I know what the pain of depression is. How to deal with morning depression During depression in the evening the condition improves why

There can hardly be anything worse than depression. Depressed mood, loss of vitality, hopeless pessimism, lack of desire to do anything and show at least some interest in existence... This and much more accompanies this mental disorder. When a person is immersed in such a state of mind, he becomes helpless, indifferent and “empty”. Some people manage to cope with this alone, while others do not. But in any case, you need to know how to overcome depression and depression.

First stage

When depression first begins, a person refuses to recognize this fact. He believes that he is simply not in the mood, due to fatigue at work or school, or weather changes. At the first stage, the initial symptoms are accompanied by pronounced apathy, increased fatigue and lack of desire to do anything. Lack of appetite, problems falling asleep, as well as irritability and nervousness are often observed. Despite fatigue, a person cannot fall asleep, even if he takes sleeping pills.

In addition, there is a deterioration in concentration, decreased performance, and loss of interest in previous hobbies and interests. A mountain of tasks that previously managed to be resolved long before the deadline begins to accumulate. It becomes increasingly difficult to finish what you start. And this is not just a depressed mood and a lethargic state. This is how the initial stage of depression manifests itself, which subsequently develops more and more intensely.

Deterioration of condition

If a person has ignored how his mood and overall routine changes, a restructuring of the body begins. The production of serotonin, which is commonly called the hormone of happiness, stops. He does not eat at all, or consumes some minimum in order to “clog” his stomach. Immunity decreases, and chronic diseases worsen. The body fights “with itself,” but it fails.

Prolonged insomnia sets in. A person ceases to think adequately and logically; he does not control his behavior and emotions. It’s as if he finds himself in another world, where everything is indifferent to him. To outsiders, it seems strange, and as if divorced from the real world. In especially severe cases, his condition is accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. It is at this stage, conventionally designated the second, that more than 80% of attempts to commit suicide occur. In the best cases, such people simply “close themselves” in themselves, locking themselves away where no one will touch them, and immerse themselves in philosophizing.

Losing the meaning of life

This is the last stage of depression. A person not only has no mood - he lacks the desire to live. His body still retains vital functions, but now works autonomously. But pathological processes begin to occur in the mental sphere.

At best, a person will remain indifferent and detached from the world. And in the worst case, animal aggression will awaken in him. Such people are capable of harming themselves and others. Because they stop perceiving this world as something valuable, and stop identifying themselves with a Man, with a Personality. Consequences also include memory loss, schizophrenia, and depressive psychosis. This is what a long-term depressed mood transforms into. That’s why it’s so important to catch yourself at the first stage, and either seek help or get on your feet on your own.

Why does the blues occur?

Depression, depression and despondency always have prerequisites. Sometimes they are even combined into a complex. The cause may be a lack of vitamin D and sun exposure.

Even according to statistics, depression develops most often in the fall, when daylight hours are reduced. There is less sun, which is what stimulates the body’s production of vital vitamin D.

Health problems also often affect a person’s psychosomatic state. Depressed mood is observed during pregnancy, menopause, problems with the thyroid gland, etc.

Often the prerequisite is overwork or exhaustion of the body. Constant work, a busy schedule, eternal preoccupation with problems - it is logical that the body begins to mope. But such cases are treated extremely simply. You just need to take a vacation and let yourself relax.

And the last popular reason is lack of physical activity. If it is not there, then endorphin stops being produced. But it is precisely this hormone that is the hormone of joy. By adding a run or a couple of hours in the gym to your regimen for a week, you can notice how much your condition improves. Both physical and psychosomatic.

What to do?

First of all, don’t give up and don’t give up. If this is the first stage, then everything can really be fixed. The main thing is to act immediately.

If a person begins to notice a bad mood in the morning, which only gets worse during the day, it is necessary to bring more movement into your life. Physical work brings satisfaction. Even cleaning the house will help organize your feelings and thoughts. But lying on the sofa only worsens the condition.

You also need to start constantly pleasing yourself with your favorite things. It can be anything - shopping, get-togethers with friends, ordering a whole mountain of delicious food at home, going on vacation, dancing, drawing, swinging. You just need to forget about all your worries, your age and responsibilities, and do what you want.

