How to properly treat obesity in dogs? Obesity in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment Nutrition for an overweight dog

When a dog becomes obese, it becomes susceptible to cancer, diabetes and other ailments. What should be the diet for an obese dog, and how long should it be followed in order to achieve weight loss - you will learn about all this from our article.

Before choosing a dietary dog ​​food, you need to make sure that such measures are even necessary. First, take a good look at your pet from above and from the side. As a rule, a representative of a certain breed is characterized by standard body contours and body structure. You need to evaluate these parameters on your pet.

For example, if you look at the dog from above, you should see a narrowed area (waist) in front of the hind legs. If it is absent, this is the first sign that the animal has recovered a little. Even if you examine your four-legged friend from the side, you should see a smooth transition from the chest to the stomach. When your pet’s back contours are too wide and the stomach sags significantly, it’s time to create a daily dietary menu.

Another effective method for assessing a dog's weight is to feel the ribs. Run your hand along the side: with normal weight indicators, you will not notice the dog’s ribs externally, but you can easily feel them. Otherwise, your dog needs to lose some weight. Weighing is considered the most accurate analysis. To do this, use data on the standard weight and height of large or medium-sized dogs. Based on this, you will calculate your pet's weight and find out whether you really need to put him on a diet.

Among the common reasons for a dog to gain excess weight, it is also worth highlighting castration or sterilization. Since a sharp hormonal imbalance can be seen against this background, the dog begins to actively recover. In some cases, it all comes down to the genetic characteristics of the breed.

Interestingly, there are many varieties of dogs that have problems with excess weight - this is an integral part of the species. Among the animals at risk, it is worth highlighting retrievers, Labradors, basset dogs, pugs, Pekingese, bulldogs, etc.

Why is excess weight dangerous?

Optimizing weight isn't just about making your dog look better. This is, in fact, the key to health. If you do not start to deal with this problem in time, the situation may worsen and lead to the following consequences:

  • motor dysfunction;
  • joint diseases;
  • ligament ruptures;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • lack of endurance in the animal;
  • problems with the functioning of the spine;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • increased risk of respiratory diseases;
  • obesity of the liver, as well as other internal organs, preventing their normal functioning;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the coat;
  • the occurrence of various respiratory ailments.

Find out how to lose weight for a dog quickly and without harm to health, and you can return the joys of an active life to your four-legged friend.

How to get your pet in shape

If your dog's obesity makes itself felt, it is necessary to put him on a low-calorie diet. However, in addition to this, regular physical activity is of great importance. Combine these components, take an integrated approach, and you will soon notice how your pet begins to lose weight. Let's look at what exactly is required of you below.

Special diet

It is better to start losing weight for your dog by drawing up a daily dietary menu. Your veterinarian will help you with this matter. It is necessary to draw up a plan for a gradual transition to a special dry food for weight loss (for example, PetDiets). It is important to observe portion sizes so that the dog receives all the necessary vitamins and does not go hungry. As a rule, during this period it is better to give preference to foods containing fiber rather than carbohydrates.

Physical activity

If your fat, fat dog is unable to move around properly, your key goal is to help him lose weight quickly. In this case, you will prevent the development of many serious diseases. In addition to diet, you need to focus on regular physical activity.

You should not feed your pet before going for a walk. Consider your four-legged friend's preferences. If he likes to chase balls, play this game with him. If the dog often entertains himself by digging holes, great! The main thing is to find a suitable place for this.

Why do dogs gain excess weight? The reasons may be serious diseases that provoke metabolic disorders, or genetic predisposition - but these are isolated cases. Most often, obesity is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, which is common when living in apartments. Neutered dogs are also at risk: due to hormonal changes, they become more prone to weight gain. In addition, some breeds are naturally “prone to obesity.” You've probably seen a "chubby" Labrador or Welsh Corgi at dog parks at least once.

