Complex nasal drops for children and adults - composition of drops, instructions for use. Complex nasal drops for children - composition, instructions, recipes How to make complex drops

Everyone at least once in their life has had to go to a prescription pharmacy, where they received a special medicine. In this review we will talk about complex drops, which are also prepared by pharmacists according to an ENT doctor’s prescription.

There may be several indications for therapy with complex drops, but most often they are resorted to if treatment with traditional drugs does not bring the desired result. A prolonged runny nose causes a lot of inconvenience, reduces the quality of life and can cause the development of other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.

An otolaryngologist may prescribe combination drops in the following cases:

In a sterile pharmacy environment prepare drops for the eyes, ears and nose. Some formulations are universal and can be used in the treatment of all ENT organs.

It should be noted that modern doctors do not so often resort to the services of complex drops, but are more inclined to prescribe treatment with modern drugs. Recent medical graduates are more likely to write a prescription for Polydexa than to select the composition of complex drops. Just choose, since the composition will change along with the patient’s clinical picture.

If the cause of rhinitis and subsequent inflammation is a viral infection, then the drops will contain an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and antiviral group of medications.

If the allergic component of the runny nose is not excluded, then an antihistamine, hormonal and immunomodulatory group is added to the combined drops.

Often the drops are based on vasoconstrictor monodrops such as Naphthyzin (for children, if the composition is prepared for a child).

The anti-inflammatory group is almost always present in the drug, but they resort to the hormonal group when other medications are powerless.

Advantages and disadvantages

Complex drops have supporters and opponents. What speaks in favor of combined formulations is that they:

  1. Publicly available - can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  2. Effective and safe due to individual selection of drugs;
  3. They are distinguished by their low price;
  4. There is the possibility of cooking at home.

The disadvantages of complex drops One can include what was recently regarded as an advantage - the ability to cook at home. Here you need to approach it with all seriousness and strictly follow the recipe for the preparation of the composition and the selection of drugs. You should also be conscientious and ensure maximum sterility when preparing the composition at home. Short shelf life of the product. There is some likelihood of increased blood pressure or its systemic effect on the entire body. Prohibited for use in children under 5 years of age.

Although there are cases when doctors take responsibility and, carefully calculating the dosage, prescribe such drops to young children.


Furacilin, Collargol, Protargol, which play the role of antiseptics, can be used as the main component of the drug. Furacilin solution is very often used by otolaryngologists. Protargol is also a popular drug, which is made on the basis of silver.

If it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a negative effect of the allergen, then Diphenhydramine or Suprastin is added to the composition of the complex drops. These drugs will reduce swelling and itching of the mucous membrane. To reduce the diameter of blood vessels, complex drops are supplemented with Farmazolin, Mezaton, Adrenaline or Naphazolin.

Polycompositions may include hormonal drugs, especially if an adult is being treated. Most often this is Hydrocortisone. Pediatric otolaryngology does not exclude the use of hormonal drugs such as Nasonex, Beconase or Nasobek.

In addition, vitamins E, A, aloe juice, essential oils and extracts of medicinal herbs are additionally added to the recipes.

It is important to remember that, no matter how similar the symptoms are in two patients, and the material you read on the Internet does not inspire confidence, you should not self-medicate or compose a drug formulation. This is the prerogative of an experienced doctor - a pediatrician or ENT specialist. Only a qualified specialist can accurately calculate the proportions and create the necessary prescription for effective treatment. Instructions for complex nasal drops for children will also be announced by a physician.

Parents are concerned that nasal discharge does not go away for a long time, and nasal drops do not have any effect.

What are complex nasal drops

Complex nasal drops are a solution that is prepared individually for each patient and contains more than two components

Complex nasal instillations are those drops that contain two or more medicinal substances. The doctor writes a prescription necessary to eliminate a runny nose, and pharmacists prepare such drugs. Therefore, you can order and purchase them in pharmacies that have a prescription department. In the prescription, the specialist indicates the dosage, frequency of use and duration of therapy.

You can make complex drops at home, strictly following the preparation instructions given by your doctor, namely the ratio of components and sterility. However, it is better to entrust the preparation of a solution for the treatment of rhinitis in children to an experienced specialist. Under no circumstances should you prepare a product based on a recipe from the Internet or a recipe used by friends. Complex drops not only help reduce discharge and relieve swelling, they act on the causes that provoked the development of the disease: pathogenic bacteria, viral infection, fungus or allergens.

Two-component or multi-component nasal drops are prescribed to children when rhinorrhea does not go away for more than ten days.

Such a remedy is selected with an individual approach. This takes into account the etiology of the disease, which is accompanied by a runny nose, the thickness and color of nasal discharge, the patient’s age, and the characteristics of the body. Also, the choice of components of complex drops depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease, the child’s weight, and the state of immunity.

Although ready-made combination drops have appeared on the pharmaceutical market, for example, Polydex, Vibrocil, Nasobek, Nasonex, experienced otolaryngologists consider it necessary to prescribe these drugs to both adults and children.

Useful video - Treatment of sinusitis in children with complex drops:

The advantages of complex drops are:

  • Availability and low cost of the components that are part of the combined products.
  • An individual approach to the selection of ingredients for preparing complex drops.
  • The simultaneous use of several components increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Among the disadvantages of such combination drugs:

  • May cause complications.
  • Do not use for ordinary rhinitis.
  • The prepared solution can be stored for no more than fourteen days.
  • If, when preparing it yourself, the proportions of the components are violated, an overdose of the product is possible.
  • There are contraindications to the use of certain substances, as well as adverse reactions.

It is important for parents to remember that it is not allowed to independently select and use complex drops in the treatment of a runny nose in children. After all, such actions can only aggravate the problem and influence the development of undesirable consequences. The remedy is quite powerful, and only a specialist can prescribe it.

