What a man needs from a woman in the family. What men really want from women. Male sexual satisfaction

Hello, dear friends!

Representatives of the fairer sex are interested in: “How to make your chosen one happy?” Finding the answer to the question posed can be difficult. After all, happiness is a state of mind, and they are wayward and unique. For one person, happiness lies in the word “Success”, for another it is concentrated in “Love”, and still others cannot imagine life without their “Work”.

It is important for a woman to see a happy partner with her! After all, only in such conditions will she herself be able to reveal her reserve of femininity and unravel the secrets of her destiny. What does a man need to be happy?

Differences in approaches to the issue

If you believe social research, there are significantly more happy representatives of the stronger sex in marriage than in single status. And at the same time, the number of married women cannot boast of the same exalted state. Why is that?

The fact is that a woman, by nature, values ​​marriage somewhat higher than her partner. The list of her happy moments always includes the wedding day and the birth of feelings of love in a couple. She makes more efforts to make her husband feel loved and strives to satisfy all his needs to create a “light” atmosphere in the house.

The man takes a different approach. He assesses the level of his own happiness through the prism of social and material victories. It is this factor that makes his family life fundamental. The stronger sex strives to realize their ambitions as much as possible, counting on a response.

It is for this reason that all his efforts are most often directed outside the family, to “prey and hunting.” And there is no need to hide that girls want to see precisely these strong-willed qualities in their chosen one. But the question remains open: how to make your loved one happy? It's simple! All you have to do is use a list of valuable rules!

8 simple rules


If a girl is convinced that after the wedding she will be able to change her partner, then she is very mistaken! It is important to accept your man with all the wealth of accumulated values ​​or weaknesses, because it is these traits that make him “your man”!

Try to make every effort to come to terms with habits, views of the world, features and “cockroaches” in your head! There are several reasons for this that should not be ignored:

  1. The formation of beliefs and priorities does not take place in one year. It is worth considering that the accumulated principles served as positive experience in decision-making, and therefore are considered ingrained in the individual;
  2. If you put too much pressure on your loved one, you can only make things worse. In the course of nagging and moralizing on your part, aggression and defense of personal rights may arise, and this is a series of conflict situations;
  3. if you don't accept your partner, happiness becomes impossible. And even if he gives in under the yoke of your beliefs, you cannot be proud of the consequences of your influence. Chronic dissatisfaction is equivalent to happiness - contagious!

Praise and encouragement

This approach will allow a man to feel confident in his abilities and motivate himself to continue his efforts (to your delight)! It is thanks to this tactic that the behavior you want will give him the opportunity to feel needed, satisfied and authoritative.

Constructive criticism

It is strictly forbidden to criticize people, especially loved ones, by getting personal. Firstly, you force a man to defend himself, and secondly, repeated attacks towards a man can lead to deep resentment and disappointment.

The only thing you will achieve is escape from conflict, silence, actions out of spite and lack of trust in a couple. Take care of your ability to correctly convey requests and comments, avoiding personal insults.

Expressing feelings

Many girls complain about the “frozenness” of their partner’s feelings. In order for a person to open up and feel safe, you need to create an easy, relaxed atmosphere. It is possible only in conditions of love, understanding and harmony. What steps should a woman take?

  1. Don't forget to pay attention to your loved one;
  2. confess your feelings (letters, cards, SMS, homemade surprises);
  3. sincerely rejoice at his successes;
  4. take into account his opinion and wishes;
  5. allow yourself to be “weaker” but wiser;
  6. use touching and affection (hugs and kisses) more often;
  7. take care of the diversity of your sex life;
  8. Show your positive emotions such as tenderness, caring, empathy and compassion.

Very often relationships collapse due to suppression on the part of the woman. Allow your partner to express the full range of emotions, even if they are not clear to you. Don't forget that sometimes you need to give a person a chance to talk!