Up to a certain point, the rounded contours of a pet may seem funny, but excess weight is always an additional burden on the body. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, “slight” excess weight will develop into obesity - an absolutely real problem that affects the dog’s quality of life. Obesity provokes the development of serious diseases, many of which (for example, heart failure and diabetes) are irreversible. Now add to this problems with joints and spine, from which almost all overweight animals suffer! Obviously, it’s not worth risking your pet’s health, and excess weight can and should be fought.

Obesity in dogs: symptoms

How to determine if your pet's weight is normal? First of all, familiarize yourself with the breed standard. It indicates the optimal range of weight and height at the withers, and normally these indicators are maintained.

If you don’t have a standard certificate at hand or the dog is a mixed breed, use other techniques. First, feel your pet's ribs. If you are of normal weight, you will be able to do this easily. If the ribs cannot be felt, the dog is most likely overweight.

And one more way. Examine the dog when it is lying on its side. Normally, the ribs will stand out and protrude above the level of the abdomen. With obesity, the ribs do not stand out and the transition from the chest to the abdomen is almost invisible. Also, in an overweight dog, it is difficult to track the movement of the chest during inhalation and exhalation.

Other symptoms of obesity include a waddling gait (unless pregnant), shortness of breath, and fatigue.

Obesity in a dog: what to do?

An overweight dog should be seen by a veterinarian first. He will examine her, conduct tests if necessary, prescribe a special diet and give recommendations on physical activity.

A properly selected diet is a key component in the fight against excess weight. The action of diets for overweight dogs (for example, Monge Vetsolution Obesity) is aimed at improving metabolism, weight loss, maintaining optimal physical shape and strengthening the immune system. To achieve results, it is very important to strictly follow the veterinarian’s recommendations and adhere to feeding standards. Additional complementary foods and especially “delicacies” from the table are unacceptable in the diet!

The intensity of physical activity is individual for each dog. For example, the life of a border collie is unthinkable without running, jumping and passing obstacles, and jumping from high surfaces is contraindicated for dachshunds. Your veterinarian will tell you how intense the load should be and what exercises will be beneficial specifically for your dog. But one rule applies to everyone: physical activity should be increased gradually. Soberly assess the capabilities and health status of your dog.

We wish your pets to always stay in shape!

Obesity in dogs is a fairly serious disease. If left untreated, the pet's lifespan and quality of life can be significantly reduced. And this is due not only to the fact that the diet is composed incorrectly, but also to an increase in portions and other factors. It seems to owners that the more there is in the bowl, the more satisfying the pet’s meal will be. In fact, there is too much harm from this approach. And violating dog feeding standards can lead to negative consequences.

Before treating an animal, you need to know what caused the problem. There are many causes of obesity in dogs. Let's look at them in detail:


One of the most common causes of obesity in dogs. Owners try to pour in more food, forgetting about the recommended dosage. Or they put in so much food that a single serving of calories exceeds the dog’s daily requirement. It is necessary to correctly calculate the portion. If dry food is used as food, then the package says how much gram of food is required for each kilogram of animal weight. If it is natural food, then it should be easily broken down (not fatty, not high-calorie).

Be sure to pay attention to the activity of the animal, age, health status. Females need to be given smaller portions, but if they are pregnant or nursing, then they will have to add more food. It is better to give more often, but little by little. Take a smaller bowl, it will be easier.

Low animal activity

Obesity in dogs occurs not only due to the large intake of calories into the body, but also due to the fact that they are not spent. If the pet moves little, you walk with it for about five minutes only to relieve itself, then there is a high risk that the dog will become obese.

Metabolic disease

Animals also often suffer from impaired metabolism. If it is accelerated, then the dog will be thin, even if it eats a lot (but you must be sure that the animal does not have helminths or hidden pathological processes). But often the violation occurs in the direction of slowing down. And this is where the serious problems begin. Not only does obesity develop, but your pet may develop diabetes. Because of it, excess weight in a dog becomes a real problem.


