How to identify and treat anxiety disorder. - Treatment of feelings of anxiety and fear - How to treat anxiety neurosis

In anxiety neurosis, the main symptom is a feeling of anxiety or fear. Fear does not depend on any situation or any ideas, it is unmotivated, meaningless - "freely hovering fear." Fear is primary and psychologically understandable in a way that cannot be derived from other experiences.

Often, under the influence of fear, anxiety fears, psychologically associated with it, appear, which depend on the strength of fear. An important role in the occurrence of anxiety neurosis is played by hereditary predisposition. An important role in the formation of the disease has the first attack of fear, which marked the beginning of the disease, it can be both a somatic factor in various diseases, and a psycho-traumatic, psychogenic factor.

A special variant of anxiety neurosis is affective shock neurosis or fright neurosis, which is subdivided into the following forms:

1. A simple form, which is characterized by a slow course of mental processes and a number of somatovegetative disorders. The disease occurs acutely, following the action of a shock mental trauma, which signaled a great danger to life. There is pallor of the face, tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure, rapid or shallow breathing, increased urination and defecation, dry mouth, loss of appetite, weight loss, trembling of the hands, knees, a feeling of weakness in the legs. Inhibition of thought processes and verbal-speech reactions, sleep disturbance is noted. Gradually, recovery occurs, but sleep disturbance lasts the longest.

2. The ansitated form is characterized by the development of anxiety and motor restlessness with a slowdown in verbal and speech reactions, thought processes with vegetative disorders characteristic of the simple form.

3. Stuporous form in combination with mutism, i.e. numbness and numbness.

4. Twilight form (a twilight state of consciousness appears, unawareness of muttering, misunderstanding of location).

Fright neurosis occurs especially easily in children. It most often occurs in infants and young children. The disease can be caused by new, unusual stimuli, for example, a sharp sound, a bright light, a person in a fur coat or mask, an unexpected imbalance. In older children, fear may be associated with a fight scene, the sight of a drunk person, the threat of physical violence.

At the moment of fright, short-term stuporous states ("numbness" and "numbness") or a state of psychomotor agitation with trembling are observed. Further, this fear can be fixed. In young children, there may be a loss of previously acquired skills and abilities. The child may lose the function of speech, the ability to walk and neatness skills. Sometimes children begin to urinate at the sight of a drunk person, etc.

The course of the disease in most cases is favorable, impaired functions are restored. In children over 5-7 years old, those who have suffered a fright can give rise to the formation of phobias, i.e. obsessional neurosis.

Some people are constantly tense, they have everything in the world causes anxiety, panic. Will prices increase in stores, are there any health problems, will a meteorite fall? Persons who constantly worry about any reason suffer from fear neurosis (another name is anxiety neurotic disorder). Deal with the problem realistically. It is relieved by high-class psychotherapy and the desire of a person to defeat pathology.

Why does anxiety neurosis arise?

Anxiety neurosis has many "fathers". But most often the disorder appears due to:

  • psychological trauma (dismissal, divorce). A person begins to lose ground under his feet, the future becomes foggy. This is what gives rise to neurosis;
  • severe stressful situations (passing an exam, moving to another city, pregnancy). Too sharp inspire uncertainty, cause fear;
  • "Psychological Inheritance". If a child grows up in a “neurotic” family, where parents constantly worry, then he gradually becomes anxious himself.

Anxiety neurosis can be caused not only by mental, but also by physiological problems. It provokes:

  • pathologically active thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disruptions caused by various diseases, menopause;
  • genetic predisposition. According to statistics, people whose close relatives are prone to anxiety neurosis suffer from this disorder several times more often than others.

Manifestations of anxiety-neurotic disorder

Unlike a phobia, where the object of fear is a specific thing, situation, anxiety neurosis does not "crystallize" into something specific. The whole life of an individual suffering from this disorder is “colored” with fear. The sources change from time to time. This fear is not as strong as, but it lasts much longer, giving rise to constant internal tension, a sense of danger.

Anxiety neurosis differs from natural anxiety in its irrationality and intensity. Minor events become the reason for strong feelings in the "anxious neurotic". For example, as soon as a person finds out that the company in which he works has suffered minor losses, it immediately begins to seem that they are about to be cut. And no arguments of reason do not remove fear. Intrusive anxious thoughts constantly “yelling” that they will soon be fired. They interfere with work, interfere with rest. These relentless thoughts give rise to fear of an "ominous" unpredictable future, cause a feeling of complete helplessness.

Also, the disorder causes:

  • serious problems with sleep, gives rise to nightmares. Without sleeping pills, strong sedatives, it is impossible to fall asleep;
  • big problems with concentration, forgetfulness;
  • irritability, easy excitability;
  • chronic fatigue, which is not removed by proper sleep and rest;
  • muscle tension and pain;
  • chronic stomach problems, diarrhea, indigestion;
  • pressure surges, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Anxiety neurosis is the "father" of a host of other psychological problems. It generates:

  • clinical depression. This is a very common companion of anxiety neurosis. Together they make up a kind of tandem, which is often called anxiety-depressive neurosis;
  • hypochondria - continuous pathological anxiety about the state of one's own health;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • a wide variety of "specific" phobias - closed spaces, being late for work, etc. At the same time, fear neurosis does not disappear anywhere, it is present in the mind along with a specific phobia.

How to distinguish neurosis from psychosis?

The similarity between neurosis and psychosis is nothing more than superficial:

  • psychosis "separates" the individual from reality, greatly distorts the perception of the world. Whereas neurosis only exaggerates problems, makes an elephant out of a fly. However, a person perceives what is happening quite sensibly;
  • the neurotic does not have delusional ideas, the course of his thoughts is quite logical. Yes, he may think that, for example, he will be fired when the probability of this is negligible. However, the neurotic will never begin to believe that evil aliens will specially take away his job.

If the unrealistic fear of a neurotic can be broken by arguments of reason, then no facts and evidence will work on a person who has a psychosis.

Treatment of anxiety neurosis

To ease anxiety and anxiety-depressive neurotic disorders, you should use the following recommendations.

