How many days after the act does conception occur: the process of fertilization, the time required for conception to occur. Conceiving a child: how conception occurs and how to determine the favorable period

There comes a time in the life of almost every woman when she thinks about having a child. So that the news of pregnancy does not take you by surprise, you should thoroughly prepare for this event and, first of all, choose the right time for conception.

And the years fly by...

Doctors consider the optimal age for the first pregnancy to be between 21 and 26 years. By this time, puberty has been completed, the hormonal levels have been stabilized, the body is young, not burdened with any chronic diseases, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. However, in most developed countries of the world, the age of women expecting their first child is increasing. The reason is the reluctance of women to interrupt their education and the desire to make a career. Therefore, the time of birth of the first child is postponed until after 30, or even after 35 years.

Late motherhood (and we are talking specifically about the first birth), of course, has its advantages: a woman approaches the birth of her first child, as a rule, responsibly, she already has an established career, good financial security. This is usually more “conscious” motherhood. However, the noticeable “aging” of first-time mothers causes concern among doctors: while emotionally and psychologically there are no objections, then physiologically a younger age is optimal for the first birth. A number of weighty arguments convince us that it is not worth postponing the birth of the first baby until a distant “later”: firstly, with age, the ability to conceive decreases, and it is more difficult for a woman to become pregnant, Secondly, in women over 35-40 years of age, the likelihood of various gene disorders at the level of germ cells. This can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and developmental defects in the child. Women over 35 years of age are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy; while pregnant, chronic diseases may first appear. A complicated pregnancy also adversely affects the health of the child.

Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has less influence on the health of the unborn baby. Considering the exposure of modern man to the massive impact of a number of unfavorable factors: poor ecology, stress, the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking, etc., it has been noted that fertility (the ability to fertilize) even in relatively young men - 30-40 years old - is significantly reduced .

In determining the best time to conceive, the most important thing is your conscious decision to give birth to a child. The need to plan for a future pregnancy is accepted by many spouses. How to determine the optimal moment that will not only ensure the maximum probability of conception, but will also contribute to the successful course of the entire pregnancy and its timely completion with an easy birth, the birth of a healthy and desired baby?

We'll take a little rest...

It is recommended to plan your next vacation before the critical period of pregnancy. Travel, flights, changes in climate and time zones can adversely affect pregnancy and the developing body of the baby. If you and your husband are lovers of extreme sports and recreation, then you need to remember that difficult hiking conditions, carrying heavy loads, mountain descents, rafting on wild rivers with high rapids, etc. can be very dangerous for the expectant mother. You should also minimize the possibility of injury, because you will be responsible not only for your life, but also for the life and health of your unborn child.

If you have not yet taken your next annual leave, then it would be rational to add it to your maternity leave, thereby saving yourself from daily work duties, commuting to work, getting up early in the morning, traveling on public transport, etc.

If you are still studying and it is not possible to plan the time of conception and pregnancy for “after-school time,” then it is advisable to calculate the time of pregnancy so that the birth occurs during the holidays. There are many cases where female students did not even interrupt their studies after giving birth. Of course, this cannot be done without the help of relatives who would stay with the baby while the mother attends classes. In addition, many new and important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a young mother, and she also needs to recover after childbirth. Therefore, the additional burden of attending classes is obviously unnecessary.

Before planning the time of pregnancy and childbirth, you should talk with your family and friends - whether any of them can help you with the child, stay at home with him if you go back to study after the holidays without a sabbatical leave. Mothers who were students during pregnancy are not advised to plan a pregnancy during the period of state exams and thesis defense. Expecting a baby is not the best time for such a tense and nervous period, and although most teachers and members of the examination committee take into account the special situation of the student, it is unlikely that the examinee will be able to completely avoid anxiety, and even among the examiners there may be people with different views. Why do you need unnecessary worries?

Help Wanted!

The need for help in the first weeks and months after childbirth is felt especially acutely by many mothers: the load on a woman’s body after childbirth, during the period of lactation, is too great. In addition, it is necessary to quickly master the basics of caring for a baby, the rules of breastfeeding, etc. Therefore, when planning pregnancy and childbirth, discuss your plans with relatives, such as future grandparents. Their help can be invaluable.

Help will be especially needed if there is a short interval between births, when the eldest child is still small and requires increased attention. Solving many problems is greatly facilitated if one of the grandparents has already retired and does not mind babysitting their little grandson or granddaughter. Perhaps one of your relatives will be able to go on vacation after the birth of your baby, and in the future you will resolve the issue with a nanny or learn to manage on your own.

What does it cost us to build a house?

In these times of expensive housing, the housing problem for many young couples is especially acute. Think over and decide the issue of where you will live with the new family member, preferably before pregnancy and childbirth. It is recommended to renovate the room where the baby's crib will be located. Many pregnant women undertake repairs on their own while expecting a child. This is not rational, since it would be optimal to completely avoid contact with various building materials and derivatives of the paint and varnish industry during pregnancy. Many organic solvents, widely used in construction and repair work, have a negative effect on human health, fetal development, may cause allergic and toxic reactions during application and drying until the solvent has completely evaporated. Therefore, this problem should be solved before pregnancy, or it should be dealt with by one of the family members of the expectant mother, and not by herself.

If you are renting a home, you should keep in mind that for some time after giving birth, the entire financial burden of providing for your family will fall on the shoulders of your spouse. In addition, expenses associated with the birth of a baby (expenses for disposable diapers, baby clothes, etc.) will be added to the rent for housing. However, this problem can be solved by taking care of it in advance (your friends whose children have already grown up will probably willingly give you clothes for babies), and the best and cheapest food is mother’s breast milk!


When planning the time of conception, take into account the fact that your baby will be born in the season preceding this event: if conception occurs in the winter, then the child will be born in the fall, if in the spring, the birth date will be in the winter months, if in the summer, the birth of the baby should be expected in the spring, and if in the fall, you will celebrate the birthday of a new family member in the summer. However, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Conception in winter - birth in autumn. Conception and the first months of pregnancy occur during an epidemiologically unfavorable season - the height of the incidence of ARVI and influenza. It is in the first three months of life that several critical periods pass during which the embryo is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of adverse external factors, including viral infections. Childbirth and the first months of the child’s life will take place in the “dull” autumn season. It should be borne in mind that bad autumn weather can interfere with walks with your baby in the fresh air, and gray, cloudy days, and rain can create a threat to your good mood, especially considering that after giving birth, women are generally susceptible to this scourge. However, if the last months of pregnancy occur in the cool autumn or winter months, then the last trimester and its characteristic period proceed more easily: the tendency to edema and insomnia is less pronounced.

Conception in spring - birth in winter. In such a situation, conception occurs during a period when the maternal and paternal bodies are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, although nowadays, with a wide selection of vitamin preparations, the problem of hypovitaminosis fades into the background. When planning conception and pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe the future parents the necessary vitamins that are important for the normal development of the baby. Also, the spring season is unfavorable for the incidence of respiratory viral infections. The last, third trimester of pregnancy occurs at a time of year when it is cold and slippery. This is fraught with falls and injuries that are unsafe for mother and baby.

The advantages of the winter season include good production of melatonin in the last trimester of pregnancy, which plays a positive role in the normal sleep of the expectant mother and the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the last months of pregnancy are easier to bear in the cold season than in the summer heat.

