Is earwax a guarantee of health or an alarm signal? A stream flows: there is liquid wax in the ear! Causes of large amounts of wax in the ears

Many people ask questions: what is earwax, where does it come from, and whether its formation is harmful. The human body, when functioning normally, is capable of self-cleaning. This is especially noticeable in the ear canals, the skin of which contains sebaceous and sulfur glands. When we engage in sports or physical activity, sweat appears on the body, which is a consequence of the load and relieves the body of excess stress. The same thing happens with the ear canals. When we talk, chew food, cough or sneeze, our ears form a protective covering in the ear - not dirt, but a protective covering.

What it is

The ears, or rather the glands contained in them, secrete a secretion. Sweat, particles of the epidermis, sebum, mixing with this secretion, ultimately form wax in the ear. Such secretions are extremely important for protecting the human hearing system and perform the functions of adaptation to external stimuli. Thanks to sulfur, the ear is protected from getting wet when water gets in, and from various infections getting inside. The consistency and color of sulfur depends on the health of the body as a whole.

Composition of earwax

Sulfur is produced in the ear canal around the clock in amounts up to 0.02 mg. It consists of fats (lanosterol, cholesterol), antibacterial substances, sweat, mineral salts and fatty acids. In addition, the composition includes particles of ear skin and hair.

Possible causes of formation

Earwax is formed not only as a result of natural processes in the human body, but also from improper care. Ears, like other parts of the body, need regular washing. But the main thing here is not to overdo it and perform this procedure every day. Otherwise, sulfur will not have time to form, and the ear canal will lose its protection. The well-known cotton swabs should also not be used for hygiene procedures. They have an irritating effect and lead to increased secretion production, which is the reason why there is a lot of wax in the ears. Inept use of a cotton swab may not lead to cleaning the canal, but to pushing the sulfur inside, which will lead to the formation of a cerumen plug. In addition to the above, increased secretion production occurs during inflammatory processes, dermatitis and eczema.

Often the human ear is anatomically constructed in such a way that the exit of wax is difficult. Which leads to blockage of the canal. Risk factors also include hearing aids, headphones, and being in dusty rooms. If the discharge fills the entire ear canal, it leads to hearing loss. As, for example, when water gets in. The presence of wax plug near the eardrum causes strong pressure on it and, as a result, headache and nausea.

Types of earwax

Wax is essential for the ear. This is not just a secretion, but a secret with many beneficial properties.

  • It cleanses the ear canal.
  • Prevents the penetration of pathogenic infections inside.
  • Protects from dust and dirt.
  • Protects from drying out.
  • Prevents water from entering the canal.

There are several types of sulfur:

  • black wax in the ears;
  • red;
  • dark brown;
  • dry;
  • white;
  • liquid.

Let's look at each type in more detail.


Black wax in the ears is produced due to fungal infection of the ear glands. This is not the only sign of the disease. The person begins to experience severe itching and hearing loss. Also, black color indicates damage to the body by complex proteins - mucoids.


If the ear canal is damaged by mechanical force (for example, scratched), a blood clot can mix with wax and give it a dark color. In this case, you should visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Shades of red, burgundy or orange discharge are most often observed when taking antibiotics that have a therapeutic effect in the inflammatory process.

Dark shade

If sulfur is not black or red, as indicated above, but simply has a dark color, then this does not always indicate the presence of any disease in the body. Working in dusty rooms, genetic predisposition - these are the primary reasons for darkening of the secretion. Shades from light sand to dark brown are allowed. Unless the discharge is accompanied by other painful symptoms: itching, burning, pain, elevated body temperature. The latter may indicate an inflammatory process.


Gray wax in the ear most often appears due to dust trapped in the ear canal. This is what gives it this color. In big cities, in areas and areas constantly blown by winds, this color is the norm for residents. If you do not have any of the painful symptoms described above, there is nothing to worry about.


If earwax is dry, this indicates the development of skin diseases such as dermatitis and emphysema. Also, a decrease in viscosity is associated with insufficient fat consumption. The consistency in this case is brought back to normal by adjusting the diet. A few percent of the chance of dry sulfur occurring may be due to genetic mutations in the body. In the European part, the number of such people reaches no more than 3%.

Excess sulfur

Why in sulfur? It was already indicated above what approximately the amount of sulfur is produced per day. But it happens that its yield is several times greater. This condition is called hypersecretion. In this case, a person may complain of a feeling of increased humidity in the ear, the appearance of wet, greasy spots on bed linen or a hat.

