Fungal diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Fungal diseases of the nails. Operation: clean feet


Proper prevention of fungal diseases is a guarantee of healthy nails and skin. Skeptics may object: "If the disease has begun, then it is too late to engage in prevention." However, this statement is debatable. A sick person should think about how not to infect others, and first of all, members of his family. Because, having infected a loved one and undergoing a full course of treatment, he can become infected again.

The most important rule for the prevention of fungal diseases is personal hygiene. What you need to know:

  • When visiting public places such as: a swimming pool, a bathhouse / sauna, a shower room, a gym, an ice rink, a bowling alley, etc., wear special shoes (your own or disposable), and also do not go barefoot in public bathing places, bathhouses, etc.
  • After water procedures, gently wipe your feet, paying special attention to the interdigital space.
  • Change your shoes and hosiery more often to let your legs “breathe”.
  • Use an individual towel and wear only your shoes at home and away.
  • Do not share your shoes with other people.
  • Check your skin and nails regularly. In order to prevent fungal infections, treat the skin between the toes and feet with special solutions, for example, Octenisept (contains octenidine) 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.


Skin fungus is characterized by:

  • dryness
  • peeling
  • inflammation
  • bubbles
  • cracks

When the nails are damaged, the state of the nail plate changes:

  • spots and white stripes
  • nails fade
  • yellowness appears
  • thickening occurs
  • nails can become loose and crumble


Fungal diseases are very contagious and do not go away on their own, therefore, at the first manifestations, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or mycologist. A dermatologist deals with the treatment of all skin diseases, therefore he is a specialist in a broader field.

To diagnose the disease and determine the type of fungus, it is necessary to pass the appropriate analysis - scraping. The whole procedure consists in cutting off a small piece of the nail plate and its further analysis. It usually takes a day or more to get results.

Based on the results obtained, the characteristics of the patient's body, age, chronic diseases, etc. the doctor prescribes individual treatment (local and internal preparations). With a certain frequency, it will be possible to come to the reception for further recommendations. This is especially important when side effects occur.

fungal diseases: infections of the skin and skin folds; interdigital mycoses; fungal nail infections (onychomycosis); skin candidiasis; pityriasis versicolor; dermatomycosis.

Patients with fungal diseases of the skin and nails should not visit swimming pools and other public places, so as not to spread the fungal infection.
√ And, of course, in order to eliminate the risk of infection of your family members, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, start treatment and follow all safety measures!


Healthy skin serves as a kind of protective barrier against the penetration of a fungal infection, but it is on the feet, as a rule, that the most “favorable” conditions arise for the spread of insidious fungi.

This happens in the following cases:

  • the skin of the feet is subject to frequent and severe sweating;
  • permanent microtraumas (scuffs and cracks) that appear when wearing uncomfortable shoes; nail injury.

As you can see, a humid environment is the most common cause of the development and growth of fungal diseases. Therefore, an increase in the number of fungal infections occurs in the summer, when sweating of the feet increases.

This phenomenon, in addition, contributes to the wearing of hosiery made of synthetic fibers, uncomfortable and tight, as well as excessively warm (out of season) shoes. In people who wear tight, rough shoes, made of synthetic materials (poorly ventilated) - foot fungus is much more common. Therefore, one of the preventive measures is to wear strictly seasonal shoes, preferably lightweight.

According to statistics, women suffer from fungal diseases more often than men, because they wear narrow shoes, which in most cases leads to traumatization of the skin of the feet (in the region of I and V fingers).

Older age (after 40 years) is another reason to be on the alert.

With age, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, including the rate of nail growth.

At risk are people who have problems with the blood supply to the legs, overweight people, smokers; leading a sedentary lifestyle. This list includes people with diabetes.

In addition, the risk of a fungal infection increases with a decrease in immunity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.


The period of activation of fungal infections can last a long time and usually does not appear immediately, so it is difficult for a sick person and others to notice him.

  • In the process of damage to the surface layer of the skin, a focal inflammatory reaction begins to progress over time, and recognizable features appear - itching, burning, cracks.
  • Usually, the fungus affects the skin between the fingers, after which it passes to the soles, sides and backs of the feet. Then the insidious disease takes up new positions, gradually moving to the nails. They become dull, yellowish, thicken, crumble, deform. Such an unaesthetic appearance can last for a very long time (months and years), without causing physical inconvenience to a sick person. Therefore, there is a deceptive feeling that the disease does not pose any danger and does not create problems. Meanwhile, the fungus does not sleep and continues to spread, moving to new areas of the skin and affecting other nails.
  • In addition to the unsightly condition of the nails, sick people begin to experience shame and a lot of psychological problems, which affects their lifestyle. In addition, it should be remembered: fungal infections in the future can cause various allergic and inflammatory diseases not only of the skin, but of the whole organism as a whole.
  • Therefore, it is very important to consider that a fungal infection will never go away on its own if it is not destroyed. The key to a quick and complete recovery lies in the early detection of the disease and the adoption of therapeutic measures.

√ Almost everyone who gets a fungal infection has a ten-year history of the disease.


The full course of treatment for nail fungus is on average 6 months, depending on neglect and other nuances, such as the growth rate of the nail plate. The degree of infection with a fungal infection also plays an important role: depth, area, as well as age and other individual characteristics of a person.

In order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to continue treatment for at least 2 weeks after the growth of a completely healthy nail / nails.

Skin fungus is treated much faster - two to four weeks. It is very important at the same time to pay attention not only to the disappearance of symptoms (they usually disappear after a few days), but to complete the full course of treatment.

To avoid re-infection, it is important to treat all shoes. This can be done in several ways: using special medicines in the form of sprays or aerosols, or resorting to more affordable home methods:

- To process shoes, you will need a 40% solution of acetic acid or a 1% solution of chlorhexidine. A cotton swab dipped in the solution is treated with the entire inside of the shoe (insoles, sidewalls). Protect your hands with rubber gloves! Then the shoes are placed for two or three days in an impenetrable plastic bag, after which they can be ventilated and dried during the day. Treatment is carried out at the beginning of treatment and at the end. If the course of therapy is long, then the shoes are processed every month.

Given that the fungus is very tenacious: it tends to be active in the form of scales that sick people leave everywhere, it can be dangerous throughout the year. And shoes are one of the worst breeding grounds for fungus, wearing untreated shoes after a course of treatment remains a strong threat of a new infection.


Antimycotic varnishes and solutions, as well as serums containing active ingredients, for example, amorolfine, ciclopirox, can be used if the infection has not gone too far. However, in any case, you will have to be patient and treat the nail surface as prescribed by the manufacturer.

To enhance the aesthetics, nails can be covered with decorative varnish.

