The Great Dane is the largest dog in the world. Giant dogs: the largest breeds. The Irish Wolfhound is the largest hunting dog

There are breeds of dogs in the world that grow to enormous sizes. Large dogs are excellent guards and defenders of the owner, guards of the territory, hunters, and at the same time they are wonderful companions that can become real favorites of all family members. Among the largest dogs there are real giants, whose appearance can capture our imagination.

Below are pictures of the largest dogs, which will give you an idea of ​​the appearance of each breed, and a description of their main qualities. The top largest dogs contains the main characteristics of each breed and will help you decide on the choice of your future pet.

The English Mastiff is recognized as the largest dog breed in the world. While inferior in height to Great Danes and Irish wolfhounds, mastiffs are significantly superior to them in weight. The average height of an English mastiff is 70-92 centimeters, while the weight can reach 110 kilograms. There is even a representative of this breed whose weight is 156 kilograms!

The English Mastiff is a brave, but at the same time peaceful and balanced dog. Looking at the photographs of this dog, you might think that the dog is formidable and dangerous. In fact, the mastiff’s character is quite soft and docile, which makes it possible to even make him a nanny for a child.

The cruelty and ferocity of the first representatives of the breed, used in England in dog fighting, was eliminated in the process of developing their mastiff character. The breed has become much wiser. Mastiffs have become calm and even calm dogs that love the comfort of home and do not bark for no reason. If something irritates the dog, it will silently leave, like a true English gentleman.

Great Dane is the tallest dog breed in the world

The tallest dog breed is the Great Dane. The world record for height, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, belongs to a Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus. His height was 112 centimeters! The previous record holder, George, was only 2 centimeters behind him.

The Great Dane is an excellent companion, capable of performing the role of watchman, bodyguard, escort, and security guard. By nature, this is a devoted, cheerful dog, calm and self-confident. The Great Dane loves children, plays with them with pleasure and can even become a real nanny. The dog is able to capture the mood of the owner, it seems that it communicates with him on a telepathic level.

The Great Dane needs physical exercise, so regular walks with it are required. In the city, you can only walk your dog on a leash, since a huge dog running freely, even without causing harm to passers-by, can frighten them.

The Irish Wolfhound is the largest hunting dog

The Irish Wolfhound, in addition to its large size, also has a hunting temperament and excellent working qualities. The very name of the breed “Wolfhound” speaks about its purpose: the breed was used to hunt wolves. Currently, this hunting dog has become a companion and a pet.

The peculiarity of the character of the Irish Wolfhound is loyalty and friendliness towards the owner and inhabitants of the house, combined with intransigence and aggression for offenders. But experts do not recommend training an Irish Wolfhound as a house guard or taking a protective guard course with him. The aggression of a wolfhound cannot be encouraged, since such a dog will become dangerous both for others and for the owner himself.

Raising an Irish Wolfhound is easy thanks to its intelligence. But sometimes it is necessary to repeat the training course for a slowly maturing dog. The dog is not picky about its living conditions: it can live in an enclosure with a warm booth and in an apartment. But in any case, you need to walk and communicate with the dog.

Newfoundland is the largest and kindest dog in the world

The Newfoundland dog is called a gentle giant. This is one of the few breeds that will fearlessly rush to save a person when he is in danger. The dog's kindness and balance make it an ideal guide dog. Newfoundland is ideal for families with children, and very young ones at that. This good-natured dog will never hurt a baby, even through negligence. Newfoundland can be kept in a house with any other animals, he will be friends with everyone.

The breed is a bit troublesome in terms of grooming. The dog needs to be brushed at least 2-3 times a week, otherwise it will develop itchy skin and dermatitis. The disadvantage of the breed is increased salivation.

Your Newfoundland needs exercise, so you need to take him for walks regularly. You should be careful when walking your dog near bodies of water during the swimming season. By force of instinct. The dog will rush to save people from the water, even if they are not drowning.

Saint Bernard is the most famous and popular large dog

If you ask any person what the most famous large dog is, he will probably name the St. Bernard, known to many from the film “Beethoven”. This is the most popular and famous large-sized dog. The Saint Bernard is an intelligent and obedient dog, devoted to its owner, calm and unperturbed. Voices only as a last resort. Therefore, upon hearing a St. Bernard barking, the owner immediately understands that some extraordinary situation has arisen.

St. Bernard needs communication with its owner. He cannot be alone for long. You need to walk your dog every day. Moreover, he doesn’t need fast runs; it’s enough to calmly walk down the street with a dog on a leash.

The breed has soft, thick wool. But caring for it is not difficult, since the St. Bernard’s coat practically does not tangle and is capable of self-cleaning. You need to bathe your dog once every 3-4 months. During the shedding period, the dog needs to be brushed daily.