Relaxation is also important. A foamy hot bath, aromatherapy, soothing music, and then delicious coffee and reading an interesting book, sitting in a soft chair under a blanket - sounds like an introvert's paradise. If a person is overtaken by the blues, then silence and such utopian comfort will help him rest and relax a little.

Finding a way out

Of course, there are people who will not leave the blues, depression and despondency only after signing up for the gym and a couple of days off. In more severe cases, you need to act more radically.

A change of environment can help. When a person is depressed, the same ceiling and walls that appear before one’s eyes in the morning, day after day, are incredibly depressing. You need to get away, and preferably closer to nature. She heals. The sounds of falling water, a babbling stream, birdsong, rustling leaves, rustling grass - this has a therapeutic effect and helps reduce the level of stress hormones, as well as normalize blood pressure. This atmosphere is healing. A person who is under arrest in a noisy concrete jungle simply needs it.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the qualitative difference between fresh natural air and the stale air that reigns indoors. Whatever one may say, in most cities it is spoiled by gases and harmful emissions. And even airing won't help. It's either forest or sea air.

And, of course, bioenergy. The city “presses” on all people and devastates them. What is it like to be in the center of the bustle for a depressed person who is overcome by depression? You can feel pure bioenergy only by coming into contact with nature. Watch the sunset, lie on the grass, walk barefoot on the sand, swim in a crystal clear pond... they say you can get rid of static electricity. Be that as it may, in the bosom of nature a person quite quickly emerges from a state of despondency and begins to feel the taste of life again.

Specialist help

Sometimes it is necessary. A constantly bad mood due to all of the above is one thing. But in reality, much more serious cases are known. Those in which you really can’t do without antidepressants, therapy and conversations with a doctor.

This refers to a psychological disorder provoked by something that destroyed a person’s life in an instant. It could be anything. Death of a loved one. Loss of all accumulated wealth. Betrayal or betrayal. The destruction of all plans, hopes and dreams without exception. Sudden changes. At such moments, you can really understand a person who loses the desire to exist in this world. Because the very purpose of his life, the reason for which he woke up in the morning, leaves his life. A man loses himself. And this is something that even an enemy would not want to wish upon.


It starts with psychotherapy. To which a person suffering from depression and a chronically depressed state comes with difficulty. People resist for various reasons. Most often, because they consider going to a psychotherapist to be “on the edge,” or they don’t want to be considered crazy, or they “dig” into their head. In such cases, the support of loved ones and motivation on their part is very important. It is extremely rare for people to go to a psychotherapist themselves. Most often, their relatives convince them, and in especially difficult cases, they even organize sessions by force.

Psychotherapy involves a therapeutic effect through the psyche on the human body. The doctor helps the patient get rid of social, individual and emotional problems, first establishing deep personal contact with him through conversation. Often accompanied by cognitive, behavioral and other techniques.

Medication assistance

Medicines are also prescribed. Depressed mood, the causes of which are also determined by a doctor, is treated with antidepressants.

These are psychotropic medications that normalize the levels of neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin). After taking them, a person’s mood and appetite improve, melancholy, anxiety, insomnia and apathy disappear, and mental activity increases. And he is on the mend.

Release of emotions

A person who is constantly in a bad mood rarely wants to communicate with anyone. More often he is overcome by the desire to close himself off from the outside world and worry. The main thing is that no one gets into your soul. Many people feel that they cannot be understood. Someone is afraid of selfishness - to open their soul, and in return receive spit.

Well, this often actually happens. But the release of emotions is necessary. The methods by which this can be accomplished are extremely simple. Someone is trying to find sympathy on the Internet, under the guise of an anonymous person. Others take a notebook and begin to pour out their experiences on the sheets. And this makes it easier. This is better than texting with someone. There is no need to formulate words - it is enough to express what reigns in your head and soul. Often, in the process of keeping such a unique diary, good, correct thoughts come. Sometimes you manage to find out the exact reason for your problem or an idea is born on its own about how to deal with it.