There are special cream pastes allowing to loosen the surface of the affected nail. The composition of such drugs includes urea, due to this component, the nail can be removed in 2-3 applications. This method of treatment has both pluses (speeds up recovery) and minuses (absence of a nail).

Medications(tablets) are taken as prescribed by a doctor, in the event that the infection is complicated. Oral preparations should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist, because. there are such contraindications as: renal and hepatic insufficiency, incompatibility with hormonal contraceptives, children's age.

In the treatment of skin fungus, various creams, ointments, sprays are used, which contain terbinafine, sertocanazole, ciclopiroxolamine, naftifine, bifonazole, ketoconazole, oxiconazole.

If the therapeutic course was carried out in full and the result was positive (a completely healthy nail grows), then after 2 weeks it is necessary to take a scraping and upon receipt of confirmation, treatment can be stopped. But in the future, it is important to systematically check the condition of the nails.


This series of preparations was created for salon use, since very often a hotbed of fungal infections is located in this environment. There are both professional lines and for home use.

Its useful to note antifungal nail care products. For example, glue for creating nail design (gluing tips, jewelry, false nails, repairing natural nails, etc.). The composition of the adhesive includes ingredients that prevent the development of fungal bacteria.

Creams and foot care balms with warming properties. They relieve fatigue, a painful condition, stimulate blood flow, thereby relieving cold. They prevent fungal diseases and itching between the fingers, normalize sweating, soften the skin, making it tender. The formula of such products, as a rule, contains: natural essential oils, red pepper extract, camphor and rosemary oil, which activate blood circulation and warm the feet.

Antifungal pencils effectively protect nails from fungal infections. Care for dry and brittle nails, fill with moisture, restore elasticity.

This product is very convenient compared to liquid forms, because it allows you to always have it at hand and takes up little space in your cosmetic bag. May contain known antimycotic properties jojoba oil, clotrimazole, panthenol, vitamin E, bisabolol.

Nail oil and skin It is recommended to everyone who is undergoing a course of treatment of nails from fungal infections as a therapeutic, prophylactic, strengthening and cosmetic. The composition includes: clotrimazole, wheat germ oil, panthenol. Means of this group effectively protect against fungal diseases, take care of the nails and the skin around the nails, preventing inflammation after manicure and pedicure.

These preparations can also be used as a preventive measure after visiting potential sites of infection. You can also buy professional products in pharmacies.


Dermatomycosis (fungal skin diseases) occurs as a result of exposure to the body of various pathogenic fungi. Fungi, getting on the skin and mucous membranes, can penetrate and spread through the blood and lymphatic vessels throughout the body. In the presence of concomitant diseases (metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders), as well as vitamin deficiency, the body's resistance to the penetration of microorganisms decreases.

Sources of infection - animals, plants, sick people, in addition, infection can occur through infected objects. Fungi are widespread in nature, but only a small part of them are pathogenic (that is, capable of causing disease) for humans and animals. In addition to getting pathogenic fungi on the skin, favorable factors are also needed, such as increased sweating, sweat chemistry, a person’s age, the state of the endocrine glands, and so on. Infectious and chronic diseases, reducing the reactivity of the body, changing the chemistry of sweat, the condition of the skin, hair, also affect the occurrence of the disease. Public showers, mats in the locker rooms of baths and gyms, sweat-soaked socks and closed shoes are the main sources of infection. Fungal diseases occur when using other people's combs, brushes and hats, especially in children.

Diagnosis . Since the external manifestations of fungal infections are similar to those of eczema or psoriasis, patients often need the help of a dermatologist for a differential diagnosis. In addition to a visual examination, the doctor may resort to examining pieces of affected skin under a microscope. If at the same time hyphae are found - thin fibers of fungal bodies, the diagnosis is made immediately and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Sometimes a mushroom culture is prepared, but this delays the start of treatment by 2-3 weeks. If some lesions of the scalp are suspected, a study is carried out in ultraviolet rays.

Clinical manifestations of fungal skin lesions very varied. Most often they look like rounded inflamed spots, the surface of which is covered with grayish-white scales. Sometimes, along the edge of the hearth, a slightly raised roller is visible, also with scales and crusts. The foci can merge with each other, forming a vast zone of polycyclic outlines. Patients are concerned about itching, which then increases, then decreases. Usually the disease begins acutely, but then takes a chronic course and can last for years.

When the skin of the scalp is affected, the described picture is supplemented by damage to the hair (most often they spontaneously break off at the root). Sometimes the disease proceeds with severe inflammation and then you can see brightly hyperemic, sharply defined infiltrated lesions, covered with a large number of purulent or bloody-purulent crusts. Quite often, general malaise, fever, headache, enlargement and soreness of nearby lymph nodes are noted.

When the skin of the feet is affected by fungi, quite often the disease begins with the appearance of a group of bubbles there, ranging in size from a pinhead to a small pea. They capture the lateral and plantar surfaces of the feet, interdigital folds and then open, leaving extensive painful erosion. Most patients have pronounced itching.

When nails are affected by fungi, a yellow spot or strip appears at the free edge of the nail. Then the nail plate thickens, acquires a gray-yellow color, easily crumbles, and horny masses accumulate under it. With a long course of nail disease, they can almost completely collapse. Unfortunately, most patients miss these initial phenomena, linking changes in the nail plates with any trauma in the past.

Some people are predisposed to developing ringworm in the groin due to the high humidity in this area. Especially often, inguinal ringworm occurs in men due to the close contact of the skin of the scrotum with the skin of the inner surface of the thigh, where excess moisture is also created.

All fungal diseases of the skin are conditionally divided into 4 groups: keratomycosis, epidermomycosis, trichomycosis, deep mycosis .


Among keratomycosis are pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma, axillary trichomycosis. These diseases are not very contagious.

Deprive pityriasis, or multi-colored , - a disease manifested by the appearance on the surface of the skin and at the mouths of vellus hair follicles of slightly scaly spots of yellowish-brown or brown-red color. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size, acquiring irregular outlines. In some cases, itching is noted. As a rule, spots appear on the back, chest, neck and some other parts of the body. Intense exposure to sunlight causes the death of the fungus, but the affected areas do not tan and stand out clearly against the background of tanned skin. In winter, relapses of the disease often occur. the occurrence of the disease contributes to increased sweating.

erythrasma - a fungal disease that develops in the skin folds and does not have pronounced inflammatory manifestations. The provoking factor for the appearance of this disease is excessive sweating. The disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots in the folds of the skin, which merge as they grow, forming a continuous spot that outwardly differs sharply from normal skin. Erythrasma develops predominantly in men in the femoral-scrotal fold, sometimes accompanied by moderate itching. In obese people, the disease can be complicated by inflammatory phenomena. Perhaps a chronic relapsing course. Since the disease practically does not bother patients, it goes unnoticed for many years. Unpleasant sensations appear with diaper rash and exacerbation of the disease.


