College of JSC Russian Railways. Colleges for training to become an electric train driver. Railway specialties for girls


There are many and few railway technical schools in our country at the same time. But what is precisely predetermined by educational standards in them is their profession. What professions and specialties do they have after grades 9 and 11? Let's find out.

However, you need to start with the fact that you need to decide which technical schools and colleges we will talk about. Most of them are concentrated in the capital and large metropolitan areas of the country, and a smaller part is literally scattered throughout Russia.

They have one thing in common - specialties and professions that are related to the railway and which boys and girls can study after 9th or 11th grade.

What specialties are there at the railway technical school?

Since there are enough railway technical schools and colleges throughout the country, they train there not only to become specialists for the railway. There are even some that are applicable to the railway, but it is not at all necessary to study for which at a railway technical school after grades 9 and 11 - for example, lawyer, economist, accountant.

First, let's look at the most railway areas of training.

  • Transport service is a real profession after grades 9 and 11 for applicants entering the railway technical school. Based on the results of the training, the graduate is awarded the qualification of a transport service specialist.
  • Electrical supply - behind this name lies not just a specialty that is available at the railway technical school, but also the profession of an electrician, which is needed not only in Russian Railways, but in all sectors of our life.
  • Technical operation of railway rolling stock is another specialty that is available at a railway college in almost any city. Its essence is that it is purely railway. The great news is that assistant electric train drivers, rolling stock mechanics, and even car conductors are studying this specialty.
  • Organization of transportation and transport management is perhaps one of the most important specialties. Train traffic coordinators – dispatchers, signalmen, forwarders and even station attendants – are trained in it.
  • Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment is a field of study at the railway technical school for those who would like to become a telecom operator, electrician, instrument assembler or radio mechanic.
  • Automation and telemechanics in transport is another area of ​​study for those who are interested in specialties at a railway technical school after grades 11 and 9. Graduates of this direction are assigned the profiles of an electrician, an electrician, a specialist in the repair and maintenance of signaling devices
  • Railway construction, track and track maintenance - this specialty is studied exclusively for work on the railway, and the resulting profile allows you to work as a signalman, flaw detector trolley operator and track fitter.

Railway technical school – professions after grades 9 and 11

In railway technical schools and colleges, as a rule, there are no specialties that are inaccessible to graduates of 9th grade, but available to 11th graders. Almost any academic profile can be mastered by both. The only difference will be in the timing of training. After 11th grade, the period of study at a railway technical school will be reduced by a year, and after 9th grade it will be about 3 years.

The list of professions is varied. Here are the most popular ones.

  • A locomotive driver is a dream, and not a profession available to a graduate of a railway college or technical school. They are accepted to study to become a locomotive driver at the railway technical school after 9 and 11, but only young men can study. After 9th grade, you will need to study for 3 years and 10 months, after 11th grade - 2 years and 10 months.
  • An electrician is a specialty available to both girls and boys that will be in demand not only in Russian Railways. On the railway, graduates will be able to work as an electrician of signaling, centralization and interlocking devices. Duration of training is from 3 to 4 years.
  • An assistant electric train driver is a very promising specialty at a railway technical school, available to young men after 9th and 11th grade.
  • Dispatcher is the most difficult profession available to those entering railway colleges and technical schools; it will allow you to literally manage trains and drivers, coordinating the work of everyone. The dispatcher is always behind the scenes of passengers, but is always in touch with those who carry these passengers.
  • The station duty officer is both a leader and a guide and even a compiler all rolled into one. He controls every train that passes his station. This is an honorable profession, which in the railway technical school after grades 9 and 11 is available to both boys and girls, so whether to enroll or not is up to you, there are no gender restrictions. The duration of training is the same - from 3 to 4 years.
  • The train planner is someone who can share responsibility with the station attendant. The profession is available to both boys and girls. It can be mastered after 9th or 11th grade, and this specialty can also be studied in courses.
  • Track fitter is another profession that can be mastered in courses at a railway technical school after grades 9 and 11. When you don't have time to study for a long time, this is a good option.

What other specialties are there at the railway technical school?

In addition to the main railway lines, Russian Railways also needs other specialists - and these are not only builders or mechanics, but also legal specialists, economists, cooks, and service specialists. Therefore, if after 9th or 11th grade you choose a railway technical school, then it may be suitable both for obtaining a railway specialty and for many other areas. The choice is yours.

Going to college to become an electric train driver is the most important step in the profession. What colleges for training to become electric train drivers are there in Moscow? Let's find out.

After all, perhaps this is the most important question to ask yourself if you decide to become a machinist.

But first, you need to check whether you have the necessary data for this. First, your gender must be male, period. Only men can go to college to become electric train drivers in Russia.

Secondly, your health cannot be satisfactory and even with good health there is nothing to do in this profession. A young man can go to school if his health is nothing less than excellent.

The college accepts physically strong kids to become electric train drivers. They should not have chronic diseases, their hearing and vision should be ideal. Before entering school, literally everything is checked. A certificate from a psychiatrist will be required, more than 20 doctors will need to be examined and each must issue a positive conclusion. If any physiological or psychological problems are identified, it will not be possible to go to college to study to become an electric train driver in Moscow. Trying to enroll in studies in other cities of our country will also be useless.

