Pediculosis or lice: what is it, what are the symptoms of lice, how to treat the disease at home? Pediculosis - types, treatment and drugs, folk remedies Pseudo pediculosis

  • small body 4–5 mm;
  • gray-brown color, merging with the hair color (from gray natural to brown in a well-fed state).

Insects live exclusively on the body of people and some anthropoid apes. This is due to centuries-old adaptation to living on the round section of hair. Lice are transmitted by contact, crawling from one hair to another. Where do lice come from, how can you get infected with them, you will find a detailed answer on our website.

The insect has legs with claws that allow it to be firmly held in the hair. The louse is guided solely by smell. Vision is an unnecessary addition, so the eyes are atrophied. The organ responsible for the insect's sense of smell is the antennae.

Lice feed on blood. The powerful mouth of the piercing-sucking type is equipped with needles for piercing the skin and a proboscis that operates on a pumping principle. The insect is not voracious, but causes a lot of inconvenience to the “owner”:

  • due to rapid reproduction (140 eggs per full life cycle of 45 days);
  • injection of toxins into the blood during biting (causing severe itching, subsequent scratching, and formation of wounds);
  • transmission of dangerous diseases (typhus, fever).

Important point! The appearance of an insect in the hair is not considered a disease. Violent vital activity causing clinical manifestations are signs of pediculosis. You often find out that you have lice after some time. You will find how long the incubation period of lice in humans lasts on our website.

Nymphs, due to their large numbers and the need for nutrition for enhanced development, cause more concern to the host.

Insect detection methods

You can detect head lice on your own or with medical help. It is enough to carefully examine the scalp under a bright light. At home, you will need to make the “suspect” sit down and ask him not to move.

Separate small strands of hair and examine them in good lighting. In short hair, you can check this with your hands. Long, thick, curly hair is best treated with a comb.

A gray, translucent hungry louse blends into the hair. It is easier to detect a well-fed insect. It has a characteristic brown color (the muted color of coagulated blood).

It is not difficult to recognize nits. Just look closely. Nits They are a round, light-colored formation attached at an angle to the hair, closer to the base. Upon quick inspection, nits are often mistaken for dandruff. They stick tightly to the hair, cannot be removed with your fingers, and are difficult to comb out with a comb. When a viable nit is crushed with your fingernails, a characteristic click is heard. Thanks to these signs, nits can be easily distinguished from common dandruff.

Pediculosis is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person or after using the patient’s hygiene items. Lice can also crawl from one head to another in places where people are in relatively close contact: on public transport, in a swimming pool, on the beach. Despite the fact that there is an opinion about lice as a social illness that is very closely related to hygiene, to this day the reason for the widespread prevalence of lice among clean people remains unexplored. Thus, scientists have found that lice are more willing to “settle” on a head with clean hair.

Head lice

Clothes lice

Pediculosis pubis

Diagnosis of pediculosis

Mainly, pediculosis in children and adults is detected during routine preventive examinations. During a thorough examination of the patient, lice can be seen without additional optical devices. Lice are much more visible after they have drunk human blood. If you suspect lice pubis, you should look for lice that look like brown dots with a grayish tint. It is located at the very roots of the hair. In a calm state, lice are completely motionless, but if you try to tear off the insect, they begin to actively cling to the hair. It is very difficult to tear them off. When diagnosing lice, most often the first thing to look for is the nits that lice attach to the hair.

Complications of pediculosis

The most serious complication of lice can be those diseases that lice carry. These are very dangerous infectious diseases - typhus , relapsing fever , quintan .

Treatment of pediculosis

Another commonly used method for treating head lice is treating hair with kerosene mixed with vegetable oil in a one-to-one ratio. After treating your hair with this solution, apply a bandage with wax paper. You need to keep it for about 12-15 hours. After this procedure, your head should be washed thoroughly with hot water and soap. After washing, the nits are removed with a comb soaked in vinegar.

A suspension is also used as a remedy for pediculosis. Pediculosis in adults is treated using a 20% suspension, pediculosis in children - 10%. The product should be applied to the hair and rubbed well into the skin. After thirty minutes, the suspension is washed off and the hair is washed with shampoo.

