Ultrasound of the prostate with a rectal probe. How a prostate ultrasound is performed in men. How is transrectal ultrasound of the prostate performed?

Diagnostic measures

Ultrasound of the prostate gland in men allows us to determine the condition of the glandular organ, on which a man’s health depends entirely. The prostate gland should be examined annually for preventive purposes, especially for those representatives of the stronger sex whose age exceeds 45 years. Doctors recommend annual ultrasound examination of the glandular organ of men.

Ultrasound examination of the prostate is a safe, high-frequency diagnosis using sound waves. A picture of the organ is displayed on the monitor screen, where you can see the state of the organ in real time. Using the image, a specialist can examine the organ, determine its structure, structure, size, presence of tumors, and more. Sound examinations are completely safe for human health. Therefore, this diagnosis can be carried out as many times as necessary.

When is ultrasound diagnostics prescribed?

Sound examinations can be used without waiting for health problems or troubling symptoms. The prostate gland is susceptible to various negative influences from the environment and a man’s lifestyle.

The procedure is indicated for a number of indications, among which there are problems:

It hurts to go to the toilet
  • difficulty releasing the bladder, with a residual feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • problematic conception, possible infertility, impaired potency;
  • compaction in the prostate area;
  • pain in the pubis, prostate, perineum;
  • negative results of plasma, semen, urine tests;
  • acute pathology of the kidneys or liver (failure);
  • ultrasound is performed to prevent the condition of the pelvic organs;
  • for a comprehensive diagnosis of the urinary and reproductive organs.

How does ultrasound diagnostics work?

The positive qualities of this method include:

What the device shows
  • non-invasive;
  • short session time;
  • painlessness;
  • no discomfort;
  • you can even examine the vessels of the prostate gland;
  • study of all lobes of the organ;
  • inspection of the structure and more.

When a patient has problems with the anal canal (fissures, inflammation, hemorrhoids), the doctor may postpone the examination for a while to rule out an acute condition.

How is it done? The man lies down on his side, with his legs bent at the knees and pressed tightly to the abdominal cavity. The sensor is inserted into the rectum. The small size of the sensor allows the patient not to feel much discomfort. The procedure is carried out within a quarter of an hour. To improve gliding, the sensor is protected with a special condom and lubricant, which allows the device to glide faster.

Preparatory manipulations for transrectal examination

For transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, the patient requires special preparation. Before diagnosis using this method, the patient undergoes a special diet. To do this, for three days all foods that cause flatulence or hard stools are excluded. The patient is not recommended to consume dairy products, rye and black bread, fruits (sour), grapes, and legumes. The diet should include water-based soups and porridges.

In the evening, before the morning examination, a cleansing enema is performed or suppositories are used.

What pathological processes of the urinary and genital area are determined by ultrasound?

What does a prostate ultrasound show?

Conversation with the doctor
  • Development of adenoma (benign neoplasm).
  • Oncological processes.
  • Erectile disfunction.
  • Cysts and polyps.
  • Examination of the bladder for urolithiasis.

In a healthy man, the organ should have smooth organ contours, with symmetrical and clear edges. During a doctor's examination, the shape, structure, size, uniformity are determined, and calculations are made. Based on the test results, the mass and volume of the prostate gland are calculated using a special formula. A normal prostate should not be larger than 27 cc.

When the development of an oncological process is suspected, the doctor orders a tissue biopsy. This manipulation is performed with a special needle, and the patient does not have an unpleasant sensation, since the rectum has low sensitivity to pain.

An ultrasound examination cannot be ignored, especially for older and middle-aged men. With the help of such an examination, pathological processes are identified at the initial level of the disease, which makes it possible to begin effective therapy in a timely manner, avoiding serious consequences.

The most informative and accessible way to obtain information about the processes occurring in the prostate is ultrasound. With the help of wave irradiation, doctors can understand whether there are inflammatory processes in the organ, whether there are abscesses, cysts or stones. Let's look at how a prostate ultrasound is done, talk about the main methods, preparation for them, results and their interpretation.

In what cases is ultrasound of the prostate necessary?

Various pathologies in the prostate gland do not have characteristic signs. Men complain of health problems, which can also manifest themselves in cases of damage to the bladder, kidneys, and testicles. Therefore, ultrasound of the prostate is necessary in the following cases:

  • complaints in the perineum, penis, scrotum, lower abdomen and lower back;
  • problems with urination - sluggish stream, frequent urge, lack of process;
  • prostate pain during rectal examination;
  • disorders in reproductive functions - early ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, pain during sex;
  • discharge from the penis is purulent, mixed with blood, and foul-smelling.

Ultrasound of the prostate in these cases is an effective tool for determining acute or benign hyperplasia prostate cancer. If the results do not reveal pathological changes in the tissues, the doctor may diagnose “chronic pelvic pain syndrome” ().

Most often, the bladder is also examined along with the prostate gland. Assessing the condition of its walls will allow us to better understand the cause of urination problems.

Depending on the goals and contraindications, a man can undergo an abdominal or transrectal ultrasound. The second method is more informative, but is prohibited for hemorrhoids, rectal fissures or violations of the integrity of the anus. Let's look at the features of each method.

Abdominal ultrasound

In an abdominal ultrasound of the prostate, ultrasound waves are directed at the organ using a transducer that is moved across the patient's abdomen. This technique is characterized by the absence of contraindications and painlessness, but the results are not always of high quality.

Features of preparation and diagnostic progress

No special preparation is required before this method. However, doctors recommend eliminating foods that cause flatulence in the intestines from the diet for 1-2 days. Also, a few hours before the test, you need to drink about a liter of clean water - this is necessary to fill the bladder.

The examination technique is the same as for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the only difference is the location of the sensor. The man lies down on the couch, the doctor applies a special gel to the skin of the lower abdomen, and then scans the prostate.

Abdominal ultrasound of the prostate has limited tissue visualization capabilities due to the inconvenient location of the organ. There will also be no accurate results if a man has abdominal obesity.

Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)

A more informative method compared to the previous one. The delivery of an ultrasound wave through the wall of the rectum allows you to obtain a clearer picture of the organ, accurately determine the location and area of ​​inflammatory processes and identify tumors of different sizes. However, in this case, the preparation requirements are stricter, and there are contraindications.

Preparing for transrectal ultrasound

If a man follows the rules of preparation, he will be able to get a more accurate picture of the changes occurring in the organ. This means that the doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate treatment tactics for the disease.

Brief reminder to the patient:

  • 1-2 days before the test date, exclude legumes, cabbage and other foods that contribute to the formation of gases from your diet;
  • give up alcohol;
  • in the evening and the next day, do a cleansing enema;
  • an hour before TRUS, drink a liter of water;
  • If the doctor has given any other recommendations, do not neglect them.

Don't forget to bring your referral for testing with you. If you have problems with urinary incontinence, you are allowed to drink water upon arrival at the clinic, not at home.

How to make TRUS

During a transrectal examination, the sensor is inserted into the anus, so the man should be calm, not worry and follow the doctor’s instructions. The course of the event is approximately as follows:

  1. The patient takes off his clothes and puts on a special gown.
  2. Lies on the couch on his side, bending his knees and tucking them towards his stomach.
  3. The doctor puts a condom on the sensor (to prevent infection) and lubricates it with Vaseline.
  4. The sensor is carefully inserted to a depth of 7 cm.
  5. The ultrasound technician performs translational, inclined and rotational movements with the device, depending on the design of the device and the type of scanning.

An image of the prostate tissue is displayed on the monitor and can be printed if necessary.

The diameter of the sensor does not exceed 2 cm, so a man usually does not feel pain. Depending on the condition of the anus and rectum, there may be slight discomfort or an urge to defecate, which should not be ignored. Unpleasant sensations disappear 10-15 minutes after manipulation.

The prostate will also noticeably increase in size. Normally, these indicators have the following values:

  • width – 2.7-4.7 cm;
  • thickness – 1.6-2.3 cm;
  • length – 2.4-4.1 cm.

The volume of the prostate gland of an adult and healthy 40-year-old man is 25-26 cm 3, this figure will increase with age. In younger men, the volume of the prostate is 18-24 cm 3.

Inflammation is indicated by an increase in volume by 10% relative to normal, increased or decreased echogenicity.


Prostate ultrasound is highly informative, therefore it is part of screening for men over 40 years of age, and is also indispensable in a set of diagnostic measures aimed at diagnosing pathologies in the prostate gland. More accurate results can only be obtained with the help of CT examinations, but their cost is slightly higher.

They are a consequence of hormonal imbalance coupled with hypothermia and a sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sexual abstinence, systematic stress, various types of infections and even poor nutrition can provoke inflammation of the prostate.

The most common diseases include:

The treatment of prostate diseases is carried out by a urologist; this is a rather lengthy process. If the clinic does not have a urologist, a therapist can also prescribe treatment. In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy (with the exception of acute infectious diseases) and a special diet are prescribed.

When is it prescribed?

Almost all prostate diseases have a number of symptoms, which may vary in intensity, depending on the disease:

  • problems with urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, perineum and scrotum;
  • sexual dysfunction and/or ejaculation disorder;
  • blood in urine and semen.

At the first appointment, in most cases the patient is told what needs to be done.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland, why is it done? and the degree of inflammation, the presence of stones and cysts is established.

IMPORTANT: Due to constant problems with urination, the urologist also prescribes an ultrasound of the bladder to diagnose the condition of the walls of the organ and the amount of residual urine. Due to the impaired outflow of urine, the walls become denser, followed by thinning and loss of elasticity. An associated disease with prostatitis is inflammation of the bladder, which can develop into cancer.

Below we will look at how an ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed.

Ultrasound of the prostate: how is it done?

Prostate ultrasound is performed in three ways:

  • abdominal (ultrasound);

You can learn more about ultrasound and TRUS of the prostate and preparation for examinations.


How is an ultrasound of the prostate gland performed in men? The procedure is carried out in a standard way: the patient lies on the couch, a gel is applied to the lower abdomen and the diseased organ is scanned with a sensor. For such a study, the bladder must be completely filled. An abdominal ultrasound also records data on the condition of the bladder and seminal vesicles. You can see in the photo below how an ultrasound of the prostate (abdominal) is done.

How to do an ultrasound of the prostate in men - photo:

External scanning has low sensitivity, as a result of which it is not possible to detect minor changes in the structure of the prostate in the initial stages of the disease. It is possible to reliably determine the size of the prostate and the presence of edema, but it will not be possible to obtain the exact necessary data on the structure of the organ.

REFERENCE: Abdominal ultrasound is prescribed in cases where performing TRUS is impossible for clinical reasons (rectal diseases).


How is an ultrasound of the prostate performed in men (transrectal)? The study is carried out through the rectum and allows you to obtain detailed information about the size, structure of the prostate and seminal vesicles, as well as the interaction of the gland with the bladder. The doctor will put a condom on the sensor, which is additionally lubricated with gel. TRUS is performed on the patient who assumes the fetal position (on the left side with the knees tucked to the stomach).

The sensor is inserted to a depth of 6-7 cm; it can be longitudinal, end or transverse scanning. The size of the sensor is comparable to a man's finger, about 2 cm in diameter.

In order to thoroughly examine all parts of the prostate gland on the monitor, the following is done:

  • translational movements (transverse sensors);
  • inclined (end sensors);
  • rotational movements (longitudinal scanning).

In any case, a man needs to prepare for the procedure psychologically.

When performing TRUS, the periprostatic veins and fatty tissue are clearly visible, which makes it possible to determine the extent of infection and inflammation, and the neck of the bladder is also clearly visible. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate: what does it show?