The Caucasian Shepherd is the most common large dog breed in Russia.

The most popular large dog breed among Russians is the Caucasian Shepherd. This ancient breed from the Caucasus Mountains in its historical homeland is used to protect herds and homes. A shepherd dog can become a reliable watchman and bodyguard. But subject to proper upbringing. If this dog is not raised correctly and at a very early age, the cute little bear puppy will turn into an uncontrollable giant and will not recognize you as its owner.

By nature, the Caucasian Shepherd is a calm, balanced dog. At the same time, the shepherd treats strangers with distrust and will never let them into their territory. If you live in a country house, you won't find a better watchman. The main principle of keeping a Caucasian is strict discipline: feeding by the hour, following commands.

But cruelty and rudeness should not be allowed in raising this dog. If a dog does not respect its owner, but is simply afraid of him, one day, after it grows up and becomes strong, it will break out of submission. Then reprisals for humiliating the owner of the giant are guaranteed!

The Neapolitan Mastiff is the largest breed of working dog.

The Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Neapolitano is the largest working dog. This dog looks quite intimidating even in photographs, let alone the impression. Which it turns out to be uninvited visitors to any home. The dog has excellent security and watchdog qualities. At the same time, the breed is friendly, kind and sociable by nature, and it develops a close emotional connection with its owner. The guardian instincts awaken in the dog if the family or territory is threatened.

The Neapolitan Mastiff has a sharp mind and a strong memory, so it can independently assess the situation and decide what actions to take. This dog is never the first to attack, but it will not tolerate a stranger on its territory or close to its owner.

An important point for regulating the behavior of the Neapolitan Mastiff is its proper education from an early age. During training, you cannot use cruel methods or rudeness, otherwise the dog will grow nervous and become almost uncontrollable.

Akita Inu is the largest and most loyal dog

Almost all dogs are distinguished by their devotion to their owner, to a greater or lesser extent. But there are breeds in which the emotional connection with the owner is especially close. The Akita Inu is rightfully considered the most loyal large breed dog. A representative of this breed named Hachiko, who had been waiting for his owner for 9 years, became famous throughout the world.

The character of this dog is compared to that of a samurai. This dog is calm, balanced and calm on the outside, but inside it is quite emotional and has a rather hot temperament. Akita Inu is restrained in showing emotions, but is infinitely in love with its owner.

At the same time, the dog is willful and proud, and in its upbringing you need to show patience, perseverance and tact. Rudeness and excessive pressure in Akita Inu training will lead to the dog becoming withdrawn and starting to ignore commands.

More large dog breeds

The list of the largest breeds can be continued with several more popular breeds. All of them are distinguished by their non-standard size, strength and impressive appearance.

The Leonberger is a service dog, an excellent guard dog and a vigilant watchdog. His frightening appearance alone can terrify an uninvited guest. But for the family it is an affectionate and loving friend and companion. The dog is friendly, affectionate and caring. Leonberger is smart, sociable, obedient, and can be used as a nanny for small children.

A feature of this breed is sensitivity to screams and quarrels in the family. A puppy should not be punished during training, nor should you shout at it. An important point is to care for your dog for up to a year. To form a dog’s bones, it needs to be fed foods with a high content of protein and calcium (meat and dairy products). Up to 12 months, excessive physical activity, jumping from heights, and walking up stairs are contraindicated for a puppy.

The Moscow Watchdog is a physically strong service dog. She makes a good watchman and security guard. By nature, the Moscow watchdog is self-confident, reserved, devoted to its owner, but at the same time independent.

Protecting the territory is inherent in the character of the dog at the genetic level, so it does not even need to be specially trained as a guard. The breed was bred to live in the North. Therefore, the best place to keep it is a warm booth on the territory of a country house.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a truly enormous dog, so keeping it in an apartment is almost impossible. But if a city dweller is planning to become the owner of this breed, it is worth preparing for active walks in the evening and at night. It is at this time that the dog needs physical activity. During the day, the Tibetan Mastiff is relaxed and calm.

The dog has a pronounced guard instinct, so you need to walk with it on a leash. Constantly changing routes. This is an intelligent, independent dog; it is almost impossible to achieve complete obedience to its owner.

The Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog in the corresponding ranking. Some representatives of the breed are statistically sold for more than $1 million.

The Pyrenean Mastiff has always been valued for its excellent guarding qualities. This is a physically strong dog, capable of resisting even the largest predators. To protect the owner and his property, this breed is ready to do anything - after all, these qualities are inherent in it at the genetic level.

The Pyrenean Mastiff has an average height of 77 centimeters and weighs about 75-80 kilograms. It is not advisable to keep a dog of this size in an apartment, even a very spacious one. The Pyrenean Mastiff needs physical activity, so it requires long walks. Training a dog can be difficult due to its stubbornness, so you need to achieve obedience gently but persistently.

