Latest generation antibiotics for pneumonia. Antibiotics for pneumonia in adults: list, effectiveness. Class of quinols and fluoroquinolones

Antibiotics are a group of drugs that almost every person has to deal with in one case or another. Despite the fact that these drugs are considered severe, unfortunately, it is still impossible to do without them - in particular, in the treatment of pneumonia. We will discuss in the article which antibiotics are used especially often for pneumonia and why they are the most effective means of combating this disease.

What factors influence the choice of a specific drug for pneumonia?

In medicine, pneumonia belongs to the group of severe and life-threatening illnesses. The causative agents of this disease can be both viruses and fungi. But most often the basis of the disease is infection with bacteria - pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, etc. In this case, the part of the lung stops functioning normally, causing many serious consequences for the body.

Not so long ago, the main antibiotics for fighting pneumonia were easy to determine, since this disease was treated only with penicillin drugs. But, as it turned out, bacteria are capable of developing resistance to drugs. Now these antibiotics may no longer be so effective; researchers had to develop new drugs. Nowadays, a huge number of them have appeared, which is both good and at the same time difficult for the doctor, since now he has to take into account a lot of factors in order to select adequate treatment.

Which antibiotics will be prescribed for pneumonia now depends on many factors: not only the form of the disease is taken into account, but also its causes, the body’s susceptibility to a given drug, as well as which drugs of this group have already been used by the patient previously.

How is treatment prescribed for pneumonia?

To make the diagnosis as accurate as possible, the type of bacteria that caused the disease is determined in a laboratory based on the composition of the patient’s sputum. In the decoding of the analysis, as a rule, the pharmacological group is indicated, and among its drugs, the doctor selects the one that has the fewest contraindications and side effects. We are talking mainly about the following:

Each of them contains active ingredients that allow the specialist to most accurately choose what. Antibiotics are selected based on a specific case, and in order to expand the scope of action of the drugs, it is often necessary to prescribe drugs from two groups at once.

The use of antibiotics depending on the pathogen

It is not so difficult to guess that each of the listed series copes best with certain types of pneumonia pathogens. Thus, macrolides best act on the activity of pneumococci, which provoke pneumonia. Treatment with antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group in this case is ineffective, and these microorganisms are practically insensitive to tetracycline drugs.

For Haemophilus influenzae, the most active drugs are fluoroquinolones, and if the disease is caused by enterobacteria, drugs from the group. When treating mycoplasma or chlamydial pneumonia, macrolides and antibiotics from the tetracycline group are usually chosen.

What antibiotics are used most often?

Of course, in medical practice there are antibiotics, which are most popular among doctors for pneumonia. So, if the patient has not reached 60 years of age, he does not have diabetes mellitus or pathologies of the cardiovascular system, then for the treatment of segmental or focal pneumonia, specialists prefer the well-proven drugs “Avelox” and “Tavanik” (which, by the way, is preferable to its cheaper analogue "Loxof" or "Levofloxacin"). If they are taken in combination with Amoxiclav or Augmentin tablets, then a positive effect can be achieved within two weeks after starting treatment.

If the patient’s condition does not improve, and the temperature does not drop even on the fourth day, then other antibiotics against pneumonia should be selected. As a rule, in such cases, the drugs “Azitro-Sandoz” or “Sumamed” are prescribed instead of “Augmentin”.

A good combination is also considered to be the use of Sumamed tablets (1 tablet 1 time per day) in combination with intramuscular or Fortum (2 mg 2 times a day).

Popular injections: antibiotics for pneumonia

A course of antibiotic injections for pneumonia usually takes seven to ten days. But in no case should this treatment be carried out independently, without the prescription and supervision of a doctor, or interrupt the prescribed course, deciding that your health has already improved. All this will ultimately provoke drug resistance in surviving bacteria, and untreated or returning pathology will become more difficult and less responsive to treatment.

The following antibiotics are most often used by injection for pneumonia:

By the way, it should be noted that there are several features when prescribing antibiotics. Thus, the conclusion that this drug needs to be replaced can be made only 2-3 days after the start of treatment. The reason for such a decision may be the risk of serious side effects or the excessive toxicity of any antibiotic, which will not allow them to be taken for a long time.

Basic rules for injections against pneumonia

Only a doctor can select effective antibiotics. But if it is indicated for the patient, then someone close to him will have to give him injections. In this case, in order not to cause unnecessary complications, several rules should be followed.

  1. Remember that the course of antibiotic treatment for pneumonia cannot be less than 10 days.
  2. When prescribing injection drugs that come in powder form, remember: they can only be diluted immediately before the procedure. Don't do this in advance!
  3. Use saline solution, novocaine, lidocaine or water for injection. They are taken in a standard proportion: for 1 g of the drug - 1 ml of liquid.
  4. Before the first injection, do a skin test. To do this, scratch the skin with a sterile disposable syringe needle and apply a few drops of the prescribed product to the wound. If after 15 minutes it does not turn red or itch, then there is no allergy to this medicine. Otherwise, it needs to be replaced.
  5. If a painful infiltrate remains after the injections, it is applied to it to speed up resorption.

