Why are my eyes red in the morning? Redness of the eyes after sleep. In what cases should you seek medical help?

Redness of the eyes is a problem familiar to every person. It appears as a result of expansion of the superficial vascular network in the eyes. The causes of this phenomenon can be both harmless (fatigue, irritation from cosmetics) and serious diseases requiring urgent medical intervention.

Causes of red eyes in the morning

Red eyes after sleep can be due to the following reasons:

  1. One-time random environmental factors, for example: bright daylight, strong wind, dry indoor air, tobacco smoke, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. As a rule, the problem of red eyes goes away in this case on its own without unnecessary intervention. On sunny days, it is recommended to use sunglasses. An air humidifier must be installed in the room.
  2. The entry of dust particles into the mucous membrane may also explain why the eyes are red in the morning. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to rinse them with plenty of cool running water when washing your face in the morning.
  3. A foreign body that must be removed immediately, regardless of its size.
  4. Unsuitable, old or poorly cleaned contact lenses: You should consult an ophthalmologist and temporarily replace the lenses with glasses.
  5. After sleep, red whites of the eyes are due to allergies: help lies in finding the allergen and eliminating it, as well as treating the underlying disease.
  6. Injury in the form of a scratch or blow. The redness will go away on its own after the wound heals.
  7. Alcohol consumed the day before can also explain why your eyes are red after sleep.
  8. Increased load on the visual organs due to reading, TV or computer. All this can cause fatigue and eye strain. To prevent this, it is necessary to control the time spent reading a book or in front of a monitor or screen. A special eye exercise can also help.
  9. Insufficient sleep. This is perhaps the most popular reason explaining why the whites of the eyes are red in the morning. To fix it, just get enough sleep and the problem will go away on its own.
  10. Diseases in which fever appears, body temperature rises: for example, influenza or ARVI, runny nose. With recovery, the problem will go away on its own.
  11. Prolonged crying. It's no secret that tears cause red eyes. To make it go away faster, you need to go out into the fresh air and take a walk.
  12. Diseases of the visual organs, such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelash follicles caused by a bacterial infection), conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, glaucoma, uevitis (inflammation of the choroid of the visual organs), asthenopia (rapid eye fatigue). In all these cases, the person must receive adequate and timely treatment.
  13. Psycho-emotional tension, stress. You need to consult with an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist who will not only help relieve nervous tension and look at the world more calmly, but will also prescribe the necessary medications if necessary.
  14. Hypertension. An abnormal increase in blood pressure also causes red eye in the morning. After it normalizes, the symptoms of redness disappear on their own.

So, the classic causes of red eyes in the morning have been listed. This list cannot be called complete, since everything is individual. There may be additional factors that are not typical for this problem, but still provoke redness of the eyes.

Why is this dangerous?

There are many diseases that affect the appearance of the eyes. These are vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, spinal diseases, hypertension and much more. Therefore, it is important not just to get rid of red eyes, but to undergo a comprehensive medical examination that will help identify the cause of the pathology and eliminate it.

In other cases, red eye does not pose a serious danger. It signals that you need to pay attention to your health, daily routine, work and rest schedule, and limit the time spent on modern gadgets.

What to do?

If your eyes are red due to excessive stress, then it is necessary to introduce pauses in work. When reading and working at the computer for a long time, you need to learn how to perform special eye exercises, which will restore blood circulation in the organs of vision and relieve fatigue. After completing the exercises, you can apply cotton pads soaked in strong tea leaves to your eyes.

If the culprit of redness is strong wind, dry indoor air or contact lenses, you need to moisturize your eyes with special drops.

Regular, frequent redness of the eyes is a reason for mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to cure diseases of the visual organs on your own, because there is often a need to select antibiotics. To eliminate the problem, the doctor also prescribes vasoconstrictors and antiallergic drugs, as well as rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

In what cases is it necessary to visit a doctor?

If the eyes remain red for more than 2-3 days, and this condition is accompanied by symptoms such as mucous and purulent discharge, itching, swelling, pain in the eyes and changes in visual acuity, you need to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The specialist will conduct diagnostic procedures, find out the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Self-medication of eye diseases is excluded. Each pathological condition has its own cause, after finding out which the specialist prescribes the proper treatment. Not all conditions require banal correction of the daily routine and eye care; some of them need to be treated under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and in a hospital setting.


It is no secret that many people, at the first symptoms of any ailment, begin to self-medicate and self-prescribe medications without understanding the cause of the illness. As a result, they still end up seeing a doctor, but with complications and advanced pathology.