Many people have heard the expression “stress eating.” Animals also experience nervous shock. But they can only be eaten if a person succumbs to their cute, begging eyes and puts food in the bowl. Remember that dogs eat as if in reserve, as if they won’t give you any more. Dogs that previously lived on the street are especially susceptible to this kind of “food absorption.” They are often afraid that they will no longer be fed. And fear is a stress factor for them. Be patient, the animal needs time to understand that the days of hunger are over. But even if your dog was brought from a kennel, try to monitor its mental health.


Some breeds (Dachshunds, Labradors or Rottweilers) already have a genetic predisposition to obesity. Their diet must be monitored by selecting special dietary food. If the pet’s parents were plump, then there is a high risk that your mustache will become rounded and covered with a layer of fat.

Symptoms of Obesity in Dogs

Obesity symptoms in dogs are almost the same as in humans. Fat deposits appear: first under the skin, and then on the internal organs. But it is very important not to confuse excess weight with edema or other pathologies. For example, many owners think that the puppy is just plump and well-fed, but in fact the baby has a severe infestation - the intestines are full of helminths.

The main sign that a dog has already begun to have problems with obesity is when it is difficult to see the ribs. Normally, when a dog runs or moves, the last 2 ribs are visible (they do not connect to the sternum, they are shorter). When a dog is obese, they will no longer be visible. In addition, they are extremely difficult to probe. There is already a lot of subcutaneous fat.

The belly gradually becomes rounder and fat is deposited evenly throughout the body. And the thicker its layer, the greater the degree of obesity, the higher the risk of developing serious diseases of internal organs. The sooner you need to choose an anti-obesity diet food instead of your usual food.

Another symptom is a “duck” gait, which occurs due to “pads” of fat on the hips. Excess weight makes it difficult for the dog to walk, and shortness of breath may occur. And here it is a vicious circle. The animal walks little, which means that weight is not lost, but only gained, and the more weight it has, the harder it is to walk. Therefore, the animal lies down more.

Why is it necessary to fight obesity?

If obesity in a dog is left unattended, a number of health problems will begin very soon. It’s not even possible to immediately say which organ will suffer “first.” Everything suffers at least a little at the same time.


He has to work almost to exhaustion. In addition, the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases. There is a high risk that plaques will form from it, blockage of blood vessels, or disruption of blood flow. Blood pressure rises. Those who have ever had hypertension understand how terrible they feel. High blood pressure is dangerous because blood vessels can burst (including in the brain).


Due to their heavy weight, they experience enormous stress, become deformed, and thicken. Osteochondrosis develops. Over time, it becomes extremely difficult for the animal to simply move around. It's getting harder and harder for the joints to bend.


Fatty degeneration develops. The liver performs more than a dozen functions, and not all of them are related to digestion. And as soon as this organ suffers, everything in the whole body goes awry. The eyes, or rather the whites, can tell you about a diseased liver. It starts to turn yellow. And the more distinct the yellowness, the more serious the problems. Jaundice occurs due to an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. It affects the brain, so the animal needs to be treated as soon as possible.


The pancreas also has a hard time. As a result, diabetes mellitus may develop. And then you will have to create a diet, calculating the amount of carbohydrates so as not to harm the animal. In a very severe stage, insulin injections are necessary.


It is definitely necessary to treat your dog for obesity. Even if in some cases it looks funny and touching, then in reality there is nothing funny. The animal suffers, the whole body experiences a lot of stress, which will ultimately shorten the pet’s life.

Natural nutrition in the diet

If it is confirmed that the dog is obese, treatment should begin on the same day. You should not choose your own diet. Many owners make a huge mistake - they starve their dog. This will cause even more harm.