This group of fungal diseases includes epidermophytosis and candidiasis.

Athlete's foot - a disease that has a chronic relapsing character. Infection occurs from sick people when visiting public baths, swimming pools, at home in violation of the rules of personal hygiene. For a long time, epidermophytosis can be asymptomatic or manifest as a slight peeling in the interdigital folds and on the arch of the soles, accompanied by mild itching. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, reddening of the skin, the appearance of bubbles, cracks in the interdigital spaces, on the arch and lateral surfaces of the feet are noted. In some cases, the affected areas swell, there is pain when walking. Often there is damage to the nails of the big toes. There may be similar symptoms on the palms, as well as on other parts of the body. In some cases, epidermophytosis can degenerate into eczema. As a rule, the disease develops in the hot season, predisposing factors are increased sweating of the feet, flat feet, close toes.

Candidiasis - Infection with yeast-like fungi. These fungi are widely distributed in nature (there are especially many of them on various vegetables, fruits, fruits) and under certain conditions they become pathogenic for humans. What are these conditions? Injuries to the skin and mucous membranes, increased environmental humidity (in women, it happens on the hands during the canning of vegetables and fruits), the effect of alkalis and acids on the skin. Promotes yeast-like fungi of hypovitaminosis (especially vitamin B2), metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity), vegetative neurosis, circulatory disorders of the extremities, gastrointestinal diseases, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs.

When they get on the oral mucosa (in the presence of other favorable factors), they cause stomatitis. The mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, palate turns red, dotted foci of white color appear on it, like grains of semolina. Then these foci merge, forming a whitish film of different sizes. Yeast-like fungi can also cause skin lesions of the corners of the mouth, for example, mycotic seizure (yeast erosion of the corners of the mouth), which is clinically very similar to seizure of a streptococcal infection. Candidiasis in the area of ​​large skin folds (more common in women) has the appearance of clear spots of dark red color, with a moderately moist surface. On the periphery, the spot often surrounds a whitish exfoliating stratum corneum of the skin. The presence around the main focus of several smaller foci of the same nature (children, screenings) is characteristic.

One of the frequent manifestations of candidiasis is interdigital yeast erosion of the hands. Women are more likely to get sick, by the nature of their activities, having frequent and prolonged contact with water (washerwomen, workers in fruit and vegetable enterprises, and so on). Initially, the skin in the interdigital fold macerates, swells, acquires a whitish tint. The surface layer is then peeled off, revealing a moist, shiny red surface. Along its edges, a whitish, macerated stratum corneum is clearly visible, as if hanging over erosion. As a rule, the process does not extend beyond the side surfaces of the fingers. When nail folds are affected by yeast-like fungi, they swell, turn red, with light pressure, droplets of pus appear from under the nail roller, and there is a sharp pain. In the future, nail plates can also get into the process.

In women, vulvovaginal candidiasis is often observed. In the initial stages of the disease, they are concerned about severe itching, sometimes burning in the genital area. Then whitish-gray plaques appear on the mucous membrane, crumbly discharge from the vagina is noted. Sometimes the process also passes to the skin of the anus. The disease can be transmitted from wife to husband, who develops yeast balanoposthitis.


These diseases are highly contagious. Fungi develop in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, causing an inflammatory response from other layers of the skin. Often there are lesions of the cuticle of the fingers and the internal parts of the hair.

Typical diseases of this group are trichophytosis, microsporia and scab (favus).

microsporia - a disease of the skin and hair caused by two types of fungi - fluffy microsporum (as a result of contact with cats and dogs) and rusty microsporum. Most often, the disease manifests itself in children: single lesions of a rounded shape with sharp boundaries appear on the scalp. In these areas, bran-like peeling, brittle hair is noted (they are covered with a grayish coating). Inflammatory phenomena are mild, but the affected areas are edematous, covered with purulent crusts. In other parts of the body, when affected by microspores, the appearance of erythematous spots of the correct form, with clear boundaries and a raised red-pink roller along the periphery, is observed. Nails with microsporia are not affected.

Trichophytosis (ringworm) - a fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails, especially contagious for children aged 4 to 13-14 years. Distinguish trichophytosis superficial and deep. In the first case, there is the appearance on the scalp of foci of peeling with broken hair, which become noticeable in the form of bald spots. On smooth skin, the disease manifests itself in the form of erythematous scaly spots of the correct form, with clear boundaries, rising like a roller along the periphery and a depression in the center. At the same time, nails can be affected: they begin to crumble and deform, their color changes. Deep trichophytosis manifests itself in the form of rounded tumor-like formations with clear red borders, covered with crusts. When pressed, pus is released from these formations, swelling and soreness of the lymph nodes, allergic rashes and a sharp increase in body temperature can be observed. Healing occurs in 1.5 - 2 months.

Favus (scab) - fungal disease of the skin, hair and nails. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person or through objects infected by him, as well as when personal hygiene is not followed. The appearance on the skin of peculiar crusts (scutes and skutulae) of a straw color with a saucer-shaped indentation in the central part and often pierced by hair is noted. These formations, growing, form extensive foci with crusts, under which skin atrophy and persistent baldness occur. The hair on the affected areas becomes dull, resembles an old wig, and is easily pulled out. On smooth skin, the disease manifests itself in the form of small erythematous-scaly lesions that merge into plaques covered with purulent crusts.

Deep mycoses

Deep mycoses include actinomycosis, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis and others.

Treatment of fungal skin diseases.

1) Treatment of fungal skin diseases should be carried out under medical supervision. Fortunately, most fungal infections are caused by more than one related type of fungus, so treatment is almost the same. The choice of one form or another of treatment depends on the clinical picture, the location of the lesion and the type of pathogen. As a rule, antifungal ointments, lotions, creams, softening and exfoliating agents are prescribed externally. Fungal lesions of the scalp and nails, usually require oral antifungal drugs - antifungal antibiotics (nystatin).

2) To alleviate the condition, baths and compresses with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs (string, centaury, dandelion and others) are recommended. Medicinal herbal preparations can be taken orally to increase immunity (for example, lingonberry and cranberry juice).

3) In acute exudative, infiltrative-suppurative processes, lotions, wet-drying dressings are prescribed to relieve inflammation, and in chronic cases, resolving agents.

Antifungal treatment, both external and internal, should be carried out until the pathogens are completely eradicated. You should not interrupt the treatment just because it seemed to you that the skin was completely cleared and your health improved. For complete confidence in the cure, it is necessary to repeat tissue studies from previously affected areas to make sure that there are no more fungi. But even such a cautious tactic is no guarantee against a second outbreak of infection.