What antibiotics are considered reserve?

In case of severe pneumonia, the patient is prescribed so-called reserve drugs. That is, potent antibiotics that are “reserved” by doctors as a last resort (all this is done due to the easily developed drug resistance of bacteria).

Therefore, it is worth remembering their name. Antibiotics for severe pneumonia are Ceftazidime, Timentin, Sparfloxacin, Tientam, Grimipenem. They are not prescribed in cases of mild or moderate severity of the disease, because no one is immune in the future from surgical interventions and similar health problems, when their use turns out to be especially necessary.

Which antibiotics should not be used

Due to the previously mentioned high resistance to drugs of microorganisms that cause pneumonia, treatment with the antibiotics listed below will not give the desired effect. Such means include:

  • simple penicillins (“Bicellin”, “Ampicillin”, “Oxacillin”, etc.),
  • first and second generation cephalosporins (“Cefazolin”, “Cefalexin”, “Cefamizin”),
  • first and second generation fluoroquinolones (“Nalidixic acid”, “Norfloxacin”, “Ofloxacin” and “Ciprofloxacin”).

Do not prescribe yourself antibiotic therapy!

Finally, I would like to emphasize that using antibiotics on your own is very dangerous, but not only because they can cause serious side effects.

Regardless of which antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia, microorganisms very quickly develop drug resistance to them. This means that every new case in which you have to take these drugs threatens that the expected effect will not occur. This, of course, will prolong the course of the disease and cause various difficulties. Therefore, in order not to put yourself in a difficult position in the future, do not self-medicate. And be healthy!

Beta-lactam penicillin antibiotics amoxicillin + clavulanic acid are used (medicines with the names Augmentin, Flemoklav solutab). Antibiotics are produced in tablet form, which allows them to be used as prescribed by a doctor at home and for children.

Pneumonia is caused by pathogens of several groups. Especially often, community-acquired pneumonia (occurring outside the walls of the hospital, as opposed to a hospital infection) is provoked by Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza, Staphilococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeroginosa and other protozoa, including mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia.

There is no single antibiotic that can act equally effectively on all pathogens of pneumonia; for each type of infection, the most effective drug is empirically selected.

Several groups of antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia:

  • beta-lactams;
  • macrolides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones.

It is impossible to differentiate which antibiotics are the best for pneumonia and which are ineffective, since in each case the outcome of treatment is determined not only by the type of pneumonia pathogen, but also by the reactivity of the immune system, concomitant chronic diseases, and care features.

Beta-lactam antibiotics

The main drugs for the treatment of pneumonia are beta-lactam antibacterial agents, combined based on the presence of a beta-lactam ring in the molecule.

The drugs have a similar mechanism of action and differ in sensitivity to beta-lactamase enzymes, which are produced by bacteria.

Amoxicillin antibiotics are highly effective against pneumococci, which often cause pneumonia; in the absence of allergies, they serve as the drug of choice in children and pregnancy.

Beta-lactam drugs include:

  • penicillins;
    • natural – benzpenicillin, oxacillin;
    • ampicillin;
    • – Hiconcil, Flemoxin solutab;
    • inhibitor-protected – Augmentin, Timentin;
    • antipseudomonal ureidopenicillins – azlocillin, piperacillin;
  • cephalosporins;
    • 1st generation – cefazolins (Kefzol, Cefamezin), Cephalexin;
    • 2nd generation – products with cefuroxime (Zinnat, Ketocef);
    • 3rd generation – cefotaxime (Claforan), ceftriaxone (Rocephim), ceftazidime (Fortum);
    • 4th generation - cefepimes (Maxipim).

Beta-lactam antibacterial agents are highly effective, but can cause allergies, which is why they are replaced with macrolides or fluoroquinolones. Macrolides are the drugs of choice if an atypical form is suspected, caused by chlamydia, legionella, and mycoplasma.

The advantages of these antibacterial agents include a significant post-antibiotic effect, in which a high concentration of the drug is created in the blood, which remains in a therapeutic dose after discontinuation of the drug.

For example, Azithromycin has a post-anibiotic effect of 4 days, which allows the course of therapy to be reduced to 5 days.

Features of community-acquired pneumonia

Pneumonia can develop rapidly, leaving no time to conduct diagnostic tests to determine pathogenic microflora. The first prescription of an antibiotic in both a private clinic and a public hospital is done empirically.

When choosing which antibiotics to take, the doctor proceeds from the clinical picture of the disease, the prevalence of pneumonia pathogens in the area, the most typical pathogens, and the presence of a history of chronic diseases in adults.

