arms denounce Rimkus for factional activities:

Not good. Well, what kind of subcultural shit is he? - He's a warrior. Here he is with his cat. He boasts on the Internet that he cut off his head with a knife.

But he is proud of his great Russian ancestors. There is something about "a shield on the gates of Constantinople" and "obscene inscriptions on the Reichstag."

Yes, it was not in vain that Prophetic Oleg took the Reichstag! Descendants are proud!

Well, who are the "ideological" among the soldiers of New Russia, I think, is understandable. And what ideas do they have too. Now the second category of Donbass militias is local gopota. The Sharikovs, whose brains have been completely littered with Russian TV for a long time.

Meet Maria Pavlenko (in the photo - on the right), call sign "Amazonka". She is Manya from Zugres.

She studied at a vocational school as a painter. Now in the Givi squad.

At one time she was the girlfriend of a militant named Yalta.

"Yalta", aka Artem Myastkovsky, a former security guard from the Intourist Hotel (Yalta). After "Krymnash" in 2014, he became extremely excited and went to annex the Donbass. There he was calmed down, at the Donetsk airport (with a burst from a machine gun). Wreath in the foreground: "Beloved" Yalta "from" Amazon ".

Also, Mani from Zugres has a brother, Dima.

There was an ordinary Donetsk gopnik.

Now on business.

And Rambo in general.

A contractor in the Russian Federation (popularly known as a "double bass") receives 30-40 thousand rubles. per month Since 2014, all over Russia, double basses have been recruited into the ranks of the DNR/LNR militia. They offer good money - up to 80 thousand combat a week plus insurance of 5 million if you come home in a coffin. They also recruit officers, especially young ones, they are offered even more.

How are they being sent to Ukraine? - First, to the "exercises" in Rostov. A masquerade begins there - a uniform without shoulder straps, painting over numbers on equipment, recently - they also give "military tickets" to the DPR. And go ahead, portray "miners and tractor drivers." It ends sadly sometimes. But 5 million rubles is worth it, isn't it?

Vadim Larionov. 22 years old. Contract soldier, 17th motorized rifle brigade (Shali, Chechnya).

He died in August 2014, barely crossing the border with Ukraine.

Cry from the heart. And really, what is the use of these awards and titles now?

Trundaev Evgeny. 28 years. Platoon commander from the 200th motorized rifle brigade (Pechenga, Murmansk region)

Family Children

The officer did. Not a subcultural bastard. He died on October 15, 2014 in Donbass. Made some money.

Sergey Shashkin, 27 years old. Commander of the 23rd motorized rifle brigade (Samara). Special forces, intelligence.

Family Children.

Big patriot

In February 2015, he died in Donbass. "God, what are they fighting for?", - people ask Tamara Shashkina, the widow of the murdered. She does not know what to answer. Tamara, your Seryozha died for the capital stolen by Putin and the Chekists. Such is our government, you are rightly told :(

The war in eastern Ukraine has been going on for almost a year, and it is already possible to draw some conclusions about those who are fighting there from the Donbass. They are divided into three large groups:

1. Ideological.
2. Local.
3. Mercenaries.

The first group is the funniest. Meet Makhmut Ebdaev from Urus-Martan (Chechnya).

I was joking. This is Alexander Kobzev from Krasnodar. Cossack from the so-called. "Russian Orthodox Army".

I came with friends to Ukraine to fight against fascism.

No, it's not Heil. This means "For Rus'!".

We zigged, now you can take pictures at the monument to Soviet soldiers in Luhansk.

And the imperial flag, of course. How without it. Alexander Kobzev came to Donbass for the same reason why other ideological ones - to restore the Russian Empire.

And here is another idea. Alexander Bokov, nickname "Mahmut".

Terek Cossack, from Makhachkala. The last years he lived in Moscow. Photo with friends in front of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

But in Moscow he could not sit. In 2014, Sanya "Makhmut" went to Ukraine to fight. What for? - Who knows. To walk around Kyiv in hats, too, probably. Dance lezginka. For Rus', in short. There in Ukraine he died at the age of 34.