Physical exercise

In the treatment of anxiety neurosis, exercise is a natural "anti-stressor". They are:

  • relieve muscle tension;
  • burn "anxious" hormones (adrenaline);
  • stimulate the production of hormones of happiness - serotonin, endorphin;
  • harden the body, make it more resistant to stress.

So try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Do aerobics, run, dance, swim, walk. And often "strain" the muscles of the face. Laugh, smile even at bad jokes. This will ease the internal tension, reduce anxiety.

Pay special attention to breathing

Neurotic disorders always disrupt breathing, make it short and frequent. Calm deep breaths relax, help to release the grip of anxiety. Do the following exercise every 3-4 hours for 5-10 minutes:

  1. Slowly take a deep breath. Do this with your nose (mouth closed).
  2. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds, and begin to exhale very slowly (slower than inhaled).

Give up bad habits

Forget alcohol and cigarettes. They don't help, they only exacerbate the problem. Alcohol and nicotine only temporarily relieve anxiety. Then the fear returns. And with more power.

pharmaceutical treatment

Treatment of anxiety neurosis with pharmaceutical means is used to consolidate the effect of psychotherapy. To solve the problem, the most effective:

  • antidepressants (especially serotonin reuptake inhibitors). These drugs work slowly but surely. Anxiety begins to recede after 2-4 weeks from the start of treatment;
  • tranquilizers (gidazepam and other benzodiazepines). These drugs are used to quickly eliminate severe anxiety attacks, panic attacks. Means act quickly (as early as 30 minutes after administration). However, doctors do not recommend using tranquilizers for a long time, as addiction is possible.

Phytotherapy and folk remedies

Phytotherapy and some folk recipes are very effective against anxiety neurotic disorder:

  • mint with melissa. Another good way to get rid of the problem. We take 50 g of crushed mint leaves and lemon balm. Pour half a liter of boiling water. We do not touch for half an hour to insist. Then we filter and use in small portions;
  • peony tincture. It is sold in a pharmacy. We drink 30-40 drops three times a day for one month;
  • valerian. Good for anxiety neurosis. We take one tablespoon of the root of the plant (in crushed form). Pour a glass of boiling water, leave overnight. In the morning we filter well, drink twice a day for how many tablespoons.

Also very useful bath with valerian. We prepare it like this:

  1. We take 60 grams of the root of the plant, put it in a saucepan.
  2. Fill with water and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. We do not touch the hour so that the remedy is infused.
  4. Then we filter and pour into the bathroom (naturally, first we heat the water in it).

We take a bath for 20 minutes.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of anxiety neurosis

Defeating anxiety-depressive neurosis is best helped

One of the most effective weapons against a tormenting problem is cognitive behavioral therapy. A behavioral specialist determines which thoughts, ideas cause anxiety, and begins to “expose” them.

The therapist asks the client how likely it is that his "catastrophic" assumptions will turn out to be true. And what is the chance that everything will not be so scary. So a person gradually begins to understand the groundlessness, unrealism of his anxieties.

Psychoanalysis is also very effective. The psychoanalyst finds the root cause of anxiety, the "trigger" that gave rise to it (usually in early childhood). Then he helps the client to sublimate the neurotic disorder, turn it into a "psychic useful energy" that moves forward.

Very effective in the fight against anxiety neurosis and hypnotic therapy. A hypnotherapist will work through the patient's neurotic disorder, change his attitude to the root cause of fear, which will allow him to completely get rid of it. Psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin for many years helps to break free from the shackles of anxiety and worry. With the help of time-tested hypnotic techniques, the specialist will work out the fear neurosis, eliminate the symptoms, and build a strong defense in the patient's mind that protects against a painful disorder.

Good practical advice can be found at Youtube channel.

An anxiety neurosis can turn life into a nightmare. However, with the help of an experienced psychotherapist and a personal desire to cope with the problem, it will be possible to regain confidence and inner peace.

Anxiety neurosis is a special form of neurosis (exhaustion of the nervous system under the influence of stress factors), in which the feeling of fear is more pronounced than other symptoms, such as, for example, irritability or fatigue. This psychological disease also has another name - anxiety neurosis or anxiety neurosis.

The development of the disorder can be triggered by only one strong stressful circumstance, or several long-term traumatic situations that gradually awaken fear neurosis.

There are three groups of main factors that can affect the development of the disease.

  1. Stress- occurs when a person cannot control some aspects of public or personal life (loss of work, discord in the family, unrequited love, misunderstanding on the part of others, etc.).
  2. Stressful life events- situations where a person is required to exercise control over their emotions (an exam, the first visit to a kindergarten or school, moving, changing jobs, having a child, losing a loved one, and others).
  3. hereditary predisposition- a person can be born into the world with a tendency to increased anxiety. If in his life there will be a lot of stress and difficult circumstances, then an anxious neurosis will certainly arise.

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis is manifested not only by a change in behavior. It affects the entire body as a whole, affecting the health and vital processes in the body.

The main mental symptoms of the disease include:

  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • agitation (anxiety, manifested in excessive mobility or talkativeness);
  • depression;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • hypochondria (fear for one's health);
  • insomnia or increased sleepiness;
  • aggression - harm to physical or psychological health;
  • in children, nail biting and thumb sucking are common.

Somatic manifestations:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate (more than 90 beats per minute);
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • respiratory failure (need to breathe deeply);
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • feeling of trembling;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tinnitus;
  • enuresis.

How to treat

Unfortunately, many patients with anxiety neurosis turn to a specialist too late. They either go to a therapist complaining of headaches or suspected ailments, or self-medicate without worrying too much about their health.

If you notice one or more of the above symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, you should immediately contact a psychiatrist.

Treatment takes place in two stages:

  1. Psychotherapy.
  2. Prescribing medications.

Methods of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is used for mild neurosis. The main criterion for success in treatment is the establishment of a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient.