Why is a lot of wax produced in the ears, what are the causes of hypersecretion?

  • This may be due to the disease chronic dermatitis, which is expressed in red spots throughout the body or in certain areas of it. With this disease, a large amount of sulfur can be found in the ear canal. To eliminate it, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.
  • To determine the possible cause of excess wax production, you can take tests to check your cholesterol levels. It is this that, exceeding the permissible amount, also serves as a reason for hypersecretion. Since cholesterol is a constituent element of sulfur.
  • A child may have a lot of wax in his ears due to the fashionable hobby of listening to music on headphones. In adults, the reason is the use of hearing aids or earplugs. These foreign bodies lead to constant irritation of the nerve endings in the ear canal, stimulation of secretion and an increase in its amount released.
  • Working in constant stressful conditions, in dirty, dusty rooms also stimulates increased secretion. Even if a person simply sweats, more sulfur will be released than under normal conditions.
  • There is more ear discharge than usual during pregnancy, and there is a lot of wax in the ears of a child, especially a newborn. This is due to improper hygiene or damage to the canal.


Incorrect, uneven secretion can lead to clogging of the canal - the formation of a sulfur plug. Symptoms of earwax, the causes of its formation - we have discussed all this in detail. Sometimes the person himself becomes the cause of trouble. For example, using a cotton swab incorrectly pushes wax deep inside and closes the ear canal, causing the formation of a wax plug. Fortunately, its removal is not difficult. It is enough to consult a doctor who will rinse the ear or prescribe special medications. If the cause of hearing loss lies in the presence of diseases of a different nature, then it is also necessary to establish their cause and undergo a course of treatment.

It is important to remember prevention, hygiene and precautions. It is necessary to regularly clean the ears, but do this with great care, trying not to damage the ear canal and prevent foreign objects from getting into it. Try not to get carried away by listening to music on headphones, which irritate the nerve endings.

Why do our ears need wax?

For some reason, many people are sure that frequent and deep cleaning of the ears with various objects is the key to health. Let me disagree with this statement. Our body is not as simple as it seems. If we talk about the ears, they clean themselves independently, without outside help, for example, when a person chews food, coughs or talks. At this time, the movement of his jaws is sufficient to clear the ears. Sometimes we feel like something is crumbling from the ear canal from time to time. This is earwax. It represents cells that have already died, but remain in the ear canal. Mixing with secretions from the sebaceous and sulfur glands to a homogeneous mass, they turn into a special means for cleansing our ears.

When is earwax harmful to health?

But it is harmful only in one case - when it accumulates in huge quantities, causing quite unpleasant sensations, accompanied by hearing loss. As a rule, this indicates a so-called wax plug that has formed in the ear. Its more detailed symptoms are as follows: itching (pain) in the ear, ringing or noise, hearing loss (an obligatory symptom), a feeling of “cotton wool” in the ears, a slight loss of balance. If these signs occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove wax plugs yourself. This may harm your eardrum or cause inflammation. A qualified specialist will do everything for you, removing the problem under water pressure. First, he will drop a special solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) into the ear, which will soften the accumulated wax in about 15 minutes. During this time, you will feel a slight tingling or even tingling sensation in the ear canal. This is normal as the solution is being exposed. When the wax in the ears is sufficiently wet, the doctor will proceed directly to the procedure to remove it. A special syringe will be used, which will be filled with warm water. Slowly and under moderate pressure, the doctor pours water into the ear, rinsing the ear canal. In the meantime, you hold a small tray over the appropriate shoulder into which the water from your ear flows. If everything goes well, sulfur will float in the container along with the liquid. If not, the doctor will repeat the procedure.

A lot of wax in the ears - is it good or bad?

To be honest, today doctors find it difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, it is protection for our ears, an excellent cleaner for the ear canal, and therefore an indicator of health. But on the other hand, dry wax in the ears, contained in large quantities, is an alarming signal. He should make us see an otolaryngologist as quickly as possible.

Everything is okay

So, we found out that in general, wax in the ears (i.e. its formation there) is a completely natural process, indicating that the body accurately performs certain protective functions. Remember that in the ears of a healthy person, wax is always present in the required quantities. There is absolutely no need to use different objects to clean them: hairpins, cotton swabs, dirty fingers, and so on. Otherwise, inflammatory processes may begin, contributing to a very rapid increase in the amount of sulfur. It becomes liquid and begins to flow out of the ears. This is no longer the norm! But in this case, you already know who to turn to. Be healthy!