Some people consult with a pharmacist at the pharmacy in order to get the desired medicine and bypass the doctor’s office due to busyness or simple reluctance. But a pharmacist cannot examine a person and obtain detailed information about his health only on the basis of the patient’s complaints. This is also considered self-medication, which poses a danger to the health of the visual organs.

To successfully treat the problem of red eyes, you need to visit an ophthalmologist in time, who, based on the medical history, patient complaints and laboratory diagnostics, will be able to find out the etiology of the disease and choose an effective treatment tactic. The specialist will perform visometry, refractometry, measure intraocular pressure and prescribe biomicroscopy. If necessary, Schirmer tests, tomography and much more can be performed.

Only a comprehensive diagnosis will help to find out the cause of red eyes after sleep and choose the appropriate treatment.


Treatment for red eyes will directly depend on the cause of this pathological condition. Both medications and traditional medicine recipes can be used. Less often, there is a need for surgical intervention; this usually happens with glaucoma - a pathological increase in intraocular pressure.

Drug treatment is chosen by an ophthalmologist; it consists of using the following means:

  • drops with the effect of vasoconstriction: Vizin, Murin;
  • vitamin complexes for the eyes with lutein: Lutein complex, Okuwait Lutein Forte;
  • moisturizing drops aimed at stimulating blood circulation: Visine, Systane Ultra;
  • antibacterial agents in case of eye infection: Tetracycline ointment, etc.

In case of visual strain, swelling and redness of the eyes and eyelids, you can use traditional methods that will restore blood circulation and eliminate existing symptoms of illness:

  • tea bag compresses;
  • applying ice based on herbal decoctions;
  • compresses with oak bark and chamomile;
  • compresses made from grated raw potatoes or slices of fresh cucumber.


To keep your eyes clear and pure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • get full rest, alternating not only work and rest modes, but also enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day;
  • eliminate possible irritants, such as allergens, preservatives, flavors and dyes, from your environment (they can be found not only in food products, but also in care products, cosmetics, etc.);
  • carefully follow the rules for the care and use of contact lenses;
  • remove makeup before bed.

There are many reasons for the appearance of red eyes in the morning, and only an ophthalmologist can find out why the problem arose in a particular case. If the redness does not go away for more than 2 days, and it is accompanied by alarming symptoms in the form of pus, pain and swelling, you should urgently seek medical help.

Useful video about redness of the whites of the eyes

Redness of one or both eyes - a very common symptom with which people turn to an ophthalmologist.

Most often it goes away on its own, but if the redness persists even after waking up, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

They can be very different- from allergies to pillow filling to benign formations in the eye tissues. So, if the whites of your eyes are red, with red streaks, or with red blurry spots, this article is for you.

What could cause the whites of your eyes to be red when you wake up?

Exposure to external factors can cause redness. Such factors include dust, foreign bodies (animal hair, debris, grains of sand, etc.), mechanical impact.

Eye diseases also lead to severe redness.

In addition, the cause of redness in the morning can be:

  • prolonged stress;
  • lack of sleep, interrupted sleep;
  • work associated with eye strain;
  • long stay in a poorly lit room or in too bright light;
  • wearing contact lenses. Often those who sleep with contact lenses wake up with tired and red eyes.

Leaking internal organ disease affects the body as a whole and is often reflected in the eyes.

Important! How quickly the redness disappears is determined severity provoked inflammatory process And volume of damaged tissue.

External causes of redness after waking up

It is necessary to exclude the entry of foreign bodies if you notice severe redness of one eye or both in the morning. Irritation is formed like this— a small object hits the surface of the mucous membrane and in turn causes a certain reaction from the receptor apparatus, since it is perceived by the organ as a potential danger.

Next receptor response will lead to reflex expansion of blood vessels And large blood flow to them. It is this process that we perceive as eyes turning red in the morning.

This reaction can be caused by basic soap or shampoo, cold wind, decorative cosmetics, sand, dust, etc.