Indications for use

Complex drops are prescribed when nasal diseases are protracted and simple drops are no longer effective

Complex drops can be prescribed by a specialist in the following cases:

  • If the runny nose is quite prolonged - up to two weeks.
  • When there is no effectiveness from the use of other nasal drops.
  • If the patient has hypersensitivity to the substances of the combined agents.

Indications for the use of such combined drops are severe forms of the following pathological conditions:

The purpose of complex drops also depends on the etiology of the runny nose (bacterial, fungal, viral, allergic). To determine the cause, the child needs to undergo the necessary tests.

The doctor may prescribe combination drops if you are predisposed to sinusitis (deviated nasal septum, adenoids, polyps, immunodeficiency).

Composition of complex drops

The composition of complex nasal drops for children should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the type, severity of the disease and the age of the child.

Combined preparations for instillation of the nasal passages may include the following components:

  • Antiseptic liquid, saline solution or boiled cooled water are used for the base of nasal drops. Often used for preparation are antiseptics such as Dioxidin or Furacilin, which also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Dioxidin helps relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. Miramistin antiseptic solution can also be used.
  • Protargol or collargol solution. They contain colloidal silver, therefore they are prescribed as a component in the treatment of children from five years of age.
  • Vasoconstrictor components. Facilitate nasal breathing, eliminating congestion and expanding the nasal passages. To prepare complex drops, Metazon, Ephidrine, Adrenaline, Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Galazolin, Farmazolin are used. However, due to adverse reactions, such drugs are used in children in rare cases. This drug is selected depending on the age of the children. It is also important to remember that these drugs are not allowed to be used for more than five days in order to avoid atrophic processes.
  • Antihistamines. They help relieve swelling and relieve burning and itching in the nasal passages. Used for runny nose caused by allergens. Usually, Diphenhydramine and Tavegil, Suprastin are used to prepare combined nasal medications. Among the more modern drugs of the antihistamine group are Zyrtec, Fenistil, Kromhexal.
  • Antibacterial substances. Add to the composition of complex drops if the disease is of bacterial etiology. In this case, the nasal discharge is purulent - with an unpleasant odor and a green tint. The following antibiotics can be used: Penicillin, Lincomycin, Gentamicin, Cefazolin. Complex drops containing such substances should be prepared for children only in pharmaceutical institutions.
  • Excipients of complex drops can be essential oil (pine, eucalyptus, menthol, pine), extracts of medicinal plants (aloe), vitamin preparations in solutions. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and help soften the nasal mucosa.
  • Complex drops may include glucocorticosteroids, for example, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Bordizone. They are used with caution in the treatment of runny nose in childhood, since they weaken the functioning of the endocrine system with prolonged use.
  • Experts often recommend mixing nasal drops for children, such as Sanorin, Otrivin, Vibrocil, Nazivin.

Recipes for preparing the product

Among the frequently prescribed recipes for children is a remedy that is prepared from the following components:

  • Boiled water (chilled) – 0.3 ml
  • Naphthyzin 0.05% - 7 ml
  • Penicillin – 500 ml bottle
  • Hydrocortisone – 1 ampoule

Drops based on Dioxidin and Naphthyzin are considered effective in the treatment of long-term rhinitis. They are mixed in equal parts for the solution.

Complex drops are also prepared using this recipe:

  • Dioxidin – half an ampoule
  • Dexamethasone – one ampoule
  • Naphthyzin – half a bottle
  • Diphenhydramine – one ampoule

Pharmacies make drops with Hydrocortisone, Dioxidin and Adrenaline. However, such a product is not allowed to be prepared independently.

For bacterial rhinitis, the prescription may include an antibiotic of the cephalosporin group - Cefazolin, which is mixed with Naphthisin, injection solution, Diphenhydramine, aloe juice, Dexamethasone. Another effective recipe for this is a solution containing Hydrocortisone, Dioxidin, Lincomycin, Metazon.

The following remedy can be used for a prolonged runny nose:

Other recipes that specialists can prescribe for rhinitis:

  • Dexamethasone (1ml), Naphthyzin (10 ml), Miramistin (10 ml)
  • Sofradex (5 ml), Dexamethasone (1 ml), Lincomycin (1 bottle), Nazivin (10 ml)
  • Dioxidine (5 ml), Galazolin (5 ml), Dexamethasone (2 ml)
  • Dioxidine (5 ml), Farmazolin (5 ml), Hydrocortisone (2 ml)

There are many recipes for preparing complex drops. But you should not use any without the prescription of a specialist, especially in order to cure a runny nose in a child. The selection of medications for the product is carried out with an individual approach, taking into account all the nuances of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the child’s body.

Features of application

The correct dosage and course of treatment with complex drops is prescribed by the doctor!

It is important to know that complex drops can only be used in the treatment of children if they are prescribed by a specialist.

For the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for performing nasal instillation in a child. First, to do this, you should clear the nasal passages of mucus. Rinsing will help clear the nose of secretions. An effective remedy for this is considered to be a medicine based on salt water. In children, nasal cleansing is carried out using a special aspirator.

The dosage of drops is determined by a specialist. Usually it is a few drops alternately into each nasal passage. If it is necessary to use complex drops in small children, you can moisten a cotton swab in the solution for internal use and leave it in the nose for a few minutes. After instillation, it is recommended to soften each nostril with a drop of vegetable oil.

It must be remembered that complex drops can be stored in a cold place for no more than half a month.

Side effects when using drops may include the following reactions: rapid pulse, dry nasal mucosa, decreased local immunity, nosebleeds. These effects mainly appear in cases of overdose, which is caused by violations of the rules for preparing or using complex drops. If such reactions are present, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of further use of the product.

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  • Galetova S.D. – We do not use it when there is congestion. – 03/10/2018
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The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

Is it possible for a child to drip Albucid into the nose: instructions for using the product

Inexpensive but effective antimicrobial ophthalmic drops Albucid are used primarily to eliminate the symptoms of infectious eye diseases. In pediatric practice, a low concentration drug is often used to treat the common cold. This is one of the few safe remedies that eliminate acute rhinitis and sinusitis.

