Bilateral ovarian enlargement. Why do women have one ovary larger than the other? Diagnosis of epididymal enlargement

Sometimes it happens that during a gynecological examination, the doctor diagnoses the patient with an enlarged right or left ovary. Such a condition should prompt the patient to think about the state of her health, especially if pregnancy is planned in the near future. First of all, it is necessary to establish what led to the development of this symptom, that is, to establish the causes. Enlarged ovaries can be caused by various factors.

If a solution to this problem is not found in a timely manner, the disease will become chronic, and then constant maintenance therapy will be required. Every gynecologist says that women need to be examined at least once a year, because many diseases occur without characteristic symptoms and signs, which is their main danger.

If such a disappointing diagnosis was made as an enlarged right ovary, the doctor will be able to name the causes of the condition. To do this, he will have to carefully examine the patient, in particular, using ultrasound diagnostics, during which the pelvic organs are examined. We can definitely say that such a pathology develops against the background of any disturbances in the functioning of the body or the progression of concomitant diseases.

The most common provoking factors for an enlarged left or right ovary are:

  1. Long-term use of hormonal medications, without observing intermediate intervals in the course of treatment;
  2. The period of breastfeeding, during which prolactin levels increase;
  3. Constant exposure to stressful situations, psycho-emotional instability, depressive states;
  4. Rapid weight loss;
  5. Adolescence period;
  6. Various degrees of obesity;
  7. Improper functioning of endocrine function.

Each of the above factors, to a greater or lesser extent, affects both the general state of health and the functioning of the reproductive organs, and if their combination is noted, then the woman should approach the treatment process responsibly.


Enlarged ovaries also occur with the progression of various diseases in the body. First of all, you should pay attention to various inflammatory processes. For example, an enlargement of the right ovary can be observed with an infectious lesion of appendicitis, since these organs are located in close proximity to each other.

However, it is possible that the infection can penetrate into the pelvic organs and not manifest itself at all for a long time. As a result of this, sooner or later the inflammatory process will begin, and the ovary will be enlarged, and the primary pathology itself will become chronic. It is important to understand that a change in the size of an organ occurs not due to the fact that it is growing, but due to the presence of adhesions and accumulation of infiltrate. If you do not consult a doctor for a long time, soon both the ovary and the uterus will be palpated as a single whole.

If the left ovary is enlarged, the reasons for this may lie in the formation of a cystic neoplasm. However, it is worth understanding that a change in the size of the organ occurs provided that there are a lot of these cysts, and they have a diameter of more than three centimeters. Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor will be able to note whether the ovary is normal or enlarged.

Quite often, women hear such a diagnosis as cervical erosion; it provokes an enlargement of the left or right ovary, depending on the side of the localization. The pathology is characterized by damage to a small part of the uterine mucosa. As a result of the infection, an inflammatory process begins to develop, requiring urgent treatment.

In the event of the development of oncological pathologies in the pelvic organs, an enlargement of the ovaries will also be noted. It is possible to diagnose a tumor by palpation only if it has reached an impressive size in the later stages. Some formations can metastasize to other organs.

When a woman has an enlarged ovary, the reasons may not always be dangerous. This condition occurs during monthly ovulation, but it does not last for a long period of time. If the organ does not acquire normal size for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

During pregnancy

Some young mothers are interested in whether the ovary enlarges during pregnancy. This question should be asked to a gynecologist, who can give a clear answer, referring to physiology. In simple terms, after fertilization has occurred, the primordial germ cells transform into primordial follicles.

It is these follicles, which have already developed before the sixth week, that begin to grow actively, allowing them to become germinal follicles. The latter, in turn, will continue to reproduce throughout the entire pregnancy period. This leads to the fact that during pregnancy the ovaries slightly increase in size, which is considered normal.


Enlargement of the left ovary in women or the right requires a thorough examination of the whole body. To do this, you should undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs at the beginning and middle of the cycle. Changes in organ size will be monitored with 12 follicles of different diameters.

You will also need to take tests to determine the levels of testosterone, insulin, cortisol, thyroxine, thyrotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Differential diagnosis involves excluding conditions in which there is an increase in testosterone, cortisol and prolactin, as well as insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland.