To cure trunk lice, you should first remove lice from underwear and beds. To do this, all items must be thoroughly boiled and ironed on both sides. A person infected with this disease should wash thoroughly with soap.

Pediculosis pubis is most often treated using special aerosols, following the rules of spraying. Before doing this, you need to shave off all the hair on the affected area and burn the shaved hair. All patient clothing must be disinfected. In the treatment of lice pubis, mercury ointment or benlyl benzoate emulsion is often used.

  • constant itching in the scalp;
  • the appearance of bluish spots on the skin;
  • worsening sleep, anxiety;
  • decreased concentration;
  • the appearance of purulent papules associated with constant scratching.

On a note!

The fact that lice can infect hepatitis or AIDS is nothing more than a myth. Even if the previous host was infected, virus particles are broken down in the insect’s digestive system.

How to treat head lice

The arsenal for the introduction of lice is very diverse and is represented by both folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations, including creams and lotions. However, no matter which method is chosen, the processing algorithm is the same:

  • the mixture is applied to pre-moistened or dry hair;
  • aged from 10 to 40 minutes, some dimethicone-based preparations are left on the hair for up to 8 hours;
  • is washed off and applied using a fine-toothed comb.

Effective medications are used to combat head lice:

  • shampoos, Pedilin, Nok, Sumitrin, Tar;
  • sprays Lavinal, Pediculen Ultra, ;
  • lotions and concentrates: , Nittifor, Fora plus, Medilis Bio.

Most of these drugs are used for.

The disease is called phthiriasis. The causative agent is , a.k.a. flatweed. Localized in the hairline of the genital organs, in the groin, in the axillary area, and occasionally. The structure of the insect in the photograph resembles a tiny crab. An adult is characterized by small size - no more than 3 mm in length and a flat, wide body. The life cycle is shorter than that of the head louse and is 2-3 weeks.

On a note!

The main route of transmission of lice pubis is sexual contact, hugging the carrier. The possibility of infection cannot be ruled out on beaches, in saunas, swimming pools, baths, or when using hygiene items, towels, and bedding of an infected person.

Symptoms of lice caused by pubic lice:

Diagnosis of pubic lice is carried out by a venereologist or at home. The easiest and fastest method of treatment is hair removal using a razor. If for some reason it is not possible to remove the hair, the following products are used:

linen louse. This is where it lays its eggs.

Under optimal conditions, they can live up to 2 days without food; when the temperature decreases, they remain viable for about 7 days. Like other types of human lice, they are transmitted through close contact with a carrier or through the use of their things. Symptoms of body lice manifest themselves in marks on the body and the appearance of unbearable itching.

Treatment comes down to a banal hygienic procedure using toilet soap and a washcloth, as well as treating clothes and things. To relieve itching, wipe the affected areas with an alcohol solution. Infected items are boiled or disinfected with pediculicidal shampoos and solutions. You can pack things in a bag for a period of 2 weeks and all body lice will die naturally.

Prevention of head lice

For preventive purposes, children undergo regular head examinations. , the events are planned. You should also avoid close contact with strangers whose lifestyle does not include basic hygiene rules.

Children should be explained that they cannot use other people’s combs, try on friends’ hats, or borrow their own. Before visiting places where there is a potential threat of lice infestation, you should use repellents in the form.

What is pediculosis (lice)?

What are the causes of head lice?
As a rule, pediculosis develops under unfavorable environmental conditions (large groups of people, lack of basic hygienic conditions, low cultural and economic level of society).
Sometimes lice also occur in clean people when they come into contact with a person infected with lice. Infants become infected with lice from their parents, when breastfeeding and the mother has lice near the nipple.
The causative agent of pediculosis is the louse. There are 3 types of lice. Each of them causes one of the types of pediculosis (lice): head lice, body lice, lice pubis.

Factors that contribute to the spread of head lice:

  • Tourism.
  • Migration of people.
  • Accommodation in large groups
  • Lack of sanitary conditions

Main symptoms and signs of pediculosis.