Composition and release form of the drug Albucid

The main active ingredient is sulfacetamide, which interrupts the bacterial growth cycle. This component creates an imbalance in the process of amino acid synthesis. It is active against most types of cocci, actinomycetes, E. coli, toxoplasma and other pathogens. A twenty percent aqueous solution contains 20 mg of sulfacetamide in each milliliter of the drug.

The drops also have a detoxifying and antihistamine effect due to the presence of sodium thiosulfate salt in their composition. Hydrochloric acids normalize the acid-base environment of the eyes and nose. The drug goes on sale in 10 ml plastic bottles equipped with a convenient dropper.

What kind of runny nose does the remedy help cure?

Albucid nasal drops for children are indicated for use:

  • in cases of prolonged bacterial infections in the sinuses, accompanied by the release of viscous yellow-green mucus, sometimes with a putrid odor;
  • with complex therapy of adenoiditis;
  • for the treatment of injuries to the nasal mucosa;
  • as a means of improving the patency of the nasal passages in newborns.

Is it possible to put eye drops into the nose, how do they work?

The instructions for these eye drops do not describe the nasal method of using the medicine. However, it is effective not only in ophthalmology. Is it possible to drip Albucid into a child’s nose? Experienced doctors say that its use is justified.

Often this remedy helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms that cannot be treated with antibiotic drops. The reason is a very wide range of flora that are sensitive to its action, whereas most antibiotics kill only certain groups of bacteria.

Simultaneously with the destruction of pathogenic flora, Albucid relieves swelling of the mucous membranes and nasopharyngeal tonsils, promotes the narrowing of lymphoid tissue, and restores the acidic environment. It really heals, and does not just drive away unpleasant sensations.

The drug acts only at the injection site. The extent of its distribution in the body is very small. For the nose, use a product containing 20% ​​active substance. The process of instilling Albucid does not cause discomfort; most children tolerate its use well. The youngest patients may feel a slight burning sensation, but the discomfort disappears within the first five minutes after instillation.

How to use Albucid for a runny nose?

Due to the absence in its annotation of instructions on a specific treatment regimen for ENT pathology, recommendations regarding the treatment of a runny nose should be given by a doctor. If it is not possible to seek advice from a medical institution, self-administration of Albucid into the nose is allowed. Let's take a look at the standard instructions for use.

How to properly administer the drug to a baby?

The dosage must be observed very precisely, and the procedure must be carried out at regular intervals throughout the day. Usually the following instructions for instillation into the nose are recommended for eye drops:

  • for newborns: dilute a solution with a concentration of 20% with warm water and pour in 2-3 drops 3 times a day;
  • children under one year of age: it is recommended to use 1 drop of the drug 3 times a day;
  • For babies over 12 months old, 2 drops of solution are instilled up to 4 times a day.

Strict implementation of the following algorithm of actions guarantees maximum effectiveness of treatment and good tolerability of the procedure by young patients. Sequence of manipulations:

  1. Rinse the nasal passages with a saline solution of rock or sea salt (industrial production) or lightly salted boiled water prepared independently. The procedure is performed using a pipette or a spray bottle.
  2. Clear mucus from the nose (use an aspirator for infants).
  3. If nasal breathing is impaired, apply vasoconstrictor drops recommended for a certain age, which will eliminate swelling.
  4. Carefully pour the prescribed number of drops of Albucid into the child’s nose.

Please note that this product is not compatible with other antiseptics, including silver-based ones, and antibiotics. Excessive disinfection dries out the mucous membrane, causing irritation and increased swelling of the nasal sinuses.

How many days should I use the product?

The instructions for using Albucid for nasal instillation in children do not indicate how many days the drug should be dripped. It does not belong to the means that instantly alleviate the patient’s well-being. The destruction of the infection occurs slowly and gradually. The bacteria stop reproducing and gradually die out within 5-7 days.

If there is no progress in treating the disease within 5 days, it is necessary to discontinue treatment with Albucid and consult a doctor for new prescriptions. There are cases when this medicine was powerless against a runny nose caused by microorganisms resistant to its effects.

Analogues of the drug

Pharmacies in the Russian Federation offer no less effective analogues of Albucid, which have antibacterial properties and are as safe as possible for health. If it is poorly tolerated or has contraindications, it is permissible to replace it:

  1. Levomycetin;
  2. Oftaquix;
  3. Normax;
  4. Tobrex;
  5. Tsipromed;
  6. Phloxalom.

The cost of drugs with similar effects on pathogenic microorganisms varies widely, depending on the composition, manufacturer, and place of manufacture. Most of them are more expensive than Albucid. Before you pay more, try this drug, tested for many years and proven to be effective.

I used it to treat a persistent runny nose in my 5-year-old son. Traditional treatment with Protargol, which previously helped well, has ceased to be effective. Albucid really helped. Probably the microbes were scared of the new product.

For some reason, Albucid did not help us, although, judging by the reviews on the Internet, I was hoping for a positive result. It took 6 days, the doctor wrote out the instructions, but I had to replace the drug with an antibiotic.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

Articles and books on otorhinolaryngology

On the site you can read articles and books on otorhinolaryngology that describe diseases of the ear, throat, nose and upper respiratory tract. For each nosological form, the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment are presented. The books reflect changes in diagnosis and treatment tactics that have occurred in the last decade; Some new forms of ENT pathology and a number of new syndromes have been described.

For otorhinolaryngologists and doctors of other specialties.

Alkaline drops

If it is not possible to remove the wax plug by repeated washings, then it should be softened by pouring namin into the ear over the course of a day, heated to a temperature of about 37°. With alkaline drops.

HEARING LOSS is a hearing loss in which the speech of others is poorly or insufficiently clearly perceived. Hearing loss can vary in degree - from the perception of spoken speech at a distance of 3-4 m (mild degree of hearing loss) to the perception of loud spoken speech at the auricle (severe degree of hearing loss). Unlike deafness, in which speech perception is impossible under any conditions, with hearing loss, speech is perceived when the speaker’s voice is amplified, by hearing aids, or when the speaker approaches.