Set goals and go towards them

Here's how you can “drive away” a depressed mood. What should a person do if depression has completely consumed him? You need to push off from the bottom. No matter how difficult it may be. All psychologists recommend this method. You need to set some goal for yourself. It may be insignificant. A person locked at home, for example, needs to force himself to go outside for at least 15 minutes every day. It's real. When choosing a goal, you need to focus on your own resources. After its implementation, you definitely need to reward yourself, at least with praise for a new achievement.

It is also recommended to find fellow sufferers - those who also suffer from depression. If relatives and friends do not understand a person, then such people will definitely be able to find support. After all, they know what he is experiencing. Meeting “kindred spirits” will help reduce the feeling of isolation, find understanding and even advice.

Finding Joy

Finally, I would like to highlight one more effective recommendation. Many experts advise people suffering from depression to find new meaning in life. Something you want to wake up for. The best option is to have a pet.

Even medicine confirms the importance of animals in restoring a person’s well-being and emotional state. There are official statistics confirming that people who have a pet are 30% less likely to seek medical help. Animals are great companions and bring joy.

In addition, by starting to take care of a pretty living creature, a person will increase the energy of compassion and feel spiritual warmth. After all, there is so much unconditional love in animals that it simply cannot help but be transmitted.

In the morning you feel bad, but in the evening you feel better. A little better or noticeably better, but still not as bad as in the morning. Melancholy, hopelessness, sadness subside a little. You finally get a break from your daily routine and worries. You switch to the here-and-now and take action. But behind these things lies a strong fear, a fear of repetition. You seem to be anticipating a new repetition of the cycle “bad in the morning - good in the evening.” An annoying wait that prevents you from calmly enjoying your evening “vacation”. You are anxiously awaiting the morning. Bad, bad cycle. Ugly swing.

Let's take a closer look at them, however. As I wrote in a previous article, a bad morning in an emotional sense is the beginning of the day for a person who is unsure of himself and blames himself for the horrors happening to him. By evening, the same person, due to the inevitable movement in the flow of affairs - even if he is in the ward of a psychiatric hospital - moves from his fears and the stream of thoughts about his worthlessness to what can be touched, measured, touched, done. That is, he or she begins to feel, based on the totality of the results of their deeds, that they They can at least somehow control their lives. And the feeling of hopelessness and melancholy, constitutional for depression, recedes. Question: who actually rides on this swing? The same person? Yes, the same one. Whose thoughts and emotions are these? Only him. That is, the switching occurs in his own stream of thoughts and feelings. Doctors say - wait until the antidepressants work and forget about it altogether! There is nothing to analyze here, they say! Yeah, of course! Considering the low effectiveness of antidepressants - according to data announced at one of the medical conferences in Zaporozhye, their effectiveness on average does not exceed 40% - many may not wait. Especially those who have been counting on them for a long time.

The fact is that behind this swing there is a real choice - the choice of your feelings and thoughts. This choice is made almost unconsciously, but it is still made. And it is done every day. . More precisely, these are our beliefs, our views on how the world works. If in it I am the only god, the one who controls everything, then the experience of many people says that nothing will really work out for them. Never. This choice is a choice of a certain form of control over your life. If I tell myself: I can’t do anything, I don’t believe in myself, then this is nothing more than a certain belief in myself. Believing in yourself as weak and infirm. Although in reality I want to see myself differently. But true faith is believing in yourself as incapable and worthless. Behind it are images of failure and loss. If we see such images, then no other emotional reaction can be expected from us. Then we start swinging on the familiar swing in the morning.

However, neuropsychologists are well aware that our brain doesn’t care whether it sees a picture or actually ends up in the described situation. He perceives reality, as K. Frith writes in the book “Brain and Soul,” only as his own fantasy, that is, a model of the world. A terrible model gives rise to terrible feelings. If we assume that the model or picture of who we are changes, at least a little, then the reaction will become different. Here's what Susan Jeffers writes in her book Be Afraid...But Do It about a simple exercise that proves this:

“From Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books and president of Self-Esteem Workshops, I learned one great way to clearly demonstrate the advantage of positive thinking over negative thinking. I often use this technique in my practical classes. I ask someone to stand up and face the class. After making sure that the person does not have problems with hand mobility, I ask the volunteer to clench his palm into a fist and extend his arm to the side. Then I, facing him, try to lower his hand with my outstretched hand, and ask my assistant to resist with all his might. It was extremely rare that I was able to put his hand down on the first try.