Using TRUS, an experienced doctor can easily identify the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory changes in the prostate glands (stagnation of secretions);
  • cysts, stones in the prostate, areas susceptible to sclerosis;
  • inflammatory process in tissues and outside the prostate;
  • formation of abscesses (severely reduced echogenicity);
  • impaired outflow of venous blood;
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

It is necessary to prepare for TRUS: do not consume foods that lead to gas formation during the day; Do an enema a few hours before the test. Just like with a regular ultrasound, the bladder needs to be filled.

For associated bladder diseases, the doctor performs a second ultrasound after the patient urinates.

Norms for prostate size


Now you know how a prostate ultrasound occurs. At the age of 45-65 years, men develop partial androgen deficiency, as a result of which reproductive capacity and erectile function decrease. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to visit a urologist annually and undergo an ultrasound of the prostate starting from 40-45 years of age. Diseases diagnosed at an early stage are easier and faster to treat, and complications can be avoided.

How is a prostate ultrasound done? This is a common question. Let's look at it in more detail.

Human tissues and organs have long been an integral part of medical diagnostics. Urology has also not been left aside, in which, through ultrasound, specialists can make correct diagnoses and carry out competent treatment of genitourinary pathologies. Against this background, prostate ultrasound stands out especially. This diagnostic method makes it possible to timely identify and begin treatment for numerous pathologies of the prostate and nearby organs.

There are transrectal (that is, rectal) and transabdominal (that is, through the anterior abdominal wall) examination of the prostate gland. As an additional method, ultrasound can also be performed through the perineum. The results obtained during the study are interpreted by a urologist.

Transabdominal examination

This diagnostic method is the most accessible and does not cause difficulties for either doctors or specialists. The study is carried out through the anterior wall of the man's peritoneum. This method has no contraindications, but there are a number of limitations:

  • the bladder is not full enough;
  • drainage tubes;
  • wounds after operations.

Pathological warning signals

Ultrasound of the prostate is performed both for diagnostic purposes in relation to the disease that has manifested itself in the body, and for prevention, if the person is not bothered by obvious symptoms. Regarding the indications, we can say that they may include the following patient complaints:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort, pain and pain during urination;
  • pathological formations of the scrotum and prostate gland noticed by a urologist;
  • infertility;
  • changes in the general urine test of an unclear nature, deviations in spermogram results;
  • vague dysuria;
  • potency defects.

Written reviews and videos of urologists posted on the Internet indicate that most often, thanks to ultrasound of the prostate in men, it is possible to clarify the presence of pathology, the advanced stage of the disease and its nature.

Some doctors claim that ultrasound is not inferior in quality to complex procedures such as MRI. Analysis and interpretation of ultrasound is carried out by a specialist in functional diagnostics on site. Thanks to this, you don't have to worry while waiting for results.


Although the procedure is quite simple, it still requires preparation. Otherwise, a prostate ultrasound will not be done. How to prepare for this manipulation? A man should come to his doctor's appointment with a full bladder. When this organ is filled with fluid, it acts as a special lens through which ultrasound is passed and allows a good view of the area of ​​interest. Before the procedure (about an hour), it is enough to drink a liter of water so that afterward you feel a slight urge to urinate. It is necessary to calculate the time correctly, otherwise the filling will be weak, and the study will be carried out only when completely filled. If the bladder is full, the patient will be extremely uncomfortable when moving the device along the peritoneal wall. Preparation for a prostate ultrasound in men is very important.

Progress of the procedure

Transabdominal ultrasound is performed with a special sensor. The man lies down on the couch. The specialist applies a special gel to the front wall of the peritoneum and the ultrasound scanner, making it easier for the sensor to slide over the skin and eliminating the air gap. The latter can distort the resulting image and affect the decoding in the future. How a prostate ultrasound is performed in men is of interest to many.

Scanning is carried out in the transverse and longitudinal planes. If it is necessary to examine certain areas of the organ in more detail, the specialist can arbitrarily move the scanner. At the same time, a bladder analysis is performed, as well as an ultrasound examination through the perineum.

The procedure lasts on average about ten minutes. To determine residual urine, the man will be asked to go to the toilet and repeat the ultrasound. This technique allows you to determine how much urine remains in the bladder after it has been emptied. The norm for this indicator is 50 ml.

Typically, test results are given to the patient immediately. In addition to information about the prostate, the specialist can also provide photographs of the gland for a more accurate study.

The procedure can only be performed by a specially trained doctor. Only competent specialists can decipher its results. Some information will be provided by the sonologist during or after the procedure, and more complete information and interpretation will be provided by the urologist. If any deviations are observed in the results, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Transrectal examination

TRUS differs from the previous version in that the sensor is inserted through the man's anus. Thanks to this, maximum proximity to the object of study is achieved, and the clearest image can be obtained. Thus, the quality of diagnosis increases several times, which means that the accuracy of disease diagnosis will also improve. The price for this type of ultrasound is higher than for transabdominal ultrasound, but it is worth it, since the analysis of the condition of the organ is much better, and the interpretation is more accurate. In this case, preparation is also needed.

Features of preparation

Some research centers indicate that no preparation is needed. However, due to the fact that the procedure is performed rectally, for hygiene purposes, you need to do an enema before it, which will cleanse the body. It is not necessary to use any devices; pharmacies have an enema that contains a special drug. Thanks to it, feces soften, intestinal peristalsis accelerates, and defecation becomes less traumatic and soft. Two days before the procedure, you must exclude from your diet foods that stimulate intestinal gas formation. The evening before you need to take some sorbent. Transrectal ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach. In some cases, the doctor may ask the patient to take a liter of still water, and this should be drunk about an hour before the examination.

The main thing when preparing a man for an ultrasound is his psychological attitude. Since the manipulation is performed rectally, the examination may be difficult due to nervous tension and discomfort. Naturally, it is normal to be a little nervous, since the examination is performed rectally, and for many patients this is the most unpleasant moment. However, there is no need to dramatize, because we are talking only about a medical procedure. That is why you need to take a sedative before the process.

Features of TRUS

For prostate ultrasound, you will need a condom that fits over the scanner. This manipulation is completely painless; if the mood is correct, then there will be no discomfort. The entire procedure lasts approximately twenty minutes.