The psychotherapist must find out the circumstances that led to the emergence of neurosis, as well as find a way to healing with the help of psychotherapeutic methods:

  1. Belief- a change in the patient's attitude to the situation that caused the disease. In the case of successful psychotherapy, fears and anxieties lose their significance.
  2. direct suggestion- impact on the patient's consciousness through verbal or emotional constructions (for example: “I will count to five and it will happen ...”, “You came to me, sit now in this easy chair, listen to my voice, today you will feel much better”, “Your unconscious will place everything that is needed in its place).
  3. indirect suggestion- the use of an additional stimulus (prescribing a homeopathic remedy or a physiotherapeutic procedure). The patient, in this case, will associate success in treatment with him.
  4. self-hypnosis- information addressed to oneself. It allows you to evoke the sensations and emotions necessary for treatment, as well as pictures from the past.
  5. Autogenic training- the use of muscle relaxation, through which the restoration of control over the patient's health is achieved.
  6. Therapy will be more effective in combination with other methods of eliminating a mild form of neurosis, such as therapeutic exercises, massage sessions and hardening.


In the middle of the 20th century, 2 drugs were used to treat neuroses, including anxiety ones - sodium bromide and potassium bromide as a sedative, and caffeine, which in large doses can depress the nervous system.

Today, psychotherapists are using new tools that can defeat neurosis.


  • aimed at relieving emotional stress, feelings of anxiety and fear, they have a calming and hypnotic effect;
  • have a pronounced anti-anxiety, antiphobic effect, and also reduce muscle tone;
  • stop (stop) all types of anxiety in neurosis, panic attacks, sleep disturbances, obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome with the presence of rituals (movements invented by patients to protect themselves from their fears, as well as calm);
  • relieve somatic symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating and fever.


Such drugs reduce the feeling of melancholy, lethargy, anxiety and apathy, increase mood, activity, improve sleep and appetite.

Used in the treatment of diseases with depressive symptoms:

  1. Tricyclic antidepressants- amitriptyline, imipramine. Treatment begins with a small dose of the drug, which increases over time. The effect of such drugs is visible after 1.5-2 weeks of use.
  2. Selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake – fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine and citalopram. This is the latest generation of antidepressants. They have a minimum of side effects and are effective only with long-term use.
  3. Herbal preparations- are produced on the basis of St. John's wort. They can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, but such antidepressants have many special instructions, for example, the prohibition of visiting the solarium and the beach, as well as the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

It should be noted that all medications should be used after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Childhood anxiety neurosis

The main causes of childhood fear neurosis are conflicts in the family or with peers, less often - physical trauma, serious illness or severe fright.

If a child has recently experienced one of the above circumstances, it is necessary to be attentive to his mental state.

Parents should be concerned about the following manifestations of the disease in children:

  • constant anxiety;
  • obsessive fears (fear of death, darkness);
  • emotional depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent hysterical crying without serious causes;
  • tics and stuttering.

Methods of treatment of childhood anxiety neurosis differ from those used for adults. Psychotherapists rarely use medication, more often they use the following methods:

  1. Art therapy- is a method of treatment with the help of artistic creativity (drawing, modeling, writing). This is a very effective and, at the same time, safe way. Art therapy affects the psycho-emotional state of the child, resolving all internal conflicts. This method promotes the development of self-expression and self-knowledge. With the help of creativity, the child depicts his inner fears, which leads to their gradual disappearance.
  2. Family Therapy– Teaching all family members how to properly interact with each other. Psychotherapists using this method are convinced that the sources of the emergence of neurosis lie in relationships in the family, therefore, the patient can be cured only if the cause is removed.

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, anxiety neurosis has a favorable outcome. But no less important is the support and understanding from loved ones.

Video: Treatment of fear neurosis

obsessive states. Fear is present in all of us, big or small, caused most often by some kind of stressful situation, manifested as a result of natural disasters, after injuries from road accidents or provoked by other extraordinary situations, often of a short duration. It's quite another thing when fear takes shape obsessive neurosis , leaving neither day nor night, torturing absolutely for any reason.

Basic cause of anxiety neurosis most often are psycho-emotional trauma or severe consequences of psychological conflicts. State of neurosisa in such cases, it is of a protracted nature (from 6 months to 1 year, and longer in old age) and accompanies a person for a rather long period, weakening or intensifying, during which it is impossible to get rid of this feeling on your own.

main symptom anxiety neurosis- this is anxiety and fear, independent of the situation, worldview or the outside world. Of such kind obsessive neurosis makes a person see the potential danger even in the simplest life situations. Often realizing the groundlessness of their anxiety states, anxiety neurosis does not allow a person to control his feelings and may suddenly acquire a state of horror.

Causes of anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis affects not only the mental abilities of the patient, making him irritable and emotional, but also significantly weakens the physical condition. On the background irritability and increased emotionality state of neurosis expressed in accelerated heartbeat and breathing, discomfort in the area heart and abdomen, dry mouth, frequent attacks of frequent urination, loss of appetite. Against the background of anxiety and fear, sleep problems arise, significantly weakening the moral and physical condition.

This kind obsessive neurosis does not occur out of the blue, most often causes of anxiety neurosis are:

  1. stressful situations , to which constant fatigue, difficult working conditions or, conversely, lack of work, frequent family conflicts , unfavorable environment (sharp noise, too bright light, etc.).
  2. State of neurosis fear can be provoked and nervous tension at some moments of life (a new job, retirement, the appearance of a child in the family, marriage or marriage, a fatal illness of one of the family members, etc.)

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

To anxiety neurosis symptoms and concerns include:

6. decreased appetite,

7. feeling "coma in the goal",

8. a constant state of anxiety and excessive attention to the functioning of one's own body, to the physical condition of other family members or people around,

In childhood anxiety neurosis accompanied by stuttering, nail biting, nocturnal enuresis, sucking a finger (usually a large one), perverted eating behavior.

Often anxiety neurosis accompanied by phobias (most often agoraphobia, social phobia and other specific phobias).

When diagnosing this type obsessive state it is very important to exclude organic causes (psychosis or psychopathy), anxious depression , which is usually the basis for the development anxiety neurosis.

obsessive neurosis fear can occur with periods of remission of the disease, but during periods of relapse, vegetative crises can be observed ( panic attacks ), increased irritability and tearfulness. In some cases (especially in the elderly) the condition anxiety neurosis may acquire other forms of mental disorders, among which most often occurs agitated depression .