Treatment of pneumonia is carried out in tablet forms; the drugs of choice are penicillins and 2nd generation cephalosporins. Treatment in the form of injections is resorted to when treatment with tablets is impossible, as well as when the disease is severe.

Thus, hospital forms of pneumonia in adults begin to be treated with the administration of antibiotics in injections, and switch to taking tablets only on the 3rd day after the symptoms of inflammation have subsided.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults at home

The effectiveness of the antibiotic is assessed 3 days after the start of therapy. During this time, the necessary therapeutic concentration is created in the blood, and the medicine acts with maximum results.

For mild pneumonia caused by pneumococci and streptococci, oral medications are used containing:

  • amoxicillins - Amoxicillin Sandoz, Flemoxin Solutab, Hiconcil, Amosin, Ospamox - 0.5 g at intervals of 8 hours;
  • amoxicillins + clavulanate – Augmentin, Betaklav, Flemoklav Solutab, Ecoclave, Amoxiclav – 0.65 g, intervals – 8 hours;
  • Cefuroxime axetil - dosage 0.5 g, intervals - 12 hours.

If there is no result after 3 days of use, chances are, adults are prescribed:

  • tetracyclines - Doxycycline orally 0.1 g at intervals of 12 hours;
  • macrolides:
    • clarithromycin - Klacid, Fromilid, Fromilid Uno, Romiclar, Clarithromycin Sandoz, Clarbact 0.5 g at intervals of 12 hours;
    • azithromycin - Sumamed, Azitral, Hemomycin, Zitrolide Forte, Azitormicin Zentiva, Azitrox, Zitorlide 0.5 g 1 day once, subsequent days - 0.25 g 1 time per day;
    • midecamycin – Macropen 0.4 g after 8 hours;
    • spiramycin – Spiramycin-Vero, Rovamycin 3 million IU at intervals of 12 hours;
    • roxithromycin - Brilid, Rulid, Rulitsin, Esparoxi 0.15 every 12 hours;
    • erythromycin – 0.5 g at intervals of 6 hours Erythromycin tablets;
    • josamycin – Vilprafen, Vilprafen solutab 0.5 g with an interval of 8 hours;
  • Fluoroquinolones:
    • gatifloxacin – Zarquin, Gatispan 0.4 g 1 time/day;
    • levofloxacin - Tavanic, Flexid, Floracid, Levolet, Glevo 0.5 g 1 time per day;
    • moxifloxacin - Avelox, Hynemox 0.4 g 1 time / day.

Pneumonia in the elderly

For pneumonia in adults over 65 years of age with a mild form, protected aminopenicillins Augmentin or Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime Axetil or one of the fluoroquinolones in the usual dosage are prescribed from the first day of treatment.

Alternative drugs for elderly patients are Doxycycline or Cefaclor.

Pneumonia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women with pneumonia must be hospitalized. Antibacterial drugs are used in pregnant women only when indicated.

For treatment, medications are chosen that have the maximum effect, but do not cause harm to the developing fetus.

Acceptable antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia during pregnancy include:

  • amoxicillins - table. 0.5 g at intervals of 8 hours;
  • amoxicillin + clavulanate – after 8 hours;
  • cefuroxime axetil – 0.5 g every 12 hours;
  • ampicillin – 1 g injection every 6 hours;
  • ceftriaxone - 1 g injection at intervals of 24 hours;
  • cefutaxime - 1 g injection at intervals of 8 hours;
  • cefuroxime – injections 1.5 every 8 hours.

An alternative drug for allergies to beta-lactam penicillins in pregnant women is spiramycin, which is prescribed for oral administration after 12 hours in a suspension of 3 million IU.

Severe pneumonia

For severe community-acquired pneumonia, Cefepime, Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime are prescribed as the drug of choice. In addition to the main drug, an antibiotic from the macrolide group is used - clarithromycin, spiromycin or erythromycin.

The most severe course of pneumonia is observed when infected with staphylococcus, pneumococcus, enterobacteria, and legionella. In severe forms of inflammation, medications are administered intravenously; pairs of drugs are used:

  • amoxicilling + clavunate and macrolide injection;
  • cefotaxime + macrolide;
  • ceftriaxone + macrolide;
  • ciprofloxacin (ofloxacin) + 3rd generation cephalosporin (or levofloxacin, moxifloxacin).

Replacing antibiotics

The effect of using an antibiotic is to reduce the symptoms of intoxication and lower the temperature. If this does not happen after 3 days, then the drug is replaced.

Ampicillin is often the drug of choice; if there is no result, it is replaced with a macrolide or added additionally. And in case of severe pneumonia, instead of ampicillin, a macrolide + one of the 3rd generation cephalosporins is used.

If the patient was immediately prescribed amoxicillin or cefuroxime, then to achieve the effect, a drug from the macrolide group is added to it.

