Cystic changes in the ovaries. Causes of cystic ovarian change in women Cystic degeneration of the left ovary

There are many gynecological diseases, the main cause of which is an imbalance in the ratio of female and male hormones. Such disorders cause active synthesis of androgen (male hormone), and the productivity of female sex hormones decreases. Changes can develop on the left, right ovary, or simultaneously on both ovaries. With polycystic disease (cystic change in the ovaries), various complications, inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by the absence of ovulation, may occur.

What types of cysts are

Ovarian cyst

The appearance of neoplasms and cysts in the ovaries is considered a serious gynecological disease, which requires hormonal treatment to eliminate. Depending on the level of hormone production and the functioning of the ovaries, various types of cysts can appear.

  • In most cases, so-called false cysts are observed, the main reason for their appearance is considered to be hormonal disruptions in the ovaries. The patient in such cases does not notice the main signs of the disease, since the formations form spontaneously, do not affect the general state of health, and disappear on their own. False cysts do not belong to the cellular atypia characteristic of the development of cancer. They spontaneously arise in the ovaries due to dysfunction, are not huge, are accompanied by localized one-sided pain, and cause a delay in the monthly cycle.
  • A variety of false cysts is considered a follicular cyst. If it is present in the menstrual cycle, the following is observed in normal times: the egg does not leave the follicle, estrogen continues to be produced, and menstruation is delayed. As you know, after ovulation, the corpus luteum remains intact, it continues to synthesize progesterone and estrone. This process causes the appearance of a corpus luteum cyst. The patient begins to notice all the main signs characteristic of pregnancy, but during tests, the results will be negative. Such types of formations do not require surgical intervention.
  • In medical practice, there are also types of cysts that do not appear as a result of hormonal changes in the female body, they are not characterized by spontaneous remission. Such cysts can grow to large sizes and create discomfort in nearby internal organs (rectum, bladder, and intestines). Small cysts have no particular symptoms.
  • Formations containing sebum and fluid inside themselves are called dermoids, organic cysts. Their cavity is filled with a viscous yellowish liquid, which in its consistency resembles gelatin. Organic cysts are subject to prompt removal, as over time they can lead to the development of oncology.

Causes of cysts

The ovaries are one of the main genital organs of a woman, they are located in the small pelvis, are responsible for the formation, development and growth of eggs, secrete progesterone, estrogen. Sometimes in the ovaries there is a change that accompanies the appearance of polycystic. Polycystic disease is characterized by the neoplasm inside and outside the ovary of the majority of benign vesicles. This type of disease is seen in 7% of patients. Polycystic changes are divided into primary and secondary:

  • Primary polycystosis has a congenital or hereditary appearance. It develops in girls at the beginning of the appearance of the menstrual cycle or during puberty.
  • Secondary polycystosis is noted in patients who have previously suffered diseases on the ovaries and subsequently inflammatory processes caused disturbances in the work and functioning of organs. This type of neoplasm can appear in patients at any age.

The main factors affecting the structure and activity of the ovaries include various stressful situations, artificial interruption in the early stages of pregnancy, arbitrary abortions, acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory organs. Sometimes polycystic disease begins to form when the patient changes his place of residence and begins to live in a different climate zone. The cause of formations is also a malfunction of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

Signs of cystic changes

The structure of the ovary

To determine polycystosis, there is a special diagnosis that allows you to study in detail the appearance of disorders and changes in the ovaries. The first thing that a patient can notice on their own is a violation of the menstrual cycle and the absence of menstruation itself.

The formation of cysts leads not only to failures in ovulation, but also causes anovulation. Such changes are of a long-term nature, often the absence of menstruation is replaced by internal bleeding. The formation of cysts in the ovaries is accompanied by modifications in the skin and hairline. Acne, acne, seborrhea appear on the skin. Another sign of the disease is a rapid weight gain of up to 15 kilograms. Fat deposits are seen in the waist, abdomen, the so-called "antennae" may appear above the upper lip, hair growth sharply increases in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shins, thighs, perineum and abdomen.

Polycystic is always accompanied by pain, sometimes the pain is sharp, sometimes moderate. The pain covers the area of ​​the lower back, pelvis and lower abdomen. After undergoing research and testing for hormones, the doctor can determine the exact diagnosis and stage of polycystic disease.

The appearance of cysts on the right and left ovaries

With the normal functioning of the ovaries, the formation of sex hormones in the correct ratio occurs, that is, male sex hormones do not exceed the level of female ones. The appearance of cysts on the right or left ovary disrupts homeostasis, after which the balance of hormones in the female body changes. The number of male sex hormones increases, they inhibit the formation of female hormones, as a result, the egg stops developing every month, and ovulation disappears.

Often the lack of ovulation is the main cause of not only polycystic disease, but also the primary stage of infertility. The appearance of cysts on the right ovary causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle, excess weight and vegetation appear on the body. Similar modifications in the right ovary are explained by the malfunction of the female gonads, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary-hypothalamus. An important role in this type of disease is played by heredity.

The formation of polycystosis in the right ovary is accompanied by a deficiency in the body of insulin. Polycystic in the left ovary is explained by various types of diseases, the main of which is considered a violation in the hormonal balance. In this case, the regularity of menstruation stops, the work of the adrenal glands stops.

Classification of cysts

There are two types of polycystic:

  • primary (true)
  • secondary (acquired).

The primary form of the disease is due to heredity and congenital factors. The secondary form occurs as a result of previously transferred diseases on the ovaries. The reasons for the formation of cysts on the ovaries are constant stressful situations, breastfeeding, the use of contraceptives, sudden weight gain or weight loss. With untimely access to specialists and improper treatment of this disease, the patient may become infertile.