The Spanish Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds. It is better to keep such a giant in a country house with a spacious plot, where he will perfectly cope with the role of a guard of the territory. The breed is calm, melancholy and self-confident. At the same time, the dog is very observant and always keeps the situation under control.

Moreover, the protective instincts of this breed are exacerbated at night. You may notice that the dog practically does not sleep at night. The Spanish Mastiff is easy to train, but it needs to be handled gently and affectionately.

The Russian Borzoi is a large hunting breed of dog, specially bred to chase animals at high speed. In a jerk, the speed of this dog reaches 100 kilometers per hour. But this breed cannot boast of endurance. The Russian Greyhound is a short-distance sprinter.

The Russian Greyhound is two-faced in character. At home, this is an affectionate, calm dog, but during the hunt it shows aggression towards game and passion in pursuit. Despite its high growth, this breed can be kept in a city apartment, with periodic trips to nature.

The South Russian Shepherd is a dog with a sharp mind, self-confidence, physical strength and endurance. This dog is a monogamous dog, becomes strongly attached to its owner and suffers from separation from him. The South Russian Shepherd Dog also obeys only its owner; it shows love and respect to other family members, but will not obey their commands.

The dog has a well-developed guard instinct. Even without special training, she takes all the inhabitants of the house and property under her protection. The dog can live in an apartment or on the street. But when kept in urban conditions, it requires active and regular walking.

The Black Russian Terrier is a breed of service dog of domestic selection, created by order of the government in the USSR. This breed has absorbed all the best qualities of a family pet. The Russian Terrier is an affectionate, sweet creature that expects love and communication from its inhabitants. At the same time, the dog has the instincts of a guard and bodyguard.

Due to its ease of care, the breed can be kept in a city apartment. The breed is one of the easiest to train among large dogs. The Black Russian Terrier strives to please its owner in everything and obediently follows his commands.

There are other large dog breeds that were not mentioned in this article. Check out photos of some of them.

Boerboel dog breed

Deerhound dog in the photo

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

In the photo there is a dog of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed

Anatolian Shepherd (Kangal)

Two Central Asian Shepherds

Large breeds of dogs require a special approach to their maintenance and training. Therefore, before deciding to have such a giant in your home, you need to study all the characteristics of the breed and evaluate your own strengths and capabilities.

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to families who love them. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. The positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper training, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are quite easy to train and do not require much exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite high food costs, since such large animals require a corresponding amount of food. Perhaps the most distressing factor is that representatives of large breeds most often have a much shorter life expectancy compared to their smaller relatives.

Despite the present disadvantages and the enormous popularity of small dog breeds, many prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a faithful and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.

In this article we will look at the 10 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, we primarily took into account the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers (withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog’s body). The top included dog breeds with an average male weight of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

10th place: Leonberger is a large breed of dog, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenees Shepherds. The height of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and weight – 54-77 kg. The weight of females is 45-61 kg, the height at the withers is 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive dog type. They have a unique character that has created a reputation as an ideal family dog ​​with a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trained, sensible dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Piebald Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for females is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, females - 45 kg. The Moscow Guard is a self-confident, balanced, independent and cooperative dog. It has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs know no fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent guarding qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. This is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and flexibility. The height of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, females - 59-65 cm, the weight of representatives of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only of affection, but also of regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. With their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming ability, Newfoundlands are excellent lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females - 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed have been known to weigh over 90 kg. The largest record-breaking Newfoundland weighed 120 kg. The height of male representatives ranges from 69-75 cm, and that of females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and extremely affectionate nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg along a concrete surface in Bothell (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: Tibetan mastiff– one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. Weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, females - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, reserved, obedient dog that combines the ability to guard the home and be a good friend to the family in which it lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to that of a cat). Interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan mastiff breed named Hong Dong is the most expensive dog in the world, for which a coal magnate from China paid 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog- The tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height at the withers for males is 80 cm, for females - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of females is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.

These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

4th place: Pyrenean Mastiff is a breed of giant dog native to Aragon, Spain. Representatives of this breed, which appeared in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, were initially used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, females - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although males weighing more than 100 kg can often be found. Pyrenean Mastiffs are known to be exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and security guards.

3rd place: Saint Bernard is a breed of giant-sized dog descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescue dogs. These are very strong, large dogs, whose height is 65-80 cm in females and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of a St. Bernard should be above 80 kg; the most common dogs are more than 80 cm tall and weigh more than 100 kg. A St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another St. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. The calm, sensitive and friendly character makes St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: Spanish Mastiff is a breed of giant dog native to Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The height of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of a female at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a wonderful friend to all family members and a reliable guard at home.