And here is another interesting Zarus - Anton Raevsky from St. Petersburg. A member of the Black Hundreds, at home shed tears for the lost Russian Empire and the Tsar-father.

Lil-lil, and he signed up for a detachment with Strelkov, to fight fascism.

He received shrapnel in his legs, rethought his behavior.

In general, fragmentation (preferably in the head) is a good cure for dreams about the Russian Empire, "Holy Rus'", "USSR 2.0" and other brain lesions.

But this comrade has not yet received his fragment. Until now in Donbass. His name is Kirill Rimkus.

Also from Petersburg. And also an anti-fascist.

In the family.

And by the way, his dad (Leonid Rimkus) is also an anti-fascist. Here he is crucifying in his classmates about worthless envious crests and great Russians.

His son Kira Rimkus in a "Yarussky" T-shirt with a friend.

True, this friend (he is also a Nazi from St. Petersburg) recently publicly renounced Rimkus. In Russian, the guy writes with difficulty, but the meaning of the text is clear:

Those. Rimkus' friend publicly repents before the "comrades" for his behavior. A small clarification of what these "comrades" are. This is the so-called. "Misanthropic Division" or MD for short. This is an international (mainly Russian-Ukrainian) neo-Nazi network. Specializes in "direct actions" (ie terror).

When MD found out that Rimkus was for Novorossiya, he was expelled from there. In response, Rimkus and his friends created their own office - "Misanthropic Division Novorossiya"(MD Novorossia) as part of the DPR/LPR army. Former NA (National Socialist) comrades-in-arms denounce Rimkus for factional activities:

Not good. Well, what kind of subcultural shit is he? - He's a warrior. Here he is with his cat. He boasts on the Internet that he cut off his head with a knife.

But he is proud of his great Russian ancestors. There is something about "a shield on the gates of Constantinople" and "obscene inscriptions on the Reichstag."

Yes, it was not in vain that Prophetic Oleg took the Reichstag! Descendants are proud!

Well, who are the "ideological" among the soldiers of New Russia, I think, is understandable. And what ideas do they have too. Now the second category of Donbass militias is local gopota. The Sharikovs, whose brains have been completely littered with Russian TV for a long time.

Meet Maria Pavlenko (in the photo - on the right), call sign "Amazonka". She is Manya from Zugres.

She studied at a vocational school as a painter. Now in the Givi squad.

At one time she was the girlfriend of a militant named Yalta.

"Yalta", aka Artem Myastkovsky, a former security guard from the Intourist Hotel (Yalta). After "Krymnash" in 2014, he became extremely excited and went to annex the Donbass. There he was calmed down, at the Donetsk airport (with a burst from a machine gun). Wreath in the foreground: "Beloved" Yalta "from" Amazon ".

Also, Mani from Zugres has a brother, Dima.

There was an ordinary Donetsk gopnik.

Now on business.

And Rambo in general.

By the way, Myastkovsky - "Yalta" also has interesting relatives. This is one singer from the city of Kyiv.

Lives in Obolon. Sings about Holy Rus', suffers for the Russian Empire and its last tsar.

In itself, she is a sophisticated girl. Not Mania from Zugres. Knows foreign languages.

And although their relationship with Yalta is not very close, they have one thing in common.

A contractor in the Russian Federation (popularly known as a "double bass") receives 30-40 thousand rubles. per month Since 2014, all over Russia, double basses have been recruited into the ranks of the DNR/LNR militia. They offer good money - up to 80 thousand combat a week plus insurance of 5 million if you come home in a coffin. They also recruit officers, especially young ones, they are offered even more.

How are they being sent to Ukraine? - First, to the "exercises" in Rostov. A masquerade begins there - a uniform without shoulder straps, painting over numbers on equipment, recently - they also give "military tickets" to the DPR. And go ahead, portray "miners and tractor drivers." It ends sadly sometimes. But 5 million rubles is worth it, isn't it?

Vadim Larionov. 22 years old. Contract soldier, 17th motorized rifle brigade (Shali, Chechnya).

He died in August 2014, barely crossing the border with Ukraine.

Cry from the heart. And really, what is the use of these awards and titles now?