There is no need to be afraid of the diagnosis of polycystic, as it only indicates the presence of problems in the functioning of the ovaries. The process of treating cysts is not complicated, modern medicine is represented by various therapeutic methods and drugs. The most important thing is to start treatment immediately when a disease is detected. Diagnosis of polycystic disease consists in the study of smear tests for microflora and blood tests for hormone levels.

The appearance of cysts on both ovaries

The appearance of a huge number of cysts on both ovaries is called polycystic. The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance. There may be no signs of polycystic disease, the only symptom that may appear is the absence of menstruation. In addition, hair appears on the skin, acne, and body weight increases dramatically. With polycystic disease, both the left and right ovaries are affected. If the disease is not treated, it threatens with complete infertility.

Cystic neoplasms during pregnancy

Neoplasms on the ovaries are dangerous at any age, especially carefully you need to treat this disease during pregnancy. It is best when the diagnosis is carried out before puberty, then a course of hormone therapy is prescribed. After successful treatment, a positive prognosis for the bearing and birth of a healthy child appears. But if polycystic disease is detected during pregnancy, it is also subject to treatment. It is very important to carry out preventive measures before pregnancy, namely to avoid various stressful situations, adverse factors and hypothermia.

Identification of violations in the work of the ovaries occurs when a woman undergoes a gynecological examination. It is very important for women to undergo medical monitoring in a timely manner, and if problems are identified, treatment should be started immediately. If you notice the inability to get pregnant, a failure in the menstruation cycle, the absence of ovulation, you need to urgently take action.

Medical diagnostics is represented by various types of laboratory tests and studies, a general examination of the mucous membranes and skin, in addition, the gynecologist can visually detect changes in the size of the ovaries, the appearance of neoplasms. With the help of ultrasound examination, it is possible to study the size of cysts, their internal content, as well as density. Laboratory blood tests indicate the hormonal level, for which the adrenal glands, pituitary gland are responsible.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is considered the most effective research method. With the help of the examination, an assessment of all kinds of pathologies of the uterine membrane is made. To do this, a special sensor is inserted into the vagina, after which a visual analysis of the state of the organs, the stage of the disease, and the presence of neoplasms is done. On the monitor of the device, the specialist sees all the echo signs of changes in the structure of the ovaries.

Treatment of polycystic

Ovary with polycystic

Surgical intervention is considered one of the methods for treating cysts, but modern technologies in medicine allow the use of more conservative methods in the form of:

  • Correction and stabilization of hormonal balance;
  • Restoring the norm of body weight;
  • Normalization of reproductive and menstrual function.

In addition, doctors prescribe hormone therapy, which has a beneficial effect on subsequent pregnancy and the fight against infertility. Women should periodically check their health status, if diseases are detected, they are treated, since chronic forms of polycystic disease can lead to the development of cancer of the mammary glands, uterus and endometrium.

Ovarian cyst: video

Cystic change of the ovary.

Hello! I am 23 years old and I am diagnosed with a cystic change in the right ovary. They do not prescribe treatment, referring to the fact that I am not planning a pregnancy in the near future, and they only prescribe a contraceptive - regulon. I have been drinking it for several years, while the cyst increases every year. > Is it true that treatment is prescribed before pregnancy planning? If not, what treatment can you recommend for me?

Zykova Anastasia Vyacheslavovna

Hello, Anastasia Vyacheslavovna.

It's not that treatment or removal of ovarian cysts is prescribed only before a planned pregnancy. The fact is that it is very difficult to achieve conception with a cystic change in the ovary. Spontaneous pregnancy with ovarian cystic changes is possible, but ovulation occurs so rarely that pregnancy can occur after several months or even years of waiting. Usually, with this diagnosis, ovulation is stimulated to obtain pregnancy. This is probably why the doctor is in no hurry to treat.

As for the urgent need for treatment and correction of cystic changes, this is done only on the recommendations of the attending physician based on the results of the examination (ultrasound, tests for sex hormones, etc.). It makes sense to be observed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, and if conception is planned, then by a gynecologist-reproductologist.

In general, ovarian cysts (follicular ovarian cyst, corpus luteum cyst, endometrioid ovarian cyst, etc.) are benign non-tumor processes in the ovaries. Laparoscopic interventions for ovarian cysts are the "gold standard" for operations, as they are accompanied by minimal trauma to the abdominal wall and do not lead to the formation of adhesions in the pelvic area.

Indications for surgical treatment are: any formation in the ovary (tumor, cyst) that has existed for 3 months and has not undergone regression on its own or under the influence of hormonal or anti-inflammatory therapy, a tumor or cyst that appeared during menopause, the development of complications , such as "torsion" of the cyst legs, hemorrhage into the cyst, rupture of the cyst, suppuration of the cyst, as well as suspicion of malignancy of the process.

The volume of the operation performed is decided individually: both at the examination stage and during the intervention - cystectomy (husking of the cyst, unchanged ovarian tissue remains intact), resection of a part of the ovary, oophorectomy (removal of the entire ovary), adnexectomy (removal of the uterine appendages (ovary + fallopian tube ) from the affected side). The duration of the operation is from 15 to 40 minutes.

With a benign histology of the cyst, the operation ends. If there is a suspicion of malignancy, the scope of surgical intervention expands - from the removal of the appendages and the histological examination of the other ovary to the removal of the uterus with the appendages and the greater omentum.

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Causes of the appearance of cystic formations

Ovarian cysts are a very common condition in women of reproductive age. Despite the fact that cysts are considered benign, they can be a source of big problems. To better understand the dangers of this pathology, you need to know the causes of its development.