Conception in summer - birth in spring. Conceiving during one of the most favorable periods in terms of weather conditions and saturation of the body with vitamins is certainly favorable for the most vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy. The birth of the baby and the lactation period will occur in the spring season, which is famous not only for the awakening of life in nature, but also for hypovitaminosis, although both mother and newborn baby need sufficient amounts of vitamins. This can cause weakening of the body of the baby and the mother in labor.

If conception occurs in winter, the child will be born in autumn.

Conception in autumn - birth in summer. Autumn is the time of year when the body is saturated with vitamins, which is favorable for the birth of a new life. However, the autumn slushy transition period is fraught with an increase in the incidence of ARVI and influenza, repeating the dangers of the winter season. The last trimester of pregnancy occurs during the long summer days. Due to the long daylight hours, the expectant mother may have problems falling asleep, which are already very typical for this period of pregnancy. Long daylight conditions also impair the production of the hormone melatonin, which is extremely important for the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, in the summer heat, the tendency to edema increases.

For student expectant mothers, summer is the optimal time of year to give birth. Having enlisted the help of relatives from the beginning of the school year, the student mother will spend the most difficult first months of the baby’s life with her baby. This will allow her not to take a leave of absence and continue her studies without interruption. In addition, warm summer weather eliminates the need to wear heavy clothing, which is already difficult in the last months of pregnancy due to the significant increase in weight.

Let's make plans together

Be sure to discuss the problem of your work with your husband: will you work during pregnancy, does your work allow you to solve the problems that inevitably arise while expecting a child? What is the situation at your work: can management accommodate you by shortening your working hours, letting you go to the doctor, allowing a later start to your working day (which is important if, for example, you need to get tested in the morning), not sending you on business trips, etc. d.? Does your family budget allow for a situation in which the role of breadwinner falls entirely on the shoulders of the husband? Even if the answers to all these questions are not very comforting, do not despair! There is a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. Perhaps your state of health and the course of your pregnancy will allow you to avoid all the difficulties described. However, be prepared that, if necessary, work and everything connected with it should be sacrificed - the child’s health is more important!

In order not to be late...

In a series of flashing days, weeks, months, it is sometimes difficult for us to stop and think about the most important and necessary things. Therefore, such an important and responsible step - the birth of a child - everything is postponed “until better times”: when we finish our studies, get a job, make a career, when We’ll move to a new apartment when we save money, do some renovations, when we’ve sorted out all the things at work... Unfortunately, the inexorably passing time can play a cruel joke on us, and the joy of motherhood and fatherhood will turn into an unfulfilled dream. Therefore, try to have time to plan and calculate everything, agree on everything and carry out everything, but remember that in any case, the conception and birth of your baby will happen at the most suitable and necessary moment in your life! Even if this moment does not coincide with the time of conception you calculated.

Well, I’ve also read more than once about planning to get pregnant in warm weather and give birth in the summer. But for some reason it doesn’t work out for me, I only get pregnant in the winter, no matter what. In general, in today’s life, it is best to give birth in January, so that you can be the first to sign up for the kindergarten and not miss the deadline.

I also plan to give birth to all my children in the summer, but for some reason they are born in the winter. Although it’s inconvenient how passion it is! And to visit doctors every month and the elder from kindergarten to kindergarten on ice with a baby, but apparently that’s fate. It’s funny to plan a vacation before maternity leave without even being pregnant. According to this logic, it is better not to look for a job at all at the planning stage, so that there is no stress. It turned out that just at the stage of planning a second child, I was laid off from one job, and I became pregnant exactly a month after the tripling to a new one. Here's a perdimonocle. They just didn’t want to give me a scheduled vacation, it seems like pregnant women MUST take it before or after maternity leave. What is this vacation if your belly doesn’t fit in a swimsuit or with a 2 month old baby in February? So that the bosses can relax like this all their lives

05/23/2009 00:40:27, mommy-mommy

I always thought that it was good to plan everything like this and decide in advance, but life is not a train schedule :)) It’s funny to hear who is better off giving birth and conceiving in what month, you might think it depends on us :))

Only those who become pregnant by accident do not think about the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time. All couples planning a child, at the very first, starting stage, ask themselves the question of how to increase the likelihood of conception, because even a healthy man and woman may not conceive a baby.

It is impossible to calculate the probability of conception with mathematical accuracy, just as, alas, it is impossible to fully understand all the factors that influence this sacrament. But all those planning need to start by understanding the rules that, to one degree or another, increase the chances of getting pregnant as soon as possible, and sometimes even the first time. We will talk about them in this article.

Rule No. 1 – “Choose favorable days”

The desire to have a child alone is not enough to conceive one. You need to clearly understand during which periods of the female menstrual cycle conception is most likely. A man is fertile by default all the time, and a woman’s fertility is directly dependent on her own cycle.

Immediately after menstruation and during menstruation it is almost impossible to get pregnant, and immediately before it is also impossible. Only the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a woman ovulates, is ideal for conception.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

A woman can calculate the approximate day of her ovulation using a special calculator or independently, armed with a calendar and a simple pencil. If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days on average (from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another), ovulation occurs on the 14th day. The starting point is the first day of menstruation. If the duration of the cycle is 30 days, then you should wait for the “important day” on the 15th day.

Difficulties may arise in women with irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, they should make two calculations - determine the middle of their shortest cycle and the same day of their longest cycle. The result will be a range of 13-16 days or 14-18 days; it is on these days that you should expect ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle. From this moment, fertilization is possible within 1-1.5 days. If the sperm does not penetrate the egg within the allotted period of time, the egg dies and you will have to wait until the next ovulation to try to conceive again.

Male reproductive cells are more tenacious: sperm can retain its morphological and other properties for 3-5 days.

Sperm may well “wait” for the egg to leave the follicle, already in the fallopian tube. That is why the optimal days for having sex for quick conception begin three days before expected ovulation and continue for 1-2 days after this date.

A calendar of days favorable for conceiving a baby can be drawn up in advance in order to better plan the rest of the preparation, including the active phase. If a woman does this using an online calculator, she can not only calculate the best days of the month, but also print out a calendar so that she always has it at hand, without having to try to reproduce the dates of fertile days in her mind over and over again.

You need to learn to listen to your feelings. On the eve of ovulation, libido changes: sexual appetite increases, discharge becomes more viscous and abundant, its structure reminiscent of raw egg white, and breasts may become more sensitive. On the day of ovulation, many women notice short-term, rather noticeable pain in the side on the right or left. This is how the follicle ruptures and the egg is released.

If you concentrate on your feelings in the middle of your cycle for several months, you can learn to almost accurately determine the most favorable period for conception.

Many people use the method of measuring basal temperature. Every morning, before getting out of bed, women measure the temperature in the rectum and make a chart. During the period of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply, and then, if conception is successful, it rises rapidly. This method is good, but only in combination with compliance with the other rules for successful conception.

If there is no time to draw basal temperature charts, and there are no special sensations, and besides, the cycle is irregular, a woman can use pharmacy express tests for ovulation, and also visit an ultrasound room to use ultrasound scanning to track the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg. Ultrasound today is the most accurate way to determine days favorable for conception.

Rule #2 – “Have Sex Right”

Too frequent sexual intercourse during the month of active planning does not increase the likelihood of quickly conceiving a child, as some people think, but only reduces it. With frequent contact, a man’s sperm becomes more “liquid”, that is, the concentration of germ cells in the seminal fluid decreases, the amount of ejaculate itself decreases, and this directly affects the likelihood of getting pregnant.

