Create an email address for playing tanks. Create a new account in World of Tanks. We are going through the registration procedure

Official Russian website of the game World of Tanks

To start playing, click , which will take you directly to the registration form on the official World of Tanks website.

How to register in World of Tanks? To do this, click “Play for free” on the website. A page will load with a form for filling out credentials: e-mail, game name and password. You will also need to enter the image captcha code, check the box next to the standard user agreement and click the “continue” button

World of Tanks is a free game and registration in it, of course, is also absolutely free. The information you enter will be used to log into the game. Let's list them.

1. “Email” field
Please provide a valid email address. This will be your login to enter the game. You will also need your email if you need to recover a lost password. Don’t give your email to anyone - don’t make life easier for hackers!

World of Tanks registration fields

2. “Name in game” field
This is your nickname in the game, by which other players will identify you. Come up with a name that will be easy to remember. The name must contain at least 3 characters. It is allowed to use Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

3. “Password” field
Create a complex password consisting of letters and numbers. It should consist of 6-20 characters. It is advisable to add special characters to the password - asterisks, hash marks, etc. This will significantly complicate the task of attackers who want to hack your account. To avoid any unexpected typing errors, enter your password on the next line.

Finally, enter the security code you see in the image below. If you can’t type the characters, click the “another picture” link.

That's all! After registration you can download the game. It will install on your computer like any regular program, and you can immediately enter the battle. Don't be afraid that your first little tank will immediately be torn to pieces. Basic tanks are immortal, and you won't need to repair them after they are knocked out. However, it is better to first study the interface, get comfortable, ask questions to experienced players, read guides - this way you will become familiar with the intricacies of this game much faster.


There are several ways to register in World of Tanks - through the WoT project website and through the game client already installed on your computer. There is no difference in them; in any case, all paths lead us to one registration form, which we will talk about.

A single account in WoT will allow you to use your personal account and monitor your own rating even through a web browser, without the game client installed on your PC. In addition, the Premium Store, opportunities to top up your account and purchase in-game gold will become available. And most importantly, you will be able to search for your friends on the Internet, and they will be able to find you for joint battles and invitations to the clan!

Instructions for registering in World of Tanks

To go to the registration page, use the “Download” button in the description on our portal.

The updated form allows you to use your existing accounts on such popular social networks as Facebook, Google+ and VKontakte when registering.

Note: registering in tanks without a social network account is no different from registering using social networks - we’ll just spend a little more time manually entering the username and mailbox!

For example, let's register using an existing Google account.

Click on the Google+ icon (in our case) and clicking the “Allow” button to confirm the ability to view your email address and profile information.

Now you need to come up with a new password for the game. All other data, such as email and name, will already be filled in (but this does not mean that you will not be able to change them in the future).

Attention! The password must be at least six characters in length and contain only Latin letters and numbers.

Click the “Continue” button, then enter the code you see on the screen in the verification window and continue registration.

Congratulations on completing your registration - your account has been created! All that remains is to download the game, if you have not already done so, through the “Download Game” button or go to the World of Tanks website in your personal account.

Hint: when you open the World of Tanks game website, you will be able to see user information in the upper right corner and go to your account settings.

Registration in WoT from the game client

You can go to the registration page we already know right from the invitation window of the game itself. To do this, use the "Register" button in the upper left corner, after which the browser will open to a familiar page asking you to enter your username, password and confirm that you are not a robot.

30.4.2017 18712 Views

Few people have not heard of the acclaimed game World of Tanks. It gained wide popularity due to the combination of colorful and realistic graphics with an arcade feel.

Any tank has armor that can be penetrated only taking into account many factors. This includes the angle of inclination, the thickness of the armor, the location of the vehicle, and much more. The so-called “tanks” already have more than 100 million users. And this is not the limit.

If you want to join the ranks of players and join tank battles, then you need to follow just two simple steps:

  • register in tanks world of tanks
  • install an online game application on your computer;

Let's look at each of these actions in more detail:

Registration procedure

Registration in World of Tanks is required on the official website of the game, to do this, click the button below, go to the game website (opens in a new tab) and proceed to registration.