1st place: English Mastiff is an old English dog breed that holds the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg for males and from 54 to 91 kg for females. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Aristocratic Mastiffs are known for their strength, courage, poise and peacefulness. They cope well with both the role of a guard dog and the role of a companion dog.

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to families who love them. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. The positive side is their wonderful character - large dogs, with proper training, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are quite easy to train and do not require much exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite high food costs, since such large animals require a corresponding amount of food. Perhaps the most distressing factor is that representatives of large breeds most often have a much shorter life expectancy compared to their smaller relatives.
Despite the present disadvantages and the enormous popularity of small dog breeds, many prefer to have a large dog in their home, which will not only be a faithful and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.
In this article we will look at the 30 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, we primarily took into account the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers (withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog’s body). The top included dog breeds with an average male weight of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

30th place: Estrela Shepherd(other name - Portuguese Mountain Shepherd) is the oldest dog breed on the Iberian Peninsula, originally used as a herding dog. The average height of males at the withers is 65–72 cm, weight 40–50 kg, for females the height is 62–69 cm, weight 30–40 kg. In Russia, dogs of this breed are little known, because... rarely found outside of Portugal. Those who want to get a dog of this breed should know that Estrela Shepherd Dogs are completely unadapted to life in the city, but they are ideal as hunting dogs.

29th place: - one of the most ancient breeds of European hunting greyhounds, mentions of which were first recorded in Scottish chronicles back in the 16th century. The average weight of males is 40-50 kg, females - 35-43 kg, the minimum height is 75 cm for males and 70 cm for females. Amazing sense of smell and excellent reaction make Deerhounds natural hunters. They are very active, resilient, balanced, love children, are easy to train and easily remember commands.

28th place: Cane Corso(other name - italian mastiff) is a breed from Italy, tracing its roots from dogs used in war by the ancient Romans. Cane Corsos are focused on protection and security. The average height of males is from 64 to 72 cm, weight 45-50 kg. The average height of females is 60-64 cm, weight 40-45 kg.

27th place: Russian greyhound is a breed of hunting dog that dates back to the 17th century. The height at the withers of males is from 75 to 86 cm, females - 68 to 78 cm. Weight is 36-61 kg.

26th place: Dogo Argentino(other name - argentine mastiff) is a hunting dog breed bred in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century. The average weight of males is 45-65 kg, females 40-55 kg. Average height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm.

25th place: (another name is large Japanese dog) is a dog breed that arose in the United States after World War II on the basis of the ancient Japanese Akita Inu breed (the famous dog Hachiko belonged to this breed). Americans and Canadians do not consider the American Akita a separate breed, holding the view that the American and Japanese Akita are two varieties of the same Akita breed. Males of the American Akita breed weigh 45-66 kg with a height of 66-71 cm, females weigh 36-54 kg and a height of 61-66 cm. Japanese Akitas are shorter and lighter.

24th place: South Russian Shepherd- a shepherd breed bred by the landowner Falz-Fein (1863-1920) in the south of Ukraine. There is an opinion that the ancestors of this breed were brought from Germany, and the breed itself is identical with the Old German, Old French and Old English Sheepdog (this type of Shepherd almost disappeared in Europe, but in our country, thanks to large-scale sheep breeding, they multiplied as guards against wolves and were preserved). The average height of males is 65–66 cm, females 62–66 cm, the average weight of dogs of both sexes is from 48 to 50 kg. This dog is not suitable for older people and people with poor health, as it requires an active lifestyle.

In the photo - South Russian Shepherd and Fox Terrier

23rd place: - a dog breed originally from the Swiss Alps. The height of males of this breed is 65-72 cm, weight 50-64 kg, the height of females is 60-69 cm, weight 48-54 kg. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not suitable for living in the city; it needs space, fresh air and exercise.

22nd place: - an ancient French breed of dog belonging to the mastiff group. In the Middle Ages they were used as hunting and fighting dogs, and today they are known for their excellent watchdog qualities and calm, friendly character. The minimum weight of these powerful, muscular animals is 45 kg for females and 52 kg for males. The height at the withers for females varies from 57 to 65 cm, for males - from 60 to 69 cm.

21st place: - a large breed of domestic dog, bred by English gamekeepers in the 19th century for the purpose of protecting estates. The height of bullmastiff males at the withers ranges from 64 to 71 cm, weight - from 50 to 59 kg. Bitches weigh on average from 45 to 54 kg, and their height varies from 61 to 66 cm. Brave, loyal, calm and balanced - this is how the character of bullmastiffs can be described. They are very disciplined, intelligent animals, easy to train and, having an excellent sense of smell, are wonderful bloodhounds.