Causes of hearing loss: chronic purulent otitis media, chronic salpingootitis, tympanosclerosis, otosclerosis, atresia (congenital and acquired) of the external auditory canal, developmental anomalies of the middle ear, consequences of serous labyrinthitis, damage to the auditory nerve, conduction tract and cortical auditory area, senile hearing loss .

In case of hearing impairment due to damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, appropriate conservative or surgical treatment can significantly improve and sometimes restore hearing. When the sound-receiving apparatus is damaged, hearing loss is irreversible and usually progressive. A severe form of hearing loss develops, bordering on deafness, leading to speech impairment.

In such cases, children are subject to education and treatment in special schools. Such schools accept children with a persistent severe form of hearing loss, with the perception of spoken speech at a distance of less than 2 m, and whispered speech - less than 0.5 m. With less hearing loss, children can study in a regular school, but sometimes it is necessary to create special conditions for them ( approaching the teacher, using a personal sound amplification device, reading from a person's face). The main criterion for successful studies in a regular school is complete speech preservation.

Otolaryngology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck pathologies.

How to thin snot - drops and preparations for thick mucus in the nose

When treating inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, medications that dilute snot are necessarily used. Medicines are selected based on the cause and severity of the disease and the structure of the mucus secreted from the nose.

Thick, viscous, weak discharge causes intense coughing, worsens nasal breathing, and provokes sinusitis. The doctor must establish the cause of the disease and select the optimal therapy to quickly thin the nasal mucus in both an adult patient and a child.

Treatment can be carried out using both pharmaceuticals and traditional recipes.

Why do snot come in different colors?

Human snot contains water, salts and the protein mucin. The degree of viscosity of nasal secretions depends on the protein concentration. It is easy to determine the disease and its stage by the color of nasal mucus. Sticky snot usually comes in four colors:

Transparent, thick, odorless snot most often indicates the development of an acute respiratory disease or an allergic process. Mucus that turns yellow or greenish in color means the penetration of a bacterial infection into the body, the formation of chronic rhinitis.

Viscous snot of a rich green color indicates the approach of recovery; they contain dead leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms. But if green discharge flows suspiciously often from the nose, then the sick person most likely develops chronic bronchitis or pneumonia.

Dark yellow or brown nasal mucus is often seen in heavy smokers. Nicotine enters the respiratory tract along with cigarette smoke. This toxic substance accumulates in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and colors nasal secretions in an unnatural color. Rarely, thick, dark yellow snot appears in non-smokers. They signal the development of severe pathologies in the body, maybe even a malignant tumor.

Why does snot become sticky?

The protein mucin is responsible for the thickness of snot. Its concentration in the body increases under the influence of negative endogenous and exogenous factors. An increase in the viscosity of nasal mucus is most often observed when a bacterial infection enters the respiratory system, improper treatment of respiratory diseases, or unfavorable air conditions in the home.

  1. The air in your home is too dry. In a person living in a house with excessively dry air, the mucous surface of the nose dries out, the snot thickens, hardens, and turns into a crust that interferes with nasal breathing. This unpleasant phenomenon is usually observed in the winter season, when heating is turned on in residential areas. Also, the viscosity of nasal secretions increases in people who do not drink enough fluids.
  2. Incorrect treatment of respiratory diseases. Thick, viscous, poorly discharged mucus from the nose appears with poor quality or untimely treatment of acute respiratory diseases. In children with a weak immune system, if rhinitis is treated incorrectly and insufficiently, viscous white snot is formed. You should know that the white color of nasal mucus indicates the presence of a viral infection in the body.
  3. Allergy. Sticky greenish mucus often accompanies allergic rhinitis.
  4. Bacterial infection. If, during a respiratory disease, nasal mucus becomes yellow or greenish in color, then pathogenic bacteria are added to the viral infection. In this case, the runny nose enters the purulent stage. Often, viscous, rich green snot is a symptom of sinusitis, a serious illness that requires complex therapy.

For the treatment and prevention of runny nose, sore throat, ARVI and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Thanks to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in treating sore throats, colds and strengthening the immune system.

Solutions for thinning mucus in the nose

There is no use in blowing viscous snot. In this case, complex treatment is required. The best remedy for thinning sticky snot is a saline solution. You can easily prepare the medicine at home.

  1. Pour half a tablespoon of table salt into a glass of water.
  2. The liquid is thoroughly stirred until the salt crystals dissolve.

The mucous membranes of the nasal cavity are treated with the prepared solution. The sick person is in a standing position, tilting his head to the side as low as possible. The medicinal liquid is poured through a syringe without a needle into the nostril, which is located on top when the head is tilted. The used solution is poured out of the opposite nostril. Then the patient tilts his head to the other side, a similar procedure is performed with the second nostril.

Both an adult and a child over four years of age are allowed to use the thinning solution. Children under four years old can also have medicine instilled into their nose, but it is much less concentrated. Parents should use a pipette to carefully instill three drops of the solution into each nostril of small children.

The procedure is carried out every four hours until the child recovers. After the procedure, liquefied mucus is sucked out of the baby's nose using an aspirator. An older child can be asked to blow his nose.

When preparing a thinning solution, it is extremely important not to overdo the salt concentration. A solution that is too saturated causes drying out of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. As a result, crusts form in the nose from mucus, making it difficult to breathe, and when detached from the mucous membrane, causing nosebleeds.

Highly effective mucus thinners can be found in pharmacies. The best pharmaceutical thinning solutions are:

These medications thoroughly but gently cleanse the nasal passages of foreign elements, perfectly moisturize the mucous walls, and relieve swelling. Pharmacy solutions are not addictive, so they can be used for an unlimited time without harm to the body.

Drops to thin nasal mucus

Pharmacies sell many drops that dilute snot, restore nasal breathing, extinguish inflammation, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. The composition of medicines includes both synthetic substances and components of plant origin.