Sulfur is secreted in the ear canal by the ceruminal glands. This is a very important and necessary secret for the normal functioning of the body. Under normal conditions, it is removed from the ear on its own during the movement of the jaw bones, but sometimes a lot of wax forms in the ears, and this causes discomfort to the person. Let's look at why this happens and how this phenomenon can be prevented.

Why you can’t remove sulfur completely

Before you start getting nervous, you need to make sure that you really have a lot of earwax coming out of your ears. In most cases, people exaggerate the scale of the problem because they believe that these discharges should not be visible at all. However, this is not true, because sulfur performs very important tasks:

  • cleanses ears of dirt and dust;
  • moisturizes the thin skin of the ear canal;
  • protects against the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

It is for this reason that you should not get carried away with excessive removal of secretions. It’s a paradox, but the more often and more intensively you clean out sulfur, the more it will be produced.

The body quickly reacts to the lack of important components and begins to produce them at an even greater speed. For an adult, it is quite enough to wash the auricle and the outer part of the ear canal with warm soapy water while taking a shower or bath.

Causes of overworking glands

Only an otolaryngologist can find out exactly why there is a lot of wax in the ears of an adult after a thorough examination. If you notice the slightest changes in the functioning of your body, this is a direct signal that you need to visit a doctor.

There may be several reasons for excessive secretion, and based on them, the doctor makes recommendations for further care or treatment. Let's look at them in more detail and find out how to protect yourself from such violations.

Cause What to do

Chronic dermatitis.

The disease can be of allergic or infectious origin; it leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin, which can be located on any part of the body, and increased secretion of sulfur. Sometimes its consistency changes.

The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory or antihistamine drugs.

Excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood.

This disorder is manifested by pain in the legs during intense physical exertion, as well as excess wax in the ears.

The doctor prescribes a special diet. In especially severe cases, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with special drugs that lower cholesterol levels.

Headphones and hearing aids.

The constant presence of foreign bodies in the ear canal stimulates increased production of sulfur secretion.

The patient should, if possible, avoid using vacuum headphones. If the cause is a hearing aid, you need to pay more attention to ear hygiene.

Prolonged stay in dusty rooms.

When microparticles of dust and dirt enter the ear canal, the body wants to get rid of them faster, which leads to increased secretion.

In such cases, nothing needs to be done - excessive release of sulfur indicates the normal functioning of the body. You can only wash your ears to remove dirt more often.

Stressful situations.

American scientists have come to the conclusion that under stressful conditions all glands of the human body are activated, including sulfur glands.

It is best to limit yourself from stress, because it not only triggers the body’s reserve functions, but also negatively affects health.

Inflammation of the middle ear.

When the inflammatory process occurs, the skin of the ear canal becomes irritated, the flow of lymph and blood increases, and the ceruminal glands begin to work more actively.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment with local and systemic drugs.

Excessive cleanliness.

Complete removal of sulfur causes the body to produce even more of it.

In this case, you need to properly and without fanaticism perform ear cleaning.

Preventive measures

If a lot of wax is produced in the ears of an adult, this may indicate various disorders in the body. It is quite possible to prevent excessive work of the ceruminal glands. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your health and follow these simple rules:

  1. Avoid freezing your head and ears and always wear hats that are appropriate for the season.
  2. Limit exposure to dusty areas.
  3. Carry out all hygiene procedures carefully.
  4. Seek medical help promptly.

To understand why a lot of wax forms in the ears, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction of the ceruminal glands and give the correct recommendations to eliminate the problem.

This change should not be ignored under any circumstances, as it can signal serious problems in the body. Seek help from specialists in a timely manner, this will help prevent serious illnesses.

Wax is formed constantly and constantly normally and is removed from the ear canal during processes such as swallowing, chewing, and yawning. At the same time, it moves to the external auditory canal and removes bacteria and dust particles, i.e. cleanses the ear canal from various contaminants.

Dangerous hygiene

Improper hygiene of the ear canal is the most common cause of the formation and accumulation of wax in the ears.

