Dunya Smirnova's husband. Dunya Smirnova, aka Chubais. And Anatoly supports you in this

Avdotya Smirnova is one of the most famous Russian directors, who consistently produces “literary cinema” time after time. Recently, her new film “The Story of a Destination” was released, where the rising star Irina Gorbacheva played the main role.

The film's main investor was the director's husband, Anatoly Chubais. According to Avdotya, her husband is always ready to come to her aid and provide support in working on new ideas.

“The first time he saw the picture was when we decided that we had finished editing. He said: “In a strange way it reminded me of Shukshin.” Shukshin is his favorite writer, so this is more than a compliment from my husband,” Avdotya told reporters.

Speaking to reporters, Smirnova also called Chubais a “reliable comrade” who consoled her when the script didn’t work out and also listened to her “whining.” After filming, he monitored his famous wife’s sleep and called her so that she would go on vacation and not continue discussing the details of the upcoming film with the actors and crew.

Anatoly Borisovich himself appeared on the set several times, most often in his free time from work on weekends. His first appearance, according to Smirnova, was perceived in a very specific way.

“This is only the first time: “Oh, oh, Chubais,” a whole live monkey, and then a person as a person,” Smirnova joked.

Let us recall that before her marriage to Chubais, Avdotya Smirnova was married to St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov, with whom she gave birth to a son, Danila. She was on friendly terms with Anatoly Borisovich for ten years, but then they had an affair. According to Avdotya, she did not plan to get married a second time and refused for a long time, but then she realized that Chubais was the man with whom she wanted to live the rest of her days. The couple announced their wedding in 2012 through social networks, where they posted a photo together, signing it “they didn’t arrange a wedding, but just quietly celebrated it together.”

Communicating with KP, Smirnova emphasized that her husband is a rather severe critic. However, it is his impartiality that helps the director improve with each new project.

Dunya Smirnova’s father expressed his attitude towards her marriage to Anatoly Chubais. It turned out that Avdotya herself strictly ordered her father not to comment on her current family life. Perhaps the TV presenter is embarrassed by the fact that the politician was previously married more than once and his previous marriages were also happy.

The wedding of Dunya Smirnova and Anatoly Chubais became a real sensation in 2012. Many did not believe that the politician would break up with his previous wife, with whom he had lived for more than 20 years. However, the rumors were confirmed. Chubais actually divorced his wife, leaving her all their jointly acquired property. According to various sources, the acquaintance with Avdotya took place in the early 90s. It happened on professional grounds.

Despite the attention of the press to the development of the relationship of one of the most colorful couples of the Russian elite, they managed to hide their feelings and wedding from the all-seeing journalistic eye. Soon Anatoly and Dunya will celebrate the two-year anniversary of their official marriage.

In his interview with the Piter.TV channel, Dunya’s father, director and actor Andrei Smirnov, said that discussing his daughter’s personal life is a huge problem. Avdotya has a negative attitude towards discussing her marriage. However, having violated his daughter’s ban, Smirnov admitted that he admired his son-in-law. “This is a worthy person whom I respect very much,” said the director.

Andrei Sergeevich also emphasized that he tries to treat all his sons-in-law with understanding and tries not to quarrel with them.

By the way, it is worth noting that for Anatoly Chubais, this is already the third marriage.

The first wife of the famous businessman, Lyudmila, bore him two children - a son, Alexei, and a daughter, Olga. After the divorce, she never married again, and when the children grew up and she had free time, she went into the restaurant business.

The second wife, Maria Davydovna Vishnevskaya, an economist by profession, married Chubais in 1990. She was always by her husband’s side, supporting him in his work and sharing with him all the hardships and hardships of public service. In 2007, information was leaked to the media that she was allegedly in one of the Moscow clinics with a severe form of depression - however, there is no exact data on this matter.

Dunya can easily be considered the most exotic woman among the favorite women of the public figure. I must say that the couple has a great sense of humor - at the beginning of 2012, a photograph appeared on the Internet in which Anatoly Chubais and Avdotya Smirnova are depicted at a table against the backdrop of an epic carpet - “its fluffiness.” Bloggers wondered for quite a long time at what moment the photo was taken - Internet users were sure that this was one of the shots from the wedding of the famous couple. Moreover, in Anatoly Chubais’ blog he was signed accordingly.

“Dunya Smirnova and I really got married. We didn’t hold a wedding, we just quietly celebrated it together,” the politician wrote.