1) To prevent fungal skin diseases, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not use the same towel, sponges, slippers, combs, brushes, hats, and so on with a sick person.

2) If your pet has a coat or skin lesion, be sure to show it to the veterinarian.

3) Keep your feet dry and clean, dry your feet thoroughly after swimming and exercising, paying special attention to the spaces between the toes.

4) Wear cotton socks, not wool - the former absorb moisture much better.

5) In hot stuffy weather, wear wicker sandals and sandals.

6) Sprinkle socks and shoes with antifungal dusts and powders.

Medical sections: skin diseases

Medicinal plants: common calamus, veronica officinalis, wine-bearing grapes, yellow capsule, onion, peppermint, wormwood, open lumbago, sowing radish

Get well!

Very often, the cause of itching of the scalp, peeling and inflammation, and often, against this background, and hair loss is a fungus of the scalp. It is impossible to immediately understand that you “acquired” a fungal infection, however, at the initial examination, when contacting a specialist, the doctor quite easily identifies the cause of your concerns. Fungal diseases of the scalp today are successfully treated, although some require more time and patience.

The fungus (mycosis) that affects the scalp has many varieties. The symptoms of each type of fungus are different, therefore, therapy in different cases is individual. Often, diseases are observed of an infectious nature, therefore they are easily transmitted through personal contact with the patient or through the use of common things and hygiene items. The only prevention of fungal infections is scrupulous personal hygiene.

Symptoms of a fungus on the scalp.
Symptoms of the manifestation of a fungal disease and methods of therapy are determined by the type of fungus that struck the patient. Meanwhile, one can name the general symptoms of a fungal infection, inherent to one degree or another in each variety, and indicating the presence of a disease. Among them:

  • The general condition of the hair has worsened, dryness, dullness, loss of shine, and loss are noted.
  • Peeling of the scalp, the appearance of individual scaly areas with indistinct contours and a rounded shape.
  • In the affected areas, the hair falls out strongly, thins out, bald patches appear.
  • The appearance of pink plaques on the scalp, which stand out above the surface of the skin, is noted. Small vesicles may appear on the plaques, gradually becoming covered with grayish or yellowish crusts.
  • Hair breakage is observed at the base of the follicle, as a result of which black dots appear on the skin.
  • With the superficial form of ringworm, foci of purulent lesions appear on the scalp.
Often, in cases of fungal infections of the scalp, doctors detect superficial or deep trichophytosis (ringworm in the people) and microsporosis (microsporia). There is also another dangerous fungal disease called favus (scab), but it does not occur in our country, it is distributed mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia. In rare cases, it can be brought in by tourists.

Fungal diseases can occur (most often this happens) in a latent form, so it is difficult to identify the disease in the early stages of development. The signal that it is necessary to sound the alarm is the appearance of severe dandruff in a person to whom it is not characteristic.

Trichophytosis (ringworm).
Trichophytosis or, as people say, ringworm is perhaps the most severe fungal disease of the scalp. As a result of this disease, there is intense hair loss, the formation of bald spots. Most often, the disease overtakes children aged three to twelve years. The disease is highly contagious, transmitted by direct contact with a sick person and direct use of his personal belongings. You can also get infected from a sick animal, fortunately, this happens much less often. There is a superficial form and a deep form of ringworm.

When infected with a fungus that causes a superficial form of the disease, a person has its first signs already five to seven days after infection. The main signs include the appearance of areas of peeling on the scalp, brittle hair at the base of the follicles (from 2 mm to 2 cm), which creates the appearance of black dots on the head. Moreover, on the surface of the hair, which remained on the head after breaking, there is a gray coating, which is a product of the activity of the fungus. The lesions of the superficial form of trichophytosis can reach two to three centimeters. In addition to peeling, the lesions may turn red, itch, and swelling may occur on them.

When infected with ringworm, we have a deep form (infiltrative-purulent form), the incubation period is two months. At the very beginning, the disease does not give itself away. Two months after infection, symptoms of general malaise, weakness and intoxication of the body are noted, there is also some swelling and soreness on palpation of the lymph nodes, some fever, and an allergic rash. The deep form of trichophytosis is characterized by the appearance on the scalp of rounded tumor-like spots with clear red contours. The contours of each spot peel off more intensively, they may show crusts and vesicles (vesicles), on which, during pressure, the purulent contents are separated outward. Simultaneously with these signs, deformation of the nails, a change in their color can be observed. Such symptoms require urgent treatment, since the lesions will intensively spread to other areas, which threatens the development of an abscess and extensive inflammation.

Microsporosis (microsporia).
Microsporosis is observed mostly in children and, accordingly, their family members. Sources of infection are sick people (infected with a rusty microsporum) and less often animals (fluffy microsporum), as well as objects in common use with a sick person. This disease in terms of spread rate is in first place among other fungal infections of the scalp and hair. Microsporums, under favorable conditions, spread so quickly that it can be compared to an epidemic. The symptoms of microsporia are similar to the symptoms of superficial trichophytosis, therefore, in order to accurately identify the form and type of the disease, in addition to a visual examination, a laboratory test is required. On the scalp appear rounded areas with sharp outlines. These areas have peeling, brittle hair is also observed, the remaining hairs are covered with a grayish coating. Inflammatory processes are poorly expressed, the affected areas are edematous and have purulent crusts. Nails with this disease are not affected.

Favus (scab).
The sources of infection are the same as in the above fungal diseases. The disease is expressed in the appearance in the scalp and other parts of the skin of the body of crusts (scutes and skutulae) of a yellowish tint with the so-called indentation in the center, in which hair often grows. In the absence of proper treatment, the formations grow and form extensive lesions with crusts. Under these very crusts, atrophy of the skin develops and persistent baldness is observed. When the scalp is affected by this disease, the hair becomes dull, weakened, easily pulled out, and in general, resembles an old worn wig.

Causes of a fungal infection of the scalp.
The main cause of infection are bacteria, fungi and viruses that affect the scalp.

Diagnosis of the fungus of the scalp.
For an accurate diagnosis of a type of fungal infection, in addition to a visual examination of the scalp, a microexamination of a broken hair is prescribed, as well as samples of flaky skin are taken. Broken hairs are examined under a Wood's lamp in order to identify the fungus. If the result is positive, the specialist prescribes bacteriological cultures and culture analyzes to the patient.

Treatment of scalp fungus.
If itching, unusual dandruff occurs, especially if you do not have predisposing factors for its appearance (did not change your hair care product, you did not have stress, etc.), you should immediately contact a specialist. Only after identifying the source of the manifestation of symptoms, namely the type of fungus, should we talk about treatment.