Then I ask him to relax and lower his hand, close his eyes and repeat to himself ten times the negative statement: “I am a weak and good-for-nothing creature.” I ask him to really feel the essence of this statement. When my assistant repeats this ten times, I ask him to open his eyes and extend his hand again. I remind you that he again needs to resist with all his might. And then I’m able to put his hand down right away! Everything looks as if his strength has left him.

You need to see the expression on the faces of my volunteers when they discover that they cannot resist my pressure, and that’s all. It happened that some asked me to repeat the experiment. "I just wasn't ready!" - they repeated in a plaintive voice. We tried again, and the same thing happened again - the hand went down sharply, offering almost no resistance. At this moment, the confusion on the faces of my “experimental subjects” was most genuine.

I then ask the volunteer to close their eyes again and repeat the positive statement ten times: “I am a strong and worthy person.” Again I ask my assistant to feel the content and meaning of these words. Again he reaches out his hand and prepares to resist my pressure. To his surprise (and to the surprise of those around me), I cannot bend his arm. It becomes even less pliable than the first time I tried to lower it. If we keep alternating positive statements with negative ones, the result is always the same. I can put my hand down after a negative statement, but I am unable to do so after a positive statement.

By the way - for those who read these lines with a skeptical smile - I tried to conduct this experiment, not knowing which were strong, and negative ones - weak. I would leave the room and the class would decide whether the statement would be positive or negative. And we always got the same thing: strong words - a strong hand, weak words - a weak hand.

This is a stunning demonstration of the power of the words we use. Positive words make us strong, negative words make us weak. And does not matter, we believe we say or not. The very fact of their utterance makes our inner “I” believe in them. It's as if our inner self doesn't know what's true and what's not. It does not analyze, but simply reacts to what is offered to it. When the words “I have no strength” are broadcast, it instructs our entire being: “He wants to be weak today.” When the words “I am full of strength” come, the instructions for our body look like this: “It wants to be strong today” (p. 66-67).

It turns out that simply changing the internal dialogue from the sad-sad “I’m good for nothing” to “I can” changes the whole thing and leads to a different form of emotion?! Well, of course, I’m not so naive as to assume that a depressed person, just by uttering such a phrase, will begin to feel better and immediately return to a good mood. Of course not. How many years did it take for you to program yourself to be sad? How many years have you developed as a person who, deep within you, carried such a reaction to circumstances as depression? Twenty? Thirty? Fifty five? I am talking about the fact that a person who is in a prison of depression should at least admit that his depression is in his consciousness, in his head. That she is part of his way of thinking, not someone else’s, but his own. And that means he can change it. And one day get rid of depression.

The swing “bad morning - slightly better evening” is a choice of emotions through images of yourself and the world around you. These images develop very early, in childhood. Sometimes depression is an indicator of what kind of childhood a person had. But at some point it became the property of the person himself. Childhood has passed, but the images remain. The voices of parents or other loved ones remained. As they say, “a mother carries a child inside her for a whole year, and then he carries her for the rest of her life.” Angry, demanding or sometimes drunken voices of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. And all this can be changed. Change because for a second I assume that it’s all mine. That it is in my mind, in my internal dialogue, in my head. This is my head and I am responsible for it, not my parents.

We can learn to choose our own emotions by choosing images of what the world we live in and who we are is like. We can one day choose whether to be depressed or not.

Recently, many people have noticed such a phenomenon as morning blues. And the problem is not only that it’s hard to wake up and get yourself into a working mood, when life and work seem gray and boring, and your personal life leaves much to be desired. Such a negative state of mind is nothing more than sign of depression, which most often appears in spring and autumn. Morning depression should not be ignored, because morning blues, which others can join symptoms of depression: inhibition of movements and thinking, changes in eating behavior, sleep disturbances, decreased libido can significantly aggravate the mental state. To morning depression not become an everyday habit that can lead to suicide, you need to know how cope with melancholy and return yourself to a calm and active life?

  • How to cope with sadness?

Morning blues are a sign of depression!