  • Review your diet. Reduce the amount of food in one serving. Feed more often, but in small amounts. It's called fractional meals. Eliminate all fatty foods.
  • Enrich your diet with vegetables. Firstly, they are full of vitamins. When dieting, it is very important not to stop providing the body with useful substances. Secondly, vegetables contain a lot of coarse fibers that cleanse the intestines, allowing it to better perform its functions. Thirdly, you can eat a lot of vegetables, because their calorie content is extremely low.
  • Choose low-calorie porridges for dogs: oatmeal, buckwheat. Boil them in water without salt and oil. Your pet will quickly get enough of the porridge. No potatoes, no rice. Extra carbohydrates that will add even more pounds. But do not overuse grain foods.
  • Meat cannot be excluded. Protein is essential for muscles. After all, in addition to the diet, the animal will have to be “chased” so that the dog burns calories. But be sure to ask your veterinarian exactly what loads and in what quantities are allowed. If the weight is very heavy, then it will be very difficult for the dog to run, and this will also lead to additional stress on the heart and joints.

Take lean meat, remove all fatty particles. Chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit. Along with the diet, symptomatic treatment is necessary (strengthen the heart and blood vessels, restore the liver, bind and remove bilirubin from the intestines so that it does not have time to be absorbed and enter the blood). The veterinarian will write a detailed plan and prescribe medications in therapeutic doses.

Industrial feed

If you feed your dog dry food, immediately remove the one you have always given. Most likely it became the cause of obesity. You need to choose a new dietary food for dogs prone to obesity. It contains enough vitamins, but the calorie content is low. Therefore, the extra pounds will slowly be lost. Finding dietary food for dogs is not easy. It is best to purchase grain-free. Wellness Core Reduced Fat, EVO Reduced Fat, Orijen Senior are used all over the world as food for weight loss. They are not cheap, but it's worth it. They are maximally balanced, all ratios are observed.

Physical exercise

The dog should not lose weight very quickly! It’s better to go slowly, gradually, so that the metabolism speeds up and the body gets used to it. Physical activity should also increase gradually. At first just long walks, the dog should walk a lot. Increase your route by a kilometer every day. And it will be useful for you.

As soon as you notice that your dog has begun to lose weight, you can add physical activity. Accelerated running (stop fetching, run yourself), jumping over barriers. Increase your walking time. If you can, go to special sites, ask for help at the canine center. The dog trainer will select a special program for weight loss. First, your dog needs to lose weight.

Over time, the body will get used to the load, so it needs to be increased wisely. Once the fat disappears, you will notice how much your dog enjoys exercising. She will continue to do all the exercises with pleasure. Her muscles will begin to build, her heart will become stronger.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

Every dog, including less active breeds, excels at running. If signs of obesity appear in dogs, then a sharp deterioration in health is observed. Obesity is a disease characterized by the accumulation of excess fatty deposits. Dogs that overeat are predisposed to developing fat deposits. Obesity in dogs is fraught with serious complications, for example, reduced life expectancy. The animal's organs are primarily affected by the disease: bones and joints, the intestinal tract system, and the respiratory system. The owner must not only love the dog, but also be able to take care of it. An animal is a dependent creature, since humans make choices for it. Replace sweets with healthy vegetables and fruits, dietary cookies, and make meat products and sausage as a reward.

Signs of completeness:

  • weight gain;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • inactivity of the animal;
  • exceeding weight standards.
  • pregnancy.

Diagnosing obesity

The disease is determined mainly by diagnosing the animal’s weight using a special scale. The veterinarian examines the animal, palpating areas of the ribs, lower back, tail and head. Next, the acquired results are equated with the actual standards for each breed separately.

With obesity, body weight exceeds the standard value by 15%. Characteristics of the animal's body condition above a score of seven on a nine-point scale indicate that the dog is fat.