Preparations based on eucalyptus and fir oil, extracts of elderberry, thyme, and marshmallow root are good at thinning nasal secretions. Mucolytic nasal drops stimulate contraction of bronchial muscle tissue, increase the fluidity of nasal mucus without increasing its volume, and quickly clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulations. Below are the best thinners.

  1. Rinofluimucil. A highly effective drug that thins nasal mucus. The active component is acetylcysteine, which has an expectorant effect, reduces the thickness of nasal secretions, and promotes the free release of sputum. An additional active ingredient is tuaminoheptane sulfate, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, relieving hyperemia of the mucous walls of the nasal passages.
  2. Sinuforte. A popular and often prescribed drug by doctors. Nasal drops are made on the basis of a plant component - juice and aqueous extract of cyclamen tubers. The medication stimulates reflex secretion in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, normalizes the viscosity of mucus, and improves the permeability of the paranasal sinuses.

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral medications should be used if thick mucus is a symptom of a viral infection in the body. Most often, drugs based on the interferon protein are prescribed for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Below are the most effective and commonly used medications.

  1. Genferon. Immunostimulating suppositories that provide an antiviral effect.
  2. Grippferon. Solution for instillation into the nose. It has an immunostimulating, antihistamine, antiviral effect.
  3. Laferon. A drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect, activating protection against tumor formations. Sold in the form of a solution for instillation into the nose, powder for the preparation of injection liquid, suppositories.
  4. Nazoferon. A medicine that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect, destroying pathogenic microflora, extinguishing the inflammatory reaction. Sold in the form of nasal drops, as well as a spray for irrigation of the nasal passages.

The most famous and proven antiviral nasal remedy is Oxolinic ointment. It can be used both to treat and prevent viral infections. The ointment should be applied in a thick layer to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages three times a day.


Stringy white snot may be a symptom of the body's reaction to an allergen. Typically, the following substances are classified as strong allergens:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • dust particles;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • animal hair;
  • volatile production waste.

For allergic rhinitis, accompanied by the formation of thick nasal mucus, antihistamine drops are used:

These drugs have a vasoconstrictor effect, normalize blood circulation in the mucous membranes, and stop the functioning of histamine H1 receptors.

It is not advisable to use antihistamine drops for people with metabolic disorders, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, or suffering from frequent surges in blood pressure.


Liquid medicine is much more effective at thinning mucus if it is administered into the nasal cavity by spraying. Inhalations help speed up the discharge of sputum, restore patency of the nasal passages, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes.

The procedures can be carried out at home if you have a special device - a nebulizer. Recovery occurs much faster if you use a nebulizer rather than the usual nasal drops and sprays.

It is also a good idea to fill the nebulizer with mineral water that contains alkali: Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine helps thin nasal mucus no worse than pharmaceutical drugs. How to thin the snot of an adult and a child? Below are proven and frequently used recipes.

  1. Garlic oil. The head of garlic is crushed and poured with a glass of sunflower oil. The medicine is infused for about 12 hours. The finished product must be instilled into the nose twice a day. Two drops are instilled into each nostril.
  2. Onion juice. Juice is squeezed out of onions and diluted with water 1 to 3. The medicine perfectly thins nasal mucus. After the first instillation, thick and viscous snot turns into liquid.
  3. Aloe juice. The juice of the medicinal plant has a pronounced mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. Fresh squeezed juice of aloe leaves is diluted with water 1 to 3. The finished medicine is instilled two drops into each nostril three times a day.

And a little about secrets.

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

Complex drops for the common cold are administered by leading otolaryngologists. Their main difference from standard medicinal substances is their multicomponent nature. Several types (from 2) of components that have a beneficial effect on the body are mixed in complex drops. Complex drops are used for severe, chronic diseases, when basic substances do not help achieve the desired effect.

Please note: if you have a runny nose, do not start using compound drops without authorization. Their intake should be agreed with the attending physician after a series of tests and examinations. The doctor will determine the nature of the disease, the general condition of the body, indications and contraindications for the use of medications. If you do not take the disease seriously, the consequences are difficult to eliminate.

Complex nasal drops are administered to patients by otolaryngologists.

Complex drops

Complex drops are medicinal substances that are prepared in the form of a solution according to a special prescription drawn up by a doctor. The composition may vary depending on the characteristics of the body and the disease. After a thorough examination and treatment that does not produce results, they may offer “homemade” drops. You can make them yourself or place an appropriate order at the pharmacy. It is worth noting that you cannot simply order medicine from a pharmacy; this will require a special referral from a doctor.

“Homemade” drops are easy to prepare at home. Study the list of components, purchase the necessary components for the future medicine, follow the recommendations, maintain the required proportions. As pharmaceuticals have advanced, such prescriptions have become much less common. The advantage is on the side of modern combination drugs, which already contain several complementary enzymes.

Some doctors, citing their own experience, recommend similar drugs for the common cold and other infectious diseases. Their effectiveness is not inferior to factory-made drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Your doctor will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of such medications. They will vary depending on the composition selected by the doctor and your individual reaction to it. Consider the following factors before starting a course of medication.


  • individual selection of components. The enzymes that doctors will select are aimed specifically at your source of infection. Thanks to proper treatment, the time frame for therapy can be reduced to several days;
  • low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • the result of using several components has a beneficial effect on the body.

Please note the disadvantages of such medications:

  • There may be difficulties during the creation process (wrong proportions or preparations);
  • overdose is possible;
  • presence of side effects;
  • you are creating an uncertified product, relying only on the experience of the attending physician.

Possible side effects when taking complex drops:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of glaucoma;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • the disease you are trying to cure may become chronic;
  • nosebleeds;
  • the mucous membrane will lose the ability to retain pathogenic microorganisms.