All patients, without exception, are interested in what to do if the ovaries are enlarged. It is important to understand that such a condition must be treated responsibly and as early as possible, otherwise there is a risk of developing serious complications.

Initially, the doctor develops a therapeutic complex aimed at stabilizing hormonal levels and restoring the menstrual cycle. The next task is to restore or improve a woman’s reproductive abilities and restore the metabolic process in the body.

Ovarian enlargement in women is a fairly common problem. That is why in medicine there is a clear algorithm of actions that will help get rid of it. Initially, the gynecologist will advise you to follow a special diet. In particular, girls with overweight and underweight need to pay close attention to this requirement.

If you are obese, then you need to gradually lose those extra pounds. With rapid weight loss, the body will suffer and its condition will only worsen. The diet should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, and the food itself will be healthier if it is steamed or boiled.

To restore hormonal levels, special medications from this group are prescribed, in accordance with the needs of each patient individually. Radical treatment methods, such as surgery, are carried out only in extreme cases when conservative therapy is not effective. Often, if necessary, the operation is performed laparoscopically.

If the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner, as well as if treatment is neglected, such serious consequences as cancer of the mammary glands or other organs may develop, heavy bleeding that is not menstrual may often occur, and infertility is possible.

Ultrasound of the ovary (video)


During a gynecological examination, the doctor often determines that the ovary is enlarged. This sign indicates various phenomena, including physiological ones. The symptom is the basis for examination and exclusion of diseases.

Enlarged ovary - what does it mean?

Gynecologists emphasize that organ enlargement is not a rare pathology. In some cases, the increase is physiological in nature and does not indicate a disease.

An enlarged ovary can be determined during an ultrasound examination and gynecological examination. Sometimes the organ is enlarged 2 or more times, which requires searching for the cause.

Enlargement of the appendages can occur at any age. Often the organ increases in size in women of the reproductive cycle, which is associated with hormonal function. However, pathology can also be detected in menopausal women and girls.

Physiological reasons

If the ovaries are enlarged, treatment is not always required. Sometimes the organ becomes enlarged due to physiological reasons, which can be either temporary or permanent. It is important to differentiate physiological enlargement from pathological enlargement.


The release of a mature egg from the ovary occurs in the middle of the cycle in women in their reproductive period. A follicle matures inside the ovary, which becomes dominant over time. The maturation and development of the egg inside the follicle leads to a temporary enlargement of the ovary.

Hormonal drugs

In gynecological practice, specialists often have to prescribe hormonal drugs to treat various endocrine disorders. The effect of these hormonal drugs on the body and the female reproductive system can lead to ovarian enlargement, which is sometimes bilateral.


An enlarged ovary can be detected in teenage girls. As a rule, this phenomenon is noted during the formation of menstrual function. To exclude pathology, it is necessary to perform ultrasound diagnostics and take a blood test for the content of sex hormones. In some cases, conservative therapy may be required.

Reproductive period

Typically, enlargement of the appendages is detected in representatives of the reproductive cycle. This is also due to the fact that women of childbearing age undergo regular preventive examinations to identify various pathologies.

Normally, a change in the size of the ovary is observed in the middle of the cycle and is associated with ovulation. Experts note that the right ovary is usually larger in volume than the left, which is confirmed during ultrasound diagnostics.

Depression, stress

The general level of psycho-emotional state affects not only a woman’s well-being. With chronic stress, hormonal function is distorted, which can lead to an enlargement of the paired organ and disruption of its functioning.


Menopausal changes are a natural stage, which are manifested by a decrease in hormonal activity of the ovaries. As a rule, this process begins at 45 years of age. Early or late onset of menopause may indicate the presence of pathologies, for example, of an endocrine nature.

Menopause is a long period that lasts for many years. The peculiarities of the duration of the menopausal period allow the body to adapt to a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which reduces the risk of developing various unpleasant symptoms.

In the first months, a temporary enlargement of the appendage is possible due to hormonal dysfunction, which should be differentiated from inflammatory processes and benign formations.