It is carried out as follows:

  • after preparing at home, the patient goes to the office and, after inviting an assistant or doctor, frees the lower part of the body from clothing;
  • the patient lies on the right side on the couch, bending his legs at the hip joints and knees;
  • the doctor puts a condom on the sensor, applies the gel and inserts it rectally 5-7 centimeters deep; it won’t hurt because the sensor is small;
  • The specialist carries out an examination and gives a conclusion to the patient.

What is the norm for a prostate ultrasound?

Decryption features

The condition of the prostate gland is assessed by a specialist competent in this matter. If there are pathologies, then the decoding looks like this:

  • in the presence of benign hyperplasia, the volume of the gland changes, there are foreign formations;
  • with chronic prostatitis, echogenicity increases;
  • inflammatory processes reduce echogenicity;
  • due to neoplasms, clear contour boundaries are blurred, the size of the lymph nodes increases;
  • existing stones and cavities are determined during the study as separate areas with reduced tissue ability to absorb ultrasonic waves.

The prostate gland is fully formed by the age of 25. In the absence of pathological abnormalities, the prostate body does not change in size. If there are diseases, then transformations of structural units and volumes are determined, and various neoplasms appear.

The normal dimensions of the prostate on ultrasound are as follows:

  • 2.3-4 cm - width;
  • 1.5-2.5 cm - thickness;
  • the volume is determined by multiplying the organ’s indicators, which are multiplied by 1.06.

Other information is deviations and requires a detailed analysis of the problem, additional diagnostics, and the prescription of competent treatment.

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What is research?

Ultrasound examination of the prostate is a method of monitoring pathological changes using a special sensor that emits ultrasound waves. Ultrasound is reflected differently from tissues of different densities and structures; this information is processed by the device and turns into a kind of photograph of the organ, which is displayed on the screen.

Based on the changes visible there, a diagnosis is made, and if necessary, additional methods of examining the patient are prescribed.

There are two types of prostate ultrasound:

  • transabdominal ultrasound;
  • transrectal ultrasound.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate is performed through the anterior abdominal wall. This method does not cause any discomfort to the patient, but doctors try to avoid it, since the information content of this type of study is significantly lower compared to transrectal. Here the doctor can only assess the general condition of the organ, its size, weight and volume.

REFERENCE: The normal volume of the prostate gland is 20-25 ml, weight – 20-27 g, length, width and thickness, respectively, 3, 3 and 2 cm.

During the procedure, the patient may experience moral or slight physical discomfort.

But in the medical report, the condition of the gland will be described in as much detail and accuracy as possible.

In addition, in addition to the prostate, the specialist will be able to examine the urethra, seminal vesicles and surrounding tissues of the rectum, which is important when diagnosing oncological pathology and infertility.

Ultrasound and TRUS of the prostate are prescribed when the patient presents specific complaints:

  • weak or painful urination;
  • urinary retention;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive in the absence of pathology on the female side.

Ultrasound examination can detect the following prostate diseases:

  • cyst (the image shows small cavities filled with fluid);
  • prostatitis (indicated by an increase in the size of the gland caused by inflammatory edema);
  • adenoma;
  • prostate cancer.

In the last two cases, the study shows enlargement of the prostate and changes in the structure of its tissues. Uneven edges, the presence of suspicious areas - these signs tilt the diagnosis towards a malignant neoplasm, but to clarify it, other studies are usually required - puncture biopsy, computed tomography, etc.

A transabdominal ultrasound begins with the patient being asked to lie on their back and expose their lower abdomen. Next, the healthcare worker applies a special gel to the sensor, which improves the passage of ultrasonic waves (the substance is absolutely harmless to human skin), and presses the device in various projections to the anterior abdominal wall, observing the picture on the monitor.

On average, the examination lasts from 5 to 7 minutes, after which the doctor describes the images obtained and issues his conclusion.

When performing TRUS, the sensor, as mentioned above, is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 5-7 cm (if it is also necessary to examine the seminal vesicles, then to 7-9 cm).

To prevent infectious complications, a condom is put on it.

While the doctor visually assesses the condition of the organ, the patient lies on his left side with his knees brought to the chest. The duration of the study is 10-15 minutes.

Transrectal ultrasound is contraindicated for intestinal obstruction, chronic anal fissures, acute stage of hemorrhoids, and after rectal surgery.

You can learn about preparation for ultrasound of the bladder and prostate in men and how the study is carried out.

Let's look at preparing for a prostate ultrasound in men.

In order for the doctor to see the clearest possible image during the examination, the patient must properly prepare for the procedure. How to prepare for a prostate ultrasound?

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound is not difficult. Before a transabdominal examination, a man needs to drink about a liter of water in order to straighten the walls of the bladder, and not urinate until the end of the examination.

Taking into account the rate of water absorption and renal filtration, you should start drinking liquid no less than an hour before the scheduled examination time.

Preparation for TRUS of the prostate gland is somewhat more complicated. How to prepare for TRUS of the prostate? First of all, the patient needs to cleanse the intestines. This can be done in different ways:

How to prepare for TRUS of the prostate gland? Preparation for TRUS of the prostate at home includes following the so-called slag-free diet - a special medical table that reduces the formation of gases and feces.

When following it, the following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • legumes, fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • smoked meats, pickles;
  • millet and pearl barley porridge;
  • grapes, gooseberries, peaches, raspberries, apricots;
  • coffee, chocolate, nuts;
  • milk, soda, kvass.

It is allowed to consume low-fat varieties of fish and meat, low-fat broths, rice and buckwheat porridges, fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir), bread baked from wholemeal flour, jelly, compotes, juices.

Also, before performing TRUS, the patient must fill the bladder (how to do this is described in detail in the rules for preparing for transabdominal ultrasound).

Now you know everything about TRUS and ultrasound of the prostate gland, preparation for research. Ultrasound examination is considered one of the safest and, at the same time, informative diagnostic methods, so you should not refuse it.