Later, Smirnova said in her interview that the photograph was taken during the spouses’ visit to elderly relatives. At the same time, the TV presenter emphasized that Anatoly Chubais himself posted the photo online, without her permission.

Isabella Sapronenko, Ilya Butakov (video, editing)

“Two Days” is a film about the relationship between two polarly different people in the setting of the museum-estate of a fictional classic of Russian literature. Pyotr Drozdov (Fyodor Bondarchuk) is a high-ranking official from Moscow. He comes to the provincial museum at the request of the regional governor, who wants to take the land from the museum and build a new residence on it. And at first Drozdov supports this decision, but meeting the young literary scholar Masha (Ksenia Rappoport) changes his view not only on this problem, but on his whole life in general...

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ksenia Rappoport, film “Two Days”.

The premiere of this film took place in September 2011; in 2012, the film received the Golden Eagle Award in the categories “Best Actor” and “Best Actress”. The film was shown at Kinotavr and at the Moscow International Film Festival in out-of-competition programs.

House of Culture "Yasnaya Polyana", December 3, 2016

The audience of D.K. "Yasnaya Polyana" received the film enthusiastically, although many in the hall watched this picture not for the first time, and not even for the second. Avdotya Smirnova herself was surprised by such warm support, because she shot this film five years ago!

The communication between the famous director and the audience turned out to be very sincere and sincere. Avdotya, in ordinary dark jeans and a simple sweater, without makeup, absolutely simple, “at home,” immediately endeared herself to the Tula residents. To begin with, Smirnova told how the painting “Two Days” came into being.

Avdotya Smirnova in Yasnaya Polyana.

I took this picture five years ago, thank you very much for applauding and for coming to the meeting today. I hope I made you laugh in some way, you learned something and disagree with something - but you won’t kick me, because cinema is still a lie, it’s still a fairy tale.

I am a passionate fan of Yasnaya Polyana and the people who work here. In general, I have a special relationship with museum workers.

After this film, I made the film “Kokoko”. which was also created in the museum - in the Kunstkamera. And before that - the painting “Fathers and Sons” in the Spasskoye-Lutovinovo Museum. My first husband and the father of our joint beloved son is a senior researcher at the State Hermitage (Arkady Ippolitov - author's note). So I have known the museum world since my early youth, I love it very much and respect it endlessly. And in general, I’m going to continue filming in museums, including my next film (smiles, and later it will become clear why).

I always wanted to film the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev; it seemed to me that it was completely misunderstood, that it was not a political, but a deeply family novel. The producer was Valera Todorovsky and the Russia channel. They didn't let us film anywhere. The production designer and co-author of the film was Alexander Adabashyan, whom you all know. Alexander Artyomovich and I, using it as an armor-piercing weapon, reached the then Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoy. We go into his office, there is a great woman sitting in his office, Anna Sergeevna Kolupaeva, now she is working with their Excellency Count Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy. (And then Vladimir Tolstoy waved to Avdotya from the auditorium; he came to the screening of the film with his wife Ekaterina Alexandrovna Tolstoy and their sons). Anna Sergeevna has an amazing feature - she talks with her eyes closed. And to all my proposals to make a film in this or that museum, she calmly and without opening her eyes said no.

And at some point I exploded. I say, what is it, you yourself complain that on NTV you have continuous shooting games, all around is “gangster Petersburg”. And then I came to you, a simple Russian woman, I want to film a novel from the school curriculum. Where would you like me to film it?

And then Anna Sergeevna opened her eyes. And we were allowed into Spasskoye-Lutovinovo! At first, museum workers followed us heavily and tensely, although we were filming not in Turgenev’s historical house, but in an outbuilding. Filming lasted for a month and a half. And then both museum workers and local villagers began to bring us eggs, tomatoes, and zucchini. They did not at all expect that filmmakers were not crazy bohemians with a cigarette and a drink. Cinema is hard work, 12-13 hours a day. Then they fell in love with us terribly. The museum workers practically cried as they saw us off. And in this museum I spied a type - the daughter of director Nikolai Ilyich Levin, who was the main curator of the museum, and now she is the director. Masha hated us more than anyone, expected all sorts of mean things from us and was monstrously disappointed that we didn’t steal anything, the floors didn’t collapse and nothing burned.