Thirdly, although no one here will refuse to study the humanities, the strong side of the candidate’s personality should be mathematical and physical sciences. In work, the future driver will need to know the composition literally from the inside. Every mechanism, every element of the train must be studied by him inside and out. This is not a job for romantics, but for focused people who value details rather than rail travel.

This is perhaps the most important thing you need to know before applying and preparing to study at college to become an electric train driver.

If you have discovered all the necessary qualities in yourself and are confident in your capabilities, then you can apply.

Colleges for training to become an electric train driver in Moscow

We can say for sure that applicants living in the capital were much luckier. Nowhere is there such a number of educational institutions as in Moscow. This also applies to those who choose to study as an electric train driver at a college in Moscow. In the country's largest metropolis there are several educational institutions that provide knowledge for future work in this profession. And these are not only colleges, but also technical schools.

You can enroll in most of them not only after 11th grade, but also after 9th grade. Therefore, even those who are just finishing the first level of high school can take a closer look at them and try to enroll.

Colleges after 9th grade for training to become an electric train driver

If we talk about Moscow, then one of the best colleges for training professional electric train drivers in Moscow is the Moscow Technical College of Railway Transport. This is not only a strong educational institution, but also a promising college created on the platform of the Moscow University of Transport.

After completing training to become an electric train driver at the Moscow Railways College, the graduate can enter the university of the same name and receive higher professional education.

After 9th grade, you can enroll in another fairly successful college for electric train drivers - “Railway College No. 52”. The educational institution is a source of personnel for the railway and is not inferior to the Moscow Railways in terms of the quality of training.

Colleges are not the only option for obtaining a profession. You can also enroll in a technical school. The Moscow region offers at least several educational institutions where future machinists are trained. The Orekhovo-Zuevsky Railway College named after V.I. is well known. Bondarenko, where after 9th grade you can go to study to become a locomotive driver. The duration of training will be 4 years.

Applicants are also welcome at the Naro-Fominsk Technical School. You can also enroll after 9th grade.

Training to become an electric train driver at any Russian Railways college after 9th grade lasts from 3 to 4 years. At the same time, you need to understand that you will have to study in person and often not to become a driver at all. A graduate of any educational institution will not be able to become a machinist immediately. To begin with, he faces the path of formation and practice and work as an assistant driver.

This is a mandatory stage for everyone who plans to manage a squad and everyone will go through it after graduation.

Summarize. Training to become an electric train driver at the Russian Railways College in Moscow after 9th grade is possible. But only boys are accepted to study. Before admission, you will need to pass a commission, pass entrance exams, and then you will need to study a lot and diligently.

Based on the results of the training, you will be required to serve in the army, and will also need to work for several years as an assistant driver. Only then will they be able to trust you to drive the train and you will finally be able to work not as an assistant, but as a real driver.

Moscow Regional Medical College No. 1 is a modern educational institution that meets all the requirements of the 21st century. The college staff keeps up with the times, but also does not forget about traditions: they are engaged in charity and volunteer work, preventive work with children. Time changed, the name changed: paramedic school, paramedic-midwife school, technical school, school, college, but it remained and was passed on like a relay race, the main thing being the training of highly qualified specialists. The teaching staff always coped with this difficult and noble task with honor and dignity.

105062, Moscow, Chaplygina street, 20 building 1

Moscow Theater College at the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow “The Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov is a unique educational institution. This is a boarding school where children from all over the country will live and study acting. The six-story college building was built according to a special project. The main areas are given over to classrooms for classes in general education subjects and auditoriums where students will practice choreography, vocals and actual acting. Like any theater, the college has a stage and a small auditorium, as well as dressing and costume rooms.

One of the important areas of work of the Moscow State Academy of Arts in memory of 1905 is associated with its role as a coordinating and methodological center for all schools in the country. On the basis of the school, Councils of Directors of art schools of the Russian Federation, advanced training courses for managers and for teachers of special disciplines are constantly held, work programs and proprietary methods are developed. In addition, student exhibitions and events are constantly held at the school, which are an integral part of the educational process.

Pedagogical College "Maroseyka" is a structural unit of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University, implementing a wide range of educational programs for training specialists in secondary vocational education. The mission of the educational institution is to ensure that a highly qualified, competitive specialist in the field of preschool, music and additional education enters the educational services market; a bearer of humane ideas in the process of development, education and upbringing of a child; capable of acting as a teacher, consultant, defender of the rights and freedoms of the child, parents and family; possessing effective personality-oriented technologies of education and upbringing.

Currently, the College employs 140 teachers, among them 54 people have been awarded the high title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, “Honored Worker of Culture and Arts of Russia”, Honored Teacher of Russia, 24 people have the academic degree “Professor”. Teachers use non-standard pedagogical developments to develop the individuality of each student, thanks to which young musicians have their own personality. Nurturing students' morality and high culture is a priority direction of the College's work, this is facilitated by the introduction into the curriculum of disciplines based on the moral, psychological, pedagogical and cultural aspects of the general educational training of future musicians.