Treatment of anxiety neurosis

AT anxiety neurosis treatment psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are of great importance, which include: attention to the anxieties and fears of the patient, training in methods and ways of managing a state of neurosis, a more condescending attitude on the part of the patient to his fears and their accompanying phobias. A good psychotherapeutic effect can be obtained by using relaxation methods such as meditation, head massage, acupuncture, yoga, physiotherapy with neurosis, breathing exercises, auto-training. Psychological assistance in solving various painful situations for the patient is important. In old age, to increase the effect in treatment obsessive neurosis often positive dynamics is provided by the assistance of social protection workers.

AT anxiety neurosis treatment to increase the therapeutic effect, drugs are prescribed - anxiolytics, which help to consolidate the result of the psychotherapeutic treatment. To improve the psycho-emotional state in the treatment of anxiety neurosis, they do not resort to prescribing synthetic tranquilizers and hypnotic drugs, but use soft herbal preparations that do not cause addiction and dependence.

Herbal decoctions are recommended as maintenance therapy: chamomile flowers , leaves lemon balm or mint, lime color, oregano herbs and motherwort, root valerian officinalis prescribed herbal preparations. More efficient in this case are Valerian P(awarded gold medal exhibition "Medicine and Health", held in Perm in 2008) exhibitions and Motherwort P, which include, in addition to medicinal plant materials, vitamin C, which allows not only to stimulate the body's defenses, to remove the main symptoms anxiety neurosis, manifested autonomic dysfunction and difficulty falling asleep, but also increase stress resistance level , remove free radicals that attack body cells during stress, neurotic and mental disorders.

Higher anxiolytic action, higher than that of valerian 10 times, has cyanosis blue, on the basis of which the biologically active complex is produced Nervo-Vit, which is one of the top 100 products 2012. The composition of Nervo-Vit includes: valerian officinalis, which provides a longer sedative effect, as well as lemon balm and motherwort, which contribute to a faster sedative effect. Vitamin C as part of Nervo-Vit enhances the effect of medicinal herbs and stimulates the synthesis of anti-stress hormones, which is important for reducing symptoms anxiety neurosis. Medicinal herbs that are part of Nervo-Vit are best sedative collection , which, during the production of Nervo-Vit, is subjected to cryogrinding at an ultra-low temperature, which allows not to lose part of their medicinal properties, which are partially lost during high-temperature processing (herbal decoctions, infusions, extracts).
That is why the preparations of the series "Secrets of Longevity" , whose line includes the herbal preparations mentioned above, are more effective in the treatment of various diseases, including mental, neurotic and somatovegetative disorders.

Improve the physical condition of the body, weakened a state of neurosis, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce irritability and tearfulness, characteristic symptoms fear neurosis, vitamin complexes will help. vitamins Apitonus P, provide the body with all the necessary nutrients (amino acids, enzymes, macro- and microelements, vitamins of the main groups) due to the content of natural sources in them - bee pollen) and royal jelly . Antioxidants will improve blood circulation and normalize redox reactions in the body -

In accordance with a specific phobia, a person’s behavior is also violated (for example, if the patient is afraid of closed spaces, then he avoids public transport, elevators, etc.). That is, anxiety neurosis is always associated with certain ideas of a person or a specific situation.

Obsessive actions arising from this disease usually take the form of certain measures to overcome a phobia (for example, with an obsessive fear of infection, a person takes such measures: constantly washes and wipes everything, sterilizes his hands, dishes and clothes, etc.) .

Treatment is selected individually, taking into account age, duration of the disease, symptoms and severity.

Causes and signs of the disease

Anxiety neurosis arises on psychological grounds. The reason may be stress (a conflict in the family, problems at work, etc.) or simply a situation that is very significant for a person (moving to a new home, having a child, a new place of work).

In addition to a clearly expressed fear (a certain phobia), the disease also has the following physiological symptoms:

  • tremor of the limbs and trembling throughout the body;
  • a feeling of chills and the appearance of "goosebumps";
  • Strong headache;
  • symptoms of discomfort from the stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat, heavy sweating;
  • symptoms of sleep disturbance (often wakes up in the middle of the night, cannot fall asleep for a long time);
  • excessive restlessness and motor excitement.

In childhood, the symptoms of anxiety neurosis are also expressed in the fact that the child bites his nails, sucks his finger, logoneurosis (stuttering) and enuresis (urinary incontinence at night) may occur.

A special type of anxiety neurosis is affective-shock neurosis (fright neurosis), which most often occurs in children. It can be caused by a strong unexpected stimulus - a sharp light or a loud sound, the sight of an unusually dressed person (for example, in a carnival costume or mask) or a person in an inadequate state. Usually, young children and simply sensitive, impressionable children are subject to such a fright.

Usually, anxiety neurosis manifests itself in attacks, during which there is high irritability, excitability, tearfulness, symptoms of panic attacks may occur. There is a period of remission between attacks. It is very important to start the treatment of fear neurosis in a timely manner, since with a long course it can develop into serious and severe mental disorders (hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and others)

Treatment Methods

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. This is due to the fact that anxiety neurosis has symptoms similar to other serious diseases. It is advisable to be examined by an endocrinologist, a cardiologist and a neuropathologist. They must exclude the diseases of their profile, or confirm their presence. If any somatic disorders are found, then treatment should begin with them. Otherwise, their course will only aggravate the neurosis.

If doctors do not find other disorders, then the treatment of fear neurosis is carried out by a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of anxiety neurosis solves the following problems:

  1. Teaching the patient to manage their symptoms.
  2. Teaching the patient a different attitude to the symptoms of malaise.
  3. Teaching relaxation techniques (muscular and respiratory).
  4. Conducting hypnotic sessions if necessary.

The goal pursued by psychotherapeutic treatment as a whole is to help the patient in understanding what determines his behavior and help in the formation of a conscious attitude of the patient to his problems. All this leads to a significant reduction or complete elimination of fears and phobias.