It may take several weeks from the moment of infection with lice (pediculosis) to the first signs of the disease.
The main symptoms and signs of head lice are:

Itchy skin at the site of the louse bite. Itching is the most common manifestation of lice. Itching occurs with any form of lice (head lice, body lice, lice pubis).
With head lice, patients are most often bothered by itching of the scalp (behind the ears, in the temples and back of the head). With head lice, the itching in patients is of mild intensity; sometimes patients complain only of slight discomfort in the area of ​​the lice bite.
In the case of body lice, the itching is unbearable. As a rule, itching with body lice is diffuse (distributed throughout the body). Patients with body lice cannot sleep because the itching gets worse at night.
In the case of lice pubis, patients complain of itching and a burning sensation in the anogenital area (the area of ​​the genitals and anus) and in the eyelid area. As a rule, with pubic pediculosis the itching is of relatively moderate intensity. Sometimes the intensity of itching with lice pubis decreases due to the person’s habituation.

Rash as a symptom of lice. As a rule, a rash with lice appears a few days after lice bites. Head lice is characterized by red spots along the periphery of the scalp. In the case of body lice, patients experience widespread pigmentation, the skin acquires a bluish tint (“tramp skin”).
With pediculosis pubis, blue spots from 3 mm to 1 cm appear at the site of lice bites (usually in the abdomen and thighs). Blue spots are the result of skin staining by the breakdown products of hemoglobin, which is released when lice bites.

Scratching (excoriation). During long-term head lice, due to itching, the patient scratches the areas of skin bitten by lice. As a rule, purulent crusts appear at the site of scratching due to lice.

The presence of nits in the hair. The presence of nits on the hair is one of the irrefutable signs of lice. Nits are characteristic only of head and pubic lice. Nits look like small (2-3 mm) silvery bubbles attached to the hair. Nits can be live or dead. Dead nits are usually dull in color.

Diagnosis of pediculosis.
To identify head lice, it is necessary to detect lice or live nits.
For head lice, you can use the fluorescent method under a Wood's lamp. With this diagnostic method, live nits fluoresce white (or blue), while empty nits are gray.

What complications can there be with pediculosis?

  • Secondary bacterial infection (pyoderma) on the scalp, behind-the-ear areas, face, impetigo (impetigo is a disease characterized by the presence of superficial vesicular-pustular rashes on the skin)
  • Blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
  • Lymphadenitis
  • Typhus – lice are carriers of typhus
  • Sepsis

Treatment of pediculosis. How to get rid of lice?
When treating head lice, it is necessary to ensure the destruction of both nits (eggs) and adult lice. Depending on the type of lice, the method of treating head lice differs.

How to get rid of head lice?
To treat head lice, Medifox and Medifox-super are used. Before treating the scalp with the drug, you need to mix 2 ml of Medifox with 30 ml of water. Then treat your hair with this solution (using a tampon). After this, wash your hair with shampoo.
Another effective remedy for lice is Nittifor. For one person, 20 to 50 ml of Nittifor solution is required. The scalp is treated with this product using a tampon. Next, you need to cover your head with a scarf (for 40 minutes). Then Nittifor is washed off with warm water and soap.
After using Nittifor, you should definitely comb your head with a special fine comb and remove each egg. Conventional combs do not remove nits (eggs) well; when using them, you must additionally remove nits with your fingers. This requires several days and a lot of patience. You can make this procedure easier by applying hair balm, fish oil, or vegetable oil to your hair.
Currently, there are a large number of anti-pediculosis drugs in pharmacies. The main anti-pediculosis drugs include:

  • Lauri.
  • Knicks.
  • Veda-2.
  • Butadion.
  • Serormercury ointment.
  • Paraplus.

When using any lice products, you should strictly follow the instructions for their use, since these drugs are very toxic. After treating your head, be sure to wash your hands. The use of such old and highly toxic products as Dichlorvos or Dust is strictly prohibited.
When fighting head lice, it is extremely important to boil the patient’s linen (pillows, towels, pillowcases, sheets). It is also necessary to examine other family members for infection.

Folk remedy for treating lice.
In addition to medications, there are a large number of folk recipes.