A timely procedure allows you to identify prostate disease at an early stage, when the prognosis is more favorable, and prescribe effective treatment to the patient.

Watch a video about prostate ultrasound and preparation for it:

If, during a prostate check, a patient has any problems, the doctor may prescribe him an additional examination, which is called TRUS of the prostate gland, preparation for which is simple. During the procedure, a special sensor is inserted directly into the rectum to a shallow depth, which examines the desired organ from the inside. This transrectal ultrasound examination is currently carried out quite quickly - moreover, it does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient.

Nowadays, 2 methods of research and examination of the prostate gland are used:

  1. Transrectal – it is carried out by inserting a special device into the rectum, which displays the prostate on a computer screen.
  2. Transabdominal – performed through the patient’s abdominal wall.

The main indications for this method of prostate examination are:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • acute prostatitis or its complications, which can only be identified by examining the gland;
  • malignant prostate tumors or suspicion of their development;
  • vesiculitis, problems with urination;
  • male infertility, etc.

Ultrasound transrectal analysis is recommended for painful urination, constant urge to empty the bladder, as well as pain and itching in the perineum. In addition, such a diagnosis should be carried out in case of infertility and early ejaculation, since this study makes it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Thanks to TRUS of the prostate gland, which does not pose any particular difficulties in preparation, the doctor will be able to see the structure of the tissues of the internal organs, determine their size and condition, and see the presence of prostate nodes and malignant tumors.

According to patients, the most unpleasant and painful sensations they experience are caused by the insertion of a sensor into the anus, while the examination itself is painless.

Before conducting the examination, the doctor should tell the patient about the preparation for it, which can be done at home. Otherwise, the examination may not take place or its results may be unreliable. Therefore, the patient must first empty the intestines and fill the bladder.

In order not to prescribe additional TRUS to the patient, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures, which include bowel movement several hours before the start of the procedure.

This can be done in different ways:

  1. If a man does not want to have a bowel movement, he needs to drink a laxative or have an enema. This will require approximately 1.5 liters of slightly warm water. If for some reason it is not possible to give an enema, you can use microenemas such as Microlax.
  2. You can also empty your intestines using a special glycerin suppository, which must be inserted into the anus - before inserting the suppository, it is important to lie on your side so that it does not leak out when it melts. When the urge appears, you must immediately go to the toilet, since it will not be easy to endure in such a situation. In order not to have a bowel movement in the doctor's office, it is better to do it at home.

Sometimes bowel movements cause certain difficulties, so in this case you should not be embarrassed - it is better to immediately notify your doctor, who will take appropriate measures. After all, the bowel movement procedure is considered very important for TRUS.

At the second, no less important stage of preparation for transrectal ultrasound, the bladder is completely filled. This can be done in several ways, and their choice directly depends on what type of research needs to be performed.

It is worth noting that this procedure can also be performed independently, although many doctors often fill the bladder themselves to the required level - this is done using a catheter.

  1. When performing TRUS, which is necessary in case of decreased potency, infertility, as well as an elevated PSA level, you need to drink a liter of water 1 hour before the test. Thanks to the water you drink, the bladder will soon fill and cannot be emptied until the examination is completely completed.
  2. If the purpose of TRUS is to determine the causes of difficulties with urination, a different preparation method is used. The patient must drink 1.5 liters of still water, after which he is also not allowed to visit the toilet. If you take sparkling water, the test will not be possible, so you will have to postpone it for several hours. After the first urge to empty the bladder appears, you should immediately notify the doctor, who will begin performing TRUS of the prostate.

After the study is completed, you need to immediately go to the toilet, since under no circumstances should you store urine in a bladder. Otherwise, an infection may begin to develop in it, especially if the patient’s immune system is weakened - then bacteria will penetrate the body very quickly, because stagnant urine is an excellent place for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Before you find out how to prepare for TRUS of the prostate, you need to get more information about the examination method itself.

TRUS is a transrectal ultrasound examination of the prostate gland. It is performed using a high-frequency ultrasound probe through the rectum.

Although TRUS is different from a regular abdominal ultrasound, this procedure should not cause discomfort to the patient. A special sensor is inserted into the man's rectum. It is small in size so it won't hurt. The entire area where the prostate is located will be displayed on the monitor screen. All these devices allow you to examine the prostate gland in detail and ensure its integrity, as well as make a correct diagnosis.

TRUS of the prostate gland

Typically, this study is prescribed to men after 40 years of age as a routine examination. In addition, the following changes in the body may be indications for TRUS:

  • The occurrence of discomfort or pain when urinating.
  • Weak potency.
  • Pain in the perineum and lumbar region.
  • Inability to conceive a child for a long time.
  • The urine stream is weak and thin.
  • Increased PSA in tests.
  • When a rectal examination reveals abnormalities.
  • Abnormalities in urine and spermogram.

One of the popular research methods is TRUS of the prostate gland. The doctor will tell the patient how the procedure is done and what preparation is required for it. Since there are no other organs between the prostate and the rectum, preparation for TRUS of the prostate gland involves minimal physical and time costs. Despite this, the intestines must be emptied 2-3 hours before TRUS, since the probe will be inserted into the rectum, which may cause the urge to defecate. You can use a regular enema to cleanse the intestines or by using certain medications. These drugs are called “microenemas”. You need to lie on the couch, bend your knees and inject the drug into the rectum. After a certain time, the man will feel the urge to go to the toilet. Glycerin-based suppositories are used for the same purpose. They are also inserted into the anus while lying on your back or side.

  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • some fruits, such as grapes, apples (green ones), plums;
  • pasta products;
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks.

It is better if a man these days switches to boiled meat and fish, cereals and light soups.

It is necessary to refuse food 17-18 hours before the procedure. After dinner you should drink activated charcoal; take one tablet of this product per 10 kg of body weight. You can replace this drug with other sorbents by first reading the instructions.

After dinner you should drink activated charcoal

Many doctors are of the opinion that prostate ultrasound should be performed with a full bladder. If a man undergoes TRUS due to the inability to conceive a child or low potency, in this case he should drink up to one liter of fluid before the procedure. Then do not urinate until the end of TRUS.