What is a disease

A cyst is a vesicular pathological formation. In fact, it is a benign tumor.

Depending on their origin, cysts have a very different histological structure. The cells lining the cavity of the bladder and its contents are distinguished: liquid, mucous or jelly-like. Inside the cavity there may be an effusion of blood plasma, pus, blood cells.

It can form as one tumor, or several at the same time. This condition is called cystoma or polycystic. The size of the formations changes during development and can become very large.

The cyst is not a cancerous tumor, but it can be reborn into it.

ovarian cysts

The ovaries are small glands located on either side of the uterus. They are the primary sexual characteristics of a woman. Their main task is the production of female hormones, the production of eggs.

The formation of cystic tumors of the left or right ovary is typical for women of childbearing age. Less often, it is diagnosed in young girls and women who have overcome the menopause: in the first, the ovaries have not yet begun to function normally, the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels have not been established, and in the second, ovarian function is already reduced. However, a benign formation in the structure of the left or right organ may be congenital.

This pathological condition may not give itself away and be discovered by chance during a routine gynecological examination or ultrasound. Palpation of the abdomen makes it impossible to feel the tumor. Sometimes pathologies make themselves felt only when their size becomes very large.

The change may concern one ovary, for example, the left one. In this case, we are talking about a unilateral cyst. Bilateral tumor occurs in the area of ​​the right and left ovaries.

A cyst can interfere with the normal functioning of the ovaries and even lead to the development of critical, life-threatening conditions. In such cases, its surgical removal is indicated. Some formations have a high risk of malignancy.

Each neoplasm must be subjected to careful analysis to determine whether radical treatment is required. Palpation can only diagnose that the size of the ovary exceeds the norm, but the type of cystic formation cannot be established in this way.

Types of cysts

Cystic formations in the structure of the female gonads are not similar to each other. They are united only by the shape of the bubble, and the cells that form the bubble and line its cavity, the composition and consistency of the liquid may differ. Also, pathological structures have different causes of formation, size, location (tissue of the right or left ovary).

Given the different comparison parameters, you can get the following, most complete, classification of benign ovarian tumors.

By education time:

  • congenital: cysts are formed in the embryonic period of development; by type, these are usually dermoids;
  • acquired: formations develop in the process of life.

Functional cysts

This type of cyst is the most common. Their other name is physiological. Such tumors are not pathogenic, treatment is usually not required. They are formed from the tissues of the ovary itself in violation of the mechanisms of ovulation. A functional cyst in most cases resolves on its own within one to three monthly cycles. If this does not happen, treatment is necessary.

  1. Follicular. It is formed if the follicle does not break, but continues to grow, turning into a cystic structure.
  2. Yellow cyst. It is formed if the corpus luteum is not destroyed for a long time.
  3. Polycystic ovaries. A pathological condition in which many follicles do not burst in due time, continuing their growth and turning into cysts. Multiple small cystic changes in the ovaries are formed. Adequate treatment is necessary, since polycystic disease can lead to infertility.
  4. Hemorrhagic cyst. The rupture of the vessel leads to the filling of the follicle with blood and its increase. This is a very painful and dangerous condition. If the bleeding does not stop, surgery is required.

Cysts are also distinguished by their histological structure.

  1. Dermoid (teratomas). This is a very advanced tumor containing almost all tissues: it has nerves, muscles, cartilage, fatty tissue, even hair and sweat glands. Formations grow slowly and occur almost always on the right. Usually dermoid teratoma is congenital.
  2. Serous (cystomas). The cavity of such formations has a transparent liquid content, and the cells of its walls are identical to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes or the outer surface of the ovary. There is a predominantly unilateral tumor (for example, of the left ovary).
  3. Mucinous. Similar to serous cystomas, with the difference that the formation cells resemble the cells lining the vagina at the junction with the cervix. Serous and mucinous tumors grow rapidly, can reach a significant size and are diagnosed mainly in mature women after 45 years of age. The mucinous cyst has a high risk of malignancy.
  4. Endometriosis (endometrioid). Tumor tissues are identical to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. The liquid content of the bladder has a chocolate color, since it is formed from blood clots, which are secreted by the cyst, like a uterus during menstruation. The size of an endometrioid cyst is usually small.
  5. Papillary. This is a dangerous condition that is considered to be precancerous. A feature of the structure of such a cyst is the presence of papillary growths on the surface. Requires radical, surgical treatment.

By location, the cyst is paraovarian: the tumor does not occur on the ovary, but in the body cavity, between the gland and the uterus. Has a wide distribution. It is usually laid in the embryonic period, but develops in adulthood under the influence of stress factors (diseases, hormonal disorders). The size of the cystic formation can increase rapidly.

Cysts can have different etiologies.

  1. Hormonal etiology. Almost any type of formation can develop against the background of hormonal disorders in the body. This is especially true for functional tumors.
  2. Retention (functional) etiology. A cyst of this type can form in any gland if the outflow of its contents is disturbed. Retention tumors can occur on the salivary glands. This mechanism is also characteristic of the formation of functional tumors.

Whatever type of cyst is diagnosed, it requires attention and treatment. The main dangers: the large size of tumors, the risk of oncology and infection.

Causes of benign ovarian tumors

The global cause of the formation of cysts is almost always a hormonal failure in the body of a woman (or her mother, if the cyst is congenital). It is the instability of the hormonal background that leads to violations of internal mechanisms, causing cell migration.

Factors that increase the likelihood of the formation of cystic tumors:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy, childbirth, abortion;
  • menopause;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, hormone therapy;
  • violation of sexual hygiene.