Consequence of the disease

An animal's illness portends a risk of reduced lifespan. The disease can develop into any form of complications that, as a rule, cannot be predicted: difficulties with the liver and kidneys, diseases of the heart system, poor immune system, joint problems, hormonal imbalances, dermatological diseases, diabetes, amaurosis (blindness). There are specific breeds of animals that are prone to obesity:

  • representatives of large animal breeds, for example, Scottish Shepherds,
  • small breeds - Pekingese, pugs, spaniels, dachshunds, Labradors, lapdogs,
  • medium breed - hunting dogs.

The owners of these animals are required to choose the diet with special care and ensure that the dog exceeds the daily diet. In addition, excess weight is dangerous because with a low level of fatness, signs of obesity gradually appear. Do not take the problem to the extreme of manifestation of the disease: if you see excessive folds and pronounced roundness of the animal’s body, immediately consult a veterinarian.

A diet for dogs with obesity is prescribed in case of detection of numerous diseases, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, but most of all the pet should be limited in sweets due to an excessive tendency to be overweight.

Exercise for overweight dogs

The principles of dietary feeding for dogs are similar to those for humans, since they begin with a menu from which fatty foods and treats are excluded, and the daily regimen is characterized by physical training. However, there is no need to get too carried away with the exercises. A large load on the body of dogs that are too fat can cause pathologies.

There are special dietary foods available in stores, but an experienced dog trainer considers their use unwise. It is better to slightly change your usual diet and attitude towards the animal. Firstly, since animals are often rewarded with sweets, if there is a shortage of treats, the dog may regard this behavior as dislike from the owner. During the diet period, you need to pay much more attention to the dog than usual. It is preferable if the owner takes the pet out into the air more often to frolic.

Such dynamism will help you lose excess weight. To eliminate the disgusting habit of eating without feeling hungry, simply because there is nothing to do, you should not only devote more time to the animal, but also empty the toe. But on the contrary, there was a sufficient amount of fresh water. Changing the usual size of feeding dishes to a smaller one will allow your pet to digest a much smaller amount of food.

Proper nutrition for obesity

When a pet is not healthy, but has simply become plump from an abundance of treats, the diet for obese dogs is determined by a veterinarian. Please note that the effectiveness of changing the menu will only be sufficient if constant supervision of the animal is maintained. In cases where excess weight is the result of overfeeding, you can try to get rid of excess weight by not feeding your pet treats from the table.

Nutrition based on natural ingredients includes lean meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, as well as groups of lactic acid products. Of course, it is not recommended to give fried, floury treats. Some products must be reduced little by little: 10% is excluded from the total and distributed into 3 (in case of illness in a large breed) or 4 (decorative breeds) doses. If you feed your pet 1-2 times a day, filling the bowl to the top, the fight against obesity will not give results. To ensure that a decrease in the amount of beef and fish does not provoke a lack of microelements, food must be supplemented with bone products, as well as vitamins.

When your pet has reached old age, you should eat one meal a day. It is irrational to constantly burden your dog's stomach with food. In this case, meat is introduced into the diet in the evening (2 hours before an evening walk or some time after walking), and in the morning porridge, eggs with cheese, and various vegetables are added to the menu.

There are also ready-made foods available for sale. Dry or wet food for an obese animal is divided into 2 types. Dry food simply includes less beef, and more grains and extracted sugar beet cuts are added for more volume, adding bone meal to the composition. This composition belongs to the useless types of economy class food. A good diet is to include plenty of fish in your diet. Food should be prepared in a special way: proteins and fats are partially processed, and the animal’s body quickly absorbs the necessary elements. Products that are easily digested without having time to accumulate as fat cells.

How to reduce your dog's food intake?

How much food should be reduced depends on many conditions:

  • age and breed of animal,
  • number of unnecessary kilograms,
  • pet's physical activity.

If you cannot solve this problem yourself, you should consult a doctor. In order to determine the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, the animal should be weighed periodically.

Of great importance is the gradual replacement of the menu, including reducing portions, as well as removing regular foods from the diet.

