To print subsidies to the media for socially significant projects. The procedure for the provision of state support by printing. New rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget in the field of print media have been approved

The first chronology devices were in Russia, in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. In fact, each nation had its own chronology, according to which they wrote down their own history. Because of this, today there are significant differences in the chronology of different countries. So, according to the European Gregorian / Julian calendar, today is 2014, but what other chronological orders (calendars) say about the ordinal number of this year:

7522 - according to the Slavic Vedic chronology from the Creation of Genesis (writing of the Bible)
5775 - according to the Hebrew (religious calendar of the Jews) calendar, which dates back to the creation of Adam
4645 - Chinese calendar
5775 - according to the pseudo-Jewish calendar
2767 - from the founding of Rome
2763 - Nabunasar era
2673 - Japanese calendar
2326 - after the Hellenic era of the Seleucids
2014 - according to the European Gregorian calendar from the birth of Christ
1935 - Saka Indian calendar
1730 - Diocletian era
1436 - in Islamic

The Slavs, by the way, had different reference points of time:
7522 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (treaty with China) (5,508 BC)
13022 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling) (11,008 BC)
40018 Summer from 3rd Arrival of Whitemana Perun (38,004 BC)
44558 Summer from the Creation of the Great Colo Russenia (42 544 BC)
106792 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Irian (from 9 Tylet) (104 778 BC)
111820 Summer from the Great Migration from Da'ariya (109,806 BC)
143004 Summer from the Three Moons Period (140,990 BC)
153380 Summer from Assa Dei (151 336 BC)
165044 Summer from the Time of Tara (163,030 BC)
185780 Summer from Thule Time (183,766 BC)
211680 Summer from Swag Time (209 686 BC)
273912 Summer from H'Arr Time (271,894 BC)
460532 Summer from the Time of Gift (458 518 BC)
604388 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daarius chronology) (602 374 BC)
957522 Summer from the Time of the appearance of the Gods (955 508 BC)
1.5 billion Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first whitemara of the Great Race of the Heavenly Clan

The sabotage of the European ruler of Russia Peter I to Europeanize Russia reduced our Old Slavic calendar by 5508 years. And instead of 7208 according to the Julian calendar, the Russian people began to celebrate 1700 according to the Gregorian calendar and began to celebrate the new year from the 1st month of the year - March to the 11th - January.

We pass directly to the Slavic calendar. The word calendar itself was formed from two - Kolyada Dar

Kolyady Dar contained three natural seasons: Ousen, Winter and Spring.
These three seasons are combined into a single solar cycle called Summer.
Summer consists of 9 months, so there are three months for each natural season.
There are two concepts in the calendar: Simple Summer and Sacred Summer. They make up the Circle of Years, in which there are 15 simple and 1 Sacred Summer. Nine Circles of Years made up the Circle of Life, which consists of 144 years. These repeating cycles are called Chislobog's Circle.

Simple Summer consists of 365 days, all odd months contain 41 days, and even ones contain 40 days. (5x41 = 205) + (4x40 = 160) = 365. Sacred Summer consists of 369 days, all months contain 41 days. (9x41) = 369.
The week of the Slavic calendar consisted of 9 days. They carried a numerical form and were called: Monday, Tuesday, Triteynik, Chetverik, Friday, Six, Seventh, Octopus, Week - a day on which they do nothing and rest.

Here are the names of the Months of the Slavic Calendar:
R - Reci, - instruct, inform;
A - Az, - a person, a lyudin;
B - Gods,
G - Verb, - to speak;
D - Good,
E - This, - indicating form;
B - Lead - Vedas, wisdom, knowledge;
X - Storage, - preservation;
T - Firmly. - completion, final form.
By combining these Images of the initial caps, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man to say good things, to keep this Wisdom firmly.

For me personally, the 12 month system of calculation, 4 seasons and 7 day week is much more pleasant and understandable:

1 months of spring
1.1 Berezen - March, the time of swelling of birch buds;
1.2 Pollen, Kveten - April, flowering time;
1.3 Grass - May, the time for grass to grow.

2 months of summer
2.1 Cherven - June, chervony. According to one version, this month got its name from the worms (cochineal, whose larvae appear at this time), from which red paint was made; according to another version, these are bee larvae; according to the third version - due to the fact that at this time red berries and flowers appear;
2.2 Lipen - July. Linden trees are in bloom;
2.3 Serpen (also zhnivn, reaping, zhitar) - August, harvest time.

3 months of autumn
3.1 Spring - September. According to one version, the name comes from "vresh" - in Old Slavic "thresh". On the other - due to the fact that heather blooms this month;
3.2 Zhovten - October. Yellow color of the leaves;
3.3 Fall of Leaves - November, trees drop foliage.

4 months of winter
4.1 Breast -December, clogged earth.
4.2 Lute or Fierce - January. A very cold month.
4.3 Studen - February. Cold.