The reasons for significant enlargement of both ovaries in postmenopause are usually associated with hormonal disorders.

Diseases and pathologies

The reasons for ovarian enlargement are not only physiological. In most cases, ovarian enlargement is associated with pathologies. Changes in the size of the appendages are caused by the development of neoplasms and inflammation.


An increase in the size of the ovary can be caused by a tumor and tumor-like formations of a benign and malignant nature. When a tumor develops, excessive proliferation of tissue cells occurs. Tumor-like neoplasms are represented by cysts.

Tumors in women can occur at any age. If adequate treatment is not given, malignant transformation is possible.

Cysts differ from true tumors by retention or accumulation of fluid. Cystic formations include the following types:

  • Follicular cysts. They often occur in women of reproductive age and are associated with the lack of ovulation when the follicle is mature. Such formations with liquid content are not prone to degeneration and usually regress on their own without treatment.
  • Luteal cysts. Formed in the absence of regression of the corpus luteum before menstruation. These are functional neoplasms that usually resolve within a few cycles. When they are detected, differential diagnosis with ectopic pregnancy is necessary.
  • Serous cysts. This species is dangerous due to the possibility of malignancy. The formation can reach large sizes and be complicated by torsion of the pedicle.

There are several types of tumors that lead to an enlarged ovary. Epithelial neoplasms account for more than 70% of the total number of tumors and usually have a unilateral localization. When the compaction reaches a significant size, compression of internal organs, frequent urination, and constipation are possible.

Separately, borderline tumors are distinguished, for example, mucinous, serous, mixed and endometrioid. They are characterized by a low risk of malignant transformation.

Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid growth and metastasis to lymph nodes and neighboring tissues. Their development leads to a gradual enlargement of the ovary.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

Oophoritis implies the appearance of pathological changes in the ovarian tissues, which are inflammatory in nature. However, inflammation of the ovaries is usually combined with damage to other organs of the reproductive system.

There are acute, subacute and chronic oophoritis. The infection is represented by both specific and nonspecific microflora. Lack of treatment can lead to inflammation in the tubes and infertility. An enlarged organ causes the development of symptoms such as pain, fever, and nausea. Therapy involves taking antibacterial drugs.

Ovarian ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy can progress both in the uterine body and outside it. A whole range of pathological reasons leads to the development of ectopic pregnancy. With inflammatory processes and impaired contractile function of the tubes, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases significantly.

Typically, the development of the fertilized egg during an ectopic pregnancy is observed in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube. In rare cases, implantation of a fertilized egg into ovarian tissue is possible. That is why it becomes enlarged. With an ectopic pregnancy, the left ovary may be enlarged.

The development of a normal pregnancy outside the uterine body is impossible. This pathology is a serious threat to the life and health of a woman.

Inflamed appendix

The organs in the pelvis are in close proximity. Inflammation of the appendix can lead to enlargement of the right ovary and lymph nodes.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion can be a consequence of the inflammatory process and sexually transmitted infections. When inflammation is generalized, infection may develop along an ascending path, which leads to an enlargement of the right or left appendage.

Attention! Cervical erosion affects the cervical part of the epithelium. The pathological condition manifests itself as a result of exposure to infectious agents, chemicals or tissue trauma.

Endocrine diseases

An imbalance of sex hormones leads to dysfunction of the genital organs. Enlargement of the appendages often occurs as a result of excess production of androgens and estrogens with a chronic lack of progesterone.

Large ovaries in women can be a symptom of various diseases. An enlarged ovary is often observed in PCOS. This syndrome includes several main varieties and can be either congenital or acquired. PCOS is caused by a complex of endocrine disorders. Over time, the capsule thickens, causing it to enlarge.

Why is ovarian enlargement dangerous for a woman?

Gynecologists note that sometimes the ovary is doubled in size. Changes in the size of a paired organ often indicate a pathological process and the need for adequate treatment.

Tumors of the appendages are dangerous due to torsion of the legs and the development of a malignant formation. If the blood supply to a tumor of an enlarged organ is disrupted, signs of an acute abdomen occur, including severe sharp pain, dizziness, and a drop in pressure. Any tumor requires differential diagnosis to prescribe adequate treatment tactics.