A patient who comes for TRUS due to disorders associated with urination should come to see a doctor 30-40 minutes before the examination. In this case, you need to take 1.5 liters of liquid (water or tea) with you. You need to drink immediately before the procedure; at the first urge to urinate, you should inform the doctor, as this is the most appropriate moment for the study.

It is also important not to make a mistake in time when preparing for TRUS, since an insufficiently full bladder is an indicator of the unreliability of the information received, so you will have to wait some more time for it to fill. It must be remembered that TRUS is not performed on people with a removed rectum or if surgery has been performed on its areas.

Psychological preparation also plays an important role. Since emotional constriction, fear or nervous overstrain will not only make it difficult to carry out the procedure, but will also cause pain to the person. If necessary, it is recommended to take relaxing medications, for example, Persen or Novopassit.

Transrectal ultrasound is performed as follows: a man with a full bladder lies down on a specially designated couch in the “embryo” position. The specialist places a condom on the sensor. Then this tip is inserted into the rectum through the anus to a depth of 6 cm. To perform an ultrasound of the seminal vesicles, it is necessary to insert the sensor a little deeper.

If it is necessary to check the intensity of urination, when the main part of the examination has been completed, the doctor may ask the patient to empty the bladder. After this, an ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed again.

At the time of the diagnostic action, the doctor describes the prostate gland itself - its symmetry, shape and size, irregularities in the contours, echo density of the organ. The following describes the organ structures detected by ultrasound. These are the periurethral glands and the spermatic tubercle with the spermatic cord.

The doctor must report not only about pathological disorders in the organ, but also about the complete condition of the organ at the time of the study. Detected anomalies in the conclusion are listed separately.

If the conclusion states that no echo signs of pathology were found during the examination, then the patient can be congratulated, everything is in order with his prostate gland.

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

TRUSY- This is an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland (prostate) through the anus using a special sensor. The sensor is inserted transrectally.

Ultrasound methods for examining the prostate gland

Ultrasound examination of the prostate more often occurs through the rectum, much less often - examination through the abdominal wall (this method is called Transabdomial Ultrasound). For patients who have excess fat deposits, only transrectal examination is used. Therefore, ultrasound will not provide accurate data through the fat folds on the abdomen.

TRUS is found to be much more effective than conventional ultrasound. During TRUS, organs are viewed very clearly, which makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, this type of study allows you to obtain the cells of internal organs necessary for biopsy.

How to get rid of prostatitis without the help of doctors, at home?!

  • so that the pain stops
  • normalize urination
  • to create sexual desire and the ability to have sexual intercourse

Who is TRUS indicated for?

TRUS of the prostate is indicated under the following criteria:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate;
  2. Urination is painful;
  3. Problematic potency;
  4. Upon diagnosis – secondary infertility;
  5. In the presence of an elevated level of prostate specific antigen - PSA. It can be general and free.
  6. Brachytherapy;
  7. If a tumor is detected or formed, the prostate gland increases in size;
  8. Obstruction or cyst of the spermatic cord;
  9. Hematospermia and the presence of stones;
  10. Abscess and infectious lesions.

This type of ultrasound is also used for intestinal dysfunction:

  1. Constipation;
  2. Pain in the anus in men during bowel movements;
  3. Painful sensations in the abdominal area;
  4. If various seals are detected (examination is carried out by a doctor).

Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. The patient has hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  2. There are difficulties during bowel movements;
  3. Surgery was performed in the rectal area;
  4. Absence of the patient's rectum, that is, if the rectum has been removed.

Preparing for TRUS correctly

Preparation for TRUS should begin at home. It should be noted that the hospital rarely warns that you need to prepare in advance at home. Proper preparation for this procedure ensures correct results. We present to your attention another article about the features of preparing for a pelvic MRI in a man.

So, what you need to do to prepare properly:

  1. 48 hours before the procedure exclude foods that cause gas from the diet;
  2. The procedure must be performed on an empty stomach.. The last snack should be taken 12 hours before TRUS. Therefore, if the session takes place in the morning, then only a light dinner is allowed;
  3. Before the procedure, you should cleanse your intestines. If there are no natural urges, then laxatives or an enema will come to the rescue. For an enema, water at a comfortable temperature is used - lukewarm or cool. It is best to do this immediately before the examination. In many clinics, the nursing staff can give the patient an enema. If, due to some circumstances, the patient wants to carry out the manipulation on his own, he should simply use a microenema. To do this, lie on your right side and administer an enema into the anus. After a while, the urge to go to the toilet will begin. Thus, the intestines are cleansed quickly and easily. You can also empty the intestines using a special glycerin suppository. You just need to carefully insert it into the anus. To do this, you need to lie on your right side. When you want to go to the toilet, you need to immediately run to empty your bowels.
  4. If the bowels are not emptied or not completely emptied, then the results of the study will be unsatisfactory. Because a specialist simply will not be able to examine the prostate gland behind the stool;
  5. An hour before TRUS, you should try to fill your bladder.. To do this you will have to consume about 1-2 liters of liquid;
  6. It is advisable to come to the TRUS procedure in loose clothing., which can be quickly removed.

Features of transrectal examination

The transrectal examination procedure takes about 5-20 minutes. Everything happens only on an outpatient basis. Only a qualified specialist – a doctor – has the right to perform TRUS.

The prostate gland is located in the middle of the pelvis, touching the rectum with the posterior wall. That is why the best option for examining the prostate is a transrectal examination. It is possible to bring the rectal sensor completely closer to the affected area only through insertion into the anus.

The sensor is a small-sized preparation; before the procedure it is lubricated with Vaseline. The patient may feel some discomfort when the doctor inserts it into the rectum. There's nothing you can do, you'll have to be patient.

To quickly and reliably improve potency, our readers recommend a natural remedy that has a comprehensive effect on the causes of erectile dysfunction. The composition contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. Thanks to natural ingredients, the drug is absolutely safe, has no contraindications or side effects...”