Examples of such means are:

  • 50% sunflower oil + 50% kerosene.
  • Tar soap.
  • Cranberry juice.
  • Essential oils (tea tree, lavender).

All these products are applied to the hair and left for 20-30 minutes, after which the head and entire body are thoroughly washed with warm water and soap. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

Features of the treatment of lice in children.
As mentioned above, children are most often infected with lice. A child infected with lice should be immediately isolated from healthy children and forced to wear a headdress (scarf, hat, which is then boiled) before treatment. Treatment of lice in children is carried out carefully. It should be remembered that all anti-pediculosis agents are toxic, so they should not be allowed to come into contact with the child’s eyes, nose or mouth. If, after applying the lice remedy, the child suddenly feels unwell, you should immediately wash off the product and call a doctor.

Prevention of head lice.
Prevention of head lice involves maintaining hygiene measures.
Maintain personal hygiene. It is necessary to change underwear and clothes regularly (at least 2 times a week). It is also important to regularly wash your bedding at a high temperature (you should avoid using other people's bedding). You should iron your clothes carefully (especially in the seam area). Preventive measures in children's groups (kindergartens) are carried out by educators and doctors assigned to the children's institution.

Mixed pediculosis may also occur when there is a mixed type of infestation (for example, simultaneous infestation of head and body louse). Lice feed on the host's blood, and eggs (nits) stick to the hair (the body louse lays eggs in the folds of clothing, less often sticks to the hair on the human body).

Some facts about head lice:

  • Crowds of people facilitate the transmission of insects. Lice are more likely to land on clean hair, since in such conditions it is easier for them to obtain food and reproduce.
  • You can catch the infection at a hairdresser, swimming pool, hospital, bathhouse or subway. Even in the elevator of an ordinary residential building.
  • The spread of lice is facilitated by epidemics, wars, and hunger strikes, when it is difficult to maintain cleanliness.

If you carefully study the list, you will see that the reasons for the appearance of lice are social in nature. Pediculosis appears upon contact with an infected person, in a group of people, in the absence of personal hygiene.

The duration of the latent period of lice development is 1-1.5 months. This time is enough for the female to lay a large number of eggs. Later, tiny larvae will appear from the nits, which, together with adult insects, begin to actively feed. At this point, symptoms of pediculosis appear. Like a runny nose or chicken pox, there are a lot of them.

Main features

Symptoms caused by lice:

  • exudate release;
  • redness of the skin at the site of bites;
  • unbearable night itching;
  • allergic rash;
  • gray-blue spots;
  • constant scratching;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • ulcers on the skin after microorganisms enter bite wounds;
  • tangles - areas of hair that have stuck together due to purulent discharge;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • brown pigmentation on the skin;
  • hair loss.

Symptoms of lice, photos

  1. Clothes lice. It affects the skin under clothing on the shoulders, back, armpits, neck and abdomen, lower back and groin area. At the site of the bites, small rashes appear, similar to mosquito bites, with a dark dot in the center. As the elements develop, they become blue, pigmented, and often due to scratching, pustular lesions appear.
  2. Head lice. It manifests itself as intense itching in the head area, which is why the patient constantly scratches his head. When examining the scalp, areas of skin damage at the site of bites with bright yellow “honey” crusts are revealed, as well as signs of folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicle, eczema-like skin lesions on the back of the head, at the temples and behind the ears. In patients with head lice, when examining the head, nits can be found on the hair - eggs laid by insects. They may be full, whitish or yellowish, and they click when crushed between the nails. Empty nits appear gray. Lymphadenitis may be detected in the ears and neck. With long-term and advanced lice, tangles of hair are formed, tangled and glued together with purulent discharge from the wounds.
  3. Pediculosis pubis. With pediculosis pubis, slight itching of the skin is a concern; round or oval gray-blue spots up to 1 centimeter in size appear at the bite sites. When you press on these spots, they turn pale. The flats have low mobility; they can be found at the root of the hair.

Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a dermatologist. The basis of diagnosis is typical complaints of itching and scratching on the head, body skin or pubic area. First of all, the head, body and groin area are examined. Nits and scratches are found on the head at the sites of bites. In other cases, typical clinical findings. Head lice can be combed out over a sheet of white paper; for others, the diagnosis is clinical.