20th place: - a service dog breed bred in the USSR. The average weight of males is 50-60 kg, height 72-78 cm, for females the following indicators: weight 45-50 kg, height 68-74. This dog is not for sitting on a chain. The Black Russian Terrier requires constant communication with the owner, the family in which he lives.

19th place: – An ancient breed of dog originally from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, where it is still highly valued as a herding guard dog. The height at the withers, depending on the gender, can range from 71 to 81 cm, weight - from 40 to 65 kg. Kangals are very loyal, obedient, energetic, love children, have a sharp mind and are easy to train.

18th place: - a large breed of shepherd dog, known for its unusual appearance. Its massive body is covered with long white hair, curled into original cords. The average height of males is 70-80 cm, females - 65-70 cm, the weight of the former ranges from 50 to 60 kg, and of the latter - from 40 to 50 kg. Intelligent and balanced, Komondors are used as guard dogs; they are very affectionate and loyal, and easily adapt to life in urban environments.

17th place: - a breed of large working dogs originating from France. For hundreds of years, representatives of this breed were used by shepherds to guard livestock on the steep slopes of the Pyrenees Mountains. These gentle, strong-willed, good-natured and intelligent dogs have a strong physique and an elegant appearance. The height of males ranges from 70-81 cm, weight - 50-54 kg, as for females, their height at the withers is 65-75 cm, and weight is 36-41 kg.

16th place: Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound(other name - hot) is an ancient breed of dog, common in Buryatia and surrounding areas. According to the breed standard, males must be at least 74 cm, females - at least 66 cm. Weight - from 45 to 70 kg.
Dogs of this breed have long lived at Buddhist monasteries and guarded herds of cattle, camels, and flocks of sheep. The Buryats and Mongols often used these dogs for hunting. Now Khotosho is a guard and guard dog, companion and bodyguard, used in searching for people in emergency situations.

15th place: Caucasian Shepherd Dog- one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the Caucasus. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong type of constitution and fairly large growth. The height at the withers, depending on the sex of the animal, varies from 64 to 75 cm, and the weight of adult individuals is 45-90 kg. Caucasian Shepherds have a decisive and courageous character and are distrustful of strangers. They are distinguished by their special endurance and undemanding nature, capable of adapting to any climatic conditions.

14th place: Kuvasz- an ancient breed of service dogs of Hungarian origin. In the Middle Ages, their status was so high that only royalty or people close to them were allowed to own a dog of this breed. The weight of males ranges from 48-90 kg, height at withers - 70-76 cm, average weight of females - 34-68 kg, height - 65-70 cm. Kuvasz are strong, brave, loyal dogs that are very easy to keep.

13th place: - a large breed of hunting dogs, which arose as a result of crossing dogs brought by the Celts to Ireland with local baiting dogs. It has the status of one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. According to existing standards, the minimum height should be 79 cm (males) and 71 cm (females), and the minimum weight should be 54.5 kg and 40.5 kg. Despite their impressive size, Irish wolfhounds are by nature very quiet and calm creatures. They are loyal and loving dogs, great with children and relatively easy to train.

12th place: Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano)- a service dog breed that appeared in the south of the Apennine Peninsula in ancient times. Since ancient times they have been used as guard dogs. Neapolitan Mastiffs have a strong, rough type of constitution. The height at the withers for females is 60-74 cm, for males - 65-79 cm. The weight of males ranges from 60 to 70 kg, females - from 50 to 60 kg. In addition to good guarding qualities, representatives of this breed are known for their playful and very friendly character in a home atmosphere.

11th place: (other names - Turkmen wolfhound or Alabai) is an ancient breed of dog, native to the regions of Central Asia. The average height at the withers for males is 70-75 cm, for females - 65-69 cm. Weight can range from 50 to 80 kg for males and from 40 to 65 kg for females. Dogs of this breed do an excellent job as guards and security guards. Although Alabais seem clumsy, slow and very calm, they have an explosive character, excellent reaction and a strong, muscular body.

10th place: - a large breed of dog, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenees Shepherds. The height of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and weight – 54-77 kg. The weight of females is 45-61 kg, the height at the withers is 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive dog type. They have a unique character that has created a reputation as an ideal family dog ​​with a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trained, sensible dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog- a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Piebald Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for females is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, females - 45 kg. The Moscow Guard is a self-confident, balanced, independent and cooperative dog. It has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs know no fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel- a breed of service dogs with excellent guarding qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. This is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and flexibility. The height of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, females - 59-65 cm, the weight of representatives of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only of affection, but also of regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. With their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and natural swimming ability, Newfoundlands are excellent lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females - 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed have been known to weigh over 90 kg. The largest record-breaking Newfoundland weighed 120 kg. The height of male representatives ranges from 69-75 cm, and that of females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and extremely affectionate nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg along a concrete surface in Bothell (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: – one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. Weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, females - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, reserved, obedient dog that combines the ability to guard the home and be a good friend to the family in which it lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to that of a cat). Interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan mastiff breed, named Hong Dong, is a breed for which a coal magnate from China paid 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog - tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height at the withers for males is 80 cm, for females - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of females is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.
These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

In the photo - the tallest dog (Great Dane) and (Chihuahua)

4th place: - a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Representatives of this breed, which appeared in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, were initially used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, females - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although males weighing more than 100 kg can often be found. Pyrenean Mastiffs are known to be exceptionally intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and security guards.