The prostate gland is a “weak spot” in the body of every man, especially after 40 years. Her condition can be negatively affected by hypothermia, tumor processes, infections, and even how active a man’s sex life is. To determine the condition of the prostate, the doctor palpates it and prescribes a biopsy. And the most reliable, quick and effective procedure for diagnosing ailments is ultrasound of the prostate gland. How to prepare for it, how this study is carried out, what types of ultrasound exist in this case - read about all this in the article.

An ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed by a doctor when there are any symptoms of prostate pathology. These include: pain in the perineum or sacrum, difficulties in emptying the bladder, potency disorders, a feeling of a full bladder immediately after visiting the toilet, problems with conception, etc. These signs indicate one or another disturbance in the functioning of this organ, therefore an ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed without fail.

If you have certain problems and you consider it necessary to be examined, then you do not need to run to the first clinic you come across to undergo the procedure. First, go to a urologist. He will listen carefully to all your complaints, conduct a proper examination, make assumptions regarding the causes of the ailment and refer you for an ultrasound of the prostate gland, if this is really necessary. Then, when you already have the results of the study in your hands, you can go to the same doctor who is in control of the situation so that he can prescribe you the necessary medications.

In principle, every man, if he wishes, can independently sign up for an ultrasound of the prostate gland. He will be told how this procedure is carried out at the place where it will be carried out. We will consider this issue a little below. It remains to be said here that there are not so many people who want to do an ultrasound for prevention. Yes, this is not necessary if you are 20-30 years old, healthy and full of energy. But after forty, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound of the prostate gland annually. Preparation will not take much time, but then you will have peace of mind about your health.

This process depends on how the ultrasound is performed. The procedure is performed either transabdominally (by examining the anterior abdominal wall with a probe) or transrectally (directly through the rectum).

What do you need to know if you are scheduled for a prostate ultrasound? Transabdominal examination is carried out quickly, easily, and does not require special preparation. The main thing is to show up for the procedure with a full bladder. The prostate is located in the place where the bladder passes into the urethra, so without such preparation it is quite difficult to see it. But when there is a space between the gland and the sensor that is filled with liquid, the procedure becomes effective, since the organ is well visualized.

You need to fill the bladder moderately so that you feel only a slight urge to empty it. An hour before the ultrasound, you should drink about a liter of liquid. It is necessary to calculate the time correctly. After all, if the bladder is not filled enough, you will have to wait and postpone the examination process indefinitely. And if it is overfilled, then the patient will feel discomfort when moving the sensor, because it is accompanied by, albeit not strong, pressure.

Before this type of study, it is necessary to start following a diet two to three days in order to eliminate increased gas formation, diarrhea, and constipation. In the evening (the day before the procedure) and on the day of the examination, you will need to do cleansing enemas. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed on the patient on an empty stomach. Only if it is scheduled for the evening can a light breakfast be allowed.

So, you have been prescribed an ultrasound of the prostate gland. Preparations have been completed, let's begin describing the process. It is not performed as often as the transrectal method, but is still prescribed for diagnosis. It happens that in this way the prostate is examined “at the same time” as the abdominal organs. The patient lies on the couch, exposing the abdomen. Then a special conductive gel is applied to the skin to remove the air layer between the skin and the sensor. The doctor moves the sensor over the corresponding part of the body, and sees the corresponding images on the screen. He carefully examines everything, measures, determines abnormalities, and at the same time examines the bladder. A procedure such as an ultrasound of the prostate gland takes about 10 minutes. Norms or deviations are recorded in the specialist’s conclusion, which is given to the patient.

This is the method that representatives of the stronger sex are most ashamed of, afraid of and avoid in every possible way. But in vain. This method is considered the most reliable and effective; it is not at all as scary as it seems at first. But such an ultrasound of the prostate gland is very informative. Let's look at how this manipulation is carried out right now.

The patient exposes the lower part of the body and sits on the couch with his back to the doctor. In this case, the patient should bend his legs and pull his knees towards his stomach. Then a special probe is inserted into the patient's rectum, which is advanced to the location of the prostate. Thus it is examined. For hygienic purposes, a condom is placed on the sensor in advance, and to facilitate the procedure, it is lubricated with a special gel.

Of course, transrectal ultrasound can hardly be called pleasant, but it cannot be considered painful either. The diameter of the sensor is approximately 1.5 cm, so it will not stretch or injure the rectum in any way, which many people are afraid of. And they immerse it no more than 5-7 cm. You just need to relax and tune in to the procedure properly, then it will not cause much discomfort.

During the study, many indicators are recorded that indicate a healthy organ or certain abnormalities. Within the normal range, the prostate should have smooth and symmetrical contours and a uniform structure. Ideally, the anterior-posterior dimension should be 1.5-2.5 cm, the transverse dimension should be within normal limits - 2.7-4.2 cm, and the longitudinal dimension should be 2.4-4.0 cm. The volume, which is calculated according to a special formula, normally should not exceed 25 cm cubic. Deviation from these indicators indicates the presence of a pathology that should only be treated by a qualified specialist.

This procedure allows you to find out about many existing diseases. Among them:

  • Hyperplasia. This is a condition in which the gland significantly (not always) increases in size due to the proliferation of its own tissues.
  • Adenoma. This is a benign tissue growth. The gland not only enlarges, adenomatous nodes often appear in it.
  • Stones. It happens that small stones form in the ducts of the prostate gland.
  • Cancer. On ultrasound, such a formation is an asymmetrically located lesion that can grow into other organs.
  • Prostatitis. The contours of the gland on ultrasound are uneven, its echostructure is heterogeneous.
  • Prostate cysts. During the examination, bubbles that are filled with liquid may be detected.

In this article, we described a procedure such as ultrasound of the prostate gland. The price for the examination is not too high, for example, for a procedure performed transabdominally, you will pay approximately 800 rubles, transrectally - 1200-1500 rubles. In this matter, the main thing is not price, but health. You pay for longevity, for timely detection of pathologies, the treatment of which will allow you to avoid negative consequences and enjoy a full life. Be healthy!