The reason for changing the antibiotic may be developing renal failure in the patient due to the nephrotoxicity of the drug. Nephrotoxic drugs include cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones.

How long does therapy last?

Provided the temperature normalizes within 4 days, the total duration is 7-10 days. The duration of the course for mycoplasma pneumonia is 2 weeks.

If infected with enterobacter, staphylococcus, legionella, the course of treatment can be extended to 3 weeks.

Recovery criteria

Signs of normalization of the patient’s condition are:

  • temperature reduction to values ​​not exceeding 37.5 0 C;
  • decrease in respiratory rate to 20 or less breaths per minute;
  • absence of pus in the sputum;
  • reduction of signs of intoxication of the body.

The use of antibiotics serves an important, but only one purpose - the destruction of infection. The task of restoring lung function is solved by drugs from other groups - anti-inflammatory, expectorant. The overall result of treatment depends on the correctly chosen treatment regimen, age, and immunoreactivity of the patient.

Pneumonia is a disease that occurs in both adults and very young children. The causative agents are viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. The main danger that can be expected from this disease is an extremely difficult physical condition and even death. That is why therapy must be timely. Pneumonia is mainly treated with antibiotics.

How does pneumonia develop? Classification

Most often, this disease occurs due to pathogenic microflora entering the respiratory tract: staphylococci, pneumococci, legionella, E. coli and others. In this case, inflammatory processes develop in the tissues of the respiratory organs. Also, pneumonia can be triggered by viral infections and certain toxic substances; rarely, pneumonia is a consequence of chest injury. There is a risk group that includes smokers, people who abuse alcohol, patients who have been on bed rest for a long time, as well as the elderly. Depending on the type of pathogen, bacterial, viral, fungal and mixed pneumonia are distinguished. If one lung is affected, then they speak of unilateral inflammation. There may also be bilateral, total, lobar, segmental pneumonia. Depending on epidemiological data, the disease can be nosocomial, community-acquired, atypical, or caused by an immunodeficiency state.

Main symptoms of the disease

One of the main symptoms of the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs is coughing. Also, when breathing, you may feel characteristic pain and shortness of breath. Pain is especially acute when taking deep breaths or coughing. Pneumonia causes a high body temperature. However, pneumonia is not always accompanied by an increase. The patient feels weakness throughout the body, fatigue, decreased appetite, possible nausea and even vomiting. Symptoms are especially severe in older people and children. All this suggests that to alleviate the condition and avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to start taking antibiotics for pneumonia. This disease has a peculiarity: antibacterial drugs are prescribed immediately, without waiting for laboratory tests. After receiving the results of the sputum analysis, treatment is adjusted.

Stages of the disease

Experts distinguish three degrees of severity of respiratory inflammation. The mild stage is characterized by mild intoxication, the body temperature is within 38 ºС, the heartbeat is not accelerated. At the same time, the person maintains a clear consciousness. X-ray examination reveals a small affected area. With a more severe degree, the temperature may increase to 39 ºС, and intoxication is more pronounced. Moderate tachycardia is observed, shortness of breath appears. Infiltration is clearly visible on x-rays. The most severe degree is characterized not only by high temperature (up to 40 ºС), but also by clouding of mind. A person may become delirious, and shortness of breath occurs even in a calm state. At the same time, the intoxication of the body is pronounced.

This group of drugs is aimed at destroying pathogenic flora. First of all, the specialist must suppress the acute symptoms of the disease. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed that have a wide spectrum of action.

The doctor then sends the sputum sample to the laboratory. The research results obtained influence further treatment. The specific pathogen that provoked the disease is determined. The specialist selects the necessary antibiotic for pneumonia in adults, the action of which will be aimed at destroying this microorganism. A combination of drugs is often required, since there may be several pathogens. For proper selection of medications, an antibiogram is used.


This test helps determine whether the patient's body is sensitive to a specific antibiotic. After all, the market is saturated with all kinds of drugs, and often bacteria show resistance to one type of drug, but are destroyed by another. The patient's sputum is required for the study. The sample is exposed to different drugs. During this analysis, the most effective antibiotics for pneumonia are selected for a particular patient. They will inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Weaker drugs will not interfere with their development. The accuracy of such research is high. The only drawback is that you need to wait a long time for the results: they will be ready after 2-5 days.

Groups of antibiotics used in the treatment of pneumonia

Most often, treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics begins with broad-spectrum drugs. These include penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, aminoglycosides, and cephalosporins.

Penicillins are one of the first antibacterial drugs. They are natural and semi-synthetic. Penetrates well into body fluids and tissues. They can also cause a number of undesirable effects: diarrhea, hypersensitivity, allergic reactions. Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics of this type is effective if the causative agents are streptococci and staphylococci.