There is an outer membranous-cartilaginous part of the ear canal and a more deeply located bone part, between which there is an isthmus. Earwax can form only in the membranous-cartilaginous ear canal, but if hygienic procedures are carried out incorrectly, it is possible to move the wax with a cotton swab or other device into the area of ​​a narrower isthmus, from which it is unlikely that it can be removed on its own. In this case, earwax often accumulates and a cerumen plug occurs.

Hygienic procedures should be carried out constantly, but not in the ear canal. Those. You need to clean the outer ear and the area around the external auditory canal. Thus, the possibility of damage to the skin of the ear canal and eardrum and the possibility of earwax moving deeper will be excluded.


Also, the cause of the formation and accumulation of wax in the ears can be its excessive secretion as a result of inflammatory processes, such as:
- ,
- eczema,
- increased cholesterol levels.

Another reason is a disruption in the process of removing wax as a result of the anatomical narrowness or tortuosity of the ear canal, with increased hair growth in the ear canal area.

Often, sulfur is formed by workers who are in the process of carrying out their activities in workshops where there is an accumulation of gas, dust or, conversely, high humidity, in which case even a small plug swells under the influence of moisture, and the presence of an ear plug.

Depending on the type of ear plug, the doctor chooses a method for removing it; self-removal is highly not recommended due to the possibility of damage to the eardrum and the occurrence of irreversible processes of hearing loss or reduction. However, for complete ear hygiene, it is recommended to use not only cotton swabs, but also liquid septic tanks intended for the ears.

The accumulation of large amounts of wax in a child’s ear canals often causes logical concern among parents. It must be said that there is always a small amount of wax in the ears: this secretion is constantly secreted, but sometimes there can be too much of it. And sometimes this sign indicates quite dangerous diseases. In this article we will look at the question of why a child develops a lot of wax in his ears, what this symptom can mean, and how to deal with it.

Description of the problem

It should be noted that the production of a small amount of sulfur secretion is a necessary condition for healthy hearing organs. But when the amount of this substance exceeds the permissible limits, this can already indicate disorders and even pathological, inflammatory processes in the auditory organs.

Sulfur glands - these are also sweat glands, but modified. And they form their own secret, characteristic only for them. Sulfur contains substances with a bactericidal effect that cleanse the internal cavity of the ear canals and protect them from germs.

Sulfur is, in fact, an organic mass consisting of the secretion of the auditory glands, sebum and dead epidermal cells. There is usually less wax in children's ears than in adults. Although recent research in this area has led scientists to the following conclusion: the amount of ear secretion produced depends more on the individual properties of the body than on age. That is, sometimes the same amount of sulfur can be considered normal for a child as for an adult. If this is typical for his body.

Sulfur begins to be produced a few days after the birth of the baby, and then its formation does not stop throughout the entire period of a person’s life. The function of sulfur secretion is to protect the delicate and delicate internal auditory organs from aggressive external influences.

Sulfur cleanses the ear canals and at the same time prevents pathogenic microbes and infections from penetrating inside.

The consistency of sulfur resembles ordinary ointment and has a reddish, “honey” tint. Over the course of a person’s life, the consistency, color, quantity and even the smell of sulfur can change depending on health, external conditions, and internal reasons. Its dark shade may indicate that the child does not spend much time outdoors, and its too thick consistency may indicate that the baby’s lipid synthesis is impaired.

Excessively liquid sulfur often indicates that the child’s mother has overdone it with hygiene procedures - and sulfur is formed at an accelerated pace, without having time to acquire its typical consistency. By the way, liquid sulfur sometimes also arouses suspicion among parents: they think there is too much secretion. But in fact, this is the usual amount, just very “diluted”.

In the video - what to do when a child has a lot of wax in the ears:

Causes of increased sulfur secretion

The standard, normal amount of sulfur secretion for a child is 20 mg per month. If the norm is slightly exceeded, it is considered acceptable. But certainly sulfur should not form too quickly - so that you don’t even have time to clean it out. Increased formation of sulfur secretion leads to headaches. Moreover, the headache will hurt not only in the ear area, but also in the back of the head, crown, and front part. Let's find out why sometimes a child produces too much sulfur.

As we have already figured out, one of the most common reasons is too thorough hygiene procedures.

Sometimes the reason for the formation of an increased amount of sulfur is banal and simple: unfavorable atmospheric and weather conditions. Thus, dust, dirt, smog outside the window, as well as neglect to ventilate the room, often lead to increased secretion formation in the body’s attempts to protect the internal auditory organs.