Therapy of the fungus of the scalp is aimed primarily at the use of antifungal drugs of systemic action. In this case, it is important to know that such medicines of the modern generation are highly toxic, despite their effectiveness. Therefore, they are contraindicated in renal failure, cancer, blood diseases, impaired metabolism, and vascular pathology of the extremities. Most often, drugs such as Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Miconazole, keratolic agents (ointments, tablets), local agents (antifungal balms and shampoos) are prescribed for the treatment of scalp fungus. Treatment takes not a single month, in especially severe cases, hormone-containing drugs, antibiotics, as well as prophylactic agents for the development of dysbacteriosis can be prescribed to patients.

Folk remedies for the treatment of scalp fungus.
With mild forms of fungal infections, it is effective to use eucalyptus oil, it soothes irritated and itchy skin. Spread a few drops on a brush or comb and comb the hair without injuring the scalp.

And here is a recipe for another effective remedy for relieving itching and redness of the scalp. Combine a teaspoon of garlic juice, olive oil (can be almond), lemon juice. Soak the sponge in the mixture and gently massage into the scalp. Wrap with a film and a towel on top, soak for an hour. I must say that there is a slight tingling sensation. After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse with vinegar water (a liter of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar). Do this procedure every time you wash your hair. Relief comes from the first time, and the condition of the hair improves markedly after the fourth procedure. The only downside to this treatment is the garlic smell. But it is felt only when the hair gets wet.

Dilute vinegar and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate the affected areas daily with this composition for one to two months. Real relief comes on the third day.

To get rid of dandruff, you can use this remedy: pour a tablespoon of common tansy into 400 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain. Infusion wash hair without shampoo for a month. Or rinse your hair once a week with a decoction of lemon peels. Remove the peel from four lemons, pour a liter of water. Cook for fifteen minutes over low heat.

Mycoses - (fungal diseases), human and animal diseases caused by microscopic pathogenic fungi (fungi).

Mycoses are divided into 4 groups.


Trichophytosis is a fungal disease that affects the skin and hair, and sometimes nails.

The causative agent is the fungus Trichophyton. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person, as well as his things (hats, combs, scissors, bedding, etc.). Transfer in hairdressing salons, kindergartens, boarding schools, schools is possible. Carriers of the fungus are also rodents (mice, rats) and cattle (mainly calves). Infection of a person, as a rule, occurs by contact with hay, dust, contaminated wool affected by the fungus, less often by direct contact with an animal. The disease is recorded more often in autumn, which corresponds to periods of agricultural work.

Manifestations of trichophytosis




    infiltrative suppurative trichophytosis.

Superficial form of trichophytosis

The incubation period is 1 week. Depending on the location of the focus, superficial trichophytosis of the scalp and smooth skin is isolated. Superficial nail involvement is extremely rare. Superficial trichophytosis of the scalp occurs in childhood. As an exception, it occurs in infants and adults. The disease is characterized at first by single, and later by multiple foci 1-2 cm in size, with irregular outlines and fuzzy boundaries. The lesions are located in isolation, without a tendency to merge with each other; the skin in the area of ​​​​the lesions is slightly swollen and reddened, covered with bran-like scales of a grayish-white color, the layers of which can give the focus a whitish appearance. Sometimes redness and swelling increase, vesicles, pustules, crusts join. Within the foci, the affected hair loses its color, shine, elasticity, partially bends and twists. Their thinning is noted due to breaking off at the level of 2-3 mm from the skin surface. Sometimes the hair breaks off at the very root, then they look like "black dots". "Humps" of hair are dull, covered with a grayish-white "bloom". Sometimes only peeling is observed on the affected area. In such situations, upon careful examination, it is possible to identify "stumps" of hair. Superficial trichophytosis of smooth skin can be isolated or combined with lesions of the scalp. Its predominant localization is open areas of the skin - the face, neck, forearms, and also the torso. This form occurs at any age, equally often in men and women. The disease begins with the appearance of one or more edematous and therefore slightly protruding pink-red spots above the level of the surrounding skin. In contrast to the lesions on the scalp, the spots have correctly rounded outlines and sharp borders. Their surface is covered with scales and small bubbles, which quickly dry out into crusts. Over time, inflammation in the center of the focus weakens, and the lesion takes the form of a ring. Itching is absent or mild.

Chronic form of trichophytosis

Chronic trichophytosis occurs in adolescents and adults, mainly in women, and is characterized by poor manifestations. Adult patients are usually not detected for a long time, which is due, on the one hand, to the slight severity of the manifestations of the disease and, therefore, the low negotiability of patients, on the other hand, to the rarity of this fungal disease at the present time. As a rule, the disease is detected during the examination of the "epidemiological chain" to determine the source of infection of children in a family setting. In chronic trichophytosis, isolated or in various combinations with each other, the scalp, smooth skin and nails, usually fingers, are affected. The favorite location is mainly in the occipital region and is manifested only by a slight bran-like whitish peeling. In some places, the scales are located on a barely noticeable lilac background. Broken hair in the form of "black dots" are found with difficulty. However, "black dots" may be the only sign of the disease. This form of chronic trichophytosis of the scalp is called black dot. Often, delicate scars remain in areas of fallen hair.

Chronic trichophytosis of smooth skin is characterized by damage to the legs, buttocks, forearms and elbows, less often the face and trunk. Occasionally, the process takes on a ubiquitous distribution. The foci are represented by pinkish-cyanotic spots without clear boundaries, with a scaly surface. The marginal roller, vesicles, pustules are absent. With the defeat of the palms and soles, mild redness, peeling, and increased skin pattern are observed. A continuous thickening of the stratum corneum is possible, as a result of which deep furrows and even cracks form in the places of skin folds on the palms and soles. With trichophytosis of the palms and soles, bubbles never form. Chronic trichophytosis is often accompanied by damage to the nail plates. In the initial period of the disease, a whitish-gray spot appears in the nail area, which gradually increases in size. In the future, the nail plate becomes dull, dirty gray with a yellowish tinge; its surface is bumpy. Nails thicken, deform, easily crumble.

Infiltrative suppurative form of trichophytosis

The incubation period of infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis ranges from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months. It begins with the appearance of one or more pale pink scaly patches with rounded outlines and clear boundaries. The marginal roller is made of plaques, small bubbles, shrinking into crusts. In the future, the foci increase in size, inflammation increases, they rise above the level of healthy skin. When merging, the foci form bizarre figures, their surface is covered with plaques, vesicles, pustules and crusts. Downy hair is involved in the process. With the localization of foci in the zone of growth of long hair, "stumps" of broken hair are observed. In the future, inflammatory phenomena increase in the foci localized in the area of ​​​​the scalp, the growth of a beard and mustache, redness, swelling increase, sharply demarcated hemispherical nodes of a bluish-red color are formed, the bumpy surface of which is covered with numerous manifestations. Hair partially falls out, loose and easily removed. A very characteristic feature is the sharply expanded mouths of the hair follicles, filled with pus, released when pressed in the form of copious drops and even streams. Dense at first, the consistency of the nodes becomes soft over time. These foci on the scalp resemble honeycombs, and in the area of ​​​​the beard and mustache - wine berries. On smooth skin, flat plaques predominate, sometimes very extensive, gradually transforming into pustules. Developing suppuration leads to the death of fungi. They are preserved only in scales along the edge of the lesions, where they are found under microscopic examination. With infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, an increase in lymph nodes is often observed, sometimes there is a general malaise, headaches, fever.