Decreased immunity and microbial infection of the reproductive system can be of great importance. These factors lead to various pathological conditions and processes, which in turn cause the formation of tumors.

Inflammation of the appendages due to a bacterial (rarely viral or mycobacterial) infection can also cause the formation of cysts of the left or right ovary. Edema develops, vascular exudate (effusion) fills the space between the cells, and the size of the ovary increases. Inflammatory cysts are accompanied by temporary infertility. Proper antibiotic treatment completely eliminates the problem.

Congenital dermoid cyst

In the process of intrauterine formation of the organism, three germ layers are involved: endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. There is a clear layout of organs and tissues, the violation of which leads to the development of various congenital pathologies. From each leaf, a specific organ system is formed at a certain time. Thus, the ectoderm and mesoderm form the tissues of the left and right ovaries.

If the germ layers are mixed, a cyst is formed. It may include the rudiments of teeth, nails, hair. From the word "dermis" it is called dermoid. The cause of the cyst is a violation of the embryonic developmental mechanisms, which can be caused by hormonal problems in the mother's body or other factors. Such formation, as a rule, has a constant size.

Functional cystic formations

As the name implies, the formation of cysts can be caused by a dysfunction of the organ. The main purpose of the ovary is the formation of eggs, subject to a strict monthly cycle. If the course of one of its stages is disturbed, pathological changes are possible.

In a normal state, the egg during ovulation leaves the bursting follicle into the fallopian tube. The follicle turns into a corpus luteum, which is a temporary endocrine organ that prepares the body for a potential pregnancy. If this does not occur, the corpus luteum is reduced. Otherwise, it is also reduced, while other organs take over hormonal regulation.

However, the worked out scheme may be violated. For example, the follicle does not burst. The main reason for this pathology is the insufficient synthesis of luteinizing hormone in the body of a woman. The follicle continues to grow, forming a temporary (follicular) cyst. This sometimes happens in the body of healthy women and does not lead to serious disorders - the formation takes place over several cycles.

There may be an overgrowth of the corpus luteum instead of its destruction. It is extremely rare for a luteal cyst to reach a large size and provoke sharp pain.

If such violations occur from cycle to cycle, a cluster of unopened growing follicles is formed, the size of which increases. This phenomenon is called polycystic. Polycystic left and right ovaries is tantamount to infertility and requires serious treatment. At the same time, “menses” may continue, which are actually acyclic uterine bleeding.

Cell migration

In the tissues of the ovaries, there may be a focus of foreign cells, similar to the lining of the uterus - the endometrium. The reasons for this pathology lie both in embryonic disorders and in the banal non-observance of hygiene during menstruation (sex or bathing during menstruation), which contributes to the reflux of menstrually active cells from the uterus to the ovaries. During menstruation, bleeding occurs, in which the contents of the cystic bladder come out - chocolate-colored blood clots.

A cyst is a benign formation, but it cannot be left unattended. In most cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

By secret

  • Incredible… You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • This is two.
  • Per month!
  • It's three.

It's important to know! ×

Ovarian corpus luteum cyst - treatment in Moscow

Ovarian cysts are neoplasms of the female genital organs and are often diagnosed in women of reproductive age. As a rule, an ovarian cyst is a formation filled with fluid, with clear contours. The maximum diameter of a cyst can be 20 cm, but small cysts are common.

  1. Corpus luteum cysts are the most common type of ovarian cyst. This is a benign functional cyst of small size, which is formed from an overripe follicle: in some cases, the follicle does not burst and fills with fluid, transforming into a cyst.
  2. Endometrioid. It is formed from the tissues of the endometrial mucosa located in the ovary. Such cysts are also called chocolate, as they have a brown color due to the accumulated blood.
  3. Hemorrhagic: This is a cyst with hemorrhage, originally a cyst of the corpus luteum.
  4. Serous: the so-called epithelial tumor with transparent contents.
  5. Mucinous: also an epithelial cyst with clear contents and several chambers.
  6. Dermoid cyst. A cyst with a complex structure, growing rather slowly, including components of the connective tissue.
  7. Epithelial and germ cell tumors. Rare formations; epithelial tumors can be malignant, germ cell tumors are benign, but often grow rapidly and reach large sizes.
  • abortion,
  • bad habits,
  • endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes mellitus),
  • violation of the menstrual cycle,
  • early onset of menstruation and sexual activity,
  • surgical interventions on the genitals,
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and intestines, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of reasons for the formation of certain cysts, and in each specific case it is difficult to say what exactly influenced the development of the cyst.

How do ovarian cysts appear?

Very often, cysts are found by chance during an ultrasound examination of the ovaries, but some cysts still manifest certain symptoms:

  • pressing, pulling or stabbing pains in the lower abdomen,
  • pain in the lower abdomen when urinating and defecation,
  • menstrual disorders, especially the type of algomenorrhea (painful menstruation),
  • feeling of nausea after physical exertion and sexual intercourse,
  • bleeding from the genital tract outside of menstruation.

A dangerous complication of an ovarian cyst is its rupture; this condition is a medical emergency. The rupture of the cyst is accompanied by the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • dizziness, severe weakness,
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen.

What is the diagnosis of an ovarian cyst?

In the event that the size of the cyst is small, it cannot be probed, but only identified using diagnostic methods:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  2. CT, MRI;
  3. Laparoscopy: This method is invasive, while allowing the removal of the cyst, if necessary, immediately after its discovery.

Additionally, if a cyst is suspected or already detected, hormone tests (estrogen, testosterone, LH, FSH, hCG), tumor marker CA-125 are prescribed.