TO signs of depression a triad of main symptoms should be included - low mood, emotional and motor retardation, manifesting for at least two weeks. Along with the main triad signs of depression there are additional symptoms of depression: difficulty making decisions, sleep disorders(difficulty falling asleep, waking up earlier in the morning, shallow or interrupted sleep at night, self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, lack of optimism for the future, changes in eating behavior (loss of appetite or overeating), constant feelings of guilt and self-destruction, suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Signs of Depression can also be expressed by somatic signs associated with autonomic dysfunction and a significant decrease in libido, disruption of the menstrual cycle in women. If signs of depression become more pronounced, the first thing you should pay attention to is a change in the circadian rhythm. This pathological disorder is expressed morning melancholy, manifested by heaviness in the chest, depression and despair. Morning blues may disappear during the day, but will appear again the next morning. For morning depression also characteristic anxiety disorders, anhedonia, apathy, dysphoria, lack of a sense of self-preservation and loss of emotions.

To restore peace and joy in life you need to know how cope with melancholy in the morning!

How to cope with sadness?

Morning depression often becomes the reason for joining bad habits, first of all, to alcohol or energy drinks, which not only do not help in the current situation, but also aggravate the mental state. To cope with melancholy- one of signs of depression, it is important to recognize the cause and make an attempt to deal with it, especially if it is caused by family conflicts, personal failures or stress at work. Take control of your feelings and regain your self-confidence, try to think positively and look for the positive, even in negative situations.

Do not forget about general strengthening procedures, such as swimming, contrast showers, sports or physical exercise, and just walking in the fresh air will significantly improve your emotional state.

To reduce the occurrence symptoms of depression, pay attention to nutrition and sleep!

Healthy night's sleep- the best way to get rid of morning melancholy, because during sleep it is produced hormone of happiness and youth– melatonin. Significant benefits for restoring sleep and reducing signs of depression will bring antidepressant herbs, including motherwort, hawthorn, chamomile, hops, thyme, oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, fireweed (fireweed), valerian officinalis, mint, blue cyanosis.
Herbal preparations based on sedative herbs are convenient to take and do not require additional time for preparing decoctions or infusions, and the innovative manufacturing technology has a number of significant advantages and will convey all the medicinal benefits of sedative herbs. The preparations Valerian P, Motherwort P, Ivan-tea P (fireweed), St. John's wort P, the biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, which is based on a collection of the best sedative herbs, will help relieve anxiety and melancholy, and restore healthy sleep.
Herbal preparations will help cope with morning melancholy, improve mood and overall tone of the body: Eleutherococcus P or the biologically active complex Elton P (based on Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Levzeya P biologically active complex Leveton P (based on Leuzea safflower), which can be taken only in the first half of the day, so as not to provoke insomnia.

Vitamins Apitonus P and tonic herbal preparations will help in a short time cope with melancholy, morning depression and drowsiness, but will also become the best helpers with increased mental and physical stress.

Fight with morning depression, thereby you will significantly change your life and restore an optimistic mood for the future!

Depression in old age has its own characteristics!

The first signs of depression. How to get out of depression?

Depression in women. Why do women suffer from depression more often?

Working on a computer can lead to decreased potency and depression!

Depression in men. How can a man get out of depression?

Summer depression. How to get out of depression in the summer?

Unusual causes of depression in modern conditions.

Depression is a mental disorder that is accompanied by a feeling of melancholy, apathy, and a negative attitude. Morning depression occurs in many people. This may be due to the change of seasons, for example, autumn or spring blues often occur. A person can mope and return to normal mental balance, or he can fall into deep depression. There could be many reasons for this. If after a week or two a person does not return to normal functioning, then he needs professional help.

Clinical picture

It is important to remember that depression is a serious illness that requires treatment.

Like any disease, depression has its own symptoms. The main signs of depression are:

In addition to emotional symptoms, there are also physical signs of depression, which can manifest in a wide range of symptoms. Depression can cause many physical illnesses. Insomnia, loss of appetite, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, decreased libido, nervousness, disruptions in the cardiovascular system and many other pathologies may indicate the development of a depressive state in a person.

Treatment of depression

The approach to getting rid of depression must be comprehensive. The patient can independently try to restore peace of mind using all the means known to him that brought him joy. If such therapy does not bring results for a long time, it is better for the patient to start taking medications, the choice of which should be made by a doctor. Independent selection of drugs is prohibited, because There are many contraindications and side effects. Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.