  1. Use an existing account on social networks VKontakte, Google+ or Facebook.
  2. Create your account in the game World of Tanks.

Registration in the game using the first method is the fastest. In this case, you just need to click on the icon of the social network in which your page is located. A separate window will open, allowing tanks to access your account on this social network. You just need to click the “Confirm” or “Allow” button, and behold: registration in the tanks is almost completed - check your mailbox and activate using the link in the letter.

If you prefer to create an account directly in the game, then you need to fill out the fields offered by the registration form.

The first of them is “E-mail”. Here you need to specify an existing email address to which you have access. The final stage of registration will be its confirmation.

Next you will need to enter your nickname. Coming up with one can be a difficult task, since more than 100 million different options have already been taken. A nickname is nothing more than your future name in the game, which will be visible to other users in the future. Therefore, its choice must be approached with an appropriate level of responsibility. If you can’t come up with a unique combination of Latin letters and numbers (namely, your game name should consist of them), then you can use a name generator. To do this, there are many resources on the Internet that select free names for the game World of Tanks.

After choosing a nickname, you need to remember the next field – “Password”. It must be reliable. To create it, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks. It is best when the password is composed in such a way that it contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. They can be mixed with numbers and signs. For greater security, the password should not be the same as the one you already use in any account, for example in mail. It is also undesirable for it to be associated with any significant dates, such as your birthday.

The created password must be confirmed by repeating it again in the field below. In the event that you forget the combination you came up with, access can be restored using the email you previously specified.

Complete registration

The final step is to confirm the specified mailbox address. Registration in the game requires the use of real mailing addresses. You will receive an email with a secret link. To confirm your email and complete account creation, you need to follow the instructions in the letter. It simply means clicking on a secret link, in which a tab will open with a message stating that your account has been created:

At this point, registration in the World of Tanks game is completed, and you can proceed to the second step:

Installing the client for the game:

To play World Of Tanks, you need to install a special program on your computer that allows you to connect to the game. The first thing you need to do for this is to check your computer for the minimum system requirements in the World of Tanks game. Their list includes the following parameters:

  • Windows XP software from version 7 and higher (Windows Vista from 8 series and higher is also suitable);
  • dual-core processor;
  • the computer's built-in RAM must be at least 1.5 GB in size (for Windows Vista, the minimum size is 2 GB);
  • available hard disk space of at least 25 GB;
  • Internet connection speed must be at least 256 Kb/s.

If all the specified parameters are met, then you can begin installing the application for the game. Otherwise, registration in World of Tanks will have to be postponed - you simply will not be able to play for technical reasons.

Instructions - “How to register in World of Tanks?” and at the same time start playing with the maximum allowable amount of bonuses in the form of 1200 units of game gold and 10 days of a premium account.

We do everything step by step, with explanations and pictures. To do this, you will need a new email, an invented nickname for the WoT game, and preferably a mobile phone to link to your account.

Main components when registering:


Fill in the column “ Do you have an invite code?»

What bonuses will appear on your account and for what:

  1. T-127 for registration using our link
  2. T-34-85M for 10 days for completing a combat mission
  3. Any level 6 vehicle for completing a Combat Mission
  4. rental of premium equipment for 10 battles (SU-122-44, Type 64,Strv m/42-57, VK 45.03)
  5. 7 days of Premium Account from our Invitation code
  6. 3 days of Tank Premium Account for completed training
  7. 1450 gold for registering using our link
  8. 500 gold for completed training
  9. 100 gold for linking your phone
  10. 100 gold for the first level V research
  11. 300 gold for changing your password

Your account will look like this:

Registration World of Tanks

1. You need to go to the WoT registration form, or it is better to do this using a special reusable invite link that provides an initial bonus in the form of Pz Kpfw S35 739 (f) and 500 units of game gold immediately to your account after confirming your email.

There are others, even with premium tanks of lower levels. But it’s better to initially take 500 gold to spend it on the CORRECT PREMIUM TANK.

Click REGISTER, most likely you already have a main WoT account
Click PLAY FOR FREE, you are most likely creating your first WoT account

2. Fill out the registration form for a new account for World of Tanks correctly; for this you need to indicate a valid email, come up with an individual nickname, and remember or write down a password consisting of at least 6 characters.