Eye diseases

which can lead to redness of the visual organs after waking up. TO these include:

  • Keratopia (dropsy) - a disease of the cornea, which is directly related to disorders of eating behavior, blood supply, and tissue innervation. It can be bullous, filamentous, neurotrophic, superficial punctate - with any type of this disease, the visual organs are prone to redness.
  • Pinguecula- benign formation in the eye tissue. Requires contact with a specialist.
  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the membrane that covers the eye, responsible for cleanliness and moisture - in this case, the redness will be quite strong, as if the person has not slept for many days.
  • Keratitis— in other words, inflammation of the cornea is a rather serious disease, also considered infectious; in rare cases, but also leads to redness.
  • Blepharitis- eyelashes grow incorrectly and irritate the eyes. The eyelids are noticeably inflamed.
  • Iridocyclitis(develops against the background of rheumatism) - inflammation of the iris, and this disease leads to redness, but in this case, inflammation is not the most unpleasant symptom; most likely, by the time redness appears, your doctor will already be aware of the problem.
  • Episcleritis- spreads to the outer sclera, symptoms become more noticeable and more dangerous under stress, during spring vitamin deficiency, pronounced redness is characteristic.

Photo 1. Eye with episcleritis. There is a strong redness of the whites of the eyes, the vessels become more pronounced.

  • peripheral thinning and ulceration of the cornea, corneal ulcer;
  • pterygium, pseudopterygium;
  • hemorrhage into the eye tissue;
  • pemphigus;
  • tumors of the lacrimal gland;
  • damage to the choroid of the eye;
  • glaucoma.

If there is no mechanical damage, and redness persists in the morning within a few days, the possibility of the above-described eye diseases should be excluded. The above diseases are not inflammatory in nature, but redness due to them lasts for quite a long time - damage to the walls of blood vessels or disturbances in their functioning, high blood pressure, improper functioning of the blood flow - these are the reasons why noticeable redness appears upon awakening.

Attention! Chronic and simply frequent exposure to physical and chemical phenomena can provoke the gradual development of eye diseases with periodic episodes of severe redness.

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Why does redness occur from stress and overwork?

Physiological cause of redness - fatigue. There is no inflammatory process. There is no need to see a doctor; the redness will go away on its own after your eyes rest.

Prolonged lack of sleep, uneven, interrupted sleep- resulting in increased blood flow to the eyes.

A factor such as improper wearing of contact lenses or incorrectly selected glasses can also provoke redness and dryness in the organs of vision.

Cases when a person sleeps in lenses are especially common.

Working with technology can sometimes strain your eyes.- computer monitors, control panels, radar screens, televisions, various cinemas, laptops and tablets - all this makes a person blink less often, strains the eye muscles, etc. Eye fatigue is affected by poor lighting in the room, you have to strain to see something , just to see something.

Under such conditions, from time to time the visual organs need to take a moment to rest, or even better five-minute gymnastics for vision. Too bright light also carries dangers, and in the bright sun, people with sensitive eyes are better off not going outside at all without high-quality safety glasses. You cannot look at bright LED lamps without a protective layer.

If you don't watch your eyes during the day, even at night with 8 o'clock sleep may not correct the situation, and in the morning you will find redness. According to recent studies, stress and mental tension also cause fatigue. Prolonged fatigue in turn leads to poor vision and even myopia.

Diseases of the eyelids

  • Barley brings a lot of inconvenience; in addition to pain and discomfort, redness is visible on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Photo 2. Stye on the inside of the eyelid. There is swelling and slight redness.

  • Trichiasis. Incorrect eyelash growth: they curl inward. Causes irritation and, as a result, redness of the eyes after sleep.
  • "Flabby" eyelid syndrome;
  • Dacryocystitis;
  • Dacryoadenitis;
  • Canaliculitis;
  • Inflammation of the eyelids;
  • Panophthalmitis.

All these diseases affect different areas, can be reflected in redness, even affecting the iris, not to mention the sensitive areas under the eyelid and the tear glands.

Diseases of internal organs, can one eye turn red?

The cause of redness may be occurring in one form or another. disease of internal organs that negatively affects eye function:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • allergen (asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, hay fever);
  • low blood clotting;
  • toxicosis in pregnant women;

  • ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis (psoriatic, reactive, rheumatoid);
  • Behcet's syndrome;
  • inflammation of various parts of the intestine;
  • relapsing polychondritis (inflammation of several cartilages), sarcoidosis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • diabetes.

In case of deterioration of vision due to ongoing diseases of the body The attending physician prescribes therapy, including for the eyes.

Important! If redness of the eyes after sleep does not go away and is associated with one of the above diseases, they will be affected almost equally both eyes, not just one.

Prevention: healthy sleep rules

After suffering infectious diseases such as conjunctivitis, pillow It’s better to wash it at high temperatures or change it altogether. This is also important to prevent dust from getting into your eyes while you sleep.