3rd place: Saint Bernard is a breed of giant-sized dog descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescue dogs. These are very strong, large dogs, whose height is 65-80 cm in females and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of a St. Bernard should be above 80 kg; the most common dogs are more than 80 cm tall and weigh more than 100 kg. A St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another A Saint Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. The calm, sensitive and friendly nature makes St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: - a breed of giant dogs whose homeland is Extremadura, Spain. Initially, the breed was used to protect livestock from wolves and other predators. The height of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of a female at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a wonderful friend to all family members and a reliable guard at home.

1st place: – an old English breed of dog, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg for males and from 54 to 91 kg for females. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Aristocratic Mastiffs are known for their strength, courage, poise and peacefulness. They cope well with both the role of a guard dog and the role of a companion dog.

Who owns the title of "The Largest Dog Breed in the World"? In 2004, the Great Dane Gibson from California (USA) received it - his height was 107 cm.

In 2013, this record was broken by another Great Dane named Zeus, whose length from feet to withers was 111.8 centimeters. Does this mean that the Great Dane breed is the largest?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes 343 dog breeds, which are classified into 10 groups according to type and use.

There is no official division of dogs based on size.

However, there is a generally accepted division of breeds into large, medium and small. If the dog’s height at the withers is more than 60 centimeters, and its weight as an adult (over 2 years old) exceeds 25 kilograms, then it is considered large.

The largest of the large ones include 10 breeds, which will be discussed below.

Breeds with photos and descriptions

10. Irish Wolfhound


6. Newfoundland

It grows up to 75 cm and gains weight up to 69-70 kg. with infinite patience. Knows family members and treats each of them with respect and friendliness. The dog has a touchy nature, so training is carried out as gently as possible.

Newfoundlands shed all year round. He needs to be brushed once a day, otherwise his long, thick coat gets tangled.

You should not bathe such a pet. It is better to use dry shampoo, as bathing can worsen the condition of the coat. Eyes and ears need to be examined daily as they are susceptible to infections.


5. Anatolian Shepherd (Kangal, Karabash)

It is rightly included in the large-sized dog breeds: it grows up to 82 cm and gains weight up to 65 kg. Brave and not afraid of anything. She is very proud and highly intelligent.

She treats well only the members of the family in which she grew up, she loves children. – a tall dog with well-developed muscles. Has thick and short fur. He is hardy and not afraid of the cold. For short hair, brushing once a week is sufficient. Bathing once a month is enough.

Anatolian Shepherd

4. Pyrenees Mountain Dog

It has a thick double snow-white coat. The dog's height can reach 80 cm. They are devoted to their owners and love to spend as much time as possible with them. Very affectionate, noble and good-natured. They treat children well.

Mountain dogs make good watchdogs and show aggression when the situation requires it.

Pyrenean mountain dog

3. Scottish Deerhound

It grows up to 85 cm and gains weight up to 50 kg. This is a tall but thin animal. He is always in excellent physical shape. The coat is hard and not long. Color gray with graying.

The Deerhound is easy-going, quick-thinking and needs exercise. He does not show aggression and has a quick reaction. The coat needs to be combed once a week. The mouth is cleaned every other day. Have your ears checked and cleaned regularly.

Scottish Deerhound

2. Hungarian Kuvasz

It grows up to 76 cm in height and gains weight up to 63 kg. It has a thick, wavy coat of medium length that needs to be brushed regularly to prevent it from matting.

The fur is white. Kuvasz is brave and will never give up first in a confrontation. He has his pride. Capable of outbursts of aggression if mistreated. Be wary of strangers.

Hungarian Kuvasz

1. Great Dane

Height reaches 85 cm, and body weight – up to 90 kg. Each paw is equal to the palm of a person. Representatives of the breed are easy-going, patient and good-natured, getting along well with family members. The Great Dane is not picky and does not need frequent bathing. This procedure should be replaced by brushing with dry shampoo.

The main advantages of large pets:

  • security qualities;
  • sociability and loyalty;
  • provides the owner with regular long walks in the fresh air;
  • keeps lonely people company.

There are fewer disadvantages, but they are there:

  • a big dog needs space;
  • Maintaining a large animal will cost more - it needs more food.