Treatment of ovarian cysts can be surgical when large cysts are noted (at least 8-9 cm), there are no signs of a decrease in the cyst, and also if the level of the tumor marker is elevated, that is, there is a risk of developing ovarian cancer. In many cases, the cysts will gradually resolve, but monitoring is essential.

2018 Women's Health Blog.

The ovaries are located in the pelvic area, they carry out the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, the formation (maturation) of eggs.
Under the cystic change in the ovaries is usually understood as their polycystic. It is the appearance outside or inside the ovaries of multiple benign formations in the form of small cysts (vesicles).
Cystic change occurs in about 4-7% of women. There are primary (true) and secondary polycystic. In the first case, it is a congenital or hereditary independent disease that develops in girls during puberty, during the formation of menstrual function. In another way, polycystic disease is called Stein-Leventhal disease.
In the second case, polycystic disease is a consequence of various other diseases that negatively affect ovarian function, and can occur in a woman of any age.

Causes of the disease

Primary polycystic disease develops as a result of excessive action of male hormones during puberty.

    Polycystic disease occurs due to a violation of functionality:
  • pituitary gland;
  • adrenal cortex (increased production of androgens);
  • ovaries (absence or irregularity of menstruation);
  • hypothalamus;
  • pancreas (increased secretion of insulin).

At present, the role of the hereditary factor in the development of polycystic ovary disease has been proven.

    For what reasons secondary polycystic is provoked:
  • Chronic endocrine pathologies;
  • Inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • A sharp increase or decrease in weight;
  • abortion;
  • stress;
  • Colds and infectious diseases;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Lactation;
  • Abrupt climate change.

Since a woman has more male hormones and less female hormones, the development and maturation of the follicles slows down and stops, the ovarian capsules increase and thicken. Follicles that are immature turn into cysts. As a result, ovulation does not occur and menstrual dysfunction occurs, which ultimately leads to infertility. Cystic changes can affect either one of the ovaries, or both at the same time.
Polycystic ovaries proceed in different ways, depending on the severity of hormonal disorders.

It is most pronounced against the background of obesity - 40% of cases. Associated metabolic disorders increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Symptoms of a cystic change

The main symptom of polycystic disease, detected during the analysis, is the presence in the ovaries of a huge number of small follicles that stopped developing at the beginning of their maturation. However, the results of ultrasound examination are not enough to make this diagnosis. Such a picture may be a variant of the norm or a symptom of some other disease. Additionally, a hormonal study is prescribed.

    A cystic change is suspected if any two of the following three symptoms are present:
  • Very rare or no ovulation.
  • External signs of increased secretion of androgens.
  • The presence in the ovary, according to the results of ultrasound, more than 12 follicles ranging in size from 2 to 8 mm or a change in the size of the ovary.

In a hormonal study, the level of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones is determined.
If the difference between the indicators of hormones is in a big direction (LH is higher than FSH), you have polyxitosis.

Lack of ovulation, violations of the cycle of critical days, increased hair growth throughout the body are constantly observed in women with cystic ovarian changes. Enlargement of the ovaries in size is not always found. An increase in testosterone and LH levels is diagnosed in more than half of the cases. Acne, obesity, alopecia (abnormal hair loss) affects less than 50% of women with this diagnosis.

Complications in polycystic

The most serious consequence of this disease is infertility. Primary infertility is established in the absence of the fact of the onset of fertilization with uninterrupted sexual activity for 1 year without the use of contraception. Conception becomes impossible due to the lack of ovulation.
Detection of pathology at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment and reduces the risk of infertility. With a long course of the disease and the absence of adequate therapy, a malignant disease of the ovaries, breast or uterus may develop.

Treatment of cystic change

In the treatment of polycystic, complex therapy is used. Treatment is usually long and involves the use of hormonal drugs.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis aimed at identifying the causes that led to the development of polycystic syndrome.

    Complex therapy includes:
  • Elimination of the causes of the disease;
  • Getting rid of the processes of inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Stimulation of ovulation;
  • Weight loss in the presence of obesity.

If polycystic disease is not treated for a long time, ovarian cancer may develop.

The degree of risk increases significantly with the combination of polycystic ovaries with diabetes and obesity. Violations of the metabolism of fats and lipids provoke the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Early detection of polycystic syndrome greatly facilitates treatment and reduces the risk of complications and consequences.

The ultrasound doctor just gave you a conclusion on the results of ultrasound diagnostics, he did not diagnose you, much less prescribe you treatment. For further treatment, you should visit your attending gynecologist with the results of the ultrasound, who, based on the conclusion of the ultrasound and other tests, will prescribe you the treatment.

KIA means a diagnosis of cystic changes in the ovaries, which indicates the presence of one or more cysts on the ovaries.

An ovarian cyst is a small formation on the surface of the ovary that is filled with fluid. There are several types of cysts that can form on the ovary.

Follicular ovarian cysts are formed in the process of ovulation disorders from the follicle maturing in the ovary.

The cyst of the corpus luteum is formed after the rupture of the follicle in its place, if the corpus luteum continues to grow, that is, its reverse development does not occur. A parovarian cyst is usually located on the side or above the fundus of the uterus near the ovary.

Dermoid cyst is a violation of embryonic development, which manifests itself already in adulthood. The composition of such a cyst may include various tissues of an undeveloped embryo.

An endometrioid cyst is formed due to the growth of endometrial tissue in the ovaries.

Some ovarian cysts can go away on their own, without treatment, the so-called functional cysts, but the danger is cysts that grow in size and exist for a long period of time. Treatment of ovarian cysts can be both medical and surgical, and in most cases a sparing method of laparoscopy is used. In case of complications caused by rupture or torsion of the cyst, abdominal operations are used.