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to use medication to stop the symptoms of the disease (at the initial stage or in severe cases of the disease). Tranquilizers, hypnotics, antidepressants and neuroleptics may be used. The doctor selects drugs individually, based on the patient's condition.

anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis belongs to the group of reversible psychological disorders caused by exhaustion of the nervous system. It is characterized by a strong exacerbation of anxiety on the basis of long-term experiences or once severe stress. Hence the second name of this disease is fear neurosis or anxiety neurosis.

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis is characterized by:

  • A pronounced, uncontrollable, unreasonable feeling of fear and anxiety (the patient is afraid of what is not there, or significantly exaggerates the potential danger). Attacks in such cases last no more than 20 minutes, may be accompanied by trembling and general weakness.
  • Loss of orientation in space and time.
  • Loss of energy and rapid fatigue.
  • Sudden and frequent mood swings.
  • Excessive concern about your own health.
  • High susceptibility to bright light, sounds.
  • "Floating" headache and dizziness;
  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and a feeling of oxygen starvation;
  • Disorders of the stool, nausea;
  • Disorders of the stomach;
  • Increased sweating.

These symptoms may appear together or alternate. Some of them are also characteristic of other diseases not associated with mental disorders. For example, some different vegetative manifestations of fear are possible if the patient takes medications prescribed for refusing narcotic drugs. Also, if a person is sick with hyperthyroidism (a syndrome caused by hyperthyroidism) or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, medications and other treatments for anxiety neurosis should be prescribed by a specialist on the basis of a medical history and a complete medical examination.

Fact: according to statistics, women suffer from this disease 2 times more often than men, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels. At the same time, the predominant age group of patients is persons from 18 to 40 years old.

How does the patient's behavior change?

Unexplained sudden attacks of anxiety are negatively reflected in the social, family, personal life of a person, reduce the productivity of his work. Chronic depression, possible aggression towards others, apathy, fatigue are the first signs of the disease.

In the initial stages of the disease, the patient himself notices them, but may not attach serious importance, attributing such behavior to previous stressful situations or fatigue (both physical and mental). For example, fear of an interview, fear of not finding a common language with a new team, an upcoming performance, an exam, or passing a project put psychological pressure on a person. He attributes his excessive irritability and anxiety to preparations for important events.

In the absence of a predisposition to the development of neurosis, such a reaction passes after the accomplishment of these events. In some cases, on the contrary, it is aggravated: fatigue associated with psychological overstrain is added to irritability and bouts of fear. In addition, the patient often begins to "lose" scenes of the implementation of his performance (or other important situation). In the imagination, he changes dialogues and his own actions, trying to choose the best option for himself.

While the patient's imagination is occupied, in reality his behavior becomes inadequate and is accompanied by inhibition of reaction, sudden irritability and other characteristic symptoms of anxiety neurosis.

What to do relatives

Anxiety neurosis interferes with life not only for the patient himself, but also for his close circle, since attacks of fear can manifest themselves at any time and in any place. For example, a sick person may call relatives in the middle of the night and report their suspicions about some kind of danger, which, as it seems to them, will happen soon. During such a sudden awakening (and even for an unreasonable reason), it is difficult to restrain emotions, a person suffering from anxiety neurosis can easily run into a wall of misunderstanding and an increased tone of voice.

Meanwhile, this is precisely what cannot be allowed. In any such situation, people around should reckon with the very fact of the disease, and in relation to the patient, show exceptional calmness and attention. This does not mean that you need to play along with the patient, agreeing with his fears. But it does require moral support. The patient needs to be reassured, explained that nothing terrible will happen (everything is under control), that if there is some kind of difficult situation, then you will overcome it together.

With anxiety neurosis, a person is aware of the violations of his mental health. At the same time, his independent attempts to restore peace of mind do not lead to a positive result. In especially neglected cases, the disease completely "eats" the neurotic from the inside, imposing thoughts of suicide. Therefore, support and help from outside is vital for him. The patient must be persuaded to contact a specialist (neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapist).

What can cause the disorder

With a latent course, anxiety neurosis can worsen against the background of global changes in life: a change of residence, the loss of a loved one, serious illnesses. Only stress, both single and caused by long-term effects on the psyche, can provoke an anxiety neurosis.

Among the factors that are predisposing to the development of the disease, there are:

  • Diseases and disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Organic changes in the adrenal cortex and individual structures of the brain.
  • Hereditary predisposition (the risk of the disease increases by 2 times compared with people who do not have relatives with this disorder).
  • Fatigue associated with an excess of physical activity.
  • Psychological factors.

In itself, the feeling of anxiety does not threaten the physical health of a person, but is a somatic manifestation of a mental disorder.

How is neurosis different from psychosis?

The disease proceeds without organic damage to the brain, but needs treatment (often protracted). It is forbidden to carry it out on your own, otherwise the patient's condition can only worsen. Improper drug treatment of anxiety neurosis can lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, deterioration of the mental state.

The course and duration of treatment for this disease is prescribed by the doctor. Consultation with a specialist is necessary already at the first symptoms, since a short period of time is enough for the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Often, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to have a conversation with the patient, for example, in order to exclude psychosis that has similar symptoms. The difference between psychosis and neurosis is that with psychosis, the patient is not able to realize the fact of the disease itself, and with anxiety neurosis, as a rule, he understands that he has certain mental health problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a complete medical examination in order to make an accurate diagnosis.


It is always easier to prevent a disease than to get rid of it later. Prevention of anxiety neurosis involves the observance of simple and well-known rules. Namely:

  1. Maintaining a balance between physical activity, mental stress and rest.
  2. Balanced and timely nutrition, the abundance of consumed vitamins.
  3. Refusal of habits that interfere with a healthy lifestyle (in addition to smoking, drinking alcohol and psychotropic drugs, you should also limit your own pastime at the computer if it is not part of the work).
  4. Sports help keep the body in good shape, distract and give emotional relief.
  5. Sound and long enough sleep. To exclude any violations of it, you need to drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey or a glass of green tea before going to bed.
  6. Having a hobby that will provide emotional pleasure.
  7. Self-development and self-education.
  8. Healthy communication (offline).
  9. Listening to auto-training to help overcome stress.