Spending time together and time for one

In order for your spouse or chosen one to feel happy, he urgently needs personal space and interesting leisure. He shouldn't sit with your girlfriends and listen to stories about the latest fashions, just as you shouldn't attend all his favorite team's football games.

Therefore, discuss plans for the day, week, month, taking into account the interests of your partner. Leave room for time for two, where you can do active sports or watch a movie together.


You need to learn to clearly and calmly express your desires, sensations and feelings! Instead of shouting or repeating a million times, just ask! The happiness of the chosen one depends on this! Does he not know how to read minds and guess how exactly he can be useful to you?

The psychology of the stronger sex is built simply; it is guided by logic and common sense. If you feel bad, tell the reason specifically and he will make every effort to eliminate it. At this moment, he will feel happiness and pride that he was able to protect his beloved. And this task is where its main purpose is concentrated!

Help him find his calling

When a man is not doing well at work, his dissatisfaction can also be expressed in family relationships. Your task is quite simple: help him find himself and provide support in difficulty. You can give advice, give examples, but just don’t make decisions for him!

Help him understand the situation, focus on his strengths and skills. Believe me, the efforts made and faith in his strength will make him move mountains to achieve success! Even if you are losing financially now, still let him find his life’s work! Without something he enjoys, a man cannot be happy.


Confidence in a partner is a sign of a strong, happy relationship. I think there is no need to describe the meaning of the words trust, reliability and loyalty. This is the foundation, the basis of communication between people! And then the desire to look in the other direction is simply absent!

I’ll put a solid point on this!

“What a man needs from a woman to be happy”- I have been asked this question in different versions several dozen times already, both in consultations and in personal communication. For example, there is
a guy or man who first dated one girl/woman and ended up marrying another. And the question looked something like this. " But why does this happen? Why is there no logic and justice? What else does he need to be happy? Well, well, she would be much smarter, prettier, a better cook, etc.

But this is not the case. I(girl asking question) much nicer. I’m definitely smarter, I’m a better cook, I’m much better at holding a conversation, I earn better money, etc. So why did my boyfriend leave me? What more do these guys need? I do not understand them. What does a man need from a woman so that he becomes happy with me and doesn’t leave me?”

There are not just many such questions, but a lot. More than half of the consultations are on this topic. They are sent by email to the administrator, they are asked in our Sunny Hands group on VKontakte, they are asked in the comments to my articles. Or they order paid consultations. Look

Whenever possible, I answer them in articles and books. Of course, the main and simple answer is that men are not women. They may have completely different needs. And what is important to women may not be of any importance to them.

However, these are general words and in this article I systematized the basic needs (not declared, but real) of ordinary standard men, of whom there are 80-90 percent. So, let's look at several important aspects that a man actually needs from a woman in order for him to become happy with her.

Need number one. A man needs victory to be happy.

A man needs victory, probably no less than a woman needs family, children, stability.

Well, of course, not just victory, but running around, bustling, overcoming difficulties, and then victory. Victory in business, in sports achievements, in career growth, in financial matters (and everything connected with this), in the assessment of other males, etc.

If a man himself is not able to organize his successes, then he can be content with the victories of the team (the place where he works, the team in sports, or even his team on TV, Russia, in the end).

Men who are over 40 and who are already pretending that they don’t want anything are only trying to engage in self-deception so that they don’t feel bitter. I have seen dozens of transformations when someone said that he had enough of everything and needed nothing more. Then, due to various life circumstances (there was nowhere to go), he won in some area of ​​life and completely changed. Again he needs results, victory. (It is clear that this need did not go away, but was simply dormant)

However, there are women and girls who, by their behavior, contribute to a man’s victories, and there are those who contribute to his defeats or the fact that he does not even try to achieve anything (which, in fact, is also a defeat)

In other words, those women who let a man’s achievements take their course, and even more so resist them, do not satisfy one of the most basic needs of their man—to make him happy with her.

And if so, then you may no longer ask: “Why am I, smart and beautiful, and he went to an ugly fool?”?