Diagnostics carried out by a dermatologist using laboratory and instrumental research methods.

    Microscopic examination. From the foci of superficial and chronic trichophytosis on smooth skin, scales and “hemp” of broken down hair are scraped off with a blunt scalpel. Broken hair is removed with tweezers. Microscopically, in scales from lesions on smooth skin, convoluted filaments of mycelium are found. On microscopic examination under high magnification, the affected hair has clear boundaries and is filled with large fungal spores arranged in parallel longitudinal chains.

    Cultural research. The growth of the colony is noted on the 5-6th day after sowing in the form of a white lump.

Treatment of trichophytosis

In the treatment of trichophytosis of smooth skin without damage to vellus hair, external antifungal drugs are used. 2-5% tincture of iodine is applied to the lesions in the morning, and in the evening they are smeared with antifungal ointment. Apply 10-20% sulfuric, 10% sulfuric-3% salicylic or 10% sulfuric tar ointment. Modern antifungal ointments are widely used - lamisil, mycospor, exoderil, clotrimazole, etc. In case of significant inflammation, combined preparations containing hormones are used. With multiple foci on the skin, especially with the involvement of vellus hair in the process, as well as with lesions of the scalp, systemic antifungal therapy is necessary. The main drug used in the treatment of trichophytosis is griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is taken daily until the first negative test, then for 2 weeks every other day, and then another 2 weeks with an interval of 3 days. During therapy, the hair is shaved off. Simultaneously with the administration of a systemic drug, local antifungal therapy is carried out. In case of damage to vellus hair, epilation is performed with preliminary detachment of the stratum corneum of the skin. For detachment, milk-salicylic-resorcinol collodion is used. In chronic trichophytosis of the scalp, to remove "black dots", the detachment of the stratum corneum is carried out according to the Arievich method: for 2 days, a milk-salicylic ointment is applied under the compress, then the bandage is removed and 2-5% salicylic ointment is also applied under the compress. With a blunt scalpel, the stratum corneum is removed, and with tweezers, "black dots" are removed. Detachment is carried out 2-3 times. With infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, crusts are removed using 2-3% salicylic ointment. Disinfectant solutions are used (furatsilin, rivanol, potassium permanganate, ichthyol solution), as well as absorbable ointments, in particular sulfur-tar.

Prevention is the timely detection, isolation and treatment of patients with this disease. Periodic medical examinations in children's institutions are necessary. Be sure to examine relatives and persons in contact with the patient. Particular attention should be paid to domestic animals (cows, calves), as they are often the source of infection.

Fungal diseases, namely those that a person generally has to deal with, are called mycoses. Mycoses are infectious diseases, they affect the mucous membranes, skin, hair and nails, such an effect is due to specific pathogenic fungi. Fungal diseases of the nails, including the hands and feet directly related to them, have their own definition and are called onychomycosis. In today's our article, we will consider those main provisions that relate directly to this disease.

general information

Mycoses are detected on average in 10% of the total population, and some data indicate their even greater prevalence, two or even three times the indicated figure. Remarkably, as part of a review of the last ten years, it was revealed that the incidence over this period, compared with previous data, has approximately doubled. This can be explained by the fact that in most cases, patients ignore the need for treatment, which, accordingly, leads to a similar prevalence of mycoses.

Turning specifically to fungal diseases of the nails, that is, to onychomycosis, we note, first of all, that they never occur in children. The increase in the incidence occurs in older patients, and in particular, onychomycosis becomes a frequent companion for elderly patients (at the age of 79 years, there is a peak incidence). A certain trend is also noted in terms of gender in the consideration of onychomycosis - in men it occurs almost one and a half times more often than in women.

Some professions are also considered as a predisposing factor for the development of onychomycosis. So, factory workers, athletes, military personnel, miners - representatives of all these professions, in particular, often face problems directly related to the disease in question, the predisposition to its development is on average 30% higher than the predisposition to it in other groups of patients. It has also been observed that in groups within certain limited areas, onychomycosis is similarly a fairly common disease, which is predisposed to by common locker rooms and showers. A separate point on the predisposition to the disease concerns the need to wear heavy boots and a certain form of clothing.

Onychomycosis of the feet occurs 3-7 times more often than onychomycosis of the hands. On the hands of onychomycosis is more common in women (three times on average), in addition, this disease is also more common in the hands of people whose professional activity causes prolonged contact with water or sugars (i.e. confectioners, cooks and etc.).

The main causative agents of the disease we are considering are dermatophytes. In addition to the listed criteria that determine the predisposition to onychomycosis for patients (age, professional activity, etc.), current immunodeficiency states, obesity, vascular diseases, and any type of serious illness can also be identified. With the advent of summer, the peculiarities of weather conditions significantly increase the chances of the onset of this disease. And, of course, the risk of "catching" onychomycosis is especially great among lovers of public pools, saunas and baths. Carpets, paths, gratings, benches and any other types of surfaces on which skin flakes and pathogenic fungi on it can get from a sick person - all this also becomes dangerous in the context of considering the factors provoking this disease.

There are a number of questions and myths associated with fungal diseases of the nails and skin, and we will dwell on them a little lower, of course, without disregarding the question of treatment.

The main forms of fungal nail lesions (from left to right: distal-lateral lesion type, total lesion type, superficial lesion type and proximal nail lesion type)

Fungal diseases of nails and skin: main myths

  • The appearance of nails and skin allows you to determine the presence of a fungus in a patient

Oddly enough, this statement really belongs to the category of myths. Of course, the identification of the characteristic signs of the disease suggests its relevance for this criterion, but it is not indisputable. The fact is that due to changes caused by the influence of environmental factors, nails are easily amenable to change. As such influencing factors, one can designate both ordinary housework, exposure to chemical or physical factors, and the effect on the body that is practically traditional for the development of most other diseases against the background of stress and certain medications. In other words, what we, looking at the hands and nails, can take for a fungus, is not a fungus, although the manifestations of the influence of these factors can be very similar to it.