Feeding a dog while dieting

It is often difficult to avoid feeding between meals. A suitable option is to replace most products with carrots or other favorite vegetables. It is important that all family members adhere to a strict diet. It is necessary to carry out a consultative conversation with children who most often like to feed the dog. Pay attention to the animal's behavior while walking. A dog who is feeling hungry will often be more likely to find scraps of any kind by choosing tasty-smelling treat wrappers.

The most practical method is to feel the animal yourself, starting from the back to the chest. If you were unable to palpate the dog yourself and determine the presence of the disease, then you can find fatty deposits on the animal’s body, which indicate weight gain. Otherwise, the pet has no signs of disease.

Signs of obesity in an animal

  1. Inactivity. Walk your pet more often, as walking will affect both your mood and improve your health.
  2. Gluttony. The owner of the dog must monitor proper nutrition. If the owner sees that the pet does not feel adequate in food, limit its quantity.
  3. Disordered eating patterns. Almost all dog lovers also like to feed the dog a variety of goodies from the table. Do not forget that most food is not intended for feeding an animal of any breed and has a negative impact on health. Naturally, this diet will accelerate obesity in dogs.
  4. Unbalanced food.

Negative consequences of obesity

  1. Formation of arthritis. Excessive weight of the animal puts significant stress on the dog's body. Obesity in dogs at an early age affects the formation of the skeletal structure.
  2. The risk of diabetes increases. If you want to avoid constant trips to the veterinarian and insulin injections, start feeding your animal from an early age.
  3. Difficulties with the spine. If the dog is overweight, it can withstand significantly more weight, which can cause disc displacement.
  4. Deformation and rupture of joint ligaments.

The formation of high blood pressure contributes to the appearance of a significant load on the animal’s organs, which suggests the manifestation of other diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • pathology of the liver,
  • a significant percentage of the dog's life is reduced.

Therapy for excess weight in animals

When dogs are obese, you should immediately seek help from a specialist and help them lose excess weight on their own. For preventive purposes and when curing obesity in an animal, adhere to 2 key factors:

Nutrition. The first stage of diet therapy for a dog, which should be started with, is the normalization of the diet for obesity. There is no need to mock the animal and deprive it of food, just reduce the dose of food. Eliminate nutritious foods from the diet, feed the dog 2 times a day at the same time.

Exercise, walking. Carry out periodic walking without a leash with active games. There is no need to overload the animal’s body with physical activity; increase it over time.

Monitoring the dog after therapy

After treatment, a period of caring for the dog begins, which includes systematic consultations with a doctor about a weight loss program, monthly weighing, and monitoring the animal’s weight after treatment. Carefully monitor your pet's weight and well-being. Because this is how every owner can make sure that the dog is eating properly and feels good.

Standard body weight indicators

Dog breed: Australian Shepherd, Terrier, Malamute, American Bulldog, English Bulldog, German Boxer, East European Shepherd, Smooth Fox Terrier, Doberman, West Siberian Husky, Yorkshire Terrier, Caucasian Shepherd, Miniature Pinscher, King Spaniel, Pug, German Shepherd, Pekingese, Rottweiler , Russian Hunting Spaniel, St. Bernard, Siberian Husky, Dachshund, Fox Terrier, French Bulldog, Chihuahua, Shar Pei, Scottish Terrier, Japanese Chin.

Weight, kg: 12-20, 6.5, 38, 27-54.5, 25, 30, 35-60, 7.3-8.2, 40-45, 18-25, 3.1, 50, 4-6, 3.6-6.3, 6.3- 8.1, 30-40, 5.4, 50, 3, 80-100, 20.5-28, 9, 6-8, 8-14, 0.5-3, 18-29.5, 8.6-10.4, 1.8-3.5.

Obesity in dogs is a disease characterized by the accumulation of excess fat deposits. Dogs that eat a lot and exercise little are most susceptible to obesity.

Why is obesity dangerous in dogs?