Yes, she may be ugly and not as smart as you think, but she does at least something for her man’s success, and not the other way around, blocking him.

I cannot write here in detail about how to contribute to a man’s success. This requires a separate article or even a book. It is clear that you need to be interested, praise real successes and even the most minimal efforts that your loved one makes to achieve success, put up with the fact that part of the family budget and time is spent on various incomprehensible things, etc. I recommend reading “Your husband’s success, are you ready for it?” .

But I’ll repeat it again. Success is no less important for a man than family is for a woman. If you are If you understand, then you are already on the right path to ensure that the man never even thinks about leaving somewhere in the 50 years of your life together. You will understand what a man needs from a woman first of all in order to become happy with her.

So, ask a man what he wants to achieve in life? We are talking not so much about the material signs of success, but about its reasons. That is, where and what does he want to win?

After his answer, ask what needs to be done for this? (Usually this is special training, business training, training in sales skills or the ability to manage people, or something else)

How to make sure that every day he allocates at least 1-2 hours to win? (Usually this is training in something and work)

Secondly, in order to become happy with a woman, a man needs protection from severe defeats.

Severe defeats are something that can lead a man to lie on the couch for a couple of years, and maybe even lead to the fact that he stops striving for anything at all. This is not a completely obvious point for guys who are 15-25 years old, but those who are older will understand me.

The obvious challenge, therefore, is to avoid such severe defeats. (Defeats, of course, from the point of view of a man, not a woman. From a woman’s point of view, this may be a worthless event) After strong defeats, a man may want to live alone for several years, or simply cease to be interesting to a woman.

Light failures, on the contrary, make a man stronger and more adequate. (But it is clear that it is not a series of defeats over 10 years).

But the point is that a man, especially in his youth, rarely understands what risks, unpredictability, and the need for caution are and, accordingly, cannot do the obvious things to avoid the strongest risks.

However, a woman has this quality and, in addition, she has the advantage of seeing from the outside.

There is an obvious conclusion here. If your man strives to “get in” somewhere and “run” after success, then look at the possible risks. If the risk is insignificant, then let him run, even if he may lose. Even if something doesn’t work out 100%, but the risk is negligible, but there is an opportunity to gain experience (for example, entrepreneurial), then you can try.

If the risk is significant, then make sure that the man abandons his undertaking.

For example, if a man wants to fight with a group of drunken and “evil” people alone, then it is better to do everything to prevent this from happening. (Except in extreme cases) Risk of fracture, disability, etc. quite big. If he wants to sell the apartment, borrow more money and start his own business, then of course it’s better to dissuade him.

Conversely, if he wants to start a business with minimal funds or wants to learn something that can somehow advance his career, then support him. Even if it doesn’t work out, nothing bad will happen.

I won’t give many examples here, since you women already sense danger better than men. Just at the right time or support your loved one

It probably seems to you that I am saying obvious and simple things that all women do anyway. However, I dare to assure you that this is not so. Most girls either do not pay any attention to the achievements of their loved ones (I mean systematic actions, of course, and not slogans), or do not stop him when he clearly gets into trouble.

Need three. Banter, jokes.

Without this, he will never be completely happy. If you have ever seen a company of 3-4 men, you will almost certainly see constant humor, jokes, banter (sometimes a bit harsh, in your opinion). With rare exceptions, humor and banter are one of the strongest needs of men.
After all, our life, even full of achievements, is generally quite routine and boring. Those who can support laughter and practical jokes are always appreciated. For some reason, for men, humor (in their interpretation, however), for some reason means very, very much.

For example, you can watch several episodes of the Russian TV series “Interns”, where several quite adult guys do nothing but joke, argue with someone, cheat with pleasure, etc. And it is precisely this seemingly nonsense activity that makes up the meaning of the heroes’ lives. (Not work or study)
The value of humor for men (male humor, of course), according to my observations, is several times higher than for women.