The prostate gland (prostate) is one of the important organs of the male reproductive system, and at the same time one of the most frequently affected by various diseases. As a rule, pathologies develop in men over 30–40 years of age, and timely diagnosis helps prevent serious complications.

The ultrasound method has long been recognized as the leader in identifying structural disorders that lead to a decrease in the quality of organ functioning. The combination of its characteristics and advantages makes it possible to quickly and painlessly identify even minor pathologies in the early stages for patients.

Like most diagnostic methods, ultrasound (ultrasound) requires the patient to perform a series of sequential actions to facilitate the procedure without any obstacles. The most important thing for the patient is not to forget that preparation for a prostate ultrasound is an integral part of the diagnostic process.

Ultrasound of the prostate in men can be performed in several ways, different in their implementation and making it possible to examine the organ from the angle necessary for the doctor to make a diagnosis. The choice of method is influenced by the presenting symptoms and the health status of the subject.

So, the doctor can choose one of the following ultrasound examination options:

  • transabdominal – performed through the surface of the abdominal wall;
  • transrectal - examined by inserting a sensor into the rectum;
  • scrotal-rectal – performed through the perineal area;
  • transurethral - access occurs through the urethra.

The first two methods are the most common, the first because of the ease of implementation, which is why men agree to it faster and easier. And the second one is more informative, so specialists often resort to it and, making every effort, persuade their patients to undergo diagnostics in this particular way.

Transrectal ultrasound is one of the most frequently chosen methods

Considering the difference in the technique of performing the methods, it is not difficult to guess that the preparation for them will also be different, and accordingly the patient needs to take this into account before preparing for a prostate ultrasound.

Both of the most preferred methods for diagnosing the prostate have certain recommendations that the patient should receive in the diagnostic office after the attending physician writes a referral for an ultrasound examination.

To get an informative picture of the condition of the prostate, the patient is recommended to adhere to a certain diet for several days (at least three) to help reduce gas formation in the intestines. Since gas accumulations in the loops of intestine adjacent to the gland, the diagnostician can mistake them for neoplasms of a different nature.

Therefore, you should exclude baked goods, sweets, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, fatty fish and meats, smoked foods, carbonated water and drinks, as well as alcohol from your diet. In addition, you can use medications that relieve flatulence - Espumisan, Smecta, Mezim, White Coal.

The second part of the preparation for the examination is that the patient must come to the procedure with a full bladder, but preferably without a strong urge to urinate.

The prostate gland is located at the junction of the bladder and the urethra, and unless a fluid-filled space is created, it will be difficult to visualize.

The bladder should be moderately filled at the time of the examination, that is, it should not disturb the examinee with a pronounced urge to urinate. To do this, you need to drink at least one liter of liquid an hour before the ultrasound. It is important to monitor the moment of sufficient filling, otherwise if there is not enough fluid in the bladder, you will have to pause the procedure and wait for some time until more urine is formed.

But an equally important point is excessive filling, which for the patient can cause pain when pressing on the abdominal wall with a sensor and, of course, a rather strong desire to empty the bladder. In this case, you are allowed to get rid of some of the urine, and at the same time drink a little more liquid so that the kidneys filter and provide the required amount in the organ.

To conduct a transrectal ultrasound, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, since feces will become an obstacle to close contact with the gland, and the diagnostician will not have the opportunity to carefully examine it. Free rotation of the sensor in the rectum will allow you to recreate a complete picture of the organ.

This research method requires careful preparation.

You can use any known and convenient method - using an enema, laxatives or special pharmaceutical drugs, such as Fortrans, Flit and others. If you use enema cleansing, you need to rinse the intestines until the water at the outlet becomes clear. Fortrans and Flit, when taken at the rate of 25 kg of weight, 1 sachet, dissolved in 1 liter of water, give an excellent effect without any extra effort in administering enemas.

It is better to carry out such water procedures the evening before the ultrasound, if it is in the morning, and if after lunch, then you can do the cleaning in the morning a few hours before the examination. If a prostate biopsy is planned to be performed simultaneously with an ultrasound, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in advance to prevent the development of inflammatory processes as a result of punctures when taking a tissue sample.

This method does not require filling the bladder, since direct contact with the walls of the prostate gland provides the necessary information, and even a full bladder can, on the contrary, distort images by squeezing the organ.

Despite the fact that ultrasound examination is a simple and accessible method, there are several aspects that can have a negative impact on its implementation. The patient himself can control and exclude some aspects, but he cannot influence others.

Thus, the subject must notify the attending physician if, a few days before the planned ultrasound appointment, he underwent a colonoscopy (examination of the intestines) with contrast or irrigoscopy (x-ray of the intestines). The use of contrast agent or barium may distort the results of a prostate examination.

Be sure to notify your doctor about all medications you are taking.

It is necessary to report all medications that the patient is taking - perhaps some may affect intestinal motility and muscle tone, which will also lead to a misinterpretation of the condition of the examined organ. During the procedure, the patient should lie still, because excessive activity will not allow the doctor to concentrate and carefully examine the area being examined.

Obesity will not allow you to perform a transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate

It can also disrupt the ultrasound picture when recording image signals. Insufficiently high-quality preparation will lead to the presence of accumulation of gas and feces in the intestines, which can be mistakenly mistaken for pathological foci; an insufficiently filled bladder will not allow a detailed examination of the organ. An overcrowded one will squeeze it and make it difficult to appreciate the structure and volume.

For overweight patients, only the transrectal method is suitable, since the fat layer will not allow ultrasonic waves to penetrate through it. If there are wound surfaces in the area planned for research, then you will have to choose a method in which contact with the wound surface will be minimal.

As you can see, most of the obstacles to a successful examination are created by the patient himself. Therefore, if we take into account all possible points that could interfere with obtaining high-quality results, then the first time, without spending extra time and effort, you can obtain the necessary materials to establish a diagnosis.