Years passed. And so producer Ruben Dishdishyan asked me to write something about actress Ksyusha Rappoport and Khabensky or Porechenkov. I suggested Fyodor Bondarchuk, he had long wanted to act with Rappoport and play a love story. Agreed. And so Fedor asks: “Who will I play?” I say: “You’ve already played a bandit, an oligarch too, you can’t play a taxi driver with your mug anymore, all that’s left is an official.” Romantic comedy is a very tough genre, the heroes always start out as antagonists and then suddenly the impossible becomes possible. Prince and Cinderella, prostitute and businessman. We sat down to think - who is most opposed to the officials? Museum workers!

The film was shot in Abramtsevo, where we persuaded ourselves to go. By the way, I am often asked if I wrote the script for the film “Two Days” in the wake of our relationship with Anatoly Chubais? No, although prophetically it turned out that way. In my various work - cinema, charity, journalism - I came across quite a lot of people from power.

And I do not share the general belief of the intelligentsia that these people came down to us from Mars in order to destroy our charming, touching, tolerant civilization.

I am absolutely convinced that they are the same as us, that among them there are also cruel and compassionate people, scoundrels and worthy ones. Yes, there a person goes through trials that are more difficult to pass. But there are people who pass them with dignity. And I'm happy that I married one of them. I consider what happened in my life to be a miracle. Miracles happen. Can you count on them? No, never!

Avdotya Smirnova and Anatoly Chubais.

And after the film “Two Days” we received an amnesty - museum workers began to favor us. My next film will be about Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. And when I rode up to His Excellency on a crooked goat, Vladimir Ilyich told me: “This is for the countess. I’m no longer in charge of this and I can’t turn on any administrative resources.” I’m glad that I showed the film “Two Days” in Yasnaya Polyana and still hope that we will be allowed here to film our film. Now, friends, ask your questions.

— What do you plan to film in Yasnaya Polyana?
- In cinema it is considered a terribly bad omen to talk about a film before filming has yet begun. A year ago I was hit hard in the teeth with a club. Together with my co-author Anya Parmas, we spent two years writing the script for an 8-episode film for Channel One about Alexander Vertinsky. For only a year we read, rummaged through the archives, caught him lying and falsifying the facts of his biography. Finally they wrote it, his daughter Anastasia Alexandrovna really liked the script, and this is not an easy task. And while we were writing the script, Crimea became ours, Russia rose from its knees. Thanks to these brilliant events, large foreign advertisers left the TV channels, the money suddenly ran out and it became clear that our project had become impossible. This is probably because I told you about Vertinsky.

The script that we have written now, and which their Lordships read and blessed with their bright family name, is the most difficult script in my screenwriting life, and it is possible that in my director’s life as well.

I’m very afraid of jinxing it, so I won’t talk about it for now. But if we come here to film, then perhaps you will see us even more than you want.

— Will we now also collect money for films?
- My friends are already helping me. You know, the Cinema Fund gives money only to those films that are big, audience-friendly, and that are guaranteed to return the money. The Ministry of Culture gives part of the budget to films that will benefit from state patronage. A competition will be announced in February 2017, and we will submit our script to it. And maybe the Ministry of Culture will help us.

I think you have a question - your husband is Chubais, doesn’t he give money for cinema? Gives! Honestly. And also for autism and other charitable programs.

I’m terribly proud that I made the film “Kokoko” without a penny of government money. Well, and the film about Tolstoy... Considering that in 2018 he will be 190 years old, it seems to me that it is even ideologically wrong to make a film without state money, it will be a complete disgrace.

— Have you ever wanted to act in films as an actress?
- No way! I admire people who are able to be both on the other side of the camera and on this. It's definitely not me. Here my younger brother, he is 25 years old, is now making his debut, he shot the series “Garden Ring” for Channel One. Unlike me, he has a higher education as a director, he graduated from VGIK, the course of Sergei Solovyov. He is an impudent young man...

Unfortunately, impudence is generally characteristic of our poorly educated family, but brother Alyoshenka blocked everyone else.

He cast dad, mom and all three sisters, including me, in the series. I play a cameo role there - a woman who does charity work, but in reality she is a terrible bitch. I worked as an artist for three days, and after that I very passionately didn’t want it anymore. It's physically very difficult.