Also, rule out an allergy to the pillow filling. You should not allow animals to lie in the bed, or at least do not let your pet come into contact with the pillow. Wearing gel eye mask with cooling effect very effective. To make it cold, place it in the refrigerator before use, and to keep it warm, place it in hot water. It is very useful to apply tea bags on your eyelids. They should be briefly filled with boiling water in a small container.

Photo 3. Option of eye gymnastics to relieve fatigue. You need to move your eyes in the direction of the arrows.

If you rest like this every day at least fifteen minutes each, discover how much more comfortable you will be working throughout the day. Extremely useful gymnastics for the eyes- This is ideal for those who work with equipment and monitors. It is necessary to be distracted from time to time to keep your eyes moisturized. The factors listed in this article, significant or minor, injure the cornea and conjunctiva, the iris, which causes redness, swelling, burning and pain.

Today there are numerous medications that restore eye tissue. Can be used products with dexpanthenol- a substance characterized by a regenerating effect. Apply gel or ointment in smaller quantities if there is slight redness - this way you will protect your eyes from fatigue throughout the day.

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Redness of the eyes after sleep often goes away after a few hours or days. This is a natural reaction of the body to various negative influences. But sometimes red eyes in the morning are a symptom of the disease. In this case, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Common Causes of Red Eyes in the Morning

The number of factors influencing the redness of the whites of the eyes after sleep is several dozen. They are associated with the development of specific diseases. Unfavorable environmental factors can also cause red eyes after sleep.

Diseases of the visual system as causes of red eyes

The causes of redness of the eyes after sleep due to disruption of the visual apparatus include:

  1. Glaucoma is a disease that causes increased intraocular pressure, which can lead to red eyes after sleep.
  2. Astigmatism is a disorder in the shape of the lens that causes blurry vision. This reason affects the pressure and blood supply to the eyes.

Infectious diseases

This is a broad group of reasons that explain why eyes turn red after sleep:

  1. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the outer layer of the eye due to allergies, dust, and infection. In this case, the causes of red eyes after sleep are quite natural and disappear immediately after treatment.
  2. Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory process that occurs along the edges of the eyelids. That is why they are the cause of red eyes, which are observed both after sleep and during the day. The disease mainly occurs due to infectious processes.
  3. Stye leads to redness and swelling, causing pain not only after sleep, but also during the day.
  4. Cellulitis is an inflammation of the orbital tissue, which causes the eyes to become red after sleep. This disease causes suppuration and accumulation of mucus.
  5. Keratitis is caused by microorganisms and causes clouding of the cornea.

Other reasons

This includes a broad class of different causes of red whites of the eyes after sleep:

  • influence of cold, precipitation;
  • influence of dust;
  • hygiene violations;
  • improper wearing or replacement of lenses;
  • lack of vitamins, etc.


The cause of red eyes after sleep is not always some kind of disorder, much less pathology. In some cases, the phenomenon is physiologically normal and goes away on the same day or after 2-3 days. In other situations, it is worth paying special attention to the condition of the corneas and eyelids.

When to pay attention and make an appointment with a doctor

Particular attention is paid to symptoms such as:

  1. The vessel may burst, then a blood drop or blot will appear on the white. The blood itself passes within a week and does not pose a threat to health. However, an adult or child should see a doctor to have intracranial pressure monitored. A similar situation is most likely in the presence of chronic diseases, for example, VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). In case of problems with blood circulation, the cause is also the venous outflow of blood from the head, which causes the pressure in the eyes to rise.
  2. Mucous discharge indicates the development of inflammatory processes characteristic of conjunctivitis. If you do not use drops, the eye begins to fester, water, and even swell.
  3. Infectious diseases also cause redness of the eye after sleep and itching, tearing, and a burning sensation. Both the eyelid and the area around it begin to itch.
  4. If after a night's sleep you experience red eyes and your cornea begins to sting, it would be best to consult a doctor immediately. Irrigation is usually prescribed.
  5. The development of cervical osteochondrosis is another reason why red eyes are observed after sleep. There is a burning sensation, pain, and vision deteriorates significantly. It is also better to seek advice.
  6. If in the evening a person experienced strong emotional stress, burst into tears or even fell into hysterics, he may wake up with red, swollen eyes. They will not get sick, but they will look unusual.

Particular attention is paid to a child whose redness appears regularly after sleep. To prevent the development of the disease, it is better to go to a pediatric ophthalmologist in a timely manner.

Symptoms and treatment of nervous tics

A consequence of very red eyeballs can be a nervous tic (in medical language the disease is called blepharospasm). It is also generated by other factors - primarily, diseases of the central nervous system and various dysfunctions of the nerve that controls the functioning of the facial muscles.