All this requires not so much material investments as discipline and willpower.

How to treat anxiety disorder

Treatment of anxiety neurosis is carried out in a complex way, drug therapy is combined with psychotherapy sessions. Taking medications without talking to a psychiatrist will be ineffective, since medications can only lower the anxiety threshold, but if the very reason for exceeding it persists, relapses will occur. Experts in the field of psychiatry and psychology should identify the cause of excessive and sudden anxiety and help eliminate it. Only after this (or in parallel with consultations) can the patient be prescribed drug treatment.

The types of drugs, the rules and the frequency of their administration are prescribed individually depending on the stage and duration of the disease, the presence of other diseases in the patient and individual intolerance to certain components in the composition of drugs.

How to treat anxiety neurosis with medication

If the patient turned to specialists at the initial stage of anxiety neurosis, treatment will be carried out with mild antidepressants. If the situation improves, he will also be prescribed maintenance therapy, the course of which ranges from 6 months to 1 year. In particularly difficult cases, the patient needs treatment in a hospital under the constant supervision of physicians.

Among the sedative drugs acceptable for the treatment of anxiety neurosis, the combined remedy "Novo-Passit" is distinguished, in the formula of which extracts of medicinal plants and guaifenesin are present. It is released in pharmacies without a prescription. It is taken strictly according to the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.

To increase the general tone in anxiety-depressive neurosis, "Glycine", which is a replaceable amino acid, is used.

Antidepressants are prescribed for all types of neuroses accompanied by symptoms of depression. Different preparations of this series have different effects on the patient's body and his problem, therefore they are selected by a specialist depending on the symptoms of the disease. For the treatment of anxiety-depressive neurosis, Gelarium, Deprim, Melipramin, Saroten, Cipramil and others are prescribed.

Homeopathy and multivitamin complexes, such as Duovit, Magne-B6, are prescribed as auxiliary drugs.

Psychotherapy for anxiety-depressive neurosis

Drug treatment is only an auxiliary way to fix the problem. The main role is given to psychotherapy sessions, in which, in addition to analyzing the patient's behavior, his thinking is studied and corrected. After identifying the situation that causes anxiety attacks in the patient, the psychiatrist forces the patient to plunge into it again and again. Thus, a person struggles with his illness already under the control of a specialist, and learn step by step to prevail over the problem.

The principle of living anxiety in full (without trying to overcome or suppress attacks of fear) refers to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. This method consists in the fact that after each acute experience of fear, the symptoms of anxiety neurosis will appear less intensely until they disappear completely.

From 5 to 20 procedures help a patient with anxiety neurosis to get rid of irrational beliefs and negative patterns of thinking that make you "wind up" yourself and provoke excessive fear.

In the treatment of anxiety neurosis, infusions of medicinal plants are also taken: chamomile, motherwort, valerian. These funds, along with medications, are considered auxiliary, since the main emphasis is on psychotherapeutic treatment.

All this has not been attributed to neuroses for a long time, because the very concept of "neurosis" is controversial and vague. This is called generalized anxiety disorder. In ICD10, the word “neurosis” was thrown out of the definition and rightly so. It is definitely impossible to say what provokes it, since it can be an independent syndrome, or it can be related to agoraphobia or a mixed anxiety and depressive reaction due to an adaptation disorder. And here we are already moving into an area about which they politely say "etymology is not completely clear."

Finding stress behind everything is a lot of fun. What if there is an anxiety disorder, but there was no stress? But try to find a person who did not have stress. Therefore, you can always talk about stress.)))

Nothing to do with this stress, to be honest? Generalized anxiety disorder can be endogenous in nature, just like depression.

How to identify and treat anxiety disorder

Constant stress, overwork, lack of movement, combined with a serious conflict between desires and possibilities, lead to anxiety neurosis. Advanced forms of fear neurosis (anxiety) in conjunction with phobias and obsessive-compulsive states are treated only by specialists. But anxiety neurosis in the initial stage can be corrected independently.


In modern psychotherapy, there is the concept of three types of neuroses - obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurasthenia and hysteria. This article will focus on anxiety neurosis, one of the forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. With this type of neurosis, the experience of fear and anxiety becomes a priority. Against the background of general anxiety when faced with a real or imaginary danger, phobias develop. A phobia is an obsessive fear of objects, situations or activities that interferes with the social life of an individual.

A person with increased anxiety can hear on TV that an earthquake has occurred at some point on the globe, and begins to experience obsessive fear, is afraid to live on a floor above the second and cannot fall asleep, presenting terrible pictures of natural disasters. Phobias tend to expand the "sphere of influence". So, if a dog frightens a person on a walk, he will first be afraid to walk in the same place, then all dogs, even small ones, and, finally, he will begin to experience panic fear even when leaving the house to the nearest store.

The most common types of phobias in anxiety neurosis:

  • agoraphobia (fear of open spaces);
  • social phobias (fear of public speaking, "disgrace" in public);
  • fear of germs (plus an obsessive state of frequent washing of hands, wiping door handles);
  • carcinophobia (fear of getting cancer);
  • claustrophobia;
  • fear of going crazy
  • fear that something will happen to the family.

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis (anxiety neurosis)

Anxiety neurosis is perceived by the psyche as stress, to which it reacts with increased readiness - that is, the tension of all the forces of the body and the release of adrenaline. The body experiences fatigue, and on the basis of fear neurosis, such physiological manifestations as headache, sweating, pain in different parts of the body and internal organs, goosebumps, dizziness, appetite and digestion disorders, frequent urination, tremor of the extremities, darkening of the eyes.

Mental symptoms include obsessive thoughts and actions, low or high self-esteem, hypochondria, sudden mood changes, aggressiveness with weak stimuli, increased sensitivity to light, sounds and temperature. In response to a stressful situation, a person in a state of anxiety neurosis withdraws into himself, fixates on one action or thought, or chooses avoidance - for example, never again go to the place where he experienced stress.

Often, fear neurosis coexists with such states as derealization (feeling of the unreality of what is happening) and depersonalization (a “strange” feeling of oneself). Often there are panic attacks and hyperventilation of the lungs.