The best composition of seminal fluid will be if a man has intimate contact with his partner no more than once every 2-3 days. Moreover, after menstruation, it is better to refrain from contact for 4-5 days, and then by the time before ovulation, the sperm will be the most concentrated and of the highest quality. A couple of days after expected ovulation, sexual intercourse should be performed every other day.

It is absolutely obvious to everyone that sexual intercourse, the purpose of which is to conceive a child, must be unprotected. This means that contraception such as condoms, vaginal suppositories or pills should not be used. The act should not be interrupted or incomplete.

It is also not recommended to use intimate gels and lubricants. Such products, although they facilitate the act, add pleasant sensations to partners, have a detrimental effect on the state of the microflora of the female vagina, on its acidity level. Lubricants also negatively affect sperm motility. Douching before sexual intercourse is not necessary for the same reason.

Women often wonder if position plays a role during ejaculation. For a healthy woman, without anatomical features, the position in which sexual intercourse will be performed does not matter.

But women with a slightly backward curved uterus may have problems with the unimpeded and rapid penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. They are recommended to use the knee-elbow position, in which the man completes sexual intercourse from behind. This position ensures deeper penetration - the path that sperm have to travel is significantly shortened, which increases the likelihood of conceiving a baby the first time.

The “cowgirl” position is not very suitable for conception, because most of the sperm that enters the vagina flows out. The classic “missionary” position is considered quite favorable for conception. Spouses usually have their own favorite poses and their combination in their arsenal. You shouldn't attach too much importance to them. The main thing is to ensure deeper penetration of seminal fluid at the moment of ejaculation.

After sexual intercourse, a woman is recommended to stand in the “birch tree” position for about 20 minutes, when the woman’s legs are higher than her head. You can lie down after intercourse for half an hour, simply throwing your legs on the wall or headboard. Don't immediately get up and run to the shower. If the goal is conception, you need to give the sperm time and create all the conditions for their easier movement through the genital tract, uterine cavity and fallopian tube to the waiting egg.

You should not treat sexual intercourse as a mechanical process of conceiving a child. Try not to think about conception or calculate the likelihood of getting pregnant. According to long-term observations of reproductive specialists, couples who have sex with pleasure and love get pregnant more quickly.

A woman’s orgasm increases the likelihood of a quick conception, and love, trust and a feeling of gratitude to her partner for the pleasure she provides create an optimal psychological background for the accomplishment of the great sacrament.

Rule No. 3 – “Objectively assess the health of your partners”

Problems with reproductive abilities can occur in both women and men. That is why doctors recommend starting planning for a child with a visit to the medical office. Sometimes a healthy man and woman cannot conceive a baby for a long time, despite all their efforts. We can talk about the possibility of conceiving the first time only if both partners are completely healthy and everything is in order with their reproductive health.

There is only one way to verify this - by visiting a doctor. A woman is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. If any deviations are identified, it is better to postpone planning until complete recovery, so as not to worry in vain.

In the planning process, the most painful thing is the psychological perception of failure. If you did everything right, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur again, understanding the fiasco is difficult not only for women, but also for men. In order not to waste your nerves, it is better to start planning for your son or daughter, firmly confident that everything is in order with your health.

It is also important to evaluate your well-being on days favorable for conception. If a woman is ovulating as planned, and her husband has a viral infection and a high fever, conception may not take place, even if sexual intercourse is successful.

Spermatozoa are very sensitive to many factors. Illness, fatigue, stress in a man, any ailment can significantly reduce his ability to fertilize.

Rule No. 4 – “Prepare to conceive in advance”

The chances of getting pregnant the first time will be higher if partners begin preparing for the fateful cycle in advance. About three months in advance, a man should start taking vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes enriched with folic acid, zinc and selenium. These substances are very important for the composition of sperm.

Spermatogenesis (the process of production and maturation of sperm) lasts about 3 months. This is exactly how long it takes for the sperm composition to be “renewed”. It will be good if during these three months a man not only takes vitamins designed for the stronger sex, but also dietary supplements to improve sperm quality.

For three months before the expected conception, a man should refrain from working with painting materials, paints and varnishes, acids, salts of heavy metals, radioactive materials and substances.

A man should not frequently visit the bathhouse and sauna, or turn on electric seat heating in his car, since the temperature effect on the testicles has a detrimental effect on the composition of sperm. You should also avoid wearing tight underwear and tight pants.

A woman should start taking folic acid a couple of months before conception. It, of course, does not increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, but this substance accumulates in the body. If conception takes place, folic acid will tenfold reduce the likelihood of congenital deformities and malformations of the baby.

Additionally, you can take multivitamins, the composition of which was created specifically for expectant mothers and those planning to conceive.

Both spouses should abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages at least three months before conception. The process of conception itself while intoxicated does not have much effect on a woman’s egg, but alcohol has a detrimental effect on the composition of a man’s sperm. Therefore, after a couple of glasses of wine, the likelihood of getting pregnant is lower than without them.

The ban on alcohol in this situation has the nature of prohibition. No matter how men try to justify “just one!” A glass of beer after a working day is definitely not good for reproductive health.

It can be more difficult for a woman who smokes to get pregnant than for a non-smoking member of the fair sex. A man who is seriously thinking about conceiving a healthy child and becoming a father should also reduce the amount of nicotine consumed, or better yet, completely give up this harmful habit at least for the period of planning to conceive a baby. Preparing for conception also includes avoiding drugs or psychotropic medications.

If one of the spouses took antibiotics or hormones for therapeutic purposes, after the end of treatment you need to wait at least 1-2 months and only then start planning. Any addiction to medications, be it antipyretics or headache pills, is not the best companion for couples planning a baby. By the month in which conception is planned, it is better to give up any medications except vitamins.

Correcting the family's nutrition will also help prepare for conception. The diet of spouses who dream of becoming the mother and father of a healthy child must include meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, and a large amount of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

It is more difficult for vegetarians to get pregnant precisely because of the lack of animal protein in the body, especially in men. A woman should give up coffee and strong tea a month before conception, this will increase the chances of conceiving quickly. A man should not eat fast food “masterpieces” - a large number of preservatives in them cause morphological deformities of sperm, which reduces fertility and increases the likelihood of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

Rule No. 5 – “Get your thoughts in order”

Very often, women who try with all their spiritual strength to get pregnant encounter the opposite result. After many attempts without success, they stop “obsessing”, despair and unexpectedly become pregnant. History knows many situations when a desperate couple comes to terms with infertility and takes an adopted baby from an orphanage, and after a while becomes pregnant with their own. In such cases, people say that the couple was “rewarded by God.”

From the point of view of psychosomatic processes, the following happens: while a woman persistently plans and experiences unsuccessful attempts, she is in a constant state of stress. All her thoughts are only about whether she conceived this month or not.

They cannot be distracted by anything else, they painfully experience the onset of their next period, and on the last day of their period they are already planning a new cycle. The stress hormones that such women produce interfere with the normal production of female sex hormones, in particular, they reduce the concentration of progesterone.

It is progesterone that is necessary for normal conception and implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. When a woman calms down, stops planning and just lives and enjoys herself, progesterone production returns to normal and pregnancy occurs.