Symptomatically, the disease is accompanied by the following signs:

  • Regular, periodic contraction of the eye muscle, which is well felt, but at the same time is not controlled by the person.
  • The tic develops both weak and strong - from subtle movements to noticeable contractions.
  • It intensifies against the background of nervous tension and emotional swings.

The tic is not accompanied by pain or discomfort. In addition, it does not occur during sleep. However, it causes some inconvenience, and can sometimes lead to significant occlusion of the eye as a result of contraction.

Treatment of blepharospasm is prescribed in a comprehensive manner:

  1. Nutrition correction - the daily diet is enhanced with nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  2. Taking multivitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. Compresses based on geranium, honey, bay leaf.
  4. The use of sedatives - valerian tincture, Novo-Passit, Dormiplant, Glycine, Notta and many others.
  5. Botox injections.

The approach to each patient is individual, since nervous tics are generated by various reasons, including several factors at once.

Red eyes are not a cause for alarm

Morning redness of the eyes, which is clearly visible in the mirror and from the side, can be normal in a completely healthy person. It occurs as a consequence of the following phenomena:

  1. If we are talking about regular lack of sleep, this becomes the cause of red eyes after sleep. A characteristic sign is that a person squints his eyes, they begin to stick together, leaving a minimal distance between the eyelids. The reason is that during sleep the eyelids are washed with tears. If you don't sleep long enough, there is not enough hydration, and the body protects the apples from further drying out.
  2. Alcohol abuse the day before. This phenomenon is facilitated by its own symptoms - a ringing in the head begins, the whole body may ache, nausea is felt, etc. After sleep, the eyes become red due to swollen blood vessels.
  3. With regular swimming in the pool, redness is also observed. It is sometimes difficult to get rid of redness even after sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist to prescribe special eye drops.
  4. If you have another bad habit - smoking, then excess tobacco smoke can also lead to redness, but the symptom should go away in the morning.
  5. Finally, eyes may become red after sleep due to the fact that a person abuses eye drops. The medicine is used only in the doses prescribed in the instructions. And excess leads to side effects.

In all these cases, there is a universal way to eliminate the causes of red eyes - proper sleep, as well as the use of eye drops or artificial tears. They are used to wash dry corneas and get rid of irritation.

If you have to wake up in the morning with pain in the eyes, blurred vision, redness and other unpleasant symptoms, contact an ophthalmologist. Along with studying the medical history, external examination and analysis of complaints, the doctor uses the following types of diagnostics:

  • biomicroscopy;
  • tonometry;
  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • fundus examination, etc.

The research doesn't end there. If you need to clarify the diagnosis or determine the root cause, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations.

Techniques for restoring vision

General tension and overwork lead to red eyes becoming a constant occurrence in the morning. The situation is aggravated by lifestyle features associated with regular TV watching and computer work, as well as lack of sleep. This is why it is important for people to practice good visual hygiene and keep their eyes healthy.


Thanks to the correct massage technique, it is possible to activate blood flow. This allows you not only to get rid of red eyes after sleep, but also to improve your vision. Perform the following movements:

  1. First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe dry.
  2. Then rub palm against palm for a minute.
  3. After this, they relax (in a sitting position) and begin the massage. The eyes are closed, the inner part of the palms is in contact with the eyelids 5 times.
  4. After this, fists also touch 5 times. First gently, then the pressing force increases.
  5. Next, massage the brow ridge 5 times using your fingertips.
  6. And the same amount - the lower contour of the eye socket.
  7. Finish with a massage of the sinuses. They are made with the pads of the fingers, sliding from top to bottom.
  8. It is also ideal to massage your neck and shoulders at least a little - then the blood flow will go to the eyes even more actively.

By carrying out the procedure daily (10 minutes), you can achieve a significant improvement in vision. Blood flow to the eyes is activated, they will no longer appear red after sleep. Vision clarity is also improved.

Exercises for farsightedness and myopia

Also, to overcome red eyes after sleep and adjust vision, you can perform a special massage designed for nearsighted or farsighted people. In the first case, the sequence is:

  1. Close your eyes for 5 seconds, open them and sit quietly for the same amount of time. Repeat 7 times.
  2. Press on the upper eyelid (left and right) using the ring, index and middle fingers. Hold them for 2 seconds, repeat 4 times.
  3. Using the index finger, they seem to pull the upper eyelid up and at the same time close it, pulling it down.
  4. Place the index finger on the far corner of the eye (closest to the ear), the middle one in the center, and the ring finger in the opposite corner. Press for a couple of seconds and release.