In general, a person with a neurosis of fear constantly feels emotional stress, quickly gets tired and does not get enough sleep. He also worries about everything and has difficulty choosing priorities in life and fulfilling his social roles. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it as early as possible, at the first manifestations, while they still do not interfere with a person's life.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of anxiety neurosis is the conflict between the desires and goals of a person and the impossibility of achieving them. At the same time, a pathological focus of excitation constantly operates in the brain. Neuroses, including anxiety ones, always arise as a result of a long-term stressful effect of a situation on the psyche. Fear and anxiety at the same time become "chronic" - as a reaction to a painful internal conflict.

For example, the cause of anxiety neurosis can be a long divorce process, an exhausting job that a person wants to leave but cannot for some reason, a disease of a loved one that cannot be influenced, etc. Anxiety neurosis can also be caused by an overprotective parent, who does not allow making an independent choice in life. In this case, the internal conflict “I want - I can’t” is complicated by feelings of resentment towards the parent, guilt before him.

Treatment methods

First of all, the treatment of anxiety neurosis includes the search for its cause and, in accordance with it, the selection of suitable treatment tactics. Anxiety disorders are treated in several ways:

  1. behavioral therapy.
  2. Cognitive therapy.
  3. Hypnosis.
  4. Medical treatment.

Behavioral psychotherapy aims to teach a person to respond appropriately to emerging anxiety, fear, panic, and physical discomfort. A psychologist can advise relaxation techniques, auto-training, and concentration on positive thoughts. Cognitive psychotherapy identifies thinking errors and corrects the way of thinking in the right way. It often helps people with anxiety to talk about their fears and get support.

If the anxiety neurosis is overgrown with severe phobias, hypnosis can be effective, in which the effect is not on the consciousness, but on the subconscious of the patient. During a hypnosis session, a person returns a sense of security and trust in the world. If the above methods did not help, medications are prescribed - antidepressants and tranquilizers. But in most cases anxiety neurosis can be alleviated or eliminated in milder ways.

How to cope with the disease yourself

You can cope with the initial stage of anxiety neurosis on your own if you approach your condition consciously and draw up the correct treatment regimen. It is necessary to eliminate all destructive influences - unhealthy diet, alcohol and nicotine abuse. With self-treatment, the rule “in a healthy body - a healthy mind” applies. For effective treatment, try to spend more time outdoors, be in the sun, start doing exercises and walk more often. Keep a regular diet, drink enough clean water and eat foods rich in vitamins. This approach will avoid a depressive state (depression) and taking antidepressants.

But all this, though necessary, but long methods. What to do if you need a quick removal of the neurosis of fear, stress, aggression? In case of fear in its very beginning, try to overcome yourself. Of course, this method is not suitable in case of serious phobias. Eliminate negative information from your life - stop watching and reading the news, refrain from watching frightening films and TV programs, do not communicate with people who like to discuss world cataclysms and their own problems. If there is a feeling of lack of air, breathe into the bag, inspire yourself that the emerging panic is just a state, and there is no reason for fear. Relaxing music is good for relieving anxiety.

The main condition for self-healing is to find and eliminate the internal conflict. Without this, all measures will bring only temporary relief. Analyze the changes in your condition: when did the symptoms of the disease begin, what happened in your life? It is possible that some kind of difficult situation continues to this day, and causes tension and anxiety. If you cannot find it on your own or it cannot be eliminated, be sure to consult a psychotherapist.

Thus, fear neurosis (anxiety neurosis) is a condition that is not dangerous for life and the psyche, however, it is very unpleasant and painful, which can greatly reduce the quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary not to ignore its presence, but to treat it, simultaneously eliminating the cause - a deep internal conflict.

What is FEAR NEUROSIS and its symptoms

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, psychasthenia and anxiety neurosis were isolated from neurasthenia as an independent form. The latter was first described in 1892, that is, several years before his creation of psychoanalysis.

The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a feeling of anxiety or fear. Most often it occurs acutely, suddenly, less often - slowly, gradually intensifying. Having arisen, this feeling does not leave the patient throughout the day and often lasts for weeks or months. Its intensity fluctuates between a slight feeling of anxiety and pronounced fear, followed by bouts of horror.

Fear does not depend on any situation or any representations, it is unmotivated, meaningless, devoid of plot. Fear is primary and, in a psychologically understandable way, cannot be derived from other experiences.

Often, under the influence of fear, disturbing fears arise, psychologically understandably associated with it. They are unstable. The degree of their intensity depends on the strength of fear.

With the disappearance or weakening of the feeling of fear, these fears also disappear. Anything that increases the feeling of anxiety, fear, can cause or exacerbate these fears. Thus, discomfort in the region of the heart or hearing a story that someone died of a myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, got cancer, or “went crazy” can give rise to corresponding fears. At the same time, fear is primary, and the fear of dying from a heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage, getting cancer or a mental disorder is secondary. It does not have the character of a persistent overvalued hypochondriacal idea or phobia, but only of an anxious fear. Under the influence of persuasion, the patient often agrees that he is not in danger of death “from heart failure”, but the fear persists and either immediately changes the plot (“well, I don’t know, maybe not a heart attack, but another terrible disease”), or temporarily becomes empty, free-floating fear.

Sometimes, depending on the content of anxious fears, patients take certain measures of "protection" - more or less adequate to the content of the fear, for example, they ask not to be left alone so that there is someone to help if "something terrible" happens to them, or they avoid physical activity, if they are afraid for the state of the heart, they are asked to hide sharp objects if there is a fear of going crazy (there are no rituals).

The state of fear can periodically intensify sharply, giving way to attacks of horror with unmotivated fear or, most often, with the expectation of death, for example, “from heart failure”, “brain hemorrhage”.

In connection with the dominance of feelings of anxiety or fear, patients note difficulty in concentrating on any activity, increased excitability, and affective instability. At times they are anxious, agitated, looking for help. Often they have painful, unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart or epigastrium, giving a sense of fear a vital shade. Arterial pressure during the period of illness in patients remains within the normal range or at its lower limit. At the height of the affect of fear, it rises somewhat. At this time, there is an increase in heart rate and respiration, dry mouth, and sometimes an increase in the urge to urinate.