Morning depression can simply occur as a sign of systematic lack of sleep. A busy day at work, constant stressful situations, poor diet and lack of physical activity also contribute to the development of mental disorders.

The first method of combating depression in the morning should be sound sleep, which is at least 8 hours. After waking up, the patient will benefit from a contrasting invigorating shower. The contrast should not be too sharp; it is better to start with slightly cool or warm water.

A nutritious, balanced diet will help improve your well-being. Lack of vitamins can significantly reduce performance. Physical activity will be useful. For example, regular exercise in the morning or a morning jog will help improve blood circulation, metabolism and the production of all necessary hormones. A full sex life is also an integral part of the prevention of depressive conditions.

It is important that a sick person has the opportunity to do what he loves, which brings him joy. The support of loved ones and loved ones significantly contributes to the patient’s healing. It is desirable that communication brings positive emotions to the patient.


It should be remembered that there is no universal cure for depression. Some patients cannot get rid of depression for years. It is important that the patient himself realizes the need for treatment and makes efforts. A quick cure for depression is almost impossible, so the patient and his family should prepare for a long recovery period.

A consistently bad mood in the morning, day after day, is one of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. I don’t mean mild melancholy, but a condition in which a person does not want to get out of bed. No reason. The coming day looks empty and meaningless. Moreover, the same day looks better in the evening or during the day, but the morning is always gray. The very first thought that comes to the awakened consciousness is a thought from the series of how bad everything is. The crocodile will not be caught and the coconut will not grow. Definitely, no options.

A depressed brain is like a car that needs to get from point A to point B through traffic jams, but there is little gas left. And it’s not enough because the car works a lot at idle and in this mode it eats like crazy. The depressed brain lacks serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. There are few of them for a reason; they are wasted somewhere. A person continuously plays scenarios of failures and disasters in his flight simulator (prefrontax cortex), swims in a thick swamp of pessimism and beats himself up for everything. He does not clarify, does not specify details, does not take action. He constantly stresses himself out, imagines how bad everything will be and firmly believes in this only possible result. It’s no wonder to burn up serotonin.

Stimulants - caffeine and nicotine, biologically have a temporary compensatory effect.

Remember Dovlatov about Brodsky, who was forbidden by doctors to smoke:
- Drink a cup of coffee in the morning and not smoke?! Then there is no need to wake up!

But the effect of stimulants works temporarily. Chronic and constant use of them reduces serotonin levels. When the body is forced to constantly work at high speeds, it is depleted of resources.

Statistically, a combined approach of therapy and pharmacology works better for acute depression than therapy alone or pills alone. For example, a person takes an SSRI and his serotonin levels have improved. Life is getting better. He drinks the course of this happiness, finishes it, and moves on with his life. And his favorite programs and patterns sit just as firmly in it. The flywheel spins up slowly but surely. The flight simulator begins to consume gasoline with gusto.

Therapy works with this process. When there is a fire, the fire must first be extinguished. A course of anti-depressants relieves the acute peak, then in therapy chronic things are worked out, some of which actually lead to a depressive state. Therapy helps resolve conflicts that have lasted for years, get out of an impasse, deal with an existential crisis, find meaning, raise self-esteem, learn new patterns, avoid falling deeply into depression, learn to get out of this condition faster, gain self-support and autonomy. If depression is chronic and has genetic factors, then therapy helps to learn how to cope with these phenomena and mature forms of defense. Therapy helps reduce the amplitude of idle speed, and, accordingly, the consumption of valuable resources.

In a state of Flow, a person has a reason to wake up in the morning. He jumps out of bed, enjoys breakfast and runs about his business.

Research by Greg Murray suggests that negative mood shifts in the morning may in principle be a consequence of a general disruption of the sleep cycle (circadian function) in depression. Although there is no certainty on this issue. The same neurotransmitter, serotonin, is involved in regulating sleep. Depressed people quite often complain of various forms of sleep problems, this is another symptom.

There is another theory about the effect of cortisol on daily mood swings. Chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which negatively affects sleep. Moreover, in a depressed state, high levels of cortisol are maintained for quite a long time during the day. The car is actively idling.