For farsighted people, a set of exercises is presented in the following algorithm:

  1. They sit on a chair, turn their head to the right, their gaze moves in the same direction. Then they turn left. Each exercise is repeated 10 times.
  2. Hold your right hand in front of you and draw an imaginary circle with your finger, like a compass. The eyes carefully follow the movements. Perform 6 times.
  3. And one more exercise - every day you can read text in small print.
  • Then down.
  • Now left, then right.
  • Then they “draw” a butterfly with their eyes - draw diagonals from the upper right to the lower left corner and vice versa.
  • “Draw” a figure eight.
  • They look at the tip of the nose.
  • The index fingers are brought to the nose and they are looked at carefully. Then they remove their fingers and keep their gaze on both of them at once.
  • They imagine a large watch dial and make circular movements with their eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • If your eyes are red in the morning, the cause may also be due to inflammation. This manifests itself in painful sensations, discharge or congestion in the eyes. They appear as a result of infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases (for example, through chlamydia).

    To treat inflammation, eye drops and folk remedies are used, for example, lotions:

    1. Based on chamomile decoction (a teaspoon per glass of boiling water).
    2. Any honey eliminates the causes of red eyes after sleep and has a good effect on well-being.
    3. From a decoction of plantain seeds (a teaspoon per tablespoon of boiled cold water and half a glass of boiling water).

    If the cause is definitely not established, there are doubts, then self-medication is dangerous. Improper use of the medicine often leads to worsening of the condition, so it is better not to risk it and contact an ophthalmologist.

    7 simple preventive rules

    There is no need to do anything unusual for prevention. It is enough to follow the natural rules of a healthy lifestyle:

    1. Protect your eyes from dust and foreign bodies. If the weather is dry outside, it is advisable to wear safety glasses.
    2. Never touch the cornea or eyelids with unwashed fingers.
    3. Maintain a day and night routine.
    4. Rinse your face and eyes thoroughly after sleep.
    5. Use sufficient amounts of vitamins to maintain the normal condition of the eyes and eye vessels.
    6. If your work involves a computer, periodically warm up using the techniques described above or other exercises.
    7. If the cornea is poorly washed by tear fluid and is prone to drying out, then you need to carry eye drops with you.

    Thus, red eyes after sleep often do not indicate the development of any pathology. The reasons are related to overwork, bad habits, and violation of the regime. However, if the phenomenon is observed more than once, but regularly and is accompanied by other symptoms, immediately contact an ophthalmologist to make a diagnosis.

    Some people, when they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, see their eyes are red. It would seem that after a full and high-quality night's sleep, one should feel good, a person should feel a surge of strength and health. However, sometimes in the morning there may be redness of the organs of vision. If a person sees red eyes after sleep, the reasons are different, do not immediately panic. The first step is to find out why this phenomenon occurred, after which it is necessary to decide on a treatment method.

    Most common causes

    The most common reason for red eyes after sleep is ordinary fatigue. When a person does not get enough sleep at night for a long time, does not have proper rest, or has insomnia, then the organs of vision will not have time to get rid of the stress received during the day. Consequently, they will be in an inflamed state around the clock. In addition to this, there are other various reasons due to which a person experiences redness in the whites of the eyes in the morning:

    • Too little sleep leads to the fact that the organs of vision begin to dry out, and as a result, turn red. When a person’s eyelids are closed, automatic hydration occurs, and vice versa, when the eyelids are raised for a very long time, dryness of the mucous membrane occurs, which is why redness of the eyes appears;
    • Diseases of the eyelids often manifest themselves in the fact that itching and pain appear in the morning, red eyes indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process. If a person has a disease called blepharitis, then even after a full and sound sleep, redness will be observed. In this case, only appropriate treatment can eliminate the problem;
    • conjunctivitis, stye is often the reason why the whites of the eyes turn red. With conjunctivitis, the clear mucous membrane called the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. This disease is widespread in children and schoolchildren. If you visit the hospital in a timely manner and undergo appropriate treatment, this disease will go away quickly, but medications should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor;
    • failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and eye care. Very often, women and girls, when they go to bed in the evening, forget to wash off their makeup. Remains of makeup can greatly irritate the mucous membrane, as a result of which they see red eyes the next morning;
    • allergic reaction. Allergies can occur due to various factors: food, cosmetics, pets, household chemicals, dust, bedding, hairspray, deodorant, solution for disinfecting contact lenses. Often, with allergic reactions, in addition to redness, swelling of the eyelids, peeling and itching appears.
    • drinking alcoholic beverages in the evening is often an explanation for why the whites of the eyes are red in the morning;
    • tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane, so if a person smokes or is in the company of people who smoke, he will experience redness;
    • mechanical damage to the eyeball;
    • colds, infectious or viral diseases.