About a 7-day week:
Previously, the week was called "week". Like the 9-day week, the days carried a numerical form and were called: Monday - that is, "after the week", Tuesday, Triteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Sixth and the word "Week" was called Sunday. Rest day - week - "no business." (I wrote about this already). The word "Saturday" comes from the Hebrew "sabbat" - a day of rest. Sunday is named after Christ's Sunday. Over time, the name week disappeared, and the word week received a new meaning.

Next time I will try to tell you about Kolyada himself (an ancient Slavic god).
I hope it was interesting. There is actually a lot of information. Comment and ask questions.
P.S. In what you most likely believe in is the truth - your truth.

The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications issued Order No. 497 dated December 18, 2017 "On the organization of work to provide state support to organizations that issue, distribute and replicate socially significant projects in the field of print media, issue publications for disabled people and vision in 2018 ".

ATTENTION! Taking into account the experience of working with regional and local media in 2017, a large number of incoming applications, we recommend that REGIONAL AND LOCAL media send applications at the beginning of the year (January-February).

The deadline for accepting applications for state support in the field of print media in 2018 is MAY 31, 2018.


The preferential right to receive state support has organizations producing mass media, distributed on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and / or a municipality, as well as producing children's, youth, literary and artistic, cultural and educational, popular science media.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2016 No. 199n, an agreement on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget with organizations in the field of print media (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) will be formed in the form of an electronic document, as well as signed with enhanced qualified electronic signatures of persons who have the right to act on behalf of each of the parties to the agreement, in the state integrated information system of public finance management "Electronic budget".

In accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2016 No. 887(subparagraph "e" of paragraph 4 of the General Requirements for Regulatory Legal Acts, Municipal Legal Acts Regulating the Provision of Subsidies to Legal Entities (except for Subsidies to State (Municipal) Institutions), Individual Entrepreneurs, as well as Individuals - Producers of Goods, Works and Services) requirements to be met by recipients of subsidies:

  • recipients of subsidies must have no debts in taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, the deadline for which has come in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • recipients of subsidies must have no overdue arrears to return subsidies, budget investments provided, inter alia, in accordance with other legal acts, to the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, and other overdue debts to the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;
  • recipients of subsidies should not be in the process of reorganization, liquidation, bankruptcy and should not have restrictions on the implementation of economic activities;
  • recipients of subsidies should not be foreign legal entities, as well as Russian legal entities, in the authorized (joint) capital of which there is a share of participation of foreign legal entities whose place of registration is a state or territory included in the list of states and territories that provide preferential treatment the tax regime of taxation and (or) that does not provide for the disclosure and provision of information when conducting financial transactions (offshore zones) in relation to such legal entities, in aggregate exceeds 50 percent;
  • recipients of subsidies should not receive funds from the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in accordance with other regulatory legal acts, municipal legal acts for the purposes specified in the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the Federal budget to organizations in the press, approved by order of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications from February 12, 2014 No. 23 and the agreement on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget.


  • application - in 2 copies;
  • certified copy of the Articles of Association of the legal entity;
  • written description of a socially significant project signed by the editor - in 1 copy;
  • calculation of income and expenses for the implementation of a socially significant project - in 2 copies;
  • cost estimate for the implementation of a socially significant project - in 3 copies;
  • certified copies of the balance sheet and the statement of financial results or documents of the applicant applying the simplified taxation system for the previous year;
  • the last issue of the publication (in 2 copies);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

ATTENTION! REGIONAL AND LOCAL MEDIA additionally provide information on the amount of their own (regional information) in the publication.

LIST OF DOCUMENTS, necessary to obtain government support for organizations that issue, distribute and replicate PUBLICATIONS FOR DISABLED AND VISUAL DISABLED PUBLICATIONS:

  • application - in 1 copy;
  • a copy of the Charter of the legal entity certified by the applicant;
  • estimate of income and expenses for the publication of publications for the disabled and visually impaired in 1 copy;
  • documents confirming the subscription circulation of the publication for the 1st and 2nd half of the current year;
  • documents confirming the average circulation of the publication for the 1st and 2nd half of the current year;
  • copies of the balance sheet certified by the applicant (f. 0710001 according to OKUD) and the Profit and Loss Statement (f. 0710002 according to OKUD) or documents of the applicant applying the simplified taxation system for the previous period with the mark of the tax inspectorate;
  • the last issue of the publication (for publications for the disabled in 2 copies; for publications for the visually impaired - in 1 copy);
  • copy of the mass media registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

ATTENTION Since 2018, Agreements with all organizations - winners of the selection, including non-profit organizations (ANO, NP, Foundations, Associations, etc.), will be in electronic form in the "Budget planning" subsystem of the "Electronic budget" system. Organizations not connected to this system must submit to Rospechat (marked “for office No. 423”) an application for registration in the “Electronic Budget” system.
The technological instruction of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the installation of the Electronic Budget system is presented below. In case of problems when installing the system on editorial computers, you should contact the technical support of the "Electronic Budget" system (tel. 8-800-250-12-17).
(file Technological instructions for connecting to the "Electronic budget" system)
(file Application form for connection to the "Electronic Budget" system)

The draft budget for 2019 includes support for regional print media and a reduction in funding for analogue television broadcasting in favor of digital.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Volin spoke about the distribution of budgetary financial flows to support the media in 2019. He made the corresponding statement at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications on October 9.