— How did you manage to maintain chastity in your script and not descend into insanity?
- Cinema is never good or evil, there is no black or pink. Cinema can be good or bad. Oscar Wilde said that art is not moral and immoral, it can be talented and untalented. I myself very often admire films that are usually called “heavy”. I really love Lars von Trier's film Melancholia. I cried during the film “The Life of Adele”, this is a complex movie about lesbian love between two girls from two different social strata. This is a masterpiece! I really love Xavier Dolan, a wonderful Canadian director, and his film Mommy. And among Russian directors...

I am convinced that Alexei Balabanov’s film “Cargo 200” is an absolutely great work of art. Balabanov was a great artist, without him our cinema is very empty. He made cinema with his own guts, his destiny, his blood and his death.

The painting “I Want Too” is about how he wants to die. He took it off and died. Balabanov is a great international artist. And the fact that Europe and the world did not notice him is their problem. This is a director bigger than Almodóvar and no smaller than von Trier. Cinema should be different, but always made with love and human feeling. The only question here is the honesty of the authors. For example, I really liked Kolya Khomeriki’s film “Icebreaker”. If we compare the films “Crew” and “Icebreaker”, then “Crew” is completely false, stilted, sketchy, with absolutely poster characters. And “Icebreaker” is funny, witty, with complex characters. I don’t blame “Crew” - it’s a well-made movie, professional, dashing. But for me it’s like a joke - a fake Christmas tree decoration. Listen to the joke! An announcement sounds in the department store: “Dear customers! On the second floor they sell fake Christmas tree decorations, 80% discount." A man comes to this department and says to the seller: “Yes, you have ordinary Christmas tree decorations, the same as everywhere else. Why are they fake?” And the seller replies: “No joy.” This is the difference between these films for me.

By the way, more about miracles. The film “Two Days” failed at the box office. But it had a very good TV run.

And a couple of years after the film’s release, a man from Senator Andrei Skoch calls me and says that he really loves the film “Two Days” and wants to give me a gift - a million dollars.

At first I thought it was a prank. But it turned out to be true! I distributed everything among the film crew. We have two single mothers in our group - Ksenia Rappoport and Anna Parmus, we bought them an apartment in St. Petersburg. The cameraman paid off part of the debts, the sound engineer renovated the room in the communal apartment, the actor Muravich, who plays the museum director, built a veranda, even the lighting workers got it. All my filmmaker friends couldn’t believe for a long time that this was true. Again, count on miracles? N ever ever. Do they happen? Oh yes!

From the dossier site

Avdotya Andreevna Smirnova
Born on June 29, 1969 in Moscow.
Screenwriter, film director, TV presenter, publicist.
She entered the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, and then moved to the Department of Theater Studies at GITIS, but did not complete her higher education.
In 2012, she became the founder of the “Vykhod” Foundation, which helps solve the problems of autism in Russia.
Family: son Danil (from his first marriage), husband Anatoly Chubais, chairman of the board of Rusnano OJSC.
Films as a screenwriter, director: “The Last Hero”, “Butterfly”, “Giselle Mania”, “8 ½ $”, “The Diary of His Wife”, “Walk”, “Communication”, “Gloss”, “Fathers and Sons”, “May 9. Personal attitude” (short story “Station”), “Churchill”, “Two Days”, “Pilaf”, “Kokoko”.

Avdotya Smirnova is a well-established screenwriter, film director, TV presenter, actress and writer. The films “The Diary of His Wife,” “Communication,” and “Gloss” were made based on the writer’s works. How the TV presenter became famous in the talk show “School of Scandal.”

Avdotya, or as her family called her - Dunya, was born in Moscow. The writer is the daughter of popular parents - an actress and her husband, the famous Soviet director, author of the legendary film "Belarusian Station". It is curious that as a child Avdotya did not accept either a full name or a diminutive name. Therefore, in early childhood, the girl introduced herself as Christina or Angela.

Growing up in a family directly related to cinema, the girl herself was drawn to cinema. But Duna also liked to write various stories, so in high school the schoolgirl planned to go to the screenwriting department of VGIK. But a rather domineering father intervened in the matter of choosing a university. Andrei Solovyov knew firsthand how difficult life associated with cinema is, so he categorically forbade his daughter to follow in the footsteps of her parents. Agreeing with him, Avdotya became a student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, but after studying there for some time, she transferred to GITIS, to study theater studies.