    Other reasons

    In addition to all of the above, there are other reasons for the appearance of red eyes after sleep, these include:

    • spending a long time in front of the TV or computer, strong stress while reading during the day in poor lighting;
    • if you are exposed to the wind in the evening, the organs of vision will suffer, because of the wind, the mucous membrane dries out, and dust, which is an irritant, gets on it;
    • contact with eyelashes or insects often causes redness of the whites of the eyes;
    • improper application of any cosmetics, for example, cream, lotion, powder, or other products that get on the mucous membrane and irritate it;
    • uveitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels inside the eyeball. This disease occurs due to autoimmune diseases, it is characterized by an infectious or toxic nature;
    • Contact lenses can cause redness if worn or cared for incorrectly;
    • prolonged crying in the evening;
    • redness is sometimes provoked by increasing intraocular pressure. It may be a symptom of a serious illness, such as glaucoma.

    Negative consequences

    If every day a person wakes up and sees red eyes, then this can ultimately lead to bad consequences. Any redness indicates inflammation, and even if the cause at first was ordinary fatigue or excessive workload at the computer, then dangerous diseases of the organs of vision may subsequently develop, causing irreversible processes.
    If the redness is caused by an allergic reaction to something, or some kind of disease, then the consequences may include deterioration of vision, the person will not see clearly, will not be able to quickly focus on objects and things, photophobia and lacrimation may appear.

    Doctors warn that if diseases of the organs of vision are neglected and proper treatment is not carried out, a person may even lose his sight completely!

    Diagnostic procedures

    If the redness appeared due to minor, short-term reasons, for example, if a woman cried a lot before going to bed, then it is not necessary to go to the hospital for diagnostics, because it is already clear why the problem arose. Diagnostic procedures are necessary if, along with redness, there is pain, impaired, unclear vision, headaches, and other symptoms. In addition, a diagnosis is definitely needed if a person sees light rings around a light source, he has vomiting and nausea.
    The primary diagnosis can be carried out by a therapist, and if he suspects the presence of any disease, he will refer the patient to an ophthalmologist, who will conduct:

    • thorough examination of the visual organs;
    • microbiological examination using a special microscope;
    • if necessary, he will write out a referral for tests of tear fluid and blood; if the redness is caused by diseases of organs other than the visual, he will refer you, for example, to a dentist or to undergo fluorography.

    Attention! If redness does not disappear for several days, despite a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and careful use of cosmetics, then you urgently need to consult an ophthalmologist!


    Some of those who experience redness of the eyes, and it does not go away for several days, listen and apply the advice of their family, friends and acquaintances. This cannot be done, self-medication can have a detrimental effect on the health of the visual organs, an incorrectly selected remedy will not have a positive effect, as a result of which the existing disease can only get worse.
    The first thing you need to do is go to the hospital to consult an ophthalmologist, who will diagnose, determine the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. The doctor will find out the cause, which may be domestic, allergic or pathological, and then recommend how to quickly eliminate the redness. He may prescribe drops, for example, Oxial, Inoxa, Licontin, or others.
    If the redness of the whites of the eyes is caused by dry mucous membranes, then the ophthalmologist may prescribe a product that is an “artificial tear.” This drug normalizes hydration, and the redness will quickly go away. However, artificial tears are not a medicine; this drug will not help if you have a disease of the organs of vision. Depending on the disease, a qualified doctor will prescribe a suitable remedy and may also prescribe vitamin A.
    To reduce redness, you can apply ice cubes to both eyelids for a couple of minutes, or gently massage and wipe the areas near the eyes. Ice can be made from ordinary water, but it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile. You can also make a decoction from this herb, which is cooled, cotton pads are dipped into it, they are wrung out and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes. However, compresses and ice are used if the redness is not a consequence of any disease.