Today, state spending on the media leaves about 110 billion rubles (70 billion from the federal budget and 40 billion from local budgets), while the lion's share of its expenses - 530 billion rubles - is generated by the media industry itself.

“That is, it turns out that the share of the federal budget in the media industry is only 11 percent. And if you subtract support for international broadcasting, then only 6 percent. This clearly shows that the Russian media are in a normal market environment, "- Alexey Volin, speaking at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, where the draft budget for 2019 and the planning period 2020-2021 were discussed.

According to Volin, the distribution of budgetary financial flows to support the media in 2019 is planned as follows. 40 percent is funding for socially significant media projects, such as the Kultura TV channel and the Russian Public Television, the Orpheus radio station, children's TV shows and programs in national languages, and finally local news inserts on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

This also includes a subsidy from Rospechat to support regional media. Only 5.5 percent of the total expenses are the maintenance of the TASS news agency and Rossiyskaya Gazeta as publishers of official acts. And another 40 percent of the expenses are the maintenance of the Russia Today and RussiaToday media groups. “This is bringing the Russian point of view to a foreign audience. There is no need to talk about the importance of this work in the current emerging international conditions ", - the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications commented on the last figure.

In total, the draft federal budget for 2019 in terms of the media is 11 billion rubles less than the actual budgetary expenditures for these purposes in the current 2018 - 71.1 billion rubles against 82.5 billion rubles.

According to Alexei Volin, this is due to the transition of domestic television to digital. First, from January 1, 2019, the state will stop an annual subsidy of 8.52 billion rubles for the distribution of an analog TV signal to settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people. VGTRK's expenses associated with the transition of regional companies to digital broadcasting will decrease by another 4.5 billion.

Particular attention of the deputies was drawn to the topic of state support for regional print media. According to the head of the committee, Leonid Levin, next year 472 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes, and another 80 million will be financed by federal print media.

“The total support for the print press is 556 million rubles. Let me remind you that over the past three years we have added support for regional print media only in the second reading of the draft law on the budget: at an earlier stage, they were not laid down. In fact, an important victory has been won for the first time, when already in the first reading it is possible to pledge money to support regional media, ”the parliamentarian stressed.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Volin spoke about the distribution of budgetary financial flows to support the media in 2019. He made the corresponding statement at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications on October 9.

Today, state spending on the media leaves about 110 billion rubles (70 billion from the federal budget and 40 billion from local budgets), while the lion's share of its expenses - 530 billion rubles - is generated by the media industry itself.

“That is, it turns out that the share of the federal budget in the media industry is only 11 percent. And if you subtract support for international broadcasting, then only 6 percent. This clearly shows that the Russian media are in a normal market environment, "- Alexey Volin, speaking at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, where the draft budget for 2019 and the planning period 2020-2021 were discussed.

According to Volin, the distribution of budgetary financial flows to support the media in 2019 is planned as follows. 40 percent is funding for socially significant media projects, such as the Kultura TV channel and the Russian Public Television, the Orpheus radio station, children's TV shows and programs in national languages, and finally local news inserts on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

This also includes a subsidy from Rospechat to support regional media. Only 5.5 percent of the total expenses are the maintenance of the TASS news agency and Rossiyskaya Gazeta as publishers of official acts. And another 40 percent of the expenses are the maintenance of the Russia Today and RussiaToday media groups. “This is bringing the Russian point of view to a foreign audience. There is no need to talk about the importance of this work in the current emerging international conditions ", - the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications commented on the last figure.

In total, the draft federal budget for 2019 in terms of the media is 11 billion rubles less than the actual budgetary expenditures for these purposes in the current 2018 - 71.1 billion rubles against 82.5 billion rubles.

According to Alexei Volin, this is due to the transition of domestic television to digital. First, from January 1, 2019, the state will stop an annual subsidy of 8.52 billion rubles for the distribution of an analog TV signal to settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people. VGTRK's expenses associated with the transition of regional companies to digital broadcasting will decrease by another 4.5 billion.

Particular attention of the deputies was drawn to the topic of state support for regional print media. According to the head of the committee, Leonid Levin, next year 472 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes, and another 80 million will be financed by federal print media.

“The total support for the print press is 556 million rubles. Let me remind you that over the past three years we have added support for regional print media only in the second reading of the draft law on the budget: at an earlier stage, they were not laid down. In fact, an important victory has been won for the first time, when already in the first reading it is possible to pledge money to support regional media, ”the parliamentarian stressed.

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