What can be done and what medications to use when pulsating noise appears in the left ear:

Sulfur plugs cause this phenomenon in most cases. Inaccurate ear cleaning or the natural narrowness of the ear canals lead to the formation of wax plugs. It is better to deal with them in the doctor's office. By the way, once a sulfur plug has formed, it does not show itself for some time.

But after a while it may appear as:

  • described discharge from the ears;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased auditory perception;
  • nausea, staggering when walking (due to malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus).

For those who want to learn more about why there is squeaking in the ears, you should follow the link and read the contents of this

If you notice that your child often scratches his ears, you should find out more and what can be done about this problem.

At the end of the water procedures, thoroughly blot the child’s ears with the tip of a towel, without going deeper into the ear canals. This measure will prevent water from accumulating in the ear canals.

We looked at the features of the abundant release of wax from a child’s ears. As you can see, the causes of this symptom can be different: from harmless to very dangerous. Therefore, be sure to show your baby to the doctor: under professional supervision, treatment will proceed at a much faster pace, leaving no complications or consequences.

Sulfur is secreted in the ear canal by the ceruminal glands. This is a very important and necessary secret for the normal functioning of the body. Under normal conditions, it is removed from the ear on its own during the movement of the jaw bones, but sometimes a lot of wax forms in the ears, and this causes discomfort to the person. Let's look at why this happens and how this phenomenon can be prevented.

Why you can’t remove sulfur completely

Before you start getting nervous, you need to make sure that you really have a lot of earwax coming out of your ears. In most cases, people exaggerate the scale of the problem because they believe that these discharges should not be visible at all. However, this is not true, because sulfur performs very important tasks:

  • cleanses ears of dirt and dust;
  • moisturizes the thin skin of the ear canal;
  • protects against the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

It is for this reason that you should not get carried away with excessive removal of secretions. It’s a paradox, but the more often and more intensively you clean out sulfur, the more it will be produced.

The body quickly reacts to the lack of important components and begins to produce them at an even greater speed. For an adult, it is quite enough to wash the auricle and the outer part of the ear canal with warm soapy water while taking a shower or bath.

Causes of overworking glands

Only an otolaryngologist can find out exactly why there is a lot of wax in the ears of an adult after a thorough examination. If you notice the slightest changes in the functioning of your body, this is a direct signal that you need to visit a doctor.

There may be several reasons for excessive secretion, and based on them, the doctor makes recommendations for further care or treatment. Let's look at them in more detail and find out how to protect yourself from such violations.

Cause What to do

Chronic dermatitis.

The disease can be of allergic or infectious origin; it leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin, which can be located on any part of the body, and increased secretion of sulfur. Sometimes its consistency changes.

The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory or antihistamine drugs.

Excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood.

This disorder is manifested by pain in the legs during intense physical exertion, as well as excess wax in the ears.

The doctor prescribes a special diet. In especially severe cases, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with special drugs that lower cholesterol levels.

Headphones and hearing aids.

The constant presence of foreign bodies in the ear canal stimulates increased production of sulfur secretion.

The patient should, if possible, avoid using vacuum headphones. If the cause is a hearing aid, you need to pay more attention to ear hygiene.

Prolonged stay in dusty rooms.

When microparticles of dust and dirt enter the ear canal, the body wants to get rid of them faster, which leads to increased secretion.

In such cases, nothing needs to be done - excessive release of sulfur indicates the normal functioning of the body. You can only wash your ears to remove dirt more often.

Stressful situations.

American scientists have come to the conclusion that under stressful conditions all glands of the human body are activated, including sulfur glands.

It is best to limit yourself from stress, because it not only triggers the body’s reserve functions, but also negatively affects health.

Inflammation of the middle ear.

When the inflammatory process occurs, the skin of the ear canal becomes irritated, the flow of lymph and blood increases, and the ceruminal glands begin to work more actively.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment with local and systemic drugs.

Excessive cleanliness.

Complete removal of sulfur causes the body to produce even more of it.

In this case, you need to properly and without fanaticism perform ear cleaning.

Preventive measures

If a lot of wax is produced in the ears of an adult, this may indicate various disorders in the body. It is quite possible to prevent excessive work of the ceruminal glands. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your health and follow these simple rules:

  1. Avoid freezing your head and ears and always wear hats that are appropriate for the season.
  2. Limit exposure to dusty areas.
  3. Carry out all hygiene procedures carefully.
  4. Seek medical help promptly.