    A clear and pure look can be found less and less lately. In the age of modern technology and regular stress, such an ailment as “red eye syndrome” is increasingly appearing. For some, the problem goes away on its own; for others, it is necessary to seek qualified help. But in any case, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

    Common Causes of Red Eyes

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease:

    • Prolonged exposure to bright light . Sunlight or electricity causes blood vessels to dilate;
    • Dry indoor air. Dry eyes are one of the leading causes of redness, and air conditioning and heating only aggravate the condition of the eyes;
    • Smog, cigarette smoke . These factors irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause temporary redness;
    • Dust ingress . If dust gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with running water;
    • Contact lenses . Using lenses, especially if they are of poor quality or dirty, can cause redness. In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist;
    • Foreign body entry . Even a small hair or speck causes terrible discomfort and redness; any foreign body must be urgently removed from the eye;
    • Allergy . The situation is fixable, but only if the main cause – the allergen – is eliminated;
    • Eye injury . Any injury is accompanied by redness of the eye, the disease will go away on its own after healing;
    • Fatigue and eye strain . After working for a long time in front of a computer screen, reading a book for a long time and watching TV, this effect occurs, it is necessary to reduce such pastime;
    • Lack of sleep . Insomnia and inadequate sleep cause red “veins” to appear in the eyes. There can only be one piece of advice here - try to get enough sleep;
    • Increased body temperature . With colds and other infectious diseases accompanied by fever, redness of the eyes occurs. After your health is corrected, the illness will go away on its own;
    • Pressure . Red eyes can be a symptom of high blood pressure - hypertension;
    • Stress . Regular stress and nervous tension can cause redness. Consult a psychotherapist, he may prescribe you antidepressants.

    Diseases that cause redness of the whites of the eyes

    If you do not fall under any of the above reasons, then everything is a little more serious. The whites of the eyes may turn red due to serious eye diseases:

    1. Episcleritis – benign inflammation of the connective tissue of the eye. Women over 30 are prone to developing this disease. Provocateurs that provoke diseases can be infectious (tuberculosis, herpes, rosacea) and non-infectious (rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus erythematosus). It is worth noting that episcleritis is characterized not only by redness of the protein, but also by painful sensations;
    2. . Caused by a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. The disease is serious and, depending on the extent of the bleeding, can lead to blindness or visual impairment. Blood can accumulate in the retina, anterior chamber, vitreous body, or orbit;
    3. Conjunctivitis . Inflammation of the outer layer of the eye . Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral, or allergic;
    4. Blepharitis – inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eye. It can be allergic, seborrheic and ulcerative;
    5. Keratitis – inflammation of the cornea. The disease is caused by vitamin deficiency and infectious diseases. The eyes hurt and water - these sensations accompany redness;
    6. Astigmatism and asthenopia . Caused by prolonged eye strain;
    7. Uveitis – inflammation of the choroid as a result of infection;
    8. Glaucoma attack . If intraocular pressure is high, the whites of the eyes may turn red; you should urgently seek medical help.

    Among the causes of redness of the whites are broken blood vessels and head injuries. Eye vessels can burst due to diabetes, hypertension, and blood diseases. With some head injuries, the redness of the eyes looks horrifying, but goes away on its own as the patient recovers.

    Why do my eyes turn red after sleep?

    It happens that in the morning after sleep, redness forms in our eyes. There are several reasons for this:

    • Constant lack of sleep and insomnia . The phenomenon is quite common, the only thing that can be done in this case is to get a good night’s sleep. The fact is that when the eyelids are closed, the eyes become moist. And dry eyes cause redness. Therefore, staying awake for a long time causes redness of the eyes;
    • Diseases of the eyelids . If redness and pain or itching haunt you after sleep, then you have an eyelid disease - blepharitis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process at the edges of the eyes;
    • Poor hygiene . This applies mainly to women. Some girls do not wash off their makeup at night, which can also cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye and, as a result, redness;
    • Alcohol and smoke . Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages combined with exposure to cigarette smoke in the evening will definitely cause red eyes in the morning. Smoke is an irritant to the mucous membrane of the eyes, and alcohol increases intracranial pressure.

    Why are my eyes always red?

    All of the above causes of red eyes either go away on their own or require short-term treatment. But, if nothing helps, and your eyes are always red, then you should seriously think about your health.

    Red proteins (if this is not associated with eye diseases) can indicate problems with the nervous system and blood vessels of the brain. It is recommended to consult a neurologist, get an X-ray, MRI and CT scan. Only a complete examination will help to fully understand the causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Why do my eyes turn red? (video)

    Dr. Myasnikov will tell you about the causes of red eyes:

    Experts discuss red eye syndrome in this video:

    So, in most cases, red eyes are not serious. However, the problem in any case requires consultation with a specialist in order to avoid serious problems. Timely treatment will help you forget about red eye syndrome forever.