There is no doubt that every owner selects a pet according to personal preferences, as well as taking into account his financial capabilities, because every dog ​​needs maintenance and care. The costs of food and transportation of a large dog will be significant. Therefore, you need to purchase an animal not at the first desire or first request of the child, but after carefully weighing your capabilities - physical and financial.

Decide in advance for what purpose you need a pet: as a guard, a hunting assistant, or just a friend. Listen to the advice of breeders, read the material. Carefully study the breeds of large dogs with photographs. Only then make the decision to buy a puppy.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video about the largest dog breeds:

Vladimir Putin was given a six-month-old puppy of the rare Taigan breed. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov made a generous gift as a sign of respect to Vladimir Vladimirovich: puppies of this national aboriginal breed are usually given to the most honored guests of the country. The dog has already been given the nickname Sherkhan, and cynologists unanimously speak of Taigans as unique hunting dogs.

The breed has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but it already has every chance of becoming a unique specimen in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. The breed is more than 12,000 years old, so these dogs have excellent health and are extremely resistant to heavy loads. One of the relatives of the Taigan is considered to be the Scottish deerhound - the Darkhound - one of the largest dogs in the world.

Deerhound (Scottish Deerhound)

The Deerhound is a rather thin dog (up to 45-46 kg), but thanks to their high height (from 71-76 cm), they deserve to bear the title of giants of the canine world. The advantage of the breed is its speed, which can compete with the speed of a deer. Due to this, deerhounds are used when hunting deer without weapons.

9 Largest Dog Breeds in the World


The name of the breed originates from the German city of Leonberg, on whose ancient coat of arms a lion was depicted. There is an opinion that the breed was bred precisely as a recognizable symbol of the city.

Several largest breeds had a hand in the creation of the Leonberger: St. Bernard, Newfoundland and Pyrenean Shepherd. The proud, handsome dogs that resulted from many years of crossbreeding not only became one of the largest breeds, but also earned a reputation as an excellent “family dog.” A calm and even gentle character, sociability and goodwill towards all family members are the distinctive qualities of the Leonberger. It is this breed that the Hollywood actor of Scandinavian origin Alexander Skarsgård adores.


This good-natured aristocrat came to Russia from the Canadian province of Newfoundland, bordering the waters of the Atlantic. It is not surprising that representatives of this breed are excellent swimmers. And not only that - on their native island, they were given the responsibility of pulling nets with fish out of the water, carrying heavy objects over fairly long distances, and even working as a nanny.

The quiet nature of the Newfoundland ensured that the dog would not capsize the boat. Some owners claim that Newfoundlands are able to determine which direction the coast is when the horizon is shrouded in fog.

The Newfoundland is a huge dog, but not record-breakingly large: the average height is 66-61 centimeters, weight is 54-68 kilograms. However, the largest Newfoundland known weighed 117 kilograms, and its length from tip of nose to tail was 182 centimeters.

Tibetan mastiff

In general, there are several varieties of mastiffs, and almost each of them deserves to be included in the top largest dogs. The Tibetan Mastiff is still shrouded in an aura of mystery, because it is one of the most ancient, rare and expensive breeds in the world.

The first mentions of this breed in literature date back to the 4th century BC. Aristotle admired the flexibility, strength and endurance of these dogs. In the old days, one Tibetan mastiff was exchanged for a pack of 20-25 greyhounds - their hunting skills were so highly valued! The “migration” of this breed to the New World is also surprising - in the second half of the 20th century, the Dalai Lama himself gave such a puppy to President Eisenhower.

"Planet of Dogs": Tibetan Mastiff

Nowadays, due to the mystery of this breed, many people far from cynology have the impression that the Tibetan Mastiff is the largest dog in principle. But this is not so, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the exhibition (if you are lucky, and this rare breed will be present at it). The weight of these dogs can vary from 60 to 80 kilos, height is about the same - from 60 to 77-78 centimeters (depending on gender).

Irish Wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world, the Irish Wolfhound has a long history of greatness. Even four centuries BC, the Celts used them (more precisely, their ancestors, the Celtic greyhounds) for hunting. The outstanding size, strength and speed of Irish wolfhounds marked the beginning of mass demonstrative baiting of wild animals with their help. Unfortunately, this also led to a reduction in the breed's population to a critical level.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the breed had practically disappeared, and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the British Crown Islands in search of an “old-type” female Irish Wolfhound, today we can enjoy these curly, muscular paws.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Although this breed is more than three thousand years old, the Pyrenean Mastiff was officially recognized only in 1946. According to experts, this breed was bred by the ancient Phoenicians - primarily as a shepherd and watchman. Males reach 80-81 centimeters in height, females - 72-75. The average weight fluctuates around 70 kilograms.