Enlarged ovaries in women can be a consequence of inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system. This complication is dangerous due to the development of infertility.

If one ovary is larger than the other, you should also exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy if there is a delay in menstruation. Delayed diagnosis can result in organ rupture.

What to do if one ovary is larger than the other

When the right ovary is slightly enlarged, this phenomenon is a variant of the norm in the absence of accompanying pathological signs. It is known that anatomically the right ovary is larger than the left.

Changes in the size of the organ can be determined during a gynecological examination and ultrasound diagnostics. If the ovaries are enlarged on ultrasound, the reasons may be different. Treatment is carried out after examination.

The reasons for bilateral ovarian enlargement during pregnancy may be inflammation. If there is an inflammatory process, antibacterial treatment is prescribed, which can be carried out in a hospital setting. Cysts of a functional nature require observation. Ovarian tumors are dangerous due to malignancy, which necessitates surgical intervention.

If the appendages are enlarged, the cause may be physiological.


If the ovary is enlarged during a gynecological examination, it is necessary to perform ultrasound diagnostics and exclude an inflammatory process, benign and malignant tumors. Treatment tactics depend on the examination results.

Based on the results of an ultrasound examination in gynecology, women sometimes find out that the ovaries are enlarged. The pathology is quite common; often a violation of the size of the gonads is combined with pain, bleeding, and an irregular cycle.

What is the reason for the negative process? What consequences threaten the reproductive system in the absence of competent therapy? Is it possible to eliminate ovarian enlargement using traditional methods? The answers are in the article.

Causes of the pathological process

Violation of the size of the ovaries, the development of an abnormal number is a consequence of diseases and various disorders. In some cases, it is enough to change the diet, reduce stress levels, and take a course of herbal remedies so that the condition of the important sex glands returns to normal. Long-term and complex treatment is often required when chronic pathologies are identified and.

Specific conditions:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • depression, irritability, frequent stress;
  • lactation period with increased production;
  • adolescence;
  • hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy or puberty.


  • benign tumors and cystic formations. Hormonal imbalance is one of the main reasons for the formation of tumors. Menstrual irregularities and the formation of cysts (cavities with fluid) are closely related. Several types of neoplasms form in the ovaries: dermoid and endometrioid cysts. An untreated process provokes the development of peritonitis when the cavity ruptures, and infertility. Functional cysts appear at a certain period of the cycle and resolve without treatment;
  • inflammation, infection of the ovaries. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate hematogenously (from foci in other parts of the body) or from the outside, through the urethra, vagina. Often the inflammatory process in the pelvis spreads to the gonads. Also, pathogenic bacteria can enter the ovary during medical procedures or during an abortion. A chronic inflammatory process can lead to tissue scarring, irregular menstrual cycles, problems with hormone secretion, and infertility;
  • oncopathology. Ovarian cancer often develops due to hormonal imbalance, decreased immunity, smoking, and genetic predisposition. Timely diagnosis, a blood test for and HE4 allows you to diagnose the presence of atypical cells two to three years before the onset of symptoms of cancer;
  • ectopic pregnancy. A dangerous condition develops when a sperm penetrates the body of the ovary and the embryo develops outside the uterine cavity. Causes: tumor process, cystic formations, endometrial hyperplasia, abnormalities in the structure of the ovary. It is important to visit a gynecologist in time to avoid rupture of the ovary as the embryo grows. The main symptoms of ovarian ectopic pregnancy: pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge appears from the vagina outside of menstruation, delay of the next menstruation. At an early stage, it is possible to remove the fertilized egg without significant damage to the gonad and preserve the functionality of the organ.


If you experience discomfort, pain of varying intensity or swelling of the abdomen, you should contact a gynecologist. The doctor talks with the patient, conducts an examination on a gynecological chair, and prescribes an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. Ultrasound examination is carried out in the follicular and luteal ovaries.