That is why before planning it is important to understand the main thing - stress interferes with pregnancy. Set priorities for yourself, find a place in your life for interesting work, educational and pleasant communication with friends, don’t forget about hobbies, make sure that you simply have no time to sit and worry about the fact that conception may not have taken place. Only a calm and measured attitude to planning can guarantee a quick pregnancy.

Don't forget that the feeling of love for your partner comes to the fore. When it is present, pregnancy occurs much faster than for couples who chose financial well-being, social security, fear of loneliness, or other reasons that have little to do with true love as the reason for living together.

What can prevent you from conceiving quickly?

Even if a couple does everything right, no one guarantees a quick conception. A lot of factors can interfere with fertilization. Thus, it may be puzzling that sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation does not lead to conception. This is possible if the sperm was unable to reach the egg, or if there was no egg at all.

Such cycles devoid of ovulation occur from time to time in every woman, even if she is completely healthy. If a woman has problems with her gynecological history, there is ovarian dysfunction, or hormonal imbalances, then the likelihood of an anovulatory cycle increases. Sometimes, despite all the calculations, ovulation occurs later than expected. Late ovulation occurs in approximately 5-7% of women at least a couple of times a year, and therefore doctors recommend continuing sexual intercourse even after the day of expected ovulation, once every 2-3 days.

Excess weight of a woman is one of the most common reasons for lack of pregnancy. The more extra pounds you carry, the more difficult it can be to conceive a baby. Hormonal levels in obesity, even mild obesity, undergo major changes.

If a woman decides to become a mother, sometimes it is enough for her to lose only 5% of her body weight for the attempt to be successful.

It is much more difficult for women with underweight. Girls who are too thin should definitely consult a doctor and gain the missing kilograms in order to have a chance of conceiving. The process of gaining kilograms with pathological thinness takes a lot of time, and it is almost always accompanied by the need for hormonal correction.

Sometimes the inability to conceive a child is due to genetic incompatibility of partners. This doesn’t happen too often, but this reason cannot be ignored. If a man and a woman are completely healthy and have not become pregnant for a year, it is worth contacting a geneticist, who will prescribe all the necessary tests to determine the compatibility of the partners. If their genomes are very similar, then conception is impossible.

Often, conception occurs, but the woman does not even know about it, since her next period comes on time or with a slight delay of a few days. We are talking about the so-called biochemical pregnancy. Fertilization occurs with it, but the fertilized egg fails to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

The second option is rejection of the implanted fertilized egg within a few days after implantation. The true reasons for this phenomenon are not fully known to science. Most often, according to doctors, the embryo that has gross chromosomal abnormalities that are incompatible with further growth and development does not take root. Also, the reason may lie in the insufficient amount of progesterone produced in the woman’s body, in autoimmune processes when the woman’s immunity rejects the embryo.

A woman can guess about a biochemical pregnancy by a delay of several days, by the heterogeneous consistency of menstrual blood with clots, as well as by a weakly positive reaction to a pregnancy test.

Some, especially those who want to become expectant mothers as soon as possible, begin to do them almost a couple of days after ovulation in the hope of seeing at least the “ghosts” of the second stripe. Usually, by the end of the first lunar month (by the first day of the delay), a weak second line may appear, but menstruation will still begin, darkening all the joy.

Is it possible to “order” the gender of a child?

All planning women have heard that the gender of the child can be “programmed.” So, popular rumor recommends having sexual intercourse before ovulation if you want a girl to be born. If you need an heir, then conception should be postponed until the day of ovulation on the first day after it. This opinion is wrong and here's why:

  • The sex of the child is determined by the sperm. If a sperm with the XX set fertilizes the egg, a daughter is born; if the sperm with the XY set succeeds first, we should expect the birth of a boy.

    Probability of getting pregnant - in numbers

    Reproductionists have calculated that the probability of getting pregnant the first time after competent preliminary preparation for a completely healthy young couple is only 11%. This is the maximum value, which cannot be increased by following the rules or using folk methods. If a couple has aggravating factors, for example, age, bad habits, chronic diseases, then the likelihood decreases proportionally.

    The probability of conceiving the first time for a woman aged 20-23 years is approaching 11%, and for a 30-year-old woman it is already reduced to 7%; for a woman over 36 years old, the chances of becoming pregnant the first time if all the above recommendations are followed is only 4% . However, there is no need to despair. According to statistics, 60% of couples of reproductive age become pregnant within the first six months from the start of planning. Every third couple becomes pregnant within 12 menstrual cycles, that is, within a year.

    An important event for the family should be approached philosophically, but be sure to prepare for it. Couples who go to conception with a conscious mutual desire to raise a child, from experience, have a greater chance of becoming successful parents who will be able not only to conceive and give birth, but also to raise and raise a worthy person.

    In a quarter of cases, when an egg meets a sperm, fertilization does not occur for reasons that are beyond the competence of medicine. They are inexplicable. Women whose age has “stepped over” 35 years have a 20% increase in the likelihood of conceiving not one, but two or three babies at once.

    In 40% of cases of family infertility, men are to blame, or rather deviations in the state of male reproductive health.

    Experts recommend visiting a doctor with complaints about possible infertility after a year of unsuccessful independent attempts. For couples in which the woman is over 35 years old, this period of time is reduced to six months.

When planning a pregnancy, every couple should be aware that the chances of conceiving the first time are very low. According to statistics, Pregnancy occurs the first time in only 10%. Such a small percentage of the probability is explained by the fact that it is necessary to precisely meet the viability periods of both the egg and the sperm. Within 24 hours, the egg can be fertilized; it is very rare that this ability persists for up to 48 hours. Sperm remain viable for a maximum of 6 days.

Many people, wanting to have a child, mistakenly believe that they just need to stop using contraception and they can get pregnant in the shortest possible time. This is a false opinion, since many nuances should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Probability of quick conception occurs under the following factors:

  1. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but not every day of them is suitable for conception. Only three days out of the entire cycle are fertile.
    There are very few women who have an accurate menstrual cycle. Its course is affected by stressful situations, nervous tension, and hormonal imbalances.
  2. The activity of sperm in the female uterus is on average three days; it is extremely rare that they remain viable for up to six days. Therefore, sexual intercourse should occur exactly a day or a day or two before.
  3. It is very difficult to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. But even with correct calculations, the probability of pregnancy is 25%. Important factors are the health and age of each partner, previous abortions or other surgical interventions in the female reproductive system.
  4. Regular sexual intercourse on fertile days means a 10% chance of conception the first time and a 30% chance of egg fertilization throughout the year.

Fertilization of the egg can occur the first time, but one should not exclude the risk that the zygote will not attach to the uterine epithelium and will leave the body with the onset of menstruation.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what are the chances? According to gynecologists, every sixth couple who adheres to a healthy lifestyle succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

If conception does not occur the first time, then statistics determine the exact period in which pregnancy will occur - six months of active sexual activity without any contraception. At the same time, one should not exclude the possibility of the egg not being fertilized when it meets a sperm; this happens in almost 25%.

Therefore, if you make accurate calculations, then only 6% of cases will be marked by a successful pregnancy. Healthy couples who are planning a child while having sex three times a week already in less than six months they become happy parents(according to statistics this is 60%). It also all depends on the age at which you decided to have a baby, because ovulatory cycles become irregular every year.

How can you get pregnant quickly the first time? If patience is not an issue, then the woman should calculate the days of ovulation. Between the ages of 20 and 25, a girl can get pregnant the fastest. In a young body, ready to bear a child, regular ovulation occurs. Further disruptions may occur with age.