Obesity is dangerous with quite serious consequences, including a reduction in life expectancy. It also contributes to the development of a number of diseases:

  1. Asthma.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Osteoarthritis (cruciate ligament damage, dysplasia).
  4. Fat metabolism disorders.
  5. Eye diseases.
  6. Blood pressure disorders.
  7. Cancer of the reproductive system.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Cushing's syndrome.
  10. Kidney failure.
In the photo: obesity in a dog

Causes of obesity in dogs

  1. Incorrect feeding (without taking into account the energy needs of dogs). For example, too much feeding with a high fat content or even feeding without restrictions.
  2. Treating your dog with leftover human food. It’s so hard to refuse this starving creature with round, pleading eyes!
  3. Lack of physical activity.
  4. Castration and sterilization. These procedures reduce metabolic rate, change metabolism, and affect the level of estrogens and androgens (female and male sex hormones).
  5. Genetic predisposition. Some breeds are more likely to be obese than others. At risk: Labradors, dachshunds, collies, cocker spaniels, bulldogs, beagles, pugs, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Bernese mountain dogs, Cairn terriers.
  6. Age. Older dogs (over 6 years old) are more prone to obesity.
  7. Medicines that affect the appetite and metabolism of dogs. These are benzodiazepines, barbiturates, glucocorticoids.
  8. Diseases: Cushing's disease, diseases of the pituitary gland and pancreas, hypothyroidism.

In the photo: obesity in a dog

Symptoms of Obesity in Dogs

  1. Excess fat tissue.
  2. Increase in body weight.
  3. Inactivity (the dog does not want or is unable to actively move).
  4. Dyspnea.

How to determine a dog's condition

Diagnosis of obesity includes weighing the dog and assessing the general condition of the body. The veterinarian examines the dog, palpating the ribs, lower back, head and tail. Then compares the results obtained with the breed standard.

  1. Exhaustion. The dog weighs 20% less than normal. The spine, ribs, and pelvic bones are clearly visible (in short-haired dogs). There is not enough muscle mass. Fat deposits around the chest cannot be felt.
  2. Below normal. The dog weighs 10 - 20% less than normal. You can see the ribs, pelvic bones, spinous processes of the vertebrae. The waist is clearly defined. Fat deposits around the chest cannot be felt.
  3. Optimal weight. The ribs are not visible, but can be easily felt. The waist is visible. A thin layer of fatty tissue can be felt in the chest area.
  4. Above normal. The dog weighs 10–20% more than normal. The ribs and vertebrae are difficult to palpate. The waist is not visible. Fat deposits are clearly visible along the spine and near the base of the tail.
  5. Obesity. The dog weighs 40% more than normal. Fat deposits are clearly visible on the chest, at the base of the tail and along the spine. The belly sags.

Treatment of obesity in dogs

The main direction of treatment for obesity in dogs is weight loss.

1. Drawing up a balanced diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog. Formula for estimating energy requirements to maintain optimal weight:

MER(kcal) = (body weight - kg) x 132 x 0.75 kcal per day.

That is, if a dog weighs 15 kg, then on average it needs 937 kcal per day to maintain optimal body weight.

However, please note that this is only a rough estimate as each dog's metabolism is unique.

2. Exclusion from the diet of sweets, flour and fatty foods.

3. Maximum reduction in cereal consumption.

4. Reducing the volume of the diet. If you reduce the amount of your dog’s diet by 20–25%, you can achieve a gradual weight loss of 1–2% in 1 week.

5. If your dog eats dry food, choose products with low fat and protein content.

6. Gradually increase physical activity. Start with gentle, long walks and gradually increase the time and intensity while monitoring your dog's general condition.

7. The last resort is the use of drugs to reduce appetite and reduce the digestibility of fats. However, such drugs are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Self-medication can only harm the dog’s health.

Do not forget that the main principle is consistency and gradualism.