A woman’s ability to hook a man (not too hard), to fight off his advances (this must be done all the time) life, otherwise he will never respect you. Read the book about how to gain the respect of a man. “19 mistakes with men. How can you make him respect and love you?”), to understand and sincerely laugh at his jokes or those of others, but which are funny to him - this is a quality that is valued by men in women as worth its weight in gold.

In other words, if on one side of the scale we put two higher educations from a woman, the ability to cook and speak intelligently, and on the other - the ability to joke, understand jokes, a general cheerful mood and understanding of the sense of humor (male), then the sense of humor will certainly outweigh many times, don't even doubt it.

Then the question is. You need to spend 10 years getting 2 higher educations and a few more years learning to cook (which is useful in principle, but without going overboard) and reading a lot of smart books, or a couple of months learning to understand male humor, humor in general, and learn to enjoy gentle banter?

And what will be the answer of most girls? Of course, you need to get higher education, read boring books to become smarter and do a lot of other necessary things.

Well, the more girls think this way, the more questions like this there will be: “Why am I smart and beautiful, and he went to someone who is stupid and ugly?”

Again, I'm not telling you not to go to college, stop learning to cook, or stop reading a lot of books. Do what you consider necessary and important. Just understand that these skills are of secondary importance to meeting men's basic needs.

And if a man’s basic needs are not met, he leaves. This I hope is obvious.
Again a little comparison. If a man is good in face, figure and mind, but does not want to provide for his family, does not want to get married and does not want children, then is this man good? The overwhelming majority of women will leave him, no matter how handsome and smart he is, since he does not satisfy a woman’s basic needs.

It's the same with men. What does a man need from a woman to become happy? This is the satisfaction of basic needs.

Basic needs are satisfied - he is with you forever. If they are not satisfied, they leave completely, cheat, close themselves psychologically, drink, etc., depending on their character.

Need four. A man needs a rest.

Ask yourself, what is vacation for you? Women answer this question differently. It could be a get-together with friends, it could be time to read a magazine. For some, it’s even cleaning the house or cooking something delicious.

For men, proper rest usually means silence, lying on the couch and other ways of doing nothing. And preferably completely alone.

That is, one of the basic needs of a man is rest. This rest is simple and, among other things, it is a rest from the woman you love.

It’s still amazing to me how this one of the simplest and most obvious needs of a man to understand is so often and grossly violated. And it is clear that a man, without loneliness and rest, begins to cling and find fault with you over all sorts of little things, because of which serious conflicts then flare up, up to the divorce of families and the division of property.

Why is that?

Yes, actually it is clear. After all, a man’s need for rest and solitude is not a trifle at all, but a basic need. And in fact, it is not so difficult to satisfy her.

For the average man, it is enough for him to be alone for about 1 hour a day and leave him alone for 3-4 hours once a week. (at work, at home or otherwise, it doesn’t matter).

It is clear that there are different circumstances (sometimes this is impossible) and different men, but try to take this criterion as a basis and perhaps you will be surprised at the effect.

So, rest is a man’s basic need. Typically, rest for a man means loneliness or some unprofitable and meaningless activity (fishing, for example, talking with friends for nothing, sleeping during the day, etc.) If the basic need is not satisfied, then there can be any reason for a quarrel.

Need five. What a man needs from a woman to be happy? — Of course sex.

An even more obvious answer, but sometimes women don’t see it point blank. There are extenuating circumstances (small children, illness), but even in these conditions the issue can be resolved. Sometimes there is no sex for completely far-fetched reasons, like “my head hurts, I’m offended, or something else.”

But it’s obvious that if you leave a man without sex for a long time, then after some time another woman (mistress) is simply bound to appear, with whom he will cheat on you. And then the question may arise about completely moving to another woman.

In these circumstances, it is possible to say that a man is bad, betrayed, or something similar and, most likely, the woman will be right in her own way. On the other hand, you need to understand what your behavior can lead to what results.