Remarkably, the fungus quite often disguises itself as certain skin diseases, such as, for example, or. Moreover, such a “scenario” is not uncommon, in which patients are treated for a fungus for a long time, unsuccessfully acting on it with sufficiently strong drugs, while a completely different disease is to be treated. Considering even this feature, the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails should be determined only on the basis of the doctor's recommendations, while self-medication in this case becomes an unacceptable option, as, however, it is unacceptable for any other diseases.

How to determine the fungus, or what symptoms of a fungal disease of the nails (skin) require an appointment with a specialist? Most likely, the reader has a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a fungus looks like, but we will not fail to note those signs for which you should find time to visit a doctor. If we are talking about healthy nails, then it is clear that outwardly they are pinkish, smooth and shiny. As a rule, with a fungus, the skin is subject to peeling, in which it looks like rings, plates, or resembles flour (the grooves of the skin in this case are, as it were, sprinkled with flour, which determines such an analogy). Bubbles appear, in some cases they can even suppurate, after which they open up.

When exposed to a fungal infection, nails become dull, begin to crumble and exfoliate, become yellow or dirty gray. In addition, there is a thickening of the nail plates, their deformation. As other signs indicating a fungal infection of the nails, the following changes can be identified: "corroded" edges of the nails, separation from the nail bed of the nails, their thinning, deformation, in which the nails can resemble the appearance of a "beak" in an altered form, transverse striation of the surface .

  • A visit to the pool, fitness club, sauna, bathhouse and other similar public places will certainly lead to the appearance of a fungal disease due to the fact that it is in such places that fungal infection occurs most often

As already noted, these types of places can indeed be considered as places predisposing to infection by the fungus. However, this does not mean at all that under other circumstances and with the exclusion of places with high humidity (namely, this criterion fits the potential sites of infection with the fungus), there is no danger of infection. Thus, wearing clothes that have previously been in contact with the body of a person with a fungus, there is a significant risk of infection. Drying with a towel previously used by a person with fungus identifies a similar risk.

Further, this list can be supplemented, for example, with shoes. As the reader is probably aware, someone else's shoes are highly discouraged. This applies, as is clear, to any shoes, even ordinary slippers offered at a party. In the latter case, there is no way out and walking barefoot, because particles of skin that have previously been subjected to fungal infection may be on the floor, which will determine the likelihood of subsequent infection. In this case, ordinary cotton socks can be considered as an option for “protection”. By the way, it is better to limit wearing nylon socks, because they create a not very favorable environment for the legs, while contributing to the retention of sweat.

In addition, it is easy to get infected with a fungus even in public transport - just hold on to the handrail, which the sick person previously held. Again, a fitness club, gym and other places, visiting a manicure or pedicure master (in this case, infection occurs due to contact with non-sterile instruments). Thus, the conditions initially indicated in this paragraph are certainly predisposing to infection by the fungus when spread through sweat and sports equipment, however, any tactile contact is also equally dangerous in terms of the possibility of infection with a fungal infection.

With regard to fungal infection in the pool, this probability is relatively small, which is due to the influence of the processes through which the water passes (in particular, filtration, chlorination and frequent replacement). On the beach, the fungus can also be infected, in which case the sand mixes with infected skin particles. It is for this reason that it is recommended to come to the beach in shoes (i.e. not barefoot). It is also recommended to regularly wash towels, followed by their steaming. This recommendation is based on the life span of fungi - their death occurs only when exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees.

Based on recent studies, it has been revealed that nail fungus most often spreads in families, that is, it literally “is inherited”. At the same time, contact under the conditions we have considered does not always lead to infection, in some cases it is caused by the presence of additional conditions predisposing to this. For example, it can be a reduced body resistance against the background of a certain type of disease (diabetes mellitus, etc.). You can reduce the risk of infection by avoiding sharing shoes, using antibacterial soap to wash your hands and feet, and using special antibacterial shoe insoles.

  • When a fungus is detected, it is necessary to get rid of shoes

The decision, of course, is radical, although not mandatory, therefore we will answer if such a question nevertheless arises: you do not need to throw away shoes with a fungus. However, inaction is also not encouraged when it comes to getting rid of the fungus. It is possible and necessary to process shoes, for this, for example, you can use vinegar (40%) or formaldehyde (25%). After this treatment, you additionally need to wipe the shoes with ammonia. Bed and underwear, including socks, stockings, tights, are subject to disinfection, washing and ironing.

  • It is impossible to completely cure the fungus

This statement is not entirely true. It can be really difficult to recover from a disease, especially if there are factors “reinforcing” this disease, such as the presence of certain chronic diseases, reduced immunity, etc. In some cases, the spread of the fungus can affect not only the arms or legs, but also the chest, stomach. 1 out of 5 cases considered, as a rule, determines the transition of the fungus with its prolonged flow from the legs to the hands. Be that as it may, in the vast majority of cases, the fungus can be cured. If treatment is not allowed for certain reasons (in particular due to general health), one can at least move on to the implementation of preventive measures. For this, a 5% solution of iodine is used, as well as some recommendations from the doctor (in accordance with the general picture of the patient's condition).

  • You can get rid of the fungus literally in one procedure using nail polish or a special cream

With a greater degree of probability, we can assume that such a promise is just a banal publicity stunt. There are, of course, relative exceptions, they concern cases in which the disease has just begun, and therefore it will really be easier to get rid of it. In addition, this option is also possible if the damage to the nails is “marginal”, that is, only the edges are affected. To do this, it is enough to cut off the affected area, and then apply a miracle cure, whether it be a cream or varnish.

For the most part, treatment begins at later stages, at which the achievement of effectiveness in the shortest possible time becomes an option almost impossible. The fungus in this case penetrates deep into the nails, their self-renewal occurs in about three months, that is, the treatment in any case will be delayed in time. When only the skin is affected by the fungus, in combination with the two extreme nails with the possibility of cutting them, the treatment is mainly reduced to external exposure. With a larger fungal infection, drugs for internal use (systemic treatment) are additionally prescribed. Remarkably, during the treatment period, patients with a fungus in most cases are not dangerous to the environment, that is, they are not contagious.

  • The fungus is accompanied by physical pain

Some patients are really interested in whether the fungus can cause physical pain, some are completely convinced that pain is an integral companion of this disease. So this is only partly. In most cases, of course, fungal infections are not accompanied by the manifestation of pain. Nevertheless, as noted, it is not necessary to exclude pain with a fungus. It is caused by special types of fungi, due to the impact of which the tissues surrounding the nail become inflamed, which, in turn, causes itchy and aching pain.