How to treat pediculosis at home?

If lice are found, treatment should be started as quickly as possible.

  • firstly, this will avoid the spread of the disease among contact persons
  • secondly, to avoid unpleasant complications
  • thirdly, it will relieve the child from unpleasant symptoms.

Preparations for pediculosis: shampoos, ointments, creams

There are three types of chemicals that are effective against head lice:

  1. Benzyl benzoate. Preparation based on it: Foxilon lotion
  2. Malathion - one of the drugs based on it - Pedilin
  3. Phenothrin is one of the drugs based on it Parasidosis (Itax shampoo)
  4. Combined drug (Malathion + Permethrin + Piperonyl butoxide) - Para Plus aerosol about 400 rubles.
  5. Permethrin - preparations based on it: Medifox pediculicidal gel, Medifox concentrate for the preparation of emulsion 5%, Nittifor, Hygia shampoo, Nyx cream.

Any medicine for head lice in a child, the active ingredient of which is one of the three mentioned above, is available without a prescription.

Even the most expensive shampoo for lice in children will be ineffective if you do not follow the instructions. Some children experience allergic reactions when using insecticides, so when using them for the first time or if the child is allergic, you need to be very careful.

The drugs do not protect against re-infection, so after treatment you should take preventive measures to prevent head lice.

Combing and mechanical removal

You need to comb out lice, carefully examining each strand, every four days according to the following scheme: on days 1, 5, 9, 13. If a child's hair is too thin, combing is difficult and not as effective.

Combined method

This is the most effective method. It involves an initial chemical treatment with an effective lice treatment. Then combing and manual sampling are carried out.

Dangerous and ineffective traditional methods

There are also numerous folk recipes for getting rid of lice. They are usually less effective than pharmaceutical products and are not necessarily less toxic.

  1. Dichlorvos;
  2. 50% laundry soap + 50% kerosene, dilute the resulting concentrated solution with water 1:10 (100 ml of solution per 1 liter of water) before applying to hair;
  3. 50% sunflower oil + 50% kerosene;
  4. Cranberry juice (effective against nits, since its acidic environment dissolves the outer shell of the egg);
  5. WD-40 liquid (a mixture of kerosene and machine oil);
  6. Dust soap (not used since the 60s due to the extreme harm of DDT to humans and the environment);
  7. Vinegar (9% table vinegar is diluted with water twice to obtain an acid concentration of 4.5%);
  8. Tar soap (works due to the high concentration of alkali);
  9. Essential oils (tea tree, lavender) - apply a few drops to the hair not for treatment, but to prevent lice infestation, for example, for uninfected family members.

You should remember the disadvantages of folk remedies:

  1. Vinegar dries out hair, and a concentrated solution can cause severe burns;
  2. Kerosene and kerosene-containing products are flammable, do not wash off well, damage pubic hair (they become sticky and dirty in appearance), and make it difficult to comb;
  3. Dichlorvos and similar products are very toxic. You can get poisoned.

In addition, the use of such products is associated with inconvenience: you need to put a plastic bag on your hair, wrap your head in a towel and keep it like that for a long time.

Measures to prevent head lice

Prevention of the disease is based on certain recommendations:

  1. Teach girls to always take care of their hair. When leaving home, we recommend braiding your hair. In crowded places, lice can crawl from an infected person onto a child’s head.
  2. Instill a culture of behavior in your child from birth. Each family member must have personal hygiene items (towel, comb, etc.). Explain that you can only wear your own hat. It should not be given to any child.
  3. It is recommended to wash the child’s clothes and bedding at temperatures exceeding 60 degrees. It is better to dry clothes in the sun for 2-3 days.
  4. For prevention, it is recommended to use oils that repel insects - rosemary, tea tree, lemon balm, thyme.
  5. After a trip (to a sanatorium, country camp), carefully examine your head to detect lice. If detected, take immediate action and protect family members from possible infection.

It is important, once head lice is detected, to prevent its spread. The child should be isolated from contact with other people. Be sure to inform the teacher about the detected lice. We need to check the other guys.