Satisfy the basic needs of men, learn how to satisfy your basic needs and you will not get away from each other.

So, so that the article does not become immense in size, I will summarize this point.

Being a hero for a woman is an extremely powerful need for a man. If it seems to him that he is not worthy of you, is not attracted to you, something that he has (we are not talking about material things, but about character and abilities) does not admire you, then he will most likely leave or the relationship will develop extremely difficult. Because the state of “non-hero” does not make a man happy in a relationship with a woman.

As with all of the above examples, it doesn't matter how things actually turn out. The main thing is how a man feels. Admire others less, appreciate what is in your partner and tell him about it sometimes. That's the whole truth.

Let's summarize the article. Satisfying a man's basic needs is what causes a man to value a woman. This is what a man needs from a woman to become happy.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

What do men want? What helps a man become happy? What gives a man true happiness?

"When a man says

only women are silent,

others interrupt, others argue...

and the Loving Ones smile..."

(Serge Goodman.)

In life everyone a man must fulfill his mission– plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. A man must realize himself in his favorite business, make a feasible change in the world around him, succeed and become successful.

As for happiness, men believe that dreaming about it is this is the prerogative of women. It is not becoming for men to think about the joys of life. But the woman who is nearby is interested in knowing what her beloved needs to make him feel happy.

Most men need the same things to make them happy.

1. Become a man

According to Steve Harvey, a relationship expert from the United States and the author of many books about men's secrets, a man, when preparing for marriage, must check himself to see whether he has succeeded as a man.

To do this, he needs to answer three questions:

who is he,

what does he do,

how much he receives for his work (income).

While he is looking for answers to these questions, he will try to apply himself in different areas, change directions and look for his niche, which will allow him to realize himself. All this time, family will be of secondary importance to him.

“But as soon as he copes with this task and feels that his dreams are coming true, it is as if he finds a new life - and this fills him with energy, inspires and revitalizes him.”(Steve Harvey).

Advised by Steve Harvey You can easily check whether your chosen one has succeeded as a man– asking about his plans for the next 5 years. If a young man does not have his head in the clouds and dreams, but sees a concrete perspective in his work and life, then this means that you have a man in front of you, no matter how old he is now.

2. The right to be yourself

Often, after getting married, a woman tries to change her chosen one. She begins to manage his hobbies and habits, sorts out his friends, choosing the most worthy ones. The man’s response will be a desire to maintain his integrity and outright resistance to any pressure.

It is important for a man to remain himself and have at least partial freedom. He must have personal space. The right to your territory and the intention to be alone does not mean a deterioration in relations. This is the desire to think or relax alone. Men tend to think about decisions on their own, rather than turning to friends for advice, like women. Sometimes spending time apart brings only benefits to relationships.

3. Gain recognition among peers

Instincts remind a man that he must become an alpha male. A man’s actions and thoughts are subconsciously aimed at increasing his status.

The desire for primacy is defining for a man. But you can’t be the best everywhere and at once. Therefore, it is important for a man to become a winner in at least one direction. And receive recognition of your achievements by other men in order to have the right to declare your leadership. This is one of the basic genetic needs of a man.

4. Family rear

A man's main activity takes place outside the home and outside the family. By doing what he loves, he not only earns money to support his family, but also realizes his calling.

A woman’s support becomes evidence of faith in him and confirmation of the reliability of his rear. Male ambition only creates the appearance that social status is higher than love relationships. Digging deeper, you can find that a man accomplishes all his achievements for the sake of the woman he loves and his family. Even recognized bachelors dream of a family at heart. Because every normal man considers having a family a condition for happiness.

5. Desired woman

A happy man has no desire to go left. He does not notice other women except his one and only beloved. He does not doubt her loyalty. And the fact is that she sincerely wants intimacy with him, and does not meekly fulfill her marital duty. Mutual desire is a necessary condition for good sex.