Indications for use

Most often, such drugs are prescribed in cases where basic medications do not have the desired effect. The doctor, having determined the patient’s condition, can immediately offer him to create his own medicine for a speedy recovery and maximum results. Main indications for use:

  • acute/chronic rhinitis;
  • acute/chronic sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and oral cavity, the main cause of which is viral, bacterial, allergic infections.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the characteristics of the body, and susceptibility to certain drugs, the doctor determines the composition of the future drug. The necessary recommendations, proportions, storage periods should be discussed with the attending physician.

Components of complex drops

Basic components of complex drops:

  • saline solution (the basis for the medicinal substance);
  • antiseptic solution (base for medicinal substance);
  • "Furacilin" (antiseptic);
  • "Dioxidin" (antiseptic).

The most common component is Dioxidin. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it becomes one of the most effective and efficient components of the solution. The substance has the following functions:

  • anti-edema effect;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • easier/improved breathing through the nose.

Additional auxiliary agents are beneficial plant juices (aloe), essential oils, and vitamin solutions. Remember that the composition must be analyzed by a doctor. Otherwise, there may be a negative effect on the body or an absolute lack of results.


The doctor will create a prescription tailored to your individual needs. We will give a few basic ingredients of complex drops:

  1. Mix Dioxylin with Naphthyzin. The proportions must be equal. The remedy is used for prolonged runny nose and complications caused by runny nose (for example, adenoiditis).
  2. Mix Dioxidin, Naphthyzin (half a jar), Dexamethasone (1 ampoule) and Diphenhydramine (1 ampoule).
  3. Mix Diphenhydramine, Dexamethasone, Cifazolin with aloe juice or saline solution.

These combinations are the main ones and are most often found in doctors’ recommendations. They cope well with a runny nose and help the body recover as quickly as possible.

This is a special composition consisting of different medicinal components, which is prepared precisely according to the requirements for the treatment of a particular sick person. The ingredients taken for the drug depend on the patient’s condition and diagnosis, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

Features of treatment with drops

The amount of the drug to be taken and the concentration of its constituent substances depend on the age category of the patient. The composition must be determined by an otolaryngologist in the hospital. Choosing drops on your own is not allowed, especially when it comes to a child..

This is explained by the fact that there are incompatible medications. Strictly contraindicated at certain ages and in certain conditions. There are also restrictions when prescribing certain drugs. Only a specialist can make a reasonable prescription for each patient. Each prescription prescribed by a doctor will contain the correct proportions of all ingredients for each specific case. Later in the article we will offer you 10 options for composing complex drops.

In what situations will the doctor prescribe complex drops?

They can consist of two or more substances. An otolaryngologist specialist creates prescriptions for patients, and they are prepared by pharmaceutical experts according to the provided list. This medicine is prepared by large pharmacies. If there is a desire to prepare the drops yourself, the patient should first consult a doctor.

Situations when you need to start taking drops:

  • in the absence of improvement from therapy with ready-made complex drugs;
  • the patient's condition worsens even with treatment;
  • the disease has become a chronic condition or has a protracted course;
  • you need to prescribe drugs in combination to be taken at the same time;
  • disease of a combined type of origin;
  • severe rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, nasopharyngitis - all these diagnoses are indications for use.

What is the drug made from?

The drops may contain various substances:

  • constricting vessels of the nose;
  • antiallergic components;
  • drugs containing hormones;
  • antibacterial drugs.

Let's look at why the doctor prescribes drugs that have the effect of narrowing blood vessels.

Such drugs are used to:

  • minimize the resulting swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • provide air access to the paranasal sinuses by “breaking through” the nasal passages;
  • help the passage of secretions released from the nose;
  • vasoconstrictor ingredients are the base, as they add to the effectiveness of the other ingredients by relieving swelling in the nasal passages.

Antihistamine-based drugs are required to be added for allergic inflammations. They also have the ability to relieve severe swelling, as they can constrict blood vessels.

Antibiotics – added for bacterial inflammations, such substances kill infectious agents. The main indicator for the use of antibiotics is purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as in the case of an aggravated stage of the disease. The mucus in such cases is green.

The substances included in the drug for the common cold can be very different.

In childhood, Furacilin can be used as a local antiseptic.

Glucocorticosteroids - constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling. These are antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs used for infectious and allergic diseases.

How to make complex drops

Let's look at the best ways to create complex drops.

First way

Often in medical practice the following composition is used: half an ampoule - Dioxidine, Dexamethasone, Naphthyzin - one ampoule each.

If infectious edema occurs, you can take Naphthyzin and combine it with Dioxidin one to one.

Second way

Aloe plant juice is a natural element and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, so it is included in complex drops
. The drug mixture is prepared from Dioxidin, to which Dexamethasone is added in a ratio of ten to one, then 2 ml of aloe juice is added. A small drawback is the short period of use. This composition should not be stored in a cold place for more than 3 days. Therefore, it is better to prepare a small portion, and after the expiration of the term, prepare the next one.

Third way

Also quite a popular recipe in practice: ten milliliters of Dioxidin plus 2 milliliters of Hydrocortisone, to this add 1 ml of Metazone. To increase the ability to resist inflammation, you can add 1 ml of aloe juice.

Fourth method

The doctor can combine Dioxidin with Hydrocortisone and Farmazolin 5:2:5.

Fifth method

Sixth method

If breathing through the nose is impossible and there is severe swelling of the nasal passages, then the drug is prepared from: one ampoule of Dioxidin, 1/2 bottle of Naphthisin, one ampoule of Dexamethasone, one ampoule of Diphenhydramine.

Seventh method

Characteristic of a runny nose with pus that has overtaken a child. In this case, complex drops for children are prepared from: 5 milliliters of Dioxidin, to which 1 milliliter of Hydrocortisone is added plus 5 milliliters of Sulfacyl. Children require the use of half percent Dioxidin and twenty percent Sulfacyl.

Another recipe for children provides a mixture of ten milliliters of Naphthyzin and ten milliliters of Miramistin, to which one milliliter of Dexamethasone is added.