During the diagnostic process, the gynecologist must exclude the development of pathologies due to hormonal imbalance:

  • androgenital syndrome;

If a deficiency or excess of hormones is confirmed, an endocrinologist is involved in treatment. In difficult cases, when identifying, the help of a neurosurgeon is required.

Important points:

  • be sure to take a blood test to determine the leukocyte formula, do a bacterial culture of biomaterial from the vagina, and study the condition of the cervical cells during a cytological examination;
  • if cancer is suspected, a tissue biopsy of an enlarged ovary is required;
  • Hormone tests are a mandatory element of diagnosis. The doctor should find out the level of thyroid hormones, and;
  • if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, the patient takes a test. The analysis accurately shows the onset of conception from the first day of delayed menstruation: as the embryo develops, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin increases significantly.

Effective treatments

Main goals of therapy:

  • stabilize hormonal levels;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • eliminate pathogens of infectious pathologies;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • relieve a woman from pain and other unpleasant manifestations;
  • restore reproductive health.
  • Gradually reduce weight if you have extra pounds. Drastic weight loss is not beneficial. Morbid obesity requires surgical treatment;
  • review your diet, give up smoked meats, mayonnaise, strong coffee, fried foods, animal fats, and alcohol. It is necessary to sharply limit “fast” carbohydrates in the menu: baked goods, white bread, milk and white chocolate, jam, sweets;
  • identify and eliminate the causes of stressful situations: without normalizing psycho-emotional balance, it is impossible to stabilize hormonal levels and metabolic processes;
  • reduce the risk of hypothermia, take care of the lower limbs, abdominal area and lower back, buy high-quality shoes so that your feet always remain dry during rain and slush;
  • eliminate the prerequisites for the development of blood stagnation in the pelvis. “Sedentary” work and lack of movement negatively affect blood circulation in the gonads.

Warning! In some cases (with ectopic pregnancy), the use of tampons and herbal decoctions not only does not give any effect, but also poses a health risk. In the absence of timely diagnosis, the development of the fetus outside the uterus may cause rupture of the ovary and appendages, which can lead to severe bleeding, penetration of infectious agents into the abdominal cavity, sepsis and the most severe consequences.

The treatment regimen depends on the type of pathology:

  • In case of hormonal imbalance, you need to reconsider your diet, increase physical activity, and normalize weight. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient receives hormonal compounds to normalize the level and ratio of estrogens, testosterone, LH, progesterone, FSH, thyroxine and triiodothyronine;
  • If a tumor process is detected, undergo a course of specific therapy to normalize hormonal balance. If indicated, surgery is prescribed to remove the tumor;
  • in case of infectious and inflammatory processes, antibiotics, NSAIDs, and physiotherapy are needed (to consolidate the results of treatment);
  • If ovarian cancer is confirmed, the woman undergoes specific therapy. It is important to remove the affected organ to prevent the process of metastasis. To reduce the risk of relapse, the patient receives cytostatics and radiation therapy. At an early stage, with a small tumor size, young women of childbearing age undergo organ-sparing surgery. In advanced cases, it is often necessary to remove not only the ovaries, but also the uterus and tubes in order to stop the progression of the pathological process and the spread of metastases.

Find out about the rules of treatment, as well as how to avoid complications.

There is a page written about how to lower testosterone levels in women without hormones using natural methods.

Folk remedies and recipes

If the size of the ovaries is abnormal, you need to undergo therapy under the guidance of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Not all women follow this rule; the consequences of carelessness are often dangerous to health and reproductive function. Treatment cannot be started until the exact cause of ovarian enlargement is determined. In some cases, delay in examination and treatment can be life-threatening (ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cancer, fast-growing large cyst).

Self-medication using home remedies is ineffective: refusing medications can lead to serious consequences, increased inflammation, and serious hormonal disorders. Herbal infusions are suitable as supplements to drug therapy. In case of inflammatory processes, it is allowed to use a decoction of calendula, string, chamomile, sage for douching and treating inflamed tissues of the external genital organs. Tea with anti-inflammatory, sedative effects is a useful addition to taking antibiotics, NSAIDs and hormonal compounds.

Possible complications

Enlarged ovaries are a signal of dysfunction of the gonads, inflammation, and other negative processes. Without treatment, pathologies progress and dangerous complications develop.