Sex is a wonderful component in every couple's relationship. And every woman who knows how to give a man faith in herself, to be not only an understanding wife, but also a wonderful lover, is capable of making a man happy.

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Let's start from point 1, because Many women do not understand what it means to “treat a man like a man.” I come across this in practice with enviable regularity: a woman behaves hyper-responsibly.

She is the main one in the couple, and this is not about her place. This is about the fact that she is the “adult” in the pair, and next to her is the “child,” an infantile who, in principle, gets used to this role. As a result, the “adult” woman, who quickly takes on maternal functions (“What a good-for-nothing he is!”), and the “child” husband (“Yes, I am!”) form a semblance of a relationship. Similarity, because in these relationships, sex is primarily covered. Behind him, female-male roles are leveled, giving way to parent-child relationships.

A man ceases to be considered a man. They don't rely on him. His level of responsibility is questioned. In general, they regularly doubt him and lose confidence in him. Have you ever been regularly doubted? This condition completely deprives a person of self-confidence. In such a relationship, neither party will be happy. This is why you need to treat a man like a man.

2nd point: how exactly to appreciate a man.

And here now the question will be: “Why a man?! Everyone should be appreciated!” Because forget about your person for a second and look at someone else. If you have sympathy for this man, then you will want to ask yourself: “What does he need, and not “everyone”?” If not, then perhaps he is a tool for self-actualization for you, and then we are not talking about a relationship.

Men live in a world of achievement. It is important for them to be positively assessed, because the world of men is very hierarchical. Men look at each other from top to bottom or from bottom to top. How they view others depends on how a man views himself. Therefore the man:
- should know that he is great;
- I should hear this first of all from my woman.

A man needs to be praised and appreciated for his achievements. Yes, he needs it! Yes, any! “Maybe I should make him some more bread and butter?!” Optional, just praise him if he made his own bread and butter. Notice this.

It is incredibly valuable for a man when a woman notices and celebrates his achievements. Even the smallest ones, and especially them. Because without them great achievements are impossible.

And support. Not constant criticism, but support. First of all, emotional. It lies in feminine calm, in a warm word, in soft contact, in which a man can relax for a while and again return to the tough male world of competition.

Supporting does not mean getting involved in his problems. Supporting does not mean forcing him out if he is not ready. It's from a place of sympathy (again!) to hear it and be able to appreciate it.

I work a lot with women on the topic of relationships. I want to show a situation with such a universal practical difficulty that arises between a man and a woman.
When a man says “maybe.”

Darling, can I do it?
- Maybe I'm not an expert.

Will we be okay?
- Who knows? May be. Well, yes, it probably will...

Will I get pregnant this year?
- Well, I’m not a doctor! May be. We'll try.

These “maybe” answers terribly infuriate women. Men don't understand this. “I can’t predict exactly,” he says. “Everything needs a measure of criticism and doubt.” But when a woman asks about something with hope, she is not looking for predictions. She is looking for support.

“We will definitely do it.”
“I don’t know at all how it will be, but I will be with you all the time and help you.”
“I see that it’s hard for you, it’s hard for me too. We will overcome everything with you."
“You will succeed. You're just tired."
This is approximately what a woman wants to hear in response to her insecurities.

Try, as a man, not to rock a woman’s boat of anxiety and feed her worm of doubt. Women are not stupid and understand that the result cannot be predicted. But they need your back and mental strength to overcome their uncertainty about the issue.

A woman wants 3 things:
1. See that she is heard.
2. See that a man cares.
3. Rely on the male island of self-confidence.
When a woman receives this, she copes well with all her difficulties.

In general, 3 things each. But many couples live without them. And where a man does not feel like a man, a woman does not feel like a woman. And vice versa. If you don’t want or can’t make your loved one feel happy in a relationship with you, then you both lose.

In most cases, guys don’t know what a woman needs from a man and how to act to make her beloved happy. To solve this problem, familiarize yourself with the main components of female happiness. Having studied them, learn to act correctly, then your beloved girl will always be comfortable and joyful.