Trundaev Evgeny. 28 years. Platoon commander from the 200th motorized rifle brigade (Pechenga, Murmansk region)

Family Children

The officer did. Not a subcultural bastard. He died on October 15, 2014 in Donbass. Made some money.

Sergey Shashkin, 27 years old. Commander of the 23rd motorized rifle brigade (Samara). Special forces, intelligence.

Family Children.

Big patriot

In February 2015, he died in Donbass. "God, what are they fighting for?", - people ask Tamara Shashkina, the widow of the murdered. She does not know what to answer. Tamara, your Seryozha died for the capital stolen by Putin and the Chekists. Such is our government, you are rightly told :(

The Investigative Committee of Russia has completed the investigation of a criminal case against members of the extremist organization Misanthropic Division, banned in the country. The six defendants (their names are not named until the trial in the interests of the investigation) are finishing reviewing the case materials, after which it will be transferred from the Investigative Committee to the Prosecutor General's Office for approval and further transfer to court. As Izvestiya was told in the TFR, in March, at a bilateral meeting of Russian and German law enforcement officers, the question of the whereabouts of the main ideologist of the "misanthropes" Dmitry Pavlov and his extradition to Russia will be raised. Members of the group participated in the storming of the presidential administration building in Kyiv on December 1, 2013, and also became part of a separate unit of the Ukrainian volunteer regiment "Azov".

Looking for the Fuhrer

In July 2016, the Main Investigation Department of the Russian Investigative Committee officially announced the initiation of a criminal case against Belarusian citizen Dmitry Pavlov, leader of the extremist organization Misanthropic Division. He is suspected of committing crimes under several articles of the Russian Criminal Code at once: the creation and organization of the activities of an extremist organization, public calls for terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism, public calls for extremist activities, inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity and rehabilitation Nazism.

According to the investigation, in October 2013, Pavlov, 33, created the nationalist association Misanthropic Division as a subcultural project, planning to profit from the sale of products with the appropriate symbols. However, in Ukraine they now claim that it all started in Kharkiv, where the movement was created by local football fans with neo-Nazi views. According to one version, Dmitry Pavlov is a certain Dima named Misanthropic Fuhrer (Fuhrer). He allegedly died in the battles near Novoazovsk in August 2014. But according to the TFR, we are talking about another person, and Pavlov's nickname is not the Fuhrer, but the Bazutchik. And Dmitry Pavlov himself is hiding in Germany. As Izvestia was told in the TFR, the investigators intend to raise the issue of his extradition to Russia.

Now it is difficult to establish exactly where the movement originated, but with the beginning of the events in Ukraine in 2014, the activities of the Misanthropic Division acquired an international character and became radical. Community cells appeared in 19 states, including not only Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, but also Germany, France, Poland, England and other European countries.

As Izvestia was told in the TFR, in Russia, the members of the group, including six already arrested, were mainly engaged in the promotion of racist and neo-Nazi views through social networks. According to various estimates, the number of the movement is several hundred people. But they are supported by several thousand young guys.

They publicly called for terrorist and extremist activities, spoke disrespectfully about the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia related to the defense of the Fatherland. But most importantly, they recruited people in Russia to take part in hostilities in Ukraine. First of all, as part of the Azov battalion. The detainees are charged under the same articles as Dmitry Pavlov, who is wanted, - Part 2 of Art. 205.2, part 2 of Art. 280, parts 1 and 2 of Art. 282.1, parts 1 and 2 of Art. 282.2, paragraph "c" part 2 of Art. 282, part 3 of Art. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In July 2015, by decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, the interregional national-radical association Misanthropic Division was recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia.

Target- "white Europe"

Misanthropic Division activists call the struggle for "white Europe" the goal of their activities. The ideology of Misanthropic Division is a synthesis of German (Scandinavian) neo-paganism, Slavic neo-paganism and neo-Nazi ideology. The agitators of the movement talk about the "higher destiny" of the white race and that its best representatives must "break the system."

On the page of the public, which is now blocked by Roskomnadzor, it was indicated that the leaders of the neo-pagan neo-Nazi group Misanthropic Division were Sergey alias People Hater, Sasha alias Sharp Knife and Dima alias Misanthropic Fuhrer. At the time of its creation, the group consisted of 14 accomplices.