  1. With a regular menstrual cycle, approximately Ovulation occurs on day 12.
  2. Fertile days are determined using . In this case, the indicators should be 37.4 in the absence of colds.
  3. You can also use special tests to determine the day of ovulation.
  4. On the day of ovulation, you need to have sex, then the chances of a quick pregnancy will increase.

Don't forget that stress affects the accuracy of the cycle and fertile days, anxiety and fatigue, as well as hormonal disorders. Therefore, the day of ovulation may fall much earlier or shift several days later than expected. It is even possible that during menstruation there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg. In this case, everything depends only on the individuality of the female body.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time? When planning a pregnancy, you should take into account that some points may interfere with conception.

Factors that prevent pregnancy the first time:

  1. Taking antibiotics. They can affect the liver and thereby prevent rapid conception.
  2. The use of additional means during sexual intercourse, for example, intimate lubricant. The environment that is formed during the use of lubricant can destroy sperm or make them less active.
  3. Having sex on unfavorable days. It is impossible to get pregnant on any day of the cycle.
  4. The woman has a history of abortions. These interventions affect women's health and future pregnancies.
  5. Diagnosis in a woman various physiological abnormalities– bending of the cervix or obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, under no circumstances will pregnancy occur the first time.
  6. If a woman has tumor-like formations on the reproductive organs.
  7. Unhealthy lifestyle of partners.

A number of reasons that prevent the rapid onset of pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of treatment.

Examination by a doctor as an important part of pregnancy planning

It is very important to check for the presence of pathologies when planning a pregnancy. One of the main ones is an ultrasound examination, which determines the shape and position of the uterus, the patency of the fallopian tubes (a painful procedure), as well as the period of ovulation. At the same time, not only the woman should undergo examination. For men Semen samples should be taken for sperm activity. If both partners are healthy, then the percentage of conception on the day of ovulation is high.

How to get pregnant the first time: sex positions

There is an opinion that the onset of pregnancy quickly depends on the position. This theory is considered largely false, since pregnancy can only depend on the day on which sexual intercourse took place.

If a woman is diagnosed with a tilted uterus, then the position can help for deeper penetration of seminal fluid. In this case, in order to get pregnant faster, it is recommended to regularly have sex in a position where the woman is on all fours and the man is behind. Then the deepest penetration occurs. After ejaculation, the woman should lie down for several minutes with her legs raised up, it is best to use the “birch tree” position.

  • In order for successful conception to occur and the fetus to develop further without pathologies, doctors recommend that partners do not drink alcohol and stop smoking six months before the planned pregnancy.
  • For men it is necessary to reconsider the diet and exclude fried and spicy foods, which have a bad effect on the production and activity of sperm.
  • Women Instead of coffee and tea, you should drink decoctions based on medicinal herbs. The main collection should include chamomile, sage, mint, and wintergreen.
  • It is considered one of the main herbs that promotes rapid pregnancy (it is even used in the treatment of infertility).

How to conceive a child the first time: video

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn about conceiving a child.

Conceiving a child quickly is a labor-intensive process that requires preparation on the part of both parents. Therefore, only with correct calculations of fertile days and other related factors can you get pregnant the first time. How are you doing with your attempts to get pregnant? Share your experience!

The conception of a child begins with the fusion of two germ cells, male and female, which carry genetic information. This fusion is called fertilization and is a complex process that is studied by doctors and scientists. After fusion, a fertilized cell is formed - a zygote. This is the initial stage of pregnancy, during which the fertilized cell divides, turns into an embryo and further forms the fetus.

What is the process of conception?

Before a child is conceived in the mother’s body, a full-fledged egg must mature in the woman’s ovaries. This process takes about two weeks and ends with ovulation. After the follicle ruptures, the mature female reproductive cell, which has a round shape and resembles the yolk of an egg in appearance, is captured by the fallopian tube.

The egg itself cannot move; the villi of the fallopian tube help it move. At the same time, sperm move towards them, the path of which runs from the woman’s genital tract through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. If the “meeting” occurs under favorable circumstances, a child is conceived. This becomes possible when the following factors coincide:

  • By the time the sperm enters the fallopian tube, the egg remains viable. The lifespan of a female reproductive cell is 12–24 hours (it is for this reason that the most favorable days for conceiving a child are the period of ovulation).
  • The sperm must “get” to the egg. Given their tiny size, they have to cover a huge distance in a very short time. And among the sperm, not all of them move in the correct way (forward), have a sufficient life expectancy and are able to penetrate the egg (conceive a child).
  • The sperm, having reached the egg, binds to its shell using special receptors. After this, a special bubble in the head of the sperm (acrosome) bursts, which dissolves the shell of the egg and penetrates inside. However, many sperm do not recognize the egg, and this reaction does not occur. And in some sperm, on the contrary, this reaction occurs spontaneously, before meeting the egg.
  • After the fusion of sperm and egg, a zygote is formed and the first cell division occurs, which takes from 6 to 12 hours. Further division leads to the growth of the zygote and its increase in size.
  • The fetus slowly moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus and, in the absence of obstacles, reaches its target and is implanted into the loosened and prepared wall of the uterus.

However, even when conception occurs, pregnancy does not always occur. In the case of adhesions, an ectopic pregnancy may occur (the zygote will not be able to reach the uterus); in the case of late ovulation, the future fetus will not be able to attach to the mucous membrane, which has already undergone changes and prepared for menstruation, or due to disturbed hormonal balance, the endometrium is not adapted to the attachment of the egg . As you can see, not only successful fertilization is important for conceiving a child and achieving pregnancy.

Planning your pregnancy

Gynecologists and obstetricians strongly recommend that future parents plan for the birth of a child and undergo appropriate preparation. The main problem that needs to be given maximum attention is to check the health status of both partners. If such an examination reveals diseases, they should be treated and waited for about 3 months, otherwise the diseases or medications taken may become an obstacle to conceiving children. This is especially true for sexually transmitted diseases. An examination by specialists should be carried out in advance, and not after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, this will save time and save you from stress.

How to properly prepare for conceiving a child?

Compliance with certain rules of preparation for future pregnancy is required from both parents. These include:

  • Both parents should visit a therapist and talk about the planned conception, and then receive directions for general and biochemical blood tests. This is required to assess the general condition of the parents and treat diseases, if any.
  • Also, before conceiving a child, you need to make sure that the parents do not have sexually transmitted diseases, genital tract infections, microplasmosis, HIV and hepatitis C.
  • Parents should give up bad habits, including drinking beer, cigarettes, and foods with preservatives.
  • A woman should also visit a gynecologist and have her reproductive system examined.
  • A man should take drugs to increase fertility (improving sperm quality), and a woman should take vitamin and mineral complexes to prepare for pregnancy.

How to choose the best day to conceive a child?

Many young couples believe that pregnancy should occur in the first month with unprotected regular sex. In fact, even if the future parents are completely healthy, pregnancy can occur after 3-4 months and even after six months or a year, this is not a deviation from the norm. You can speed up the appearance of children in a family by determining the appropriate day of the menstrual cycle (by calculating ovulation for conceiving a child).

This period is called the “fertility window” and lasts on average 6 days. At this time, ovulation occurs, and a full-fledged egg is ready to merge with a sperm. The ovulation schedule can be calculated using an ovulation calculator calendar or by measuring basal temperature.