It is important to treat the ovaries in time to avoid:

  • infertility;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • and uterus.

The functioning of the ovaries affects hormonal levels, fertility levels, and the regularity of menstruation. It is important to know what factors provoke inflammatory, infectious processes, disruption of the production of other hormones.

Basic measures to prevent ovarian pathologies:

  • physical activity;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • psycho-emotional balance;
  • weight control, warning;
  • a complete diet, avoidance of foods that negatively affect metabolic processes, blood vessels, and glucose levels;
  • obtaining with food and herbal infusions;
  • physical education and non-traumatic sports;
  • refusal to lift heavy objects;
  • protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • attention to the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the nature of monthly bleeding;
  • preventing the transition of the acute stage of pathologies to the chronic stage;
  • visiting a gynecologist and 2 times a year;
  • timely and high-quality treatment of endometriosis, polyps and uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes, menstrual irregularities;
  • unscheduled visits to the doctor if discomfort occurs in the abdomen and gonads.

Enlarged ovaries in combination with other symptoms of damage to the gonads is a reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist. With timely initiation of therapy, complications can be avoided. You cannot self-medicate: in some cases, improper therapy can lead to organ rupture, spread of infection, and active bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

Find out more about the causes, diagnostic methods and treatment methods for enlarged ovaries in women after watching the following video:

Ovarian enlargement is a common occurrence. This pathology is detected using ultrasound in a medical institution or by palpation if the organ is enlarged by 2 times or more. The ovary can enlarge not only in a young or mature woman, but also in adolescents 13-16 years old. Therefore, the topic under consideration is relevant for women and girls.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the ovary is enlarged, the causes of the pathology and we will determine the main signs of the disease.

A gynecologist deals with ovarian diseases. After talking with the patient, collecting anamnesis, and an initial examination, he will prescribe additional studies. Taking tests and ultrasound diagnostics can take a lot of time, so you should seek help as early as possible.

  • pain in the abdomen, lower back;
  • blood appears on days when there should not be menstruation;
  • strong ones arise;
  • purulent discharge is present;
  • painful urination occurs;
  • there is discomfort in the genitourinary system.

Even if the pain is minor and decreases over time, in any case you need to contact a medical facility. The fact is that inflammatory processes and infection (if any) develop very quickly and there is a risk of serious complications.

Enlarged ovaries, as mentioned above, can also occur in girls, for example, at the age of 13. A pediatric gynecologist examines and prescribes treatment for a teenager.

Causes of ovarian enlargement

The ovary itself does not enlarge; only some pathology or sudden change in the body provokes a change in the size of the organ. There may be several reasons, and many diagnoses. Therefore, the doctor prescribes a full examination of the reproductive organs. It is worth considering the main list of reasons why the ovaries are enlarged.

Hormonal drugs

When using hormonal contraceptives and medications, a malfunction of the reproductive organs is possible. In such cases, the woman notices a cycle disruption and suffers from pain in the lower abdomen.

Hormonal imbalance can only be confirmed by a gynecologist based on test results and ultrasound. An ultrasound examination often reveals that one or two ovaries are enlarged.

The doctor must prescribe treatment to restore hormonal levels, then the organ can independently shrink to normal size.

Lactation period

After natural childbirth, the level of prolactin in a woman’s body increases, which causes the ovaries to enlarge. The phenomenon is normal and goes away over time. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist and be examined by an ultrasound specialist to make sure there are no various pathologies.

Depression, stress

Nervous conditions, serious troubles, stress and chronic depression can lead to changes in the size of the reproductive organ. But this process must be preceded by a developing pathology on a “nervous basis.”

Before treating the underlying disease, which arose due to nervous tension and resulted in enlarged ovaries, you need to calm down and stop being nervous.

Sudden weight change

Often, a sharp decrease in weight can cause an enlargement of one or two ovaries due to:

  • diets;
  • therapeutic fasting;
  • serious illnesses;
  • stress.

A woman’s body reacts negatively to sudden changes in any system. The thyroid gland also suffers, leading to an imbalance in the hormonal system, which contributes to a change in the size of the reproductive organs.