Regardless of age and social status, women dream of being happy. But you can’t always experience positive emotions on your own. If a girl is in a relationship, her happiness depends on the man.

Mental harmony

To achieve inner harmony with themselves, women play sports, go to the cinema, buy cosmetics and put on expensive makeup, learn languages ​​and travel. But to feel the fullness of life, they need a loved one. For complete happiness, girls need a feeling of spiritual harmony with their boyfriend.

Soul kinship is the foundation of love, on the quality of which the future of a couple depends. Hiking in nature, cycling, playing chess and other joint activities are necessary attributes of spiritual intimacy and harmony in a couple. In relationships, women want a man to be a friend who will take an active part in the life of his beloved.

If a couple does not have common hobbies, for harmony it is enough to respect the girl’s choice and be sincerely interested in her successes.

Men often speak negatively about ladies who are looking for wealthy young men. But they don’t understand the point: when a girl wants to build a serious relationship with a guy, she will always look to the future and evaluate his material wealth.

Women think first of all about children. But when they appear, the mother goes on maternity leave, and the man becomes the main breadwinner in the family. The fear of facing poverty and having to take care of children on your own shoulders is what pushes women to look for financially secure guys. To become happy, a woman needs to know how promising her chosen one is. If he gives gifts and pampers his beloved, it means that she can relax and see in him her support in life.

Self-realization and creativity

For complete happiness, a woman needs self-realization, because it is she who is considered the most powerful source of strength. Ladies who were able to find their own business and successfully develop it do not suffer from panic attacks, depression, overprotection or excessive jealousy.

Self-realization does not always involve monetary rewards. This is not a job, there is no career ladder and competition. These include things that a girl likes to devote her time to:

  • knitting;
  • painting;
  • bringing beauty to the garden;
  • tailoring;
  • writing books;
  • maintaining your blog;
  • taking homeless animals for foster care.

A woman needs a guy to allow her to do what she loves, support her, provide help if necessary, and never force her to give up creativity. Otherwise, the girl will lose herself, and the relationship will begin to deteriorate.


The main purpose of a woman is motherhood. To feel happy and fulfilled in life, a girl needs to give birth to a baby. Modern principles dictate certain stages in the formation of a family: first marriage, then only a “trip” to the maternity hospital. For this reason, women first strive to find a life partner with whom they will experience the happiness of motherhood.

Men rarely strive to get married and take responsibility for the family, because giving love, attention and care is much more difficult than receiving. But women do not lose hope of creating a strong unit of society and hope that there will be more responsible and family-oriented guys.

Feeling of security

For girls, a feeling of security is a basic part of building a love relationship with a man. According to research from the University of Connecticut, the fidelity hormone oxytocin is responsible for the formation of this feeling. It is produced in large quantities after intimate relationships, so in bed ladies are gentle, open and calm.

But a woman is not always ready to let a man into her life through sex. In such cases, to create a feeling of security in a girl, you can resort to psychological techniques. They include:

  • courtship;
  • protection;
  • solving complex issues;
  • material and psychological protection.

To win over a woman, a man must provide her with this feeling. It is the feeling of security that girls often lack from guys.

No fear for the future

In family relationships with a man, ladies often experience fear for the future. It may have different classifications

  • fear of divorce;
  • Anxieties related to financial stability;
  • suspicion of infidelity;
  • fear of being misunderstood.

Every experience does not occur in a vacuum. To avoid such fears in a woman’s life, a man needs to treat his family responsibly:

  • do not say offensive phrases;
  • work;
  • give your wife and children attention, care and love.

In a relationship, it is important for a woman to be heard, so a guy needs to always be ready to listen to his beloved.


When a woman receives enough romance from her lover, she wants to become a better person. Positive emotions fill them with energy, which the young ladies then willingly pass on to their chosen ones.