It is the period of ovulation that is the best time to plan a child. With unprotected sex, there is a high probability of fertilization and pregnancy.

Is position important during conception?

This question remains open. Some argue that a couple should have sex in the missionary position, while other women believe that the position with the partner from behind is also suitable for successful conception of a child. There is also disagreement about how “turbulent” intimacy can be. Female orgasm leads to contraction of the vaginal muscles, which promotes the rapid movement of sperm. But scientists have not found evidence that the position and intensity of sex affects the likelihood of conception.

On what day can signs of pregnancy appear?

In most cases, a woman finds out about pregnancy by a delay in menstruation, which does not come on time. After the first day of delay, a woman’s new position can already be confirmed by conventional home pregnancy tests in the form of test strips.

However, in certain cases, it is possible to detect precursors that are observed after 5-7 days when children are conceived. This is the appearance of spotting or traces of blood on underwear.

This happens towards the end of the cycle, but even before the start of the expected menstruation and indicates the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity, accompanied by implantation bleeding. Implantation of the fertilized egg indicates pregnancy. At this stage, test strips may not show pregnancy, but an ultrasound and blood test will already confirm its occurrence. Therefore, if you want to quickly find out the good news, visit a gynecologist.

Later signs of pregnancy are symptoms of early toxicosis, for example, nausea in the morning. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, appetite may suddenly disappear or, conversely, increase sharply. Increased sensitivity to odors may occur.

Active development of the embryo leads to growth of the uterus and enlargement of the abdomen for a period of about 4 months. Until then, the abdominal enlargement may not be noticeable.

What to do if you can't get pregnant?

According to observations, about 13% of couples who do not have serious health problems dream of children, but the woman is unable to get pregnant. A couple can be considered infertile if they have been sexually active for one or more years without using contraception, but the woman does not become pregnant.
If you cannot get pregnant for a long time, future parents should undergo examination. It is important that the man also visit the doctor and get tested, since problems in the reproductive system can occur not only in the expectant mother, but also in the future father.
The purpose of the examination is to identify the cause of infertility. And after that, of course, do everything possible to ensure pregnancy occurs.

  • Disorders of the male reproductive system can be different - from varicocele or infectious diseases to deterioration in sperm quality for an unknown reason. A man does not always require surgical treatment or hormones. For example, in the case of inflammatory processes, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. And in the case of an insufficient number of sperm capable of fertilization, you may need to take Speroton, a drug that has proven effective in this situation.
  • Disorders of the female reproductive system also have a different nature: from hormonal problems to stress. Conceiving a child can be prevented by high levels of prolactin, or lack of ovulation, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, thin endometrium, various inflammatory processes, etc. A woman's treatment for infertility is selected depending on the cause. In particular, women with reduced fertility due to insufficient endometrial thickness, irregular cycles or high prolactin levels may be prescribed a Pregnoton complex with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and vitex extract.
  • Male and female factors of infertility simultaneously detected in approximately 20% of infertile couples. Moreover, the reason may be precisely in the partnership - for example, immunological incompatibility or a mismatch in the combination of genes of the future parents. Or it may be that fertility is reduced in each of the parents, which ultimately reduces the likelihood of conception to almost zero. It is important to note that often the cause of non-pregnancy is sexually transmitted diseases, which are asymptomatic in both partners. In this case, it is enough for the future parents to undergo a course of treatment.
  • Idiopathic infertility e – a situation when examinations show no abnormalities in either a man or a woman, and conception does not occur.

The main thing is to remember that today medicine can solve many problems that cause infertility. And specialists will certainly select the most effective one for your case. Modern reproductive specialists have a variety of remedies in their arsenal - from proven vitamin and mineral complexes to assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

The beginning of a new life is a great mystery of nature, and not all the mechanisms and nuances of this mystery have been studied by doctors and scientists. Conceiving a baby is an amazing and exciting process, which many people don’t even know about at the time of the miracle. We will talk in more detail about what actually happens at the moment of fusion of maternal and paternal germ cells. This information will help those planning a pregnancy, and will also be of interest to anyone who is already a parent or is expecting their baby.

What it is?

Conceiving a child is a very complex biological, chemical process, in which not everything can be explained only from the point of view of physiology. There is always something of the divine in conception that cannot be measured or counted. Thanks to him, conception sometimes miraculously occurs in those for whom, from a medical point of view, it should not occur.

In medicine, conception is the moment of fertilization of a female reproductive cell - an egg - by a male cell - a sperm. It is from this moment that the actual pregnancy begins; from this starting point, its embryonic gestational period begins. The obstetric period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation before pregnancy. Thus, by the time of conception, which usually becomes possible during the period of ovulation, a woman is already 2-3 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. The medical definition of the onset of pregnancy hardly reveals the full meaning of this amazing process.

In a woman’s body, changes begin from the very first tenths of a second, as soon as the fusion of germ cells occurs. The fertilization process triggers a whole cascade of changes aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for maintaining and developing a new life.


A man can conceive a child any day if he is healthy. Spermatozoa - male reproductive cells - are always in “full combat readiness”. But in a woman, fertilization is possible only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. After the next menstruation ends, the stage of follicle maturation begins. Several follicles mature in a woman’s ovaries, but only one or at least two of them will become dominant. Around the middle of the cycle, the size of the dominant follicle approaches 20 mm, which means that the egg inside is mature and ready to be released. The moment the follicle ruptures is called ovulation. For women, this day occurs depending on the length of the menstrual cycle on different days. If 28 days usually pass from period to period, ovulation should be expected on the 14th day, if 30 days pass - on the 15th day.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

With an irregular menstrual cycle, it is quite difficult to determine the day of ovulation on your own, but this can be done using ultrasound - the process of maturation and growth of the follicle is clearly visible through the introduction of a vaginal ultrasound sensor.

The place of egg production is the ovaries. After the follicle ruptures, the female reproductive cell leaves the ovary and exits into the wide part of the fallopian tube. This is where fertilization must occur. The process of cell fusion itself can occur immediately after its release or a day later. The egg lives and retains the ability to fertilize for 24-36 hours.

During unprotected intercourse, sperm enter the vagina, where their journey to the location of the egg begins. The path of the sperm can be compared to natural survival, natural selection - only the strongest and strongest representatives from tens of millions of cells will survive and reach the goal. By the time sperm arrive, ovulation may not yet have occurred, but in this case, nature has endowed male reproductive cells with vitality - they can remain in the tube and retain their abilities for 3-4 days.

In this case, fertilization occurs immediately after the egg is released. If sexual intercourse took place directly on the day of ovulation, then fertilization occurs approximately 30-40 minutes after ejaculation. Thus, Favorable days for a woman to conceive are the day of ovulation, as well as 2-3 days before it and the day after it. Just 5 or 6 days during the month are ideal for intercourse in order to conceive a baby.

A woman can guess that ovulation is approaching by some characteristic signs. Usually her libido increases - this mechanism is provided by nature so that the fair sex does not accidentally miss the most favorable moment. The discharge becomes viscous, profuse, reminiscent of the consistency of raw egg white. The sensitivity of the nipples of the mammary glands increases, and the breasts themselves may increase slightly in size.

Many women are even able to feel the moment of ovulation. They feel the rupture of the follicle as a slight nagging pain in the left or right lower abdomen - the location of the pain depends on whether ovulation occurred in the right or left ovary.