Tetracyclines are drugs that are used less and less. The reason for this is the resistance of microorganisms to their action. Another peculiarity of the drugs is their ability to accumulate in bone tissue. However, they can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, such antibiotics for pneumonia are not prescribed to pregnant women, women during breastfeeding, young children, or patients who have kidney problems. Representatives of drugs of the tetracycline group are “Doxycycline”, “Tetracycline”.

Cephalosporin group

There are 4 generations of this type of medicine. First generation drugs include Cefazolin, Cephalexin, etc. They actively act on bacteria from the cocci group (pneumococci, staphylococci). The second generation of drugs has good antibacterial properties against both gram-positive and gram-negative flora. The half-life is approximately 1 hour. Cephalosporins, which belong to the third generation, have an excellent effect on microorganisms that are resistant to drugs of the penicillin group (Cefotaxime, Cefoperazone). They are used to treat severe forms of infections. Cefepime is the name of fourth generation antibiotics for pneumonia. They are the most active. Among the adverse reactions after taking cephalosporins, allergies are most often identified. About 10% of patients report allergic reactions to these drugs.

Macrolides. Aminoglycosides

Macrolides are used to neutralize cocci, legionella, and chlamydia. They are well absorbed into the body, but food intake somewhat slows down this process. Allergic reactions are very rare. Representatives of this category are drugs such as Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin. Their main area of ​​application is infectious processes in the respiratory tract. However, liver dysfunction is a contraindication to taking such medications.

Aminoglycosides are antibiotics for pneumonia that actively act on aerobic gram-negative microorganisms. They are also used in cases where the disease is caused by more than one type of bacteria, and therefore it is necessary to combine antibacterial drugs to achieve the desired result. Representatives of the group are drugs such as Gentamicin and Amikacin. The dosage is calculated depending on the patient’s body weight, age, and severity of the disease. When taking such drugs, control of glomerular filtration in the kidneys is necessary.

Class of quinols and fluoroquinols

Medicines in this category are divided into 4 generations. Non-fluorinated (this is the first generation) actively affects legionella and E. coli. They have a somewhat less effect on chlamydia and cocci. First generation drugs are used for mild infections. The remaining quinols (second to fourth generation) are fluorinated. All medications are well distributed in the body. They are excreted from the body primarily by the kidneys. The main contraindications for use are the period of pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the drug. In addition, the use of non-fluoridated drugs is undesirable for patients who have problems with the liver or kidneys. Fluoroquinols are not prescribed to children (under 18 years of age). The only exception may be the absence of an alternative option. This class includes drugs such as Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Levofloxacin. These medications are administered intravenously only by drip.

What are the rules for prescribing antibacterial drugs?

If pneumonia is diagnosed, only a specialist decides which antibiotics to take. After you start using medications, you can replace them with others. The indications for this are serious side effects that may occur during treatment with certain drugs. Also, a replacement occurs if the doctor does not observe the desired result (and changes for the better should appear on the second or third day). Some antibiotics are quite toxic. Therefore, their reception cannot last long. In general, treatment of pneumonia in adults with antibiotics lasts 10 days. But more serious infections require a much longer period of time (about a month). The specialist must take into account the general condition of the patient, the presence of certain concomitant and chronic diseases, and the person’s age. When prescribing antibacterial drugs, it is also important to be able to create a dose of the drug in the blood that will be sufficient for the given severity of the disease.

In what forms are antibiotics used?

Depending on the stage of the disease and the severity of its course, various methods of administering drugs are used. Mostly in the first days of illness, medications are administered by injection. Cephalosporin (antibiotics for pneumonia) injections are given intravenously or intramuscularly. This is possible due to their low toxicity. The peculiarity of macrolides is that they accumulate and continue to act even when the medication is stopped. Mild forms of the disease are treated within 10 days. In this case, antibiotics for pneumonia in tablets can be used. However, experts say that the oral form of medication is not as effective. This is because it is difficult to calculate the exact dosage. It is not recommended to frequently change medications, as this may develop resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Features of the treatment of pneumonia in children

Pneumonia is especially dangerous for young patients. The disease can occur even in children. The main symptoms of pneumonia in young patients are wheezing, coughing, difficulty and rapid breathing, and high fever (which lasts for quite a long time). It is worth paying attention to the baby’s behavior. He loses his appetite, becomes lethargic and restless. The most important symptom of pneumonia in young children is a blue discoloration of the area between the lips and nose. As a rule, pneumonia occurs as a complication after acute respiratory viral infections, and not as an independent disease. There are also congenital pneumonias (the causative agent is the herpes virus, mycoplasma), infection can occur directly during or after childbirth. In newborns, the airways are small and gas exchange is less intense. Therefore, the disease is more severe.