Obesity and large body weight can also provoke disorders in the pelvic area. You need to look for the cause of the sudden weight gain.

Endocrine diseases

Chronic, acute diseases of the thyroid gland often lead to enlargement of the ovaries. The endocrine system is closely connected with the female genital organs and affects hormonal levels.

Adolescents during puberty often experience disruption of the endocrine system. You should contact a specialist so as not to miss a possible pathology, since an enlarged ovary does not always mean a normal phenomenon that goes away on its own over time.


Neoplasms mean tumors: benign and malignant. In this case, if the ovary is enlarged, then there is a direct relationship with the pathology. An ultrasound may show an enlarged ovary when in fact there are one or more tumors located around it.

Benign tumors, which are called, visually enlarge the reproductive organ. The cyst can be one or several and of different sizes. Large neoplasms are dangerous because there is a risk of infection of nearby organs and tissues.

Malignant tumors (oncology) are life-threatening for women. You cannot ignore your doctor’s recommendations, much less delay treatment. On ultrasound, it is impossible to determine either the causative agent of the disease or the focus from enlarged ovaries. In addition, metastasis can change the size of the ovary.


Usually at the age of 12-13 years, girls get their first period. During such periods, enlargement of the ovaries is possible. In this case, the phenomenon is normal and does not require any serious treatment. It should be taken into account that menstruation may be unstable.

But do not neglect it if the child complains of frequent severe pain in the abdomen, lower back, and hips. At any age, serious diseases, including neoplasms, are possible.

Pathogenic flora

Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the vagina and create problems in the reproductive organs. Pathogenic flora are considered:

  • fungi of various kinds;
  • viruses;
  • microbes

They easily lead to ovarian enlargement. That is why the doctor prescribes additional tests: a vaginal smear, a blood test and other types as necessary.

It should be noted that when infected with harmful microorganisms, adhesions and infiltrates appear in the pelvic area. They are the ones who can enlarge the ovaries.

Children are also at risk. Therefore, in case of any ailments, the girl should be taken to a doctor for examination.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a common cause of ovarian enlargement.

Cervical erosion

Erosive processes in the cervix are a direct path to the colonization of pathogenic flora and infection. There is a high probability that the ovary will be enlarged.

Inflamed appendix

In rare cases, it increases due to an inflamed appendix. These two organs are located very close to each other.


One of the reasons that is not pathological is ovulation. This is a normal phenomenon before the onset of menstruation and during the period of conception, after which the organ begins to shrink.

It may coincide that the examination is carried out at the time of ovulation, but in fact there is a serious illness. To exclude pathologies, it is recommended to undergo the examination again after 1-2 months.

How to treat

It all depends on what caused the enlargement of the ovaries. When the doctor determines the true cause, he selects the appropriate therapy. Most often, gynecologists restore a woman’s health in the following ways:

  • return of hormonal levels to normal;
  • improvement or restoration of metabolism;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • restoration of reproductive function.

For treatment to be effective, the patient will be advised to lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, you should stick to a diet: low-calorie and healthy foods will help improve metabolism and reduce excess weight. But you need to take into account an important point: you cannot bring the body to stress, the transition to dietary nutrition should be slow. It is recommended to talk with your doctor about choosing a diet.

If necessary, your doctor may prescribe hormonal medications to balance female and male hormones.

If treatment with diets and medications is useless, the primary cause of the disease has been identified and eliminated, and the ovaries are still enlarged, then the doctor may suggest contacting a surgeon. With help, the surgeon will restore the ovarian tissue, after which the organ will return to normal.

The answers given above were why the ovaries enlarge. There may actually be many reasons. A competent gynecologist, after a thorough examination, based on the results of tests and ultrasound, can refer you to other specialists for advice. Until the cause is determined, ovarian shrinkage is unlikely. Exceptions may include stress and lifestyle changes. In case of serious pathologies, the doctor will explain what to do and how to treat. In addition, it is recommended to do a control ultrasound every year or more often (at the insistence of the attending physician).