Some women do not feel this moment, and this is also a variant of the norm: it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

The egg is covered with a three-layer membrane. After a fairly large number of sperm reaches it, a massive “attack” of the membranes begins. Special structures in the head of the sperm secrete substances that can dissolve the membranes of the egg. However, only one sperm is destined to fertilize it. After the most stubborn, persistent and strong person penetrates the membrane of the female cell, the body immediately receives a signal that fertilization has occurred. The membranes of the egg sharply change permeability, and no more sperm will be able to penetrate inside.

The male reproductive cells left empty-handed swarm around the egg for a few more days and then die. If fertilization does not occur, the egg itself dies a day after ovulation and begins its journey into the uterine cavity. Two weeks after this, menstruation begins - with menstrual blood, the woman’s body is cleansed of biomaterial that has become unnecessary. If conception has occurred, a new stage of development begins.

The egg must also travel to the uterine cavity, but for a different purpose - to attach and create a cozy “house” for the embryo. In the very first minutes after the fusion of germ cells, the future baby’s own genetic makeup is formed. He takes exactly 23 pairs of chromosomes from mom and dad.

From the very first minutes, everything is determined - the gender of the child, the color of his eyes and hair, skin color, physique, hereditary diseases and even talents and abilities. All this information is contained in the genetic code. A fertilized egg is called a zygote, it is constantly fragmented and modified, processes proceed at cosmic speed.

Changes in the body after fertilization

Immediately after the egg is fertilized, a large-scale operation unfolds in the body to create new conditions that are most optimal for the development of a new life. The hormone progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities. Its task is to make the walls of the uterus looser so that the embryo can easily attach to one of them and “grow” into the tissue. This place will then become the basis for the placenta.

Under the influence of progesterone, from the first minutes after conception, metabolic processes begin to proceed somewhat faster. Of course, a woman will not be able to feel these changes, at least in the first couple of weeks after fertilization.

Progesterone provides everything for the development of the baby - it suppresses the mother's immunity so that he does not “mistakenly” mistake the embryo for something foreign and destroy it. Under the influence of this hormone, the uterine muscles relax, reducing its tone, which ensures pregnancy.

The cervix also reacts to innovations from the first minutes after conception and begins to fulfill its role. The cervical canal inside it, which is slightly open on the day of ovulation and ensures the transfer of sperm from the vagina, immediately closes, filling with thick mucus.

This mucus plug will protect the uterine cavity from viruses, pathogenic bacteria and other unwanted penetrations throughout pregnancy. Only before childbirth will the mucous plug leave its place. Its departure belongs to the category of harbingers of an imminent birth.

A lot of interesting things happen at the cellular level. The zygote, which is the egg that unites with the sperm, begins to form nuclei within the first 30 hours after conception. It is constantly fragmented, which means that the number of cells increases, but the size of the cell does not, it’s just that the new cells are smaller. The crushing period lasts about three days. All this time, after sexual intercourse and fertilization, the zygote is in constant motion - it strives to reach the uterine cavity.

On day 4, the embryo consists of approximately 16 cells. The blastomeres begin to divide into inner and outer layers. On the 5th day after conception, the zygote changes its status and becomes a blastocyst. It has about 30 cells at the very beginning and already about 200 cells by the end of the stage. The blastocyst has a round, spherical shape. This is what the former egg looks like at the time of embryo implantation.

Embryo implantation

Implantation is the process of implantation of a blastocyst into the tissue of the uterine wall. The embryo is usually attached a week after conception, often exactly 7-8 days after fertilization. From this moment, the woman’s body begins to produce chorionic gonadotropic hormone, which is also called the pregnancy hormone and the determination of the concentration of which underlies all currently existing pregnancy tests.

In order for the contact with the endometrium to be more dense and the “docking” to be successful, the blastocyst gets rid of the zona pellucida immediately after the fertilized egg descends into the uterus. Attachment of the fertilized egg is a signal for the start of active work of the corpus luteum of the ovary. Now progesterone is produced even more, because the main task of the entire female body is to maintain pregnancy.

A necessary condition for implantation is the level of progesterone in the blood that supports pregnancy, as well as the viability of the embryo itself. If a baby is conceived with genetic errors, then with a high degree of probability the implantation will be unsuccessful and the fertilized egg will be rejected.

The sensations during implantation are also highly individual. Some women are not even aware of what important processes are happening in their body, others may notice that about a week after ovulation they begin to get tired faster, and their mood changes like the weather in a seaside town. On the day of implantation, a small amount of spotting discharge may appear due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrium. Implantation bleeding does not last long - no more than a day. This is the first obvious sign of pregnancy before delay.

Not everyone can feel implantation; implantation bleeding may not occur. In any case, a week after implantation in the blood and urine of pregnancy, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin reaches a sufficient level so that the fact of a new life can be determined by a laboratory blood test for hCG or a test strip, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or even in a supermarket.

On women's forums you can find descriptions of the sensations after conception. Usually they are left by women who dream of becoming pregnant and have been trying to conceive a baby for quite some time. Such women often describe that their breasts began to hurt almost the next day after intercourse, or that their lower abdomen hurts after the alleged conception. Doctors tend to call such sensations psychogenic, since there are no objective reasons for such pain and symptoms.

There is still not enough progesterone, even if conception is successful, for the breasts to hurt and grow at a rapid pace, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen is unlikely to be associated with cellular processes that so far occur only in the fallopian tube.


In theory, everything sounds quite optimistic, but in practice, conception and subsequent transportation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity can occur with disturbances. In most cases, these disorders lead to termination of pregnancy in the earliest stages. Some women may even remain unaware that they were pregnant. It’s just that the next period comes with a delay of two or three days, and women, as a rule, do not pay much attention to the fact that they are a little more abundant than usual.

Difficulties may arise at the very initial stage - low quality of the egg or impaired sperm properties can prevent conception, even if sexual intercourse was carried out immediately at the time of ovulation.

The female body can be affected by chronic gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted infections, ovarian dysfunction, addiction to alcohol or nicotine. Also, any woman has anovulatory cycles - months in which ovulation does not occur at all.

On the part of men, the causes of infertility can be hormonal disorders, exposure to radiation, harmful substances, alcohol and drugs, prostatitis, varicocele, sexually transmitted infections, sexually transmitted diseases. Even with a common cold, which one of the partners suffers at the time of intercourse, the likelihood of conception decreases.

Problems can arise at the stage of fertilization itself. If more than one sperm penetrates the egg, a triploid embryo is formed, which is not capable of development and growth, since its genetic set will differ from the normal set of 46 chromosomes. Genetic pathologies can also develop if fertilization is performed by a sperm with altered morphology - a deformed or forked head, with a damaged acrosome, with mutations and deformities of the tail.

Such an embryo will develop as much as the specific genomic abnormality allows. Most often, such a pregnancy ends in miscarriage, spontaneous abortion in the very early stages, less often - during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Unforeseen difficulties may also arise at the stage of transporting the zygote. The movement of the egg into the uterine cavity is ensured by special villi inside the tube; the egg itself is the largest and most immobile cell in the human body.

If the mobility of the villi is impaired due to inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, if the patency of the lumen of the fallopian tube is impaired, the zygote can remain in the fallopian tube and become fixed in it for lack of an alternative for 7-8 days after conception. Then an ectopic pregnancy develops. After its discovery, the embryo is removed surgically, since it poses a serious danger to the life of the mother - rupture of the fallopian tube leads to severe internal bleeding, which quite often leads to the death of the woman even before the ambulance arrives.