Romance in a relationship involves a kind of exchange of energies. The lover kills the mammoth, and the girl accepts the prey and prepares a delicious dinner to feed the guy. Approximately the same principle of exchange occurs during romantic manifestations of feelings.

When this is not the case, energy stagnates or does not form at all, and the couple faces conflicts, misunderstandings and eventually separates. Women always look for romance from men in order to feel loved and desired.

According to sexologists, regular intimate relations are necessary for physical and emotional health. In the absence of love games in bed, a woman risks developing mental disorders and neuroses. Due to unfulfilled sexual desires, complexes are formed, depression and early old age occur.

Women need quality sex with orgasm. They always expect a reverent and unselfish attitude from men in this matter.

Nuances taking into account the zodiac sign

A zodiac sign can lift the veil of mystery about a person’s needs and desires. Based on the horoscope, find out what the lady of your heart wants from a man.

Sign Needs
Aries The girl of this sign prefers to solve all problems herself. Aries do not like to rely on someone at work, in college and in the family. A representative of a fire sign wants to see next to her a young man who needs protection and care, so even a strong man should not be shy about showing weakness. To strengthen self-esteem, Aries needs admiration. If the guy refuses to praise his queen, then the girl will leave
Taurus A practical Taurus girl wants to be in a relationship with a serious and reliable man who will be proud of her achievements, thank her for her thriftiness and buy whatever she wants. Taurus women prefer stability, so you shouldn’t delay going to the registry office with them
Twins Geminis love communication, entertainment and travel. They dream of being indispensable in any society. Often, air sign women idealize men, which is why they often remain lonely. Gemini women want understanding and care from young people. It is important for them that their loved one shares their hobbies.
Cancer The Cancer woman is a real keeper of the hearth. He loves home, family dinners and prefers to obey his spouse. A girl expects complete dedication from a man. A young man who loves home, children, weekend picnics and his wife will be able to win the heart of a Cancer lady forever
a lion Confident, decisive and majestic, the Leo woman prefers to be a leader. But she will not tolerate a weak man next to her. A girl wants to live beautifully, so she expects from a man strong energy, potential and desire to do everything to make her beloved feel good
Virgo The practical Virgo prefers a measured lifestyle. Adventures and passions are not for her. She needs a man who doesn't strive for variety. It is important for Virgo to feel protected and confident in the future
Scales When choosing a man, the Libra woman is often guided by the opinions of others, so in a relationship she expects beautiful deeds from her chosen one. It is important for her that her lover appreciates her, loves her, and admires her intelligence, beauty and achievements. At the same time, the Libra girls themselves are not ready to give the same in return
Scorpion The Scorpio woman is a lover of bright emotions; she hates quiet evenings, measured life and lack of variety. He chooses only passionate and extraordinary partners who do not give in to difficulties and are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved. Expects protection, understanding and adventurous actions from a man
Sagittarius The Sagittarius woman is the soul of the party, a hurricane of passions and a perpetual motion machine rolled into one. In relationships, he prefers a change of scenery and sensations. She can only be happy with a guy who can share her love of adventure and passion. Homebody men are not for her
Capricorn The cold and arrogant Capricorn woman values ​​stability, devotion and financial well-being in relationships. He wants to see only a worthy guy next to him, who would treat him with respect, carry him in his arms and financially support him.
Aquarius Original and unusual Aquarius girls love strange men with high intelligence. They feel great in the company of young people, so there is no place in their hearts for jealous people. The representative of the sign wants to have a partner next to her who will love her with all the “cockroaches”, unusual hobbies and strange friends
Fish An impressionable and vulnerable woman will strive to go where there is devotion, tenderness, love and warmth. She will sacrifice everything for true feelings. The fish expects unconditional love and sacrifice from a man

Relationships are a daily job that requires time and effort. It is impossible to only take in love, otherwise the feelings will fade away. To make it pleasant and easy with a girl, you need to understand her needs and satisfy them. Then the thought will not arise in your head about what women need from men.