Antibiotics and children

As for adults, the mainstay of treatment for pneumonia in children is antibiotics. For pneumonia in children, they are administered parenterally. This makes it possible to minimize the impact of drugs on the microflora of the digestive system. It is also possible to take medications by injection or inhalation. The last method is the most comfortable for young children. If the child’s age does not exceed 6 months, then treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital, where the baby is under the constant supervision of specialists. The course of therapy for children is 7 days when taking drugs of the penicillin group, cephalosporins. If the doctor prescribed macrolides (this could be Azithromycin, Clarithromycin), then the duration of treatment is reduced to 5 days. Antibiotics for pneumonia in children should show effectiveness within 3 days. Otherwise, the drug may be replaced.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Even the best antibiotics for pneumonia, which helped one child, may be ineffective or even dangerous for another. It is very important to strictly adhere to your medication schedule. You should not take synthetic vitamins and other immunomodulatory drugs at the same time. To prevent the occurrence of pneumonia, you should avoid hypothermia and promptly treat colds and other infectious diseases. Don't forget about the right

Pneumonia is a serious and quite severe infectious disease. It manifests itself as damage to the respiratory system. Antibiotics for pneumonia are effective because the drugs kill the bacteria that cause the inflammation.

If you do not use antibiotics for pneumonia, the desired effect will not be achieved. This happens because the immune system is unable to cope with harmful microbes on its own. But it is worth considering that using an antibiotic for pneumonia on your own is dangerous, since the treatment is accompanied by a number of side effects.

Using this analysis, you can determine the sensitivity of the patient’s body to a particular drug. Such an analysis is necessary because the market is full of different drugs. It happens that harmful organisms show resistance to one type of antibiotic, while another type is able to destroy them. To carry out the analysis, sputum is taken from the patient and appropriate studies are performed using various drugs. Based on the results of such actions, the most effective drug is identified, with which therapy is prescribed to the patient. Strong drugs can destroy harmful bacteria, while weak ones can prevent their reproduction. The research is accurate, there are no mistakes. The analysis period takes about 5 days, so antibiotics are pre-prescribed that can curb the progression of the disease.

Thanks to this analysis, the risks of side effects and negative consequences, including allergic reactions from the use of antibiotics, are reduced. The predicted positive outcome from the prescribed treatment is also determined by this analysis, because by identifying the pathogen and the antibiotic that affects it, you can be guaranteed to get a positive result from the treatment.

Antibiotics for pneumonia in adults destroy pathogenic flora. To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to reduce the acute symptoms of the disease with the help of antibiotics that have a broad effect.

Often, adult patients with pneumonia are prescribed the following antibiotics:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Cefepime;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Doxycycline.

After this, the attending physician needs to take the patient’s sputum for analysis and, based on the results obtained, prescribe the most effective therapy. The laboratory identifies the specific type of bacteria that provoked the inflammatory process. After this, a medicine is prescribed to destroy these particular types of harmful organisms. Sometimes a combination of drugs is required due to the identification of several types of harmful organisms.

The correct selection of funds occurs with the help of additional tests.

A serious illness in children is pneumonia, for which antibiotics are prescribed even to children. It is quite possible to detect this disease even in an infant. Symptoms of the disease: wheezing, cough, difficulty breathing, fever. Also dangerous symptoms indicating the development of pneumonia are: loss of appetite, lethargy, drowsiness or, conversely, hyperreactivity. Blue skin in the area under the nose is a sign of pneumonia, and antibiotics are prescribed immediately. In children, this disease can occur as a result of acute respiratory viral infection. It is worth considering that the course of the disease in children is more complex due to the small airways.

Children are treated with gentler drugs:

  • Augmentin;
  • Zinacef;
  • Zinnat;
  • Sumamed;
  • Suprax;
  • Ceftriaxone.

To treat a disease in children such as pneumonia, antibiotics are initially prescribed. In this case, the best type of drug is selected that can kill harmful bacteria and cause fewer side effects.

An antibiotic can destroy a child’s microflora, so additional tests are necessary to select the most optimal therapy for each individual case.

Antibiotics used to treat pneumonia

A person has quite predictable questions: what to treat, what antibiotics to take, what drugs to stock up on for pneumonia, and what method of treatment is the most effective?

Treatment of pneumonia begins with antibiotics, which are widely used:
  • penicillins;
  • macrolides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • aminoglycosides;
  • cephalosporins.

Penicillins are called the primary means of destroying bacteria. Such agents tend to penetrate organ tissue. But they can also cause adverse reactions in the form of: diarrhea, hypersensitivity, allergic reaction. They have good effectiveness in the fight against staphylococci and streptococci. Tetracyclines are not used as often as penicillins. This is due to the resistance of a large number of microorganisms to this drug. Also, a negative side of these drugs is their ability to accumulate in bone tissue. In addition, the use of these products leads to tooth decay.

During pregnancy, lactation, as well as in young children, tetracyclines are strictly prohibited, as they are quite toxic drugs.