Also, cystic changes in the ovaries can indicate a disease such as polycystic ovaries.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease that is accompanied by the formation of a large number of small cysts on the surface of the ovaries. The main cause of this disease is a violation of the hormonal background of the body, due to improper functioning of the internal secretion organs. The main symptoms of this disease are menstrual irregularities, changes in the body associated with an increase in the level of male hormones, such as male pattern hair, changes in the condition of the skin and hair.

This disease can be the reason why conception does not occur. This is due to the fact that due to changes in the hormonal background of the body, ovulation does not occur on time. Therefore, the main manifestation of polycystic ovary syndrome is a violation of the menstrual cycle, expressed in its increase, lack of ovulation, longer and more painful menstruation.

Usually, polycystic ovaries develop in adolescence, the so-called primary polycystic ovaries. Secondary polycystic ovaries manifests itself in adulthood, and may be the result of inflammatory diseases in the genital area, etc.

Treatment of polycystic ovaries is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that caused it, and consists in eliminating inflammatory diseases, normalizing the hormonal background of the body, and stimulating ovulation.

Now, after receiving the results of the ultrasound, contact the gynecologist. It is this doctor who should give you the final diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Cystic changes in the ovaries are not yet a sentence; with timely and proper treatment, a woman has a chance of becoming pregnant. But if you start the disease, especially if complications arise, you can not only lose the ovary, but also the opportunity to have children.


An effective remedy for cysts without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

Ovarian cysts are a very common condition in women of reproductive age. Despite the fact that cysts are considered benign, they can be a source of big problems. To better understand the dangers of this pathology, you need to know the causes of its development.

What is a disease

A cyst is a vesicular pathological formation. In fact, it is a benign tumor.

Depending on their origin, cysts have a very different histological structure. The cells lining the cavity of the bladder and its contents are distinguished: liquid, mucous or jelly-like. Inside the cavity there may be an effusion of blood plasma, pus, blood cells.

It can form as one tumor, or several at the same time. This condition is called cystoma or polycystic. The size of the formations changes during development and can become very large.

The cyst is not a cancerous tumor, but it can be reborn into it.

ovarian cysts

The ovaries are small glands located on either side of the uterus. They are the primary sexual characteristics of a woman. Their main task is the production of female hormones, the production of eggs.

The formation of cystic tumors of the left or right ovary is typical for women of childbearing age. Less often, it is diagnosed in young girls and women who have overcome the menopause: in the first, the ovaries have not yet begun to function normally, the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels have not been established, and in the second, ovarian function is already reduced. However, a benign formation in the structure of the left or right organ may be congenital.

This pathological condition may not give itself away and be discovered by chance during a routine gynecological examination or ultrasound. Palpation of the abdomen makes it impossible to feel the tumor. Sometimes pathologies make themselves felt only when their size becomes very large.

The change may concern one ovary, for example, the left one. In this case, we are talking about a unilateral cyst. Bilateral tumor occurs in the area of ​​the right and left ovaries.

A cyst can interfere with the normal functioning of the ovaries and even lead to the development of critical, life-threatening conditions. In such cases, its surgical removal is indicated. Some formations have a high risk of malignancy.

Each neoplasm must be subjected to careful analysis to determine whether radical treatment is required. Palpation can only diagnose that the size of the ovary exceeds the norm, but the type of cystic formation cannot be established in this way.

Types of cysts

Cystic formations in the structure of the female gonads are not similar to each other. They are united only by the shape of the bubble, and the cells that form the bubble and line its cavity, the composition and consistency of the liquid may differ. Also, pathological structures have different causes of formation, size, location (tissue of the right or left ovary).

Given the different comparison parameters, you can get the following, most complete, classification of benign ovarian tumors.

By education time:

  • congenital: cysts are formed in the embryonic period of development; by type, these are usually dermoids;
  • acquired: formations develop in the process of life.

Functional cysts

This type of cyst is the most common. Their other name is physiological. Such tumors are not pathogenic, treatment is usually not required. They are formed from the tissues of the ovary itself in violation of the mechanisms of ovulation. A functional cyst in most cases resolves on its own within one to three monthly cycles. If this does not happen, treatment is necessary.

  1. Follicular. It is formed if the follicle does not break, but continues to grow, turning into a cystic structure.
  2. Yellow cyst. It is formed if the corpus luteum is not destroyed for a long time.
  3. Polycystic ovaries. A pathological condition in which many follicles do not burst in due time, continuing their growth and turning into cysts. Multiple small cystic changes in the ovaries are formed. Adequate treatment is necessary, since polycystic disease can lead to infertility.
  4. Hemorrhagic cyst. The rupture of the vessel leads to the filling of the follicle with blood and its increase. This is a very painful and dangerous condition. If the bleeding does not stop, surgery is required.

Cysts are also distinguished by their histological structure.

  1. Dermoid (teratomas). This is a very advanced tumor containing almost all tissues: it has nerves, muscles, cartilage, fatty tissue, even hair and sweat glands. Formations grow slowly and occur almost always on the right. Usually dermoid teratoma is congenital.
  2. Serous (cystomas). The cavity of such formations has a transparent liquid content, and the cells of its walls are identical to the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes or the outer surface of the ovary. There is a predominantly unilateral tumor (for example, of the left ovary).
  3. Mucinous. Similar to serous cystomas, with the difference that the formation cells resemble the cells lining the vagina at the junction with the cervix. Serous and mucinous tumors grow rapidly, can reach a significant size and are diagnosed mainly in mature women after 45 years of age. The mucinous cyst has a high risk of malignancy.
  4. Endometriosis (endometrioid). Tumor tissues are identical to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. The liquid content of the bladder has a chocolate color, since it is formed from blood clots, which are secreted by the cyst, like a uterus during menstruation. The size of an endometrioid cyst is usually small.
  5. Papillary. This is a dangerous condition that is considered to be precancerous. A feature of the structure of such a cyst is the presence of papillary growths on the surface. Requires radical, surgical treatment.