But in the end, Smirnova never received a higher education. The girl became interested in journalism, began working as a book reviewer in the magazines “Capital” and “Afisha”, and then for a year she was an editor in the creative association “Krug”, at the Mosfilm film studio. This work distracted Dunya from her studies, and the student dropped out of the university. Moreover, Smirnova has a new hobby - music. The girl began to act as an art manager in the underground punk band “Dumb” and even tried herself as a vocalist several times.

In 1989, Avdotya Smirnova moved to St. Petersburg. There, Dunya is engaged in art: she collaborates with the A-Ya Society of Artists, organizes exhibitions of contemporary painting, and compiles a collection of paintings for the Petrovsky Bank. And at the same time, for the first time the girl takes the road that will lead to all-Russian fame.


In St. Petersburg, Dunya Smirnova meets the director, with whom Avdotya is writing the first script for the documentary film “The Last Hero,” dedicated to the memory of the man who died two years earlier. In partnership with Teacher, the aspiring screenwriter is working on two more documentary-biographical films - “Butterfly” about a theatergoer and “Red Giselle” about ballerina Olga Spesivtseva.

True, while the last film was being filmed, the famous ballerina died without having time to give a full interview. Therefore, Smirnova suggested making a feature film instead of a documentary. As a result, the melodrama was called “Giselle Mania.”

Apparently, writing about the lives of famous people was most interesting for Dunya, since the next script was about a star of yesteryear - about a Russian writer.

The decision to create such a plot was also influenced by the portrait resemblance of Smirnova’s own father to the famous writer. As a result, in 2000, the drama “The Diary of His Wife” was released, and Andrei Smirnov played the main role. The film received a lot of prizes at various film festivals, and Avdotya herself became the winner of the screenwriting competition “The Hartley-Merrill International Screening Competition”.

Subsequently, cooperation with Alexey Uchitel continued. Together, the directors created the melodrama “Walk” and were supposed to make a new film based on Dunya’s script, “Communication.” But the Teacher had an urgent project, and Alexey recommended that Smirnova try to become a director herself. As a result, the film, in which, by the way, Avdotya’s mother, Natalya Rudnaya, starred, received the prize for best debut at the Kinotavr film festival.

Since then, Avdotya Smirnova has often made films herself based on her own scripts. Smirnova's filmography includes 18 projects. Avdotya worked on a new film adaptation of the classic novel “Fathers and Sons”, directed one of the episodes of the detective series “Churchill”, created the romantic comedy “Two Days” and the social tragicomedy “Kokoko”.

Such an enthusiastic nature could not help but try herself as an actress. Therefore, Dunya Smirnova can be seen in three films - the comedy “Till Night Do Part,” the crime film “I Want It Too,” and the drama “Lessons at the End of Spring.” Moreover, interestingly, in these films Dunya was neither a director nor a screenwriter.

Television and books

Avdotya Smirnova tried to gain a foothold on television back in 1989, with her own program on the Leningrad TV channel, but then Dunya switched to writing scripts and abandoned this type of creativity. But in 2002, she again became a TV presenter and, together with the writer, hosted the talk show “School of Scandal,” first on the “Culture” channel, and then on NTV. The program was repeatedly recognized as the best, and Smirnova herself received the TEFI statuette in 2003.

In 2013, Dunya Smirnova underwent complex spinal surgery, which was followed by a long period of rehabilitation. While undergoing treatment, the writer missed several episodes of the “School of Scandal,” which at that time was taught by Tatyana Tolstaya alone.

Avdotya was involved as a TV presenter of this show until its closure in 2014 and managed to star in more than 430 episodes. Dunya was also a member of the jury of the show “STS Lights up a Superstar.”

Writing books occupies an important place in Smirnova’s creative biography. I tried myself as a director and screenwriter in the literary genre. Together with co-host Tatyana Tolstaya, she released the book “Kitchen of the School of Scandal,” and she herself published the collection “From the Frost,” including articles, stories and essays from past years. The plots of the film “Communication” and other film scripts were also compiled into the book.

Personal life

In Leningrad, Avdotya Smirnova met art critic Arkady Ippolitov, whom she soon married. In 1990, their son Danila was born, who later became the world champion in beach soccer as part of the Russian national team, and later for a short time was the producer of the Leningrad group. In 1996, the couple separated. Changes in Avdotya Smirnova’s personal life were not expected soon.