Group of cephalosporins

This type of product has four generations of release. First generation cephasporins quickly fight coccal bacteria. Generation II drugs destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The withdrawal period does not exceed 60 minutes. Generation III of such drugs copes well with microorganisms that are resistant to penicillins. They are used to suppress infection. IV generation drugs, the newest ones, are able to cope with all kinds of groups of microorganisms. But these drugs have quite a lot of side effects, for example, about 11% report allergic reactions to such a strong antibiotic. The latest generation of drugs cope better with bacteria.

Thanks to the use of macrolides, cocci, legionella, and chlamydia are neutralized. The drug has the property of being well absorbed into the body. Such drugs are used for respiratory infections.

Aminoglycoside drugs for pneumonia are used when it is necessary to influence gram-positive bacteria during pneumonia. The drug helps well in the treatment of diseases caused by one type of microorganism. To achieve a positive effect in the presence of different types of bacteria, a combination of treatments is required. The dosage of such drugs is calculated based on body weight, the number of years of the patient and the stage of pneumonia. During use, monitoring of proper kidney function is required. Take medications as prescribed by the doctor.

Class of quinols and fluoroquinolones

Drugs called quinols, like cephalosporins, are divided into 4 generations. Generation I of these antibiotics kills E. coli and works quite well against Legionella. They have a less effective effect on coccal bacteria. Generation II medications are prescribed for minor infections. The most effective therapy is using III and IV generation of agents. The new generation medicine is well absorbed into the organs. The drug is excreted through the kidneys. The best antibiotics for pneumonia are of the latest generation.

Fluoroquinolones are prescribed only to persons over 18 years of age. An exceptional case is the absence of an alternative. These drugs are effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. They destroy not only pneumococci, but also salmonella. Intracellular bacteria are quickly destroyed by fluoroquinolones. Intravenous administration is carried out only using a dropper. Treating pneumonia with these drugs is quite effective.

The decision on the use of drugs is made by the doctor after examination. Medicines may be replaced with others during therapy. The conditions for changing the prescribed antibiotic are a strong undesirable effect that may occur with a particular medicine. The specialist can also change the drug, provided that the previous one did not give the required result. The positive effect of taking antibiotics should appear after 2-3 days. There are antibiotics for pneumonia that are toxic. As a result, such funds are not prescribed for a long period of time.

Toxic drugs include the following groups:
  • aminoglycosides;
  • sulfonamides;
  • nitrofurans.

On average, antibiotic treatment for pneumonia lasts about 14 days. If pneumonia is intensified by additional diseases, then treatment may last until the patient fully recovers. It is also important to determine the general health of the patient.

When taking medications, it is important to control the amount of medication in the blood, since a large dose of antibiotics in the blood can lead to side effects and poisoning of the body.

Failure to treat a lung infection with antibiotics is quite rare. The source may be the patient’s self-medication before going to a medical facility. So, if the patient took any other drugs, then the effectiveness of the drugs for pneumonia is significantly reduced.

It may also be ineffective if:

  • repeatedly use antibiotics;
  • constant replacement of antibiotics;
  • bacteria have developed resistance;
  • incorrect dose selection;
  • incorrect choice of the duration of the therapy period.

In such circumstances, a combination of drugs is performed. Also, treating the patient with other drugs can give effective results. Antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia in tablets and capsules may be ineffective, since treating pneumonia with this method is effective only at the early stage of the disease. It is recommended to take antibiotics in tablet form as a preventive measure for the disease. Take the tablets with plenty of water.

Pneumonia is a rather serious and dangerous disease, treatment with antibiotics gives good results. This disease must be cured immediately, since in the early stages the treatment period is fewer days, and the drugs prescribed are more gentle, with minimal side effects. In more serious cases, pneumonia is quite difficult to treat. Even the use of strong drugs does not always give a positive result.

Self-prescribing and taking antibiotics for pneumonia is strictly prohibited.

Only a qualified specialist can draw up a treatment plan.

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  • Congratulations! You are completely healthy!

    Your health is fine now. Don’t forget to take good care of your body, and you won’t be afraid of any diseases.

  • There is reason to think.

    The symptoms that are bothering you are quite extensive, and are observed in a large number of diseases, but we can say with confidence that something is wrong with your health. We recommend that you consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination to avoid complications. We also recommend that you read the article about that.

  • You have pneumonia!

    In your case, there are clear symptoms of pneumonia! However, there is a possibility that it could be another disease. You need to urgently contact a qualified specialist; only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. We also recommend that you read the article about that.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 17

    1 .

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  2. Task 2 of 17

    2 .

    Do you take care of your immunity?

  3. Task 3 of 17

    3 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  4. Task 4 of 17

    4 .

    How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  5. Task 5 of 17

    5 .

    Have you been feeling physically or mentally unwell lately?

  6. Task 6 of 17

    6 .

    Does fever bother you?

  7. Task 7 of 17

    7 .

    Do you smoke?

  8. Task 8 of 17

    8 .