By location, the cyst is paraovarian: the tumor does not occur on the ovary, but in the body cavity, between the gland and the uterus. Has a wide distribution. It is usually laid in the embryonic period, but develops in adulthood under the influence of stress factors (diseases, hormonal disorders). The size of the cystic formation can increase rapidly.

Cysts can have different etiologies.

  1. Hormonal etiology. Almost any type of formation can develop against the background of hormonal disorders in the body. This is especially true for functional tumors.
  2. Retention (functional) etiology. A cyst of this type can form in any gland if the outflow of its contents is disturbed. Retention tumors can occur on the salivary glands. This mechanism is also characteristic of the formation of functional tumors.

Whatever type of cyst is diagnosed, it requires attention and treatment. The main dangers: the large size of tumors, the risk of oncology and infection.

Causes of benign ovarian tumors

The global cause of the formation of cysts is almost always a hormonal failure in the body of a woman (or her mother, if the cyst is congenital). It is the instability of the hormonal background that leads to violations of internal mechanisms, causing cell migration.

Factors that increase the likelihood of the formation of cystic tumors:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy, childbirth, abortion;
  • menopause;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, hormone therapy;
  • violation of sexual hygiene.

Decreased immunity and microbial infection of the reproductive system can be of great importance. These factors lead to various pathological conditions and processes, which in turn cause the formation of tumors.

Inflammation of the appendages due to a bacterial (rarely viral or mycobacterial) infection can also cause the formation of cysts of the left or right ovary. Edema develops, vascular exudate (effusion) fills the space between the cells, and the size of the ovary increases. Inflammatory cysts are accompanied by temporary infertility. Proper antibiotic treatment completely eliminates the problem.

Congenital dermoid cyst

In the process of intrauterine formation of the organism, three germ layers are involved: endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. There is a clear layout of organs and tissues, the violation of which leads to the development of various congenital pathologies. From each leaf, a specific organ system is formed at a certain time. Thus, the ectoderm and mesoderm form the tissues of the left and right ovaries.

If the germ layers are mixed, a cyst is formed. It may include the rudiments of teeth, nails, hair. From the word "dermis" it is called dermoid. The cause of the cyst is a violation of the embryonic developmental mechanisms, which can be caused by hormonal problems in the mother's body or other factors. Such formation, as a rule, has a constant size.

Functional cystic formations

As the name implies, the formation of cysts can be caused by a dysfunction of the organ. The main purpose of the ovary is the formation of eggs, subject to a strict monthly cycle. If the course of one of its stages is disturbed, pathological changes are possible.

In a normal state, the egg during ovulation leaves the bursting follicle into the fallopian tube. The follicle turns into a corpus luteum, which is a temporary endocrine organ that prepares the body for a potential pregnancy. If this does not occur, the corpus luteum is reduced. Otherwise, it is also reduced, while other organs take over hormonal regulation.

However, the worked out scheme may be violated. For example, the follicle does not burst. The main reason for this pathology is the insufficient synthesis of luteinizing hormone in the body of a woman. The follicle continues to grow, forming a temporary (follicular) cyst. This sometimes happens in the body of healthy women and does not lead to serious disorders - the formation takes place over several cycles.

There may be an overgrowth of the corpus luteum instead of its destruction. It is extremely rare for a luteal cyst to reach a large size and provoke sharp pain.

If such violations occur from cycle to cycle, a cluster of unopened growing follicles is formed, the size of which increases. This phenomenon is called polycystic. Polycystic left and right ovaries is tantamount to infertility and requires serious treatment. At the same time, “menses” may continue, which are actually acyclic uterine bleeding.

Cell migration

In the tissues of the ovaries, there may be a focus of foreign cells, similar to the lining of the uterus - the endometrium. The reasons for this pathology lie both in embryonic disorders and in the banal non-observance of hygiene during menstruation (sex or bathing during menstruation), which contributes to the reflux of menstrually active cells from the uterus to the ovaries. During menstruation, bleeding occurs, in which the contents of the cystic bladder come out - chocolate-colored blood clots.

A cyst is a benign formation, but it cannot be left unattended. In most cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

By secret

  • Incredible… You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • This is two.
  • Per month!
  • It's three.

Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

What to do if diagnosed with "cystic change in the ovaries"? What are the consequences? If a gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist detect a similar pathology in a woman, then there is a problem associated with the thyroid gland, the pineal gland (located in the brain and is responsible for the performance of the endocrine system). The fact is that ovarian cystosis is a consequence, and not a direct pathology of the reproductive organs.

There are several types of cystic ovarian formations. For example, a three-chamber and multi-chamber transformation is more dangerous than a small-cystic, single-chamber ovary.

Large cystic or small cystic ovarian degeneration occurs. That is, the cysts that form in the reproductive organ have a certain size. Unfortunately, over time, the affected organs can increase in size. Therefore, timely and regular monitoring by an uzist is needed.

There is also cystic degeneration of the right ovary or the left. Serious failures in the female body provoke dysfunction of both organs. Practice shows that a woman with at least one healthy ovary is able to become pregnant. On the contrary, with a bilateral glandular cystic lesion, it is impossible to conceive a child.

For what reason does

The main reason is the overproduction of insulin. Every person has female and male hormones. In the fairer sex, for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, the female hormone must prevail over the male. If this is not the case, then a serious malfunction occurs in the body, the endocrine system, which is directly related to the reproductive organs, begins to suffer.