Do you have an invite code?» Additional bonus upon registration.

Invitation code 2019

The most important invite for registration is (follow the link on how to get it.) But it is very difficult to get and it is a very rare invite. However, sometimes you can get it in our VK group.

Previously, invite codes were available to receive T-127 + 7 days PA + 400,000 credits, but unfortunately the number of entry codes abruptly ended, although the validity period was until December 31, 2018.

So we got to the second component when creating with the maximum number of bonuses. We need to enter a valid, working or reusable invite code. And for example, we will use a reusable invite that provides 7 days of a premium account to create a new account right away and enter it into the registration form field.

reusable invite code for WoT and WoWS

3. Next, we need to click on the continue button and go to the mailbox to complete the registration of our new account using a reusable link. It will take just a couple of minutes to complete these actions.

What we get is that after registering via the link, the account already has 500 units of game gold + Pz Kpfw S35 739 (f), we also introduced a reusable invite code that added another 7 days to the premium account.

Training ground in WoT

A training ground of a certain number of combat missions begins immediately. The main thing is not to kill allies during the training camp or in missions, since you will have to undergo training again, namely, the uncompleted combat mission will start from the beginning.

Completing the training ground adds 500 units of game gold and 3 days of premium account.

The training ground provided us with 3 days of a premium account and 500 units of game gold for our account. The addition added quests: Road to Victory, Combat Instruction.

Change WoT password

Next, go to your World of Tanks personal account and change the password that you set when registering your account. Which adds 300 units of game gold.

After changing the password, 300 gold is immediately credited to your account for participating in the promotion.

To do this, we will need to go to our personal account again, go to our World of Tanks personal account and this time link our mobile phone. First, you receive an email asking if you really want to link your mobile phone. For which we get another 100 units of game gold.

You can use any phone number that is not already linked to your account. After receiving the gold, you can immediately untie it. There will only be a limit of no more than 1 phone binding per month. You won't be able to get gold again.

What bonuses did we receive when registering in wot 2019?

Invite link to T-127 + 600 gold - //

The account already has 1500 GOLD and 11 days of premium account, as well as the T-34-85M premium tank for 10 days

A complete list of tasks for completing which you can get various goodies in the World of Tanks game, including renting a T-34-85M tank for 10 days, an MKA New Year's premium tank and 600,000 silver after approximately 28 battles.

Combat briefing in WoT

1 First victory10,000 silver
500 units free experience
2 Upgrading the car25,000 silver
3 New shells25,000 silver
1,000 units free experience
5 We sell what we don't need2,500 units free experience
tank patch
6 Full setCamouflage net for tank
7 First of all, it's beautiful75,000 silver
5 pieces. Reserve for crew experience
5 pieces. Reserve for combat experience
8 Let's improve3,000 units free experience
5 pieces. Reserve for loans
T-34-85M rent for 10 days

P.S. I would like to remind you if you can find a valid invite code for Churchill 3 in our VK group from Rostelecom.

Registration in the game World of Tanks- this process is simply necessary, because without registration you will not be able to enter the game and play. So, once on the game website, you need to find an item with the name "Create an account". By entering this point, begin registering an account in the World of Tanks game. You can start playing immediately after registration.

In order to register in the game, you will need to enter the following data

  • E-mail address- it must be valid. This is the address you will enter when entering the game.
  • Name in the game– this is the next point that is needed for registration account in the game World of Tanks. You will be known by this name in the game, and for it you must use Latin letters and numbers.
  • password for the game– it must consist of at least 6 characters. When creating it, you can use Latin letters and numbers and an underscore. Without a password, registration in the World of Tanks game will not be confirmed and you will not be able to enter the game.
  • Password confirmation– in this field you need to enter the same password in order to confirm it.
  • Next you need to enter symbols from the picture, which will be on the registration field. Such symbols are needed to allow real people, rather than robots, to register. After all, robots have not yet learned to see pictures.
After you press the button "Play for free", all registration in the game will be completed, and after that you can start playing immediately.

Register in WoT and play immediately by clicking the “Start Game” button below.

How to download and install World of Tanks