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

  9. Task 9 of 17

    9 .

    Do you suffer from congenital disorders of the bronchopulmonary system?

The infectious origin of the disease determines the use of antibiotics for its treatment, carefully selected in accordance with the type of pathogen.

At the beginning of treatment, when the pathogen has not yet been identified, it is necessary to use broad-spectrum drugs in the form of injections - intravenous and intramuscular. Then you can switch to taking antibiotic tablets.

In contact with


Antibiotics for pneumonia (pneumonia) in adults

Of the modern types of drugs, the following are most often used:

Penicillins. Can cause allergies, dyspepsia, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

  • natural (benzylpenicillin) – for pneumococcal infection;
  • semisynthetic penicillinase-resistant (oxacillin, cloxacillin) -;
  • semisynthetic broad-spectrum (ampiox, ampicillin, amoxicillin) – for gram-negative microbes.

Cephalosporins. Increasingly chosen due to their broad antimicrobial action:

  • I generation (cefazolin, cephapirin) – against cocci;
  • II generation (ceforanide, cefuroxime) – against Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, gonococci;
  • III generation - gram-negatively active, but little effective against cocci (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime);
  • IV generation (cefpirom) - with a broad antimicrobial spectrum, but does not act on enterococci.

Carbapenems. Tienam has a wide spectrum of activity and is used for severe infections, especially with polymicrobial flora.

Aminoglycosides (tobramycin, gentamicin, amikacin) - with a wide range of activity, especially against gram-positive microbes. May be nephro- and ototoxic.

Tetracyclines (tetracycline, doxycycline) are highly active, used for mixed infections, treatment until the pathogen is identified. Particularly effective against mycoplasmas and chlamydia. May have toxic side effects.

Macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin) are highly effective. Used in complex therapy of severe infections, resistance to other drugs, allergies, mycoplasmas, chlamydia.

Lincosamines (lincomycin, clindamycin) are especially active against staphylococci resistant to other antibiotics.

Ansamycins (rifampicin, rifaprim) – against mycoplasmas, legionella, pulmonary tuberculosis. They have many side effects.

Fluoroquinolones (moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) - due to their broad action, have become the main drugs.

Imidazole (metronidazole) – for anaerobic infections.

The choice of antibiotic depending on the pathogen and type:

Recommended drugs
Streptococcus pneumoniae Benzylpenicillin Macrolides (erythromycin) Cephalosporins (ceftriaxone)
Haemofilus influenzae Amoxicillin Ampicillin
Staphylococcus aureus Oxacillin Cephalosporins I–II generations
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumoniae Macrolides Tetracyclines Fluoroquinolones
Legionella pneumophila Rifampicin Erythromycin FluoroquinolonesMacrolides
Enterobacteriaceae sp. III generation cephalosporins
Klebsiella pneumoniae Ceftriaxone Aminoglycosides
Fungal infection Ceftriaxone + fluconazole
Pneumocystis pneumonia Co-trimoxazole Macrolides
Cytomegalovirus Ganciclovir Acyclovir Cytotect
Pneumonia in people infected with HIV Ampiox Gentamicin, amikacin Cephalosporins Fluoroquinolones

Treatment of pneumonia in children

For maximum effectiveness, the best choice of medications is necessary based on the child's age.

Initial therapy consists of penicillins. After identifying the pathogen, the following is used in the treatment of children:

The choice of antibiotic depending on the age of the child, the pathogen and type of pneumonia:

Child's age Pathogens and types of disease Recommended drugs
Newborns Streptococcus, Enterobacteriaceae Ampicillin + gentamicin Cefotaxime + gentamicin
1 – 6 months Enterobacteriaceae, Haemofilus influenzae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Staphylococcus aureus Ampiox, sumamed Amoxicillin Ampicillin Cefuroxime, cefotaxime
6 months – 5 years Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemofilus influenzae, viruses Orally amoxicillin + sumamed, cefuroxime, erythromycin Parenteral penicillin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone
5 – 15 years Streptococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma Orally amoxicillin + sumamed, cefuroxime. Parenteral penicillin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime
Pneumocystis pneumonia Co-trimoxazole
Herpetic pneumonia Acyclovir
Cytomegalovirus Ganciclovir

Dr. Komarovsky about antibiotic treatment:

Antibacterial drugs in tablets

Increasing the effectiveness of treatment is achieved by first administering antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously until results are obtained.

The most effective and widely used:

  • Fluoroquinolones – Avelox, Tavanic, Loxof;
  • penicillins – Amoxiclav, Augmentin;
  • macrolides – Sumamed;
  • tetracyclines – doxycycline.
Complex therapy is based on the combination of Amoxiclav or Augmentin with Tavanic or Avelox and doxycycline, which allows it to act on all pathogens of the disease.

Other medicines

In addition to antibiotics, symptomatic drugs are used to treat pneumonia.