Cystic degeneration of one / two ovaries is almost always associated with an overabundance of the male hormone (androgen). In addition, the imbalance occurs in other organs: the adrenal glands, the pancreas. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, the specialist will send you for a thorough examination to find the cause.


After collecting an anamnesis from a doctor, you can hear that the pathology is hereditary. The cystic formation could have been in the patient's mother. Treatment is prescribed only after examination.


Obesity of any degree is also a common cause of cystic degeneration of the ovaries. The patient will be advised to change the diet, diet and drinking regimen.

hormone therapy

Sometimes it’s not at all about overeating, but about a disease, taking basic therapy drugs, course therapy, and prevention. We are talking about hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids) that can lead to ovarian dysfunction, menstrual disorders and endocrine function.

Hormonal contraceptives are a common cause of glandular cystic lesions of the ovaries. Oral medications should be discontinued unless they are urgently needed.

medical error

An unprofessional gynecological examination, improper installation of the intrauterine device, an unsuccessful operation on the ovaries with infection in the patient's body often causes cystic transformation.

nervous tension

Stress and depression easily provoke hormonal imbalance and a sharp increase in insulin. As a result, the functional activity of the ovaries is disrupted. Until nervous tension is eliminated, treatment is ineffective, recovery will not come soon.

climate change

Moving to a new place of residence with a climate different from the native land is often the cause of hormonal failure:

  • a sharp change in temperature, air humidity;
  • change of national dishes;
  • moral habituation to new conditions of life.

Of course, not every woman who has moved, for example, from Central Russia to a warm country, develops a cystic change in the ovary over time, but this fact should be taken into account.


Small cystic changes in the ovaries do not have specific symptoms. Violation can be noticed only during examination by ultrasound or surgical intervention in another case. But you can consider the main signs characterizing the presence of a problem:

  • skin is oily, greasy;
  • on the face there are acne (black dots), blackheads;
  • high fatigue;
  • permanent;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle / lack of menstruation;
  • there is a rapid growth of hair on the body;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease.

Several of these signs are a serious reason to contact a gynecologist to confirm suspicions or the absence of cystic degeneration of the ovaries.

Conservative treatments

The patient visits a gynecologist, undergoes an examination. If necessary, the specialist sends for additional research:

    • hormone tests.
    • smear from the vagina;
    • blood chemistry;
    • general blood analysis;
    • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;

Perhaps, at the discretion of the doctor, visiting other specialists: endocrinologist, urologist and others. If small cystic changes in the ovaries are confirmed, the exact cause is established, the woman is prescribed treatment, and recommendations are given. In most cases, the treatment of a cystic ovary is to take hormonal drugs (birth control pills). Quite often, the doctor prescribes injections with aloe. In especially severe cases, surgery may be prescribed:

    • - removal of degenerative ovarian tissues with the help of punctures of the abdominal wall;
    • laparotomy - abdominal surgery to remove the cyst and nearby modified tissues;
    • oophorectomy - removal of the cystic formation along with the ovary.

Sometimes the patient is shown physiotherapy to restore the functions of the affected systems and organs. In the event that the prescribed therapy does not bring benefits or the effect is in the root cause, and cystic degeneration of the ovaries, as it was, and remains, surgical treatment may be prescribed.

Phytotherapy and naturopathy

Modern medicine disagrees about the choice of treatment for the patient. Practice shows that pharmaceutical preparations help someone, and herbal medicine helps someone. The choice of therapy should be consulted with a doctor. Before starting a health recovery course, you should make sure that there are no allergies, contraindications to one or another component.

Phytotherapy has found its application in the treatment of not only glandular cystic disease of the reproductive organs, but also the underlying causes. A competent specialist will select the most appropriate treatment regimen with herbs, infusions, seeds and flowers.

The use of herbs requires the patient's willpower and the desire to complete the course of treatment. You have to be very careful. For example, a doctor prescribes psyllium, which is taken at the beginning of the monthly cycle.

Upland uterus, red cheek - these two plants are popular in herbal medicine. Sometimes, they give more effect than pharmaceuticals.

Meadowsweet, raspberry leaves combined, help the reproductive organs to repair damaged cells.

A cystic right / left ovary is successfully treated with natural remedies according to the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Find out how to quickly get rid of a cyst in the article ""

A woman who has been diagnosed with a pathology in the reproductive organs should change her lifestyle, limit herself in many ways:

  • avoid nervous overload;
  • give up alcohol, caffeine, smoking;
  • exclude any physical activity;
  • postpone until recovery;
  • eat properly;
  • do not bathe in the sauna, bath, do not take hot baths.

All contraindications for cystic ovaries should be discussed with the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

Predictions for a woman with a pathology

Treatment cannot be delayed. A neglected disease can lead to serious diseases, up to the degeneration of a cyst into a malignant tumor.
Endometriosis is also a cause of neglect of the disease. Together, these pathologies require more serious and long-term treatment.

The left, right or both affected reproductive organs always give complications to:

  • cardiovascular system;
  • kidneys;
  • endocrine system.

In addition, cystic degeneration of the left ovary and right ovary together lead to infertility. Even if one organ is affected, the second will also be affected over time. If the pathology is not treated, the woman will remain infertile.

This article should convince the fairer sex that it is necessary to treat the disease, even if a small cystic transformation of the ovaries is detected, which does not pose a threat in the near future.

In addition, surveys can take a very long time. The sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is to save the reproductive organs from infertility and malignant degeneration of cysts. Trouble can befall at any age:

  • teenage;
  • young (18-25 years old);
  • mature (26-45 years);
  • during the climax.