In 2012, long-divorced Dunya Smirnova got married again. The new chosen one is a well-known political figure. In her own interview, Avdotya Smirnova explained the choice of a new life partner by the angelic character of Anatoly Borisovich. Many fans of the writer wondered whether the film “Two Days” was based on the story of the relationship between Smirnova and Chubais. To which Dunya replied that it turned out to be just a coincidence. In joint photos of the spouses, Avdotya Andreevna always looks happy. It is clear that the director has found happiness and harmony in her family life.

Chubais’s wife also actively leads a social life, being the founder of the “Vykhod” foundation, which provides assistance and solves the problems of autism in Russia.

Avdotya Smirnova now

Avdotya Smirnova devotes most of her time to directing work. In 2016, Avdotya participated in the filming of the film almanac “Petersburg. Only for love." In total, seven female directors participated in the work on the film about the fate of the inhabitants of the city on the Neva. In addition to Smirnova, the episodes were filmed by Anna Parmas, Oksana Bychkova, Aksinya Gog, Natalya Kudryashova,.

The writer got a part called “Walking the Dogs” about the fate of a young woman (), who, in search of personal happiness, tried a lot of methods: she went to witches, filled out a form on a dating site. Once I even met a certain Mikhail (). As a result, while walking with her pet, Vera met a young man named Andrey, who also loved dogs. The film almanac was released at the end of September 2016 and grossed $235 million.

Now Avdotya Smirnova has begun work on a new film project, “The Story of One Destination,” produced by Anatoly Chubais. In the historical film, we were talking about one case from life, who stood up in court for the soldier Kolokoltsev, who slapped the regiment commander, defending the honor of the innocently slandered clerk Vasily Shabunin.


  • 1995 – “Giselle Mania”
  • 1999 – “8 1/2 $”
  • 2000 – “The Diary of His Wife”
  • 2003 – “Walk”
  • 2006 – “Communication”
  • 2007 – “Gloss”
  • 2008 – “Fathers and Sons”
  • 2010 – “Churchill”
  • 2011 – “Two days”
  • 2012 – “Cococo”
  • 2016 – “Petersburg. Only for love"

It is believed that men owe their success to their first wife, and they owe their success to their second wife.

The bitter truth of life: a reliable, but not too “chic” companion shares all the hardships of everyday life with an eternally hungry young specialist, and when this specialist becomes fabulously rich, according to his status, he is already “entitled” to a completely different lady. However, not all successful men “fit” into the standard scheme.

Why does a successful businessman and politician, who has known the delights of marriage with a wife of superior quality, rush out to search again? Or maybe this is love? After all, not only all ages, but also all positions are submissive to her...

Left Lyudmila...

Anatoly Chubais’s first marriage was quite standard: they studied at the same institute, both were immigrants (he was from Belarus, she was from Siberia), got married, went through the trials of lack of money together, and shared the hardships of everyday life together. Chubais and hardships? Yes! We lived in an ordinary Leningrad communal apartment. All acquaintances speak of Lyudmila Chubais as a calm and exceptionally decent woman.

She lived calmly with her husband and just as calmly let him go to another... He, like a true gentleman, left for a new life, as they say, with only one suitcase. She, like a true lady, stoically endured the hardships of loneliness and raised her children to respect their father.

The children have long grown up and live separately: Alexey is in Moscow, working in the banking sector, Olga remained in St. Petersburg, now she is a mother herself - raising her daughter Varya.

...and left Maria

In 1990, Chubais married Maria Vishnevskaya, with whom he worked at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute: he was an associate professor, she was a senior researcher. I would like to say that he left for a young, beautiful woman. But let’s not sin against the truth: Maria, of course, was pretty, but nothing more, and at the same time she was three years older than Anatoly.

In her person he found an intelligent, understanding friend. This is how their marriage lasted for twenty years. True, evil tongues claim that not everything was smooth. Maria, they say, had not been a socialite before (and this despite the high position of her husband!), and then she began to completely shun society, began to selflessly help terminally ill people, spent days in a hospice, she herself barely got out of the disease and... lost her mind.

Well, that last statement is complete nonsense! According to the official declaration, in 2010 Mrs. Vishnevskaya earned 22 million rubles. Not bad for a reclusive weirdo!