  • False nails, nail extensions - all this allows you to eliminate the fungus

This statement is absolutely wrong. Artificial nails in no way act as a “protective layer” for nails, moreover, their presence creates an ideal environment for the habitat and reproduction of a fungal infection. In any case, artificial nails can be created on your own, but perfectly healthy nails, and only for a short period of time, if such a need arose. A separate topic in this matter is the negative impact on natural nails and their structure when creating artificial ones on their surface. In any case, the nails simply need to "breathe", and the presence of layers in one form or another deprives them of this possibility, which is why they are simply clogged.

Fungal diseases: treatment

Local treatment of the fungus, that is, when certain agents are applied to the affected area, is in many cases ineffective, because penetration of this type of preparation into the depth of the nail is required, which does not happen. In order to achieve such a result, patients in many cases refuse to remove the surface layer of the nail (nails), which, accordingly, excludes the effectiveness of local exposure. Taking into account the need to influence the nail, which is also relevant for long-term large-scale damage to the nails, systemic treatment is used.

The use of drugs applied internally allows exposure through the blood to the affected nails. At the same time, such treatment determines the risk of side effects on the background of long-term use of drugs, which, therefore, excludes the possibility of using systemic therapy drugs by pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as patients with drug allergies or liver diseases.

Returning to local therapy, we can identify the advantage over systemic therapy, which is the absence of toxic and side effects. In addition to removing the nail plate, in this case, two other options for exposure can be proposed, causing the subsequent effect of local exposure to the affected area, in particular, the use of keratolytics or cleaning the nail bed.

To date, the most optimal solution in the treatment of fungus is combination therapy, that is, therapy in which both topical drugs and systemic drugs are used simultaneously. Due to this approach, it is possible to reduce the terms of comprehensive impact, while simultaneously providing it in both directions, that is, both from the inside and outside. At the same time, by reducing the time of exposure and, accordingly, treatment, the risks associated with the occurrence of side effects and the intensity of their manifestation should also be reduced.

Non-fungal nail diseases

Considering our main topic, that is, fungal diseases of the nails, it is impossible not to dwell on a topic that is opposite in nature, that is, on non-fungal diseases. In most cases, nail changes are really associated with a fungus, but it also happens that they are caused by chronic nail injury, or psoriasis. In addition, nails can also change against the background of a number of internal diseases (in which the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, etc. are affected), with dystrophic processes and with intoxications. Moreover, nail changes are also congenital, although outwardly there is a resemblance to a fungal infection.

As is clear from the specifics of nail damage, the treatment of non-fungal diseases will be at least ineffective when using anti-fungal drugs. This, accordingly, necessitates a mandatory visit to a dermatologist - only he can reliably determine the nature of the disease and the specifics of nail damage, that is, determine whether it is a fungus or not.

There are a number of signs, on the basis of which it can be assumed “offhand” what exactly the damage to the nails is connected with, we will highlight them below.

  • The nail is white, the nail plate is cloudy. There is a term for this kind of change - leukonychia. In this case, psoriasis should be assumed as one of the main possible causes of the changes.
  • The nail has become white, the nail plate is separated from the nail bed. In this case, the term pseudoleukonychia is used. Psoriasis or chronic nail injury should be considered as the main causes accompanying such changes.
  • The nail turns black. The term melanonychia is used, with nail tumors or subungual hematoma considered as the main causes of such a lesion.
  • The color of the nail is changed, for example, it becomes yellow. The term chromonychia is used, either specific drug reactions or yellow nail syndrome are considered as the main causes.
  • The area of ​​the periungual roller was inflamed. In this case, the term paronychia is used. Possible bacterial infections, contact dermatitis or contact allergic dermatitis are considered as the main causes that provoked changes in the nails.
  • The nail bed has undergone a specific thickening. In this case, the term hyperkeratosis is used. Eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis or lichen planus are considered as the main causes.

Let us dwell separately on chronic nail injury, or rather on what such an effect implies. Chronic trauma is the most common variant of nail changes, and it is its consequences that are often confused with onychomycosis. Various kinds of foot deformities (including congenital ones), playing sports (football, athletics), tight shoes - all this leads to a systematic effect on the nail plate, due to which it begins to separate from the nail bed. Also, traumatization of the nails can be caused by the peculiarities of professional activity, in particular, contact with certain chemicals.

The diseases listed in this list (, eczema, psoriasis) are also often accompanied by involvement in the pathological process of nails, and in a similar way to a fungus. Meanwhile, the typical form of manifestation of a fungal infection is characterized by the fact that with it the damage to the nails occurs not only on the hands, in contrast to other skin diseases. This can manifest itself, for example, candidiasis of the nails (which is combined with the inflammatory process of the area of ​​the periungual roller). We also add that non-fungal nail diseases can manifest themselves both together with onychomycosis, and as a precursor of this disease.

Based on the features discussed in this part of our article, it can be distinguished that there are several more signs, comparing which we can assume that fungal nail damage is not:

  • only the fingernails were changed;
  • nail changes appeared some time after birth;
  • there are signs indicating the possible relevance of a different type of skin disease (for example, psoriasis, etc.) or this disease has already been diagnosed;
  • the state of all nails has changed (that is, both on the hands and on the legs).

Based on statistics, it is known that every second nail lesion is fungal. Thus, the altered state of the nails determines the 50% probability of the fungus, regardless of the circumstances and the factors accompanying the general condition of the body. It is also important to know that the fungus does not go away on its own, in addition, as you know, the disease contributes to a decrease in the quality of life.

Nail fungus: consequences

The fungus itself can become quite a serious disease in terms of possible consequences. The main problem associated with the fungus can be called the fact that it is a chronic and infectious disease, which means that it is easy for them to become infected with the immediate environment of a sick person, including members of his family.

In addition to this, there are other problems. Thus, a lesion provoked by mycoses becomes a specific entrance gate in patients, causing the possibility of any other infectious agents entering the body. So, getting a bacterial infection can provoke erysipelas. Also, in the presence of a fungal infection, the course of such an actual disease for patients as is complicated. In the presence of a fungal infection, the possibility of developing an allergization of the body is allowed, in which an increased sensitivity to the fungus as an allergen is formed, in other words, this leads to an allergy to the fungus (fungal allergy).

The fungus can also cause certain diseases to develop or cause them to worsen. As such diseases, for example, various types of skin reactions and rashes can be designated. Rare (rather even isolated) cases are accompanied by the development of deep mycosis with an untreated nail fungus, such a diagnosis, in particular, is accompanied by the ingestion of a fungus with blood, its germination into internal organs, which can cause death. Nevertheless, such situations can rather be called an exception, which, as is clear, cannot be ignored in any case. Modern possibilities of medicine make it possible to exclude such options for the progression of the fungus, although in any case it is unacceptable to leave it without treatment. Therefore, we repeat that it is extremely important to consult a dermatologist if you have signs of nail and skin fungus.

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