In early 2016, the Swiss edition of Tages-Anzeige published an article claiming that the Misanthropic Division fighters were sponsored by the West.

“Swiss neo-Nazis support right-wing radicals in eastern Ukraine. Groupings from the cantons of Geneva, Waadt, Wallis and St. Gallen send money and supplies to the front. In autumn, the right-wing radical organization Misatrophic Division was founded in Switzerland. Her fans revere the Nazi Waffen-SS, many of them convicted criminals,” wrote Tages-Anzeige.

"We haven't gone anywhere"

The Misanthropic Division is a brand behind which are several, to varying degrees, autonomous organizations. There is no single leadership, everything is divided into cells. Some ultra-right group liked the ideology of the movement - they declare themselves part of this community. The terrorist organization IS, banned in Russia, operates in much the same way.

As the members of the group themselves stated, their representative offices are now on almost all continents, in total 28 cells. In Ukraine, "misanthropes" took part in the events of the Euromaidan, as well as in the hostilities in the east of the country.

After the assassination of one of the commanders of the DPR, Arsen Pavlov (Motorola), a video message appeared on the Internet from persons who claimed responsibility for this. In the video, unidentified men in balaclavas claim to be the perpetrators of the Motorola assassination and throw up their hands in a Nazi salute. They position themselves as members of the Misanthropic Division. True, the organization denied this video, but made it clear that another nationalist movement, Phoenix, was related to it. It once broke away from the "misanthropes" and is now at enmity with them.

Later, suspects in the murder of Motorola were detained in Donetsk. During interrogation, the commander of the sabotage and reconnaissance group, Alexander Nikolaychuk, who lives in Donetsk, said: “At the end of 2015, I organized a local cell of the Misanthropic Division, as I shared the views and ideology of the organization. I contacted the organizer of the Kyiv cell to find out if they had representatives in Donetsk. I tried to find supporters through social networks.”

Another detainee, 20-year-old Ernest Popov, said that he was a member of the right-wing radical movement Ultras. When the war began, he decided to go to war, on the recommendation of a friend, he joined the Azov battalion in Kyiv. After training in the camp, he was given the task of joining a cell in Donetsk. According to him, Azov members trained in a specialized camp near Kyiv. The radicals underwent psychological training on the same materials as the IS fighters.

At the beginning of 2016, Misanthropic Division announced the cessation of activities, but in August announced its revival. The organization was headed by one of its former leaders, Sergei Linnik, who fought in the Azov battalion. As the “misanthropes” themselves write online, “we didn’t go anywhere, we just took off our bombers and put on our jackets.”

According to representatives of the TFR, work on the search for "misanthropes" continues. Many of the members of the group are in Ukraine and in a number of European countries, but this is unlikely to save them from investigation and trial.

The very name in Russian - misanthropic division - speaks volumes. Its creator, a citizen of Belarus Dmitry Pavlov, and the main person involved in the case, is now hiding from Russian law enforcement officers in Germany. Preachers of the neo-Nazi ideology managed to settle in many European countries, and before that they were baptized in blood on the Ukrainian Euromaidan and in the Donbass. Report by Yulia Seferinkina:

More recently, the Internet was full of extremist materials published by members of the Misanthropic Division, a nationalist association banned in Russia. From the pages of the public, the radicals promoted neo-Nazi ideas and recruited new supporters into their ranks to go to war in the East of Ukraine. Now most of the groups on social networks have been deleted or blocked. At the end of April, the ideologists of the Misanthropic Division, as if they felt something, and announced the dissolution of the association: “Our formation was dedicated to the ideas of the national Ukrainian revolution, resistance, National Socialism, Nietzscheanism, alienation, melancholy and anger that a young man of traditional values ​​experiences in an ugly modern world.”

The extremists went underground, but, apparently, they did not have time to cover their tracks. Today, the Russian Investigative Committee is conducting searches at the homes of alleged members of the Misanthropic Division. In relation to the organizer of the right-wing radical association, a citizen of Belarus Dmitry Pavlov, a criminal case was initiated under four articles at once, including: public calls for terrorism and extremism, the rehabilitation of Nazism and the humiliation of human dignity.