Eighth method

Dexamethasone - 1 milliliter plus 5 milliliters of Dioxidin plus 15 drops of Nazivin - reduce severe swelling, provide air access to the sinuses in case of sinusitis.

Ninth method

The following composition of drops has a good effect: 10 milliliters of Xylene are mixed with 5 milliliters of Dioxidin and Dexamethasone in ampoules.

Tenth method

Drugs containing antibiotics are used for bacterial inflammations, which are often prepared in equal proportions: Dexamethasone plus Ceftriaxone plus saline.

Formulations with Ceftriaxone are suitable for adults and children. In equal proportions for adenoids, it is mixed with Dexamethosone and Naphthyzin.

Another good recipe with an antibiotic: 1 bottle of Cefazolin plus 5 milliliters of Farmazolin plus 2 milliliters of Hydrocortisone and plus 10 milliliters of saline. If the swelling is severe, add another 1 milliliter of Diphenhydramine.

Inhalation with a nebulizer filled with Gentamicin and saline will enhance the effect and speed up recovery.

Complex drops containing Lincomycin are also mixed with Diphenhydramine or Suprastin and a vial of Vibrocil is added to it.

The composition of complex drops may include glucocorticosteroids, for example Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Bordizone.

Subtleties of preparing complex nasal drops

It is contraindicated to strictly select the compositions of children's medications without the participation of a doctor. For small children under 3 years of age, such drugs are prescribed in the most extreme cases.

The process of treating the disease must be strictly controlled by a specialist.

The components should be selected taking into account the presence of allergic reactions, age categories, as well as contraindications to the use of the drug.

You should always take into account the percentage composition of the drug that is taken to prepare the suspension.

  1. Children are prescribed only half percent Dioxidin, and older ones are prescribed one percent.
  2. 0.1 percent Xylene - only from 6 years of age. Until it is reached, take 0.05.
  3. For children, twenty percent Sulfacyl is included.
  4. Dexamethasone is used at 0.1 percent, Hydrocortisone at 2.5 percent.
  5. Farmazolin for children is 0.05 percent concentration, 0.1 percent is exclusively for older people with severe swelling of the mucous membrane.
  6. Diphenhydramine one percent.
  7. up to 1 year old children Nazivin - 0.01 percent, up to 6 years old - 0.025 percent, from 6 years old - 0.05 percent.
  8. for children Naphthyzin - 0.05 percent, for older people - 0.1.
  9. Mezaton is used in one percent concentration.

The medicine will bring the greatest benefit if you clear the passages of pathological mucus; this can be done for children with a special pear. A weak salt solution gives a very good washing effect. If dry breathing and burning occurs in the nasal passages, you can drip sea buckthorn or peach oil into your nose, they will soften the sensation, and also apply a warm solution with Lidaza.

Restrictions on use

There are a number of contraindications to patients taking some components of the drops. Let's look at them.

  • Prescriptions with Dioxidin are contraindicated for people suffering from impaired adrenal function, expectant mothers, and nursing women.
  • Vibrocil is contraindicated for people who are allergic to this component. Atrophic rhinitis is also a contraindication. Breastfeeding and expectant mothers are also included in the group of people who are not recommended to take this component.
  • Diphenhydramine, which is part of alkaline nasal drops, should not be used by nursing mothers and women expecting a child, newborns, people with glaucoma, prostate enlargement, or digestive ulcers. Suprastin is contraindicated in patients with asthma or glaucoma. Also for arrhythmia, increased heart rate.
  • Xylene is contraindicated for use if the individual organism does not accept it. Arterial hypertension, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, rhinitis are contraindications for the use of Xylene. Patients with chronic rhinitis should not take it for more than three days. When prescribing the composition to women during feeding, feeding is stopped. It is prescribed to expectant mothers only as a last resort, by a qualified specialist and for no more than a few days.
  • Farmazolin is contraindicated in glaucoma, rhinitis, increased heart rate, atherosclerosis, hypertension, arterial hyperthyroidism.
  • Nazivin - for the above-mentioned glaucoma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, increased heart rate, Pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism.
  • Naphthyzin should not be used for increased heart rate, high blood pressure, or atherosclerosis.
  • Miramistin is not prescribed to people who suffer from an allergic reaction to this component.
  • Gentamicin cannot be prescribed to expectant mothers, nursing women, or recently born babies. Also, patients with kidney dysfunction, severe liver dysfunction, and uremia cannot take it. Gentamicin is also contraindicated for people with auditory nerve neuritis.
  • Sulfacyl is not prescribed if certain patients who are allergic are intolerant to it.
  • Lincomycin is contraindicated for expectant mothers, nursing women, as well as those suffering from an allergy to this drug or severe renal impairment.

Side effects of the drug

When used, complex nasal drops may encounter some side effects.

  1. The most common complaints: the appearance of dry nasal mucosa, a burning sensation, “dry, hard” air. Such symptoms occur when taking Dioxidin.
  2. A bloody nose may be a side effect. Elderly people have a percentage risk of developing glaucoma.
  3. Rarely, increased heart rate, weakness, nausea, and general malaise may occur.
  4. Changes in heart rate can also be a reaction to medications.

To avoid unwanted complications from using nasal drops, you must follow the instructions for use:

  • do not instill the composition for more than 5 days;
  • listen and act as prescribed by the doctor;
  • adhere to the prescribed dosage and characteristics of use;
  • If the product was prepared at home, you should strictly follow the instructions.

Complex drops or well-known advertised drugs from pharmacy shelves - which is better?

The main advantage of complex drops is their low price and availability compared to ready-made drugs. Another good reason to give preference to complex drops is individuality in purpose. The doctor can take into account all the needs and condition of the patient and write him an individual prescription.

The downside of the drug is the lack of research into the safety of using these drugs, as well as their effectiveness.

This is why most people buy proven, research-tested drugs from pharmacies. Especially when it comes to treating a child.