It happens that, without sufficient full contact after descent into the uterus with the endometrium, the fertilized egg can migrate to the isthmus or cervix. Such an ectopic pregnancy has a more dangerous prognosis; in most cases of cervical pregnancy, the situation can only be corrected by removing the entire uterus, which leads to subsequent post-traumatic infertility.

However, such a frightening scenario for the development of the situation is quite rare. Most often, if implantation processes are disrupted, the egg simply dies before attachment and is released along with menstrual blood after some delay.

Sometimes the fertilized egg dies after implantation. The cause may also be chromosomal abnormalities, non-viability of the embryo, as well as hormonal deficiency. With a low amount of progesterone and hCG, the fertilized egg can be rejected by the woman’s own immunity. The endometrium of the uterus will not thicken and cover the fertilized egg from all sides with progesterone deficiency.

Harmful effects - contact with varnishes, paints, chemicals, pesticides and toxins, drinking alcohol and drugs, smoking, viral diseases of a woman at this stage can also cause early rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall and its death.

If death occurs even before the missed period, they often talk about biochemical pregnancy. With it, there will be a delay, tests will show a second weak line, identifying traces of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, but menstruation will still occur after several days of delay.

After a biochemical pregnancy, there are no contraindications to planning a pregnancy. However, it is still advisable to take a spermogram and donate blood for hormones in order to exclude the causes of biochemical pregnancy, which may happen again.

How to increase the likelihood of conception?

Those planning a pregnancy are always interested in knowing whether they themselves can do at least something that can affect the likelihood of successful conception. The answer to this question is generally positive; yes, a lot depends on the spouses themselves and their attitude towards their health, including reproductive health.

To maximize your chances of conceiving, it is advisable to first visit a doctor and undergo at least basic tests - for sexually transmitted infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and a spermogram. Men don't like to admit this fact, but About 40% of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are associated with male factor infertility.

Planning a pregnancy is not only a decision to have children together, it is also targeted actions. 3 months before conception, a man should start taking vitamins A, C, E, D, preparations containing zinc and selenium, and folic acid. Such substances are contained both in special men's vitamin complexes and in dietary supplements, for example Selenzinc, Spermaktiv and others. Three months is the period required to complete one cycle of spermatogenesis, during which time the composition of the seminal fluid is completely renewed.

It is advisable for a woman to take vitamins and folic acid at least two months before the expected conception. Folic acid accumulates in the body and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetal neural tube, its future brain and spinal cord. With a large number of anovulatory cycles during the year, a woman can undergo stimulation of ovulation and subsequent conception.

Hormonal therapy after menstruation will help the follicle to mature, and as soon as its diameter is determined to be sufficient according to ultrasound results, stimulating hormones are used to provoke its rupture and the release of the egg. Stimulation should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an experienced doctor, because errors in choosing a drug and determining the dosage can lead to premature depletion of the ovaries and their complete dysfunction.

In preparation for conception, men and women should avoid drinking alcohol and nicotine, since these substances have a destructive effect on the reproductive cells, both male and female. As a result, not only can conception itself become a difficult task, but the likelihood of conceiving a baby with chromosomal abnormalities also increases.

Also, those planning to conceive a baby should not eat fast food, canned food, pickled foods, and factory-made sweets, since they contain a large amount of preservatives and dyes that cause mutations of germ cells. Only a complete healthy diet, balanced and enriched with vitamins, will help a couple prepare for conception correctly.

Don't forget about weight. It is much more difficult for overweight women to get pregnant, and for women suffering from thinness or anorexia, conception is sometimes not possible at all.

Weight should be brought into order, as this contributes to changes in hormonal levels. Reducing body weight by just 5% already increases the likelihood of conception by 30%.

A woman needs to know well the features of her menstrual cycle so as not to be mistaken in determining ovulation and the period most favorable for conceiving a baby. Sex should be unprotected. The couple can choose any position, as long as it ensures deeper penetration of seminal fluid into the vagina. Ejaculating close to the cervix shortens the distance sperm need to travel and increases the likelihood of conception.

Intimate gels and lubricants, douching before and after sex can disrupt sperm motility and cause their mass death - the chances of fertilization will decrease tenfold. After sex, a woman should not get up immediately, it is advisable to lie down for about half an hour (we remember that this is the time it takes for sperm to reach the wide part of the fallopian tube where the egg is located. You can make their task easier by raising your legs. Such a half-hour rest after sex increases the likelihood of successful conception rate by 20 percent.

If one of the partners has recently suffered from a viral infection or the flu, it is worth postponing the important moment to a later date. In the same way, you should take a break if a man or woman, shortly before the time planned for conception, took antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anticonvulsants or psychotropic substances.

A woman who dreams of motherhood will benefit from yoga, swimming, and daily walks in the fresh air. Excessive psychological fixation on conception as the ultimate goal usually causes the opposite effect - pregnancy does not occur even with good test results and the absence of objective reasons for infertility.

The fact is that stress hormones, released in considerable quantities, if a woman cannot think about anything other than conception, suppress the production of sex hormones, and pregnancy becomes almost impossible at the biochemical level.

The intensity of sexual intercourse in the month determined for conception should be slightly reduced. Too frequent sexual intercourse makes sperm more scarce in volume, and the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate volume decreases. Doctors recommend the frequency of sexual intercourse - once every 2 days, while after menstruation you should refrain from active sexual activity for 4-5 days.

Women have known for a long time other ways to increase the likelihood of conception - uterine massage, folk remedies, special Kegel exercises. Massage of the uterus is carried out through the vagina and abdominal wall. Its goal is to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Internal manual massage is not performed at home; it should only be performed in a medical facility with the participation of an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist.

Massage does not cause pain to a woman if it is performed correctly. Several such sessions can solve problems with menstrual irregularities, adhesions, and minor inflammatory processes, increasing the chances of conception.

Among folk remedies, a decoction of boron uterus, which is taken in small portions throughout the entire menstrual cycle preceding the month of planning, is especially popular among women. The grass with the interesting name “red brush” has also proven itself well. A water decoction is prepared from it and drunk in courses. Sage works real miracles for female reproductive health.

Kegel exercises are a very popular set of exercises for the pelvic muscles. At the pregnancy planning stage, it will help a woman get more pleasure from sex, and will also bring many pleasant moments to her partner. Then such exercises will help strengthen the pelvic muscles and prepare them for labor. After childbirth, the Kegel complex will promote a speedy recovery.

Conception - in facts and figures

The probability of conception in each menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by full ovulation, in young men and women is 11%. As partners age, the quality of their reproductive cells and genetic material deteriorate. So, the chances of conceiving a baby in one menstrual cycle for a 30-year-old woman are 7%, for a 35-36-year-old woman - only 4%, for a woman 40 years old - no more than 2%.

If you cannot conceive a baby within one or two cycles, you should not despair. According to statistics, approximately 60% of married couples of reproductive age become pregnant after having regular unprotected sex for six months. Another 30% of families manage to conceive a child within a year of planning. If, after 12 months of trying, pregnancy does not occur, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

If a woman who dreams of motherhood is over 35 years old, then the likelihood of conceiving not just one child, but twins or triplets, increases by 25%. Unfortunately, after 35 years of age, the likelihood of conceiving and giving birth to a child with chromosomal abnormalities increases; this is due to the natural aging of eggs.