Ovarian enlargement is not a disease in itself. Rather, it is a signal telling a woman that not everything is in order in the body. As a rule, in the early stages, enlargement of one or both ovaries can only be noticed on ultrasound.

If a woman did not notice the anomaly in time, and the organs become larger and larger, then the gynecologist will soon be able to determine their enlargement during an examination without special equipment.

In order not to miss a convenient time to treat the disease, you should listen carefully to your own body and pay attention to various ailments, if they occur.

In order to promptly notice a tendency toward ovarian enlargement, you should pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • mid-cycle bleeding;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the back area;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • heavy daily discharge.

Also, during the acute course of the disease, there may be a sharp increase in temperature (up to 39 degrees). In this case, you must immediately seek qualified medical help. Treatment of the acute form is carried out exclusively in a medical hospital under the supervision of specialists.


In many ways, the tactics for treating ovarian enlargement depend on the form in which the disease occurs. Given the high possibility of infection, in some cases antibiotics are used; auxiliary measures can be considered the use of immunomodulatory agents and herbal medicine.

For example, in the chronic form, warm baths with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile and yarrow.

Treatment prognosis enlarged ovaries can be very beneficial if a woman seeks help in time. It is believed that the acute form is much easier to cure than the chronic form.

For this reason, it is necessary to notice symptoms such as pain before and after menstruation. The latter may also indicate an inflammatory process that occurs in a woman’s body.


The reasons for ovarian enlargement can be different. Let's consider the main ones:

  • infectious disease of the genitourinary area;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • cancer;
  • hormonal imbalance.

As a rule, according to results of special surveys the doctor can determine which microorganisms are responsible for the fact that the ovaries have significantly changed their size. This applies to cases when we are talking about the infectious nature of the disease.

Often, pathology can appear with such ailments as thrush, gonorrhea, and it is often provoked by staphylococci, enterococci and other pathogens. In this case, it is, of course, necessary to first cure the root cause.

Ovaries may enlarge during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. This change is temporary and is considered normal. There are cases when the appearance of one or (more often) several cysts on the ovaries increases the size of the latter. In this case, you need to determine the type of cyst and choose the optimal treatment option.

Often a woman who is found to have enlarged ovaries, they send me for hormone tests. This is justified, since it is often the insufficient function of the thyroid gland that becomes responsible for the unwanted growth of these pelvic organs.

The most undesirable and worrying diagnosis is the development of a low-quality tumor. In this situation, the success and effectiveness of treatment will largely depend on how quickly, competently and timely diagnosis.

Folk remedies

As described above, often relieve pain and baths of celandine and chamomile often help to reduce the inflammatory process. You can also brew the herbs of these plants as teas and drink a third of a glass three times a day.

During menopause

Menopause is a condition that precedes, as a rule, by several years, a period of serious age-related changes in the female body or, more simply, menopause. At this time, menstruation may become irregular, too heavy, and painful. In such a situation, ovarian enlargement speaks, first of all, about hormonal changes.

In traditional medicine, doctors see their task as, if possible, normalizing the patient’s condition with the help of hormonal therapy.

Proponents of more gentle treatment turn to herbal medicine. Unfortunately, both the first and the second have contraindications and risks. Anyway, consultation with several specialists will help you decide on the choice of treatment.

After menopause

After menopause, ovarian enlargement in most cases is also affected by hormonal status. The diagnosis of “polycystic ovary syndrome” is one of the most common in gynecology when it comes to women 50 years of age and older. Hormone therapy is also recommended. Herbal teas and decoctions can play a supporting role in this case.

Ignoring the problem, according to doctors, is risky, as it increases the likelihood of further development of more severe diseases(in particular, oncological ones).

We can conclude that a huge number of women experience enlarged ovaries. If symptoms are noticed when the disease has already become chronic, it is difficult to cure, but quite possible. As for undesirable consequences, the most dangerous and negative can be considered the occurrence of oncology and infertility.

The latter may be a natural stage in the development of the female body, if we are talking about a patient experiencing menopause, however, even in this case, it is worth being extremely careful about changes in the pelvic organs, since they, in turn, can seriously affect women's health in general.