There are parents who believe that the doctor is experimenting on the child by writing such prescriptions. But they do not take into account that when buying a ready-made combination product with a beautiful label, the child may also experience an allergic manifestation or various abnormal reactions.

To summarize, it is not possible to say with certainty which is better - complex drops or combined preparations.

The medicine must be chosen based on reason and taking into account individuality. Medicine chosen at your own discretion can only cause harm. For help, you should immediately go to a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate medications for each patient.

If a child has a runny nose that lasts for more than 10 days, purulent discharge, or symptoms of sinusitis or sinusitis appear, the ENT doctor may prescribe complex nasal drops. Complex drops are a more effective method of treatment than using all the products separately - the composition of the drops is selected individually, and all the necessary substances enter the body at the same time.


Complex nasal drops are selected by the doctor individually for each child, taking into account his age, health condition and complaints. The advantage of manufactured drops is that they:

  • are much cheaper;
  • freshly prepared;
  • are made strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, which means they are optimally selected for your child, taking into account the severity of the disease, the shape and type of the runny nose, and sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • provide the opportunity to select the best combination of components for allergies to certain medications.
  • are a worthy remedy for the treatment of sinusitis.

Not every pharmacy prepares drops, but only the so-called production ones, the number of which is small in the city. You can find such pharmacies at children's hospitals and clinics.

You can buy ready-made complex combination drugs on sale, for example, Polydexa, Vibrocil and Nasonex.


Complex nasal drops are prescribed:

  • For a runny nose that cannot be treated with other medications within 10 days;
  • For allergies;
  • Nasopharyngitis;
  • For the treatment of sinusitis, including allergic sinusitis;
  • Bordizone is intended for the treatment of adenoids. Bordizone is also prepared in a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

What do they include

The complex drops contain only pharmacological preparations; they do not have additives, fragrances or dyes.

The composition of the drops depends on several factors, including the form of the runny nose - allergic, viral or bacterial, and the course of the disease - acute, appearing for the first time, or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

List of main pharmacological groups of drugs that are included in complex drops prescribed for the treatment of children:

  1. Decogestants or vasoconstrictors: Metazon, Naphthyzin, Xylometazoline (Pharmazolin, Galazolin), Oxymetazoline (Nazivin). They quickly and for several hours relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, eliminate congestion, and make breathing easier. Treatment with drops containing a vasoconstrictor should not exceed 3–7 days due to the risk of developing atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Antihistamines: Diphenhydramine or Suprastin is usually used. Intended for the treatment of sinusitis of allergic origin, runny nose due to allergies and bronchial asthma.
  3. Bactericidal agents, including antibiotics. For example, Lincomycin, Gentamicin, Cefazolin, Furacilin, Dioxidin, Miramistin. They are prescribed to disinfect the nose, destroy bacteria, and stop their reproduction. Also to prevent the development of a bacterial infection during a prolonged cold, especially if there is a predisposition to the development of sinusitis - a deviated nasal septum, immunodeficiency, polyps or adenoids.
  4. Hormonal agent. Most often these are glucocorticosteroids - Hydrocortisone or Dexamethasone. Both Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone have a rapid and persistent anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling and allergic reactions. Hormonal drugs should not be used for a long time, not only in children, but also in adults. In childhood, the danger comes from dysfunction of the adrenal glands that produce growth hormone. Therefore, some drugs are approved only for children over 6 years of age. Bordizone contains Hydrocortisone.
  5. Saline solution or injection water. Included in all drops.

A detailed description of contraindications, side effects and the age at which they can be used is contained in the official instructions for use.

Approximate content

approximate composition of complex drops. We do not indicate concentrations and doses, as this should be done by the attending physician. Making and using these drops yourself may pose a risk to your child's health.

  • Recipe No. 1: Farmazolin-Dioxidine-Hydrocortisone.
  • Recipe No. 2: Metazon-Dioxidine-Hydrocortisone.
  • Recipe No. 3: Naphthyzin-Dexamethasone-Miramistin.
  • Recipe No. 4: Galazolin-Dexamethasone-Dioxidine.
  • Recipe No. 5: Nazivin-Dexamethasone-Dioxidine.
  • Recipe No. 6: Farmazolin-Diphenhydramine-Cefazolin-Hydrocortisone.
  • Recipe No. 7: Nazivin-Lincomycin-Dexamethasone.

Sometimes, to treat sinusitis or runny nose in children, the doctor additionally includes aloe juice, eucalyptus, menthol or pine oil. This is done provided that the added substances do not cause allergies in the child.

How to use

Before instillation, for better penetration of the medicine into the mucous membrane, the nose should be rinsed well with saline solution and cleared of secretions. To cleanse the nose of crusts 10–15 minutes before the procedure, it can be treated with any vegetable oil. Then place 2-3 drops of medicine into each nostril. If the child refuses instillation, you can soak a cotton swab in the medicine and insert it into the nose for a few minutes.

The frequency and duration of use is determined by the doctor individually in each case.


  • Contraindicated for children under 5 years of age.
  • It is difficult to find a commercial pharmacy even in large cities, not to mention small towns and rural areas, where such drops are simply not available to residents.
  • This combination medicine has not undergone clinical trials, so its effect on the body of children and the consequences of its use are unknown.
  • Not all substances included in the composition are intended for instillation into the nose.
  • The more drugs there are, the more contraindications and side effects, and the higher the risk of developing allergies.

If there is no pharmacy that prepares prescription medications, then the drops can be made independently according to the prescription and instructions from the doctor. However, this option is suitable for older children, since the dosage may be inaccurate and the preparation conditions may be far from sterile.

Storage conditions

The prepared product can be used within 7 days. It should be stored in the refrigerator; before use, take the solution into a pipette and warm it in a warm palm.

If, after using complex drops, children develop undesirable symptoms such as jumps in blood pressure, nosebleeds, arrhythmia, discomfort and dry nose, the drops should be discontinued.

Perhaps the doctor chose the wrong dosage, or your child has an intolerance to one of the components included in the composition.