To understand why a lot of wax forms in the ears, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction of the ceruminal glands and give the correct recommendations to eliminate the problem.

This change should not be ignored under any circumstances, as it can signal serious problems in the body. Seek help from specialists in a timely manner, this will help prevent serious illnesses.

Sometimes, at first glance, some functions of the human body seem completely useless. Actually this is not true. The body is a complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected and nothing is superfluous. For example, earwax discharge. It would seem like an everyday and completely unnoticed process, but many would be amazed if they found out how important it is.

The formation of earwax is a normal physiological process that is extremely necessary for the body. Sulfur is secreted by the ceruminal glands, which are located in the ear canal. Under normal conditions, this substance can be removed from the ear on its own during jaw movement, coughing or sneezing.

Earwax is a semi-liquid secretion that accumulates in the ear canal. The auditory canal consists of the part of the outer ear, that is, the part that comes into direct contact with the environment. The canal is covered with thin skin, the thickness of which is no more than 2 mm. It contains the sebaceous and sulfur glands that secrete ear secretions. This substance mixes with dead skin cells, which is how earwax is formed.

Earwax is essential for the health of the ears and the entire body. Because all dust particles, bacteria, including pathogenic ones, spores of pathogenic fungi, viruses - all this ends up in a lump of earwax, which prevents them from penetrating inside.

Sometimes, much more wax can build up in the ear than is necessary. The result of this process is blockage of the ear canal with wax.

Causes of excess sulfur production

Why does a lot of wax form in the ears? This question is asked to the ENT specialist by all patients who come to remove wax plugs. If there is a lot of wax in the ears, this may indicate the presence of various diseases. If the viscosity of this secretion is reduced, it will flow out of the ear, creating a lot of inconvenience for the person. With increased viscosity, a hard plug may form. When there is a lot of wax in the ears, the reasons may be the following:

Whatever the reason for the increased secretion of sulfur, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.


In order not to force the ceruminal glands to work in active mode, several rules should be followed, especially for children:

  • try not to overcool your head and ears;
  • perform ear cleaning procedures correctly;
  • stay in dusty rooms as little as possible;
  • seek medical help in a timely manner.

Since babies are very dependent on adults, parents are responsible for the condition of the child’s ears, and, accordingly, for his health.

How to properly clean your ears

To prevent large amounts of wax from accumulating in your ears and blockage of the ear canal, you need to systematically and correctly clean your ears. Recommendations for this procedure apply to both adults and children.

  1. You need to clean your ears only after water treatments, at this point the wax is softened and will be easily removed. To do this, you can use cotton swabs, but if you have to clean a child’s ear, it is better to give preference to homemade cotton swabs. Under no circumstances should you clean your ears with hairpins, barrettes or other traumatic objects.
  2. When cleaning, the movement should be rotational so that the resulting lump does not penetrate inside the ear, but comes out.
  3. During the procedure, the auricle needs to be slightly pulled forward and upward, so the ear canal is straightened.
  4. If the ear cleaning procedure is not carried out after bathing, you can soften the wax using hydrogen peroxide.
  5. If a plug appears in your ear, you should not remove it yourself; it is better to consult a doctor.

Increased production of earwax may be a symptom of some disorder in the body, which in no case should be left to chance.

Be healthy!

Earwax- not just a substance that from time to time strangely accumulates in the ear canal to cleanse and protect the auditory canals, it is the most marker of your health! This idea may seem strange to you, but next time during hygienic cleaning, do not rush to throw away the ear stick, because it can tell a lot about your health...

"So simple!" will tell you that earwax color can tell you about your health and why this symptom cannot be ignored. Keep your eyes open!


Sulfur is produced by the sulfur glands of the external auditory canal. When dead cells, hairs and other waste products are added to this secretion, earwax is ready! This cunning yellow-brown substance serves to lubricate and clean the ear canals, and also protects the hearing organ from all kinds of bacteria, fungi and other evil spirits.

So what should it be normally, and what type of earwax should you sound the alarm about? Let's figure it out!

By the way, did you know that cotton swabs are not the best device for cleaning your ears? As it turns out, instead of thoroughly cleaning the ear canal, you only push the wax plugs even deeper, and what’s worse, you can injure the eardrum.