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation:“With the beginning of the revolutionary events in Ukraine in 2014, the activities of the Misanthropic Division acquired an international character and became more radical. Community cells were opened in 19 states, including not only Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, but also Germany, France, Poland, England and other European countries. The functionaries of the Ukrainian cell of this organization took part in the events of Euromaidan, as well as in the hostilities in the East of Ukraine. Along with this, they are popularizing the Bandera ideology, the national radicalized and armed formations of Ukraine (“Right Sector”, the Azov Regiment), and are also calling to their ranks.”

The nationalist association "Misanthropic Division" appeared in October 2013 as a subcultural project. But with the beginning of the revolution in Ukraine, the mood of the activists became ultra-radical. They are one of the main characters in the armed skirmishes on the Maidan. They are the instigators of the massacre at Rymarskaya in Kharkov. And it's not just the materials of the investigation. Members of the neo-Nazi group shamelessly talked about their exploits on the air of Ukrainian TV channels.

After the “black men”, the odious Azov regiment appeared, part of which also consists of members of the Misanthropic Division. The association, which at first had only 4 cells, acquired an international character. As the members of the group themselves stated, their offices are located on almost all continents, there are 28 cells in total. At the beginning of last year, the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeige published an article claiming that the Misanthropic Division fighters were sponsored by the West.

"Tages-Anzeige":“Swiss neo-Nazis support right-wing radicals in eastern Ukraine. Groupings from the cantons of Geneva, Waadt, Wallis and St. Gallen send money and supplies to the front. In autumn, the right-wing radical organization "Misatrophic Division" was founded in Switzerland. It is a direct offshoot of the Ukrainian division of the same name. This organization is considered the most brutal volunteer unit in the fight against Russian separatists. Her fans revere the Nazi Waffen-SS, many of them convicted criminals. Amnesty International accuses them of serious human rights violations.”

Misanthropic Division activists call the struggle for a white Europe the goal of their activity. In the West, this idea, apparently, attracted. The publication writes that the Swiss followers transferred money and collected a kind of humanitarian aid - military uniforms, food, winter clothes - to the fighters of the association located in the ATO zone. It is clear that not only Switzerland participated in the financing of extremists. Without money from the West, the association would have collapsed long ago.

Igor Barygin, Professor, Department of European Studies, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University:“There is no money in Ukraine, Western European and American money, in addition, Poland, Romania, Hungary brought up the cadres, they tried to establish themselves in Belarus. These extremist guys are needed to end up working against Russia.”

In order to understand that the group has no problems with money, just look at the joyful faces of the Misanthropic Division members who are in the ATO zone. They go to kill with a smile and jokes.

The Russian security forces began to catch members of the neo-Nazi association two years ago. Then, in Vologda, an extremist "Misanthropic Division" was detained for distributing fascist symbols. A year later, the organization was banned. Now the founder of the association Dmitry Pavlov, according to the investigation, is hiding in Germany. Law enforcement officers are preparing an official request to the German authorities.

Hanno Harnisch, press secretary of the Left party:“Misantrophic Division is a far-right and very dangerous racist organization and its founder Dmitry Pavlov should be brought to justice. If he is now in Germany, then we can safely say that he will not last long here. We will not harbor criminals and obvious fascists. Belonging to an organization of this kind in Germany is subject to punishment, and I really hope that our authorities will cooperate with both the Belarusian and Russian authorities.”

But even if the leader is caught, it will be difficult to bring all the followers of the Misanthropic Division to justice. After all, there are not even hundreds of them - thousands around the world. In addition, financial flows from the West continue to flow into the pockets of extremists. Experts are sure that if it were not for the money from those who want to undermine the socio-political situation in Russia, the east of Ukraine would have become peaceful long ago. In addition, the members of the association themselves do not hide - they will remind themselves more than once: “Enemies should not forget about our existence, at any moment we can stand shoulder to shoulder and cut out all those who stand in our way like a cancerous tumor.”