During illness, the appetite is reduced. Due to the constant feeling of anxiety and loss of appetite, patients often lose weight, although not very dramatically. Sexual desire is usually reduced. Many have difficulty falling asleep, disturbing sleep with nightmares. The galvanic skin component of the orienting reaction often occurs spontaneously and is inextinguishable throughout the study.

The duration of anxiety neurosis most often ranges from 1 to 6 months, sometimes the disease takes a protracted course and can last for years. In the involutionary period, in general, as is known, states of fear arise more often than in other periods of life. During this period, the neurosis of fear easily takes a protracted course.

Causes of anxiety neurosis

The cause of fear neurosis can be a strong mental shock, as well as less abrupt, but longer-acting psychotraumatic factors leading to the emergence of a conflict (coexistence of conflicting aspirations).

An important role in the formation of anxiety neurosis is played by the first attack of fear, which marked the beginning of the disease. It can be caused not only by psychogenic, but also by physiogenic causes.

According to psychologists, strong emotional upheavals experienced in childhood that caused stress can contribute to the emergence of fear neurosis in adults. The reasons for them may be fear, separation from parents, a sudden change in the usual environment, experiences associated with the fact that little attention is being paid to the child due to the birth of a brother or sister.

Sometimes a neurosis of fear, as noted by V. V. Kovalev, turns into a hypochondriacal neurosis. At the same time, the paroxysmal imagery characteristic of fear neurosis gradually smooths out and disappears, and fears take on a more permanent, although not so acute, character.

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Anxiety neurosis

Phobias and various fears are very diverse, they are most common. At the same time, the nature of the behavior of patients is appropriate. It is not difficult to determine the signs of anxiety neurosis, since the patient's behavior demonstrates them quite eloquently. For example, the patient begins to be afraid of certain objects, he asks relatives to remove this object from him as far as possible. In the event that a person is afraid of closed spaces, then he can hardly endure public transport, he cannot stay indoors if it is closed, especially if he is alone.

With fear of pollution, the patient can wash his hands all day long, without even stopping when the skin begins to change. At the same time, such people constantly try to boil towels, linen, various rags, achieving their sterility. If the fear neurosis is expressed in infarctophobia, then such a person constantly fears that a heart attack may overtake him on the street, and no one will notice this and will not help. In this regard, the patient chooses a route to work that runs close to pharmacies or clinics. But if such a person is sitting in the doctor's office, then he understands that the fears are unfounded, and calms down.

Thus, fear neurosis is due to various phobias associated with specific situations, a group of ideas. Basically, obsessive actions are in the nature of the necessary measures taken above, when a person does not tolerate a closed room, fears open areas, and so on. Sometimes patients say that they are inexplicably drawn to count windows, train cars, passing cars of a certain color, and so on. Some tics, especially complex ones, can be attributed to the same category.

Separation of states in anxiety neurosis

In anxiety neurosis, obsessive states can be subdivided into obsessive ideas, fears, and thoughts, but such measures are conditional. The fact is that each obsessive phenomenon is very conditional, since it contains certain ideas, drives and feelings that are closely related to each other. Many patients have their own rituals and obsessions. The anxiety neurosis observed in psychasthenic psychopaths is regarded as a neurosis of a special form, called psychasthenia. Among the main features of psychasthenics are timidity, indecision, constant doubt, a state of anxious suspiciousness. In particular, they are characterized by such qualities as an increased sense of duty, anxiety.

The basis is a reduced mental stress, and as a result, full-fledged higher mental acts are replaced by lower ones. Anxiety neurosis can be expressed in the inability to perform a certain function, since a person constantly fears that he will fail. Moreover, this can apply to absolutely any area. More often it has to do with public speaking, sexual functions, and so on. In addition, fear neurosis has no age restrictions, both children and the elderly are susceptible to it. For example, a speech disorder can occur due to the fact that there was an unsuccessful reading of the report in public, during which the person was worried, and speech inhibition occurred. It is not surprising that in the future, the anxious expectation of failure in public speaking is fixed, and passes to any ordinary situation.

According to the same principle, the expectation of failure during intercourse develops when one of the partners felt not up to par. Anxiety neurosis is always accompanied by considerable anxiety; this is its main symptom. In itself, fear is not dependent on the situation or some ideas, but rather it can be called meaningless, without motivation. Such fear is primary and psychologically incomprehensible; it is not derived from other experiences, but arises on its own. Sometimes, under the influence of such fear, disturbing fears arise that have nothing to do with this fear. Anxiety neurosis is often associated with a hereditary predisposition. A significant role in the formation of the disease is assigned to the first attack, which is the beginning of the disease.

Variants of fear neurosis

The occurrence of this disease can be affected by certain somatic causes, the presence of psycho-traumatic and psychogenic factors is also important. A special variant of this disease is considered to be affective-shock neurosis, otherwise it is called fright neurosis, which has its own forms. The simple form is characterized by a slow course of mental processes, as well as certain somato-vegetative disorders. The course of the disease is acute, it occurs after a mental shock injury, signaling danger. At the same time, the person turns pale, tachycardia occurs, blood pressure fluctuates, and the nature of breathing is rapid.

In particular, this form is characterized by increased urination, loss of appetite, and dryness occurs in the mouth. A person can lose weight, his hands begin to tremble, weakness in his legs is felt. Thought processes are also inhibited, the verbal-speech reaction worsens. Recovery occurs gradually, but it is most difficult to restore disturbed sleep. In the asensitized form, anxiety is typical, there is motor restlessness, verbal and speech reactions are also slowed down. The stuporous form of anxiety neurosis is combined with mutism when numbness is observed.

Anxiety neurosis occurs especially easily in childhood, infantile children, as well as babies, suffer more often. The reason is irritants of an unusual kind. Sometimes these are sharp sounds, a sharp imbalance, or the sight of a person in a mask, a fur coat. Older children can be very scared when they see a fight scene, a drunk person. The moment of fright may be accompanied by numbness, psychomotor agitation, trembling. In the future, this fear may take hold and require treatment.

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