In a word, excessive hygiene with ear sticks makes your ears defenseless against infections that cause inflammation. Most doctors say that it is quite enough to wipe the auricle with a damp cloth from time to time, removing the wax that comes out naturally.

Remember that sulfur is not a problem until it accumulates in the external auditory canal in excessive quantities. In this case, you should drop a few drops of oil or hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal to help the secretions leave the ear canal naturally. Be healthy!

Almost 20 mg of sulfur is excreted in the ears over the course of one month. It is produced in the outer part of the ear in the cartilaginous tissue, which contains almost two thousand glands. Every person understands the need for sulfur. Its most important task is to maintain immaculate cleanliness in the passage, as well as natural moisture. Dirt or dust entering the ear canal cannot move further to the middle ear. Sulfur envelops unnecessary objects and prevents them from harming the health of the ears.

Every day, sulfur is removed independently during chewing food, as well as during communication and other moments when the lower jaw works. However, there are cases when inflammation occurs in the ear and as a result a lot of wax is released. Therefore, we will take a closer look at why there is a lot of wax in the ear and what to do if wax leaks from the ear of a baby.

The peroxide will significantly soften the plug and the procedure itself will be painless and quick.

Doctors allow washing at home, but It is best to entrust this procedure to professionals.

In the future, for prevention, instill in the ears or wash the ears every day.

This way, you will reduce the risk of plug formation and normalize natural discharge. Remember that the less you clean your ears, the less dry wax will form.

If a child has a lot of wax in the ears, the reasons lie in lack of hygiene or trauma to the ear. Children often put small parts, pens or pencils in their ears.

At this time, the child should be explained why he should be careful and why he should not put foreign objects in his ears.

A common cause of the formation of excessive wax secretion is the frequent use of headphones, earplugs or hearing aids. When wearing gadgets, wax cannot leave the ear, so it accumulates in the passage, causing the appearance of wax plugs.

During this time, the patient often suffers from:

  • burning;
  • stuffy ears;
  • partial or complete hearing loss.

In this case, experts strongly recommend prophylaxis and instillation into the ear twice a month.

If you are producing a lot of wax and you don't know the cause, you should get your health checked. Perhaps the following inflammations form in the ear organ:

  1. Dermatitis is a skin disease in which the provoking factor lies in chemical, biological or physical factors. During the process of inflammation, severe redness in the outer ear area, the appearance of blisters and eczema, itching and severe burning are formed. In some cases, a person's body temperature rises. During the course of the disease, not only the composition of sulfur changes, but also its consistency.
  2. In addition, you should check the content blood cholesterol. In case of elevated levels, increased sulfur secretion is only a symptom of the disease. In addition, patients complain of severe pain in the limbs, as well as changes in skin color. During this time, you should strictly monitor your diet and take medications that lower cholesterol levels.
  3. If your professional activities are associated with places where waste, dust or dirt accumulate, construction waste and chemical elements, increased formation of wax in the ears cannot be avoided. At this time, it is necessary to instill Remo-Vax into the ears monthly and be observed by an otolaryngologist.
  4. It is known that stress and depression affect the increase in the work of not only the sulfur glands, but also the entire function of all organs.

Most often, complex therapy, using ear drops or a rinsing procedure, will help cope with these problems.

Do not remove excess wax with sharp objects.

Otherwise, you will damage the integrity of the skin and damage the condition of the eardrum.

If examinations indicate the absence of these reasons, it is important to pay attention to reasons such as:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Otosclerosis.
  3. Having bad habits.
  4. Poor hygiene.
  5. Otomycosis.

Consult your doctor if your earwax develops a foul odor. There is probably inflammation in the ear caused by the penetration of a staphylococcal infection.

Do not worry if sulfur has acquired any unnatural shade (gray, beige) if you live in a metropolis. Living in big cities exposes the body to pathological changes. Therefore, city dwellers' sulfur often turns gray.


Remember that sulfur has an important function in the body. Therefore, if black wax appears or an unpleasant odor appears from your ears, seek qualified help. Otherwise, you will miss the first signs of the inflammatory process. It is known that diseases are easier and cheaper to treat in the early stages of inflammation.

It is especially important to monitor ear discharge in young children. In childhood, sulfur discharge is not dangerous, but if there is excessive production or, conversely, disruption of the sulfur glands, the child is susceptible to otitis media.