“Gentle giant” is what their owners call Pyrenean mastiffs. This dog is truly caninely affectionate and is very patient with the antics of the youngest members of the family, although it can often unintentionally knock a child down during play. At the same time, in the presence of strangers, the Pyrenean Mastiff always remains on guard. The dog understands perfectly well that one type of dog instills fear, so usually when communicating with strangers it limits itself to barking, but does not proceed to “combat” actions.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is undoubtedly one of the strongest, bravest and kindest dogs. Male St. Bernards can grow up to 90 centimeters at the withers. The curious history of this breed is known to many. Back in the 9th century, monks living in a monastery hidden in the mountains of Switzerland brought Tibetan mastiffs from Asia. Over the years of crossbreeding with European breeds, they developed a faithful companion for dangerous mountain journeys.

The dog was distinguished by thick hair that saved it from frost and wind, an excellent sense of smell that allowed it to find people buried under an avalanche, easygoing behavior and excellent trainability.

One of the most famous pets of the Saint Bernard Monastery is Saint Bernard Barry, who at the beginning of the 19th century found a boy buried in the snow, warmed him with his tongue and carried him to the monastery on his back.

German dog

Great Danes, recognized giants of the canine world, do not even have an upper height limit in the breed standard: female Great Danes should not be lower than 72 centimeters, and boys - 82. The tallest dog in the world, the Great Dane George, which we will discuss, belonged to this breed a little lower.

A powerful, graceful body, nobility expressed in every movement, combined with innate delicacy make the Great Dane an excellent life partner for responsible, active people.

The pedigree of the Great Dane is so closely related to the pedigree of the English Mastiff that debate about which of these two breeds is larger continues to this day.

The largest dog breed in the world is the English Mastiff.

This ancient English breed has the status of the largest among the variety of canine species. The standards for this breed are as follows: males reach approximately 0.9 meters at the withers and weigh approximately 100-110 kilograms. However, the largest English mastiff, Hercules, grew to 94 centimeters and weighed as much as 155 kilograms.

English Mastiff trying to climb onto the sofa

Despite its awe-inspiring size, the English Mastiff has a good-natured disposition and is a wonderful companion.

The largest dog in Russia

The record holder for the largest among Russian dogs is the Alabai Bulldozer. His owner, Alexander Khudyakov, adored dogs for as long as he could remember. And the man always gave preference to large breeds: boxers, Rottweilers, shepherds. But the strongest affection became the Turkmen wolfhounds, also known as the Central Asian shepherd dogs - Alabais. Therefore, having moved to a private house in Mineralnye Vody, he immediately decided to try himself as a breeder of this breed.

The puppy, which went down in history as the largest Alabai, was born in December 2003. From the first glance at this kitten's massive chest, it was clear that the dog would grow up to be outstanding. By the way, he was called a Bulldozer for his resemblance to snow removal equipment - this is how the intensively and persistently puffing kid helped Alexander clear the paths of snow.

Legendary dog ​​bulldozer

By the age of five, Bulldozer, who daily ate five kilograms of clean meat and ten liters of porridge, reached a weight of 125 kilograms, and standing on his hind legs, he could easily put his front legs on the shoulder of even the tallest man. He was already a recognized star of dog fighting, the grand champion of Russia. Every day the owner had to walk him for six hours to keep Bulldozer in shape.

Unfortunately, Bulldozer died in February 2012. The cause was cited in the press as poisoning.

The largest dog in the world

Although Great Danes are not in first place in our ranking, the largest dog in the world still belonged to this noble breed.

For a long time, the blue Great Dane named George was considered the largest dog in the world. By the age of four, he reached 110 centimeters at the withers (213 on the hind legs) and weighed more than 111 kilograms.

Its owners, Dave and Christy Nasser, purchased the puppy in 2006 and could not even imagine that this baby (by Great Dane standards, of course) would grow into a real giant. By his first birthday, the dog had outgrown his master's bed and was moved to his own double mattress. The Nasser family spent approximately $250 on his monthly food - every month George ate approximately 50 kilograms of food.

Blue Great Dane George

In 2010, Giant George was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in history, after which he was even invited to the Oprah Winfrey Show and presented with a certificate that officially confirmed the title of the largest dog in the world.

Unfortunately, due to the great weight, the Great Dane began to have health problems. Veterinarians strongly recommended that the owners put the dog on a special diet. But this did not help - in 2013, George passed away just a week before his eighth birthday. Shortly after George's death, a new record holder was announced: the Great Dane Zeus, who beat George by only one centimeter.

No matter how big dogs are, they are still far from the size and abilities of some birds. City dwellers are accustomed to seeing only a small part of the rich ornithological world, but on other continents you can find birds whose weight reaches 100 kilograms. How large can representatives of the animal world be among birds, read in our material.
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