She received even more in the divorce. Chubais left his now ex-wife a huge Moscow apartment, a country house, and a car. The story of twenty years ago repeated itself: he left with one suitcase. That same Chubais, to whom the whole country still cannot forgive the story with vouchers, turned out to be an extremely decent person...

went to a woman full of contrasts

And again he left not for a model or an artist, but for someone who was just as quiet and modest... But how can I say it! At the age of fourteen, Dunya Smirnova, the daughter of director Andrei Smirnov and actress Natalya Rudnaya, began an independent life.

The bohemian girl met the avant-garde artist Sven Gundlach, who was ten years older. She rocked up at various parties with the punk band “Dumb.” She studied at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University and the theater department of GITIS, but never received a higher education.

At the age of twenty, she married Arkady Ippolitov, now a famous art critic, and followed him to St. Petersburg. They say and write different things about their marriage. Someone is gossiping that her husband started cheating on her with... a film critic. Others say that the three of them lived together for some time, and then another young lady joined them.

And they even try to prove something, claiming that the scripts that Dunya writes are not born out of nowhere. Take “The Diary of His Wife,” where Ivan Bunin’s mistress is taken away by a woman. Well, doesn't it remind you of the spicy story that everyone is talking about? Only her own husband was taken away by a man... Let's leave this gossip on the conscience of the talkers.

Dunya eventually divorced her husband, but they still communicate well. Their son, Danila Ippolitov, lives in St. Petersburg, studies at the Institute of Cinema and Television, and has been involved in sports since the age of seven. An adult, serious young man, far from a bohemian lifestyle.

Not today or tomorrow, and he will think about starting his own family. He is already introducing his mother to his girls, but Avdotya Andreevna is difficult to please - she dismisses his chosen ones one after another, calling them “too identical.”

Yes, my son is unlikely to meet the same original! However, today nothing resembles that same Dunya anymore. Dear lady, screenwriter, director, TV presenter... But no, no, and there are mischievous sparkles in her eyes. “Your feminine charm is a combination of remarkable intelligence and fantastic idiocy,” her father once told her. He seems to have gotten the gist of it. And so Anatoly Borisovich fell in love with this woman, full of contrasts, whom, it seemed, could not be won over by anything.

Twenty years and two days

They have known each other for almost twenty years. He made a career as a top manager in Russian politics, she wrote speeches to our statesmen, and was published in Kommersant and Stolitsa. He flashed on television, she flashed on television. He lived in two capitals - the Northern and the Mother See, she bounced from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back.

Naturally, their paths crossed more than once. But his marriage to Maria Vishnevskaya seemed solid as a rock, and Dunya’s decision to never marry again seemed just as solid. Of course, she did not intend to become a nun and atone for the sins of her youth before retirement. I met with journalist Vladislav Bachurov, then with actor Gennady Smirnov, but there was a taboo on talking about marriage.

Not so long ago, when Dunya’s feelings for Smirnov cooled, she announced to all her friends that she “dreams of just being alone.” So what? The scenario materialized again: in the film “Two Days,” a capital official meets an employee of a provincial museum, reconsiders all the principles by which he has lived until now, and... love triumphs! Such an ending seemed so fantastic that even those closest to him could not imagine that such a thing could happen in life. But it happened!

Anatoly Chubais broke stereotypes. It would seem that if you start a new life at 56 years old, then with a model, and not with a lady of quite ordinary appearance and age “forty plus”. But what is appearance? The main thing is that he found himself a smart, understanding friend.

After all, he himself is well versed in literature and drama. For example, he can talk about his beloved Chekhov no worse than any theater critic. Any subject that becomes interesting to him or his companions is studied thoroughly. In general, you won’t get bored with Chubais. So the public can sleep peacefully: Avdotya and Anatoly will have something to talk about on long winter evenings. The only question is where.

Shortly after their unusually modest wedding, a photo of the newlyweds hit the Internet. It seems that the photo was taken in the eighties: a miserable Khrushchev building, with a Soviet-style carpet on the wall. Anatoly Borisovich assures that he really left all the property to his former wife, and he will have to build a new nest in a rented apartment.

And Dunya perceives the situation absolutely calmly: “I have a philosophical attitude towards poverty and wealth. I remember very well the times when there was nothing to eat in my house. So what? You can always go to visit someone, or you can rummage through the bottom of the barrel: if you find some cereal, you have dinner.” In general, their love boat will definitely not break in everyday life!

Maybe you and I have become so cynical that behind every union we see a ready-made scheme and think that money, appearance or status decide everything? And people, regardless of social status, remain people. It turns out that it exists, this love...
